here's my nike+ update:
from my log:
last long run before the big woods 1/2 marathon trail run
(and before the snow comes!
). with fi in the jogger. up to the lake via the 'trains' route, two laps around the lake, up to the ped bridge in the park, up to the zoo, trails, up lex and then the 'trains' route home. along one of the leaf covered trails, i twisted my ankle. foot rolled into a leaf filled pothole. crunch. felt okay right after and i was able to keep the same pace for the last 3 miles home. feels okay now. fingers crossed.
for those doing the nano challenge, you might notice that my nike+ account says i ran twice today - 2.63, and then 6.34, equalling 8.97. that missing 1 mile
) was my second attempt at calibration. first run was pre-calibration, and was off by .15 for a little over 2 miles. the plan was to use the WHOLE 1.6 mile lake lap, since its a posted distance. nano only goes to 1.25 for calibration. d'oh! so, i went off the jogging stroller cyclometer, ending at 1 mile. had some concerns about calibrating while pushing the stroller, but really - most of my runs are with the stroller! will see what it says the next time i run solo. also double checked the stroller cyclometer - close enough @ 1.66. had to go over to the bike path for a while to get around some park workers who were parked on the ped path and clearing branches, which might account for some of that extra .06 miles.
the good news - the 2nd calibration seems to have done the trick! still not exact compared to the jogger, but darned close. nano was behind the stroller, then exactly the same, then creeped ahead, but overall it is MUCH better than it was with the default or the first calibration attempt.
(N= nano, S=stroller cyclometer
to lake
N: 2.63 m, 26:15, 9:57 pace
S: 2.48 m, 25:36, 10:19 pace
nano off by .15 miles
S: 1 m, 9:30
rest of the run
(restarted jogger 'puter and nano
N: .59 m, S: .6
N: 2.0 miles, S: 2.0 miles
N: 3.02 miles, S: 3.0 miles
N: 6.34 m, 1:04:08, 10:06 pace
S: 6.26 m, 1:03:37, 10:09 pace
nano only off by .08!
so, for the first part of the run, with bad calibration, the nano was off by .15 for roughly 2 1/2 miles. for the last 7.34, it only was off by .08! major improvement compared to the +.3 miles it was off for some of the 10k runs earlier this month.