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2006-12-20 7:22 PM

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North Central WV
Subject: Leah's Group - FULL

NAME: Leah

STORY: I started tri-ing about 4 years ago after I realized that I was swimming, riding and running for fun.  All of my tri's have been sprint distances except for the Mountaineer Tri in 2005 which was a HIM.  I had my first child 4 months ago and to motivate myself to get back into training, I signed up for the Columbia, MD Olympic distance tri which is in May.  I am very enthusiastic but incredibly slow right now.  However, I love racing triathlons and although I am not super fast at any of the individual sports, I can put the three together quite successfully and have placed in my age group in most of the sprints I have done (all small local races though!).  I have made many mistakes so I have many useful tips for beginners.  I have the added advantage of being married to an elite athlete and he is also a coach so I can probably draw on his expertise to help mentor anyone who is interested.  Oh, I forgot to mention that I started this endurance stuff when I was 34 years old.  I am now 38, a new mum (or mom for the locals), work part-time in a medical school and am doing a masters degree part-time.

FAMILY STATUS: married, one child (4.5 mo old).

CURRENT TRAINING: At the moment most of my training is indoors on a treadmill and bike trainer.  I am using heart rate zones for the first time in my life and it seems to be helping heaps.  I am also using a computrainer occasionally to see how I am getting on with the bike.  I plan to train outdoors after winter.  I will add swimming back to my routine in January (hopefully!).

ETA: I am in  no way close to hard core.  I adjust my training schedule on a daily basis depending on how I feel, what the weather is doing and what social activities are on the calendar (much to my husband's frustration!!!).  I just happen to have access to some fairly expensive toys which were part of the marriage package :).  I love mentoring at anything - teaching is in my blood!

LAST YEAR'S RACES: None - I was pregnant.  The year before I raced about 7 running races and 5 triathlons including an HIM.  I did 6 of those races (including the HIM and 2 sprints) in 7 weeks and was totally burned out afterwards.

2007 RACES:  Columbia Olympic Distance (May), Rocky Gap Sprint (June).  There are several other local races that I am keen to do but we are planning a trip to Australia in June and that will clash with several races.  The rest of the season is up in the air right now.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am trying to lose my baby weight and have about 15 lbs to get back to the pre-pregnancy weight.

Edited by Malgal 2006-12-23 2:03 PM

2006-12-21 5:05 PM
in reply to: #629744

West Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Hi Leah.

I just read your thread and feel it is the closest to my life (minus the personal trianer and the expensive toys!)
My name is Claudia and I am a mother of two boys, 1 and 2 years old. Needless to say my hands are FULL!

I have always wanted to complete in a triathlon but never thought I could do it. After having my two kids back to back and being pregnant for what felt like a small eternity, I finally decided I had to do something that was just for me. I started training for a 5k and when that came easy, I decided to go for it.
I would love to complete a half mary, Oly and a few sprints next year....hopefully I will be able to do it.
I work full time, however, have the fortunate luck to have a gym where I work (makes it easy to sneak a run in on the treadmill).

I am most impressed with your motivation to complete so many races before your pregnancy. My long time goal (or life time goal) is to complete a HIM.
I want to do this for me and not to compete to win (although it would be nice to not be last..hehehe)...

Hope you will consider mentoring me through these first races......

ps..after my 1rst baby the weight just melted, after the 2nd, not so easy....ever since I started training, I have lost 10lbs and now only have 10lbs more to go for pre baby anything! HURRAY!
2006-12-21 6:58 PM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Hi Claudia,

I'd love to have you on board!  I remember how I felt before I did my first triathlon and I would have given anything to have had a mentor.  I decided two weeks before the race that I would do it and I had never been on a road bike before.  I borrowed one that was a little too big for me.  I had it for about 2 days before the race so by race day, I still couldn't figure out how to change the gears properly.  I think I only used two gears throughout the entire race

Wow - you must be busy with two little boys!  We want another baby and won't wait too long because of my age.  I am sure you will have much advice for me on the baby front! 

I also have a little boy.  His name is Alex (Alexander) and he is just delightful.  He is a happy baby and he sleeps through the night.  He is desperately trying to crawl at the moment and is a little frustrated by the immobility.  My Mum is visiting from Australia at the moment and we will be lost when she goes back.  Fortunately my job and school hours are such that I will be able to train during the day while he is in day care.

I am sure you can achieve your goals.  Once you have picked your goals, I will be with you all the way.  I haven't checked yet to see if you have been using your training log but I will check as soon as I have finished typing this.  Be sure to check mine out (you will see that I am training ultra-slowly right now) and we can put our little training group together.

Well, Alex is crying so I need to feed him.  I am looking forward to helping you as much as possible and I am looking forward to learning more about little boys!






2006-12-21 7:00 PM
in reply to: #631093

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
I forgot to mention that one of my dearest friends lives in Hartford and she has been begging me to visit for ever so you never know, perhaps I will visit some time
2006-12-22 9:13 AM
in reply to: #629744

West Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Hi. Well it would be great if you ever made the trek up here.

It is great that Alex is sleeping through the night. I too was very fortunate in that my two boys slept through the night an avg of 8 hours by the time they were 8-9weeks old (what happens when they are born 9lbs!).
My oldest is named Max and the little one is Jake (actually Jake Alexander)......they really are wonderful. I would like one more but definately want to get through atleast my first season! I figure a pregnancy would set me back an entire year, atleast.

I am starting to run outside to mix it up between the treadmil and the pavement. As you can imagine, running outside with the variations in grade is very difficult compared to the treadmil.
A local runners club is going to start group runs in Jan in anticipation for a 1/2 mary at the end of March. I would like to do it, just not sure if it will be possible. Its so hard to train outside in the cold (even though its been very warm for this time of year). That is the first goal I will need help with. Then the second is to get up to speed so that I can complete my Oly in August. I am doing the sprints to get familiar with tri racing. I am very nervous of the whole transitioning but figure it will just start to come together?

I do have a ? though. I just bought a new bike and need to get shoes. I was thinking of getting road shoes and then eventually a pair of tri shoes. My husband thinks it might be uncomfortabel to t rain in tri shoes? what do you think?

2006-12-22 10:04 AM
in reply to: #629744

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
HI Leah

I would also like to join your group and have you as my mentor. I am what is now probably considered by most to be way past middle aged, ie I am 47 years old, out of shape, need to lose weight and I want to do a triathlon. Actually I can handle long distance biking and swimming without a problem, running is a bit harder, but I use to be a pretty decent long distance runner. I try to exercise daily and am pretty good with that. But I need to have a goal and a focus for the 2007 to really get my weight down and to get in shape. I do ride my bike a lot and use it even run errands and other things all the time.

I have my own business so I travel frequently and live overseas. I am pretty much traveling between the US - China - Vietnam and Europe. But even with the travel schedule I have set up places I can train at each place and have bikes or access to a club or pool at most locations. I think joining your group would be good since when I read your profile you seemed like someone who was realistic about life getting in the way, but not allowing it to get in the way of what is most important and in my case that is to get in shape and get my weight down.

My goals are:

1. To lose weight but more than that to get in shape.
2. To do my first Triathlon. Years ago I use to do alot of 10K races but have not done them for a while, but I do a lot of distant biking these days, but I need to improve the swimming part and running and if I can not run to just walk my first Tri athlon.
3. Do better on my eatting, eat better and get my weight under control (guess that is the same as NO 1 above).

Thanks for being a Mentor. I am very excited about this program. Since I am on the road so much it is hard for me to join a support program of anytime or to have a club or classes to go to, so this for me is a great solution. A way to get support but not to interrupt my schedule of work and to allow me to get the support I need.

Thanks again!

2006-12-22 10:10 AM
in reply to: #631396

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Eeek - 9lbs!  Alex was 7.7 and if he had been any bigger I would have required a c-section.  They almost did one this time because I couldn't get him out! 

Funny how pregnancy sets you back for a while!  I want to get a few races in this year and then I will see how I feel about having another child.

I sure do understand needing motivation to train outside in the winter.  I know that if I can get myself out, I enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make a deal with yourself to train outside if the temp is over a certain number.  I am trying to make myself do my longer run outside on the weekends.  I don't particularly like running in the dark and I only do it if I am running with a group.  Do you have a hash group in Hartford?  I find that running with the hashers is a great way to stay in shape during the colder months.

As for shoes, I don't think it matters what you use at this point in time.  I don't own tri shoes and up until the last season that I competed, I didn't own road shoes.  I was racing in my mountain bike shoes.  I still use the same cleats as for my mtn bike pedals even though I am riding in road shoes.  The reason I like the mountain bike shoes so much is that they have a grip on the bottom, unlike road shoes which are flat and slippery.  My advice would be to get shoes which feel comfortable for you to ride in at the moment.  If you decide you really like triathlons and want to get more in to them, then by all means go for something more specific.  As for comfort, if tri shoes are not comfortable to train in then they won't be comfortable to race in and you don't want that.  Your shoes are not going to make a difference to your race times at this point in time.

Transitions are no where near as bad as you might think and since you are not racing to win, take your time.  You can practice them too.  I can give you plenty of tips as the time comes closer to a race.

I think March is fine for a 1/2 mary.  Just remember that if you have any problems at all, you can always walk.  I have done one 1/2 mary and loved it.  I ended up running faster than I had anticipated so I was stoked.  The last 3 miles nearly killed me though.  I had to talk to my legs the whole way to keep them moving.  I was determined not to walk :-





2006-12-22 10:14 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Hi Leah,

My name is Wes and I wasn't sure if the mentor program was just for new people or if anyone could join. It will be a year this January that I started training for a sprint distance triathlon. My goal last year was to complete the sprint distance (Triraider) that is at the same time of the Buffalo Springs Half Ironman in Lubbock, TX (which is where I am from). I ended up completing the triraider plus three more sprints and  two 5K's, and one of those 5K's was two months before the triraider. I am thinking of trying for an olympic distance this year plus some more sprints, but I still am at kind of a loss since I am really out of my training program from last year. So considering me still being so green after reading your intro I was hoping that I would be a good fit in your group.

I nearly forgot to add some of my personal info. I am 31, married, with an 11 month old girl, That between her and my wife they are the reasons that I started this trek to battle some poor genetics that were passed on to me. In short the males in my family like to have heart attacks in their 30's. Our blood is pretty much solid no matter how low of a body fat I am. Since I do like to eat and drink the brew this is my way of training for it.

2006-12-22 11:18 AM
in reply to: #631476

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Welcome NuNu.  I am delighted to have you in our group.  Do you have another name you would like us to call you or would you prefer your screen name?

It sounds like you are in control of your life even though things are hectic.  Goal setting is such a great way to manage a busy schedule.  Weight loss is also one of my big goals.  I love to eat and I don't intend on stopping!!!  However, I found that pre-pregnancy, when I was exercising routinely, I didn't have the desire to eat as much garbage as I do now! Hopefully that will happen again for both of us.

Do you have a triathlon in mind?  My suggestion to you would be to pick a race that fits in with your schedule - probably later in the season so you can work on some base miles - and then we can support you through the training.  It sounds as though you are already part-way there since you are biking and swimming.  If you are carrying quite a bit of excess weight at the moment then you might want to think about starting out slowly with the running - even pool running.  You will want to protect your knees until your body is more accustomed to running. 

The other thing I highly recommend is using the training log on this website.  That way we can keep track of your training and we can all inspire each other.

Thanks for joining our group.






2006-12-22 11:31 AM
in reply to: #631494

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Hi Wes,

You are very welcome in this group.  I need encouragement as much as anyone else so by all means join in and share your experiences with the group.

Sorry to hear about the bad genetics.  I also come from a family where the maternal side has a horrible history of cardiovascular disease.  So far, I am the only one who doesn't have cardiovascular complications going back 3 generations!  The exercise helps keep my blood pressure down for sure. But the real reason I exercise is so I can eat and drink what I want

I will be doing my first Oly this year (I went from Sprint to HIM so now I need to do an Oly) so by all means keep up with my logs and see what I am doing.  I am pretty much starting from scratch since it has been 12 months since I last trained seriously.  My last race was September 05.  I look forward to seeing you progress back to good health and fitness.



2006-12-22 11:38 AM
in reply to: #631598

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
HI Leah

Thank, my name is Anita. Thanks for your support. Yes I have a lot of excess weight to lose, so I have started to run in the pool. Ready to head there now and I will swim 30 mins as swimming is pretty easy for me as it is something I have kept up over the years, then I try to do at least 30 mins pool running. I will run about 15 mins in the deep end and then another 15 mins in the water. I find that helps me quite a bit. I can have a bad knee (it is not bad any more) but I need to watch it.

I have added you to my plan and I will start to keep track and write everything down. That is one of my goals for 2007. I am like you I like food. I admit it. I enjoy good food, always have. And can have a real sweet tooth, so I am trying very hard to temper it. But I also know I want to be in shape and not just to look good, as looking good is something that we all want to do I guess, but also since I think health is very important. I had a real scare in the fall when I woke up one day and could hardly walk. I had over exercised over a weekend and I really messed up my back, legs, side, etc. So that set me back, but I am back on track now, but it also make me realize that it is much harder to get in shape and keep in shape, especially as you get older. I can no longer abuse my body the way I use to.

I am looking to do an All Women's triathlon. I was just looking on line to see. I know that there is one in the Chicago area, which is near where my parents live in Milwaukee, but as I travel a lot I could maybe work it into a travel schedule. I also have a plan to do a 120 mile bike ride in May. I figure that would give me some time to get in shape. But if you have any good triathlon suggestions let me know, I have heard that Danskin has a very good all women's one in some areas of the country. I will have to see if I can plan my schedule to do that one. I have also added to my plan to start on 1 Jan the Couch to Sprint training plan. I thought that plan may be a good way to start. I figure with the run part I will either just walk fast or I will do pool running. But I thought that would give me a place to start. For my goals I also decided that I would take Sunday off. I think to have one day off is important and for me Sunday is a good day to do that.

You will all start to see me on the training log, I am adding everyone on. I really do look forward to our being able to support eachother. I think that support is a key to all this, that we keep supporting eachother. I will be there for you if you will all be there for me! I also look forward to meeting new people and having some new friendships through this group. Thank you all and thank you Leah for mentoring!

Thanks again Leah for your encouragement and a very Happy Holiday to you and everyone in our group.


2006-12-22 8:34 PM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Hi everyone! I'd like to join your group. I moved to MN in August from MD. Before that, I did 2 sprints, but the move really screwed up my routine. We joined a gym in Oct and I'm getting back into it, but I have zero focus. I also need to loose about 15 pounds. I'm 39, married with no kids. Three horses and some cats share a 28 acre farm with us out here in the corn.

I'd like to do a couple more sprints and maybe an Oly in the late summer. Got a long way to go.

2006-12-23 12:03 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Welcome Pattie,

I had horses a long time ago somewhere in my past.  I used to show them.  I loved it.

It sounds as though we have a great little group here all striving to get back into some sort of routine.  The next few days will be super busy for me but I will try to check in on you all when I can.



2006-12-23 8:40 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Good morning everyone,

It seems to be a nice day here in WV.  As part of my informal training plan, I do a "long" run each week - preferably on the weekend.  I try to do this run outdoors and at the moment it is about an hour long.  I have a trail I like to run up in the mountains but I think the ground will be too wet today so I will probably just do a run on the rail trail.

For the next month I am trying to do 3 runs and 3 rides a week plus an optional extra of either.  I will do some swimming but my philosophy on swimming is that it is the shortest leg of the course and we cannot gain a lot of time from the swim (especially in a sprint tri).  Therefore, running and biking are where we can gain most of our time.  Of course if you are doing a longer race or you have no confidence in the swim, then swimming is more important.

As far as taking a day off goes, I try to limit myself to once a week but I don't always do absolutely nothing on a day off.  I like to swim or walk on my days off (or even cross train at the gym or do an aerobics class).  I prefer my day off to be a work day when I am usually tired.  I play it by ear and choose a day when I just don't feel like it!  Check out the article about teachers who do triathlon on the front page of BT.  It has some very common sense advice for fitting training into a busy schedule.

2006-12-23 9:00 AM
in reply to: #631631

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN

Anita - do you have your log set at private?  I am still not seeing it.

To answer your question about what race to do, just pick one that is the distance that you desire and that requires minimal energy to get to.  I am a big believer in doing your first few tris close to home so that you have the advantage of familiarity and you don't have to spend extra money on a hotel and travel.

 Do you use for your calorie tracking?  I really like that website.  I use the nutrition log here but I admit that I prefer Fitday.   I like that it gives all sorts of graphs including energy consumed vs energy expended.  It really helps me get my calories under control.

Have a great day,


2006-12-23 9:08 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Good morning! I'm hoping to run outside this weekend, but only if the road freezes up. We live on a gravel road and right now it's gravel soup. No way I'm ruining my shoes on that. Today is a rest day. Well, not really resting. We're going to pick up a load of hay. First, we have to restack the 50 bales in the barn. Then we have to load, drive and unload 120 more bales. That should count for something, right? Tomorrow I'll try for a short run although I might have to drive somewhere to find it. Driving to run seems so wrong.


2006-12-23 10:39 AM
in reply to: #632268

Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Hi Leah

Merry Christmas. I will change my settings. I have to get in to update everything as I have not done that yet.

Let me check out Fitday as I have found the nutrition page on this to also be a bit tough to handle at times.

Did get in some good pool exercises!

Merry Christmas to all!

2006-12-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #629744


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - OPEN
Hello Leah,

I see that you have an opening and I would like to join if possible. I am new here and I want to do my first Tri this May. I ride bicycles long distance but not racing. I currently finished 276 mile ride through KY and into TN. I don't run much and the swim!!! WOW! How will I do that. I have started training the past couple of weeks and I could really use some help. I don't know what to do. I'm a big eater (major problem). Please help.

I'm 32 Yrs old, Married, 1 child - 3 yr old girl. I'm 200 lbs and I would like to drop 20 by race day. Can you help?

2006-12-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - Closed

Hi Jimmy - welcome to the group.  I will do whatever I can to help you achieve your goals.  I am sure that the rest of the group will be cheering for you too and between the 6 of us, we will all be achieving our goals in 2007.

 Go Team!



Edited by Malgal 2006-12-23 2:05 PM
2006-12-23 2:15 PM
in reply to: #632330

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Jimmy - when you get a chance, it would be easiest for us to help you if you would use the training log so that we can see what you are doing. 

If you really want to lose that much weight, you may also want to count your calories.  Many people use the nutrition log here but I prefer  It is a little easier to use and I had already spent many hours entering custom foods before I knew BT had its own nutrition log.  As a general rule of thumb, if you decrease your calorie intake by 500 calories a day (or use up an extra 500 a day exercising), you will lose a pound a week.  Just don't hurt yourself doing it!  I read an interesting article recently at  It is called the new science of weight loss.  It gives you some tips on how to up your metabolism.  I don't know how scientifically sound it is but it is worth the read if you are seriously interested in dropping the weight.

What distance triathlon do you want to do?  Are you doing any running or swimming at the moment?


Edited by Malgal 2006-12-23 2:16 PM
2006-12-24 9:37 PM
in reply to: #629744


Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

I have been looking around this site and I have a lot to learn. I need to learn all the cool stuff I can do here.

Thanks fro the advice. I'll check out Mens health.

Well, today was bad. I ate a lot of junk I also have been struggling with stopping smoking. I smoked yesterday and today. I know..YUCK! Why do I do it. I'm stupid. I also have decided to stop for good now. Yes, I have said that before.

Anyway, the Tri is the buffalo trace race in Maysville KY. Please google it. I know theres a web site but I cannot remember the name. It is a 1/2 mile swim, 22 mile ride and a 3.1 mile run. I think it is a good starter. I hope to finish.

I hope I can get stuff together. I'm really going to try.

Well, anyway have a Merry Christmas or whatever your preference. I'm going to get on the bike.


2006-12-27 8:40 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

I hope you all had a nice holiday.  I know I have not answered some of your questions and I promise to do so soon.  I have my family here so things have been a little hectic. 

Keep tri-ing folks.


2006-12-28 10:20 AM
in reply to: #629744

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

Hi Folks,

How are you all doing?  How did you survive the holidays Jimmy?  I know it is difficult to avoid the party-like atmosphere if that is what you are used to.  I drank a little too much but I hope to have some dryer days for a while!

Ah - the evil cigarettes.  I know what that is like.  I had a hard time quitting myself.  So I married a non-smoker who won't tolerate it for a minute!  Just keep trying to quit.  That is the best advice I can give.  At some point in your life, you will quit for good.

We are having spectacular weather here for this time of year but I am still training indoors.  I don't quite have the motivation to get outside on the bike yet.  I am sure it will come. 

What New Year's resolutions are you all going to make?  I don't usually make them (so I cannot break them!!!).  I just want to get myself back into a regular workout routine.



2006-12-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #629744

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL
Hey! This week is going OK, although I'm sitting at work with an ice pack on my leg. And it's my vacation week. I'm putting in some extra time at work trying to get papers graded and back to kids on the first day back. The ice pack... Well, my left leg has been plagued by stress syndrome for the last 10 months. It's back. I only ran a little over a mile this morning and had to quit. Actually, I should have quit earlier. This really sucks. I've already called and gotten an appt for an eval at the sports med center. This really sucks.
2006-12-28 1:11 PM
in reply to: #635233

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North Central WV
Subject: RE: Leah's Group - FULL

rowdypaint - 2006-12-28 12:13 PM Hey! This week is going OK, although I'm sitting at work with an ice pack on my leg. And it's my vacation week. I'm putting in some extra time at work trying to get papers graded and back to kids on the first day back. The ice pack... Well, my left leg has been plagued by stress syndrome for the last 10 months. It's back. I only ran a little over a mile this morning and had to quit. Actually, I should have quit earlier. This really sucks. I've already called and gotten an appt for an eval at the sports med center. This really sucks.

Awwww - that really sucks Pattie.  Sorry to hear about your leg.  However, look on the bright side, it will be a great excuse to work on swimming and biking for a while!

What do you teach?


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