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2006-12-20 9:59 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Name: MarkQuiet / Kirk

Story: After 10 years of letting myself go and finding myself going through a divorce I decided that it was time to get a hold of myself. I figured running was how I was going to do just that. On and off in my life running has been nearby. I would start for a while then give up. 15 years ago I seriously hurt my knees by running and had pretty much given up on it. It was not until the divorce became a reality that I decided to give it a go again. My first run was in feb 2005. I was 240lbs (5'10" and had a 42" waist. That first run lasted about half a mile and took about 6 minutes. In February of 2006 I ran my very first marathon. I had lost 50lbs and was in a 36" waist. After the marathon I needed a new focus. A running friend of mine suggested to try out triathalons. In June of 2006 I did my first sprint. I was only able to do two more sprints before the end of the tri season.

Family Status: Divorce with one daughter - whom I love very much

Current Training: Currently, I am working on a marathon season that will have me running four marathons in four months. I just completed my first marathon of the season on Dec 10 - and 45 minutes faster then in February. In 2007 I plan on doing several marathon, at least 2 HIM, an olymipc tri or two, and at least on century bike race (Hotter N Hell 100).

Weightloss Goals: I am still working on getting to a weight that I am happy with. I thought it would be 185lbs, but that does not seem to be good enough - for me. My new target is 175lbs.

Edited by MarkQuiet 2007-02-04 9:21 PM

2006-12-22 8:22 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Your running logs are awesome.
My name is Frank. I just started training recently. I tore my ACL playing softball in 2005. Had the ACL replaced a year ago. At the end of this summer, I saw I wasn't getting back to where I wanted, so I figured I'd go all in. Started training in October; stopped lifting heavy wieghts all the time and started swimming and biking. I still lift weights 2-3 times per week, I have a bad shoulder that aches if I don't lift fairly frequently.
Long run went from 3 miles in October up to 7.5 last week, when I went on a course that is more hilly than I normally do. The downhills progressively hurt more, then really bagan to hurt. I was planning on taking a light week this week, so it worked out ok. I'm going to try to run on the treadmill tomorrow or Sunday to see how it feels. Thin line between pushing through the pain and the fear that is still in the back of my mind from when i hyperextended it and tore the ACL. The knee hurts again for the first time in a long time, not a great feeling.
I swim like a wounded donkey. Took one lesson, need another when time permits. The last time I swam across a pool was at about age 10.
Plan on doing 2 sprints this summer and maybee a long run/bike/run if I can get someone to do it with me. unfortunatley, both look like they have 1/2 mile swims. I run with a friend on Sundays and train the rest of the week on my own, although I am starting to enjoy running alone more and more.
I'm pretty comfortable with my weight. I lost 5-10 pounds with the change in workouts. I know I would be faster with another 5-10 less, but still play competitive softball in the summers, so I need the upper body strength.
So, i'm in.

Edited by fgray 2006-12-22 8:22 PM
2006-12-23 6:49 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Frank, its great to see that you have taken up the challenge of doing tris. You are already doing the first thing I would recommend that you do here. Log your workouts. I am currently in Florida for Christmas visiting family and will write more when I have more time.

Welcome to BT and welcome to Tris.

2006-12-26 8:44 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Just a bump in case any one is still interested.
2006-12-26 3:33 PM
in reply to: #632229

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
I swim like a wounded donkey. Any help or thoughts would most appreciated.

And I need to loose the 5 pounds I gained from my recovery week/Christmas eating spree. It comes back on much faster than it leaves.
2006-12-26 9:22 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Grantville, Ga
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Hi Mark,

I would like to join your group. I am the workaholic, that doesnt train or eat like he should. I am at work usually 12 to 16 hrs a day. I have a full 10 hr job and then it's off to the ATV shop for another 2 to 6 hrs. I do find some time to train, not much in the winter months. I love racing, going fast and playing hard. My past ventures have been motocross bikes, motocross ATV's, Kart racing, whitewater kayaking, rappelling, backpaking and several years ago ran some 10k's and half marathons. I really started well last year but as new projects started at work my training decreased. Swimming is difficult in the winter {no local indoor pools}. I swim mostly in a open reservoir.
The triathlon excites me. I am very excited in doing my first sprint tri this spring.
My current physical condition is 5'8" 205lbs. large frame, can run 2 miles under 18 mins. and 3 aroun 30 min., bike 15 miles at 15.5 mph avg. swim 500 yds around 20 min. and love to lift weights.
I have had alot of injuries from my past hobbies [17 broken bones to date] good thing they werent all at the same time.
My 2007 goals are:Complete 3 sprint distance tri, Lose 40 lbs, Ride a Century the Fall of 2007 and Race 4 ATVA ATV Nationals.
I hope that you will accept me in your Mentor Group. I will be a challenge but I will not you down.
Thanks, Billy

2006-12-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Hey Guys,
I'm sorry for not having written sooner. I was in Florida visiting family and had very limited access time to a computer. My family did not like me spending time on the computer. Something to do with traveling all the way there and wanting to spend quality time with them. Seesh. Anyway, expect to see more from me now that I am back in Texas.

I ask that both of you add me to your "friends" list as I will both of you. Be active with your training logs, try not to let a day go by that you don't add something to your blog. Even if it is just to say that you are having and off day and will not be working out today. Also be aware that under the "sports" section of the training log there are items that can be counted toward your physical activities during the day. Check those out as well. The logs and the inspires will be great help in my helping and encouraging you as well as others from BT.

I also ask that you post your "A" race or first race here. An "A" race is a race that will be the "big" one that you are wanting to do your best on. Many triatheltes have several races in the season all leading to the "A" race.  After the "A" race some may do others as "fun" races. If this is your first season of racing, then post the date of that first race. That will be a critical race in your becoming a triathelte.

Frank - how is the knee holding up? Anyone with past injuries like that worry me when they start training, especially in the running discipline. Just stay easy on the run portion and don't train so hard as to aggrevate the injury. As for your swimming, most people feel like they swim like bricks. I know that I do. Proper techniques, breathing, and many MANY laps will help in this area. I have been told that the book "total immersion" is a great self coaching book/DVD. I am seriously thinking about getting it myself to help improve my swim time.

Billy - welcome to our small group. Seems that you have quite an active life. I have yet to look at your logs, but will do so when I am finished writing this. It sounds like you have ambitious goals, but nothing that is too far out of reach. It sounds like you have can do all three disciplines, but have you put all three together yet - or even combined two in one work out (called "bricks"?

I look forward to helping and mentoring both of you (and anyone else that wants to join our merry little group) over the next few months.

(sorry - Mark is just a screen name)

2006-12-28 3:57 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Oh, what they hey....

I already inspire you on a regular basis, anyway, so it's not like it's adding much work to my life!  (I kid.)

Oh, um, I guess you wanna know about me.

Real Name: Tim

Married, no kids, one dog, live in Ardmore, PA (right outside Philly).

I'm a runner.  I ran in HS (track and XC), and I wrestled.  Went to college, and joined the Army National Guard.  Did some stuff in ROTC, but got dropped from the program (long story), but I ran my first half mary back then (I actually found the results...). Anyway, after getting dropped, I started doing a lot of bar work, so I stopped doing regular exercise, started smoking, and drinking (some might say heavily for both).  I graduated (finally), but still had nothing big going on, kicked around, ended up getting married, then getting sent to Germany for 8 months.  Came back, we eventually moved to here, and I got my current job.  When I was hired, my supervisor and some coworkers all did this triathlon thingie, and they got me started into running again.  That was....a year ago.  I quit smoking in Feb of this year, I ran my first marathon this year.

I do application development, so I'm on the computer all day.  I do a lot of research into running, and occasionally some cycling stuff.  I can swim, but not well (meaning I'm not fast, but if I alternate strokes, I can go for a while).  Still trying to figure out how to run the entire tri course........Stilts might make a good option.....

I have a 1985 Schwinn WorldSport that I got from my supervisor.  It goes.

So.....Am I in or what?  If I have to, I'll do the Truffle Shuffle.... 

2006-12-28 4:24 PM
in reply to: #635782

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Your kidding right? Of course you are in Tim/Scout7. Glad to have you and I am sure myself and the others in this group can benefit for you running experience. Your first marathon was by far much better then my first and second. I do see from your logs that you got the running part down, but you kinda lack in the bike area. Even the swim can use some work.

What puzzles me is that you have not done tris as of yet. Am I reading that right? When do you plan on doing your first tri and what distance are you shooting for?

2006-12-28 4:37 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Username: colwins440. Given name: Tony Winstead

Thanks for letting me into your group!
I started training 5 weeks ago for a beginner's triathlon. I'm 54 years old and I retired from the Army as a colonel in July 2001. I was in great shape then, but have been steadily getting out of shape ever since. I have run 2 marathons, several half-marathons, several Army 10 milers and too many 10Ks to remember; however, the last race I ran was 4 years ago... a 5K on the 4th of July. I now have arthritis in my right hip, but I’m not in any pain during a run. I get stiff and sore the next day, but it subsides once I start moving around. I have started taking glucosamine chondroitin to help with the joints.

I am married and have four kids- ages 26, 24, 23, and 12 years old. I am a school teacher at present, but am about to make a move and job change. I'll let you know what and when that happens.

I am a poor swimmer, an adequate biker, and will be able to manage the run just fine.

I have started with Michael Pate’s 22 week Beginner Sprint plan. I’m on track with the plan but have missed several swim days due to the local YMCA swimming pool maintenance. It opened back up today, so I was able to get my swim in. I am a lousy swimmer.
Swimming - I am up to 300 meters, but I’m only able to do this by using a combination of front crawl, back crawl, side stroke, and elementary backstroke. It’s mostly the sidestroke and elementary backstroke at this point. I know I’ll improve, but I really am a poor swimmer. My biggest problem in the crawl is breathing technique. I lose it when I swallow water or get off rhythm.
Walking/Jogging - I am up to walking/jogging two miles every other day. I walk a half mile then jog a mile. I plan to be able to run 2 miles without stopping by Feb 1st; 3 miles by March 1st.
Biking – I have been using the stationary bikes at the YMCA about 3 times per week, and I’ve starting riding my bike outside on Saturday mornings. I'm up to 8 miles. I'll be up to 10 miles by Feb 1st.
Strength training – I’m using the Y’s FITLINXX program to work out about 20-30 minutes about 5 times per week.

Races: I plan on doing the Beginner’s Triathlon in Irving, Texas on April 21, 2007 and am looking for a late summer Sprint.

I’m at 178 lbs. I want to get under 170. That’s about it for now.
2006-12-28 5:03 PM
in reply to: #635820

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Colonel Tony, welcome to the group. Seems that you are in good company with first time triathletes. You training philosphy looks sound by not doing too much too soon. As I am sure you know that is the quickest way to get injured.

I see that you are looking at doing a tri in Irving in April. Which tri is that? I live in Fort Worth and know Irving fairly well so perhaps we can meet up sometime and work on the OWS.

I think we all agree the swimming is our weakest point. We will have to share with one another as to what works and what does not.

2006-12-28 6:35 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
It's probably in Los Colinas. The website is I will either do the beginner's Tri or the Sprint. Depends on how I feel I'm doing.
PS - What is OW?
2006-12-29 8:34 AM
in reply to: #635929

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

colwins440 - 2006-12-28 6:35 PM What is OW?

Sorry, I need to be careful with all the acronyms. OWS is "Open Water Swim" and is just what it sounds like. Swimming in a lake somewhere. Many tris are done in open water and is a totally different experience from doing a pool swim. There is nothing like 100 guys rushing into the water at the same time fighting for space and trying to swim.

BTW - there is an article on this site that gives definitions to the most common tri acronyms.

2006-12-29 8:39 AM
in reply to: #635810

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
MarkQuiet - 2006-12-28 5:24 PM

What puzzles me is that you have not done tris as of yet. Am I reading that right? When do you plan on doing your first tri and what distance are you shooting for?

{somewhat sheepishly} Yes, you are.  I chalk it up to wanting to be prepared.  Besides, I sorta got into this a little late last year, so the opportunity never presented itself.  I am registered for the Oly distance at the Philly Tri in June.

As for the swim and bike, I know, I know.  I'll be working on that here soon..... 

2006-12-29 1:55 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
2006-12-29 9:39 PM
in reply to: #634964

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
The knee is ok. Just trying to run light 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week on the treadmill to keep a little fitness for the next few weeks. Biking on the trainer seems to help a lot. Looking back, I may have not helped it with a long ride a few weeks ago around the time I hurt it when I had the old foot cages on my bike. The new clip-ons with 9 degrees of movement feel like a dream, on the trainer at least. Very nice difference.

As for an A race, I'm not sure i have picked one yet. But for the swim, no problem picking races all over the place. But, I am out of breath in the pool after doing 100 yards. Same story we all read on the board time after time; I am waiting for the break through swim session...
I have the total immersion dvd and book, and conceptually it is fine, but getting proficient and in swimming shape is humbling. That's what I really need to work on. I should take a lesson or two, but time is at a premium, there is never enough of it.

2006-12-30 7:58 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
OK, I am totally new - and would like to be a member of this group - I think I am in my age bracket here and could benefit from your experience.

I have not done this before....I have chosen a race....maybe some background first.

48 Years Old - Happily married 23 years - have wonderful daughter and two grandsons, almost two and one month.....I was very athletic when young but was always told it wasn't ladylike to be disgusted with self......lost about 80 2002. I lift weights and have done several different forms of cardio. I recently became interested in competing in some way. I am however, old and slow but I am working on that. I have chosen a sprint Tri that is women only. My race is in June - I will be doing weight training 3 times a week. My basic training plan is bike ride twice a week, one short interval and one longer flat ride; run twice a week short interval sprint and a longer steady state. Swimming I won't be able to do until around May which is a bummer but I am in a VERY rural area with a YMCA about 40 minutes away and there pool is outdoor and does not open until May.....but I have to start somewhere and I have to do this. I will also have 3 yoga sessions a week and one functional/core day.......I haven't worked it all out yet but it is coming along.

I have a list of equipment I need and I want to know if you can do the whole race in one outfit to cut down on transition time.......any tips advice is appreciated. I am just beginning to learn the log?????/
2006-12-31 7:10 PM
in reply to: #637487

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Hello Daisy and we would be happy to have you on board in our group. I have checked your logs and see that you ARE a beginner. No worries though, this will be a fun adventure for you. Feel free to add me to your "friends" list as well as the others in this group. BT is a place where everyone is welcomed - especially beginners. Feel free to post questions here or send me PM (private messages).
2007-01-01 10:49 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Thank you so much- glad to be here. I added everyone as friends on my personal page. I really began 2007 with a bang. We are not drinkers but had a few friends over for New Years' Eve last night - thought I would really blow the calories but we all ended up with a stomach virus and I did not get to toast the New Year in and we are in the bed this morning - DH, DD my Two GSons and myself are pretty whipped - I am hoping I am better after noon so I can get my workout in.....*sigh*
2007-01-01 4:02 PM
in reply to: #629883

New user

Winston-Salem, NC
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Hi Kirk,

I am interested in joining this group. It's Jan. 1, and like many folks around me I am again establishing resolutions for the new year. I have been thinking about committing to a Tri for a few months now - but now it is time to formalize it.

I can use all of the insight and advice that you and the other members can extend. I have never competed, but have an athletic backgroud.

I got back in the pool in August and currently swim 4-6 miles a week. I love the water - have been swimming since I was a kid. I also walk 4 miles with my neighbor every morning, but the running scares me a bit. I plan to start incorporating running into our walks, tomorrow. I'm fairly neutral on the bike. I like to ride on trails around a local lake (I have a hybrid bike which I realize could be problematic), but have not been going often enough. I also need to transition to the road soon, but want to find buddies to ride with - I am not a fan of the open road.

I live in North Carolina (seem to be a bunch of races close by), just turned 41, am divorced, and hope that the training will get me back into shape.

My goal for 2007 is compete by early summer and hopefully again in the fall. My head wants to shoot for an Olympic as the swimming and biking seem very doable, but again the running scares me. So I think I may start with a Sprint and move onto an Olympic.

Hope that you still have room for another group member.

2007-01-01 7:39 PM
in reply to: #638465

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
I'll trade your miles swimming for the rest of my workouts combined! Welcome. Teach me how to swim 4 miles a week.
Start adding a minute of running to a minute or two (or three, whatever you are comfortable with) to your walking until you are running more than walking. Start running slowly to keep the risk of knee and shin problems to a minimum.

Edited by fgray 2007-01-01 7:41 PM

2007-01-01 8:27 PM
in reply to: #638619

New user

Winston-Salem, NC
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN
Thanks Frank.

I will start adding the running tomorrow (my neighbor doesn't know yet, but I hope I can get her to play along). We live in a fairly hilly area, so that should add some challenges as I add minutes. And thanks for the warning on the knees and shins - I do need to watch that. There is a local track that I probably need to investigate.

Swimming - my best advice is to find your rhythm with the water, don't fight it. You might want to get some training fins (very short length). They help strengthen your legs, but also can help with propulsion while training - that way you can work on your arm strokes without sinking. As you build up form and distance, you can back off on the fins. I taught swimming lessons for years - don't know how it will work on email, but let me know if I can help.

I use the training fins for cardio. I swim about a 1/2 mile with the fins - hard and fast. Then take them off and do interval swimming for a mile or so without them. But I am a fish. I know that.

I can only imagine finding that ease with running.

I look forward to this adventure with the group. All advice is welcome.
2007-01-02 9:04 AM
in reply to: #638656

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - OPEN

Hey Mary,

Frank gave some pretty good advice there, and it's in line with what I was going to say, too.  I actually have a beginner running plan that involves walking initially, then slowly incorporating more and more running until you're running the entire time.  I'll try to dig it up at some point.  Just make sure I don't forget.....

Any other running questions, I'd be happy to attempt to answer.  Bike questions, I have minimal input, and you're already decent on the swim, so I'll be asking you questions on that later. 

2007-01-02 10:03 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hello Mary and welcome to the group. Looks like Frank and Scout have already beat me to the punch with the running bit. There are some strong runners in this group so I'm sure we will all be able to have input for you in that category. A gradual inclusion of running into your walks are the best way to start. I have used this training program on a few friends that wanted to run and they have all been successful at getting up to at least 5Ks (before they quit altogether). There is a program here on BT (and also on that is called "Couch to 5K". Look at those to start with. Hopefully your neighbor will jump on board with it as well.

With Mary I'm going to close out the group. Though I have a local friend that may join us once he returns from his trip.

Edited by MarkQuiet 2007-01-02 10:08 AM
2007-01-02 9:28 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hello to all. It's been a few days since I sent a note. I overdid strength exercises on Saturday and have been down in my lower back since. I have been getting better each day, but have layed off any workouts. Tomorrow I plan to swim a little and try a bike ride.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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