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2006-12-23 11:43 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: dragoman's group - FULL


NAME: dragoman / Félix
STORY: Built for endurance, working on speed. Adventure racer (4 yrs) & long-distance triathlete (2 years).  Started swimming due to a running/hiking injury, ventured into my first tri in 2004 and loved both the journey (training) and the race itself. I've completed 2 olys and 2 Iron-distance races so far. I live in Venezuela and am migrating to Australia in late 2007/early 2008.
FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to Mayde, getting married in 2007. We live and train together.  
CURRENT TRAINING: Currently building my triathlon base and set to start "official" IM-training in mid-January for a late-July race. I mix in some hiking, kayaking and lots of mountain biking with my tri training.
LAST YEAR'S RACES: Competed in just one tri, but managed to beat my 2005 result by over 1 hr. Picked up my first win ever in adventure races also. I also took part in several mountain-biking, kayaking and running races.
2007 RACES:  My plan for 2007 is to compete in three tris (an Oly in April, a HIM in June and an IM in July) + about 4 or 5 AR's and several mountain-bike races. I'm also looking forward to becoming a better runner this year and expect to build on my somewhat limited swimming experience/skills.
WEIGHTLOSS: I've sometimes said that I feel like "a rottweiler racing greyhounds", so working on my body composition, as usual, will represent a big challenge. My goal is to minimize body fat, not just lose weight.

Edited by dragoman 2007-01-15 3:23 PM

2006-12-29 1:43 PM
in reply to: #632505

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Giving the open groups a friendly bump!
2007-01-03 2:15 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi Dragoman,

I would like to be part of your group. My name is Vicente, I am Venezuelan too (living in Florida), 31 years old. I am looking foward to training for my first sprint. I would like to get a routine that includes weights as well.

I hope that you can help me!!! I don't have any idea where to start.

Your friend,


PS: Right now I would have to use a mountain bike since I can't afford the other one right now.
2007-01-06 11:18 AM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hello dragoman, i would also like to join your group. My name is John Sifuentes and live in Ausitn,TX. I have entered a sprint triathlon in April and an olympic distance on the last day of May. I also like to mt bike,backpack and kayak. I'm 35yrs old and my job has me traveling around the state of Texas during the week and home on weekends. I will be needing lots of help in swimming and nutrition. Ive lost about 70 pounds 3 yrs ago and have been able to keep it off, but i did it on a low carb diet. I tried keeping the same diet while training...NO WAY! I was drained all day, bonked in the middle of my bike rides and had zero motivation. So now, i'm pretty confused about nutrition...i stayed away from pasta like the plauge and now i'm told to eat it. Anyways...i'll be open to any suggestions the group may have. Thanks.
2007-01-06 8:37 PM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Hello Vicente! Hello John!

Welcome to the Group.

I'm just getting back from holidays and catching up on my messages and logging my workouts. I'll get back to you guys tomorrow so that we can get started together.

In the meantime, please add me, and each other, to your "contacts" on your blog so that we can keep track of one another.


2007-01-07 10:04 AM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi Dragonman,

I set the blog (I think). Any particular suggestion about the setting?

I am ready. I just don't know waht to do?

Thank you for your help.


2007-01-07 10:33 AM
in reply to: #645242

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hey Vforte, i see your blog on i think we are set up. I'm doing the couch to sprint looks like you are doing the same. I guess that makes us partners! Looking forward to hear more about you.

2007-01-07 11:50 AM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Great! The blogs will be really useful to see how each of us is doing and to "inspire" one another.

First of all, can you guys tell me a little bit about your athletic background? If this is your first time pursuing sports, much the better.

Also, I'd like to know how many hours you're willing to invest daily/weekly, what days of the week, time of day, etc. so that we can "officially" start this coming week!

2007-01-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
I'm ready to start!

I have never been in any competitive sport, so this will be the first time for me. I am actually very excited. I would consider cycling to be my strongest sport. I lost the majority of my weight commuting to work, which was a 34 mile roundtrip ride. Now that i travel, i dont have the luxury to do that. I love backpacking and pushing myself past my comfort zone. So i know i'll be able to push and get through this. I used to kayak twice per year, until one night my wife and i fell in the river. I didnt/dont know how to swim! I felt helpless, since i couldnt help her. I mustered up the strength to push her on top of the kayak...but i floated down river. It was an experience!! I promised myself to take some swimming lessons after the incident. So here i am. I can swim 50m straight, so thats a big accomplishment for me. Open water is going to be a hurdle.

I'm willing to do what it takes for me to finish the sprint with a smile. As i noted earlier, i travel during the week, so i'm alone. I work 8am to 5pm M-F...other than that, i'm free. I would like sign up for the olympic distance in May, but i'm not sure my swimming would be up to par yet...what do you think? I should probably stick to the sprint...i get over-zealous at times. =)
2007-01-07 1:19 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi Marburg,

Yes, we are partners. You can count on me. We'll do it.

Hi Dragoman,

Thank you for your help. I hope that you had a wonderful vacation in Merida.

I have practiced many sports (running, regular gym, martial arts, etc) but I didn't stick with any one. However, I think that swimming and running are my strongest abilities. I was part of the Venezuelan Navy and I had the best swimming time of the school (50 meters) when I was studying there. I used to run a lot as well. I am not fast but I have endurance.

Right now, I am not overweight, but I would have to reconfigure my body since I have developed a stomach (too many beers..). Also, I would say that I should lose 10 pounds to have better performance at the competition.

Since I am working and studying at the same time (until FEB 10 that I will finish the course that I am taking), I would say that I have one hour Mon-FR and unlimited time on SAT-SUND. I would like to work with some weights too if it is possible.

Another concern is the food. I don't have enough time to cook. I guess that I would have to eat a lot of Tuna????

Thank you guys. And by the way you can call me Vicente or Vic.


PD: Today I am eating my last junk food for a while. : )

2007-01-08 7:12 AM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN


Great attitude! I can relate to your story as I'm far from being a strong swimmer myself. In fact, I got into swimming so I wouldn't lose too much fitness while healing an injury and that's what finally led me to triathlons.

The best thing that you can do for your swimming at this stage is find a master's group. Have someone experienced take a look at your stroke. In the pool, it's all about form, being efficient and avoiding drag. It's actually a bad thing to spend endless hours in the pool if your form is deficient as this may reinforce any bad habits.

If you can get your hands on the Total Immersion book, do so. It's a great read.

The couch-to-sprint plan seems great. My advice is log everything, even nutrition if possible. That'll help keep you true and follow your progress.

You seem like an achiever, so I don't think that an OLY is out of the question at all. But for now we want to get you to that finish line of that Sprint "with a smile".


Edited by dragoman 2007-01-08 7:13 AM

2007-01-08 7:26 AM
in reply to: #645344

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN


The short vacation in Mérida was awesome. I posted some comments on my log about the hiking and mountain biking sessions I did down there.

Right now, you shouldn't really focus on just losing weight. You're right about reconfiguring your body. Our goal should be "to lose fat and gain muscle".

With regards to food, you definitely need to make sure you're eating healthy. For me, it's all about choices. If I'm short on time and can only have fast food, I'd much rather walk in to a place like Subway's than McDonald's, for example. Quality fuel leads to quality performance!

Are you following a training plan yet? If not, I definitely recommend the couch-to-sprint plan from this site. It also incorporates weight training. I definitely recommend strength training because it prepares your muscles and joints for the punishment derived from tri training and racing.

2007-01-08 7:35 AM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Here's an idea:

Every Monday we should post at least three tri-related goals for the week and check the status at the end of each week. It doesn't matter how challenging or easy the goals may be; it's all about getting them done!

Here are mine for this week.

1. Start eating like an athlete again.

2. Complete all 11 scheduled training sessions.

3. Get maintenance done on both bikes (MTB and road).

4. Re-read Total Immersion.

5. Get new batteries on my heart-rate monitor and strap.


Edited by dragoman 2007-01-08 7:45 AM
2007-01-08 10:22 AM
in reply to: #645869

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Well, after much pondering...i'm going for the olympic distance in May. So, i changed my training program. I'm still doing the sprint in April. I'll post all my training and nutrition daily in the evening. I like the 3-goals idea. Here are mine:

1. Buy Total Immersion book

2. Not miss a single scheduled workout this week.

3. Keep calorie intake under 2600 with no processed sugars and zero fried foods.
2007-01-08 2:58 PM
in reply to: #645869

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

I couldn't find the program that you mention. The only one that I found is the Michael Pates's one. Can you help me to find the one that you like? Sorry...

My three goals:

1) Watch what I eat. Just Healthy food from now on.

2) Follow the program when I find it : )

3) Make an appointment with my doctor for a physical exam.

Thank you guys,


2007-01-08 3:35 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hey guys,

This is going to be my sprint:

Talk to you later,


2007-01-08 4:08 PM
in reply to: #646749

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
That sounds like a great venue. I must admit when i read atlantic ocean for the swim portion...i got nervous. That just says i am not at all comfortable in open water. I'll be working on that. I did find the book today...i have some training and reading to do tonight. Thanks.

Take it easy guys.

2007-01-08 5:03 PM
in reply to: #646829

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hey John,

I am sure that after you read the book and after 2 or 3 weeks of training, you are going to be able to do that and more!!!!

Miami has a lot of tri-events. I am looking foward to seiing you here guys.

Take care,

2007-01-08 6:25 PM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Excellent goals guys!

Good call on doing the Oly AND the Sprint, John. I would recommend following an olympic-distance training plan and doing the sprint as a race rehearsal, with the Oly as your "A" race. They're sufficiently distanced from one another that you can use the experience from that race and make the necessary adjustments for the Oly. I've never done a sprint, but all that speed frightens me to death! It's great you've already found the book; happy reading.

Vic, I would suggest this plan It's not necessarily couch-to-sprint, but it's not so hard either that you would burn out or get overuse injuries. If following that plan, I would lift on Tues and Thurs following a program containing several phases, such as this one: Repeat initial weeks so that it matches your race date.

By the way, the similarities continue, Vic: I grew up in Miami (my mom still lives there); last time I visited I got a ticket at Crandon Park (venue for your race) for leaving my mom's car there after sunset (was out running on the trails!). Also, in 2001 or 2002 I competed in 3 MTB races (Amelia Earhart, Oleta and Markham) organized by the folks at Multirace (your race organizer)!

Guys, any questions you may have in general, post them here (if you want an answer from me) or in the "triathlon talk" forum. This site is a great resource.


2007-01-08 9:05 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Thank you for the trainings....

Well Drago I hope to see you soon then. And Jose as well. We can ask my wife to give us a ride so we don't have to pay for tickets... : ) And if you need something for your mom let me know. You have a friend here. Both of you.

I really appreciate your help guys. I will train hard.


1) Sprint is about velocity? I am scared now... I am not fast at all.

2) Is it true that while you are swimming, everybody passes over you and you receive some arms and legs on the face?

Just mind training.

Take care,

2007-01-09 8:48 AM
in reply to: #647171

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

vforte - 2007-01-08 11:05 PM Questions: 1) Sprint is about velocity? I am scared now... I am not fast at all. 2) Is it true that while you are swimming, everybody passes over you and you receive some arms and legs on the face? Just mind training. Take care, Vic.

Good questions, Vic. 

1) A sprint, especially if it's your first, should be about getting to that finish line, fast or slow, with a sense of accomplishment and a smile on your face! Only when you've done a few tris should they be about speed. For me, I always race myself, whether it's my predicted or previous race times.

2) Yes, the dreaded mass swim start. Check with your organizers; the race might start as a mass or in waves. The contact I guess is part of the sport. It's not really that bad, IMO. I've swum in a mass start (900 participants, orinoco river) a couple of times and did get some arms and legs, but probably hit other swimmers as well. It usually lasts a couple of minutes then everybody spreads out. The important thing is to keep your cool and expect some contact here and there. You could also start a little bit off to the side.

2007-01-10 1:47 PM
in reply to: #647493

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

What do you think about swimming fins? Yesterday i decided to purchase some, since they were on sale. They are called zoomers...relatively small, but the propulsion was amazing. It made me realize how weak my legs really are. You see, i have a tendancy to drop my legs when i'm swimming. I have read the article are this problem here and it has helped. Still, the fins move me through the water quickly. Also, i know i'm getting a better workout..cardiovascular-wise. Still, i dont want to use something that will hurt me in the long-run. What do you suggest for a rookie swimmer? thanks.

Also, i hope your back gets better. What were the results on the MRI?
2007-01-10 2:32 PM
in reply to: #649457

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Hey John,

I'm not a huge fan of fins (don't own a pair myself), but I have heard that they're good for doing drills, specially if one has a tendency to sink the legs. I would use them for drills but not for distance swimming. I don't use paddles either anymore as my shoulders were hurting. I do use a pullbuoy for arm drills, however.

In Total Immersion, it is recommended to try to push your chest downward and keep the head below water to prevent the legs from sinking. I believe the author calls it "pressing your buoy" to elevate the hips and legs. That really worked for me at the very beginning.

Thanks for asking about my back. I'm not in so much pain right now. Unfortunately, here in Venezuela, one can't just walk into a clinic and get an MRI as there are only a few centers that have them. So I've got to wait until my appointment tomorrow evening.

In the meantime, I'm taking these prescribed painkillers and B-complex vitamins and trying to eat smart (yesterday doesn't count; it was my B-day!).


2007-01-10 3:05 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Thanks for the quick response! I'm going to have to get down to business and read the book. Yesterday, after my workout, i was way too tired. I will probably end up getting a swim coach to help me with my efficiency....but i'm going to wait until after i read the book and apply what i'll learn.

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you feel better.

Oh...another question. Do you eat tortillas...i'm aware they are emtpy calories, but with so much aerobic work, do you allow some in your diet? I am 6ft and 225 pounds...around 18% i'll probably stay clear from them...just wondering at your level if you get to splurge on a reg basis.
2007-01-10 8:15 PM
in reply to: #649621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Take this with a grain of salt...

This is the diet prescribed to me by a sports nutritionist. The data he based it on was 13% body fat, 73kgs and 164 cm height (like I said in my original post "a rottweiler racing greyhounds". Average training week: 11 hrs. About 2800 calories per day.

Pre AM workout: 3 servings of fruit / 1 serv. of carbohydrates

Breakfast: 2 serving of fat / 2 dairy / 4 fruit / 4 meats / 3 carbos

Snack: 2 fruit

Lunch: 2 fat / 3 fruit / 3 meats / 2 veggies / 4 carbos

Snack: 2 fruit

Dinner: 2 fat / 2 dairy / 2 fruit / 3 meats / 2 veggies / 2 carbos

No more than 5 teaspoons of sugar per day.

This works perfectly for me ONLY if I'm training the scheduled number of hours or more. The important thing is to remember that carbos are your most important source of energy and they help process protein as well; they are essential. I don't think corn tortillas are empty calories; I actually believe that in moderation and in a balanced diet they are a great source of energy.

If you were to follow something similar, you'd definitely need fewer servings, but should maintain the principle of having balanced foods in all your meals.


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