So I updated my log. No real training, but yoga and an article. It pasted in fine. When I looked at the BT blogger, though, it had part of my log message and part of a poem someone else must have put in.
It's still in my actual log correctly, though. Any ideas?
That does happen in the BT Blogger occasionally if there are 'overall comments' having a lot of html/table stuff or hyperlinks or formatting from a copy/paste.
Not too muchy we can do about it unless we have the blogger display pure SBR commments (which are formatting stripped) and not overall comments.
Hilarious. That was MOI who posted the song, and I could not for teh life of me figure out why it was in your blog, and then the fact that your blog was abiout a parrot, and my song was by Little Wings, I thought BT had developed some kind of faulty AI..