Hello everyone. I have only made a cursory scan through this site, but it seems to pretty comprehensive...and...forgiving to the newcomer to the sport.
Let me just give you a few details about myself. I am male, 205lbs and 5'11". I used to compete competitively at the UIL and NCAA level in swimming. Part of our workouts usually involved cycling
(which I enjoyed
), strength training
(which I endured
), and running
(which I despised
Now fast forward 20 years. It was time to lose some weight as my boys
(7 & 4
) were becoming active in sports, so last year I made it my goal to lose 25lbs
(then 230lbs
) which I successfully did through smart eating and mild exercise
(until the holidays
). I am an avid golfer and walk often. While my feet and knees usually moan and groan afterward, they always keep me upright. As part of my resolution last year, I climbed Long's Peak
(at least to the Keyhole, shy of 14,000ft
) in Estes Park, CO as I have a dreadful fear of heights. Keep in mind that I have never been hiking before. While I probably wasn't in the best shape, I had little *real* difficulty negotiating the altitude.
This year I will turn 40.
I would really like to tackle a duathalon, triathalon or even a half ironman contest. My goal is to finish. I am not concerned about placement, but I do not want to limp across the finish line either.
I have not been running, biking or swimming. Now I am sure everyone at this point is groaning that this guy is out of his mind. However, I am determined and disciplined. I will be making www.beginnertriathlete.com one of my regular internet stops from now on. Any words of wisdom and/or encouragement are more than welcome.
Happy New Year.