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2007-05-30 8:01 AM

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Lake Geneva
Subject: JeanneRoth's Group - CLOSED! ;o)
NAME: JeanneRoth / Jeanne

STORY: This is my 4th year doing tris. I started as a total newbie not even being able to swim more than 50 yards. I was a beginner on the bike as well. I did my first season on a mountain bike with road slick tires. We bought road bikes 1/2 way through the season because we were hooked! I finally graduated to clipless pedals in 2005 and learned half-way through that season how to take my hands off the handlebars and drink from my water bottles! I completed my first Ironman in 2005 on my birthday, a very special day for me.

So that being said, I have a lot of experience with being a beginner and want to help people on this great journey of becomming a triathlete! Wether it is for weight loss, blowing off steam, getting in shape, or getting some self esteem, this sport has been a real life saver for me! Its cheaper than therapy and much more fun! I have met so many great people and love the story behind each participant. So, join my group and lets have some fun!

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 3 cats

CURRENT TRAINING: I am training for an Ironman race, my second IM. I am following a plan, but do not have a coach. I train about 12-16 hours a week. Check out my training log. You will see some epic rides!

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Unionvale Road Race 7/06 (bike race), Survival of the Shawngunks 9/11/06. (I was sick a lot last season.) Some local running races.

2007 RACES: Member of Team Timex, 2007, Harriman, 5/18/07 (DNF), SBR Sprint Series 6/3/07, IMCdA 6/24/07, IMLP 7/22/07 (pending), Accenture Chicago Tri, August 2007, Survival of the Shawngunks 9/9/07, American Zofingen 10/2007

WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost 25 pounds. I kept only losing 10 and then putting it back on. NOW I have figured out my body and the way it works to keep weight off and hold my weight where I want it. I am by no means skinny or light! I like having muscle and being able to run faster with my new weight loss! I just turned in a PR at a 15K the day after going on an epic bike ride with 8,000 feet of climbing in 86 miles! Can you say burnt quads?

Edited by jeanneroth 2007-06-26 2:21 PM

(harriman swim 2 small.jpg)

harriman swim 2 small.jpg (70KB - 66 downloads)

2007-06-09 6:32 AM
in reply to: #821775

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN

Hi Jeanne

I would be intersted in joining your mentor program.  I am not ready for tris yet having spent the last four years as a runner.  After reading your bio, I think your cycling experience would be a great asset to me as I move from a casual biker to more serious workouts.  Swimming is my biggest obstacle, but I am working on it.  I have my first day of a two day TI Workshop today and hope to overcome a lot of the water issues I have.

Let me know if you can add me to your team.



2007-06-09 11:30 AM
in reply to: #837034

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Suzy, I would be happy to have you in my group!

I was a very beginner cyclist. I'm much better now, but still have some issues that I need to work on. As far as swimming, well I couldn't swim more than 50 yards! I hope the TI workshop goes really well. TI helped me get in the water and to be comfortable with OWS.

Think like a fish..."Just keep swimming!" like Dorie in Finding Nemo. (it actualy helps)

Talk to you later!
2007-06-10 2:07 PM
in reply to: #821775

Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Hello. I am a beginner as well. I was wondering how the mentor groups work. I am from Upstate NY also. I want to do my forst Tri in Sept.

2007-06-10 6:35 PM
in reply to: #837686

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
hi Tanya, I am happy to have you join the group. Basically the mentor program matches up people who are experienced in tris with people who either are beginers or want to work on some part of their training.
2007-06-10 6:51 PM
in reply to: #821775

Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Thanks what do I do now?

2007-06-10 7:15 PM
in reply to: #837915

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Ask questions of me about training, nutrition, balancing work/training, things you are nervous about or afraid of....anything!

This website is a great resource for beginners so read all the other posts and forums.
2007-06-10 7:31 PM
in reply to: #821775

Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Thanks. My question is how much training for a sprint. How do you divide per discipline per week? And weights, can I keep some weights in my program?
And I want to lose about 5 pounds, will this happen over time?

I am a weak swimmer and am concerned about the swim. My first Tri will be done on my Mtn bike.
I plan to compete the first weekend in Sept.

When do you need to nutritionally supplement your training?

2007-06-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #837959

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
tanyab - 2007-06-10 8:31 PM

Thanks. My question is how much training for a sprint.
-Well, that depends on your base of fitness. Can you run the distance in the sprint already? Can you bike the distance? You said you are a weak swimmer, that is where I would spend more time than on the other disciplines.

How do you divide per discipline per week?
-For a Sprint, you really only need to train about 1 hour per day, 5-6 days a week. I like to keep thing simple, if you train 6 days a week, then its 2 workouts per week of each discipline. If you wnat to do 5 days a week, or incorporate weights, then you take away from something you are stronger at. Or rotate each week. so you do all the discipines, but one week is a bike focus, where you bike 3x a week, the next week its a run focus, then swim focus...

-Tell me what your base is and I can help you figure out what to do when. Is there a group you can swim with, like Masters? Or a running group or biking group? These help get you out and get confident with your abilities.

And weights, can I keep some weights in my program?
-OF COURSE! Weights are good for triathlon! 1-2 times per week.

And I want to lose about 5 pounds, will this happen over time?
-It should if you watch what you eat. I ahve lost a lot of weight by finally figuring out that I can't eat whatever I want. Even thought I bike for 4-6 hours I only burn a specific amount of calories. I don't need to eat everything in front of me.

I am a weak swimmer and am concerned about the swim. My first Tri will be done on my Mtn bike. I plan to compete the first weekend in Sept.
-GREAT! That is plenty of time to get you to be a confident swimmer, fast biker, and solid runner. YOu will feel awesome corssing that finish line!

When do you need to nutritionally supplement your training?
-I think you can get everything you need from food, if you eat right. I think vitamins are great and when you start training a lot, a good muti vitamin is insurance.
You can get throught your workouts with just fruit (bananas are great for before and after a workout) or things like fig newtons etc...
If you wnat to go out for a ride over an hour, you need to eat/drink a sports drink and have some granola bars or bananas.
You are no where near having to eat gels or anything like that (they're icky, so thats not such a bad thing!)

So, tell me what your base is and we can figure out what kind of schedule to get you on for training. Have you looked at the training plans here on BT? They have sprint plans.

2007-06-12 9:49 PM
in reply to: #821775

New user

Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Is the group still open for new participants? Is it too late?

I am an utter beginner at all of this! I'll be doing a 22 week program for beginners. I realize this only runs till august but I thought it would be nice to have some support for the start.

When people say base, I assume they mean the distance or amount of time they are able to complete in any given physical activity (run,bike, swim). If that is the case, then my base is I can walk for 45 minutes with 6-90 or 120 second jog sessions peppered in the walk.

Told you I was an utter beginner:-)

I'm excited about this but also a bit scared that maybe I jumped in over my head!!!!

If the group is still open then do I post questions right here in this thread or is there a different section? Also, can I just check in to report my progress.

Thanks from rebecca
2007-06-13 8:15 AM
in reply to: #841972

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Hi Rebecca!
Yes this group is still open, its nice to have you here.

I think it is great that you are starting with walking! I did that and it really works! I would walk for 5 minutes and run a minute. then I would just increase the running and decrease the walking segments, until I was jogging for 5 minutes and walking for 30 seconds.

This group is for asking questions and getting support with your training. If you feel a little intimidated to post something to the entire forum, (which you shouldn;t be) you can ask me and I will do my best to answer it and tell you what I know or have experienced. You can all talk to each other too!

I am not a coach, but I have been there as a beginner starting from scratch. I love it when new people join the sport. My goals are to help people cross that finish line with a big smile on their face!

So post your questions, accomplishments, fears, anxieties, personal issues, whatever you want. This group is for you.

One more thing: utilize the training logs. They are a great way to track your progress! Go look at mine if you want some ideas. You can scroll back pretty far.

Have a great day!

Edited by jeanneroth 2007-06-13 8:16 AM

2007-06-13 8:22 PM
in reply to: #821775

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: Cylcing Question of the Day: Hills


I PM'ed you, but then saw you prefer to have us post our questions here.

I am working on my cycling now that marathon season is behind me.  When working hills, what is the definition of a good hill? hill workout?  I live near IM Wisconsin bike course so the area is pretty hilly.   So far, I have only tackled 100ft to 250 ft climbs, some steep, some gradual, all rolling.  I use Garmin and Motionbased to track total elevation which ranges from +1000ft/-1000ft  per ride to +4500/-4500.

I know you are training in LP which is super hilly.  What is a typical ride for you.


PS Welcome aboard Rebecca! 



2007-06-13 9:04 PM
in reply to: #843464

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: Cylcing Question of the Day: Hills
First of all, I want questions posted so everyone can benefit, unless something is totally embarasing or personal/private, then PM me of course!

A hill, is a hill, is a hill. I think you should start with smaller ones like 1-2 minute sustained efforts and work your way up to longer climbs, 4-8 minutes. Repeats are great for this if you don't have big hills or are not ready for anything too hairy. Have a recovery interval that is twice as long as it takes you to climb the hill. So time yourself the first time up, then double that time for recovery and repeat this 3-5 times in an hour ride. Make this ride a hill focus and do that every other week. On the alternate weeks do a time trial or lactate threshold interval.

Things to work on for hill climbing:
high cadence/low tension spinning (keep your cadence between 65-75 as much as possible)
climbing out of the saddle, if your cadence drops or you need more torque
recovering after the climb, spin your legs out at the top
always leave a "bail out gear" (don't climb in the easiest, save one more for when you really need it)
Don't shift with a lot of tension on the chain, pick your gear at the bottom of the hill and stick with it.

Around here, where I live in the catskills, we have 5-6 mile climbs. Yes, I said MILES. They range from 6-12% grade. I got better at them by just going up. Those are about pacing and confidence. There are a few that I just have to bail out on. I get asthma while climbing and sometimes I have to stop and rest for a minute or two in the middle of a climb.

Short steep climbs really get to me and I have been working on them. I do better with a low grade 2-3% longer climb than a 12% wall.

Two weeks ago I did a 100 mile ride with 5000 feet of gain, and an 86 mile ride with 8000 feet of gain (oh that one really hurt!) We also ride with a group on thursdays that likes to climb, so like 2500-3000 feet of gain in 37 miles. Can you say p-a-i-n?

I hope this answered your question or gave you some ideas of things to go try. Don't avoid hills, they make you stronger! Be careful on your descents!

This weekend I am going to do the Whiteface uphill bike race. 8 miles, 8% grade. I have a 50-34 compact with a 12-27. I hope its enough! (if you didn't understand that I will explain it)
2007-06-14 5:54 AM
in reply to: #843512

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Cylcing Question of the Day: Hills


I watched IM LP a few years ago when a friend was competing and am familiar with Whiteface. Very impressed by your bike skills!

A couple more questions for you based on your responses: 

They range from 6-12% grade.

How do you determine grade?

like 2500-3000 feet of gain in 37 miles. 

How are you measuring elevation? net? just the positive side of the ride? meaning Motionbased also gives you the negative (downhill

This weekend I am going to do the Whiteface uphill bike race. 8 miles, 8% grade. I have a 50-34 compact with a 12-27. I hope its enough! (if you didn't understand that I will explain it)

Totally clueless on the gears. Is there a good reference so I better understand them?  I only have two rings.


2007-06-14 7:37 AM
in reply to: #843683

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: Cylcing Question of the Day: Hills
Well, thanks for being impressed, but if you knew how I was at the beginning, you would be really impressed! LOL!

I know the grades because my husband has a Garmin 305. So in the middle of some hill climb I call out, "what is this grade?" and he tells me. Its great for determining fasle falts (1-2% grade that looks flat, but really needs some effort)

The Garmin also tells you how much gain you have. I keep the numbers that are just for climbing. I really don't care how much i went downhill.....but that is just my opinion.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A grade (or gradient) is the pitch of a slope, and is often expressed as a percent tangent, or "rise over run". It is used to express the steepness of slope on a hill, roof, or road, where zero indicates level (with respect to gravity) and increasing numbers correlate to more vertical inclinations. There are three common numbering systems:

the angle from horizontal in degrees,
as a percentage: the tangent of the angle of inclination: the ratio of the altitude change to the horizontal distance (this is the more common percentage type), or
an alternative definition as a percentage: the sine of the angle: the ratio of the altitude change to the surface length between any two points on the grade—also known as rise to run (not to be confused with the "rise over run" taught in grade-school geometry).
The difference between the latter two is small for gentle slopes (see small-angle formula). The ambiguities and the small differences that result may permit these two inconsistent approaches to coexist unrecognized, especially where grades considered are 15% or less.

Standard front gearing (where the pedals are) is 53-39. That is how many teeth are on the chainring. The Cassette (on the back wheel) is expressed as a 9 speed (for older bikes) or a 10 speed (industry standard if you bought a bike in the past year). I have a 12-25 or a 12-27. That means I have 10 cogs that range from 12 teeth to 27 teeth. When I said I have a compact, that means the two rings in front are smaller, so I can spin. Mine is a 50-34. So the big ring has 50 teeth and the small ring has 34. So my easiest climbing gearing is a 34-27. That is almost a 1-1 ratio, which is the easiest to use for climbing. It doesn't matter if its a 27-27 or 34-34 (which my husband has on his bike) its the ratio that is important for climbing.

It gets more complicated than this with regard to ratios, but i think this is enough to get you started. If you are having trouble climbing you could swap out the cassette to a 12-27, but I don't think the hills in Madison warrant that. Start with the hill repeats!

What would you say your average cadence is for flats? Do you have that on your bike computer?

One of the most important things to rememeber is not to cross your chain. DO NOT go Small ring in front and smallest in back. This puts too much tension on the chain and it could break.

OK, go out there and ride! Report back in your training log.

2007-06-14 8:40 PM
in reply to: #821775

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN

Hi Jeanne

I got an Edge 305 for my birthday, but have not installed it on my bike yet.  I plan to do so this weekend and then will be able to answer the cadence question.

According to my Forerunner 305, my ride consisted of 2-4% grade with a couple 5-8% grade hills, but none were more than a  minute in length. 

I will let you know what things look like after my Saturday ride.

Enjoy your weekend on Whiteface!




2007-06-17 6:30 PM
in reply to: #821775


Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Hi Jeanne- I would like to join your group...totally new to first one will be in three weeks, a mini-sprint to start with, 1/4mile swim,8 mile bike and 3mile run....I am very excited! Have been training since April, only logged them in since May on this site. I have a base of running for the past two years, very slow but steady, finished a half marathon last year in 3 hours! I have been biking about 4 months(have a new road bike) and just started swimming about two months ago, I met a swimming instructor at the YMCA and have been taking weekly lessons which have really helped...have gone from only 50 meters to finally hitting the 400meter mark last week. I look forward to following the groups discussion and hearing your advise...Donna
p.s. am from New Hampshire....very cold lakes and MANY hills!
2007-06-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #847726

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
WOW! You don't sound like you need any of my help! LOL! Glad to hear that the swimming lessons are helping. Great job with the running. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

The mini sprint will be a lot of fun! I will look at your log after posting this message.

Glad to have you with us.
2007-06-17 8:34 PM
in reply to: #821775

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN 1 spot left!
Ladies, I am going to be out of town, but I will have my computer. It just might take me a little longer to get to your messages. Keep up the good work! I am competing in Ironman Coeur d'Alene on Sunday June 22. This will be my second Ironman race.
2007-06-18 8:05 AM
in reply to: #821775

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN 1 spot left!
Hi Jeanne:
I just finished my first mini sprint yesterday! Enjoyed it. But I am quite slow on bike/run. Would like to join your group if the one spot is still available. I have no real athletic background. Maybe synchronized swimming when i was 12 counts a little. I am a decent swimmer though just need to work on the every other stroke breath thing, I always feel like I am going to drown and go back to breathing every stroke after about a 50. I have a borrowed bike that is heavy but it is the best I can do right now. If I keep pushing it around will it help me when I can afford to upgrade or should I just spin at the gym to train? Running? Not good but I feel it is improving. What got me started on this triathlon path was a indoor tri at the gym. The event was on a Sunday I decided to try it on Wed before the event and started the run/bike training then in April. Did not do too bad thanks to the swimming. Now that I have done this sprint also I really have the tri bug. My legs are sore today but I assume I should get right back to training tomorrow. I am thinking about entering a 5K on July 4th.

Would love to hear from you.

2007-06-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #821775

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN 1 spot left!

Have space for a flatlander out in Illinois?

Story:Did my first tri June 10th - finished about what I expected. I need a lot of work on bike and run. I started tri in order to stay motivated losing weight. I was 226 last August and I am now about 190 – with minor fluctuations. Swimming is my strong suit …running the weakest. I enjoy the bike but am slow there too, but it doesn’t hurt like running does.

Family situation – Married for second time 2 daughters 13 + 15.

Current training: Following silver plan for 1 mile OWS in July, August 19th Pleasant Prairie Sprint, and Chicago Big Should 2.5 K OWS in September, but time constraints are making it difficult. Am going to revamp training program after this year to try and maximize time but between work and family life more than an 1-1.5 hours a day during the week makes it hard – would like to save higher volume days for the weekend.


 oops -  looks like i am too late

Edited by daveo1101 2007-06-18 1:09 PM

2007-06-18 1:31 PM
in reply to: #821775


Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN 1 spot left!
I know I've been pipped to the post -twice! but if you could possibly squeeze in one more person I would really appreciate it.

Any advice at all from an actual female Ironman competitor would be amazing.

I hope to complete one myself one day, if I can crack the dedication part! I haven't yet managed to stick to a proper training programme all by myself.

I just started triathlon this year - I moved from a long stint in rowing - 9 years which I think has given me an overreliance on being coached into training with a group all the time. I've also some experience of one day adventure racing, trail racing and 2 marathons.

I just finished my second sprint triathlon yesterday - I finished first in my age group 25-29 in my first sprint - a big surprise! cos of my sketchy training and I came 3rd in my age group yesterday.

I'm now aiming for my first olympic distance in 2months time. I think I need to raise my game by training more regularly and consistently and losing some weight - possibly about 2-3kilos to get faster on the run.

Im 5ft8 and about 64kilos - im not a chubber but i could definitely be a bit leaner.

Would you possibly have an 8 week programme that you could recommend? even a rough guide that I can work on and stick to.

Any tips at all would be great - good luck this weekend!


2007-06-18 6:10 PM
in reply to: #847839


Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN
Hi Jeanne- Thank you for your response...but trust me I can use all the help and support I can find! I am excited though and hope to just keep getting better. I bought a wetsuit and tried it for the second time in the lake today, I must say it is easier, at this point anyway to swim in the pool. I am finding it difficult to keep my shoulders/head down with the suit on, the suit keeps me up..seems to tire my neck more than anything, today I tried to consciously keep my head lower but it was quite a challenge...does it just take practice? I like having the wet suit on, definately helps with the cooler water and when I get tired I float really well! By the way good luck in your upcoming challenge..donna
2007-06-18 7:28 PM
in reply to: #849602

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN

Hi Donna

I am going to buy a wet suit tomorrow and I am hoping I get some of the float you describe.  My husband and I have a lake house in northern WI (water temps 65) and I am going to try it out for the first time this weekend.

What kind of suit do you have?  I was thinking of going with the entry level Nineteen.

Welcome aboard,



2007-06-18 8:25 PM
in reply to: #848228

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Lake Geneva
Subject: RE: JeanneRoth's Group - OPEN 1 spot left!
Welcome Lynn....sorry to make this short, i have to go to dinner. But you are in. Glad to have you!
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