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2007-09-16 12:25 PM


Subject: Sandman Tri finished
I just finished my first tri and wanted to get a few thought down before I forget them.
1) OWS is HARD
2) Swimming in the surf is WAY HARDER than I thought.
3) Riding in a group makes me faster
4)Running after an OWS is also hard.

OK I have that out of my system, so lets look at the race. Everyone in the race from the volunteers (thanks so much for telling me I looked strong even though I know you were lying, I looked about ready to fall over), to the other racers were so nice. I cannot tell you how many people encouraged me along the way. The swim was probably twice as hard as I was prepared for, but after that, the ride and run were ok. I always run around my neighborhood so looking all the way down the boardwalk to the pier and realizing how far I had to go was a bit disheartening. Once I made the turn on the run I knew I was going to finish and finish strong. I will do al official race report later, maybe tomorrow.

2007-09-16 7:13 PM
in reply to: #966629

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Williamsburg, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
Congrats on your first triathlon!! Sandman is not an easy race from what I hear!
2007-09-16 8:00 PM
in reply to: #966629

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished

I had the same experience. This was also my first Tri. Man that water was rough. I talked to a local fisherman after the race and he said he canceled his fishing trip because of the 3-4 foot swells.

For me, the run wasn't so bad. It was the bike that was hard to get on after the ows. I finished the swim like a lump of seaweed hitting the beach.
2007-09-17 5:48 AM
in reply to: #966629


Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
What I meant by the run being hard was that I was drained by swim way more than if the swim had been in calmer waters. The transistion from swim to bike was kind of bitter sweet because I was elated having finished the swim, but the jog (if you could call it that) up the sand was torture. All in all, I am sure I will do it again next year and I will be faster in all of the events.
2007-09-17 3:02 PM
in reply to: #966629

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
What I felt the most on the run was the last mile.  I didn't slow down because I knew there was only a mile left, but I really started to feel a drain.  Next year I'll pack another GU.
2007-09-17 7:46 PM
in reply to: #966629

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Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
This was my first tri too and I was ready to give up the swim after 6 minutes (that's the first time I looked at my watch). I wanted SO Badly to raise my arm and get escorted back to shore, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, thank goodness. But it was really scary out there. For a while, I couldn't even see where I was going. I think I basically treaded water in the right direction for 26 minutes until I made it to the shore. (I live in No.VA, so not much chance to practice OWS) But after that I had fun with the bike and run. The wind was a killer but since I had no aspirations other than finishing, I just took my time and enjoyed the scenery.

After I was done I swore I would never do that one again (and definitely think twice about other OWS events, but it took me about 20 minutes to change my mind about it and forget how bad I really thought it was. Next time I will just be better prepared mentally.

Anyway, congrats to all those who finished it! I agree that everyone around was great, and the encouragement really kept me going.

2007-09-17 8:03 PM
in reply to: #968520

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished

tricantrell - 2007-09-17 8:46 PM This was my first tri too and I was ready to give up the swim after 6 minutes (that's the first time I looked at my watch). I wanted SO Badly to raise my arm and get escorted back to shore, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, thank goodness. But it was really scary out there. For a while, I couldn't even see where I was going. I think I basically treaded water in the right direction for 26 minutes until I made it to the shore. (I live in No.VA, so not much chance to practice OWS) But after that I had fun with the bike and run. The wind was a killer but since I had no aspirations other than finishing, I just took my time and enjoyed the scenery. After I was done I swore I would never do that one again (and definitely think twice about other OWS events, but it took me about 20 minutes to change my mind about it and forget how bad I really thought it was. Next time I will just be better prepared mentally. Anyway, congrats to all those who finished it! I agree that everyone around was great, and the encouragement really kept me going.

I swam the same way.  I freestyled for the first 5 minutes and then just side stroked to try to spot where I was.  

2007-09-17 8:42 PM
in reply to: #966629


Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
I guess you could call the way I swam freestyle. I think it was more like flounder thru the surf in a generally south direction for 25 minutes. I spoke to a few friends who have done other tris and they all said that it is good to get a hard ows out of the way. The next one will feel easier and you have the confidence of having completed a hard one already.
2007-09-19 7:32 AM
in reply to: #966629

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
Did you all get the notice that the bike portion was actually 14.75 miles not 14 even.  This make me feel alot better about my bike portion of the race.
2007-09-20 6:20 PM
in reply to: #966629

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Newport News, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
Great job, all of you! I was actaully a swim course volunteer this year as I don't think I'm up to those waves yet! I was at the exit point on the beach. I felt bad when, about 5 minutes before the first swimmer was ready to turn the last buoy....there was NO buoy! Evidently, they didn't put the markers out far enough. The final turn buoy drifted about 50 feet before finally getting ripped off/deflated? Never saw it again. Didn't help that we watched the waves get worse as the swim went on.
In any case, to all of you, and especially those who finished that swim... GREAT job! You're my heroes!
2007-09-20 8:33 PM
in reply to: #966629


Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
I was hoping to get the chance to tell one of the volunteers this "Thank you very much" . If it wasn't for you volunteers, there would be no race. All of the people at the exit for the swim are what kept me going at that point. I was really whipped coming out of the water and they were all cheering us on and it gave me a high boost.

2007-09-21 10:36 AM
in reply to: #966629

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Newport News, VA
Subject: RE: Sandman Tri finished
Good! I'm glad at least my little participation helped. I hate the swim, and coming out of it is probably the hardest part for me during a race. I know how much encouragement I appreciate at that point, so I ended up making myself hoarse during the Sandman to cheer you all on! I'm really glad to know your cheering section helped you!
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