BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME Rss Feed  
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2007-12-12 8:27 PM

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South Florida
Subject: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

NAME: Mimir98 / Mimi

STORY:  I am a 41 year old woman.  I have always been an active person – grew up swimming, playing soccer and field hockey as a child/teen.  Moved to mountain biking as a young adult.  Started running about 15 years ago for fun and then started doing races maybe 5 years after that.   Did a few marathons, and shorter distances.  Moved to south florida in 03, and was thrilled to be able to train outside year round.  Started back swimming and the rest is history.  Tried my first sprint in 05 then moved to sprints/olys/one HIM in 06..took the plunge in 07 and did sprints/olys/HIM and my first Ironman!  Now I am hooked.  I must have more.

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married with two active children aged 11 and 8.

CURRENT TRAINING: I hired a coach in 07 to get me to Ironman Florida without injury.  I cannot live without him, so I have kept him.  In 08, I will do sprints, olys and one HIM, focusing on getting faster!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: One half marathon, 1 or 2 sprints, 2 olys, 1 HIM, 1 IM. 

2008 RACES:  The season of fun….some 5ks and short sprints with my 8 year old, sprints, 2 or 3 olys, some ocean swims, a HIM and one marathon (hoping to qualify for Boston).  Would LOVE to do another IM this year, but promised the family I'd wait till 09.


WEIGHTLOSS: I try to maintain a healthy body weight, without compromising my training and racing. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:   I love, love, love this sport.  I will share this passion with anyone who will listen.  I have learned a lot in the past 3 years, with much more to learn.  I’d be honored to have the chance to help keep the fire ignited in someone just starting out. 

I am opening up the group for 3 more, to make it an even 10...I am looking for 3 people who have the time to be active on BT , and get things stirred up around here     We're a solid group looking for some camaraderie.....anyone up for the challenge???  

Edited by Mimir98 2008-01-23 8:07 PM

2007-12-25 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

Mimi - I would like to join your group. Here is a little about me. 


Name - tntexpres/John

Story - I became interested in triathlon almost 2 years ago. After a complete floundering on my goals the first year - I did manage a handful of 5k's and my first sprint (Xterra) this past year. I have had a couple of family things that were life changing and managed to let them blow me off course the past two months. I am a tile contractor and used to get a good bit of exercise daily but having employees now continues to decrease this amount.

Family - Married to the best woman for 17 yrs - daughters 9, 13, 14 - and 1 wanna-be dog (chihuahua - also female!)

Current training - non-exsistent. I will be deciding on a plan this week. Any help appreciated.

2008 goals - I haven't committed to anything specific .....yet, but I will. These are some races in my sights.

Feb - Reindeer on the run 5K

May - Turtle Crawl Triathlon Olympic (?)

August - Hammerhead Olympic Triathlon (I volunteered for this race 2 yrs ago - first experience with tri's and want so badly to do this race)

Weightloss - I would like to drop about 10lbs of fat and replace it with about 15lbs of muscle.

I would like to get a coach at some point this year. Specifically for swimming. I would love to get to a HIM either at the end of 08 or early 09 but not sure this is doable.

Thanks - John

2007-12-25 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
Hi Mimi,

Your mentoring sounds awesome!

Me: 46 y/o, married, three kids 17, 14, and 11. Live in Seoul, Korea and have been over here for 12 years with my govt job. We get 10 weeks of vacation every summer to return home to visit friends and family and goof around in the States. Wife is a hardcore runner (you'd know her from the RT forums if you hang out there?) who did her first Boston last spring and is going again in '08.

Background: I'm an athlete who has put on about 40-50 pounds over the years. I have dabbled with running and tri's before, but for whatever reason have not managed to stay on board. I have let myself, in the past, slip back into inactivity or get involved in other projects that have taken over my time. Have run a few 10Ks this fall/early winter, with a PR of 1:02, and really want to break in under one hour SOON!

I would love a mentor who will not let me slip away again...who might show me how to get to that place of no return, where you know you're hooked and aren't ever going back!

Training plan: ??? I have Eric Harr's book, but not sure it's throrough enough. I need to find time to schedule in swim, bike, run, yoga, and strength.

Weightloss and Nutrition: probably my first line of attack. Without solid and maintanable weight loss, I can't be as good as I want to be in swimming, biking, or running!!

The rest of my 'data' is avaiable in my journal (measurements, body fat %, etc) and my sig has my spring goals!!

Looking forward to hearing from you and in getting underway. I'm in the midst of a 2-week holiday vacation, so have set aside time to throroughly plan out my workout schedule.

Take Care!

Bob (Krakatoa)
2007-12-25 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
Hi Mimi,

I'd like to join your group. I'm married, no kids, but we have a German Shepherd dog named Buddy. I've been a pretty good athlete in the past in a number of sports but I'm coming back from a serious back problem that had forced me to give up everything for a few years. I had spinal fusion surgery a year ago and so now I'm trying to make a bit of a come back.

I have a lot of free time and so I spent a lot of time trying to get back into shape this past summer with OK results. I don't really have any racing, fitness, or weight goals other than just getting faster, stronger, and building endurance. I'd like to race a full schedule in 2008 but can't commit to anything specific yet. I'm going to train as if I'll be racing.


2007-12-26 6:32 AM
in reply to: #1116564

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
tntexpres - 2007-12-25 9:31 PM

Mimi - I would like to join your group. Here is a little about me. 


Name - tntexpres/John

Story - I became interested in triathlon almost 2 years ago. After a complete floundering on my goals the first year - I did manage a handful of 5k's and my first sprint (Xterra) this past year. I have had a couple of family things that were life changing and managed to let them blow me off course the past two months. I am a tile contractor and used to get a good bit of exercise daily but having employees now continues to decrease this amount.

Family - Married to the best woman for 17 yrs - daughters 9, 13, 14 - and 1 wanna-be dog (chihuahua - also female!)

Current training - non-exsistent. I will be deciding on a plan this week. Any help appreciated.

2008 goals - I haven't committed to anything specific .....yet, but I will. These are some races in my sights.

Feb - Reindeer on the run 5K

May - Turtle Crawl Triathlon Olympic (?)

August - Hammerhead Olympic Triathlon (I volunteered for this race 2 yrs ago - first experience with tri's and want so badly to do this race)

Weightloss - I would like to drop about 10lbs of fat and replace it with about 15lbs of muscle.

I would like to get a coach at some point this year. Specifically for swimming. I would love to get to a HIM either at the end of 08 or early 09 but not sure this is doable.

Thanks - John


Welcome John!!  I'm looking forward to helping you stay motivated in your tri journey and achieve your goals   I'm going to pop over to your blog later today, but wanted to acknowledge you.   2008 is going to be YOUR year   Mimi

2007-12-26 6:36 AM
in reply to: #1116594

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

Krakatoa - 2007-12-25 10:30 PM Hi Mimi, Your mentoring sounds awesome! Me: 46 y/o, married, three kids 17, 14, and 11. Live in Seoul, Korea and have been over here for 12 years with my govt job. We get 10 weeks of vacation every summer to return home to visit friends and family and goof around in the States. Wife is a hardcore runner (you'd know her from the RT forums if you hang out there?) who did her first Boston last spring and is going again in '08. Background: I'm an athlete who has put on about 40-50 pounds over the years. I have dabbled with running and tri's before, but for whatever reason have not managed to stay on board. I have let myself, in the past, slip back into inactivity or get involved in other projects that have taken over my time. Have run a few 10Ks this fall/early winter, with a PR of 1:02, and really want to break in under one hour SOON! I would love a mentor who will not let me slip away again...who might show me how to get to that place of no return, where you know you're hooked and aren't ever going back! Training plan: ??? I have Eric Harr's book, but not sure it's throrough enough. I need to find time to schedule in swim, bike, run, yoga, and strength. Weightloss and Nutrition: probably my first line of attack. Without solid and maintanable weight loss, I can't be as good as I want to be in swimming, biking, or running!! The rest of my 'data' is avaiable in my journal (measurements, body fat %, etc) and my sig has my spring goals!! Looking forward to hearing from you and in getting underway. I'm in the midst of a 2-week holiday vacation, so have set aside time to throroughly plan out my workout schedule. Take Care! Bob (Krakatoa)

 Hi Bob!  I'm excited to have you on board.  I WILL be that "gentle" thorn in your side and will do my best to help you get to that point where you are wanting more!!  I just have a minute, but will check in with you later today and get started.   I bet living in Seoul is very interesting!!!

2007-12-26 6:36 AM
in reply to: #1116594

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

Krakatoa - 2007-12-25 10:30 PM Hi Mimi, Your mentoring sounds awesome! Me: 46 y/o, married, three kids 17, 14, and 11. Live in Seoul, Korea and have been over here for 12 years with my govt job. We get 10 weeks of vacation every summer to return home to visit friends and family and goof around in the States. Wife is a hardcore runner (you'd know her from the RT forums if you hang out there?) who did her first Boston last spring and is going again in '08. Background: I'm an athlete who has put on about 40-50 pounds over the years. I have dabbled with running and tri's before, but for whatever reason have not managed to stay on board. I have let myself, in the past, slip back into inactivity or get involved in other projects that have taken over my time. Have run a few 10Ks this fall/early winter, with a PR of 1:02, and really want to break in under one hour SOON! I would love a mentor who will not let me slip away again...who might show me how to get to that place of no return, where you know you're hooked and aren't ever going back! Training plan: ??? I have Eric Harr's book, but not sure it's throrough enough. I need to find time to schedule in swim, bike, run, yoga, and strength. Weightloss and Nutrition: probably my first line of attack. Without solid and maintanable weight loss, I can't be as good as I want to be in swimming, biking, or running!! The rest of my 'data' is avaiable in my journal (measurements, body fat %, etc) and my sig has my spring goals!! Looking forward to hearing from you and in getting underway. I'm in the midst of a 2-week holiday vacation, so have set aside time to throroughly plan out my workout schedule. Take Care! Bob (Krakatoa)

 Hi Bob!  I'm excited to have you on board.  I WILL be that "gentle" thorn in your side and will do my best to help you get to that point where you are wanting more!!  I just have a minute, but will check in with you later today and get started.   I bet living in Seoul is very interesting!!!

2007-12-26 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1116613

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

breckview - 2007-12-25 10:55 PM Hi Mimi, I'd like to join your group. I'm married, no kids, but we have a German Shepherd dog named Buddy. I've been a pretty good athlete in the past in a number of sports but I'm coming back from a serious back problem that had forced me to give up everything for a few years. I had spinal fusion surgery a year ago and so now I'm trying to make a bit of a come back. I have a lot of free time and so I spent a lot of time trying to get back into shape this past summer with OK results. I don't really have any racing, fitness, or weight goals other than just getting faster, stronger, and building endurance. I'd like to race a full schedule in 2008 but can't commit to anything specific yet. I'm going to train as if I'll be racing. Steve

Yay for Steve coming back!  Spinal fusion surgery sounds awful.  Baby steps will get you back...first thing you should do is develop a "race" schedule..pick a few..then work on a training plan.. I find I train much more consistently if I "have" to do it because it's on the schedule!  I'm excited to be your mento- I'll check in later today but wanted to say welcome to the gang   Mimi

2007-12-26 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
NAME: tri-chic/ Kelly 
STORY:  I am 37 years old and was never really active growing up in any particular sport but had great genes that kept my weight down.  However all good things come to an end and my genes started to slowly add a few pounds here and there.  I looked at the last picture I have of my dad and I before he passes and was disgusted at what I saw.  A couple of guys in the office had just finished the MS150 two day bike ride and were really pumped up about it and trying to get more people to join them.  I laugh at that because I believe the real words were “Kelly, that was the most excruciating thing I’ve ever done”… Sign me up!!! LOL.  Anywhooo…I fell for it and bought a road bike and started training with them on weekends.  I LOVE riding.  Next, another guy in the office asked me to run in a relay marathon.  I wasn’t real excited about it since biking and running muscles are completely different but ultimately I said yes.  Then…somebody said, well all you have to do now is swim and you can do a triathlon.  Never in a hundred years would I have come up with that on my own.  The same person sent me a flyer on the Rookie Tri that was coming up in a few weeks.  I thought about it but the swim scared me I could barely swim 50 meters without thinking I was going to die.  However it must have been fate because I was in the bike shop and the owner had a tri T-shirt on and I asked if he knew of any coaches.  He said there was a card on the counter for “Bob”.  About that time one of the customers that was shopping piped up and said Bob was great and that he was his coach too.  Well…I started with Bob and have had him ever since. 
FAMILY STATUS: Married for 13 years next month.  We have two boys 11 and 9.
CURRENT TRAINING: After enjoying a 3 month off (maintenance) season and hiatus from a rigid schedule with my coach I am starting back with him in January.  I was going to use the 20 week IM BT plan and try and do my IM training myself but after looking at it I knew I really needed Bob back.  I like knowing that my plan is made for me and is periodized for my whole race season and not just my A race.  For me the plan is too aggressive too early.  If I followed the plan I would be burnt out before I ever got to June.  I’m not saying it’s not a good plan because I know there is more than one way to skin a cat but that being said I’ve never been injured with Bob and knowing I’m working on my mental game the most this year and I wanted the personal touch from my coach.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Two Half Marys, One Long Course and One Short Course Du, Buffalo Springs HIM, 2-3 Olympics
2008 RACES:  Half Mary, 2 Du’s (TBD), 1 Oly, 1 HIM and IM CDA… the only thing I have after my IM right now is the R&R Marathon in Nov.  I’m waiting till after June to make my summer picks.  In 09 I'm looking forward to going back to Olys and working on speed work.
WEIGHTLOSS: Since starting tri’s I’ve lost about 25lbs.  Now I am just trying to maintain a healthy body weight. I’m at 15% BF and could probably go a little lower if I wasn’t such a ice cream junkie but until I start loosing races by less than 5 seconds or somebody starts paying me for all this stuff I’m keeping the ice cream. J
What Do I want from a mentor group:  07 was a VERY long season for me.  I was suppose to do another HIM in November and just couldn’t keep myself together mentally.  I’m hoping by making my training a little more social that I won’t burn out as quickly.  I am motivated by lots of different things but knowing that somebody is looking at my blog has kept me from sacking a workout or putting in junk miles and making every mile count.
Sorry this is so long.  Hope I can join in the fun.
Happy Holiday’s
2007-12-26 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1116847

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

tri-chic - 2007-12-26 10:29 AM NAME: tri-chic/ Kelly 
STORY:  I am 37 years old and was never really active growing up in any particular sport but had great genes that kept my weight down.  However all good things come to an end and my genes started to slowly add a few pounds here and there.  I looked at the last picture I have of my dad and I before he passes and was disgusted at what I saw.  A couple of guys in the office had just finished the MS150 two day bike ride and were really pumped up about it and trying to get more people to join them.  I laugh at that because I believe the real words were “Kelly, that was the most excruciating thing I’ve ever done”… Sign me up!!! LOL.  Anywhooo…I fell for it and bought a road bike and started training with them on weekends.  I LOVE riding.  Next, another guy in the office asked me to run in a relay marathon.  I wasn’t real excited about it since biking and running muscles are completely different but ultimately I said yes.  Then…somebody said, well all you have to do now is swim and you can do a triathlon.  Never in a hundred years would I have come up with that on my own.  The same person sent me a flyer on the Rookie Tri that was coming up in a few weeks.  I thought about it but the swim scared me I could barely swim 50 meters without thinking I was going to die.  However it must have been fate because I was in the bike shop and the owner had a tri T-shirt on and I asked if he knew of any coaches.  He said there was a card on the counter for “Bob”.  About that time one of the customers that was shopping piped up and said Bob was great and that he was his coach too.  Well…I started with Bob and have had him ever since. 
FAMILY STATUS: Married for 13 years next month.  We have two boys 11 and 9.
CURRENT TRAINING: After enjoying a 3 month off (maintenance) season and hiatus from a rigid schedule with my coach I am starting back with him in January.  I was going to use the 20 week IM BT plan and try and do my IM training myself but after looking at it I knew I really needed Bob back.  I like knowing that my plan is made for me and is periodized for my whole race season and not just my A race.  For me the plan is too aggressive too early.  If I followed the plan I would be burnt out before I ever got to June.  I’m not saying it’s not a good plan because I know there is more than one way to skin a cat but that being said I’ve never been injured with Bob and knowing I’m working on my mental game the most this year and I wanted the personal touch from my coach.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Two Half Marys, One Long Course and One Short Course Du, Buffalo Springs HIM, 2-3 Olympics
2008 RACES:  Half Mary, 2 Du’s (TBD), 1 Oly, 1 HIM and IM CDA… the only thing I have after my IM right now is the R&R Marathon in Nov.  I’m waiting till after June to make my summer picks.  In 09 I'm looking forward to going back to Olys and working on speed work.
WEIGHTLOSS: Since starting tri’s I’ve lost about 25lbs.  Now I am just trying to maintain a healthy body weight. I’m at 15% BF and could probably go a little lower if I wasn’t such a ice cream junkie but until I start loosing races by less than 5 seconds or somebody starts paying me for all this stuff I’m keeping the ice cream. J
What Do I want from a mentor group:  07 was a VERY long season for me.  I was suppose to do another HIM in November and just couldn’t keep myself together mentally.  I’m hoping by making my training a little more social that I won’t burn out as quickly.  I am motivated by lots of different things but knowing that somebody is looking at my blog has kept me from sacking a workout or putting in junk miles and making every mile count.
Sorry this is so long.  Hope I can join in the fun.
Happy Holiday’s

 Hi Kelly!!!  so glad to have you in my group   it sounds like we have alot in common!  one of the smartest decisions I made was to have a coach for IMFL..I, too, feel good knowing I am following a periodized, smart plan.   As for the social aspect of trianing - soooo important!!  We aren't pros, it should be fun, and training with people makes it fun!   Anyway,  it will be great to follow you on your journey to IMCDA!!!

2007-12-26 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
Hi Mimi,
I'd like to join your group if there's still room.

Story: Just turned 46 last week. I was never a terribly athletic person growing up although I spent hours on my bike as a teenager. Got into running about 12 years ago for about a year. (Gave it up during pregnancy #1). Two summers ago, I took adult lap swimming lessons so as not to be the only non-swimmer in the family. Several of the other students were triathletes and I got intrigued, but did nothing. Last summer I repeated the swim lessons, and got more interested in triathlon. Since August, I've been trying to get going, but between work, family, assorted colds, and a shin splint, I've not made much progress, outside of swimming much later into the year than ever before.

Family Status: married for 15 years with 2 daughters, ages 10 and 6. Also two dogs who are my morning training partners (Shadow: a pit bull/Labrador mix, and Peppy: a toy poodle).

Current Training: I had set up a "Couch to Sprint" training months ago, and expanded it. However, I'm so far off, that I'm thinking of picking a new one.

This year's races (2007): none. I'm a total newcomer at this.

2008 races: I'm signed up for three local sprint triathlons (March, July, and October)

Weight loss: one of events that got me started was one of my students asking if I was pregnant. Although my BMI is ok, age and 2 pregnancies have left an unsightly bulge around my middle. Also wouldn't mind keeping the weight around the 130 area.

What I'm looking for in a mentor/group: a sense of camaraderie, someone else to be responsible to, a place to ask questions and get advice.

2007-12-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1117039

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

jacsuza - 2007-12-26 12:47 PM Hi Mimi, I'd like to join your group if there's still room. Story: Just turned 46 last week. I was never a terribly athletic person growing up although I spent hours on my bike as a teenager. Got into running about 12 years ago for about a year. (Gave it up during pregnancy #1). Two summers ago, I took adult lap swimming lessons so as not to be the only non-swimmer in the family. Several of the other students were triathletes and I got intrigued, but did nothing. Last summer I repeated the swim lessons, and got more interested in triathlon. Since August, I've been trying to get going, but between work, family, assorted colds, and a shin splint, I've not made much progress, outside of swimming much later into the year than ever before. Family Status: married for 15 years with 2 daughters, ages 10 and 6. Also two dogs who are my morning training partners (Shadow: a pit bull/Labrador mix, and Peppy: a toy poodle). Current Training: I had set up a "Couch to Sprint" training months ago, and expanded it. However, I'm so far off, that I'm thinking of picking a new one. This year's races (2007): none. I'm a total newcomer at this. 2008 races: I'm signed up for three local sprint triathlons (March, July, and October) Weight loss: one of events that got me started was one of my students asking if I was pregnant. Although my BMI is ok, age and 2 pregnancies have left an unsightly bulge around my middle. Also wouldn't mind keeping the weight around the 130 area. What I'm looking for in a mentor/group: a sense of camaraderie, someone else to be responsible to, a place to ask questions and get advice.

WELCOME Suzanne!  Glad to have you along   I did my first sprint about 4 years ago on a mountain bike training consisted of riding my bike to the market a mile away and back for dinner   I had a permagrin the whole (short) race, and was hooked!  That's awesome you're signed up for 3 sprints, spaced throughout the season...keep your eye on the prize, and it'll get you out the door to train (and so will your training partners)!!

2007-12-26 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
Hey All!

Wow, it already feels great to part of this group! Suffice it to say that living over here in Seoul most of the year has its disadvantages when it comes to finding comeraderie in training!

I wanted to post some data and goals I recently put up over on the RunningTimes forums:

Beginning Weight: 232.4
Body Fat: 31.4% (seems rather high , but have to go with what the Taylor tells me)
Body Comp Water: 54.1% (should be around 65% for an active male, so clearly I'm dehydrated - good to know!)

Beginning Measurements:

Height 5'11"
Neck 16 1/2
Shoulders 50
Chest 46 5/8
Waist 45 1/8 (size 36 pants....goal to get into 34's)
Hips 44 1/4
Left Thigh 24
Left Calf 16 1/2
Left Forearm 12 1/8
Left Upper Arm 13
Right Thigh 24
Right Calf 16 7/8
Right Forearm 12 1/8
Right Upper Arm 13 1/4

40-Day Goals:

*The loss of at least 10 pounds
*Make a nice dent in the BF%, but not sure what is reasonable for 40 days.
*Get Water % up to 60+%
*Decrease seen in chest and waist measurements and increases/stability in all other areas (although I've never been crazy about necks that are larger than heads)
*Avoid soda of any kind, extraneous sugar (candy bars, cookies, etc), and white carbs for 40 days. Won't be easy to totally bypass the white stuff because we often have pasta for dinner and no one else will eat the whole wheat stuff....but will avoid whenever possible. The soda definitely has to go. Not only is caffeine a killer for me, I think the aspartame has done a number on me (google 'effects aspartame' if you're a heavy diet soda drinker).

*Have settled into a workout routine which includes the following:
~Running 4x week (on Higdon's 10K plan)
~Cycling 2x week
~Swim 3x week
~Yoga 2x week
~Strength 3x week

I've already been on the running, yoga, and strength, so need to find the time for the swims and bikes (have a trainer if the weather doesn't cooperate).

Basically, these first 40 days, for me, are meant to eradicate some bad habits and get my mind/body adjusted to a new way of being which involves regular and varied activity towards an ultimate goal of completing sub-4 marathons and becoming at least a mid-packer in the triathlon. Ultimately, I'd love to conquer an Ironman.

Forty days, here I come............
2007-12-26 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

Great stuff!  those are very specific goals, which is what you want.  60 days before I did IMFL I ate VERY clean and drank only water, sports drink, and my morning coffee.  I felt awesome!  I didn't lose much weight (a few pounds maybe), but had many people ask if I had.  I don't really monitor my body fat, but something happened in my body!  That being said, I wasn't training tremendously more those last 60 was the eating that made the difference.  Food is fuel.  You need to have it to fuel your day and workouts.  Many people will skimp on the calories during their workouts to have more of a calorie deficit and lose weight.   Bad idea both for performance and weight loss.   My general rule was to take in 1/2 the calories I burned on the bike and 1/3 on the run, and then just eat as healthfully as I could, keeping in mind what I was eating for - fuel, muscle repair, sustenance, etc. 

Anyway, it looks like you are on the right track Bob!!   40 days is long enough to form some good habits and see some positive changes start happening in your body.

2007-12-26 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1117594

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN


Your goals look great.  I know time management is an issue for most of us and I just read an article about strength training that said those who did weights two times a week did just as well as those who did three times a week just by adding one extra set in the session for each exercise.  Might be a way for you to find time for one of your other sports.  I'm definitely going to give it a try.  There just aren't enough hours in the day.

Just a thought.

Good Luck!


2007-12-26 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: PT Update

I started to give Mimi an update on my visit to the Physical Therapist I blogged about earlier and decided I may need everyone's help.

I've had leg issues on and off since September.  I'm not really sure what started but I know I ran a half mary in old shoes and that couldn't have helped the issue.  Anyway, I've taken myself off of running for two weeks at a time here and there trying to heal the issues only to have them resuface after a hard run or race.  The last time was a Duathlon that I was doing for fun but ended up pushing myself way more than I had trained for.  I ended up getting 2nd in my AG but in pain for weeks.  Definitely not worth the hardware for a fun race.

Today I went to the PT and she has taken me off of running indefinitely.  GRRRRRRR!!!!    I love my bike and swimming I can handle but with daylight savings and the pool being 40 minutes away running is the one thing I know I can get in. 

I now have appts twice a week for leg ultrasounds that basically provide electric stimulation that hopefully will aid in healing any micro tears in my legs.  In addition to that I have leg stretches that I have to do 3 sets of for a count of 30 on each leg everyday and band exercises for my foot that are to be done everyother day.  I fully expect to be sore for two weeks just getting use to these.

PT also said walking long distances is out.  I asked about aquajogging and she left that up to me.  I really think I need to do it but the time it takes to get to the pool might not make it real feasible which means I need to cancel my plans for the Du in January and my Half Mary in February.  Jan is no big deal but the H. Mary I already paid big bucks for and I don't think they do refunds.

Anyway, I need everyone to stay on me about stretching.  Has anyone else done aqua jogging?  Any comments or suggestions?


2007-12-26 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1117594

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

Body Comp Water: 54.1% (should be around 65% for an active male, so clearly I'm dehydrated - good to know!

I didn't even know this could be measured... I've battled dehydration forever. I do (must) drink coffee but other than that, nothing else but water/electrolyte drinks. It's so dry here that I literally have to force down good liquid 24/7. Good luck on your 40 days!
2007-12-26 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...
Is there room for 1 more?

I'm 44 year old female. Married with 2 kids ages 14 and 16. In 2000 I started cycling seriously. Before adding in running and swimming I would ride 250+ miles a week. 2 years ago I started running and added in swimming last summer. . I've run 3 half marathons and 5-10k races. Swimming is my weakest area. But I like it and I'm getting better so that is half the battle. I was planning on running my first marathon (Houston) next month until I became injured. Hopefully I will be able to run the Austin Marathon in February if things go as planned. Last year I completed 2 sprint tri's. My plan is to move up to Olympic and Half this year. Right now OWS is the only thing holding me back.

This looks like a great group! Hopefully there is still room. I'll write more later! I want to hit submit before someone else takes the last spot!
2007-12-26 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1116731

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN
Mimir98 - 2007-12-26 5:40 AM
Spinal fusion surgery sounds awful. 

It was awful. ICU for two days, hospital for another five. Thanks to morphine, I don't really remember the first month or so. I basically sat in a recliner for 4 months. I got cleared to exercise after six months and I'm now seven months into it. I started with 20 minutes on a stationary bike.
2007-12-26 11:04 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...
Tri chic- I've aqua jogged before it isn't my favorite thing! Maybe we can keep each other accountable to aqua jog!
I have a strain of the short plantar ligament. I've been off for 2.5 weeks. Tomorrow I'm going to try running a mile to see how it feels. I'm waiting for my orthotics to come in. The orthopod thinks my injury started from wearing Crocs to work. I have really high arches. Which don't go with Crocs and training for a marathon.
I'm sorry that you are injured. I've had to change my training goals for the (hopefully) next few months. Yes, I wanted to complete my first marathon. What I miss the most is running. I love running.
Hang in there.
2007-12-27 4:46 AM
in reply to: #1117938

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-FULL

CYCLISTtuRUNsTRI - 2007-12-26 11:46 PM Is there room for 1 more? I'm 44 year old female. Married with 2 kids ages 14 and 16. In 2000 I started cycling seriously. Before adding in running and swimming I would ride 250+ miles a week. 2 years ago I started running and added in swimming last summer. . I've run 3 half marathons and 5-10k races. Swimming is my weakest area. But I like it and I'm getting better so that is half the battle. I was planning on running my first marathon (Houston) next month until I became injured. Hopefully I will be able to run the Austin Marathon in February if things go as planned. Last year I completed 2 sprint tri's. My plan is to move up to Olympic and Half this year. Right now OWS is the only thing holding me back. This looks like a great group! Hopefully there is still room. I'll write more later! I want to hit submit before someone else takes the last spot!

And you're in !!!  I was secretly hoping for another woman to round out the group   250 mpw cycling!  that's awesome - you must be in a location that has some awesome cycling.  Sorry to hear about the injury   I love swimming, so anything I can do to help you overcome that battle would be my pleasure.  Gotta go swim now but welcome!!!

2007-12-27 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1117806

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: PT Update

Sorry here to hear the prognosis on your running. Have you ever done yoga as a stretching activity? I have never done aquajogging, but I think it would really help in keeping you in the ballpark until you can run again. We're going to need you around here, so heal smart!

BTW, my son is hoping to get into Trinity U for next fall. He's heavily recruited there as a baseball player, but his gpa and SAT, though great for most purposes, are below the 50th percentile for Trinity, so we wait........should have an answer by end of January. We really loved the school AND the city when we visited.

Take care and let us know how things are progressing!!

2007-12-27 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1117957

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...

CYCLISTtuRUNsTRI - 2007-12-26 11:04 PM Tri chic- I've aqua jogged before it isn't my favorite thing! Maybe we can keep each other accountable to aqua jog! I have a strain of the short plantar ligament. I've been off for 2.5 weeks. Tomorrow I'm going to try running a mile to see how it feels. I'm waiting for my orthotics to come in. The orthopod thinks my injury started from wearing Crocs to work. I have really high arches. Which don't go with Crocs and training for a marathon. I'm sorry that you are injured. I've had to change my training goals for the (hopefully) next few months. Yes, I wanted to complete my first marathon. What I miss the most is running. I love running. Hang in there.

Thanks for the heads up on the crocs...I'll throw mine to the back of the closet for now.   I have micro tears that need to be healed up.  Next to that flexibility is my biggest issue but at least it's fixable.  

I'm assuming you live in the HOUSTON area...I'm in SA.  Take a look at my race schedule as your planning yours.  Maybe we will end up at the same place sometime soon.  I'm doing a Oly in Galveston (Lonestar) in March and a HIM in April in Dallas.  Which HIM's are you looking at?  I did Buffalo Springs last year.  Tough course but it was well taken care of.

Good luck on your runs.  Remember Pace and Patience and reel yourself in so you don't go too fast too soon.  Trust me...I know ALL about this.

2007-12-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1118057

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: PT Update

Krakatoa - 2007-12-27 7:07 AM Kelly, Sorry here to hear the prognosis on your running. Have you ever done yoga as a stretching activity? I have never done aquajogging, but I think it would really help in keeping you in the ballpark until you can run again. We're going to need you around here, so heal smart! BTW, my son is hoping to get into Trinity U for next fall. He's heavily recruited there as a baseball player, but his gpa and SAT, though great for most purposes, are below the 50th percentile for Trinity, so we wait........should have an answer by end of January. We really loved the school AND the city when we visited. Take care and let us know how things are progressing!!

I just bought a Yoga DVD and was going to start it but the Doc said to wait and focus on what she's given me for now so we don't have too much going on.  It will definitely be in my maintenance schedule after I get this fixed.

Trinity is a great school.  Let me know how things progress and if you come to SA again.  I love meeting people from BT as they come and go.  Being a convention city is great because lots of people come here for meetings and what not.

Remember...NO SODA's Today!!!

Have a good one.


2007-12-27 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Yes, I live in the Houston area. South of Houston about 20 minutes from the coast. Lots of headwind and flat road here! It would be great to meet up at a race this year! LOL! One of the guys in our group is from Texas.

What exactly did you do to your leg? What type of stretching are you doing for it?

LoneStar in March is really tempting. But I'm not ready for the swim yet. I'm a new swimmer and need to work on OWS before attempting a longer distance. I can swim the distance in the pool without any problems. The full body contact aspect of the swim portion is taking a while to get used to! I joined the Houston Tri club. They offer OWS practice weekly when it warms back up. I'm hoping that will help.

Buffalo Springs is on the radar for this or next year. It's nice to know that you can help me with the course information. I was thinking about the Buffman and Squeaky in May as a preview of the course.
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