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2007-12-18 1:43 PM

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Subject: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

NAME: triOK / Robyn

STORY:  This past year has brought many changes to my life and I am looking forward to my third season as a triathlete.  While I am currently in a total life transition, the one thing that has remained constant is my love for tri's (and BT, of course).  I am in the process of moving from Oklahoma to Michigan, and shifting gears professionally from chemistry to engineering.  On top of all that, I try to spend as much time as I can training.  Triathlon, as intense as it is, brings a sense of peace to my life and I have greatly enjoyed sharing that with my 2 previous mentor groups.  I am proud to race for Team Wicked Fast (with Marvarnett) and Team Javelin.

FAMILY STATUS: Single with three four-legged kids  

CURRENT TRAINING:  Marathon training for Austin

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I just finished Redman 70.3 in September.  I am currently taking my off-season and enjoying my chocolate chip cookies and double chocolate fudge, but I am gearing up to run the Austin Marathon in February.  Last year was a very tough year in my personal life but I managed to finish up several big races, including a half-Ironman.  My race this year have included a half-Ironman, an Olympic distance tri, a duathlon, a marathon, several bike tours, a 40-mile bike race, and a 15k.

2008 RACES:  My season thus far is not really planned out yet, but here's what I am thinking... Austin Marathon, Steelhead 70.3, Kansas 70.3 (?), Nike Women's Marathon, and possibly my first full Ironman; Silverman, Redman, or Vineman.  And then a bunch of smaller races to help keep me busy.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have really enjoyed my past mentor groups, and I have made it a point to make sure that all questions get answered.  If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does. I feel that the people that join my mentor groups have become good friends, and they still, a year later leave inspires for one another.  Looking through the old forum, there is a lot of pictures of families, kids, dogs, and other random things that have been important to our lives.  My group is fun... its the best group.

Edited by triOK 2008-01-02 6:50 PM

2007-12-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Hi Robyn,

do you have room in your group for a semi-beginner? I have done a few races in the past, duathlons and sprints, but it's been a while. Between work and family it has been difficult to maintain year round training the last few years. I finally have a job that will keep me at home for a while and am getting back into a routine. I signed up for a couple of short duathlons and a sprint for the next few months in order to shake off the racing cobwebs. My biggest weakness like a lot of people is swimming. I hope to work on it enough to do a half by the end of 2008. I have not tried the mentor group thing before but it sounds like a blast. Nothing like peer pressure to keep one off the couch.


2007-12-29 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
I would love to be a part of this group. If last years results are any measure, Robyn's group was one of the most active, and that seems like a good motivator.

I'll post all the particulars if I'm in!!!


2007-12-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1121995

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

Hi Robyn,

I'm also a beginner, though I've been here on BT most of the year.  I'm planning for my first tri to be the 2008 Spring Sprint in San Diego (in May).  And I've just started a 20-week balanced Sprint training plan here on BT.

When I was younger, I was more athletic and did a lot of hiking, biking, and tennis.  But as I settled into my career as a software engineer, I got lazy and more sedentary.  As a result I packed on the pounds.  But in 2006 I got a wake-up call -- the doc told me I had developed type 2 diabetes.  It took a few months for it to sink in, but by January 2007 I was ready to make a change.

So starting on 1/15, weighing 228 pounds (down from a high of 248), I started dieting and jogging.  I could barely jog 30 yards before needing to walk.  But I kept at it.  With encouragement from some triathlete friends, I did some 5k's, even though I couldn't run the whole distance.  And the pounds kept coming off.  Kept up with this routine the whole year.  I now weigh 196 pounds (so 32 pounds less), and at my last 5k, I finished in 43 minutes, which is 10 minutes faster than the start of the year.  I still haven't been able to jog a full mile yet, but I know I'm very close and it's only a matter of time.  And I'm in it for the long haul.

A couple months ago, I got a nice road bike (and recently a CycleOps trainer), and started riding again.  And resumed swimming.  (I used to swim a lot as a kid, so at least I'm not starting totally at square one.)

Anyway, I hope I can be part of your group!  Being on a team of fellow beginners will definitely help keep me on track and motivated, and I look forward to encouraging everyone else!


Edited by krludwig 2007-12-29 2:18 PM
2007-12-29 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Hi I am a total newbie to this tri stuff.
I am in Colorado so the white stuff makes for a tough go on the bike in the winter.
I have not been active for years. Just occasionally showing dogs. That requires some running but that has been it. I bought a bike in Oct and have been biking every weekend since. So doing most training in the winter in the gym.

May I join your group?

2007-12-29 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Welcome back, Robyn - and have fun this coming season!  When ya gonna change that moniker?

Edited by 1stTimeTri 2007-12-29 4:40 PM

2007-12-29 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Do you have room for one more?

I started last year with a mini and the Danskin sprint in Austin last June. I'd like to do an Olympic by the end of the season.

Let me know if you are still open!

2007-12-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
I was told that each group had to have a handicapped tri included. Well, may I be that handicapped person pretending to do tris?

Name- Curt (mifiremedic)

STORY- I am a 38 year old FireFighter/Paramedic working for the federal govt here in Michigan. Just about a year ago I decided I need to do something to get into shape, and drop a few well needed pounds. I began my exercise (if you call it that), and part of my exercise was wanting to ride a bike for exercise. As I was shopping for just the right bike, I came up with an idea of setting a goal to do a triathlon. My thought was that it would be multifaceted and have a goal date. My goal date was actually this coming Summer, but a co-worker told me of a mini tri nearby in which the swimming was in shallow water should any problems arise. Well I completed my first tri this past August and have been hooked since. I actually finished 73/150 people, and beat my co-worker who I thought was in much better chape than myself.

FAMILY- Married with 2 girls aged 13/15 (God help me)

TRAINING- Well I am in Florida, have been here for about 10 days. I have taken the opportunity to run each morning while here. I feel great with the training. I cant wait to get home and get into more of a structured workout routine.

I need to spend lots of time in the pool this winter in hopes of having more control of my swimming. I think I need some professional help. A local Tri club that I joined will be having some sort of swimming training, and I plan to jump all over it when ity starts. I have taken some so called Triathlon swimming classes, but all they did was give me a swim routine, and tell me when my time was up. I need help in the area of proper mechanics.

I am in the process of purchasing a used Cervelo P2K, from a club member, and cant wait to ride it when the weather gets nice. I was hoping to have it and bring it with me to Florida, but all I got were nasty looks from the family.

RACES- I have no definite plans for races. However, I would like to do a couple early season Sprints to gauge where I am. I would love to do a OLY this summer, and my big goal is a HIM. Yeah, yeah, a HIM may be a bit too much this early in the ballgame, but I think with a goal date I could train and be prepared. That is prepared to finish. Maybe a HIM will be on next years agenda.

Well, I hope you have room, and look forward to growing both physically as well as mentally.


2007-12-29 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

Hey everyone!  So glad to have you all along!  I hope that I can help you any way that I can, so if you have any questions AT ALL, no matter how dumb you think they are, ASK ASK ASK.  If you don't know, there is probably someone else that is wondering the same thing.  So again, ASK and I will do my best to get the answers for you.

And for those that have seen my mentor groups in the past, please feel free to post anything that you wish to talk about.  We are all in this together so please share anything and everything about yourselves.  Post pics, swap stories, whatever.... its fun getting to know everyone...

And I am hoping that the peeps from my old mentor groups will stop in to keep the fun going.  They all have done so well in their seasons, so I am sure they can answer questions for you, too.  They are all just awesome people!

And this group is still open, so if anyone else wants in, speak up!

Oh, and the last thing... I am currently on a ski trip in Colorado, so I have limited access to the internet at the moment.  But you should know that I am a BT junkie so I will keep on top of this thread and get answers to you as quickly as I can.

2007-12-30 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

Edited by Aviator1596 2008-03-26 6:56 PM
2007-12-30 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1122726

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
I am a Robyn mentor group alumni..Robyn rocks!!!!! You guys will learn so much. I will lurk and drop in if Robyn doesn't mind........

2007-12-30 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Anyone doing a January challenge? I liked the idea of the push up and sit up challenge in December. I think a stretching challenge this early in the year would be cool.
2007-12-30 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

Yep, I'm gonna be a challenge junkie in January.  I'm doing two so far:

January Yoga Challenge

January Swim/Bike/Run Challenge  (I chose swimming)

Since I just started my training plan, I want to get the new year started off right!

2007-12-30 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
I'm doing the Bike Challenge. I'm on the distance team.
2007-12-30 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1123280

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
BozNC - 2007-12-30 9:07 PM

I'm doing the Bike Challenge. I'm on the distance team.

There's still time to change your goal to SWIMMING!

('Cause we know you love to swim.)

(P.S. This is just a drive-by posting. I was actually on the way to my group, when I saw this. LOL)

2007-12-30 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Can I join your group?
Hopefully you still have room.

I am 51 and attempted to do a sprint earlier this year.

I am not a swimmer and have a great fear of the water.

I ended up floating and walking my swim portion.

I have 2 bad knees and had to put braces on both knees before the bike portion.

I am not a runner so it ended up taking me just under 2 hours to complete.

My wife is a strong swimmer but I can use all the help I can.

2007-12-30 10:37 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

As soon as I get our group established, I will try to set up a challenge of our own.  It seemed to work really well the last time.  Maybe we can do a challenge with the old mentor group...

Kirk:  Introduce yourself to the group... you know the drill.

2007-12-30 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Hi, Robyn. I would love to join your group.

ID/NAME: lkagop/Lora

STORY: Though I was a majorette and softball player as a teen, I do not consider myself athletic. In fact, I was the track manager in high school, not a participant. :-) I'm not overweight, but I am out of shape. I have been interested in tris since September and am so excited about doing my first one.

FAMILY: Happily married with a very supportive husband. A black Great Dane and Yellow Lab mix rule my life.

2008 RACES: I'm looking at the Danskin Women's Tri in July, though if my friend does not sign up, I won't travel that far from home. There are many more closer to where I live and I'd be doing my first one in June if I don't do Danskin's.

CURRENT TRAINING: At the end of the summer, I could run 1.25 miles before stopping; I was doing about a 10 minute mile. As a result, my knees have begun to give me difficulties, but I refuse to let them stop me. Therefore, I am doing some conditioning to strengthen my legs right now, so a June or July goal will give me more than enough time to get my knees stronger and to actually train, though I may do one earlier and just take the running easy because I just cannot wait to get out there!

A friend of mine is the aquatics director at the Y who has done a couple tris, and I just finished a competitive swimming class she was offering. Swimming 100 consecutive yards was as far as I got before the class ended earlier this month.

I don't have a gym membership and will be doing my biking and running outside. I am lucky enough to live across the street from a lake's beach area and will do my swim training there when it warms up. To get more swimming in before then, I may take another swim class at the Y.


MISCELLANEOUS: As I said, I am so excited about participating in tris and look forward to the support system in the mentor program. Thank you so much, Robyn, for your willingness to help us all out and I wish you a Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 5:52 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Hello everyone. My name is Thomas and I started doing du's and tri's last year. I'm in the military currently stationed in Oklahoma City. However, I am going to be spending 4 months in Las Vegas and then move to New Mexico in August of 2008. Needless to say, my training time is sporadic. I weigh 235 pounds and my goal is to get down to 185 by mid-July. I'm signed up for the Texas Motor Speedway duathlon in February, and then an Oly out at Lake Meade in Vegas. My goal for the Oly is just to finish. I'm currently deployed to the middle east, but will be back soon!!! I'm ready to get back on the bike and start logging some serious miles! Anyways, I'd like to join the group if it's not already full. Thanks a lot!
2007-12-31 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

I am a newbie and hoping to find a group for mentoring. I was a competative swimmer as a kid, loved to bike and am finally able to run a 5K (slow). I am 43, have two children ages 5 and 7, live in Scottsdale AZ, and to celebrate being a new breast cancer survivor... I want to complete the sprint for the cure in April.

So... if you would like a slow, fat, triathlete in your group... I am in!

2007-12-31 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1123633

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
triOK - 2007-12-30 10:37 PM

As soon as I get our group established, I will try to set up a challenge of our own.  It seemed to work really well the last time.  Maybe we can do a challenge with the old mentor group...

Kirk:  Introduce yourself to the group... you know the drill.

OK..sorry. I am not going to take up an "official" spot in your group because I am in an other one (not very active yet though).  My name is Kirk. I am a 33 year old big fat slow guy. I have done a few races and am getting better as I go. I am registered for a 1/2 IM in June.  I am not much of a triathlete, but I do right some funny stuff some times.....

Most of my evergy is devoted to driving all over God's green earth to fetch my sons..thing one and thing two!!!!! Happy New Year everyone.....

2007-12-31 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1108061

New user

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN

Is there room for one more...if so, I'll post my bio then. I need a group like this for accountability and to answer those "silly" questions.

2007-12-31 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1123869

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
scubaman1 - 2007-12-31 5:52 AM

Hello everyone. My name is Thomas and I started doing du's and tri's last year. I'm in the military currently stationed in Oklahoma City. However, I am going to be spending 4 months in Las Vegas and then move to New Mexico in August of 2008. Needless to say, my training time is sporadic. I weigh 235 pounds and my goal is to get down to 185 by mid-July. I'm signed up for the Texas Motor Speedway duathlon in February, and then an Oly out at Lake Meade in Vegas. My goal for the Oly is just to finish. I'm currently deployed to the middle east, but will be back soon!!! I'm ready to get back on the bike and start logging some serious miles! Anyways, I'd like to join the group if it's not already full. Thanks a lot!

I work down at Tinker also. We'll have to get together for some workouts. Especially on the bike. I am buying my first road bike, and I have to admit I am a little leary of riding on the roads here. It isn't the most bike friendly town I've seen, although maybe I am just missing something.

Hope you have a safe New year in the desert. Keep your head down!!!!
2007-12-31 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
I would also like to join your group. A little comraderie would be great.

NAME: cworley / Clay

STORY: I am rather active but hate to train. I referee several high school and college sports (football, basketball, soccer and lacrosse) as well as juggle a wonderful family and all that comes with their active lifestyles. I have completed multiple sprint and olympic triathlons and well as running in local 5ks, 10ks and thre marathons...which I am afraid took its toll on this fat boy.
Now I am 41 and would like to complete my first HIM this summer. I have a few smaller races set in the spring.
I am a middle pack competitor and really enjoy it there. Not inspired to win my age group, just put the TRI in triathlete.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, three children (11, 6 and 4), two dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: Polar Bear 8K, Terre Haute Sprint Triathlon

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Too old to remember ...just looking forward

2008 RACES: Those above as well as 2008 Muncie Endurathon


2007-12-31 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1108061

New user

Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - OPEN
Hi All,
Ok here's the deal, a friend of mine and I want to stay in shape, but we have issues with keeping on track. She suggested that we try and moviate ours selves by setting a goal of completeing a sprint triathlon. She also contacted another friend of hers who is joining in our crazyness. So the three us are tri newbiees and are looking forward to working on completing our 1st triathlon. We started up a month or so ago and have found being new to this whole sceen that we need some mentor direction. I was browsing the net and came across the BT website and have found it to be a great reference. I was out on it last week and noticed the 2008 Mentor Program and thought this is just what we might need to help us along. So here's hoping that space is still available and I can find the moviation I need to complete my (our) goal.

Experience: I'm 47, and in pretty good shape. I walk often and really try to watch what I eat. I was a competitive swimmer most of my youth and into college. I hadn't been in the water for many years until a month ago when this whole tri idea started. I was suprised at how much I have missed it. I love to cycle but have not done that for years either. I think the thing I will need the most help with will be the running portion. I blew out a knee in my early twenties skiing and have had issues with it ever since. My tri partners are going to try and get signed up as well, but with people they feel fit them and their needs. So we're thinking this way we can share different ideas and tactics to complete our goal. We are looking at competing in a race which is in June 08, hoping to give ourselves enough time to get preped and ready to roll.
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