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2007-12-19 1:12 AM

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Subject: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
We are LIVE

So far we have

August Girl

NAME: Plazbot / Alex

I began triathlon somewhat by accident. I was a smoker in the late 90s and as a way to quit, started swimming. After a year, I purchased a bike with what I had calculated I had saved by not buying cigarettes.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married (5 years) with a 3 year old son. My wife and son both love the triathlon ride.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am coached by one of Australia's most successful Age Group coaches, Allan Pitman. I race Ironman, Half Ironman and Long Course. I have done a number of Olympic and Sprint distance races in years gone by.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced Ironman Western Australia finishing in 9:46. This is why I want to do this program. Last year, in the same race, I did 13:51. Yes, a 4 hour pb. All due to training and weight management.

2008 RACES: I am racing Ironman Australia in April as well as trying to Qualify for the Australian team for the World Long Course in The Netherlands in August.

WEIGHTLOSS: This one is a biggie for me. There is a thread in the weight loss section so you can read it yourself..

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I really want to see other realise it is not hard to drop weight and to exceed your expectations in triathlon. It is all about consistency and associating yourself with people who 'CAN'. What a better way than forming a group of those who want to do the same!!

Edited by Plazbot 2007-12-31 4:01 PM

2007-12-29 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Hi Alex,
I didn't make the other 2 groups. I asked to join. Not sure If I said the "Correct" things.

I have done 3 triathlons. I would Like to pick some different triathlons for this new year.

I am married with one son.

I would like to loose weight.

I am looking at picking my races for 2008.

I would would also like to make new friends on BT.

Thanks, Karen
2007-12-29 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
No 'correct' things to say here, first in best dressed. We will work on what it is everybody wants to achieve as each goal presents itself. Pretty much I expect that everybody wants to drop a little weight, do some races and get faster. Means pretty much everybody should be signing up.


Same for everybody. Just drop a little blurb in like newadventure and we will get more specific later.

Hopefully I can share my own personal experiences on improvements in weight and racing that gets everybody to their desired ends. it's been a long hard road so far but SOOOOOOo worth it.

I have not been recording my training here as I use a different Log program but as of today I started and will continue to do so. I will check in on everybody regularly to keep the ball rolling. Luckily, I live where it is warm right now in Australia so outside training is the order of the day. You guys up in the cold part of the world are tough as nails with that indoor stuff!


Edited by Plazbot 2007-12-29 11:06 PM
2007-12-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Hi Alex, I'd like to join your group.

I did my frist Sprint in 2006 and absolutely loved it. It scared me to death, but I'm hooked. I love the bike; I float a lot better than I swim, and definitely can walk faster than I run at this point. I'm up for the challenge and really looking forward to getting started again.

I'm a happily married stay-at-home mom with a two year old and an eight month old. And, two four legged children as well. Does that explain the absence? I want to get restarted in 2008. The plan is to do Sprints this year (June and August). I really have some serious weight to lose and thought you'd be able to give me some good advice. I'd love to get to one Olympic distance this year if possible -- there's one in my home town in October.

I need some direction with my training. I'm looking at Michael Pate's Sprint plan as a possible start. I will have to train at 5:00 am to get this done, so having some motivation from others will really help. I just need a bit of a jolt. I have some questions about strength training and nutrition as well.

So, do I pass the test? Let me in!!!!
2007-12-30 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1122923

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
With flying colours

2007-12-30 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Hi! I would like to join this group!
I have spent the morning reading the open groups to find out what might fit best for me. I am not really new, but I still feel that way! I have been struggling with my weight for many years and turned to running as a way to help. I started doing 1/2 marathons and decided that was good enough for me. Then I had IT band issues and decided variation would be good, so I bought a bike in Feb and signed up for my first Tri in April. That was quite a challenge, but I completed it, thought not without technicle difficulties and a flat tire. Biking is not my strong point, and the biggest reason I still feel like a beginner. I have completed several half marys and a few sprint distance tris over that last couple years. In December I completed my first marathon and will run another in a couple weeks in Pheonix. About a year and a half ago I got this crazy idea to do an ironman and it just wouldn't get out of my head. That is where I am now, training for Ironman CDA, 2008.
I live in a rural area, and don't have anyone to train with, unless I drive an hour. I do that to get my swims in, but otherwise it is just me, so I thought a group would really help.
I am married, 19 years in Feb, we have two children ages 7,8. Now that they are finally in school full time I decided I could up my training and finish an ironman.
I am about 193 lbs, and would love to be in the 160's before the race. I just can't seem to get my eating any near under control! That is another reason I thought joining a group would be great.

2007-12-30 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1123054

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
IMCda here we come!

Welcome aboard.
2007-12-30 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1109096


Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Hi, I'd love to join your group.

My name is Marguerite.

I'm brand new to triathlon. I've not done any yet. I cycle and swim, but the running part is my biggest concern. I took an interest in tri last year, but didn't think that I'd really be able to do it until this year. I now definitely think that I can do it. I want to enter a woman's sprint in September. I'm giving myself a lot of time to train. hehehe If I feel confident enough before then, I may try one before.

I'm still trying to figure out a training regime, but I'm very excited about the mentoring. This is going to be so great for me!

2007-12-30 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Heaps of time until then. We will get a plan sorted for you and make it happen.

Again, welcome.
2007-12-30 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Extreme Veteran
South Jordan UT
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Can I join?

I have been married for 16 years and am a mom with four kids and am in the process of adopting a 5th. This is my 5th year in triathlon. I started triathlon to lose some weight and I have managed to lose quite a bit(60lbs). Unfortunately, in the last year or so, I have developed type II diabetes and so now the weight is a bit stubborn.

I decided to train for an Iron last year to get the remaining 15lbs off, but managed to gain an additional 5lbs of fat in the process. I did finish the race, but now I have a solid 20lbs to lose. I want desperately to start this season off at least 20lbs lighter and much, much faster! I did my Iron in 16:45, so I think I have a lot of room for improvement.
2007-12-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1123257

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
20lbs Gone.

You will be typing that in a few months.


2007-12-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
2 more.......
2007-12-30 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Can I join??

I am 51 and attempted to do a sprint earlier this year.

I am not a swimmer and have a great fear of the water.

I ended up floating and walking my swim portion.

I have 2 bad knees and had to put braces on both knees before the bike portion.

I am not a running so it ended up taking me just under 2 hours to complete.
2007-12-30 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Sure can join.

1 more.............
2007-12-31 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1123663

New user

Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN

I am probably the newest of the newbies and am hoping to join this group to learn training and weightloss tips. I was an athlete in both college and high school. My favorite sport was basketball. I have been rather sedentary for many years now with several bouts of activity. I am finally at a place in my life where I know I can do this. I have a goal of being much healthier and thinner by my 40th at the end of August. I have been working out 6 days a week since Thanksgiving and eating very healthy. I have made some serious behavior changes like eating breakfast daily, taking vitamins, lowering fat and eating more balanced meals. I have lost 19.6 pounds since Thanksgiving and have many more to go. I have my heart set on completing a triathlon by next year. My first mini goal is to complete a micro tri, then a 5K and build up to a Triathlon. I have been surfing the web, trying to learn and have downloaded the Aggressive Couch to 5K plan.

Mother of 4, two boys and two girls ages 9 - 17.

I don't currently have a coach and doing the best I can. Recommendations on how to find a good coach would be appreciated. Currently, I do 45 to 90 minutes of cardio per day, usually walking on the treadmill at 4.0 mph on a fat burner program. I switch it up at the gym with either a spinning class, cardio kick or a coreboard class ( 1-2 week ). Yesterday, I did 30/30/30 on treadmill, elliptical, and bike, felt great. I also do strength training on nautilus. Initially I worked certain muscle groups every other day. This past week I have changed to strength training every other day all muscle groups and focus on cardio and core the other days. I always take Sunday off. I will continue with cardio and plan to ramp up on running and swimming.

2008 RACES:
I am participating in a Micro Tri fundraiser on Feb 10th which will be a huge accomplishment for me. According to the Aggressive Couch to 5K plan, it seems I would be ready for a 5K sometime in April. Then on to bigger and better. What is the easiest way to search for races in my area?

I have a lot to lose and am excited about becoming a triathlete.

I hope you accept me into your group and look forward to the experience.

2007-12-31 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1109096

Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
Hi Plazbot,

I'm interesting in joining you group if you still have room.

I am 33 (almost 34) and have been toying with the idea of doing a tri for about 8 years but haven't found the right combination of motivation and skill level to move past the "would like to" phase.

I live in Athens, Georgia and I am 4'10" and 160lbs. Losing weight is a big issue for me (like 30-40lbs), but mostly I don't care what number I weight just as long as I am physically fit and healthier.

I have been up and down on gyms where I will go consistantly for months at a time and then fall of the wagon. I'm currently in the process of trying to get back on the wagon and working out more regularly.

I wouldn't describe myself as a couch potato, but I've got a way to go before being back into nominal shape. I've also recuited some friends who are interested in running the Peachtree Road Race in July, so hopefully having a local group will help me reach my overall goals of doing a sprint triathalon by the end of 2008.

I really need motivation and accountability. My hope is that a mentor group will help me reach my goals!

2007-12-31 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - OPEN
OK, I said 7 but why not 8. Welcome both of you.

That is it. Sorry to anyone who missed out.

Now we start.

happy New Year by the way everybody.

What I would like is everybody to post what it is they will achieve this year and what they want to do between now and April to help that. We will then look at making it happen.

2007-12-31 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
My weak area is the bike. I need to get really comfortable with the bike. I will ride my bike more often and attend a 10 week Indoor class starting next week. I finally rode my bike today and a really nice person is letting me borrow their trainer for the 10 week session. I will really be learning as much as I possibly can about me, and the bike. Secondly, as far as taking care of my self is nutrition. Eating correctly and loose some weight. As far as swimming I just need to go swimming more and work on drills. Keep my running up.
So far that is all I can think of. Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! Karen
2007-12-31 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
Happy New Year!!
My goals for the year are to complete the Ironman and loose 30 lbs! I hope to loose the weight before the ironman.
Between now and April I would like to loose 20 lbs and get better control on my nutrition.
I also need to focus on the bike and improve my bike handling skills. I need to work on completing my rides and not switching to a run because its easier! The wind is my biggest excuse not to ride. I am such a wimp!
2008-01-01 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1109096

Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
My goals for this year are:

5k: April 5-17th Annual Run/Walk for Home, Athens, Georgia
10k: July 4th-Peachtree Road Race, Atlanta, Georgia
Sprint: October 5th-Emerald Point Triathlon, Lake Lanier Islands

Overall: To get in shape!

Running is my weak link, swimming is ok (need to find a facility to train, most likely the Y), cycling I love and will probably be the easist for me.

I started the Aggressive Couch to 5K yesterday (actually, my friend and I had printed out the Conservative to 5K and figured our fitness level was more around week 9 so we started there. We are going to switch the the Aggressive on our next walk/run).

I must say those first 4 minutes of running were difficult, but we finished it and the last 4 minutes after that. It sounds so lame to struggle with 8 mintues of running, but I figure I'm pretty much starting at zero and I've got nowhere to go but up.

Did I mention that I really detest running? More than anything?

Which brings me to my last goal...learn to love to run.

Happy new year everyone!
2008-01-01 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Extreme Veteran
South Jordan UT
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
My goals:

1. Lose 20lbs by April 1
2. Run Salt Lake half marathon in April (I can do distance. This should be easy)
3. Planning on doing mainly sprints this year (did Iron last year and need to focus on speed this year. Doing all that distance seemed to make me REALLY slow!)
4. Would like to get my running pace to under 8:30 for a 10k
5. May want to do a half iron in the fall. Not sure on that, but that is my favorite distance and there are hints that my favorite race director may be putting one on here close to home. I wouldn't want to miss it.

2008-01-01 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1109096

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Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
My goals:

1. Eat better - work on my nutrition
2. Lose 20 lbs by April 1 - sound familiar?
3. Workout consitently - 5:00 am Mon - Fri
4. Complete two Sprints - June and August
5. Attempt an Olympic - October

Any suggestions on which plan to follow?
Happy New Year!! I'm looking forward to all of us meeting our goals this year!!
2008-01-01 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user
Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
My Goals are

Make all sessions between now and Ironman Australia.
Execute all sessions as planned. They are my sessions, no use racing to do some one else's session.
Stay healthy. Sleep enough.
Fuel properly for sessions and day to day life. You can't run a Ferrari on Diesel.
Execute my race plan as designed at IMOZ. I have the plan already. It is the same as my last race plus 5BPM on bike and run. Have a bit of courage and hold it.

2008-01-01 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1109096

New user

Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
Main goal is to become healthy and fit with a low percentage of body fat and to have the stamina to participate in a sprint by year end.

Now through April I plan to:
1) Continue eating healthy and learning more about nutrition
2) Transition my current workout routine to include swimming and running.
(began walk/run plan today from site which should prep me for 5K in April - need to review sprint plan to see when I can incorporate that)
3) Participate in MicroTri on 2/10
4) Find local 5K to participate in April
5) Continue to lose weight

2008-01-02 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1109096


Subject: RE: Plazbot's Group. Get Phat, lose fat - Full.
I don't really have a weight goal. I know that I want to lose some, but I don't have a specific number in mind. In fact, I'm sure that my scale has dust bunnies all over it. I guess I'm going to have to pull it out from under the bed now, and actually use it.

My goal for the end of April is...
1) To be comfortable with running. I want to be able to run (or at least jog) the full 5 k by April.
2) I love swimming, but have never thought about it competitively. I will definitely need to build up my endurance for that.
3) Make sure that I have some kind of training plan which can work from hotels or out of town (and follow through with it.) I do some travelling with work.
4) I'm not to worried about the bike, but I have it on the trainer for now, as it's winter in Toronto. When the weather warms up, I'll definitely need to find some hills.
5) Make sure that my diet stays nutritionally sound.

My goal for the next week...
1) Find a pool
2) Pick a weight loss goal
3) Figure out how to train in the pool

Happy New Year!!
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