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2010-02-14 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey Everyone!

My totals for this week are:
SWIM 4850 m
RUN 12

2010-02-14 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2672853

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hi girls- This week for me:

Swim 1300 yd
Bike 17 miles
Run 22 miles


2010-02-15 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I am a little late on my weekly totals.

Here's the last two weeks.

Week 2

Swim 3000
Bike 30
Run 2.68 (ouch)

Week 3

Swim 3000
Bike 15
Run 4.89

Do we have 1 or 2 weeks left.  Better get those running shoes on.
2010-02-16 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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St. Clair Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Last weeks totals:

Bike: 40 miles
Run: 5.8 miles
No swim this week.

2010-02-17 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

Last weeks totals:


Run- 9.5 mi

Bike- 50.5 mi



2010-02-21 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I am not doing good at all!! I am out of my grove again!! I have no gym now and this weather can you know what. I am glad everyone else is getting something in. KEEP IT UP GIRLS!

2010-02-21 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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St. Clair Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hang in there Pattie!  We all loose modivation at times...but you'll get it back...especially when the weather gets warmer.  February is the shortest month of the year so before you know it, spring will be here!
2010-02-21 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2562810

Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I understand feeling out of the groove. I've been fighting a sinus infection for the past several days, and had one whopper of a migraine yesterday. It really threw me off track.

But this is what I did this past week.  I"m still not getting the swimming stats in like I wanted.

walk/run 85 minutes
Bike  11 miles

Yoga every day.

2010-02-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2562810

Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

Hi Lora and all:
I was wondering about transitions from one sport segment to another, like swimming to biking, to running. How does that happen? And I know this is going to sound odd but I wear glasses and how do I get to them after the swimming segment?
I know I'm woefully unprepared to tri right now but later this year, I might be able to do a sprint depending on how this summer goes.

2010-02-21 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2684532

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
J.Jill - 2010-02-21 12:23 PM I am not doing good at all!! I am out of my grove again!! I have no gym now and this weather can you know what. I am glad everyone else is getting something in. KEEP IT UP GIRLS!

It is so funny how motivation comes and goes (at least for me) I have weeks that I feel like I can do everything, and then weeks (like this week for me) that I wonder where I got the motivation from, and if I will get it back.  Something I did this week because I have a bit of an injury and I am feeling BLAH is focus on something different - for me skiing, more biking, yoga, and P90x (strength).  So maybe try something completely different that is easy to access, whether it is aerobics, yoga, bongo drums, whatever....It might re-charge your batteries!

2010-02-21 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2684893

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
kiowarose - 2010-02-21 7:02 PM

Hi Lora and all:
I was wondering about transitions from one sport segment to another, like swimming to biking, to running. How does that happen? And I know this is going to sound odd but I wear glasses and how do I get to them after the swimming segment?
I know I'm woefully unprepared to tri right now but later this year, I might be able to do a sprint depending on how this summer goes.

Hey Pat-

Lora will have some to say on this too, but I will chime in my 2 cents...

So when you get to the tri, you get to set up a "transition area" - kind of your own little piece of real-estate where you can rack your bike and set yourself up for the 2 transitions you have to do.  Generally, at least at the tri's I have been to, the racks are numbered so you know which rack to set up on.  So if you are #302, you will set up at the rack #300-310 or something like that.  Some tri's tell you to just grab a place on the rack, some want you to be in order. 

You do not have a lot of room.  I like to rack my bike with the front of the seat on the rack, bike facing the direction I need to go when I am ready to transition (look around in transition pre-race, you will see lots of ways to set up, so this is what I do).  I am pretty basic, I set up a towel to wipe my feet, fuel (GU), a canvas bag, my bike shoes, running shoes and socks, and a race belt.  I have fuel and water on the bike, just in case.  Generally in a sprint, you need the water more than the fuel I think.  That is me, everyone is different.  Some folks really go all out and get fancy in transition set-up, like with a bucket of water to rinse their feet, a stool to sit is all about what is going to make you comfortable and efficient at transition.

SWIM to BIKE (T1)- first, they make prescription goggles.  You might want to check that out.  I would put my glasses right on my bike helmet - each arm of the glasses in a hole of the helmet (that is where I put my sunglasses) and I put my bike helmet on my seat.  The first thing I do when out of the water (very wobbly) is take off the cap and goggles (not sure how much you need glasses, you may want to keep Rx goggles on to find your spot), I start to unzip my suit and try to get it off my arms.  Get to transition with wetsuit off down to my waist.  At my spot I throw my cap and goggles into the canvas bag, step on the towel and put on my sunglasses (glasses) and helmet, rip off my wetsuit (I step on the leg of the suit and pull up hard with my  trapped leg), throw that over the bar my bike is racked on, quickly wipe off my trisuit a bit, put on with the bike shoes, grab the bike, and out.  I don't rush, I try to be methodical, but I also don't doddle.  There us almost always (in my experience) one way into transition, and one way out, so all traffic is flowing the same way.  I always walk this pre-race.

BIKE to RUN (T2) - get into transition.  Rack bike, take off helmet.  I keep my sunglasses on, you will probably want to keep your glasses on.  Take off bike shoes, put on socks and running shoes, race belt, visor, grab fuel and take a swig of fluid if needed. I use GU, but try to take one with about 20 minutes +- on the bike so it digests a little and I don't have to jostle it around in my gut first thing on the run, which I have found gives me a side cramp....

If you can, try attending (or even better volunteering) at a tri near you (if there is one?) before you do one.  You can check out what folks are doing in all aspects of the race.  You can watch the race and actually see what folks are doing in transition.

Hope this helps, sorry so long.  I can go into lots of detail if you want, I tried to be quick so I didn't droll on forever.  BUT please don't hesitate to ask with questions to clarify any of this.


Edited by manfarr1974 2010-02-21 7:29 PM

2010-02-21 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2684893

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

kiowarose - 2010-02-21 7:02 PM

Hi Lora and all:
I was wondering about transitions from one sport segment to another, like swimming to biking, to running. How does that happen? And I know this is going to sound odd but I wear glasses and how do I get to them after the swimming segment?
I know I'm woefully unprepared to tri right now but later this year, I might be able to do a sprint depending on how this summer goes.

I understand Pat. I am blind without my glasses. Some races have a table set up near the swim exit to put your glasses on, unfortunately not all of them do. My first tri I had my daughter hold my glasses and she handed them to me as soon as I came out of the water.

2010-02-21 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

This weeks totals


Swim-3885 m

Bike-38.6 mi

Run-7.25 mi

2010-02-22 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2684978

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
manfarr1974 - 2010-02-21 8:25 PM
kiowarose - 2010-02-21 7:02 PM

Hi Lora and all:
I was wondering about transitions from one sport segment to another, like swimming to biking, to running. How does that happen? And I know this is going to sound odd but I wear glasses and how do I get to them after the swimming segment?
I know I'm woefully unprepared to tri right now but later this year, I might be able to do a sprint depending on how this summer goes.

Hey Pat-

Lora will have some to say on this too, but I will chime in my 2 cents...

So when you get to the tri, you get to set up a "transition area" - kind of your own little piece of real-estate where you can rack your bike and set yourself up for the 2 transitions you have to do.  Generally, at least at the tri's I have been to, the racks are numbered so you know which rack to set up on.  So if you are #302, you will set up at the rack #300-310 or something like that.  Some tri's tell you to just grab a place on the rack, some want you to be in order. 

You do not have a lot of room.  I like to rack my bike with the front of the seat on the rack, bike facing the direction I need to go when I am ready to transition (look around in transition pre-race, you will see lots of ways to set up, so this is what I do).  I am pretty basic, I set up a towel to wipe my feet, fuel (GU), a canvas bag, my bike shoes, running shoes and socks, and a race belt.  I have fuel and water on the bike, just in case.  Generally in a sprint, you need the water more than the fuel I think.  That is me, everyone is different.  Some folks really go all out and get fancy in transition set-up, like with a bucket of water to rinse their feet, a stool to sit is all about what is going to make you comfortable and efficient at transition.

SWIM to BIKE (T1)- first, they make prescription goggles.  You might want to check that out.  I would put my glasses right on my bike helmet - each arm of the glasses in a hole of the helmet (that is where I put my sunglasses) and I put my bike helmet on my seat.  The first thing I do when out of the water (very wobbly) is take off the cap and goggles (not sure how much you need glasses, you may want to keep Rx goggles on to find your spot), I start to unzip my suit and try to get it off my arms.  Get to transition with wetsuit off down to my waist.  At my spot I throw my cap and goggles into the canvas bag, step on the towel and put on my sunglasses (glasses) and helmet, rip off my wetsuit (I step on the leg of the suit and pull up hard with my  trapped leg), throw that over the bar my bike is racked on, quickly wipe off my trisuit a bit, put on with the bike shoes, grab the bike, and out.  I don't rush, I try to be methodical, but I also don't doddle.  There us almost always (in my experience) one way into transition, and one way out, so all traffic is flowing the same way.  I always walk this pre-race.

BIKE to RUN (T2) - get into transition.  Rack bike, take off helmet.  I keep my sunglasses on, you will probably want to keep your glasses on.  Take off bike shoes, put on socks and running shoes, race belt, visor, grab fuel and take a swig of fluid if needed. I use GU, but try to take one with about 20 minutes +- on the bike so it digests a little and I don't have to jostle it around in my gut first thing on the run, which I have found gives me a side cramp....

If you can, try attending (or even better volunteering) at a tri near you (if there is one?) before you do one.  You can check out what folks are doing in all aspects of the race.  You can watch the race and actually see what folks are doing in transition.

Hope this helps, sorry so long.  I can go into lots of detail if you want, I tried to be quick so I didn't droll on forever.  BUT please don't hesitate to ask with questions to clarify any of this.


Yep, Mandy pretty much summed it up. Really, really great questions, though.

I'm close to being legally blind, but during my first tri, I didn't wear my contacts for the swim portion (mistake). For the next races I did wear them. But in that first race, I had them in their case stashed in my bag. I then put in my contacts. Won't do that again. But, yeah, the best place would be on your helmet.
2010-02-22 6:11 PM
in reply to: #2684532

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
J.Jill - 2010-02-21 12:23 PM I am not doing good at all!! I am out of my grove again!! I have no gym now and this weather can you know what. I am glad everyone else is getting something in. KEEP IT UP GIRLS!

Totally know how you feel. I've known you for, what, at least a year on here, and you do get back in the swing of things again. You just never give up! Just know that this is a phase and you'll come right back at it harder!
2010-02-22 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
OK. We're in the home stretch of the Ironman challenge. If you look at my totals, I'm completely behind. It would be so easy for me to give up and just say, "Meh."

But, I'm just having to get aggressive about it. I'm taking spin class 3-5 times this week to get me to 112 and will be doing at least three runs to get me to 26.2. I need to try and squeeze in the swim in 2 workouts.

What's the status with everyone else? List all totals to date.

2010-02-22 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
My totals for this week were:

I haven't had much of a chance to be on here due to my boys and hockey, basketball, birthdays, my will slow down in a few weeks.  Well my training won't slow down...let's hope not!!
2010-02-23 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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St. Clair Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Last weeks totals:
Swim: 1000 meters
Bike: 39 miles
Run: 2.75 miles

Totals for Feb.
Swim: 2000 meters
Bike: 110 miles
Run: 13.80 miles

I think I am on track but will probably not make the run...but I do walk about 3 miles a day so if you add that in I am fine.

Thanks for the great "transistion" advice!
2010-02-24 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

Feb. totals

Swim-8400 meters

Bike-110 mi

Run-31 mi


Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend.

2010-02-25 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Karen -

Looks like you'll have a great weekend while the rest of us are running/biking our butts off.  Laughing

I've got 4 miles run to go and 22 miles of bike.  I'll make it - although close.
2010-02-25 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2692648

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

amykmo - 2010-02-25 10:17 AM Karen -

Looks like you'll have a great weekend while the rest of us are running/biking our butts off.  Laughing

I've got 4 miles run to go and 22 miles of bike.  I'll make it - although close.

I'll keep working along with everyone. I am training for a HM in April and am getting a little nervous about how close it really is.

Amy, you will make it no problem. You are very close.

2010-02-28 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

Feb totals:


Swim-8400 meters


Bike-134 mi.


Run-41 mi.


Hope everyone had a good weekend and made their goals for the month.

2010-02-28 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I forget when we really started this challenge but I will show my totals for the month.  Let me know if we didn't start on Feb 1st and I can change my totals to show when we started the challenge.  I hope everyone is doing great!!
Bike:8h 40m  - 122 Mi
Run:10h 28m 27s  - 62.01 Mi
Swim:9h 42m  - 15450 M

2010-03-01 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2562810

Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted last week. I developed a roaring bladder infection and literally didn't want to move. Today I'm much better and will resume training...slowly...
Also, how can I stretch my calves and achilles tendons safely? I'm sure the calve cramps I get when I start running have to do with not stretching right.
2010-03-02 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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St. Clair Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Off to Cancun tomorrow....don't expect too much training out of me for a few days.  I'll try to mix in some kind of swimming & running with the Tequila and Nachos. 
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