BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-02-08 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I'm curious what order a triathlon is done in?  What happens with your bike when you are not in need of it?  How does this whole thing work?

2010-02-09 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Swim, bike then run. Any gear stays in what is called the Transition area while not in use. You set up your assigned location before the race starts (i.e. your bike, shoes, towel, etc). No one else other than competitors are allowed in this area, so things should be safe. Once swim is finished you come to transition area, remove wetsuit (if you used one), put shoes and helmet on, etc. After bike ride you come back to same area, leave your bike and get ready for run. People can get real technical about transitions, trying to minimize the time spent there.

2010-02-09 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Thanks Fernando. Makes sense now. I am so nervous about doing a Tri but still have to get my first 5k under my belt before I move on to that. How long will you be in Seattle? I went on a cruise to Alaska and really enjoyed it. Hope you do as well.
2010-02-10 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Just a couple of days. I hear the cruises are awesome! Today I'm blizzard in, but working on trainer and treadmill. Feb totals so far are Bike: 74.75/110, Run: 17.85/26.2, Swim: 5728 Yd (done). Keep at it gang. Fernando
2010-02-14 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Oh my goodness, all we have done for the past 5 days is cook and eat!  Thank goodness the snow is melting a little and I can get back to my routine.  I have great respect for people who work from home or are stay at home parents.  If I did that, I think maintaining my weight would be impossible.  Nevermind actually trying to lose weight.  Hope everyone is on track!  Marla
2010-02-16 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hellooooooo?  Where is everyone?

2010-02-16 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Everybody is MIA. I check frequently, but nobody wants to say hi anymore Cry
2010-02-16 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Well then, how are you doing Fernando?  Any challenges this week?  The snow was a tough one for me.  I find that when I am out of my routine, that's the biggest obstacle to both my workouts and my diet.  I am thankful that my Tri is still several months away.

I swim tonight, and then I will post my HIM progress.  I have to pick up my pace to meet that goal!   Marla
2010-02-16 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
100:475:2000 swim
0:14:56 bike
0:0:13.1 run

It appears that I am going to be very busy completing this in the latter half of this very short month!

Edited by mmgoldenb 2010-02-17 8:41 AM
2010-02-16 11:44 PM
in reply to: #2676642

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

I too had been checking and wasn't seeing anything new so I didn't post.  Guess it's just us 3 and maybe I can get Daniel to come back.

I have had a busy week so far and have not done my workouts.  I am disappointed that I haven't made them more of a priority by doing them before work. Inevitably something happens after work and I don't get to the gym. Today my grandma was taken to the hospital via ambulance for what turned out to be sever dehydration.  Threw my whole evening off but Thank God she is ok and returning home shortly.  So, planning to swim before work Weds.

Yes MM you are going to be busy indeed as will I.
What do you  all have planned for workouts for the remainder of the week?

2010-02-17 5:42 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I'm on pace to finish my challenge this week. I'm excited. Have not weighed myself though. That seems to be going slow despite good diet effort. Fernando.

2010-02-17 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

That's great!  I am impressed that you have kept up the pace. 

My plan for today is swim and pilates.  Tomorrow I will lift and bike.  Friday, I will probably run.  Not sure what the weekend will bring.  It looks very busy from here...

Work hard and meet your goals today! And them come tell us about it.  =)  Marla

2010-02-17 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
300:775:2000 swim
0:14:56 bike
0:0:13.1 run

I swam 12 laps today!  I know that may not seem like much, but it is about 11.5 more laps than I could swim in mid-January!  I am very pleased. 
2010-02-17 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Fantastic. In no time you feel fly through 12 will be a breeze. Fernando.
2010-02-18 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
This morning I completed my challenge Laughing

Bike:8h 22m 54s  - 125.84 Mi
Run:4h 31m 45s  - 28.49 Mi
Swim:4h 08m 36s  - 8148+ Yd

I am excited, and kinda sore...but already thinking about next challenge...
2010-02-18 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2678933

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Yeahhhhhh Fernando. So proud of you!!!!  What will you do next? Do we need to make you a new challenge?

How is your workout plan going Marla?

Mine has fallen by the wayside. I have GOT to get back with the program.

they put my grandma on hospice yesterday so now I deal with all that comes with that, mostly the acceptance of what that means. Cry

2010-02-18 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Fernando - WAY TO GO!!!  You earned the soreness.  That sounds weird, but you know what I mean.  It's a good thing.
Those numbers are amazing.  I love the fact that we ar all in different places in our fitness journey and can really be an inspiration to one another.  Hope the eventual weigh-in shows you progress.

Maggie - I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmom.  That is so hard.  I lost mine last year after a 9 year descent in to Alzheimer's which was awful.  My heart hurts for you.  Spend as much time with her as you can.  And try to do a little workout here and there.  You need it so much more when your stress level spikes.  Hang in there!

My workouts are going as planned so far this week.  Biked today, to bring my totals to:


I am not sure that I will complete this in the month of Feb, but I have decided that I am going to keep doing it until it's done.  I like the challenge.  Be strong all!  Marla
2010-02-19 12:57 AM
in reply to: #2679759

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Good attitude Marla. Finish the challenge regardless. 

Thanks for your support with my grandma.  I appreciate the thoughts and encouragement.

Fernando: You around? 

2010-02-19 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Am I seeing are posting at 2am!!!. I was bed around.
Tough day at work today. Late in the hospital so I won't workout. Will make this my off day and will hit the gym tomorrow.
I agree about the challenge - keep trying despite maybe not reaching it. One day (very soon) it will be cake.

Edited by guticur 2010-02-19 12:45 PM
2010-02-19 11:30 PM
in reply to: #2682058

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Might have been 2 am your time! I"m on PST so I'm always the last to post, no matter what group I'm in LOL.  Walked a little today. Going to gym for a real work out Saturday.

Keep up the good work guys.  Glad you are sticking around.
2010-02-21 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Hey guys. I'm checking in and catching up.

First of all, I owe all of you a deep apology for abandoning the thread the last few weeks. I didn't keep up my part of the deal, and for that I am sorry. Live overwhelmed me in Jan and the first couple of weeks of Feb. Starting a small business in a bad economy was not the greatest idea I've had. It has required all my energy the last 6 weeks. I even stopped training. But I'm back running and the future looks bright. Thanks for the PM, Marla. I needed that inspiration to face you guys.

I'll scan the posts, but I hope we can move forward. I'm looking for ideas from you guys. I can direct you if you're looking for information, but there are amazing ideas and inspirations here from you.

Let me know your thoughts. Again, my sincerest apologies.


2010-02-22 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

No can get crazy sometimes. The way I look at this forum is: we are all newbies...just sharing the story of our journey.
BTW, I saw the movie Food Inc. this weekend. What an eye opener. Being a phsysician I have always thought obesity is primarily the result of personal choice (maybe 80% of the time), but after seeing this documentary, I am now considering that percentage (might be lower).  You can also read "Omnivore's Dilemma", same thing just more detailed.

2010-02-22 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Speaking of food, are y'all really hungry after you workout?  I am famished for the next couple of hours after I exercise.  I just signed up with the nutrition coach on this site because I would like to learn about strategic eating before and after the workout.  I am sure I can improve that aspect, and am hoping that might help get the scale un-stuck.

Nice to see you Twylite!  No worries.  Life happens to everyone.  =)
2010-02-22 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Fernando: OK I want to see the movie. Don't know where I can, but will include the book the next time I order from Amazon. I think at least 50% of the obesity problem is not choices, but metabolic. Here at home, we're looking at ways to get fresh and organic more into our diets. I live in the country so it's a little easier for me. We have a pig who desperately needs to go meet her maker. But have you ever tried to load a 400# pig into a trailer? Right now the score is Pig 3: Husband 0. One day we'll get our chops.

Marla; I'll be interested in what the nutrition coach tells you. I'm pretty OCD about my nutrition during training. It took me a while to work it out though.

Gotta run. Child #5 wants me to get out in the hottub before dark. Hard to say, "No". Ya'll keep up the good work.

2010-02-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Forgot to post my progress for the HIM distances.  I am amazed that people do these distances (and more!) in one shot.  Wow.


Fernando - What's your next challenge going to be?

Maggie - How ya doing?

And Twylite - I think I may add a hot tub to my training program! ha!

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