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2010-04-08 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2773753

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
croyston - 2010-04-07 10:04 AM Are we going to stay active in this group, or should we sign up for a new mentor group for April-June?

Good question!  I didn't know it until now but our formal mentor group has ended (I didn't get the memo!), though continues informally as long as folks post here.

If you like lots of interaction my suggestion is to sign up for a new April-June mentor group.   The early year groups have a lot drop off in activity as some resolutioners don't make it this far.  The April-June groups should be much more active since due to the energy of participants are actively training for their first or second triathlon.

My commitment to the group is to get you at least through your first triathlon so I'll still be checking your logs on a regular basis and trying to motivate you in any way I can.  I'll also be checking this thread regularly through May or early June since I believe everyone will have their first triathlon under their belt by then.

While I enjoy being a mentor, I won't be leading a new group for the April-June period.  Yesterday I accepted a new job in a new city (the major metropolis of Tyler, TX!); I'll be starting in May and moving the family in June.  (Who wouda thunk I'd land a good new job in this economy, and I wasn't even looking??!!) With all this I really can't commit to a new group....

If you choose to join a new group, feel free to post here also.  And everyone should feel free to send questions to me through the inspire on my training log or through PMs.

Now back to training!


2010-04-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2774988

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
croyston - 2010-04-07 2:22 PM Deb - I'd suggest getting tri-suit if you think you'll be doing multiple triathlons.  If you are in a wetsuit race, you just wear the tri-suit under the wetsuit, and for non-wetsuit races you swim in the tri-suit and have nothing to change in T1 or T2.  The tri-suits dry quickly so you shouldn't be wet on the bike for long, and have enough padding to make the ride more comfortable without making  the run feel like you are wearing a diaper.     

I currently have just tri-shorts and have had no issues with swimming in them or biking / running.    

Funny you mention the tri-suit.  I have one, and have only trained in it a few times - in the pool.  Since this is my first race, and swim is indoors, I wasn't quite sure if I should wear it.  Plus, I wasn't sure how quick it would dry once I got outside.  I've got a shortie wet suit that I use for scuba diving, so it will come in handy for the open water swims this summer.  Thanks for reminding me I should just use the tri-suit.  :-)
2010-04-08 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2774124

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Pool to Outside
Deb C - 2010-04-07 11:51 AM

I'll be transitioning from indoor swim to outdoor.  Being wet always has its disadvantages, but my biggest concern is staying warm so early in the morning in the mountains AND being wet/damp.  Seems I am always cold.

What suggestions do you have since I don't plan on removing my bathing suit.  Should I worry about trying to put on bike shorts so that I don't get blisters from the friction of being wet?  I don't want to lose time in transition if I don't have to.

I gather all your races will be wetsuit legal so definitely consider getting a wetsuit if you don't already have one.

Also, look at getting a one-piece or two-piece tri suit.  The chamois in tri-shorts are much thinner than in bike shorts, so they dry out quickly.  I actually prefer training in tri shorts rather than bike shorts. 

Even with a wetsuit over your tri suit, you'll be wet when you hop on your bike.  You do dry up and warm up quickly early in the bike portion of a race.  I'll do some group OW swim training followed by biking.  Some folks do a full clothing change in their car or behind a towel to start the bike in warm clothes.  I just start a bit wet.  Granted it will usually be 70f degrees or higher when I start the ride; I'd probably do a full clothing change if it were colder.

If you don't handle cold well even in a race, consider wearing a light cycling vest or a light shirt to stay warm at the start of the bike, and take it off if you get too warm.   I haven't tried arm warmers in a triathlon but putting them on over wet arms could be difficult...

I'm not sure if this answers your questions??


2010-04-08 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2776634

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
famelec - 2010-04-08 9:04 AM

croyston - 2010-04-07 10:04 AM Are we going to stay active in this group, or should we sign up for a new mentor group for April-June?

Good question!  I didn't know it until now but our formal mentor group has ended (I didn't get the memo!), though continues informally as long as folks post here.

If you like lots of interaction my suggestion is to sign up for a new April-June mentor group.   The early year groups have a lot drop off in activity as some resolutioners don't make it this far.  The April-June groups should be much more active since due to the energy of participants are actively training for their first or second triathlon.

My commitment to the group is to get you at least through your first triathlon so I'll still be checking your logs on a regular basis and trying to motivate you in any way I can.  I'll also be checking this thread regularly through May or early June since I believe everyone will have their first triathlon under their belt by then.

While I enjoy being a mentor, I won't be leading a new group for the April-June period.  Yesterday I accepted a new job in a new city (the major metropolis of Tyler, TX!); I'll be starting in May and moving the family in June.  (Who wouda thunk I'd land a good new job in this economy, and I wasn't even looking??!!) With all this I really can't commit to a new group....

If you choose to join a new group, feel free to post here also.  And everyone should feel free to send questions to me through the inspire on my training log or through PMs.

Now back to training!


1. Congrats on the new job, it doesn't surprise me at all...I am sure you are a catch for your new company.

2. THANK YOU so much for being a mentor for us. I have gotten a LOT out of your advice to me and to my fellow mentorees. I appreciate it and promise to check in with an inspire now and then.

Best regards,
2010-04-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hi All,

Firstly, a huge thanks to Brian for all your help, tips and motivation since january and many congrats on the new job. I was not aware the group officially ended this soon. I wish you and your family much luck and enjoyment for your new future. I for one will definately keep in touch !

I picked up my wet suit today and decided to go for a sea swim, the water temp was 8.5, now i dont know if thats cold or what but i found it really difficult to swim properly, for several reasons, 1 i could not see anything, 2, it was so cold i was instantly out of breath and 3 i think because of the lack of air i was all puffed out so quickly. BUT it was hugely fun !!

I guess this was just a huge shock to my body and will get used to it with open water practice.

Tomorrow a friend and i are doing our own personal triathlon. a 400m open water lake swim, 16 mile bike ride then 6 mile run, i dont think we will be racing against each other but we will be pushing each other for sure. ~So i will be back with a report tomorrow for you all.

In review of my personal progress since deciding on this path for my sporting future, i am definately fitter, swim better and have rode and run more than ever before in the last 3 months. Ok i did not meet my target training plans or lose any weight, but i think i have not put 100% into it either but do want to moving forward and am still motivated to do this. Infact Mrs T wants a holiday in june and i am looking for a hotel with a decent gym & pool to spend time in rather than just eating and drinking !

Take care all and enjoy the spring weather this weekend !

2010-04-09 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Brian - Thank you for all of the encouragement you've given along the way.  Your nudges to get me going / continue going have been greatly appreciated.  I plan to continue posting in this mentor group section.   Best of luck with the new job and new town.

T - You should do a destination race in combination with your vacation ( like Deb's Greece trip ).  My family turned my wife's marathon in Seattle into a great reason for a vacation.  It was nice to have the race at the beginning of the vacation, so she didn't have to worry about training and could enjoy the sites with the family.


2010-04-10 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2781168

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Tiesim - 2010-04-09 4:41 PM Hi All,

Firstly, a huge thanks to Brian for all your help, tips and motivation since january and many congrats on the new job. I was not aware the group officially ended this soon. I wish you and your family much luck and enjoyment for your new future. I for one will definately keep in touch !

I picked up my wet suit today and decided to go for a sea swim, the water temp was 8.5, now i dont know if thats cold or what but i found it really difficult to swim properly, for several reasons, 1 i could not see anything, 2, it was so cold i was instantly out of breath and 3 i think because of the lack of air i was all puffed out so quickly. BUT it was hugely fun !!

I guess this was just a huge shock to my body and will get used to it with open water practice.

Tomorrow a friend and i are doing our own personal triathlon. a 400m open water lake swim, 16 mile bike ride then 6 mile run, i dont think we will be racing against each other but we will be pushing each other for sure. ~So i will be back with a report tomorrow for you all.

In review of my personal progress since deciding on this path for my sporting future, i am definately fitter, swim better and have rode and run more than ever before in the last 3 months. Ok i did not meet my target training plans or lose any weight, but i think i have not put 100% into it either but do want to moving forward and am still motivated to do this. Infact Mrs T wants a holiday in june and i am looking for a hotel with a decent gym & pool to spend time in rather than just eating and drinking !

Take care all and enjoy the spring weather this weekend !


That is seriously cold water!!!!  (about 47f!!)  Most folks around here would be using a neoprene cap and booties in that temperature!!

I've never swum in water that cold.  I think the coldest was about 55f (13C). 

For me the trick in cold water is to wade into the water slowly, then float a bit on my back with my head up, then a bit float on my back with my head in, then swim some easy breastroke so my face gets a bit wet, then some easy freestyle so my face gets used to being emerged.    By then the cold doesn't seem to take my breath away when I start to swim.  I do swim slowly at first, though, just to make sure my breathing is under control. 

FWIW, a very common mistake is to start swimming way too fast with the result that your heartbeat and breathing are racing in the first 100 or 200 meters.  All the adrenaline and excitement promote that mistake.  I'm a stronger swimmer, and am always amazed at how many people are ahead of me at the beginning of a race!  I usually start slowly, make sure my breathing is under control, then increase pace.

I'm looking forward to hearing about tomorrow's personal tri!  You might want to consider changing into dry clothing at the start of the bike if the air is cool.  I swam for about a half an hour today in water about 62 degrees (16 or 17C?) and definitely wasn't ready to hop on the bike with wet hair and in wet tri clothing...


2010-04-10 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks to all for the kind words!

I second Chris' suggestion for triathlon vacations.  My recommendation is to have the tri at as near the beginning of the vacation as possible.  My family didn't like the time they had to spend days with me checking out the course, dealing with my last minute training, etc.  I think we all enjoyed the vacation much more after the race with all the stress gone!


2010-04-10 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Thanks Brian for all the inspires.  I got to where I was looking forward to seeing them.  They really helped push me and motivate me to stick with my training.  With my first tri tomorrow, I get to see it all pay off.  Looking forward to tomorrow and looking forward to reporting back after all is said and done.  Good luck with the new job!
2010-04-10 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Good luck to those racing tomorrow!

My plans to start hitting the pool took a detour today when I came down with pink eye!  A couple of days on the drops and I'll be ready to swim.
2010-04-11 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks for the tips guys! a few weeks ago we were thinking about holidaying in france and i was looking at races then, great minds think alike!

So yesterday was huge fun! Up at 6am, ate cereal, banana, energy drink and watched tv for an hour, then we met at the lake at 7.45 to get suited up, i could never get into my suit on my own!

After a chat with the guys running the lake they send the canoe man out to follow us/ We tiptoe into the water and my friend is saying how cold it is, it was actually warmer than the sea the day before so to me it was ok atcually.  There are 4 boyes in the lake marking out the 400m route, so we swim out to the 1st boye and back to shore to warm up. I am wearing a cap unlike in the sea and that is making a massive differnence to the cold. So off we set for a 400m loop. I made it round but probably half of it was breast stroke, i found it really hard to get into my swimming groove as i could not see inm the water and had to keep sighting as i was zig zagging all over the place. Also my lungs were tight and i felt i needed to burp but couldnt get it out.  we got round and were happy to have done our 1st OWS, many many more to come by the looks of it as i have a 750m sea swim in may and 1500m sea swim in july and so need to practice.

We stood about for about 20 mins after the swim taking to the guys who run the lake and some other people there swimming. It was great to speak with these people, they are not all elite athletes but very friendly guys and gals, this made me feel at ease.

We climbed out our wettys and jumped on the bikes, i had my tri suit on underneath my wetty and just wore that and my shades and helmet. It was about 10c burt i quickly warmed up after a few miles as the sun was out.

We rode hard and fast with an average speed of 19mph for 16 miles and i experimented with some different gels and emergy drinks which was useful. We then got back to the lake, locked the bikes up and threw on our trainers and set off (on friday i put on elastic locking laces so this was a trial of using them for me). We set off at a slow pace as our legs were quite tired and picked the pace up on the last 4k. Our run time was 54 mins but that included a toilet break and our last km was in a time of 4.48 which is a good pace.

We got back to the cars and felt pretty damn happy with ourselves, although a little concerned about the swim but that was hot news to me.

I got home afterwards and was in for 30 mins before i was out and  off to rugby again, i managed to sub myself and only play the last 20 mins, after a couple of runs and tackles i was spent and glad to hear the final whistle !

All in all, agreat day, i really felt like its coming together now and as races start coming i am going to enjoy it even more and train more seriously.

2010-04-12 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2783024

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Tiesim - 2010-04-11 4:33 AM

Thanks for the tips guys! a few weeks ago we were thinking about holidaying in france and i was looking at races then, great minds think alike!

So yesterday was huge fun! Up at 6am, ate cereal, banana, energy drink and watched tv for an hour, then we met at the lake at 7.45 to get suited up, i could never get into my suit on my own!

After a chat with the guys running the lake they send the canoe man out to follow us/ We tiptoe into the water and my friend is saying how cold it is, it was actually warmer than the sea the day before so to me it was ok atcually.  There are 4 boyes in the lake marking out the 400m route, so we swim out to the 1st boye and back to shore to warm up. I am wearing a cap unlike in the sea and that is making a massive differnence to the cold. So off we set for a 400m loop. I made it round but probably half of it was breast stroke, i found it really hard to get into my swimming groove as i could not see inm the water and had to keep sighting as i was zig zagging all over the place. Also my lungs were tight and i felt i needed to burp but couldnt get it out.  we got round and were happy to have done our 1st OWS, many many more to come by the looks of it as i have a 750m sea swim in may and 1500m sea swim in july and so need to practice.

We stood about for about 20 mins after the swim taking to the guys who run the lake and some other people there swimming. It was great to speak with these people, they are not all elite athletes but very friendly guys and gals, this made me feel at ease.

We climbed out our wettys and jumped on the bikes, i had my tri suit on underneath my wetty and just wore that and my shades and helmet. It was about 10c burt i quickly warmed up after a few miles as the sun was out.

We rode hard and fast with an average speed of 19mph for 16 miles and i experimented with some different gels and emergy drinks which was useful. We then got back to the lake, locked the bikes up and threw on our trainers and set off (on friday i put on elastic locking laces so this was a trial of using them for me). We set off at a slow pace as our legs were quite tired and picked the pace up on the last 4k. Our run time was 54 mins but that included a toilet break and our last km was in a time of 4.48 which is a good pace.

We got back to the cars and felt pretty damn happy with ourselves, although a little concerned about the swim but that was hot news to me.

I got home afterwards and was in for 30 mins before i was out and  off to rugby again, i managed to sub myself and only play the last 20 mins, after a couple of runs and tackles i was spent and glad to hear the final whistle !

All in all, agreat day, i really felt like its coming together now and as races start coming i am going to enjoy it even more and train more seriously.

You are so inspiring, T.  Wow.  You still had the energy to play rugby.  I'm impressed. 

Went to Arizona for the weekend to chill out and visit friends and family.  I said it was going to be a recovery weekend.  NOT.  I ended up doing laps both days in the pool.  And since we didn't get in until midnight last night, decided to forgo the spin class this morning.  Boot camp starts tomorrow (Tues/Thurs) for the next 5 weeks, and I am still meeting with my trainer to do sprints.  Incidentally, she is the same person in charge of the boot camp, so I'll get three straight days of totally kick a$$ work outs.  Taking Friday and Saturday off, and the tri is on Sunday.  Can't believe it is closing in so quickly, but I'm really excited.

Thanks for all your help, everyone.  I will still be checking in and using the training logs.  I found it was extremely helpful.


2010-04-12 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Well, I finished my first triathlon of 2010 yesterday!

I had a blast, did well, and learned a few things.  My run has come along surprisingly well over the last couple of years, to the point where my times are somewhat respectable when compared to the faster folks.  On the other hand, my cycling is far behind where I'd like it to be.  I used to think that my run and bike abilities were fairly equal; very clearly, cycling is now my weakness and I need to work on it a lot!

You can see my race report here:

2010-04-13 12:07 AM
in reply to: #2785631

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
I'd take any one of your splits   Sounds like you have a very competitive age group in your area.

Nice race, the swim sounds cool.

famelec - 2010-04-12 10:34 AM Well, I finished my first triathlon of 2010 yesterday!

I had a blast, did well, and learned a few things.  My run has come along surprisingly well over the last couple of years, to the point where my times are somewhat respectable when compared to the faster folks.  On the other hand, my cycling is far behind where I'd like it to be.  I used to think that my run and bike abilities were fairly equal; very clearly, cycling is now my weakness and I need to work on it a lot!

You can see my race report here:


Edited by croyston 2010-04-13 12:09 AM
2010-04-14 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Deb and Tiernan have their first triathlons this coming weekend.  Post your last minute questions if you have any. 

Good luck you two!!

2010-04-14 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2790424

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
famelec - 2010-04-14 6:42 AM Deb and Tiernan have their first triathlons this coming weekend.  Post your last minute questions if you have any. 

Good luck you two!!


Thanks, Brian.  My ankle still isn't 100% as of today.  Did a very light 3 miler today and had to take off my shoes.  Ended up with a bloody, broken blister on one of my left toes - which I believe I received yesterday when I finished my 1 mile run barefoot.  Anyway, even though I've been having my ankle adjusted, I've been getting tightness in my arch.  Is taping before a swim recommended or do I need to wrap it in transition?  I haven't tried taping during a swim because I haven't needed it, but this minor task will save a little time before the race if I do.  Thoughts?

2010-04-15 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Good luck thisd weekend Deb !

Thanks Brian. So quick questions.

1 should i have a box for my kit in transition ?
2 Do i need to wear cycling gloves ?
3 estimated time 2.30 hrs, do i need 2  bottles on the bike or 1 plus 1 in transition ?
4 Its a 7.50 wave start for me, what time do you think i should arrive there ?
5 Meal plans for friday and saturday, Chicken pasta friday, tuna pasta saturd*ay, any comments ?

Thanks everyone, i am nervous but excited !!

2010-04-15 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2792181

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Deb C - 2010-04-14 3:17 PM
famelec - 2010-04-14 6:42 AM Deb and Tiernan have their first triathlons this coming weekend.  Post your last minute questions if you have any. 

Good luck you two!!


Thanks, Brian.  My ankle still isn't 100% as of today.  Did a very light 3 miler today and had to take off my shoes.  Ended up with a bloody, broken blister on one of my left toes - which I believe I received yesterday when I finished my 1 mile run barefoot.  Anyway, even though I've been having my ankle adjusted, I've been getting tightness in my arch.  Is taping before a swim recommended or do I need to wrap it in transition?  I haven't tried taping during a swim because I haven't needed it, but this minor task will save a little time before the race if I do.  Thoughts?

If you can point your toes when taped and you don't expect it will fall off in the water, I see no reason not to swim with it.  It might be hard to tape in T1 on wet feet and in a crowded area, but it could be done if necessary.

Is it warm enough now to be running barefoot in Colorado???

2010-04-15 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2794589

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
famelec - 2010-04-15 2:05 PM
Deb C - 2010-04-14 3:17 PM
famelec - 2010-04-14 6:42 AM Deb and Tiernan have their first triathlons this coming weekend.  Post your last minute questions if you have any. 

Good luck you two!!


Thanks, Brian.  My ankle still isn't 100% as of today.  Did a very light 3 miler today and had to take off my shoes.  Ended up with a bloody, broken blister on one of my left toes - which I believe I received yesterday when I finished my 1 mile run barefoot.  Anyway, even though I've been having my ankle adjusted, I've been getting tightness in my arch.  Is taping before a swim recommended or do I need to wrap it in transition?  I haven't tried taping during a swim because I haven't needed it, but this minor task will save a little time before the race if I do.  Thoughts?

If you can point your toes when taped and you don't expect it will fall off in the water, I see no reason not to swim with it.  It might be hard to tape in T1 on wet feet and in a crowded area, but it could be done if necessary.

Is it warm enough now to be running barefoot in Colorado???


I will tape before I leave the house!  Yes, it has been warm enough the last few days to run barefoot.  Tuesday morning was a little chilly (on the top of the foot), but it felt great not to have to run in 'those' shoes. 
2010-04-15 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2794484

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Tiesim - 2010-04-15 1:22 PM Good luck thisd weekend Deb !

Thanks Brian. So quick questions.

1 should i have a box for my kit in transition ?
2 Do i need to wear cycling gloves ?
3 estimated time 2.30 hrs, do i need 2  bottles on the bike or 1 plus 1 in transition ?
4 Its a 7.50 wave start for me, what time do you think i should arrive there ?
5 Meal plans for friday and saturday, Chicken pasta friday, tuna pasta saturd*ay, any comments ?

Thanks everyone, i am nervous but excited !!


Thanks, T!
You are going to do great.  Good luck.
2010-04-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2794484

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Tiesim - 2010-04-15 2:22 PM Good luck thisd weekend Deb !

Thanks Brian. So quick questions.

1 should i have a box for my kit in transition ?
I think it would be easier without a box.  I put my stuff on a small towel next to my bike.  All you need on the ground are your bike shoes (assuming you don't pre-mount them on the pedals), running shoes, and running cap if you wear one.  Balance your helmet on your handlebars (open side up with straps hanging out) and sunglasses laying inside the helmet.  Tape any gels to your bike or have them in your tri-top at the start of the swim. 

2 Do i need to wear cycling gloves ?
Only if your hands will be freezing without them. Or if it's wet out and you think you might go down in a turn, by all means wear gloves.   Few people wear them in races. 

3 estimated time 2.30 hrs, do i need 2  bottles on the bike or 1 plus 1 in transition ?
It's always nice to have too much than not enough, especially in your first triathlon when you're not sure how much you will really want.  In my 20 mile duathlon in Feb I filled my aerobottle (which was about 3/4 of a regular bottle) with Gatorade.  It was plenty for me.  I take an extra bottle when it starts getting warmer.  In a 5k run I won't drink anything.  In a 10k run in warmer weather I'll carry an 8 oz mini bottle of Gatorade with me; most people just drink from the aid stations along the course, but I've never figured out how not to spill Gatorade all over me when trying to drink from a cup while running. ;(

4 Its a 7.50 wave start for me, what time do you think i should arrive there ?
Find out what time the transition area closes and work backwards from there.  You should get to the race venue at least 30 minutes before transition closes, and much earlier if bike spots aren't assigned and you want a prime spot.  Assuming you do the packet pickup before race day, when you get to the venue you'll still likely have to get bodymarked (number and age written on your body), get a timing chip, and set up your bike/stuff in transition, so 30 min really isn't much time. 

5 Meal plans for friday and saturday, Chicken pasta friday, tuna pasta saturd*ay, any comments ?
Sounds fine.  Keep dinner light on Saturday night.

Thanks everyone, i am nervous but excited !!

Have fun!!


Edited by famelec 2010-04-15 4:32 PM

2010-04-16 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Best of luck Deb and T on your races!
2010-04-16 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2794804

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Deb C - 2010-04-15 3:27 PM
famelec - 2010-04-15 2:05 PM
Deb C - 2010-04-14 3:17 PM
famelec - 2010-04-14 6:42 AM Deb and Tiernan have their first triathlons this coming weekend.  Post your last minute questions if you have any. 

Good luck you two!!


Thanks, Brian.  My ankle still isn't 100% as of today.  Did a very light 3 miler today and had to take off my shoes.  Ended up with a bloody, broken blister on one of my left toes - which I believe I received yesterday when I finished my 1 mile run barefoot.  Anyway, even though I've been having my ankle adjusted, I've been getting tightness in my arch.  Is taping before a swim recommended or do I need to wrap it in transition?  I haven't tried taping during a swim because I haven't needed it, but this minor task will save a little time before the race if I do.  Thoughts?

If you can point your toes when taped and you don't expect it will fall off in the water, I see no reason not to swim with it.  It might be hard to tape in T1 on wet feet and in a crowded area, but it could be done if necessary.

Is it warm enough now to be running barefoot in Colorado???


I will tape before I leave the house!  Yes, it has been warm enough the last few days to run barefoot.  Tuesday morning was a little chilly (on the top of the foot), but it felt great not to have to run in 'those' shoes. 

Went to see my accupunturist last night.  She was able to do visceral manipulation on my ankle and heel, and it worked beautifully.  I have been pain and (friction) free since.  Been walking great all day without any notice of the injury.  She's amazing. 

I'll visit the massage therapist tonight to get rid of the rather large knot in my right neck/shoulder, and then see my chiropractor on Saturday morning.   I see these people every month because of the degenerative arthritis, but they are really coming in handy near race day. Thank goodness for them!

Been checking the weather for the weekend, and it keeps changing.  First it was rain and 40 degrees, then it was thunderstorms all day, now it is 65 and partly sunny.  I'll keep watching the weather.  Better to be safe than sorry.  I've biked and run in the cold rain. . .I'm just not a fan.
2010-04-19 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hi Guys !

I did my 1st race yesterday and just want to scream from the roof tops about how much fun it was ! It was so much fun, definately for me and cant wait for my next challenge, a 750sea swim triathlon in may.

See my race report below for details, it was simply ACE !!!

Thanks for all your help, motivation and tips, without you guys i would not have had so much fun !

2010-04-19 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Had an awesome time at yesterday's race.  Still need work on the swim.

Here are my comments

Thinking of adding in another one in May - which is a little longer.  Yesterday did seem a little short, and not that challenging (except for the pool) portion.
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