BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed! Rss Feed  
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2008-05-21 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1416253

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
PirateGirl - 2008-05-21 10:37 AM

Javamom - 2008-05-21 8:14 AM

I just got my wetsuit at Tribe in Scottsdale. I thought about renting but the place in town that rents costs $50 for the weekend and my wetsuit cost $125 total.

TriSports here in Tucson charges the same for rentals. If you end up buying the suit they contribute your rental payment towards the purchase payment. I have the Women's Fluid Drive sleeveless wetsuit from ProMotion. They are a BT sponsor, so I got 10% off. With that the suit was $150, so I didn't bother renting any suits. I'm average-sized though, so it was easy for me to buy an online suit I had never tried on.

I forgot to add that I am short/heavy and the one I got at tribe fits great. It is shorter in the legs for easy off and so that makes it perfect for me.

2008-05-22 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Had a fairly good swim last night. We were doing 100 sprints and managed to hover in the 1:25-1:30 range. This is about a five second discount from my usual average, and is unusual in my opinion. Im not intending to brag because I realize swimming is not everyones thing, but I am doing less than I was in March and April and Im just trying to figure out how my body reacts to training loads. My run times are also getting better despite the fact that I have only a handful of runs this month. This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?
2008-05-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-22 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Well, I'm glad you guys are having success at improving times/distances/endurance. Today I am so freakin' tired that I can hardly walk! My 13 year old had four other girls over to spend the night and they were giggling and making noise all night. I never slept! Was going to go swim early this morning, but I just couldn't do it. So, I'm going to have some lunch and go after that. Maybe that will actually wake me up and give me energy! My goal is to stay on schedule and get all my training in these next two weeks. Sleeping is going to be a very high priority!
2008-05-22 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1418968

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2008-05-22 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1418834

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Nevergivin -- yeah for the swimming -- me too! 

I did a 400 as my cooldown this morning after my 25s.  First time I've swum a 400 straight through!  And that's my race distance in June so I'm HAPPY!  I was a little slower than I'd like but I was not exhausted/winded at the end either -- slow and steady is OK by me!  Better than sucking and sinking.

2008-05-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

OK, The next four days (F, S, S, M) are supposed to be run, bike, run, rest.  But I won't have my bike on Saturday (unless I get up early to do it before we leave).  Assuming the earlyrise is missed and no bike - Should I replace the bike with a run so I have run, run, run, rest?  I think not as the loong run is supposed to be 50 mins (my longest yet) so better to move the rest day?  run, long run, rest, run? 

Do I count any time hiking with kid on back and carrying climbing gear as a run?  I'm fearing doing too much run/hike wearing out my little legs without my bike-break to mix it up!  thinking too much again?

2008-05-22 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1418834

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

nevergivin - 2008-05-22 6:29 AM

This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?

I think you're seeing the gains of consistency, and like Bill mentioned, the recovery. It does get better from year to year, but as you increase the bar (1/2 IM and IM) it requires more work. Congrats on those improvements!

2008-05-22 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1419424

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
movingsouth - 2008-05-22 9:39 AM

OK, The next four days (F, S, S, M) are supposed to be run, bike, run, rest.  But I won't have my bike on Saturday (unless I get up early to do it before we leave).  Assuming the earlyrise is missed and no bike - Should I replace the bike with a run so I have run, run, run, rest?  I think not as the loong run is supposed to be 50 mins (my longest yet) so better to move the rest day?  run, long run, rest, run? 

Do I count any time hiking with kid on back and carrying climbing gear as a run?  I'm fearing doing too much run/hike wearing out my little legs without my bike-break to mix it up!  thinking too much again?

Can you do the long run at an easy pace on Friday (earlier in the day would be better)? If so, I'd do that on Fri and replace the shorter run with the hiking. You can work the bike in next week, or forget it and just follow what the plan has for that week. The hiking is going to give you just as much of a workout (maybe even more with all that gear) as the run. I couldn't run right after my IM, so the BT coaches suggested hiking instead during that recovery time.

2008-05-22 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1419896

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
PirateGirl - 2008-05-22 1:12 PM

nevergivin - 2008-05-22 6:29 AM

This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?

I think you're seeing the gains of consistency, and like Bill mentioned, the recovery. It does get better from year to year, but as you increase the bar (1/2 IM and IM) it requires more work. Congrats on those improvements!

Thanks for your insight, I have my goals set up to 2010*IMAZ*. I hope I can enjoy the journey without bieng overwhelmed.

Thanks for your help too Bill ! Also thanks for the warning about Nutrijoint,stuff tastes like P !

2008-05-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1420014

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2008-05-22 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

How sweet is this! The Endurox rep is having a contest with our triclub and has thrown in a P3C (I hope it fits me), and two sets of ZIPP 404's. Each prize also comes with a years supply of drinks. The contest is each Endurox product you buy from them gets you one entry, I have three entries. Call me a sucker but our triclub only has 56 members and I think only half read thier emails, a few could care less about winning a bike, so I figure I have a good shot!  My triclub is Triathlon Connection.


2008-05-23 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1420145

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
nevergivin - 2008-05-22 1:43 PM

Call me a sucker but our triclub only has 56 members and I think only half read thier emails, a few could care less about winning a bike, so I figure I have a good shot!  My triclub is Triathlon Connection.

That would be so awesome if you won a bike! Fingers are crossed for ya. When is the drawing for the big prize?

2008-05-23 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Okay, I'm not a happy camper tonight people! My husband has decided that we are going to go OUT OF TOWN to see his dad this weekend.  AAAHHH! I had told him that after the wedding I didn't want to have any obligations to anyone, anywhere, for any reason so I could take these last few weeks before my tri and train and get prepared. So, we leave early tomorrow and don't get back til Sunday night. I had planned on doing a bike/run tomorrow morning and a swim/run on Sunday. I think I'll get up really early tomorrow and do the bike/run anyway and tell him I'm not leaving til I do that. And then run Sunday while we're gone. The only good thing is there is a great sports shop there that has wetsuits so I'm going to go see if I can find one there. I just didn't want the stress of driving and not sleeping in my own bed. Tell me to quit whining and just go do it, will ya?
2008-05-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
This is where being single probably means I should keep my mouth shut... but... any chance that you can stay back and let him go? How far is this road trip? If you have decided to go then change your mindset... figure out how you can workout there, make the wetsuit shopping a must, and enjoy the ride. You know the saying...if you can't fight them... join them.

2008-05-23 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Thanks, Elizabeth! And, don't worry about being single...I don't want you to keep your mouth shut! I really didn't have an option for this particular trip. If I would have had the option of staying home I would have done that. But, I got my swim in tonight so I can wait til Monday for the next one if I can't swim at the Y there. I am going to get up about 6:00 and get on my bike and then run. That way at least tomorrow when we get there I won't feel like I've missed out on my bike ride. You are right, I needed to get my attitude right because if i was going to go I needed to have my head screwed on right. So, I went to the GPS deal and mapped out a run for Sunday. So, I'll be a good girl and do what I gotta do...and hopefully I'll get my wetsuit out of the trip! 

2008-05-23 11:35 PM
in reply to: #1420014

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
nevergivin - 2008-05-22 2:45 PM

PirateGirl - 2008-05-22 1:12 PM

nevergivin - 2008-05-22 6:29 AM

This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?

I think you're seeing the gains of consistency, and like Bill mentioned, the recovery. It does get better from year to year, but as you increase the bar (1/2 IM and IM) it requires more work. Congrats on those improvements!

Thanks for your insight, I have my goals set up to 2010*IMAZ*. I hope I can enjoy the journey without bieng overwhelmed.

Thanks for your help too Bill ! Also thanks for the warning about Nutrijoint,stuff tastes like P !

Hey, that is my goal too!! I am hoping for Oly this year (done but will do one more)...HIM in 09 and then Iron in 2010. It's a long journey but it will be well worth it!
2008-05-23 11:36 PM
in reply to: #1422702

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Big Mama - 2008-05-23 10:09 PM

Thanks, Elizabeth! And, don't worry about being single...I don't want you to keep your mouth shut! I really didn't have an option for this particular trip. If I would have had the option of staying home I would have done that. But, I got my swim in tonight so I can wait til Monday for the next one if I can't swim at the Y there. I am going to get up about 6:00 and get on my bike and then run. That way at least tomorrow when we get there I won't feel like I've missed out on my bike ride. You are right, I needed to get my attitude right because if i was going to go I needed to have my head screwed on right. So, I went to the GPS deal and mapped out a run for Sunday. So, I'll be a good girl and do what I gotta do...and hopefully I'll get my wetsuit out of the trip!

I hope you can get your wetsuit!! Very exciting!!
2008-05-24 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1422708

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Javamom - 2008-05-23 9:35 PM
nevergivin - 2008-05-22 2:45 PM
PirateGirl - 2008-05-22 1:12 PM

nevergivin - 2008-05-22 6:29 AM

This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?

I think you're seeing the gains of consistency, and like Bill mentioned, the recovery. It does get better from year to year, but as you increase the bar (1/2 IM and IM) it requires more work. Congrats on those improvements!

Thanks for your insight, I have my goals set up to 2010*IMAZ*. I hope I can enjoy the journey without bieng overwhelmed.

Thanks for your help too Bill ! Also thanks for the warning about Nutrijoint,stuff tastes like P !

Hey, that is my goal too!! I am hoping for Oly this year (done but will do one more)...HIM in 09 and then Iron in 2010. It's a long journey but it will be well worth it!

I am sure Elaine can attest to how many people you meet on the way to Ironman, I keep in touch with about six Bt members that have thier sights on IMAZ 2010. Im assuming that it is your destination because you are close by. My father lives in Buckeye and will stay with him Ironman week, just a plan for now!I think I will be shooting for 11 Hours to finish!What about you!

2008-05-25 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-25 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1423070

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
nevergivin - 2008-05-24 1:30 PM

Javamom - 2008-05-23 9:35 PM
nevergivin - 2008-05-22 2:45 PM
PirateGirl - 2008-05-22 1:12 PM

nevergivin - 2008-05-22 6:29 AM

This weekend I plan to do some serious milage on my bike and I am hoping for similiar benefits, can someone shed some insight, am I peaking late from my training program starting in January ? Can this be some kind of maturity thing where my gains can be the result of better form from consistent training? I do know this, I feel much stronger than I did last year in all events, does it keep getting better beyond my sophmore year or does it just get more difficult as I start to enter 1/2 IM and IM world?

I think you're seeing the gains of consistency, and like Bill mentioned, the recovery. It does get better from year to year, but as you increase the bar (1/2 IM and IM) it requires more work. Congrats on those improvements!

Thanks for your insight, I have my goals set up to 2010*IMAZ*. I hope I can enjoy the journey without bieng overwhelmed.

Thanks for your help too Bill ! Also thanks for the warning about Nutrijoint,stuff tastes like P !

Hey, that is my goal too!! I am hoping for Oly this year (done but will do one more)...HIM in 09 and then Iron in 2010. It's a long journey but it will be well worth it!

I am sure Elaine can attest to how many people you meet on the way to Ironman, I keep in touch with about six Bt members that have thier sights on IMAZ 2010. Im assuming that it is your destination because you are close by. My father lives in Buckeye and will stay with him Ironman week, just a plan for now!I think I will be shooting for 11 Hours to finish!What about you!

Yes, about 90% of picking IMAZ is just because I live 30 minutes from the race site. It seems to make sense since I already know the conditions. I am not sure of goal times but I am guessing I am going to be shooting for the "finish" range. I would love to keep in touch with you as we progress!

2008-05-25 10:37 PM
in reply to: #1423882

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
wgraves7582 - 2008-05-25 5:33 PM

Finished the marathon. Here is my race report:

Did not finish like I wanted to, but I am mad and that is a good thing to carry my training on this season!

Great race Bill! Sometimes I am motivated by revenge on a time and other times fear (like the Oly). Whatever works!
2008-05-26 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Ok... I stunned my own self. After looking at the Carlbad half marathon for a long... long... long time. I REGISTERED! It is not until Jan 25, I have some time. I have wanted to do a half for a while and decided that it is time that I move another step towards my goals. In some ways I almost feel shame because I am so very slow it almost looks unrealistic... yet I know I have the endurance for it and with more training and hopefully some weight loss... it should be attainable (they have a 16 min mile pace rule). Plus when I was so sick a few years ago I was going through radiation and I remember being in tears because I was so weak and telling a friend "I can't walk to my bedroom... it is just too far". I have certainly come a long way from those days and I have to remind myself that life is short and all we really have is today... so I am going for it.

We are heading to Greece in July so once I get back hopefully in Sept I can begin a plan. There are so many half marathon training plans so if anyone has advice on which one would be good for me... please let me know.

Thanks for the support, I had to let the cat out of the bag. Who is next for going signing up for something that may be a stretch?

2008-05-27 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1424750

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2008-05-27 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1424750

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

azelizabeth - 2008-05-26 1:32 PM

Ok... I stunned my own self. After looking at the Carlbad half marathon for a long... long... long time. I REGISTERED!

Sweet! Nothing like committing $ to a race to get motivated to train. Great job on pulling the trigger. Even if it is a little scary, which is a good thing!

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