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2009-01-30 5:02 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Glad you had a good run, despite the conditions. Its days like this that keep us running through the day that I had!  I woke up because of the dogs at 2:30, didnt really go back to sleep until 10 min before the alarm went off at 4:30.  Of course it was still raining, kinda hard.  I opted to go to the gym and do my tempo run on the TM- UGH, I hate the TM but it beats the cold rain.

Since I never run on a TM, I did not know that they cut off at 45 min!  I was just powering throuh my last mile ( of 6) and the stupid thing goes to a cool down.  I speed it up but it doesnt last, keeps slowing me down.  Now I have to shut it off, wait what seems like an eternity when you are in "the zone" and restart it, wait until it gets up to speed and then try to take off again.  But at least I got in my work out and hit my pace since you cant slow down like you can on the road.

12 mile long run scheduled for tomorrow.  One of my coworker's and I are going to run then grab lunch. He runs much faster than I do but it should be fun. Cold and windy though- might have to reconcider our route that takes us near the beach.

Have a great Friday!


2009-01-30 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1936934

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-30 6:02 AM

Glad you had a good run, despite the conditions. Its days like this that keep us running through the day that I had!  I woke up because of the dogs at 2:30, didnt really go back to sleep until 10 min before the alarm went off at 4:30.  Of course it was still raining, kinda hard.  I opted to go to the gym and do my tempo run on the TM- UGH, I hate the TM but it beats the cold rain.

Since I never run on a TM, I did not know that they cut off at 45 min!  I was just powering throuh my last mile ( of 6) and the stupid thing goes to a cool down.  I speed it up but it doesnt last, keeps slowing me down.  Now I have to shut it off, wait what seems like an eternity when you are in "the zone" and restart it, wait until it gets up to speed and then try to take off again.  But at least I got in my work out and hit my pace since you cant slow down like you can on the road.

Well done running that far on the TM. I could never do it.  You definitely get a gold star for it! I think if the treadmill slowed down on me like that I would have kept my HR up and stayed in the "zone" by beating on the TM control panel with a baseball bat. Umm, yeah, I really don't like treadmills

12 mile long run scheduled for tomorrow.  One of my coworker's and I are going to run then grab lunch. He runs much faster than I do but it should be fun. Cold and windy though- might have to reconcider our route that takes us near the beach.

Sounds great. Have fun!!


2009-01-30 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1937002

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I did my 3 mile easy run this morning just like the plan said. Very glad I stuck with my 7 mile run yesterday so that I could stay on the plan, plus it meant an extra 40 minutes of sleep this morning.

Tomorrow I will do a short bike (hopefully outside, but most likely on the trainer) and then a little swimming. Sunday will be an 11 mile easy long run.

I would like to see a competitive game on Sunday night. Don't really care who wins that much, but I am rooting for the Cardinals just because I have a nephew who lives in Phoenix.

What does everyone else have planned for the weekend?


2009-01-30 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey all you treadmill haters!!  It's not so bad! I actually really don't mind it.  It's not freezing cold, I know exactly how fast I'm running, I can chat or watch's like a running social hour!

Anyway, I had my 1000 time trial at the pool this morning and....I swam it in 19m13s which comes out to be 1:51/100yds.  I think not too bad.  I looked back and my last 800 yd. tt in August was at 1:58/100 yds.  I still think there is room for improvement there.  I'm thinking about getting some one-on-one lessons with a local coach.  I'm going back and forth between being excited about the improvement and a little disappointed that I'm still really not very fast. (I know that is totally lame, but I can't help it!!)

My weekend plan is to do an hour run tomorrow (probably on the treadmill ), and at least an hour if not more on the trainer on Sunday. There is no way I will be outside on the bike until it is at least 50-60!!

2009-01-31 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1938101

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-01-30 4:36 PM

Hey all you treadmill haters!!  It's not so bad! I actually really don't mind it.  It's not freezing cold, I know exactly how fast I'm running, I can chat or watch's like a running social hour!

I don't really hate the treadmill that much. It's just that I really love running outside. I am very lucky because I have great roads for running and riding around me. Nice pavement, pretty scenery, some good hills, and not much traffic, so I really have it made.

Anyway, I had my 1000 time trial at the pool this morning and....I swam it in 19m13s which comes out to be 1:51/100yds.  I think not too bad.  I looked back and my last 800 yd. tt in August was at 1:58/100 yds.  I still think there is room for improvement there.  I'm thinking about getting some one-on-one lessons with a local coach.  I'm going back and forth between being excited about the improvement and a little disappointed that I'm still really not very fast. (I know that is totally lame, but I can't help it!!)

I think that is a great improvement, and you should feel good because you put in some hard work and it paid off. Thinking there is more room for improvement is completely normal. That constant drive to get better is important in everything we do, not just athletics.

Besides being a little faster, you are probably getting more efficient as well which is really important in a race. You will be able to get out of the water with your breathing and HR under control, have a smooth T1, and really be ready to rock the bike.

My weekend plan is to do an hour run tomorrow (probably on the treadmill ), and at least an hour if not more on the trainer on Sunday. There is no way I will be outside on the bike until it is at least 50-60!!

Sounds good!!


Edited by amschrod 2009-01-31 12:40 PM
2009-01-31 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Just got in from my 12 miler.  I ran with a co worker who is also doing the 1/2 with me.  He is a TM runner so he wasnt really thrilled about the cold and wind this morning.We stayed together for the first 3 then he took off- as expected.  I felt great for the first 6 miles then it begins to get harder with every mile- always has been this way.  I feel like I need to work even harder to keep my pace (goal pace was 9 min miles).  Luckily we started off a little fast so I built a little time cushion.  Garmin said I averaged 8:59 so I am happy.  The last 3 miles were tough mentally too, I think I need to take a gel or something- I just run out of gas. It might just be the placebo affect too, but I will definately use something during the race.  I dont care what I use as long I reach that finish line under 2 hours!  I think I will take my fuel belt- hand held water bottle.  I have gotten used to it now and then I dont have to stop for water.  Even after all these years of running, I have not mastered the water stop!  Nothing like a good long run to get you psyched up for the taper week!!

Hope you all had a good sat. and got some quality time in, wether it be training or with family or with the pillow ( I am about to take a nice nap!). 

2009-02-01 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1939005

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-01-31 2:59 PM

Just got in from my 12 miler.  I ran with a co worker who is also doing the 1/2 with me.  He is a TM runner so he wasnt really thrilled about the cold and wind this morning.We stayed together for the first 3 then he took off- as expected.  I felt great for the first 6 miles then it begins to get harder with every mile- always has been this way.  I feel like I need to work even harder to keep my pace (goal pace was 9 min miles).  Luckily we started off a little fast so I built a little time cushion.  Garmin said I averaged 8:59 so I am happy.

8:59 for a 12 mile training run is excellent. You are well om your way to meeting your goal for your half mary. Only 2 weeks untik the big day!

The last 3 miles were tough mentally too, I think I need to take a gel or something- I just run out of gas. It might just be the placebo affect too, but I will definately use something during the race.  I dont care what I use as long I reach that finish line under 2 hours!  I think I will take my fuel belt- hand held water bottle.  I have gotten used to it now and then I dont have to stop for water.  Even after all these years of running, I have not mastered the water stop!

You mean I'm not the only one who has trouble at water stops? I usually end up spilling more on me than I drink, plus I feel guilty just throwing the cup on the ground.

Nothing like a good long run to get you psyched up for the taper week!!

You should be psyched after a great run like that!!

2009-02-01 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1939777

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Finished my 11 mile LSD today. A little slower than I would have liked but I feel good. This week is a "recovery" week on my run plan, so I will try to get more swim and bike done.

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend!


2009-02-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1939780

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kelly, I did not forget about HIM training plans. Somehow I can not locate my copy of Friel's "Training Bible". There is a new edition that I want to get, but it isn't actually out yet. I will print out the 2 BT plans that you referred to, and go over them while I watch the game tonight.


2009-02-01 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, that's on my list of things to do tonight too!  We'll have to compare notes.

I had a great run today outside.  7.38 miles in 1:08.  I felt really good about that.  I puts me running a 9:17 avg.  Wow, the warm weather and a restful week really make a difference!

I also lost 5 pounds this month.  I put away my scale at the beginning of the month and decided that I would just focus on training hard and eating healthy, and, voila, 5 pounds gone!  I put away the scale this morning until March.  It would be great to lose another 5 or so by June, but I'm trying really hard not to obsess about it in my usual fashion.

Have a great evening.  I just pulled brownies out of the oven that I will eat later with some ice cream.  My treat for a great run today (and, no, I don't do this every time I have a great run!)

2009-02-02 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi all

Kelly - what a great month, 5 pounds awesome job

As for myself the toe still isn't 100% but I am running a lot better, but after 30 minutes of swimming this morning I know I need to focus on swimming stamina, boy was I puffing and blowing

And finally the UPS tracking on my new bike says the magic words - out for delivery! Plus it is "signed for delivery" which just means they slow the truck down a bit as they lob the box out


2009-02-03 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1941257

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-02-02 12:17 PM

As for myself the toe still isn't 100% but I am running a lot better, but after 30 minutes of swimming this morning I know I need to focus on swimming stamina, boy was I puffing and blowing

Well, considering your training pace is faster than my 5K race pace, I would say you are running pretty darned well!!

As far as your swimming goes I already commented in your training log, but I'd like to discuss it again. Obviously, from the way you run you are in great shape but swimming is totally different from running and biking because technique is so important. First thing I think of when someone is out of breath swimming is they are not breathing enough. Sounds simple, but sometimes some people try to get in too many strokes between breaths. Think of what would happen if you tried to take several steps running while holding your breath.

Now about your stroke. Don't know if you have had much coaching, but I know you are doing TI drills, and one of the big things about TI is body position. Since you are such a good runner, and judging from your avatar, I am guessing you are pretty lean and muscly, so you probably have trouble with your hips sinking. If your hips sink, a lot of your energy will be used fighting the water instead of moving yourself forward. I have trouble with my hips sinking, so body position is one of the things I focus on when I am swimming.

The other thing I focus on is being smooth. Like I mentioned in your log, "slow is smooth, smooth is fast". For me, when I slow it down smooth it out a little, my reach is better, my pull is stronger, and my glide is better. Basically, I go a little faster while working less.

You probably didn't want such a long comment, especially from someone who is not a great swimmer One thing I can do though, is keep going and going at my slow pace while barely breathing hard.

And finally the UPS tracking on my new bike says the magic words - out for delivery! Plus it is "signed for delivery" which just means they slow the truck down a bit as they lob the box out

So, did it get there? Any pictures?


2009-02-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1940064

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-01 4:18 PM

Anthony, that's on my list of things to do tonight too!  We'll have to compare notes.

The Superbowl was more exciting than I thought it would be, so I didn't go over the plans so much during the game, but I have studied them since. First off, you have done an oly, so you know that there is a pretty big jump from sprint to olympic distance. However, the jump from oly to HIM is much bigger in my opinion, so effective training becomes way more important. Of the 2 BT plans you mentioned, I would say the easier plan has too little volume, and the harder plan is great, but it's just too much to fit in while your taking care of 2 little kids, a husband, a house, working, etc.

I also have to fit my training into a busy life, so I am going to try to follow the basic ideas in the "harder" plan (minus the strength training), but I will have to cut back the time on a lot of the workouts. Especially the workouts during the week. So, here's a couple of my ideas about HIM training.

First the swim,. Obviously, I don't swim enough, but if I have to cut, here is the first place. Yes, I know I am bad, but the way I look at it the half swim is not much different than the oly swim: 1.2 miles versus .93 miles. I would like to swim more, and have a better performance in the swim, but I feel like I have to focus my limited training time where I get the most "bang for the buck".

Second, the bike. I think you have to get as many of those 50-60 mile rides in as you can for a couple of reason besides just getting ready for 56 on race day. You have to get your nutrition right, because it is way more important at this distance than in the shorter races, so besides riding, you need to practice your nutrition on the long rides. Plus, that's a pretty long run after the bike, so when your bike fitness is better, your run gets easier. A great thing about the bike is you can build up your mileage faster than you can with the run. You have to be smart, not try to do too much, and take a recovery week every 3 weeks or so, but I think you can go way beyond the running "10% rule". I do 2 or sometimes 3 shorter rides during the week, and a long ride on the weekend, trying to get 75-100 miles a week.

Last, the run. I think it is also important to get 1 long run a week. I am going to shoot for 9-11 miles for my weekly long run this year, which is more than I have done in the past. I will also do 2 medium (3-6 mile ) runs, and usually a short brick run of 1-2 miles after my weekly long bike.

That's my general approach to my HIM training for this year, but in the next few weeks I am going to try to get more specific because soon it will be only 20 weeks to Musselman!!

I had a great run today outside.  7.38 miles in 1:08.  I felt really good about that.  I puts me running a 9:17 avg.  Wow, the warm weather and a restful week really make a difference!

Nice run! You are a good runner. I have read your race reports, and I was impressed with your solid run pacing in your tris last year.

I also lost 5 pounds this month.  I put away my scale at the beginning of the month and decided that I would just focus on training hard and eating healthy, and, voila, 5 pounds gone!  I put away the scale this morning until March.  It would be great to lose another 5 or so by June, but I'm trying really hard not to obsess about it in my usual fashion.

Well done on the weight loss. Putting away the scale is a good idea.


2009-02-03 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1943838

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I certainly was wordy this afternoon. With any luck, I made a little sense. If I didn't make sense, maybe you can use those posts as a cure for insomnia.

I had a nice easy run this morning as part of my recovery week.  It was snowing a little so the roads were a little slippery but it was much warmer today. 30 degrees. It's a heat wave!!


2009-02-03 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1943709

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL


Thanks for the words of wisdom - taking each in turn:

Well, considering your training pace is faster than my 5K race pace, I would say you are running pretty darned well!!

Well I have been running for quite some time and it has been my only focus since 2001, there are many miles under my feet. But that said I have to be thankful that it comes relatively easy and I readily see the benefit from training miles.

As far as your swimming goes I already commented in your training log, but I'd like to discuss it again. Obviously, from the way you run you are in great shape but swimming is totally different from running and biking because technique is so important. First thing I think of when someone is out of breath swimming is they are not breathing enough. Sounds simple, but sometimes some people try to get in too many strokes between breaths. Think of what would happen if you tried to take several steps running while holding your breath.

Oh am I ever starting to realize that swimming is different to running! As for technique I must admit to only recently waking up to my own arrogance that I had good technique. I found that out when I went from 22 strokes per lap pre TI to 15 per lap now! And I am starting to look at technique more and more, especially with breathing. After spending a little time I you tube I think that if breathing every stroke is good enough for Grant Hackett it is good enough for me. Another interesting thing about breathing and swimming - a few years ago I did a scuba course (PADI) and the instructor told us that we should be OK for at least 45 mins on one air tank, unless we are marathon runners! Apparently us long distance runners really suck in the air and use it quicker. At the end of a 4 5minute dive I would hardly anything left in my tank and my wife would be less than half empty.

Now about your stroke. Don't know if you have had much coaching, but I know you are doing TI drills, and one of the big things about TI is body position. Since you are such a good runner, and judging from your avatar, I am guessing you are pretty lean and muscly, so you probably have trouble with your hips sinking. If your hips sink, a lot of your energy will be used fighting the water instead of moving yourself forward. I have trouble with my hips sinking, so body position is one of the things I focus on when I am swimming.

True again I do find my hips sinking and from the TI book I am finding that I can counter act that by getting my head right down, sometimes I find my balance point and go "Oh so that is why it is called total immersion" The only coaching I had was 20 years ago in school, but the pool I go to has a very active and competitive masters club so I should join that.

The other thing I focus on is being smooth. Like I mentioned in your log, "slow is smooth, smooth is fast". For me, when I slow it down smooth it out a little, my reach is better, my pull is stronger, and my glide is better. Basically, I go a little faster while working less.

You probably didn't want such a long comment, especially from someone who is not a great swimmer One thing I can do though, is keep going and going at my slow pace while barely breathing hard.

No, your comment is very welcome and thank you for taking the time


So, did it get there? Any pictures?


Yes the bike arrived and I just had time to open the box last night. I have a very good cycling firend coming over tonite to help me build it.


2009-02-04 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

What a week and its only wednesday!  Work has been crazy busy again this week since someone has been sick for the last 2 days (not to mention he was on vacation all last week!).  I didnt work out on monday or tuesday either.  Today I made it to the gym for a 30 min spin bike session and a quick pool work out.  I feel much better when I do something physical.  Tomorrow is a 4 mile tempo run but it is going to be really cold and windy in the morning.

Kelly- Congrats on the 5 pounds- I am really working hard at shedding some more lbs but its not easy.

Julian- hope you like the bike- Mine went together fairly quickly but one of the wheels had to be trued which took a little longer.

Anthony- All this time I have been concentrating on my 1/2 marathon, I just realized that you half iron distance people have to train this hard and its only 1/3 of the race!!  Good luck with the swim and bike parts too! How much time per week does the average HIM  program take?  I think I will stick to the sprints for this season and maybe an oly next year. Arent you training for a 1/2 mary now too?  when is your race?


2009-02-04 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1944031

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-02-03 6:17 PM

Well I have been running for quite some time and it has been my only focus since 2001, there are many miles under my feet. But that said I have to be thankful that it comes relatively easy and I readily see the benefit from training miles.

You have obviously put in a lot of miles to be able to run as well as you do. I am really trying to build my running base right now, and runners like you are a source of inspiration.

Oh am I ever starting to realize that swimming is different to running! As for technique I must admit to only recently waking up to my own arrogance that I had good technique. I found that out when I went from 22 strokes per lap pre TI to 15 per lap now! And I am starting to look at technique more and more, especially with breathing. After spending a little time I you tube I think that if breathing every stroke is good enough for Grant Hackett it is good enough for me.

That is great that you are looking at your technique. I am reminded of something I read in a Sports Illustrated article about Michael Phelps. Phelps told the interviewer that his stroke needed work. I can't find the issue, and I can't recall exactly what he said, but I figure if Michael Phelps needs work than I probably do as well, because he's a pretty good swimmer


Another interesting thing about breathing and swimming - a few years ago I did a scuba course (PADI) and the instructor told us that we should be OK for at least 45 mins on one air tank, unless we are marathon runners! Apparently us long distance runners really suck in the air and use it quicker. At the end of a 4 5minute dive I would hardly anything left in my tank and my wife would be less than half empty.

That is interesting. I have nver heard that. I have heard that experienced runners can have a lot of trouble with their kick.

True again I do find my hips sinking and from the TI book I am finding that I can counter act that by getting my head right down, sometimes I find my balance point and go "Oh so that is why it is called total immersion" The only coaching I had was 20 years ago in school, but the pool I go to has a very active and competitive masters club so I should join that.

Yes! The same for me. If I don't keep my head down, my hips sink. I would really like to try masters, but there is no group around here. I would definitely give it a go if you are able to.

No, your comment is very welcome and thank you for taking the time

I am very happy to take the time. I hope I can be of some small help. I know it is helpful for me to write my thoughts down.

Yes the bike arrived and I just had time to open the box last night. I have a very good cycling firend coming over tonite to help me build it.

COOL! I am looking forward to hearing more about it.


2009-02-04 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1945968

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-02-04 6:33 PM

What a week and its only wednesday!  Work has been crazy busy again this week since someone has been sick for the last 2 days (not to mention he was on vacation all last week!).

Not to cause trouble, but, as an employer, being sick after vacation makes me go "hmmmmmmmmm".

I didnt work out on monday or tuesday either.  Today I made it to the gym for a 30 min spin bike session and a quick pool work out.  I feel much better when I do something physical.

Absolutely!! Me too.

Tomorrow is a 4 mile tempo run but it is going to be really cold and windy in the morning.

Just remember, unpleasant conditions make you tougher mentally

Anthony- All this time I have been concentrating on my 1/2 marathon, I just realized that you half iron distance people have to train this hard and its only 1/3 of the race!!  Good luck with the swim and bike parts too! How much time per week does the average HIM  program take?

When I really get into the training in March, I will be shooting for 10-12 hours a week. Sometimes a little more sometimes a little less. Right now I am really working on my run base because  during the Fall and Winter before last season I did not run nearly enough because of some family issues, and it really hurt me all season. For me it is much easier to build up the bike and swim quickly, so I will not really focus on those until March.

I think I will stick to the sprints for this season and maybe an oly next year.

Somehow, I have this feeling that you will be thinking about an Oly towards the end of this year.

 Arent you training for a 1/2 mary now too?  when is your race?

Yep. March 8th. 1 month to go and I am getting psyched!


2009-02-04 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Paula - You Rock!!  I only wish I could run so fast...since I can't I just have to go long .  I'm sure you will be yearning for that oly before the season is over.

Anthony....Hmmmm??  I think your take on the silver HIM is very interesting.  I've been studying it, and I agree that the beg. plan is not nearly enough, esp. on the bike.  I'm tossing that one out.  As I was looking through the silver plan, I thought it was a little bit heavy on the bike, especially at the beginning.  BUT, I like the idea of getting the fitness through the bike, and building up the miles.

Swimming is not something I like to skimp on because I feel I get good strength and upper body work from it, since I'm not lifting at all.  My initial thought would be I could hang with the silver plan and just reduce the bike a bit, esp. in the early weeks (I think there are also weather considerations since we will begin in March. I definitely don't think I could do 3 hr. on the trainer.) NOw, I'm not so sure.

On another thought, I'm seriously considering upgrading to gold for the season, and then I could pick the brains of the coaches.  I checked and it would only be about $100 for me to upgrade through October, so I might do it.

Thanks for your insightful words.  I still have to work it out, and I might just have to wait and see how it is going week by week.  I work through the 2nd week of May, but after that I'm done for the summer, so I will have more time when I really need it. 

2009-02-05 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1946080

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-04 7:55 PM

Anthony....Hmmmm??  I think your take on the silver HIM is very interesting.

Is that your very polite way of saying,"what in the world are you thinking?"Laughing

 I've been studying it, and I agree that the beg. plan is not nearly enough, esp. on the bike.  I'm tossing that one out.  As I was looking through the silver plan, I thought it was a little bit heavy on the bike, especially at the beginning.  BUT, I like the idea of getting the fitness through the bike, and building up the miles.

For myself, I am going by my very limited experience. I have done only 2 HIMs, and they both went a little differently. 2007 I did plenty of biking, but less running than I should have. My half was in August, and I did 500 miles riding in July for example. I got off the bike feeling ready to run, except I had some real gastrointestinal trouble since I messed up my nutrition. I would start to run, my legs felt good, my pace was where I wanted it, but my belly would cramp badly, I couldn't breathe and I would have to walk. So I did a run walk, and each time I ran, I got a little angry because my legs felt great, but I just couldn't breathe.

In 2008, I rode much less (eg., 300 miles in July), and, as I mentioned earlier my run base had suffered. I did, however straighten out my nutrition and hydration by trying it out on the few long rides that I did. So, I get off the bike with my tummy feeling great, but no legs. My bike time was actually a little better than the year before, probably because of my new tri bike, but my legs were really dead, so again I ran/walked, but faster than the year before because I could actually breathe. Long story short: I know my nutrition, I will muddle through the swim like I always do, I want to maintain the run base I am currently building, and I want to become a better cyclist.

Swimming is not something I like to skimp on because I feel I get good strength and upper body work from it, since I'm not lifting at all.

That makes perfect sense. 

My initial thought would be I could hang with the silver plan and just reduce the bike a bit, esp. in the early weeks (I think there are also weather considerations since we will begin in March. I definitely don't think I could do 3 hr. on the trainer.) NOw, I'm not so sure.

That also sounds like a good idea. A little shorter on the bike near the beginning should be no problem.

On another thought, I'm seriously considering upgrading to gold for the season, and then I could pick the brains of the coaches.  I checked and it would only be about $100 for me to upgrade through October, so I might do it.

I have also considered upgrading to gold. I think I will look into it a little more.

Thanks for your insightful words.  I still have to work it out, and I might just have to wait and see how it is going week by week.  I work through the 2nd week of May, but after that I'm done for the summer, so I will have more time when I really need it. 

You are very welcome. Like I said before, it helps me when I write this stuff down. We do have to be able to change things when we need to to fit our busy lives. "Firm in principle, but flexible in practice" is a quote that I like


2009-02-05 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

BRRRRRR, its freezing here.  My thursday morning tempo run began with actual temp 23, wind chill 13 degrees!  I got in my quality 4 miles that my plan called for but it was chilly!  I warm up quickly thank god but I dont really enjoy the cold anymore, that's why I moved south.  It barley got into the mid 30's today- I know that is a heat wave for some of you but not for us!  Of course it will be near 70 on sunday so I think I can handle it !

I attened an injury prevention workshop at the TrySports store tonight.  It was basically a sales pitch by a local personal trainer who holds some other unique qualifications.  He had some interesting things to say and seemed very knowledgable.  First he spoke of how we need to stretch more.  When he asks his clients about their current routines no one seems to mention stretching (Guilty!).  He also had some highly ranked triathletes speak about their training experiences with him and they both mentioned the fact that we rarely work on our weaknesses unless pushed by others to do so.    I took both of these points to heart.  I am HORRIBLE about stretching even though I am in pain half the days that I run, not to mention I am a PT!!  I also hate working my non existant abs.  Planks are so good for you but I despise them.  Dont get me wrong, I dont have the cash to drop 80 bucks an hour on a personal trainer but, we should all have more motivation to work the weak points.  I might use the $20 off coupon he gave us an have a biomechanical assessment.  I know I have something structurally off or I wouldnt have the pain in my hip and knee and both feet.  I think I know what is wrong but a fresh, keen set of eyes might help even more.  Sometimes we do things because others tell us, even though we know what to do.

Keep warm


2009-02-06 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1948181

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone. I had a nice easy 4 mile run this morning. It warmed allt the way up to 12 degrees! It's starting to get light now for my early morning runs, so that's a pleasure. There was a beautiful sunrise this morning, and that always makes my run even more enjoyable..

Paula, that injury prevention talk sounds interesting, but what exactly is "stretching"?  Yes, I am guilty of not stretching like I should, but I do stretch my calves after almost every run because I have a tendency towards tight achilles. Lately, my hips have been sore after running on slippery roads, and I found a piriformis stretch helps with that. I have been lucky with injuries. I get a little twinge here and there, but they go away after a mile or so of running.

I should also work my core, although there is no chance of ever seeing my abs!! They say core strength is helpful on the bike.

So, does everybody have good plans for the weekend? I have a 5K on Sunday that I will run easy instead of racing it. It is supposed to warm up a little here so I am hoping to ride a little outside as well.

Have a good weekend!!


2009-02-06 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, thanks again for the perspective on the HIM training.   Let's keep each other posted on any new insight!

Okay, Paula, one of  my New Year's intentions is to see my abs, so would you like to make it a team effort??  If you come up with a workout, I will totally join in with you to complete it.  Let me know what you think.  Maybe a plank wouldn't be so hard if we knew someone else was doing one with us, you know?

I took yesterday off, and am hoping to get at least an hour in on the trainer this evening.  I just opened a HULU account, so I have lots of tv to keep me entertained (all free, btw.) It's supposed to get warmer here this weekend, so I'm hoping for a long run outside and maybe a swim at the Y.  I feel a little unfocused with my workouts lately--looking forward to March 1.

Have a great weekend everyone!

2009-02-08 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1949604

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hello everyone. I had an interesting day today. When I got up this morning the temp had already gone into the low 40's so I decided I really had to ride outside today. Even though I had a 5K race today, I figured 10 or 12 easy miles on the bike would be alright, especially since I wasn't planning on racing the 5K anyway.

So I am riding along, feeling great to be out on my bike, although I have to admit I got a little nervous once when I got over 30 mph, just because it has been too long since I have been on the road. It starts to rain a little, but that's OK because I don't mind riding in the rain. Then, I get a little bumping, and realize I have a flat on the back. Go to change the tire, and d'oh!!!, no saddle bag. I had taken it off to give my bike a good cleaning and forgotten to put it back on. I was going to call my wife to come pick me up, but last night she was feeling a little sick, and she was still sleeping when I left, so I figured I better let her get some rest. Only 5 miles from home, so let me try riding on a flat rear tire since I was planning on replacing that tire after "trainer season" anyway, and maybe I will get some new wheels as well. Now it is pouring, the wind is picking up, and I am going really slow, maybe 10 mph at the most, but I made it home. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!! Let me tell you, the handling gets pretty "squirrelly" when you have a flat. Turns out my wife got up when she heard me leaving and was feeling much better, so I could have called her anyway.

The 5Kwent well, and I had a great time. Around an 8:30 pace which was right where I wanted to be. The rain stopped, but the wind was still blowing pretty hard so it wasn't all that warm, but it still felt FANTASTIC to run in shorts and a t-shirt!

Hope you all had a good weekend, with just a little less adventure than mine.


2009-02-09 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi all

Just thought I would check in and report my experiences with my new bike. All positive so far. Out of the box it took about an hour to build out of the box, with an experienced friend helping. Then I took another hour to fit it to me and add the computer and aero bars. 

I took it out on the road for the first time on Saturday and was very pleased with everything, just 30 mins but I didn't fall off! Then a longer ride this Sunday, felt great. I still need to play with the aero bars, but I suspect there are many of us that will tweak the fit of differnt pieces from time to time.

Riding on the aero bars was very strange and I have to get used to steering by leaning, but that is true for my riding in general too


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