BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-27 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Got a question for you Scott -
Can you suggest some indoor trainer workouts. I currently alternate between 2 Spinerval DVD's and would like to try some other workouts on the bike. Other than just riding, do you have any suggestions?

2009-01-27 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
I just finish a 45min Stationary Bike ride.  My rump is sore! LOL.  I'm gonna try and get up early in the morning so I can do 2-a-days.
2009-01-27 11:49 PM
in reply to: #1932558

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
karen26.2 - 2009-01-27 5:00 PM

Got a question for you Scott -
Can you suggest some indoor trainer workouts. I currently alternate between 2 Spinerval DVD's and would like to try some other workouts on the bike. Other than just riding, do you have any suggestions?

try this:
5 minute warm up 80-90 rpm
6-8 of 30 seconds at race pace+ then 1:30 recovery pace (Race pace plus is basically a sprint type pace without going anaerobic)
3 minute recovery
15 minutes at race pace
5 minutes recovery
15 minutes race pace
10 minutes easy/cool down

Also Karen I have looked high and low for that gear set and have had no success. Sorry. I think I left it at the bike shop that switched it out.

If you like the workout above let me know and I can get you more like it.
2009-01-28 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
My swim and run workouts have been going pretty good...I am seeing improvement.  BUT, I didn't have a bike and have only been doing some riding on a stationary, I get a bike last weekend (have borrowed my brother-in-laws that he doesn't use anymore) and I take it out last night. legs hurt and I am SLOW!!  I am just hoping to see some improvement in this area as well...soon! 
2009-01-28 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1933163

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
atostig - 2009-01-28 6:12 AM

My swim and run workouts have been going pretty good...I am seeing improvement.  BUT, I didn't have a bike and have only been doing some riding on a stationary, I get a bike last weekend (have borrowed my brother-in-laws that he doesn't use anymore) and I take it out last night. legs hurt and I am SLOW!!  I am just hoping to see some improvement in this area as well...soon! 

Because of the weather I have not been on my bike much. I have been getting some workout help from a coach who gave me a test to do last week. On a stationary bike I couldn't get my HR up or keep it up anywhere where it needed to be. I think my high was 120ish. Yesterday I went on a real bike and kept my HR around 143 with a high of 164 (hill) Being inside is a hard substitute for the real thing. I am convinced most of it is mental too. I can get on a bike and average 14-15 but the gym bike says I average 5-6mph. Something wrong there.

Don't worry. Your bike will come along soon enough.
2009-01-28 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
The following is about the 30 minute window after a workout I spoke of earlier. I found this info at the website in an ad for ultragen. Hope it helps. (Hope I documented the soure correctly)

Research has shown that there is a critical thirty-minute glycogen window (called the "window of opportunity") immediately following exercise when insulin sensitivity is at its highest and exhausted muscles essentially open the door to nutrients. If nutrients are not absorbed quickly enough, however, this opportunity for maximum restoration is lost. But it’s not just when nutrients are absorbed, it’s also about which nutrients are available. The body is extremely complex, requiring more than sugar and protein to fully recover, so recovery is limited without a precise balance of nutrients entering the cell.

Have a good day everyone!

2009-01-28 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1932965

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
holt1997 - 2009-01-28 12:49 AM

karen26.2 - 2009-01-27 5:00 PM

Got a question for you Scott -
Can you suggest some indoor trainer workouts. I currently alternate between 2 Spinerval DVD's and would like to try some other workouts on the bike. Other than just riding, do you have any suggestions?

try this:
5 minute warm up 80-90 rpm
6-8 of 30 seconds at race pace+ then 1:30 recovery pace (Race pace plus is basically a sprint type pace without going anaerobic)
3 minute recovery
15 minutes at race pace
5 minutes recovery
15 minutes race pace
10 minutes easy/cool down

Also Karen I have looked high and low for that gear set and have had no success. Sorry. I think I left it at the bike shop that switched it out.

If you like the workout above let me know and I can get you more like it.

Thanks for the workout, should be about an hour if I added correctly. Perfect!

Thanks for looking for the gear set. I really am thinking of getting a tri bike (Cervelo P2) soon, so if I do my road bike will be just fine as it.

Interesting - I rode outside last weekend for the first time in 2009. 40 miles, mostly rolling with some flat and a few hills. I never had issues with the gears I have now. Probably because I wasn't racing, but I had plenty of range and was quite happy with my trusty Cannondale. Love that bike!

Thanks for the recovery info too, I am bad about eating after working out but am trying to get better. I didn't realize the window was so small.
2009-01-29 7:05 AM
in reply to: #1857812

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
I am trying to transition from long and slow to shorter and fast (or at least faster). I went from training for 100+ bike rides to training for the marathon. Now I have to train for a sprint. It was easier to just put miles in, but it is interesting to come up with a plan that incorporates miles, tempo pace, and intervals.

I don't find that I need a recovery drink after short workouts. I don't personally have to use supplements or recovery drinks unless the workout is particularly intense or lasts more than 2 hours. Chocolate milk is one of the easiest recovery drinks I know of. If you can find one without high fructose corn syrup, it is better.
2009-01-30 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Knee Pain ??

So, I know I need to go see the doctor if this pain doesn't go away, and I know no one on here can offer medical advice, but...

My right knee started hurting a couple of weeks ago, I think after two tough indoor bike rides that included a lot of tension and standing. (BTW - my favorite kind of riding!) It feels like something is pulled right in the front under the knee cap. I can run on it without pain (it feels a little tight at the start but loosens up and is fine) and biking doesn't bother it at all. When I feel the pulling sensation is when my knee bends with my foot going behind me to do the standard quad stretch. I can bend my knee with my leg pulled up towards my chest and nothing. It's only when my lower leg goes behind my body. Does that make sense? It's almost like it has something to so with the quad muscle pulling on something in the knee area.

I've googled all the typical knee injuries/pain, and it does not sound like anything. No popping, no cracking, no pain on the outside or inside. Maybe bursa, but it's not tender to the touch, or swollen.

Any ideas? It's getting better on it's own, but I've never had anything like this before and it's very strange.
2009-01-30 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
I am not a doctor, and I don't even play one on TV. I have had knee trouble from bike riding, but it was before I had clip in shoes. I found that the knee pain went away in time. I can't say what yours will do, but be sure that when you ride, your feet are straight. Hope it goes away soon.
2009-01-31 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1938373

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
karen26.2 - 2009-01-30 4:56 PM

Knee Pain ??

So, I know I need to go see the doctor if this pain doesn't go away, and I know no one on here can offer medical advice, but...

My right knee started hurting a couple of weeks ago, I think after two tough indoor bike rides that included a lot of tension and standing. (BTW - my favorite kind of riding!) It feels like something is pulled right in the front under the knee cap. I can run on it without pain (it feels a little tight at the start but loosens up and is fine) and biking doesn't bother it at all. When I feel the pulling sensation is when my knee bends with my foot going behind me to do the standard quad stretch. I can bend my knee with my leg pulled up towards my chest and nothing. It's only when my lower leg goes behind my body. Does that make sense? It's almost like it has something to so with the quad muscle pulling on something in the knee area.

I've googled all the typical knee injuries/pain, and it does not sound like anything. No popping, no cracking, no pain on the outside or inside. Maybe bursa, but it's not tender to the touch, or swollen.

Any ideas? It's getting better on it's own, but I've never had anything like this before and it's very strange.

Hi Karen,

Well first let me say too that I am not a doctor either and shouldn't replace one if you think necessary BUT There is a muscle that goes basically right over the top of your knee and weaves through and connects right below your knee cap. It sounds like you might have strained it somehow. If it were me I would not do anything that hurts or agitates it. Don't stretch it out as this is the same motion that probably caused the hurt in the first place. Better to take it a little easy now than agitate and take a lot of time off later. I hope its feeling better!.

2009-01-31 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
My knee is starting to feel a lot better. I'm being careful to not do any activity that pulls on it again. Funny, the worst is when I'm getting out of bed and my lower leg bends backwards to touch the floor. It's hard to remember to not do that when you're half asleep!

I had a great ride today with some people I met on here - well, really I met them today for the first time. Triathletes are awesome people!

Hoping to get a run in tomorrow, maybe a swim. But, my family is feeling neglected lately so I should spend time with them too. If only they would exercise with me...

I'm flying to Connecticut Monday morning for a couple of days. I hope a) I survive the cold, and b) don't get snowed in!
2009-02-01 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
I was racing my 14 year old today on mountain bikes. He beat me! I should be happy that my family exercises with me, but my youngest son beat me. I can handle getting beat in a sprint from my husband or almost 17 year old, but to get beat by my 14 year old over a 12 mile course? I am feeling slow and old. I will have to start riding with a cane soon. The worst part is that my son is not nearly as tired as I am. Thank goodness I can rest on the couch, eat, and watch the superbowl.
2009-02-02 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1940153

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
colewarren - 2009-02-01 2:27 PM

I was racing my 14 year old today on mountain bikes. He beat me! I should be happy that my family exercises with me, but my youngest son beat me. I can handle getting beat in a sprint from my husband or almost 17 year old, but to get beat by my 14 year old over a 12 mile course? I am feeling slow and old. I will have to start riding with a cane soon. The worst part is that my son is not nearly as tired as I am. Thank goodness I can rest on the couch, eat, and watch the superbowl.

If you really start riding with a cane it will not be for support but to stick in his spokes when he tries to ride by Isn't that just aggressive riding?

2009-02-02 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
How is training going? It's been kinda quiet. Just wondering if there are any road blocks or questions or just general observations that you have for group enrichment?

Here is a Q for you. Is there anything you were hoping to get out of this group that you have not yet gotten?

Hope everyone has a great week training.
2009-02-03 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1941865

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

My training is going good...I have my marathon coming I was thinking that I should focus on running this week...and not so much the swimming and biking.  Then, next week do light running and some swimming up until training plan says to rest on Thursday and Friday.  What does everyone think of that plan?

I am VERY new to the biking...and it has surprised me how hard it is on my legs...I guess that's why triathlon's aren't easy!  Anyway...I plan on hitting the bike VERY hard the week after the marathon because my first sprint triathlon is March 14th.  There will be a 10 mile bike in that triathlon and I am hoping to be able to do the bike in 40-45 minutes...not a great time...but realistic at this point.

 My swimming has come along faily well...thanks to awesome help on this site...the triathlon will be a 300 yard swim, so I am feeling pretty good about it right now...we will see!

This group has been, and continues to be very helpful to me...I guess if there is something that I would like to focus more on right now it would be biking and all around nutrition... 


2009-02-03 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me

Hi Everyone,

I have benefitted from this site in that I feel accountable to do that which I set out to do. I have been working hard on doing the hour a day 6 days a week. I never thought that I would enjoy these exercises so much and am starting to see why you say it can be addictive. I go into shops to look at new bikes , I go around looking at new running shoes etc. Really dumb , but ... what can I say! I have actually managed to run a full 5km and swim 1.5 km. This would have been impossible about 2 years ago.

I am thinking of doing the BT Sprint to Olympic Bridge for 12 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions and /or comments on this direction that I want to go?

Does anyone get cramps in the hollow (instep)of their foot when running? Any remedies?


2009-02-03 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1942794

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
atostig - 2009-02-03 5:11 AM

My training is going good...I have my marathon coming I was thinking that I should focus on running this week...and not so much the swimming and biking.  Then, next week do light running and some swimming up until training plan says to rest on Thursday and Friday.  What does everyone think of that plan?

I am VERY new to the biking...and it has surprised me how hard it is on my legs...I guess that's why triathlon's aren't easy!  Anyway...I plan on hitting the bike VERY hard the week after the marathon because my first sprint triathlon is March 14th.  There will be a 10 mile bike in that triathlon and I am hoping to be able to do the bike in 40-45 minutes...not a great time...but realistic at this point.

 My swimming has come along faily well...thanks to awesome help on this site...the triathlon will be a 300 yard swim, so I am feeling pretty good about it right now...we will see!

This group has been, and continues to be very helpful to me...I guess if there is something that I would like to focus more on right now it would be biking and all around nutrition... 


I definately could use some change ion my nutrition as well. Here is my question in response to that. How can we help each other make changes in our diet (food intake)? Changing how we eat is not easy. Maybe we can help each other.
2009-02-03 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1942961

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me
jtdintaipei - 2009-02-03 7:03 AM

Hi Everyone,

I have benefitted from this site in that I feel accountable to do that which I set out to do. I have been working hard on doing the hour a day 6 days a week. I never thought that I would enjoy these exercises so much and am starting to see why you say it can be addictive. I go into shops to look at new bikes , I go around looking at new running shoes etc. Really dumb , but ... what can I say! I have actually managed to run a full 5km and swim 1.5 km. This would have been impossible about 2 years ago.

I am thinking of doing the BT Sprint to Olympic Bridge for 12 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions and /or comments on this direction that I want to go?

Does anyone get cramps in the hollow (instep)of their foot when running? Any remedies?


I am a shop junkie. I am going to a bike shop today after my swim do take my bike in and ask how I can make some changes to make it better. (Sounds like a precursor to spending money) I am not even close to affording a newer bike and just ride a used tri bike I bought last year. It's enough for me but I am going to see if they have any advice on how I can make it a little better or faster. I will let you know what they say.
2009-02-03 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1942794

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
atostig - 2009-02-03 8:11 AM

My training is going good...I have my marathon coming I was thinking that I should focus on running this week...and not so much the swimming and biking.  Then, next week do light running and some swimming up until training plan says to rest on Thursday and Friday.  What does everyone think of that plan?

I am VERY new to the biking...and it has surprised me how hard it is on my legs...I guess that's why triathlon's aren't easy!  Anyway...I plan on hitting the bike VERY hard the week after the marathon because my first sprint triathlon is March 14th.  There will be a 10 mile bike in that triathlon and I am hoping to be able to do the bike in 40-45 minutes...not a great time...but realistic at this point.

 My swimming has come along faily well...thanks to awesome help on this site...the triathlon will be a 300 yard swim, so I am feeling pretty good about it right now...we will see!

This group has been, and continues to be very helpful to me...I guess if there is something that I would like to focus more on right now it would be biking and all around nutrition... 


I am not an expert, but I can tell you what I did the week before my marathon. After my last long run, I only worked out 2 days; I only ran that week; I didn't work out longer than 30 minutes. I felt like I wasn't doing anything, but I felt great during the marathon (as great as you can feel while running that far.)

The bike can be hard when you first start out. Make sure that your bike "fits" you. Is the seat high enough? When I first started riding, my quads burned a lot. I found out that my seat was way too low for me. I also tended to ride in too hard a gear (another thing that caused my legs to ache.) I am not crazy about expensive bikes, but I am nuts about having my bike "fit".


2009-02-03 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1857812

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
Nutrition....For breakfast I had potato chips and dip. I had an orange for a snack. For lunch I had fritos and dip with a couple of cookies. I could use help with nutrition. Maybe we can have a good eating contest, weight loss (or gain if needed) contest.

2009-02-04 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1943452

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

What if people post menu ideas or something like that.  I am getting tired of my supper choices being a chicken breast on the George Forman with green beans or flounder on the George Forman with green beans! 

I tend to do fine during the day...oatmeal and OJ for breakfast, apples/bananas or raisins for snacks, peanut butter on wheat and yogurt for lunch, another snack in the afternoon...but after supper, I get in front of the TV and that's it...I am looking for chocolate or chips or anything!!

2009-02-04 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1943692

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!

That sounds like a good pre-marathon plan...anything to make it feel better!

I will get someone with more experience to check my may be on to something...thanks!  


2009-02-04 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1944726

Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
atostig - 2009-02-04 8:28 AM

What if people post menu ideas or something like that.  I am getting tired of my supper choices being a chicken breast on the George Forman with green beans or flounder on the George Forman with green beans! 

I tend to do fine during the day...oatmeal and OJ for breakfast, apples/bananas or raisins for snacks, peanut butter on wheat and yogurt for lunch, another snack in the afternoon...but after supper, I get in front of the TV and that's it...I am looking for chocolate or chips or anything!!

The best evening snack I know of is hot air popped popcorn. Spray it (after popping) with non-stick cooking spray and salt. There are calories in popcorn, but I find it to be filling without major calories or fat.

My favorite meal is whole wheat pasta, marinara sauce with shrimp. That may not work if you are watching carbs.
2009-02-04 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1945144

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- Closed again with a bunch of winners!
colewarren - 2009-02-04 8:48 AM

atostig - 2009-02-04 8:28 AM

What if people post menu ideas or something like that.  I am getting tired of my supper choices being a chicken breast on the George Forman with green beans or flounder on the George Forman with green beans! 

I tend to do fine during the day...oatmeal and OJ for breakfast, apples/bananas or raisins for snacks, peanut butter on wheat and yogurt for lunch, another snack in the afternoon...but after supper, I get in front of the TV and that's it...I am looking for chocolate or chips or anything!!

The best evening snack I know of is hot air popped popcorn. Spray it (after popping) with non-stick cooking spray and salt. There are calories in popcorn, but I find it to be filling without major calories or fat.

My favorite meal is whole wheat pasta, marinara sauce with shrimp. That may not work if you are watching carbs.

Years ago when I wrestled I ate a lot of air popped popcorn in the evenings because it was filling and doesn't have much to it. I also try to switch around the notion of meal size. I try to have a big breakfast and taper size as the day goes on. This helps with the big urge to eat at night and allows you to go to bed without a full tummy which can be bad. I am afraid my favorite meal is steak and potatos. Not exactly a low cal diet but I love steak. I just don't eat it that often. I do have a protein shake most mornings for breakfast. That combined with something else really helps push off hunger. Banana is my favorite flavor.
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