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2009-03-17 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Roy, I did the 800 yd TT tonight.  13:53, 1:44 pace.  HR was well within my training range, probably about 155 when I finished although I didn't think to measure it.

2009-03-18 12:18 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

MIKE:  Yes, bricks are hard on you and your psyche, but they are the closest thing to racing so better to know now than at a race. I wish I could run 8:00 even if for a single mile.  My times are 10:00 and my first brick setme back to 11:30 pace.

I think that now is the time to start focusing a bit more on the weakness.  Remember not to over do it though.  One exchange should be good.

Good luck in RUSSIA, say hello to the cosmonauts and that funky little dog, SPUTNIK?

I did a ride down Key Biscayne at 5:30ish but didn't find the right crew I guess.  Lots of roadies packs and I was looking for some real people (triathletes that is).  Only one couple 3/4 into the ride and they didn't even crossed a word with me.  I think the guy thought I was hitting on his chick or something.  Well, I survived.  It is best to try to hook up with some folks or a club prior to going anywhere...

2009-03-18 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2024185

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

wildcat83 - 2009-03-17 7:38 PM Roy, I did the 800 yd TT tonight.  13:53, 1:44 pace.  HR was well within my training range, probably about 155 when I finished although I didn't think to measure it.

I'm good with pulling back on the swim at this point. Your times look good and your getting faster. Are you sure you want to pull back now. Naw just kidding. You need to get your bike legs ready, and don't those first bricks feel great? Blood flow is adjusting, HR goes up and its uncomfortable for a while. Alot of it is just knowing this is going to happen, now what it feels like and know that things will return to normal in a short while. At the same time being able to maintain a decent pace without giving in. Brick run every chance you can get. You don't need to do more than 30 min runs, you can get by with less  but 30 min is a good number.

2009-03-18 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2024608

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Olman, Sputnik was the first-ever man-made object in space, it was the satellite that touched off the space race.  You are thinking of Leika, the first mammal launched; unfortunately for Leika, it was a one-way ride...!

Hang in there on your runs, you will get faster, and will find out you are carrying longer distances with less effort as you progress.  So much of this is mental, as I am finding out, and all about how you settle your breathing back down after starting out too fast, or transitioning from one event to the next (ex. bike to run).  Whether in the pool or on the run (still working on that two-wheeled demon), I sometimes have to mentally remind myself that "I can do this", "settle down", "get back in control"...and even sometimes, it really works! :-)

2009-03-18 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2024643

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy wrote:  "You don't need to do more than 30 min runs, you can get by with less  but 30 min is a good number."

Do you mean for the brick, or run workouts in general?  I am still intending on maintaining my running base, so 30 min is a very short workout for me on the run.  I am trying to maintain 3 run workouts during the week--a speed workout that is shorter than 30 min (generally do 10 x :45 x :45 @ 5:50 pace), a 5 mile tempo run at about 8:15 pace, and a longer run, 8-10 miles at 8:45 pace.

Am getting in 2 swim workouts, generally a 1200 yd and a 1500 yd or thereabouts, and am aiming for 2 bike workouts, a 60 min ride and something else...

Does this sounds like a reasonable plan?

2009-03-18 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2024877

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-03-18 9:26 AM

Roy wrote:  "You don't need to do more than 30 min runs, you can get by with less  but 30 min is a good number."

Do you mean for the brick, or run workouts in general?  I am still intending on maintaininglonger run, 8-10 miles at 8:45 pace.

Hey Mike I did mean for bricks, and yes your plan looks like it will get it done. I'd like to see you get your bike out to the 2 hr. range as often as you can. Should put you around 35-40 miles depending on terrain. Try to keep your swim w/o at 1500 since you are going to drop to 2. And you know what to do with the run.


2009-03-21 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


1k TT 15:22.  Just over 1:30/100M.  I felt alright.  I need to get back into everything after the week and a half off during my illness. 

I rode my MTB on the road today with four other guys.  It was about 30 degrees out.  Wow did I get dropped.  I haven't ridden anything, not even trainer in about a month because of the bike shop fiasco that occured leaving me without a road bike.  Hopping on a 30lb MTB and riding with 3 of the 5 top riders in town was a difficult task (they were on MTB as well).  But it was a good measuring stick.  I am going to start interval work on both the bike and run in the next few weeks.  I should have a decent base by then. 

2009-03-23 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Well, I broke the ice on my tri season yesterday, participating in a mini-sprint.  200 yd swim, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run.  It was put on by a neighbor who owns a tri shop, and was designed to help newbies or others wanting the practice to go through transitions, etc.  I felt good in the pool, started out a little fast but regained control and finished well.  T1 was fast, maybe 45 sec, bike is still my nemesis though.  I don't have my times yet, but expect I averaged about 18 mph.  T2 even faster, maybe 30 sec total.  I felt really good on the run--first 3/4 mile I was a bit thick in the legs but ran about 8:10 pace, second mile lap I kicked it up to about 7:40 pace and finished with a great kick.  Lots of fun!!

2009-03-23 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Day,

Steven nice to have you back in action, I'm sure it felt good. I hope you are going to get your bike soon? I only wish I could hold 7:30 miles all day, must be nice. Good swim on the TT, I'm sure you can't wait to get into a full training schedule, especialy outdoors.

Mike, nice going this weekend. Those are fun events at that distance, you really can get a feel of your speed abilities. Those marathon miles will help you all year long.

Olman, saw you got in a couple of bike rides, and yes it would of been windy for an outdoor ride this weekend. Blah on the wind. But good practice.

For me two very full days at a swim meet with the team. The kids did great, lots of personal best times, a couple of the 11-12 girls got close to qualifying times for the summer JO's. So the work must continue. Between the two days about 24 hours of pool deck time as a coach, so you can see where a lots of potential training time gets occupied. But its all  worth it when they perform that well.

2009-03-24 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Where is everyone? 

We went from snow everywhere to water everywhere.  The entire state is under flood watch.  At least my basement is dry (knock, knock). 

2009-03-24 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Wow guys, we're all putting in the miles, I am sure everyone will be reaping rewards this summer.

Today I did another HRM-less bike TT - forget about the tinkering, just going out and pedaling HARD was the goal - and I had some strong headwinds too about 1/3 of the distance, my TT is done in a 14.5 mi loop so I get headwinds as well as cross winds for a good chink, heck, I also get a tailwind.

I really pulled a 21.8 MPH ride. Last nite I was doing Hill Spinervals on my trainer. Roy, do you think I should just focus on keeping this base on the bike and focus on logging in more water time?  or should I keep pushing the times on the bike, which is my favrite sport?

2009-03-25 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2038310

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I'll make you a deal Olman--since the bike is your favorite event, you put in extra time there for me and I'll cover you in the pool and on the run!!  My problem with the bike is that the overhead associated with putting in a decent workout is so high that I make excuses to do another event instead.  I have to either ride the same route in order to get in some out-of-town portions where I can just crank while down on the bars, or I have too many corners/stop signs/traffic/etc. to ever get in a decent interval.

Now the run--that is something I can get in anywhere, anytime!!

I head to Moscow Friday so will be checking in from there the next couple of weeks.  My workouts will be focused on what I can do in our mini-gym (circuit training, treadmill intervals, some spinning) and maybe a swim or two at the US Embassy pool.  Steven, the weather there is much like yours--it has been snowing for a week or more, temps just around freezing...I just hope it doesn't thaw while I am there as all the particulate that has built up from exhaust over the winter hits the winds and wreaks havoc with my sinuses.

Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-25 10:42 AM
2009-03-26 6:32 AM
in reply to: #2039103

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-03-25 11:41 AM

I'll make you a deal Olman--since the bike is your favorite event, you put in extra time there for me and I'll cover you in the pool and on the run!!  


I'm thinking you three guys would make a pretty good relay team. Mike swim, Olman on the bike and Steven on the run.

Steven I saw the weather situation on the news. Wow. Come to Florida, we just deal with Hurricanes.LOL Do you need any swim workouts?

Anyway  the weeks are quickly passing by, your first events are now on the horizon. And hopefully your schedules are set for training and what ever personal events you have aside from training. I think you all probably already watch your diet, but make sure you are working in that area as well as your training nutrition plan.

Olman nice bike avg. you remind of a friend in Winter Haven, man can he ride, BUT until he learned to curb the bike avg a bit it cost him dearly on the run. I think this is what you are going to have to experience. And it will be hard to hold back because it feels so good to go fast on the bike. Start getting in as many brick runs as you can, everyone for that fact. Get in the pool more, it looks like your getting a good run base, now you just have to have those legs following the bike.

Mike have a great trip to Russia, and be careful!! 




Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-26 6:33 AM
2009-03-26 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I'm good with swimming workouts.  I need to find someone to swim with though.  The longer my workouts get, I find that I get bored toward the end and want to quit.  I hate that feeling.  I have to do all I can to keep going.  It's worse than being tired or sore.  And it's the same for every sport.  I have to concentrate on any run over 45 minutes, any bike over an hour and a half (although this is much easier than the run because if I don't keep pedaling, I'm 20+ miles from home).  I'm working on my bike power.  I did an interval workout last night on the trainer.  That was fun.  I get my tri bike tomorrow and get fitted to it Saturday morning.  I ended up with a Quintana Roo Caliente.  The deal for the Giant fell through due to really weird circumstances at the bike shop.  I have also changed up my weight routine to include some more conventional lifts.  I'm still doing the core work, but added regular weighted squats, bench, etc. 

I start running intervals next week.  I am really excited for he final 30 days before the first race on 5/2.  It's a sprint tri in Minnesota.  Then an Olympic in mid June, another Olympic in July and my Xterra type race late July.

2009-03-26 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


Welcome to the life of a triathlete, unless you have a group to train with you'll do most of your work solo. Unfortunately for me, the group here does things at times I just can't make. So I probably do 98% of my training by myself, and yes it does get lonely at times. But you'll find once you can get outdoors consistantly you'll be in a better frame of mind and most likely you'll meet some folks who share the same goals races etc. Just keep plugging, stay positive and its going to all work out. 

The QR Caliente is a good bike,you'll like it.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-26 3:04 PM
2009-03-26 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2042207

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

My workouts have suffered this week, I have just felt beat.  I think the hard run I did Thursday in the heat, coupled with 10 miles Sat. and the mini-sprint tri Sunday just wore me out.  I did, however, start a couple of classes at my gym Tuesday--a 15 minute nothing-but-abs (+ some lower back strengthening at the end for balance), followed by a 30 minute whole body stretching/flexibility class.  I did it today also, as I've been taking some time off this week with my daughter on spring break. 

My workouts will consist of mostly circuit training, maybe some 3-4 mile runs on treadmill (I simply am incapable of going further than that standing in one place), and maybe some stationary bike rides.  A buddy will get me into the US Embassy pool for a swim or two, so I'll cludge something together while I'm gone.  I sure miss the freedom we have to get out on the bike or run whenever we feel like it (Moscow is simply not a workout culture, and right now their weather isn't any better than Steven's).

2009-03-26 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2042698

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Did you see the forum thread that the guy did 52.6 miles on a treadmill the other day. Come on surely you can get to 5. I"m laughing. Anyway enjoy your trip, sounds like you need a work week and rest the body a bit. It gets like that sometimes.

Talk to you when you check in.


2009-03-27 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

This season is taking on some shape - yesterday, in lieu of Roy's advise I went running  and it felt as though I added at least a minute or 90 sec per mile.  It paid by clocking an avg HR of 138.  I didn't even know I was that low standing.  Kidding aside, I can see this is a reflaction of getting in better shape.  TThat said, it was very difficult to run jog at that speed now.  Not that my legs are a lot faster but it was just difficult to keep that kind of pace.

Mike: good luck and safe travels.  Do one thing (you're an enginner so this shouldn't be 2 difficult); think out of the box while there and you will get some training done.  Main thing should be to KEEP what you've gained.  I hear relatives stories from Cuba talking about using inner tubes for resistance, lifting beds and stuff around the house... things like that.  I never went to Cuba but I figure many inner city kids in the US must be just as inventive if they want to reach the NFL/NBA.

Steve: I hate to agree with Roy, but FL is almost paradise.  However, high humidity days are just around the corner for us while your Spring/Summer will offer some fantastic weather too.  I envy those snowbirds. 

Roy: I'll see you tomorrow at the pool.  Pls don't forget to bring my goggles. 

2009-03-28 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Friday, with the expectation of winds picking up on the weekend I did 20min warmup with some hard pickups, and then a 20 min all out effort as a bike LT Test.  It was a lil windy but nothing bad at all. 

I notiecd HR wasn't high enough vs a few months ago but the speed and effort were there.  Turns out this was  another 21+mph ride (for those 20 min).  The lower HR should be related to being more fit today than in the past.

Sat AM I went to Roy's pool and he made me do the following: 200/wu + 10x100@2:30 + 400 w/paddles and buoy + 6x50@1:30

The times on the 100s started at 1:50 but I made a consciuous effort to move closer to the 2:00 pace and I did.  The 50s were at 51-52 pace.  

I will admit that 2 wk of no swimming took my tempo and stroke off and I wa a bit mechanical at the beginning.  This week I will stay local so I will swim 1-2x.   Getting ready for my first race in about a month.

Today the wind has picked up with nice gusts, I am so glad I rode yesterday which now seems calm.

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-03-28 11:56 AM
2009-03-29 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I got a good 10K in today in Moscow, temp was 34 deg, a bit windy, but held about 8:30 miles over a very hilly course.  I actually enjoy the hills, learned that last year!

Also, I got the results from my mini-sprint tri from last weekend:

 Swim 200 yds @ 1:36/100yds;    T1 :54 sec;     Bike 8 miles @ 20.3 mph;    T2  :38 sec;    run 2 miles @ 7:44 pace     Total time 43:10.    This would put me about 1:05 for a full-length sprint, so I was well pleased.

 I finished 5th out of 31 overall, only a minute behind a couple of 28 year I felt pretty good!  Although I still need work on the bike, I was very pleased to have averaged over 20 mph there.



Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-29 12:22 PM
2009-04-02 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2047010

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Awesome work, how'bout I trade you a min off my bike times for a min off your run times.

Keep it up.  So, this is now a safe part of Russia? I hope.

This week I finally paid and registered for my 4 Publix sprint races: 5/4, 6/6, 8/22 qand 10/10  I will fit in an OLY someitme mid July or so.

Last nite I pulled a 1:20 trainer wo.  the only way I can pull thru these is with the Spinervals.  Good thing my Blockbuster hsa them...

Today I swim 2000 yd total (200 wu, 10X100, 10X50, 8X25, 100 cd)  the routine took me one hour and I was very pleased.  I hope I ever learn to love the water as much as I used to.   Monday I did an 8 mile run.

This morning was my perf evaluation.  It didn't go as bad as I thought it would, some numbers are down some are up, but above all the target for 09 will be highhighhigh.   I hope that none of you are being directly hit by the economic slowdown.   C YA!

2009-04-02 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys.  Quick update:  My house is in the path of the James River if releases from the Jamestown Dam go over what is normal.  They are predicting with 100% confidence that they will go well over what is normal due to the amount of snow we have and the fact that when it does warm up it will melt everything at once rather than a gradual thaw.  I'm right on the river in an oxbow.  We have been battling with the city this week trying to get assistance to build a dike on our property larger than what we have already built by ourselves and help from friends volunteering their time.  I think we got through to them today as the engineers came over and plotted some points this afternoon. 

I'm volunteering at our civic center from 8pm-2am tonite and tomorrow night filling sandbags, then saturday we are adding to the dike on our property.  I have flood insurance and we've gotten all of our stuff out of the garage and our basement (my bikes are still down there, but I should have plenty of warning to be able to get them out).  Today was the first day that I was calm about not being able to work out.  I guess there are more important things (haha).  I try to work at a pretty difficult pace to trick myself into thinking I've gotten a workout shoveling and carrying sandbags.  That has seemed to work.  We should have all preparations done by the end of this weekend, so I can resume a normal workout schedule next week. 

Keep working!!  The season is almost here!!!

2009-04-02 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2059090

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Man, Our prayers are with all of you up there in CO and many other parts of the country.


2009-04-06 5:51 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Morning,

Sorry I dropped off the map last week. Very busy week at work, member -guest week, so it had my attention. All went well and now I can relax a little this week. Getting ready for Escape from Ft. Desoto this weekend. Hopefully it will go as planned. Did get in some descent training this weekend, so I'm feeling pretty confident for this weekend.

Steven I haven't watched the news at all, I hope that you and your family are OK. Please  give us an update.

Mike and Olman, I also hope have gotten in some training as well. Mike how is Russia? You'll be back soon. And Olman, you changed your avitar, thats the new you? I like it. The old picture, since I have personally seen you didn't represent your weight loss and the trimmer and fit Olman. It looks like I'm probably going to do the same with the Publix events.

Hope you all can check in today.


2009-04-06 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2064819

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I'm still here, I have been following the river flooding around Fargo as a good friend (now two) is around there.  I hope your impromptu dike improvements help, as living near the coast I can well appreciate the issues with flooding of any kind.

I got in a 10K in Moscow a week ago, lots of hills, then did a circuit/interval training workout I love/hate mid-week, followed by a really good swim at the Embassy on Saturday.  I swam solidly for just a shade under 40 minutes, doing a bit over 2100 yds.  Although I didn't do any drills per se, I did want to prove to myself that I could rein myself back in if I go out too fast, so did some 50 yd sprints followed immediately by resuming my normal 1:45-ish pace.  After about 50-75 yds my HR was right back where it should be.

This was my longest swim workout yet, and I felt really good--I could've gone on another thousand, but folks were wanting the lane and I'd done what I needed to do.
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