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2009-05-15 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Good luck Chris!! I can't wait to read your race report!
(And thanks Jerry for that list; I had made a list myself a couple days ago but reading yours prompted me to add a few things to my own!!)

2009-05-15 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2152957

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
cunninghamjerry - 2009-05-15 11:19 AM Chris... here's my list of stuff that I used to get ready for my first tri a couple weeks ago. In case it helps... others here may have better lists/other stuff to add but here goes... in no particular order:

bag for gear
extra clothes for afterwards - hat, jacket, flip flops, etc
body glide (around neck, under arms, for swim)
spi belt
Gu / gels / nutrition
tri shorts
shirt (for run, bike)
2 towels (one to put your stuff on, one to use)
jacket for bike (if cold)
water bottles (to rinse, to drink)
running shoes / bike shoes
swim bag (with goggles!)
plastic shopping bags (for easy wetsuit entry)
bottles for bike (mix night before)
Garmin w/ HRM
watch for swim
Tom Tom (gps / for car)
cell phone, charged
anti-bacterial wipes (wife's idea... to clean off before chowing down at end)
coffee for drive

Good luck!


Oh, and the list I had made also included:

extra pair of goggles *in case* something happens
arm warmers for bike (or jacket)
sunblock (at least do your face in T1...)

I also made a sheet, separated into pre-race, T1 and T2 lists of things to do. I'm bringing this list, written out in big letters, with me on race day so that, in case I am freaking out, I can just read it rather than try to remember everything I have to do.

Pre-Race Transition Set Up:
- have wetsuit bag open, goggle and cap bag open
- make sure water bottles are filled and tightly closed
- pack fuel belt and bike basket with your bars/gels etc
- untie running shoe laces (or if you have the springy shoelaces, then go you!)
- put on full body water and sweat proof sunblock
- bring spare goggles
- bodyglide yourself
- have arm warmers in bike basket beforehand
- set bike computer to 0 km
- put race # on number belt

- take off wetsuit and fold; take off cap and goggles and put in respective bags
- dry as much as you can, especially feet, with sport towel
- sunblock face
- put on socks and shoes, and arm warmers if needed
- put on race number (so the # is at the back)
- put on sunglasses, helmet, bike gloves

- take off helmet, bike gloves, arm warmers
- take off bike shoes
- move race # to the front
- put on running shoes
- put on fuel belt

Are we forgetting something?!

Edited by krystyna47 2009-05-15 11:55 AM
2009-05-16 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Hey guys... sorry I missed this week's challenge... I just got back from vacation after finals, so I'm about to really kick the training into gear.  I've never done a brick, so maybe I'll try one this week.  One month til my first triathlon too, so I understand everyone getting excited. 
2009-05-16 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Lesson learned.........
Yesterday I had a flat tire and last night I startet early to repair it. Long story short, went through 3 tubes, and every time while inflating it, as soon as I hit around 90 psi POW!!!! The first one scared the living c____ out me!!!  Checked the wheel, checked the tire, no glass, no nails, nothing.............. after three POWs my neighbor came to the rescue. I call him now Mr. CSI.  There was a little hole on the tire and the tube at high presure created a bubble through that little hole and POW!!!
Conclusion, new tire and my training ride early in the morning with the local team.......... down the drain for me.
I can only imagine the amount of information and skills you need to have to master these three sports. 
Something, no matter how simple it is, reminds me every day that I'm a ROCKIE!!!
So I bought not only extra spare tubes but also an extra spare tire.  I guess it would be a good idea to have spare wheels as well, but that's gonna have to wait $$$$
2009-05-17 4:58 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Great race lists. It's worth the time to think your race through and get your stuff in order. I remember walking to the transition area at Lake Placid at 6am and realizing that I left all my Gatorade in the hotel fridge.

And I've learned that tire changing is an art. I could never pop a tire in a race and fix it. That's one of my personal goals for this season -- to learn how to do it quickly. Speaking of which, I need to switch my rear tire out from the old one I use for the trainer to the new one I'll use this summer on the road. Maybe I'll work on that today since it's supposed to be cool and rainy all afternoon. 

My trisuit arrived in the mail yesterday. I've never worn one before, and thankfully I don't look too much like a sausage in it. However, I'm not exactly lean, either. I have an olympic race scheduled for the 30th, so I'll wear it then and see how I like it. If it feels good, I'll wear it at my "A" race in July. I'm actually tempted to just put it on today and wear it around the house.

I have to get my wetsuit out, too. Last time I saw it, I believe it was under the bed in the spare bedroom.

And now, the challenge for this week.

Remember those personal goals we did a month ago? Pull them up, and ask yourself what you've done to achieve them. Have you altered your training in any way? Started a training plan? Worked on your diet? Practiced?

Sit back and truly examine where you are right now. If you're happy with the course you're on, good. But if you're not, think about how you can/might/should alter it.

And if you think you need to refine your goals, now's the time to do it.

You don't have to share yours with the group, but we'll all give you encouragement if you do.

Here are the 3 that I listed on April 14:

(1) finish the Providence 1/2 IM on July 12 in 5 hours;
(2) weigh in at 174, which gave me 14 pounds to lose; and
(3) Complete a long distance swim.

Right now, I'm in trouble. I haven't kept at my running, and while I ran a 1/2 marathon a few weeks ago, it wasn't a great day for me. And I still have not biked more than 15 miles on the road. Which means that I have to seriously step up my training so I can just finish the race happy, let alone in my time goal. Today, I will re-evaluate my training plan and literally pencil in long rides and runs on my calendar for the next 6 weeks.

My weight is the same as it was a month ago. Time to start a food journal and count calories.

The swim is coming along. I'm scheduled to do a mile OWS on June 20, and I swam 2 straight miles in the pool the other day. I also have 3 olympic races with OWS scheduled before July 12.

Obviously, I have some work to do here.

2009-05-17 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2070143

Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

I'm officially a triathlete.

2009-05-17 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2156625

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
casaubon - 2009-05-17 9:12 PM Woot!

I'm officially a triathlete.

MAJOR high fives are in order!!! Congrats!!
2009-05-17 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Casaubon--nice job. Way to go!!

I didn't finish the challenge. I was at a church retreat, and I had an early morning swim/run brick planned, as taking my bike was not practical. I found out the lake where we were was too polluted to swim in, so I ran an hour and swam in the pool for 45 minutes later, but not as a brick. Today I rode 2 hours 45 minutes, and I was so sore I went out to dinner with my wife and didn't run. I could hardly sit at dinner. I was aiming for 50 miles, but I couldn't do it. Five more minutes on that seat, and I would have wrecked on purpose to put myself out of my misery. It's still the seat--my legs are fine, but my butt is killing me. I've tried a few seats, including the Adamo that every raves about. I've hated them all and gone back to my original. I'm going to try to do a brick tomorrow afternoon so I don't fail on my own challenge.  

Edited by gplitt 2009-05-17 11:18 PM
2009-05-18 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2156878

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-05-18 12:12 AM Casaubon--nice job. Way to go!!

I didn't finish the challenge. I was at a church retreat, and I had an early morning swim/run brick planned, as taking my bike was not practical. I found out the lake where we were was too polluted to swim in, so I ran an hour and swam in the pool for 45 minutes later, but not as a brick. Today I rode 2 hours 45 minutes, and I was so sore I went out to dinner with my wife and didn't run. I could hardly sit at dinner. I was aiming for 50 miles, but I couldn't do it. Five more minutes on that seat, and I would have wrecked on purpose to put myself out of my misery. It's still the seat--my legs are fine, but my butt is killing me. I've tried a few seats, including the Adamo that every raves about. I've hated them all and gone back to my original. I'm going to try to do a brick tomorrow afternoon so I don't fail on my own challenge.  

Have you had a bike fitting? Maybe it's a combination of factors. A good bike store should have someone certified to do one, and it will cost about $75-$100. But it's worth it.
2009-05-18 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2156625

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
casaubon - 2009-05-17 9:12 PM Woot!

I'm officially a triathlete.

2009-05-18 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2156625

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Congratulations Chris!  That's AWESOME news! More motivation for all of us here to keep training.

Edited by boxer 2009-05-18 9:22 AM

2009-05-18 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2157028

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I've had a bike fitting. It seemed like a good one. Everything has seemed good/right except the seat. I've moved it around myself a bit, too. Everyone has said the less padding the better, but I'm going to try a more padded seat. I have a friend who used to race on a national team--he tells me zero padding, but I'm going to try it anyway. I don't need to be on the bike twelve hours--just three. What do you think?
2009-05-18 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2158343

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-05-18 1:52 PM I've had a bike fitting. It seemed like a good one. Everything has seemed good/right except the seat. I've moved it around myself a bit, too. Everyone has said the less padding the better, but I'm going to try a more padded seat. I have a friend who used to race on a national team--he tells me zero padding, but I'm going to try it anyway. I don't need to be on the bike twelve hours--just three. What do you think?

I say keep working on it until it feels right. What's the worse that can happen if you try more padding? It's uncomy?

Maybe post your issue on the main forum, too, and see what responses you get. You can't be the only person out there who's having this problem.
2009-05-18 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2070143

Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Well, I did the brick last week.  Did a 26 mile bike and a one mile run.  Still easing into the running.  Foot feels good but don't want to push too hard too quick (this is completely contrary to what my brain wants to do).  I'm a bit concerned about my training schedule the next few three weeks.  I have to go out of town the better part of the next three weeks for work and it is going to be very difficult if not impossible to stay on track due to long length of meetings and travel.  I'm going to do what I can and hope I can at least maintain my conditioning.

2009-05-19 5:28 AM
in reply to: #2159236

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Zupe - 2009-05-18 6:11 PM

Well, I did the brick last week.  Did a 26 mile bike and a one mile run.  Still easing into the running.  Foot feels good but don't want to push too hard too quick (this is completely contrary to what my brain wants to do).  I'm a bit concerned about my training schedule the next few three weeks.  I have to go out of town the better part of the next three weeks for work and it is going to be very difficult if not impossible to stay on track due to long length of meetings and travel.  I'm going to do what I can and hope I can at least maintain my conditioning.

If nothing else, you should still be able to get some good runs in. Mind the foot, and maybe alternate walking with running. Or do the stairs in your hotel, plus some old-fashioned push-ups and sit-ups for weight work.



2009-05-19 5:29 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I found some swimming tips that are worth checking out:

All the videos are on the left.

I'm also intrigued by the waterproof I-pod. Tempted, even.

2009-05-19 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I'm going to Baltimore for a conference for 7 days tomorrow morning. Trips always ruin my workouts--although I'm much more dedicated this time than ever before. Besides running, any good ideas on how to keep at it? I'm staying at the Hilton, which has a workout facility. Are stationary bikes anything like biking? Any swim ideas for a short pool?
2009-05-19 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2160707

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-05-19 12:04 PM I'm going to Baltimore for a conference for 7 days tomorrow morning. Trips always ruin my workouts--although I'm much more dedicated this time than ever before. Besides running, any good ideas on how to keep at it? I'm staying at the Hilton, which has a workout facility. Are stationary bikes anything like biking? Any swim ideas for a short pool?

How about bringing a skipping rope? Skipping is probably the most intense thing ever. I plan to bring one when I go to Peru for 6 weeks (and unable to train in either running, swimming or biking b/c I'll be in the rainforest). Also, if your muscles are particularly tense/tight, I'd suggest at least using your time away to do 15-35 min of yoga a day or other stretching activities, especially for the calves, hamstrings, quads and hip flexors.

Edited by krystyna47 2009-05-19 11:17 AM
2009-05-19 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2160735

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
Krystyna--thanks. Good ideas. Skipping rope--is that Canadian for jump rope? Smile
2009-05-19 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2070143

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Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
I was on vacation last week, and really focused on running and lifting.  I HATE exercise bikes, and I cant emphasize that strongly enough.  Spin bikes are okay, but good luck finding one in a hotel.  I like the jump rope idea, a great way to get the heartrate up and work your legs. 

Krys - why cant you run in the rainforest?  Dont they have trails or paths or anything?  Ive heard mountain/trail running is awesome.

Also, a question for the group, is there any reason NOT to run and swim on the same day?  My schedule has changed with the end of school, now work and night class, and swimming and running on the same day would make everything easier.  I know the programs say bike/swim, but whats the harm?
2009-05-19 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2161015

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-05-19 1:41 PM Krystyna--thanks. Good ideas. Skipping rope--is that Canadian for jump rope? Smile

Hey now, what's jump rope? :P

2009-05-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2161092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
mck35 - 2009-05-19 2:05 PM

Krys - why cant you run in the rainforest?  Dont they have trails or paths or anything?  Ive heard mountain/trail running is awesome.

Also, a question for the group, is there any reason NOT to run and swim on the same day?  My schedule has changed with the end of school, now work and night class, and swimming and running on the same day would make everything easier.  I know the programs say bike/swim, but whats the harm?

I'm bringing my running shoes just in case, but I'm doing mammal research on transects in the Peruvian amazon, so I doubt they'll want me mucking up their research. Or maybe paths will be available? I've really no idea. If they are, I'll obviously jump on the opportunity to do some running in the most biodiverse spot on the planet!

As for running and swimming? Pfft, I say train whenever you can. It can't HURT. I think people get too picky when it comes to "how" triathletes should train. I think you just gotta get the kilometres in (for you guys, miles) for all 3 disciplines. I know I do some weird bricks. I do a lot of bike/swim bricks, swim/run bricks and so forth.
2009-05-19 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2070143

New user

Downers Grove, IL
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED

Great job everyone! I'm so impressed with the results everyone is achieving.

I'm been MIA lately because my back injury has kept me down now for almost 2 weeks.  I'm really frustrated.  The pelvic misalignment has caused my sciatic nerve in my left leg to become inflamed.  For the better part of a week I've been trying to stop the tingling in my lower left leg.  Doc finally got through to me that I can't do ANY exercise (I was still trying to swim and bike) until I get this sciatic nerve calmed down and re-aligned.  I'm extremely frustrated.

Fortunately, I still have 6 weeks til my first ever sprint tri.  I'm hoping that this setback hasn't completely ruined my training so far.  I finally realized that continuing to train like I was only slightly injured would only prolong the complete healing process.  Also trying to remind myself that my primary goal was to just finish and enjoy my first tri experience.  That said, I may not be in full training form to bike as fast as I wanted or run the entire distance as planned.  It's been difficult to keep my spirits up, but reading everyone's achievements has helped. 

Worst part is that I don't even know exactly what I did to cause this to happen.  There wasn't one particular move that said - OUCH.  For me - weight training must become an integral part of my training plans.  I was just a casual weight lifter before.  Can't do that in the future.

Hopefully in another week I can start logging in some training again.  Til then - I'm still out here and rooting for you all!!


2009-05-19 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2160707

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
gplitt - 2009-05-19 11:04 AM I'm going to Baltimore for a conference for 7 days tomorrow morning. Trips always ruin my workouts--although I'm much more dedicated this time than ever before. Besides running, any good ideas on how to keep at it? I'm staying at the Hilton, which has a workout facility. Are stationary bikes anything like biking? Any swim ideas for a short pool?

I feel your pain! Because of my job I'm on the road all the time (12 days a month average)
I was in Barcelona last week and the hotel gym had spinning bikes.  If you can join a class I think it is a blast!!! I used to do it all the time back in my country about 3 to 4 times a week.  On the weekends we used to have spinning marathons with the best DJs in the country jamming while we went full speed on our bikes. It's so much fun!
You can do it by your self, and a spinning bike resembles much better your tri bike (I don't like at all regular stationary bikes). And you can adjust the seat up and down, back and fwd and the handle bar.  Use a towel as padding an go in aero position. Feels like the "real thing"
If your hotel doesn't have spinning bikes and you need to get some riding miles while on the road, google a gym that offers spinning in the area.    That's my little piece of advice.

Edited by boxer 2009-05-19 9:29 PM
2009-05-20 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2161092

Subject: RE: Prof40's group CLOSED
mck35 - 2009-05-19 1:05 PM
Also, a question for the group, is there any reason NOT to run and swim on the same day?  My schedule has changed with the end of school, now work and night class, and swimming and running on the same day would make everything easier.  I know the programs say bike/swim, but whats the harm?

This is totally anecdotal, but I've found that if I run before the swim, it's fine. If I run after the swim, I tend to drag a bit. I'm primarily a runner though, so I'm never happy unless I have great run workouts
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