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2010-10-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3159086

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
50andgettingfit - 2010-10-18 6:20 PM I posted this on the 'injury' forum and haven't has any responses so I thought I'd try here! I looking for some advice and hopefully positive thoughts 

I ran the Disney 1/2 in early September. For the first time after a run or a race, both of my calves really tightened up. I stretched and they seemed to get better. 

I kept running and did the San Jose Rock n Roll 1/2 in early October. They tightened up a bit but not as much as after Disney. 

Since then they've just been feeling a bit tight after every run. I went out this morning just for a short 3 mile run and a mile into it I started getting a pain (it felt different than a cramp) that was bad enough to stop running and I walked home. I'm icing it and planning on stretching and rolling. Other than normal soreness, this is the first real 'injury' I've had.

I have a Turkey Trot and the Vegas 1/2 still coming up this year and I'm planning for my first 1/2 IM next year so this is frustrating!

I'm not sure what else to do?

Sounds like you have a pretty tough race schedule and may not be giving yourself enough recovery. Maybe try heat and ice, and I've heard arnica cream can help. Hope you feel better!

2010-10-19 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3159086

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
50andgettingfit - 2010-10-18 6:20 PM I posted this on the 'injury' forum and haven't has any responses so I thought I'd try here! I looking for some advice and hopefully positive thoughts 

I ran the Disney 1/2 in early September. For the first time after a run or a race, both of my calves really tightened up. I stretched and they seemed to get better. 

I kept running and did the San Jose Rock n Roll 1/2 in early October. They tightened up a bit but not as much as after Disney. 

Since then they've just been feeling a bit tight after every run. I went out this morning just for a short 3 mile run and a mile into it I started getting a pain (it felt different than a cramp) that was bad enough to stop running and I walked home. I'm icing it and planning on stretching and rolling. Other than normal soreness, this is the first real 'injury' I've had.

I have a Turkey Trot and the Vegas 1/2 still coming up this year and I'm planning for my first 1/2 IM next year so this is frustrating!

I'm not sure what else to do?

What kind of shoes are you wearing and when did you get them?
2010-10-19 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3158831

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
pitman80 - 2010-10-18 3:58 PM Tri Take Me Away,

The pain is only one the outside of my right foot, and doesn't really manifest until after 6 or 7 miles on the ground.  My current kicks only have about 162 and some change miles, not low but not gone yet, and both shoes still have pretty good tread on em.  Pain lasts about 30 hours, tapering off the whole way.  Ice helps, and wearing really soft shoes helps as well afterwards.  Kind of a weird one.  Ran a few this afternoon, no worry at all.  It's a little worrisome getting into longer distance.  A friend thought it might be loose quick laces, so I've tightened everything back up, we'll see this week.  Any ideas?


Could be tendinitis. I used to get pain on the outside on my foot, too. That's usually what it was. I would sometimes think I had a stress fracture or something because the pain would get really bad. It's amazing how much tendinitis can hurt! Icing helps, as does anything else that lowers inflammation (healthy diet with plenty of Omega-3 fats is one, sleep is another).
2010-10-19 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3159845

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Tri Take Me Away - 2010-10-19 6:45 AM
50andgettingfit - 2010-10-18 6:20 PM I posted this on the 'injury' forum and haven't has any responses so I thought I'd try here! I looking for some advice and hopefully positive thoughts 

I ran the Disney 1/2 in early September. For the first time after a run or a race, both of my calves really tightened up. I stretched and they seemed to get better. 

I kept running and did the San Jose Rock n Roll 1/2 in early October. They tightened up a bit but not as much as after Disney. 

Since then they've just been feeling a bit tight after every run. I went out this morning just for a short 3 mile run and a mile into it I started getting a pain (it felt different than a cramp) that was bad enough to stop running and I walked home. I'm icing it and planning on stretching and rolling. Other than normal soreness, this is the first real 'injury' I've had.

I have a Turkey Trot and the Vegas 1/2 still coming up this year and I'm planning for my first 1/2 IM next year so this is frustrating!

I'm not sure what else to do?

What kind of shoes are you wearing and when did you get them?

I'm wearing New Balance shoes and I've had them since mid July. I used to wear ASICS but they weren't working for me and on recommendation of my Podiatrist I switched to those and some Superfeet (with some toe adjustments). Made a big difference in some toe pain I was having. 
2010-10-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hi all--
Just a quick note--my heat episodes aren't getting any better. Almost every time I try to run or bike, even very short distances, I feel weak and 2-3x have ended up shaky and nauseous and down for the day. (This happens even when I run in full dark and the temp is like 50.) So I'm done for a while. I'm in contact w/a, exertional heat stroke specialist in Conn., and hope to find some answers on how to recover. He seems to think my heat stroke was worse than I thought--he said that my inability to fully recover indicates a stroke that was not treated properly when it happened.

I'm sick about this, depressed, am on the verge of tears a lot. Exercise is my sanity. I started doing tris this past May, and had so many hopes for 2011, incl. a HIM. But I guess not. I need to just focus on recovering so I can get back to doing those tris--or hell ,even just being able to run more than 2 miles w/o feeling like sh*t. That would be nice, too.

Anyway, adios for now. GL to all in their races!
2010-10-19 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3158150

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Tri Take Me Away - 2010-10-18 11:45 AM
JG_GreenCoast - 2010-10-16 8:21 PM Hey Everyone!

I'm new to BT and am really excited to get in to the loop and chat with some other present and future triathletes!  I'm 21 years old, grew up in NYC and DC and am in my final year of undergrad in new orleans. Have always been an athlete but have made a ton of lifestyle changes and promises to myself in terms of fitness that i have honored over the last year, and this is a big step and is very very important to me.

I'm 6'2", 195lbs, and have played collegiate squash for 4 years (tennis in high school).  I have been trying to make steps in the right direction towards tri-training for about a month.  2 days a week of strength training, a mid and a long dist swim, 2 spinning classes or 2 long bike rides, and 2 runs each week.  The swimming and biking have been great but the running has been a bit of a problem as I get pretty bad shin splints that haven't subsided despite doctors appts/stretches/shoes and what have you.  I got a comprehensive gait analysis and had a sports medicine appointment and got some custom tailored soles and shoes and running instructions, and i have run two days and about 10 mi shin splint free!!! I'm so excited to finally start in the right direction.

I am running the lonestar 70.3 in Galveston Island, TX in April and am solo as of now.  I'm also, for my dads 60th bday, running the Midnight Sun Marathon in June in norway, so I've got a lot of training to do.  My girlfriend said she would come cheer me on but i'd love someone to run with, or at least train with.  Anyhoo, I think my distances are almost there on swimming and biking, but need to get running much much much better.    Looking forward to being part of the community!! 

Welcome!! We are happy to have you here on BT. Make sure to check your state forum here (LA). You may find others to train with there.
When will you be starting to use the BT Half Ironman Training Plan? Sounds like you are on the right track with building up your volume.

Thank you! I don't see the state forum there, just a huffingtonpost article.  I  want to start on the BT half ironman ASAP.  Where can I find a copy of it?

2010-10-19 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Found the triathlon program, what is the local forum!? I'd love to see it--I would love a training partner!
2010-10-19 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hello everyone!  I've been following your thread for about 2 weeks now and finally decided to register on the site so I could talk to you all now that I have caught up on 12 pages of threads  Surprised   I spent all tonight posting my workouts so far in my training log.  I guess a little backstory is needed.  My younger brother, Logan Franks, just finished competeing in the Ironman Championships in Kona earlier this month.  He did awesome, 2nd in his age group (18-24), so of course I had to rag on him for not coming in first the next day.  The gauntlet was thrown down.  He challenged me to a HIM no more than 12 months from now.  ITS ON!!!  But I have a looong way to go to even come close to his times...

2010-10-20 12:43 AM
in reply to: #3159086

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
50andgettingfit - 2010-10-19 11:20 AM I posted this on the 'injury' forum and haven't has any responses so I thought I'd try here! I looking for some advice and hopefully positive thoughts 

I ran the Disney 1/2 in early September. For the first time after a run or a race, both of my calves really tightened up. I stretched and they seemed to get better. 

I kept running and did the San Jose Rock n Roll 1/2 in early October. They tightened up a bit but not as much as after Disney. 

Since then they've just been feeling a bit tight after every run. I went out this morning just for a short 3 mile run and a mile into it I started getting a pain (it felt different than a cramp) that was bad enough to stop running and I walked home. I'm icing it and planning on stretching and rolling. Other than normal soreness, this is the first real 'injury' I've had.

I have a Turkey Trot and the Vegas 1/2 still coming up this year and I'm planning for my first 1/2 IM next year so this is frustrating!

I'm not sure what else to do?

I occasionally get a tightness in my calves. More one than the other. Before my Oly about 100 years ago I got a sharp pain in one that  felt sort of like a cramp or that I had torn it somehow. I did the race anyway as I had trained and it was sort of a holiday race.(I had a wonderful time smiling my way through with no time pressures) The next day my calf tightness just released! I now go to a massage therapist type professional to get them treated whenever I feel these issues arising. In Australia we call them Myotherapists but they do trigger point type therapy. I don't know if you have anything like that in your neck of the woods but it may help. They do a thorough assessment.
2010-10-20 12:46 AM
in reply to: #3159910

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoseyWales - 2010-10-20 2:04 AM Hi all--
Just a quick note--my heat episodes aren't getting any better. Almost every time I try to run or bike, even very short distances, I feel weak and 2-3x have ended up shaky and nauseous and down for the day. (This happens even when I run in full dark and the temp is like 50.) So I'm done for a while. I'm in contact w/a, exertional heat stroke specialist in Conn., and hope to find some answers on how to recover. He seems to think my heat stroke was worse than I thought--he said that my inability to fully recover indicates a stroke that was not treated properly when it happened.

I'm sick about this, depressed, am on the verge of tears a lot. Exercise is my sanity. I started doing tris this past May, and had so many hopes for 2011, incl. a HIM. But I guess not. I need to just focus on recovering so I can get back to doing those tris--or hell ,even just being able to run more than 2 miles w/o feeling like sh*t. That would be nice, too.

Anyway, adios for now. GL to all in their races!

Wow, that's a bummer that it's such a difficult road to recovery. Are you able to swim, at least? 
2010-10-20 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3161615

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bondgirl - 2010-10-20 12:46 AM
JoseyWales - 2010-10-20 2:04 AM Hi all--
Just a quick note--my heat episodes aren't getting any better. Almost every time I try to run or bike, even very short distances, I feel weak and 2-3x have ended up shaky and nauseous and down for the day. (This happens even when I run in full dark and the temp is like 50.) So I'm done for a while. I'm in contact w/a, exertional heat stroke specialist in Conn., and hope to find some answers on how to recover. He seems to think my heat stroke was worse than I thought--he said that my inability to fully recover indicates a stroke that was not treated properly when it happened.

I'm sick about this, depressed, am on the verge of tears a lot. Exercise is my sanity. I started doing tris this past May, and had so many hopes for 2011, incl. a HIM. But I guess not. I need to just focus on recovering so I can get back to doing those tris--or hell ,even just being able to run more than 2 miles w/o feeling like sh*t. That would be nice, too.

Anyway, adios for now. GL to all in their races!

Wow, that's a bummer that it's such a difficult road to recovery. Are you able to swim, at least? 

I haven't made it to the pool in a while. They keep it pretty warm, which made me uncomfortable the couple of times I did go lately. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do. I've finished reading the lit the specialist sent me and plan to call him today or tomorrow. We will see. Thanks for your reply!

2010-10-20 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3160625

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JG_GreenCoast - 2010-10-19 1:18 PM
Tri Take Me Away - 2010-10-18 11:45 AM
JG_GreenCoast - 2010-10-16 8:21 PM Hey Everyone!

I'm new to BT and am really excited to get in to the loop and chat with some other present and future triathletes!  I'm 21 years old, grew up in NYC and DC and am in my final year of undergrad in new orleans. Have always been an athlete but have made a ton of lifestyle changes and promises to myself in terms of fitness that i have honored over the last year, and this is a big step and is very very important to me.

I'm 6'2", 195lbs, and have played collegiate squash for 4 years (tennis in high school).  I have been trying to make steps in the right direction towards tri-training for about a month.  2 days a week of strength training, a mid and a long dist swim, 2 spinning classes or 2 long bike rides, and 2 runs each week.  The swimming and biking have been great but the running has been a bit of a problem as I get pretty bad shin splints that haven't subsided despite doctors appts/stretches/shoes and what have you.  I got a comprehensive gait analysis and had a sports medicine appointment and got some custom tailored soles and shoes and running instructions, and i have run two days and about 10 mi shin splint free!!! I'm so excited to finally start in the right direction.

I am running the lonestar 70.3 in Galveston Island, TX in April and am solo as of now.  I'm also, for my dads 60th bday, running the Midnight Sun Marathon in June in norway, so I've got a lot of training to do.  My girlfriend said she would come cheer me on but i'd love someone to run with, or at least train with.  Anyhoo, I think my distances are almost there on swimming and biking, but need to get running much much much better.    Looking forward to being part of the community!! 

Welcome!! We are happy to have you here on BT. Make sure to check your state forum here (LA). You may find others to train with there.
When will you be starting to use the BT Half Ironman Training Plan? Sounds like you are on the right track with building up your volume.

Thank you! I don't see the state forum there, just a huffingtonpost article.  I  want to start on the BT half ironman ASAP.  Where can I find a copy of it?

HAHA! I am laughing at myself! I was writing a newsletter for my boot camp at the same time as I was typing here and I accidentally inserted the wrong link! How embarrassing! HERE is the link for the LA forum. I checked it this time.
You can find the training plan here. The link is also available on the the first post in this thread.
2010-10-20 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3161582

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mrfranks_84 - 2010-10-19 11:07 PM

Hello everyone!  I've been following your thread for about 2 weeks now and finally decided to register on the site so I could talk to you all now that I have caught up on 12 pages of threads  Surprised   I spent all tonight posting my workouts so far in my training log.  I guess a little backstory is needed.  My younger brother, Logan Franks, just finished competeing in the Ironman Championships in Kona earlier this month.  He did awesome, 2nd in his age group (18-24), so of course I had to rag on him for not coming in first the next day.  The gauntlet was thrown down.  He challenged me to a HIM no more than 12 months from now.  ITS ON!!!  But I have a looong way to go to even come close to his times...

That is SO awesome! Welcome to BT. Don't worry about your brother's times. This is YOUR journey!
2010-10-20 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3159910

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoseyWales - 2010-10-19 9:04 AM Hi all--
Just a quick note--my heat episodes aren't getting any better. Almost every time I try to run or bike, even very short distances, I feel weak and 2-3x have ended up shaky and nauseous and down for the day. (This happens even when I run in full dark and the temp is like 50.) So I'm done for a while. I'm in contact w/a, exertional heat stroke specialist in Conn., and hope to find some answers on how to recover. He seems to think my heat stroke was worse than I thought--he said that my inability to fully recover indicates a stroke that was not treated properly when it happened.

I'm sick about this, depressed, am on the verge of tears a lot. Exercise is my sanity. I started doing tris this past May, and had so many hopes for 2011, incl. a HIM. But I guess not. I need to just focus on recovering so I can get back to doing those tris--or hell ,even just being able to run more than 2 miles w/o feeling like sh*t. That would be nice, too.

Anyway, adios for now. GL to all in their races!

I am so, so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. I hope you find something that you can do, even yoga or pilates. SOMETHING.
I can't wait for the day when you make your return to this forum. Wishing you the best.
2010-10-20 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3161613

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I got sooo lucky.  My girlfriend is a massage therapist.  Gives me a rub down every weekend.  Is there such a thing as too many massages?  Lol.  She'll hook you up if you're ever in the DC area.
2010-10-20 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3162042

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I wish you the best of luck Josey.  I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me. 

2010-10-20 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I just jumped this wagon!!! Woot woot!!!  Looks intimidating at first but I'll get it done.  A few background stuff about me.

Very late 20s, fairly healthy, and love sports.  Did a 5K in Nov 2009 and thought it was "fairly" easy.   Did a 10K in Dec 2009 and thought it was a great distance!  On New Year's Day, triathlons were my New Year's resolution. 

This year was my first season and I did 4 sprints.  First sprint was in February, then March, Aug, and October.  I was better each time considering I don't have any background in any of the 3 disciplines.  I wish I would have done an oly or two.  Maybe I will do Turkey Tri but it might be too cold for comfort...

I'm on the 1st week of the 20-week beginner HIM plan.  I'm doing the plan for an OLY in March and HIM in April.  I already mapped out 20 weeks for the OLY race and a month later, the HIM.  I just had a couple of teeth pulled last Thursday so I am taking it easy on the training but still following the program.  I also found out that I developed a mild case of shin splints.  The pain occurs on the mid to upper part of the inner calves.  I most likely developed it last week when I decided to pull off almost 22 miles in a week when I was only doing 9 prior to that (NOT TOO SMART OF ME).  Although I managed to hold my  5K run pace.  I haven't done any running since last Wednesday but I am stretching out the calves.  I'm following the swim and run trainings instead.  Will probably do a short run tomorrow and see how the calves feel.

I might also jump the gun and do a full iron distance 3 months after the HIM.  I would follow the HIM to IM bridge plan.  Big plans?  You betcha!  Bigger rewards?  For sure. 

2010-10-20 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3163537

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Sounds like you were a busy guy last year.  Do you think that the sprints really helped?  I was going to jump straight to Oly's to practice before the HIM.  Mainly want to just get a feel for the pace and how to transition smoothly.  I'm lucky enough not to have suffered from shin splints yet but I certainly have some blisters on my feet from doing distance running for the first time in 3 years.  As far as your training plans, I'm just kind of doing my own thing right now.  Did the training plans really help?
2010-10-20 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3163730

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
If the message was for me, yes it was a busy 2010 season for me, an expensive one at that.  Sprints helped in what manner?  If I discovered this site earlier, I might have done an OLY or two this year but oh well.  From what I have read around here, some people have done the OLY route and didn't go through sprints but those folks have a really strong base by having background in one of 3 disciplines like playing high school/college track, xcountry, swim team, or cycling team.  I just started the plan this week and I really have no idea but if you read along the earlier posts, some of them did finish their first HIM following the beginner program. 

I also did my own thing for all my sprint races.  I always finished MOP or faster than 70% of the people in my AG.

mrfranks_84 - 2010-10-20 6:34 PM Sounds like you were a busy guy last year.  Do you think that the sprints really helped?  I was going to jump straight to Oly's to practice before the HIM.  Mainly want to just get a feel for the pace and how to transition smoothly.  I'm lucky enough not to have suffered from shin splints yet but I certainly have some blisters on my feet from doing distance running for the first time in 3 years.  As far as your training plans, I'm just kind of doing my own thing right now.  Did the training plans really help?
2010-10-21 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3163358

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mrfranks_84 - 2010-10-20 3:39 PM I wish you the best of luck Josey.  I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me. 

Probably walk around feeling sorry for yourself, moody because you aren't exercising, in tears when you lie down at night because you feel like crap without exercise and your body feels ready to go but you KNOW that if you try, your body will betray you again.

At least, that's what I'm doing!!! Yell

I'll let you all know what this EHS specialist tells me tomorrow. We have a phone 'date.'
2010-10-21 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3163537

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
arkmann - 2010-10-20 4:39 PM

I just jumped this wagon!!! Woot woot!!!  Looks intimidating at first but I'll get it done.  A few background stuff about me.

Very late 20s, fairly healthy, and love sports.  Did a 5K in Nov 2009 and thought it was "fairly" easy.   Did a 10K in Dec 2009 and thought it was a great distance!  On New Year's Day, triathlons were my New Year's resolution. 

This year was my first season and I did 4 sprints.  First sprint was in February, then March, Aug, and October.  I was better each time considering I don't have any background in any of the 3 disciplines.  I wish I would have done an oly or two.  Maybe I will do Turkey Tri but it might be too cold for comfort...

I'm on the 1st week of the 20-week beginner HIM plan.  I'm doing the plan for an OLY in March and HIM in April.  I already mapped out 20 weeks for the OLY race and a month later, the HIM.  I just had a couple of teeth pulled last Thursday so I am taking it easy on the training but still following the program.  I also found out that I developed a mild case of shin splints.  The pain occurs on the mid to upper part of the inner calves.  I most likely developed it last week when I decided to pull off almost 22 miles in a week when I was only doing 9 prior to that (NOT TOO SMART OF ME).  Although I managed to hold my  5K run pace.  I haven't done any running since last Wednesday but I am stretching out the calves.  I'm following the swim and run trainings instead.  Will probably do a short run tomorrow and see how the calves feel.

I might also jump the gun and do a full iron distance 3 months after the HIM.  I would follow the HIM to IM bridge plan.  Big plans?  You betcha!  Bigger rewards?  For sure. 

Welcome to the group! You have definitely caught the triathlon bug! Please be careful bumping up your volume! Follow the plan and you will hopefully not have any more problems with injury. Can't wait to see your progress!

2010-10-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Calming down my routine the past 2 days cause I have my Military PFA tomorrow morning.  I also found out there is an Oly being held in DC next Sept!  I'm going to sign up for it so that I have an actual race on the horizon to look forward to.  So far I've just been training knowing that i wanted to register in races.  I'm still going to be training for the HIM though.
2010-10-21 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Also just signed up for an Oly in Maryland in August.  WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?
2010-10-22 12:17 AM
in reply to: #3164934

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks!  I'm actually not doing any running at the moment until the shin splints are completely gone.  I have been stretching both calves everyday and I think its alleviating it.  Splint on left calf is gone but the right one still exists.  I know I have the fitness to do 6 mile runs because that's what I have been doing before I got into tris.  Since this is the 1st week of the 20-week plan I think I should be ok if I start the runs on the 2nd week. 

Regarding the other post.  I work at a Navy base and there sure are a lot of enlisted guys hitting the asphalt due to the PFAs that's coming up!
2010-10-22 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3166110

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mrfranks_84 - 2010-10-21 9:38 PM Also just signed up for an Oly in Maryland in August.  WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?

VERY cool! Congrats on taking the leap and signing up for two races!
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