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2011-02-15 6:42 AM
in reply to: #3352825

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
jlahoward - 2011-02-13 2:16 PMI'm starting to think about racing now.  Anyone have suggestions on setting pace guidelines for a new race distance?  (I'm moving up to Olympic distance this year.  How do I decide what pace I should go?  Heart rate?)  Thanks.

Running is your strongest leg of the race, right? 

If so, I think I would do a strong swim (smooth, effective strokes but not sprinting or working hard), relatively easy bike (slower than Sprint pace, but faster than easy pace) and then hammer the run just below your regular 10K pace.  Then, after the race you can evaluate and see how you felt in each leg and where you could have turned up the pace.

Alternatively, do some race-paced bricks with the bike going almost as long as race distance and see how you feel at different speeds and adjust accordingly.

2011-02-15 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Bllleeeckkk! I"ve had two really bad eating days...can you say binge? I think it's because that time of month is approaching but it's not been pretty at all. As I type this I've already eaten way to much crap this evening and my mind (as I watch Biggest Loser) is going to what can I eat next? Must not eat any more!

Training not to bad and while I didn't see the fantastic sights that are being seen in AK I did see a lady out walking a lama on the bike/walking trail the other day. Was kind of funny to see.
2011-02-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I've had a couple of bad days of eating too.  Feeling bad about it, I need to stop!  I told my husband today that I have a sugar problem.  Knowing this about me he had already hid the candy that's in the house.  What a guy! Yell

I did core again tonight after several days off and it felt great!  I don't know why I struggle with 15 - 20 minutes of core work, I always feel so much better when I'm done.
2011-02-15 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
For the food thing, don't watch TV at night, or if you must, record it with DVR or TiVO. There are so many food commercials on prime time television and they trigger your hunger receptors. Our bodies were programmed to start digestion (salivating, etc.) at the sight/smell of food. So when you see commercials, you may get off the couch and rummage around the kitchen for food. DON'T! 
2011-02-16 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Yay! I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in my horrible eating habits this week - Valentine's treats at the office.  Four cookies on monday and three yesterday but at least they're gone now.  Plus candy from the kids - why do some daycare parents give two-year-olds candy?  I had to eat it for them.   I made oven fries (instead of regular fries) with dinner last night, but then covered them in parmesan, negating any good benefits.  I figure after such a bad start, my week can only get better.   So far (at only 8:30) I've only had Kashi and coffee.   
2011-02-16 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3357688

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I think that you just have to view each day as a clean slate. If yesterday was a bad eating is snacking day, by-gones! Today is a new day! I was bad on Monday with cookies and steak (yum!) but am doing pretty well at resisting the muffins/pastries at my seminar today. Emily's tivo idea is good! I was trying to figure out why we don't snack after dinner at our house and have concluded that it is because we eat too late and go straight upstairs after clean-up and there is no food up there. Ha!

2011-02-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I had an incident with brownies last week.  I make a point NOT to have these in the house but it was a celebration.  I can resist other stuff, just not those.  My eating plan for the week is to map out the next day's eating the night before or in the AM.  3 meals plus 3 snacks.  There is still temptation but it helps to have a plan of what I'm eating when (especially when I have to carry snacks with me).

I also do better with food prep overall when I plan the week's dinners around our local CSA box.  I buy less and use more of what I buy.  (Of course tonight is spaghetti, but it will be pimped up with flaxseed and whole grain pasta.)  Now, if I could just stop using the bread machine....

2011-02-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Yeah, I had some bad v-Day eating going on too. My partner is a gourmet cook. He made a lobster soup, rib steak, and a shrimp alfredo on Sunday for me. And there was dessert, and the kids gave me a valentine that was Lindt truffles...sigh.

I did decide to stay with the lighter schedule this week, although I didn't change my swimming at all. I may swim two days instead of three. Have a new challenge - traveling from Friday - Tuesday. I think I mapped out the pools and exercise equipment I'll need. Then the hotel called and said "by the way, we're doing major renovation and all our facilities are closed." WTF?!
2011-02-16 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I have a question re: spin class.  I've notice that alot of us (including me) do spin for our bike workouts.  Does spinning class really help biking on the road or is it just good for overall fitness?  Am I better just sucking it up on my trainer?    I've heard mixed things about spin class as a substitute for riding and am interested in everyone's opinion.  My spin instructor has a background in road riding and so we dont do jumps and things like that - usually long sets of intervals, hill climbs, etc.  Thoughts?
2011-02-16 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Spin class - I think it all depends on your instructor and the format they teach.  If you're doing intervals & hills, and your instructor rides outside, it's probably a pretty good class.  At our local gyms we have 2 different formats, one is studio cycle, and is more of an aerobic workout.  Good for cardio, but not necessary a replacement for outdoor or good trainer ride.  The other is a performance cycle class and is taught by instructors that ride outdoors, many who do triathlons.

I think you'll get a lot of different responses, especially if you posed this question outside this mentor group.  Most everything I've read is nothing is better then riding outdoors then riding outdoors.  Some will say spin class is a waste of time.  I completely disagree with that.  I agree that riding outdoors is the best for triathlon training.  But that's not always possible (weather, time of day, etc.) and I do think the classes I go to generally kick my butt and I get a much better overall workout than had I rode outside.  For me, riding outside my average HR is always very low because of the downhills and "break" my legs/HR get.  In class the instructor is all over you if he sees you starting to slack off.

With that said, when the time changes I will be riding as much outside as possible.  Spin and trainer rides will be limited.  For now, I will continue to go.  It's a great workout and keeps me in shape for when I am ready to hit the roads!

ETA - use a HR monitor if possible.  It keeps you honest in class.  If I don't wear one I tend to not work as hard.

Edited by karen26.2 2011-02-16 6:35 PM
2011-02-17 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3358819

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
elizabethk - 2011-02-16 6:05 PM I have a question re: spin class.  I've notice that alot of us (including me) do spin for our bike workouts.  Does spinning class really help biking on the road or is it just good for overall fitness?  Am I better just sucking it up on my trainer?    I've heard mixed things about spin class as a substitute for riding and am interested in everyone's opinion.  My spin instructor has a background in road riding and so we dont do jumps and things like that - usually long sets of intervals, hill climbs, etc.  Thoughts?

I agree with Karen.  If you don't slack off in spin, I think it is a decent substitute for riding outside, especially if you tend to slack off on the trainer.  If you are able to "bring it" on the trainer with the sufferfest or spinervals or some other workout, then it is probably a superior training tool.

However, I don't make myself bring it on the trainer and will make every excuse not to get on it at all, so it's easier for me to just take a spin class.  That said, as soon as it gets a little warmer, I'll be riding my bike to work instead of spin.  Again, not an "optimum" workout because of the traffic/stoplights/etc, but it is way more fun than spin or the trainer and hard enough in the interval parts to count for something.

So, I spoke too soon about the junk at my seminar yesterday.  They gave us nice sandwiches (turkey/gouda on wheat with cranberry chutney) and baked chips, but included a cookie.  A giant cookie.  The package advertised that it was 1/4 lb.  Really.  I read the back and it was FOUR SERVINGS.  So I only ate half and brought the other half home for the kids.  Should have brought the whole thing home but it was too much to resist.

2011-02-17 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: New member!
Hi Gang -

We might have a new member in our group - Mary (bakerswife) is looking for a group and she may join up with us, so welcome her if she appears!

In other news, I've torpedoed on the "no snacks" goal so I am making all of you look good. 

Someone in the office ordered king cake from New Orleans for Mardi Gras and I could not resist the lure of the bready goodness.  I looked it up and Mardi Gras is still 2 1/2 weeks away, so I'm not sure why the cake is here now.  FWIW, the cake was totally not worth it.  It was not bready goodness but sticky-frosting-sweetness.  Guilt-inducing and unsatisfying.    Harumph!

And, work stress has already erased all of the lovely endorphins from my awesome run this morning.  Boo.  I will try and set the stress aside so that I can rub it out with swimming tomorrow or my long run this weekend.

Hope you are well and have a nice workout today!
2011-02-18 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3359966

Subject: RE: New member!

Open water swimming is what I am most worried about so I joined a Tri team that does some open water swim workouts. I need a wetsuit, but I don't really know how much I should spend on one. My local Tri store has some 2006 XTerra Wetsuits for $100 (down from $500) but would a suit from 5 years ago be outdated?

Also, should it be tight, loose, or precisely fitted?

Anything you can tell me would be great!
2011-02-18 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3362025

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Subject: Wetsuits
ebal - 2011-02-18 2:40 PM Wetsuits! 

Open water swimming is what I am most worried about so I joined a Tri team that does some open water swim workouts. I need a wetsuit, but I don't really know how much I should spend on one. My local Tri store has some 2006 XTerra Wetsuits for $100 (down from $500) but would a suit from 5 years ago be outdated?

Also, should it be tight, loose, or precisely fitted?

Anything you can tell me would be great!

You want the wetsuit to be very tight.  Putting one on is a workout in itself. 

Most websites will have measurements that you can use as a guide to picking the correct size (just like clothes).   Don't fudge the measurements, though, so that you can be sure to get the right size.  I had a little difficulty because my shoulders are broader than the average woman's shoulders, but DH bought me a sleeveless suit and it works fine.  I think he paid around $100 for mine - I believe it was new but it was on HUGE sale and was an older model.

If the suit is at your local tri store, they should let you try it on.  Keep in mind that a dry wetsuit is more delicate and not as stretchy as one that has been soaked in water (like a sponge) so be very careful trying it on.  You put it on just like you would tights (or turn it inside out and roll it up your legs that way) and you will need to use copious amounts of body glide on all areas.  If the store will not let you try it on, you don't want to buy it from them.

I do not know if wetsuits degrade over time.  You should email X-Terra and ask them whether they would still warrant a suit from 2006 and that will give you an answer.  Also, check to see if the suit is thicker than the new IM limitations that go into effect this year.  Here are the Ironman rules for wetsuits with a list of the legal suits. 

If the 2006 suit has no warranty or if it is too thick to be legal, you can get a bunch of coupons for completing the BT member survey and I think X-Terra was one of the sponsors, so that is one option.  You can also buy a used suit on e-bay (DH did this) for a discounted price or look in the classified section here on BT to see if anyone is selling a suit.

Good luck with your swimming!

PS  An update on our potential new member - it turns out that Mary is already in a group for winter/spring, but if we decide to do a new group in the spring, she would like to join us.
2011-02-19 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

Can't run, can't bike, and when I tried to swim it started hailing. I thought California was supposed to have good weather!

Well at least it's better than snow. I forgot some of you live in the frozen tundra....I guess I shouldn't complain! 
2011-02-19 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3363283

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-02-19 5:04 PM Rain....EW.

Can't run, can't bike, and when I tried to swim it started hailing. I thought California was supposed to have good weather!

Well at least it's better than snow. I forgot some of you live in the frozen tundra....I guess I shouldn't complain! 

California does have great weather.  It apparently took a break and moved to Georgia!  Oh yeah!  Today it was absolutely beautiful here and reminded me of the Bay Area.  I miss California!

2011-02-19 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3363416

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Well after complaining to you guys, I just sucked it up and ran. I'm still sick so I carried a pouch of Kleenex with me and blew my nose was very silly.

I got some much needed tri gear and some not needed but VERY cute running stuff. I'm a sucker for athletic clothes. And dresses. I would never choose to wear anything else!

Hope the workouts are going well with everybody. Keep up the good work!
2011-02-20 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3362025

Subject: RE: New member!
ebal - 2011-02-18 1:40 PM Wetsuits! 

Open water swimming is what I am most worried about so I joined a Tri team that does some open water swim workouts. I need a wetsuit, but I don't really know how much I should spend on one. My local Tri store has some 2006 XTerra Wetsuits for $100 (down from $500) but would a suit from 5 years ago be outdated?

Also, should it be tight, loose, or precisely fitted?

Anything you can tell me would be great!

A couple of other thoughts on wetsuits - did you ask your team if they have any discounts?  My team gets xterra at 50% off - a huge savings.  Also, when you put it on, slide a plastic grocery bag over your foot and then slide it through the leg.  Do the same for your arms.  its a little trick a learned and it makes putting on a suit relatively easy and I dont have to use much body glide.

Overall had a good week.  Took yesterday off AND had a sitter and a date with my husband so it was a wonderful day.

Keep up the good work everyone.   
2011-02-20 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3363811

Subject: RE: New member!
Just finalizing my race calendar...

Do you think two sprints, two olympics, one long course, and one HIM is a good amount of racing for the spring/summer? Maybe a 5k or a century thrown in for fun workouts. 

It's hard to fit in anything else with SAT/SAT IIs/ACT/AP tests/prom/college trip which eliminate quite a few weekends.
2011-02-21 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3364390

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Subject: RE: New member!
ebal - 2011-02-20 8:21 PM Just finalizing my race calendar...

Do you think two sprints, two olympics, one long course, and one HIM is a good amount of racing for the spring/summer? Maybe a 5k or a century thrown in for fun workouts. 

It's hard to fit in anything else with SAT/SAT IIs/ACT/AP tests/prom/college trip which eliminate quite a few weekends.

It seems like a lot!  But, that works out to one race a month, which is do-able.  However, you will want to put the HIM at the end of the summer so that you can build your mileage for that slowly.  Is long-course a swim meet or an open water swim? 
2011-02-21 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3364585

Subject: RE: New member!
Long course is a 1 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 9 mile run.

The HIM is the end of the summer, the other races would be "practice."

And it is sort of a lot...I usually race every weekend during the cross-country season so a large volume of races is natural.

Cmon guys! No one is talking on the forums anymore  We enjoy hearing about your lives and your training so speak up!!!

2011-02-22 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3366221

Subject: RE: New member!
ebal - 2011-02-21 10:27 PM Cmon guys! No one is talking on the forums anymore  We enjoy hearing about your lives and your training so speak up!!!

I have been crazy busy at work the past few weeks but I think that things are finally starting to slow down. 

On the training front, yesterday I got into the race to robie creek.  It sold out in 23 minutes (2100 people) so I am ridiculously excited about that.  I've never done it but its been called the toughest half marathon in the north-west.  9.5 miles straight up, 4 straight down.  All of my running friends also got in so I'm really looking forward to it.  I also think that it will give me a ton of confidence for my HIM in June - if I can run up a mountain, then I can certainly run 13 miles on the flats along a river. 

What else....I'm finally going back to my master's team today.  Hopefully my wrist will hold up.  If not, I have the name of a good hand doc and will be checking her out soon.

Hope that everyone is having a great week!
2011-02-22 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3366906

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Subject: Weekly goals?
Hi Gang!

We are crazy busy at work right now too, and also at home because we are doing some Spring Cleaning (capitalized because it is a BIG CLEAN), setting up our youngest's "big girl room" and the kids' lacrosse teams are starting back up for the spring.  This weekend is the SEEME Expo in Atlanta (I'm volunteering) and next weekend brings the Wiphan Waddle 5K (I'm running with the kids, the first lacrosse match and the Georgia Reactor Run (volunteering again) so we are booked solid!

I noticed that some of you guys have some races coming up, so tell us how your plans are going.  I'm doing the Publix Georgia marathon on March 20 and so is Karen, and our crazy friend Natalie says we are going to go under 4 hours.  I don't think I'm in that kind of shape right now, because though I can go at that pace forever on a treadmill, the race is really hilly.  So, it will either be a breakthrough performance or a spectacular disaster.  Ha!  Since my GI is "touchy" at best, we will use the potty stops and aid stations as a modified Galloway (run/walk) method and try to hold a bit faster pace between them.  I don't know if this will work or not but it will be fun regardless.

My goal for this week is to get back on the core work. I fell off of the wagon last week and haven't managed to get back on yet.  With the warmer weather and pollen here, I'm doing great on hydration mainly because I'm so thirsty.  I stopped logging the food because trying to get accurate calorie facts was so frustrating, though I may go back to it later.

Hope you are all well!  Let's see some more pink boxes on your logs!
2011-02-22 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3367182

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Subject: RE: Weekly goals?
I've been sick...again, which has just been a complete motivation killer.  It was a chest cold last week that transitioned into yet another head cold, just in time for the weekend.  And work?....I'm driving 5 hours tomorrow, then cramming as much work into the next two days as I can and then driving 5 hours back (which translates to getting home at like 10 pm on a Friday night).  I did just book the hotel and it has an indoor pool so I'm going to try to get some training in....after all government employees don't typically work past 5 pm, so at least that works in my favor.

2011-02-22 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3367182

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Weekly goals?
Mrs. brown_dog_us - 2011-02-22 1:30 PM I noticed that some of you guys have some races coming up, so tell us how your plans are going.  I'm doing the Publix Georgia marathon on March 20 and so is Karen, and our crazy friend Natalie says we are going to go under 4 hours.  I don't think I'm in that kind of shape right now, because though I can go at that pace forever on a treadmill, the race is really hilly. 

OK, Natalie is just plain crazy because there is no "we" about this.  What a funny girl!

You, absolutely yes.  I know you can run under 4 hours.  Me, I know I can't.  I'm hoping to break 5 hours and will be thrilled if I do.

I have had a bad month.  Like Katie I've been sick.  Whatever I had in December that sidelined me for over a month really never went away.  It came back full force this past weekend (luckily after my long bike and run) and I feel pretty lousy.  Went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me antibiotics the size of horse pills.  This better kill whatever it is.

And, my body in general is not happy.  Hamstring or sciatic nerve on right side is bothering me, and my back-shoulder-arm pain has reared its ugly head again.  I'm busting into my secret stash of prescriptions I saved from last year so you know it's bad.  I'm going to see a sports doctor that specializes in spines on Friday morning so I'm just trying to hang on until then.

Sorry to be such a downer.  On a positive note, it's absolutely beautiful here this week.  Supposed to continue through the weekend.

Happy Training!!
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