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2012-03-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4086901

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Trainers are very hard on bike tires.  What you're seeing is transfer of metal dust and oil impregnated in the surface of the tire.  Last year I carefullly cleaned the metal and oil off the tire before riding outdoors but the ride was never the same.  I was planning to replace the tire before 'Tri season' but a couple rides before replacing the old tire were a bit squirly <sp?>. 

This winter I took off my nice race tires (GP4000) and put on a Vitorio trainer tire.  The trainer is harder rubber and is flatter profile that puts more surface on the trainer.  The special trainer tire was $35, my race tires were $65.  In my accounting I'm saving $30 riding on the trainer with a training tire. 

PS:  The trainer tire should not be riden on the street. 

2012-03-08 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4086901

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
pedmpa - 2012-03-08 1:40 PM

I have a question about trainers, do I have to do anything special with my back tire.  It just looks like I am getting a lot of wear and tear on it from having it on the trainer and its not like I am logging major mileage...  I am not very technical but it is getting all shiny and the ridges seem to be disappearing?

Nice weekend ahead.  Flying out to Phoenix, Arizona for some R&R, which will include swimming, biking and running and southwestern fare.  Pools are scoped out online, bike rentals still a bit iffy...  running shoes will be packed.


?It could be a couple of different things. If the tire is more of a race type tire, especially with a high silica content, it will wear quickly and shred easier. They make "trainer" specific tires that are supposed to be more durable for a trainer, but I haven't tried them.  Also, make sure you keep your tire inflated to the recommended pressure.  The other thing to check is that you aren't tightening the roller too much onto the tire. Tighten just enough to minimize slippage, but not so much that the tire is compressed too much.

Regardless of what type tire you have or how you have the trainer set up, the tire will wear much quicker that on the road. I plan on rotating the front tire to the back this week and then in a couple of weeks replacing both tires for more road riding.

2012-03-08 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Thanks for the advice.  I obviously did something wrong because when I just looked at said back tire it is FLAT.  And I am not sure I did something to the metal part of the bike, that seems off (and squirely) too....Time to go to the bike shop and get it fixed.  It just seems such a hassle to switch out tires for road rides and trainer rides?  I might do one or two of one and then within the same week also do the other?  Or do you just keep a second bike on the trainer?  

2012-03-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
OK, probably stupid question,  can I just take my back tire (is the whole thing called a tire or just the black rubber part) in or do they need to see the whole bike...  And in case you wondered, no I cannot change out a flat tire either but I have everything to do so, I am counting on a nice person to help me until our local bike shop puts on a class
2012-03-08 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4087136

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

The whole thing is called a wheel.  You have the right idea about just taking the wheel into the shop.  Ask the mechanic if it is ok to watch him change the tire.  You might just learn enough to be dangerous. hehehe.Laughing 

Do you have any questions about taking the rear wheel off?

2012-03-08 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Ok I finally got out for my long run and it wasn't a good one.  It was a new route for me so I had my hand written cue index card in a zip loc in my back pocket.  Went to check it at about 1.5 miles and it was gone.  Stopped dead in my tracks not wondering if I should go back and look for it.  The winds were quite gusty, I think I heard on tv up to 40 mph.  I thought quickly and decided to just go for it.  I had reviewed the ride right before I left so I had a pretty good idea of all the turns.  so I got back in my groove.  I'm having a new pain in my right hip flexor.  I thought I should probably turn back but I toughed it out and it eventually mostly passed.  I do have a new brand of sneakers, maybe they are not a good fit??  Anyway, was making good progress and felt a strong need to use the bathroom.  The pressure was increasing with every step, ugh!!  There was some woods around within the neighborhood I was in but there was a shopping center a lttile off my route, not too far away.  (I did have the necessary emergency paper towel with me)  I opted for the shopping center.  It was a good choice cuz I was in there for a while.  Had to go up hill to get back to my route and felt stiff as heck!!  Skipped one short loop cuz I thought I had the mileage from the detour.  Never got back in my groove.  Suffered it out and got home only to find the key pad to the auto garage door had no power and no one was home.  I saw my neighbor who has a key to my house leaving, as I was coming down the block.  Went to another neighbors to get water. I had finished my 2 fuel water bottles that I brought.  Walked another 1.5 miles while my daughter came home from shoe shopping!!  Had to jump in the shower, grab food and get to the hospital to catch a baby after pushing with her for 40 min.  (I am a midwife) Of course the birth couldn't be easy either cuz the umb cord was so tightly around the baby's neck I had to get my fingers under it and cut it b4 the baby was out.  I'm shot.  My hip flexor is still hurting.  To be honest, most everything from my waist down is acheing. (SP?)  And I only ran 9.5 miles!! 

Sorry for the long post but I just had to vent!!  Going to get some ice and put my feet up and hope no one else calls in labor.  Not sure where to put the ice cuz so many things hurt.  Tomorrow's another day.Yell

2012-03-08 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

OK Ann,

First, they are running shoes not sneakers!Undecided  Don't let it happen again.

Second, try some hip flexor stretching before running, it really helps my son, search on the net for stretches.

Third, don't try to ice, try the ice bath for the whole lower body, doesn't need to be freezing, 55 to 60 degrees is fine.  Keep your shorts and socks on to reduce the chill at the beginning.

Fourth, great job with the babies, I know the parents are blessed to have you there,

Fifth, carry on.

Over and out.

2012-03-08 8:00 PM
in reply to: #4087703

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
elcaminobill - 2012-03-08 7:30 PM

OK Ann,

First, they are running shoes not sneakers!Undecided  Don't let it happen again.

So sorry.  I will watch my language in the future.Wink Back at ya and txs for the other great suggestions, comments and encouragement.Smile

2012-03-08 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4087136

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

pedmpa - 2012-03-08 3:02 PM OK, probably stupid question,  can I just take my back tire (is the whole thing called a tire or just the black rubber part) in or do they need to see the whole bike...  And in case you wondered, no I cannot change out a flat tire either but I have everything to do so, I am counting on a nice person to help me until our local bike shop puts on a class


FIT is correct - if you know how to take the wheel off then it is easier to transport just the wheel, otherwise, take the bike to the shop and have them show you how to take the wheel off. I must say, though, even if you can take the rear wheel off, sometimes getting it back on can be a challenge if you haven't done it much before. Any good bike shop will be willing and happy to show you how to take the wheel off, change the tube and tire, and put the wheel back on. If they don't help with grace, find another bike shop. The only caveat is try to pick a time to go the LBS (local bike shop) when they are not slammed with customers.

Take the time to learn how to change a flat - it is very important unless you are Lance Armstrong and have a domestique at your bekon call. I don't do much maintenance on my bikes either, but being able to change a flat is very important - you will definitely use that skill at some point. The good thing is that it is really not that hard to do once you are shown the key techniques.

Take care and good luck with it.

2012-03-09 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
B4 my HIM last fall, I set my bike up on the front lawn and practiced changing the tires, front and back.  Wasted a couple of cartridges to make sure I could do it if I had to.  A trip to the LBS before a race to check tires for wear is also a good idea.  I prefer to prevent a flat then deal with one, especially in a race. So far it has worked out for me.Smile I am new to the trainer this year also. I'll have to checkout the tire. Once it's nice out I plan to put the trainer away for the season.  I would rather rearrange my training around the weather than ride inside.
2012-03-10 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hey everybody....glad to see you are all out there making it happen and getting it a few comments...

Ann - sneakers????  are you in 3rd grade? worries...Billy is a harda$$.

Pam - trainers are hard on tires.  Consider finding a CHEAP back wheel with the proper cassette and put a trainer tire on it....then you only have to swap the wheels....

Ann - ONLY 9.5 miles......ONLY.....ONLY.....REALLY??????  Do you know how few people can run 9.5 miles....toughen up buttercup....9.5 miles is a BIG run....things will sometimes long as you are not injured you will recover quickly....don't ramp the mileage up to might go to another running store and have them fit you for shoes and see what they say about the ones you are in right now?  You did go to a specialty running store and got fit, right?

Rock on cool people....

2012-03-10 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Finish lines are updated on page one....keep em coming
2012-03-10 9:31 AM
in reply to: #4089818

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

left.right.repeat - 2012-03-10 10:24 AM Finish lines are updated on page one....keep em coming

Does a 5K count?  Did the March of Dimes Shamrock Run 5K last night in Savannah.  Did it with some friends from work. Planned on doing an easy pace and stay together - it worked until the last quarter mile - then it was all out. Not good for the ole knee, but was still fun.

Take care everyone!

2012-03-10 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Race Report....Race Report....Race Report....Race Report

The Cowtown  Challenge 2012.  So at the Cowtown marathon if you run a race on Saturday and a race on Sunday you get a Challenge Medal too so since I am all about the bling I decided to run both days....two runs, three medals...what a deal!!!

Cowtown was Deb's first marathon so she was geeked up and ready to head to the expo the minute it opened...I calmed her a bit and we waited until about noon on Friday but she was ready to go get some swag.  We had a fun afternoon as I had taken the day off work so we just hung out and had fun.  To bed early Friday night as I had a run on Saturday.

I got up early Saturday while Deb stayed in bed and drove to downtown Ft Worth.  I had chosen to just run the 5k on Saturday with the Half on Sunday....MISTAKE...more on that later.  There were a BUNCH of people there already as the 10k started earlier than the was chilly but not too uncomfortable.  The 5k was uneventful except for the woman homeowner standing on the course that was in a flourescent vest and a had road construction flag screaming into a bullhorn to "STAY OFF MY GRASS" "STAY OUT OF MY YARD" - did I mention she did not look as if she had ever run a step and was not interested in us enjoying our run either.  I did step on her grass just because that is how I am...a nice request would totally have been respected but she was downright rude....

And then - THE FINISH - I cruise down the chute - music throbbing - speakers wailing - names being called and a few 10k stragglers finishing and getting their medals....did I mention THEIR medals....yep...dang it....there were only medals for the 10k so I screwed up my three for two deal....I would only get two medals for two races...I was looking for the bonus...

Fast forward to Sunday -

Up early and on our way to Ft Worth - Deb is nervous I can tell but we just review her execution plan...we wrote sone notes on her hand so she would know what to do if necessary.  When we were almost there I asked her if she wanted me to run with her until the course split...she looked very relieved and asked if I would do that....well of course I would....I was not even thinking PR and even if I had been this day was about we find some friends also running and hang out waiting for the start...BANG and we are off...I kept Deb on her pacing and run/walk plan through the first 10 miles. Shortly thereafter I peel off as the course splits and dial up the pace to have some fun during the last three miles...I was pretty fresh as I had been running her marathon pace so I was encouraging people I passed to "come with the old man".  I got a few walkers running again and several people at least smiled and picked up their attitude and pace...we only had 3 miles left...."you got this"...and I then I saw HER.  Struggling up a hill....really struggling....BARELY moving....pushing....hard...looking like it might not happen.  I passed....then stopped turned around and started clapping for her and yelling encouragement...she looked up....she smiled....she pushed up her glasses and she said "I'm coming"...I said "I am waiting for you"....several others stopped to clap and encourage her as well.  She lowered her hands back to the wheels and began to urge her chair up the hill.  I kept backing up the hill and she kept coming...she looked at me at one point and said "I am going to kick your going downhill" and I knew she would...she made it to the top....I turned and started running down the hill - about halfway down she went by me like a freight train - her 2 cyclist escorts were even working to keep up...and she laughed as she passed me....I yelled for her again....we now had a bit over 2 miles to the finish....on the next flat....after her quarter mile lead I finally caught her....she said "it took you long enough"...and I ran beside her for a while...then there was another hill...I ran ahead and organized a small handfull of spectators to chant Courtney Courtney Courtney as she came up that hill....I took off and her she came screaming down the hill was pretty much flat from there to the finish but I have to tell you that I realized what is flat to you and me is NOT FLAT....I could tell how much she worked to get that chair up the road....amazing....a few people asked how long I had known her...I said about 20 person do you get to the tops of these hills ahead of me every time....I said..."it's only to get Courtney there too"....this was such a great day... Deb for 10 miles and then running with a challenged athlete for three cool....and then we were in the chute and done...medals all around....I congratulated Courtney on her finish...walked over to the Miller Lite truck and had a couple of beers...ate a banana and headed to the car to get the mountain bike out.

I changed shirts, put on some wind pants and headed backwards on the course to find Deb....a few friends had come out to support Sherpa Deb as she had supported them and so I knew exactly where she was...I got out to the area between mile nineteen and twenty and ran into a group of our friends there for Debbie.  A short time later she came around the corner looking great....still run/walking according to plan....our friends headed to the finish and I rode with Deb on her journey....we talked about the time apart from each other and that got her through a couple more miles.  She was playing leapfrog with a couple of other people but she also passed a few as they were slowing and she was consistent with her execution.  About mile 22.5 there was a run club group with a table of small cups of beer...Deb had one and they gave me a full can...LOVE the people of Texas - I poured it into an empty water bottle and thought I would be able to make it to the finish....About mile 24 Drew showed up to run in with Deb - he's a friend of ours and was a great source of encouragement and distraction through those last steps on her journey....we exited the park...she had a left turn and two right turns and then she was a MARATHONER.....she was one cared....she did it....26.2 rockin miles...way to go Deb!!!

Off to lunch with friends...several margaritas.....then a nap and off to bed early that night....WHAT A GREAT DAY.....see you at the finish line.

2012-03-10 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Great report Brian.  It gets me psyched to finally get to race next week.  Congrats to Deb (your wife?).  My wife is starting to run over the last month using the run/walk method and doing really well.  I'm very proud of her, and can only imagine what a great feeling it would be to race along with her.  That's a memory for a lifetime, I'm sure!
2012-03-10 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Yes Deb is my wife. 19 years MONDAY!!! Man, I am lucky.

All finish lines count. Any organized ride run or swim or whatever with a "REAL" finish line counts. From the 100 person 5k to the 35000 Rock n Roll marathon - its still a finish line.  And I added that one.

Edited by left.right.repeat 2012-03-10 4:32 PM

2012-03-10 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hi all,  I am still here just been busy.  Still haven't come up with a name for the new bike.  I am working on names and none are feeling right.

Next weekend is my husbands first half marathon.  I am so excited for him and proud!

Congratulations to Deb!  That is awesome.  And to you Bryan for cheering another participate along!

Wow, we are up to 20 finishes already.  We are awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Ann, no worries about venting we all have those times when we just need to vent.

Question to the group..............Do you tell your boss and co-workers that you are training for a race or do you want till afterwards?  Why or why not?

2012-03-10 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Kathy - I hid my first race. In case I DNF'd or died. Now I tell EVERYONE what I am training for - accountability and support are the reasons. Good plan for me.
2012-03-10 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Bryan, amazing!  I knew there was a reason I joined this group. 

I tell anyone that will listen about an upcoming race including my boss, hoping it will help inspire them and if it doesn't maybe it will make them fell like poop.

2012-03-10 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
@Billy - glad you liked it.
2012-03-10 9:59 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Bryan - Great race report and congrats to you on your two finishes and your wife on the 26.2.  And thanks for being such an inspiration to us and everyone you come in contact with.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (one hour early!)

Kathy - I don't discuss my training or races much with my boss, but I don't discuss much with him otherwise. Different story with my co-workers and reports - we talk about training on a daily basis. There are a few of us that talk every day about what / how our workouts went the day before. We also do some races / events together, so it's hard to hide what we are doing. The 5K this weekend was with my work colleagues. There have been times, though, that I have attempted steatlh mode. I registered for Augusta 70.3 last weekend, and planned on keeping that secret from my work colleagues until I knew I was 100% ready, but it slipped out in conversation last week. There is a tendency at times to not tell folks what I'm up to, in concern that I may not do well, but I try to tell myself I'm not doing for them, and that it only matters whether I'm satisfied with my results. Easier said than done!

irishod - Best wishes on your upcoming HM. I'm sure you will nail it!


2012-03-11 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Thanks for the good wishes Benttwice.  I appreciate it.

Kathy - I'm still pretty new to all this, but I don't tend to share my activities with others, unless it comes out that they are runners/triathletes as well.  I've been fortunate to have lost about 20 lbs in the past 1.5 years, and alot of times someone I haven't seen in awhile will comment on that.  Too often I'll blurt out that its due to training for a marathon.  I really don't intend for it to come out as often as it does, but I have a hard time masking my excitement over the whole thing.  I find that alot of non-athletes really don't understand my reasons for doing this.  For me it's not to lose weight, or live longer, (although those are great reasons), it's just become a way of life that I love.  It's easier not to bring it up most of the time. 

2012-03-11 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

John, good luck on your HM this weekend.

I don't tell my boss or co-workers due to:  1.  If I Do Not Finish, that scares me to death but it can happen for reasons beyond my control and I have to understand that.  None of them will understand this.  2. The big reason I think is that since we make up our own schedule that they will think I am not doing my job.  In reality they know if we are not doing our job.  I don't work in an office and I travel quite a bit for my job.   Now I do tell my friends and family and to me that what really counts.  I was just curious about others.

2012-03-11 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Maria, how did your indoor tri go?  Did I miss you posting something?
2012-03-11 11:00 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

WOW BRYAN!!  Awesome report!  WAY WAY COOL!!!

I do tell my boss and co-workers.  But I teach at an elementary school and I think it's important for the students to know about working hard at something.  Of course I was a little worried about not finishing but it's still a good lesson, for students as well as any adult, that you may not always make it to the finish but at least you tried and did your best and that is what matters.  To be honest I did feel a little pressure about finishing because the school made a big announcement in the gym with all teachers and student body in attendance.  They presented me with a care package and had the school decorated with good luck signs.  Then to top it off they had the newspaper interview me and I was on the front page.  But even if I didn't finish the students and staff would still be proud that I made it to the start line and I did try.   I did finish and then finished Louisville again this year but had a DNF in Florida.  Even when I came back from Florida I still got high fives from the students and a lot of them made cards and congratulated me for trying. The staff was all great too.  

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