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2013-01-19 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4586269

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
ConnieVisc - 2013-01-19 3:08 PM

Hope you are feeling better.

I had a good morning. I ran 6 miles with my trail running group followed by a 14 mile bike ride. It was my first time clipping in and out and I was really nervous. I fell twice but then I seemed to get the hang of it. Hopefully it will get easier.

Have a great weekend!

Sounds like a great workout - congrats on the clipping in and out!  I am kind of a clutz so I am still playing it safe with the cages....

Edited by Threejs 2013-01-19 5:25 PM

2013-01-19 5:27 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Workout plan started today!  Got my walk in with my daughter and dog - not much of a workout for some of you but felt good to shake off the cobwebs and get my heart rate up - 70 degree weather feels pretty awesome too  Cool


2013-01-19 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4585254


Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!


I hope you are fully on the mend. I did the first time ever try at the mini- 20 swim, 20 spin, 20 run - first time on the treadmill- first time back in the pool since Dec. 23rd - felt okay afterwards but I know I didn't push it. 

My questions are...,

How  much water should I drink before and during the workout?

What distance should I be doing, relative to not being a runner, on the treadmill? any tips on the settings, as in speed and incline? 

Also, I know I am rushing it being that I started working out with only 8 weeks to go. 


2013-01-20 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4586269

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
ConnieVisc - 2013-01-19 6:08 PM

Hope you are feeling better.

I had a good morning. I ran 6 miles with my trail running group followed by a 14 mile bike ride. It was my first time clipping in and out and I was really nervous. I fell twice but then I seemed to get the hang of it. Hopefully it will get easier.

Have a great weekend!

Can you sort out why you fell? Didn't unclip soon enough... or it's too difficult? If one of the cleats needs to be loosened, do it ASAP.
2013-01-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4586333

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
trailgroomer - 2013-01-19 7:27 PM


I hope you are fully on the mend. I did the first time ever try at the mini- 20 swim, 20 spin, 20 run - first time on the treadmill- first time back in the pool since Dec. 23rd - felt okay afterwards but I know I didn't push it. 

My questions are...,

How  much water should I drink before and during the workout?

What distance should I be doing, relative to not being a runner, on the treadmill? any tips on the settings, as in speed and incline? 

Also, I know I am rushing it being that I started working out with only 8 weeks to go. 


Well... what race are you shooting for? the 20 20 20?
Have you chosen a training plan? I recall you do workout quite a bit and will probably be fine. Strength training is very important also!!!

Water, you should be sipping water all the time. But when it comes to working out, you need electrolytes. There is so much good information on Hydration (which is what all the sporties call it) especially on this site, that you really need to read. You'll need a water bottle and if you go more than 40 minutes at anything, you'll need to use some sort of sports drink. I like accelerade or ceralyte. Good hydration happens the night before. Make sure your urine is relatively clear. If it's not, drink more!

Run outside whenever possible. For good treadmill workouts, go to they have a bunch. If you are just starting out, take it easy. You can put the incline to .5 to 2% and it will be closer in effort to outdoors. Intervals are nice for fitness run a bit, walk a bit etc.

Your race is indoors, so you will be fine. It sounds like fun! Consistency, as with everything, is key.

Edited by stephsprint 2013-01-20 10:28 AM
2013-01-21 5:58 AM
in reply to: #4586285

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Threejs - 2013-01-19 6:27 PM

Workout plan started today!  Got my walk in with my daughter and dog - not much of a workout for some of you but felt good to shake off the cobwebs and get my heart rate up - 70 degree weather feels pretty awesome too  Cool


Good weather and good workouts! Yay!

2013-01-21 6:02 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Happy Monday!

How did last weeks goals go?

What's new for this week?

I was sick in bed all last week, this week I'm trying some new Vitamin C with Zinc. I move in 10 days, so I need energy to pack.
2013-01-21 7:42 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Happy Monday! 

Goals for last week... well, I fell a little short, but Monday and Tuesday were a scratch due to sickness.  Other than that I got in some good workouts.

This week is off to a strong start.  I rode 14.5 miles on the trainer yesterday (too cold and windy to get outside).  then I swam 1200 yards this morning.  Tonight I plan on running at the gym while my son has basketball practice.  My goal for this week is to complete ALL of my training program sessions!


2013-01-21 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4586690

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Ot was a combo of nerves and inexperience. I fell on our first two stops. I was successful for the remainder of the ride and felt comfortable by the end. I did not unclip soon enough and one of the cleats was too tight. I went to the bike store and had it adjusted. Thanks!
2013-01-21 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4587494

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Happy Monday! I have felt better after taking zinc and vitamin C. I hope it works for you.

I had a great training week last week,  the highlight was learning how to clip in and out on my new bike.

I took a full day Chi running workshop yesterday. It very informative. I am hoping it will improve my running and help me control my exercise induced asthma. I am going to try it later on my run.

Have a great week!

2013-01-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hi All, glad most of you seem to be recovering - the flu sucks!

My week was okay, but I skipped a swim or two because I was traveling. And yesterday I skipped a bike ride because I felt too overwhelmed with work.

This week is supposed to be a "rest week" but having been 'resting' accidentally for the last few days I don't really feel like I need it. Should I take it easy this week as planned or consider last week a "rest week" and begin Week 1 of my regular base training? In general, how do you all handle rest weeks? Do you tone down the volume or intensity or both? Or do you just rest when you feel like you need it?

My goals for this week are to run six miles on Saturday and to bike 16 miles on Sunday.


2013-01-22 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Client rescheduled so I headed to the gym.  Felt great - Bonus:  held my plank for additional 10 seconds over last time - woot woot!!  Progress in baby steps still counts....

2013-01-25 12:14 AM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Focused on Cardio at the gym today.  Workouts are going well - looking forward to Friday!!  Stay healthy  Smile 
2013-01-25 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4545748

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Hi all,

Sorry I've been away for a while.  Crazy week both personally and professionally. The highlights: dog chewed up my phone, car had to be towed out of my garage. Turns out my gas gage is defective and I was out of gas. Cost me $250 bucks to find that out, 20 year old son had his driver's license suspended for a year  (that's a whole 'nother story - I'm convinced that some boys just lose their brains for a few years),  edicts from administration messing up my life in the classroom.....SOOO glad it's Friday! It was even a short week for me, no school this past Monday. But sometimes short week's make up for it with intensity as this week did.

I finally went back to the club last night for Yoga.  Felt good. This Flu really knocked me out. I can't remember the last time I had so many rest days in a two week period. Which leads me to your question Julia, about rest weeks. Sorry that I wasn't able reply in a more timely manner.

There is a lot of debate about whether you need to have a rest week every 4th week. Joe Friel, author of the Triathlete's Training Bible started the idea of 3 weeks on, 1 week rest, where you decrease the intensity and volume. Some trainers continue to agree with that, some do not. I am not well versed enough in the science to really comment.  What I do believe, is that you need  one rest day a week. Your body needs rest to recover and get stronger.  If you follow a plan that incorporates rest weeks, follow it. If you, for what ever reason end up having an unplanned rest week, then ramp it up the next week.  Most importantly, listen to your body. Slogging through a workout when you are dead tired or not feeling well, could end up doing you more harm than good.  

What are the weekend training plans? I am hoping to start running again tomorrow. 


2013-01-26 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4590443

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Threejs - 2013-01-22 11:12 PM

Client rescheduled so I headed to the gym.  Felt great - Bonus:  held my plank for additional 10 seconds over last time - woot woot!!  Progress in baby steps still counts....

10 second increase on the plank is HUGE! abs of steel baby
2013-01-26 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4588165

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
CaptainStripey - 2013-01-21 3:36 PM

Hi All, glad most of you seem to be recovering - the flu sucks!

My week was okay, but I skipped a swim or two because I was traveling. And yesterday I skipped a bike ride because I felt too overwhelmed with work.

This week is supposed to be a "rest week" but having been 'resting' accidentally for the last few days I don't really feel like I need it. Should I take it easy this week as planned or consider last week a "rest week" and begin Week 1 of my regular base training? In general, how do you all handle rest weeks? Do you tone down the volume or intensity or both? Or do you just rest when you feel like you need it?

My goals for this week are to run six miles on Saturday and to bike 16 miles on Sunday.


I know people who 'rest' by doing nothing. And people who 'rest' by running 3 easy miles instead of a 10 mile training run. Depends on what you mean my rest. There is 'active recovery' and there is a formal rest week. Generally it means you do LESS or cross train, not do nothing. If you want to do things during an easy week... you can do the elliptical and you can do a 20-30 minute continuous swim. You can also go for a walk, but I think only YOU know what rest means for you. I think you'll figure it out. Some things make you a candidate for more actual REST... you are older, you are new to this type of training, you are injury prone etc etc. Don't compare yourself to professionals. You are a weekend warrior with a real life. Go by feel.... check your heart rate overnight... if you are getting more and more fit...and then suddenly it's tough to keep your heart rate down, YOU NEED REST. Only you know what you need. It shouldn't be torture.

2013-01-26 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
I hope everybody is watching their diet. Are you finding yourself to be more hungry? are you getting enough protein (probably NOT). Have you learned to make shakes (better than pre-made) are you eating lots of fruit and veggies?

Try to eat a bit less dairy and maybe a bit less bread/pasta. If you eat a lot of either of these they are good candidates for a cut down. Try to use almond milk when you can, try to eat rice and rice pasta now and then. Your gut may just thank you.

Try new things.

Anybody have any other good ideas? something you SWITCHED that made you feel better?
2013-01-26 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4588007

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
ConnieVisc - 2013-01-21 1:37 PM

Happy Monday! I have felt better after taking zinc and vitamin C. I hope it works for you.

I had a great training week last week,  the highlight was learning how to clip in and out on my new bike.

I took a full day Chi running workshop yesterday. It very informative. I am hoping it will improve my running and help me control my exercise induced asthma. I am going to try it later on my run.

Have a great week!

Chi Running is GREAT. I think using the form focuses when I run really helps me concentrate and have fewer injuries. Our coach is a certified chi running instructor.
2013-01-26 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
No workout planned for today. I'm figuring I'll burn enough calories trying to stay warm. Camping with the Boy Scouts. It was 9 last night, now it's up to about 18.
2013-01-26 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4595524

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
Mfechter67 - 2013-01-26 10:23 AM

No workout planned for today. I'm figuring I'll burn enough calories trying to stay warm. Camping with the Boy Scouts. It was 9 last night, now it's up to about 18.

Holy Crap. Good luck to you. Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2013-01-26 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4595524

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New user
Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

Mfechter67 - 2013-01-26 7:23 AM No workout planned for today. I'm figuring I'll burn enough calories trying to stay warm. Camping with the Boy Scouts. It was 9 last night, now it's up to about 18.

That sounds so fun! 

Thanks for the advice on recovery weeks, Steph. I mostly train "by feel" and also "by default" - which means that some weeks (like this last week) I didn't do any real training for 4 straight days. So I'm very well-recovered! Maybe too well-recovered... I had a string of long and stressful working days and some late nights finishing projects -- which meant I wasn't getting enough sleep. And I've found I just shouldn't train without enough sleep. This kind of sounds like I'm not making my workouts a priority but I am trying! 

And also thanks for the nutrition advice - I always drink cow's milk so maybe I'll try almond instead but what exactly is the advantage over regular milk?  

Anyway, I'm so excited to finally go for a run again today (and so's my dog, I think) - I'm off.


2013-01-26 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4595500

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
I just tried it today. I agee. It helped with my form and I felt good when I was finished.
2013-01-26 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4545748

Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!

I am training in the rain this weekend. I swam in an outdoor pool last night. It was such a nice swim.  The rain was light, steam was rising from the pool and my swim felt smooth.

I did a brick with my tri group this morning. My first time biking in the rain and second time clipping so I was nervous. We decided to bike, run, bike, run so we were never too far from our starting point. It went well.  Actually better than expected. My new Chi running is going well too.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2013-01-27 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4545748

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
I love my rest days.  I do cross train but my favorite type of rest day is not training at all.  I know that sounds bad but it gives my body a physical and mental break.  However, because I take days completely off, I try and make every workout really count.  Especially my running.  Taking days off allows you to continue to work that much harder on your next run.   I never use to take days off but as I get older, I have learn to take rest days and naps.  Steph is right though, every person is different and you should listen to you body.  If I miss a workout because I need a rest day, I never go back and try and get it in.  You keep moving forward and don't worry about what you missed. 
2013-01-27 4:31 PM
in reply to: #4596542

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Suz and Steph - We are FULL... and off to train!
jslacker - 2013-01-27 12:33 PM

I love my rest days.  I do cross train but my favorite type of rest day is not training at all.  I know that sounds bad but it gives my body a physical and mental break.  However, because I take days completely off, I try and make every workout really count.  Especially my running.  Taking days off allows you to continue to work that much harder on your next run.   I never use to take days off but as I get older, I have learn to take rest days and naps.  Steph is right though, every person is different and you should listen to you body.  If I miss a workout because I need a rest day, I never go back and try and get it in.  You keep moving forward and don't worry about what you missed. 

Wise man. At 48, for me, rest days are REST.
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