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2013-03-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Been a decent week training for me.  Jenny I saw your response so I changed my plan a bit and added more running/biking into it.  Is it just "normal" to be doing basically 2 a days 5-6 days a week? I'm TOTALLY not a morning person, so being in the pool at 5am is just not going to happen for me, so I've basically been doing one discipline (run or swim) on my lunch break and then do whatever other discipline is on the schedule in the evening.  Balancing 2 was much easier for me but adding swim has just thrown a wrench into it all haha I'll keep my schedule like this until I'm more comfortable in the water and won't have to swim as often or maybe I won't change at all.  Guess time will tell.  Aside from muscle soreness from my strength training days, which has dwindled to 2 , my body feels fine with how my schedule is set up so far.

Today I plan to do my first swim/bike brick. 30min swim followed by 40min bike ride.  I'm 'used' to the bike to run brick feeling so I'm wondering if it's a similar feeling or if the swim is just a warm up for the bike like the 1st run of a duathlon.  

2013-03-15 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Welcome Mellissa!

Sounds like some of you are ramping up the training!  Personally, I had the bright idea of remodeling my computer room this week while my kids were in Florida.  Pulling carpet, new paint, new desk, shelves, rerouting network, etc.  This started after a two night vacation out of town visiting some in-laws.  But I must say, this is nice!  My network hardware, printers, and externals are all on one side of the room by themselves while I put in separate tables for each of my PC's.  And, I have my Cannondale Slice hanging from the ceiling so I can keep an eye on it!  I've been fighting tooth and nail all week to get workouts in.

Yes, Erica.  Usually the short distances are for speed or strength work.  Maybe running hill repeats for strength, that's run up then back down.  Heart rate up, HR down.  Rinse and repeat.  Or fartleks, tempo, strides, etc for speed.  I was working on "dog chasing me" speed today.  I have a sprint distance coming up.

2013-03-16 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Hey Mellissa!  Welcome to the group

Monty, thanks for the note re: short workouts.  Made that a priority today in the pool and on the bike.  Imagined being persued by Evil Lane-Crossing Dude in the pool, and rabid dogs on the bike. Rock on.

Feeling TOTALLY sluggish with today's workouts, but then looked at my monthly mileage totals so far as compared to February and realized two things... consistency is getting better this month, and i've already put in more training this month than I did for my whole first try-a-tri last year.  BOOYA.  Mad-pumped.  And then one of my old flight students emailed me wanting to Tri this year and asking for guidance, so I'm going to try to convince her to join us here!  She's all kind of awesome.

My 5-year old made mention of not wanting to "just do a running race this year, but do a LONG race like you, Mom", so i'm going to see if there are any kids tri's around here... i know we have one KOS event nearby, but it sells out SO fast, we may not make it.

k, time to clean up and have a wee nip in honour of St Pat's Day!  night, all!

2013-03-17 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4658588

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
tygr_tri - 2013-03-13 2:58 PM

Guess time will tell.  Aside from muscle soreness from my strength training days, which has dwindled to 2 , my body feels fine with how my schedule is set up so far.

Today I plan to do my first swim/bike brick. 30min swim followed by 40min bike ride.  I'm 'used' to the bike to run brick feeling so I'm wondering if it's a similar feeling or if the swim is just a warm up for the bike like the 1st run of a duathlon.  

Angie, I'm not sure how your strength training is set up but you might arange it where you're working lower body on swim days and upper body on run or bike days.  Strength training for your upper body before a swim would/could effect your swim.  Where strength training upper body after the swim will be effected the same way thus not getting full benifits of your strength training.  This was one of the first things I corrected when I start triathlon.  But most important, good for you to add strength training!!  Triathlon or not it's very important and everyone should do it.

I love coming off the swim and riding.  Fresh legs, a little shaky, but fresh.  Coming off the bike is like trying to find my land legs for me.  Something I need to keep working on.

Erica, there's a little dog out in the country on one of my favorite run/ride routes.  He likes to race up behind me when I'm running and bark.  Which makes me scream and jump in the ditch!  On my bike he likes to run beside me as long as he can.  I've pulled 31 mph, 50 km/hr, and can't shake him.

Kristi, hope you're feeling better!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

2013-03-17 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4563355

New user

Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Is there still available space for people in the group?


FOCUS: Sprint

NAME: Grant (workthatwedo)

STORY: After running xc in hs, i took 15 years to see how out of shape I could get.  After discovering my wife's pregnancy in november, i quit smoking and went from the most i'd ever weighed (240) to a new PR (260).  I had been interested in triathlon courtesy of televised Kona presentations, but decided to get after it due to my health and friends in the activity.  I've joined a local-ish try club (Tri-KC) and completed an indoor sprint last month, with 3 sprint distance events planned for the summer.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married, first child due end of july, black lab and a choclate lab.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been doing swim/bike/run workouts for the last month with the primary motivation of completing the "hearts-to-shamrocks" iron distance between Valentines and St. Pats, i'm aware I need to mix in some strength training and be more focused, but... well, that's why I'm here.  I'd like to step up to oly next year and 70.3 the year after that, with full Iron the fourth or fifth year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2012 was the year of my first Iron Distance triathlon - IM NYC (the one and only!). I felt like I had a great season last year, finished the Ironman in about the time I predicted (13:25-ish), and set PR's at shorter distances from sprint to half-iron.

2013 RACES: I did an indoor sprint in february, a 5K yesterday, i'm registered for a indoor pool/ outdoor everything else in Columbia, MO on 5/5 (my 32nd birthday), and i'm looking at a few regional races and the Chicago sprint tri in august.  I'm volunteering at the Ironman 70.3 in Lawerence, KS with my jet ski.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 22 pounds so far, I'm committed to losing another 30.  Diet has been a huge issue for me as february was the first time i've EVER looked at my caloric intake (4000 cal a day is bad? huh.) while not the only motivator for me, it is a strong one).

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTee: I've figured out that i can survive the distance, now i'm ready to start making myself better at it.

2013-03-18 3:28 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Western Slope, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I'm not a morning person, either. /:  I like to do lifting after my cardio is done.  That way if there is too much fatigue the cardio won't suffer.  I suppose i could lift less than usual if i had to in that situation but i never consider that when i'm lifting.  I enjoy it and the challenge but am not into it as much as some people i have seen at the gym.

My sister who's second to youngest is really upset that she can't do a triathlon this year.  The local ones require kids to be 12 to compete and she won't be 12 until November next year.  I'm wondering if that means she can compete next year?

My allergies are a little better.  I hate having to skip workouts.  Even today was disappointing in a way since it was so windy.  I biked nearly 5 miles, was going slower going downhill against the wind than i had been going uphill.  I wanted to ride 10 miles.  So frustrating.  But i seem to be doing at least mostly better now that i'm using real allergy medication instead of this OTC multi-symptom stuff.  Though not as well as i'd like.  Today was pretty intense, i'll take it easier tomorrow, short run and hopefully a swim.

2013-03-18 5:20 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

The thing with my strength training is it's a class similar to crossfit but not a crossfit class, so it's high intensity interval training and I NEVER know what the workout is going to be until I'm actually there. I can typically tolerate the class and even modify if I need too but I took almost all of Feb. off when I started swimming to focus on that and have been trying to get back into a regular routine there but it's still hard since the class is offered at 430/530/630p and then 2 morning classes(again, not a morning person) so it's just hard to get there.  I need a big woMAN up about morning workouts if I intend to really stick w/tris I know there's no way around it but I'm clinging on to hope haha

Jenny, I have a question about training by heart rate? How does one get started? I've seen folks talk about different zones and what not.  I wear a heart rate monitor but never analyze the data aspect of it.

I attended another swim clinic on Sat. and this one ended up being more one on one which was perfect for me even though I secretly wanted to be in the other lane 'swimming' with the others haha. The biggest take away for me was rolling when I turn to breathe.  I know it sounds elementary but I don't think I ever was really rolling which in turn had me pulling my head up then turning to breathe. Today is a rest day, so I'll see tomorrow if I can remember to roll when I breathe and to also remember that I can breathe sooner or later depending on how I feel. Doesn't have to be on 3 every single time.

On Sun. I participated in the Wheels to Succeed charity ride.  The organization hosting the event provides bikes to disabled children so it was a great cause and turned out to be a good ride for me.  I signed up for the 40mi route and wasn't sure what to expect as it's in one of the only areas to ride in safely that  makes for good hill training.  I initially didn't think I'd be able to hammer it out all 40mi but I felt good and there were only one or two spots where I was questioning life as I was struggling to climb up a hill.  I guess all the riding into the wind I've been doing has paid off b/c I finished the 40mi in 2:10 or so. I also plan to ride in that area again soon, will probably make my long rides once or twice a month out there since I already have to drive to cycle anyway.

Oh yea, almost forgot, I have a duathlon (2/16/2) on Sun. that I don't feel all that adequately prepared for.  I still feel like I don't have enough run miles and this go round not enough bricks.  I did this duo last year and even though I came in 2nd in my age group I BLEW UP on the 2nd run due to cramps in my thighs.  Partly b/c it was humid as all get out and the other part I went too hard on the bike coming back in w/the aided tailwind and didn't hydrate enough.  I wanted to redeem myself and maybe I still will, guess time will tell.

Happy training this week folks!

2013-03-18 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I hate mornings, too!  

Never done a dual-a-thon.  Need to add that to my list.  Go get em!!

2013-03-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4665289

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-18 8:06 PM

I hate mornings, too!  

Never done a dual-a-thon.  Need to add that to my list.  Go get em!!


Du-IT! Wink

2013-03-18 10:24 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Sounds like you never stop, Angie!

Speaking of swimming technique, I got nothing to go on except the vastness that is the internet... do you guys have any suggestions for good youtube videos to demonstrate good technique?  I don't have a coach, but i've got pretty good body awareness to at least try to take some good advice with me into the pool (like your "roll to breathe")... 

Also... hair and face:  what do you guys do to keep your hair and face in good shape after the pool?  I'm finding my skin is starting to show the irritation, and I already have issues with fly-aways due to my MASSIVE grey stripe i've got going... the chlorine makes me look like i've just walked away from sticking a fork in a socket (my hair is really thick and about shoulder length)

Have fun training!  tonight's theme at the pool was "Dodge the lost tourists in Grand Central station".  At first I was getting all angry at the randomness of it all, and then i decided to think of it as an OWS start line, and had more fun with the flailing.

2013-03-19 6:20 AM
in reply to: #4656903

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
pilot_e - 2013-03-12 2:39 PM

Hope everyone is doing well!  I think we've all gotten busy with life this last week :D

Question:  Following the Sprint 16 week plan.  When you do the "short" workout of a particular discipline, are you supposed to increase the intensity?  IE:  I have a short run and a long run.  My long run, i'm just putting in the time at a reasonable steady pace that won't kill me... but for my short run... am I supposed to run my pants off (ie: tempo or fartlek or 'wild dogs are chasing me' pace)?



p.s.  For those women who are a bit more rubanesque, where do you get your tri shorts?  I ordered a pair from Aerotech, and they're fabulous around the legs/hips, but WAY too tall and the chamois bags out at the back, so clearly the wrong size (but I wore them, so i can't send them back)

It depends how the training plan is structured and what your level of fitness is. For a relatively new athlete, my opinion is that the vast majority of running should be at a pretty easy effort (to avoid injuries that can result from trying to push the pace before your body, especially the soft tissues, are adapted for that kind of stress), but some of the shorter bike & swim workouts can be higher intensity. Sometimes shorter workouts are intended to be "recovery" sessions. So... hard to say specifically without knowing a little more about the plan.

2013-03-19 6:24 AM
in reply to: #4665120

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
tygr_tri - 2013-03-18 6:20 PM

Jenny, I have a question about training by heart rate? How does one get started? I've seen folks talk about different zones and what not.  I wear a heart rate monitor but never analyze the data aspect of it.


I'm about to run out the door, but will try to post later today on heart rate training.

Sorry guys for my lack of presence lately! Things have been really busy the past few weeks - my studio should be ready to open in a week or two, so there are a lot of details to take care of right now!
2013-03-19 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4665435

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
pilot_e - 2013-03-18 10:24 PM

Sounds like you never stop, Angie!

Speaking of swimming technique, I got nothing to go on except the vastness that is the internet... do you guys have any suggestions for good youtube videos to demonstrate good technique?  I don't have a coach, but i've got pretty good body awareness to at least try to take some good advice with me into the pool (like your "roll to breathe")... 

Also... hair and face:  what do you guys do to keep your hair and face in good shape after the pool?  I'm finding my skin is starting to show the irritation, and I already have issues with fly-aways due to my MASSIVE grey stripe i've got going... the chlorine makes me look like i've just walked away from sticking a fork in a socket (my hair is really thick and about shoulder length)

Have fun training!  tonight's theme at the pool was "Dodge the lost tourists in Grand Central station".  At first I was getting all angry at the randomness of it all, and then i decided to think of it as an OWS start line, and had more fun with the flailing.

This is a good youtube page to help with swimming, some even triathlon focused.  The importance of aerodynamics on the bike is multiplied many times when you’re in the water.  Even keeping your chin tucked in (looking down) can make a big difference in your efficiency.  Have your swim buddy watch you swim and help critique your stroke.

A couple of tips I always keep in mind personally:

  • During your pull, you should feel it in your latissimus dorsi, your back muscle along your side below your rear deltoid (shoulder).  If you’re getting tired or feel a pulling in your shoulder you’re not doing it correctly.  One arm drills help with this, among other things.  Swimming with paddles will help some people feel this muscle because you have to use more force during each stroke.
  • Rolling – focus on really lifting your should out of the water during your recovery part of the stroke.  This makes it easier on your neck to breathe but also teaches you to use your obliques (side muscles) which takes work off of your much smaller shoulder muscles.  Again, one arm drills help.
  • Head down, chin tucked!  I know you have to lift your head to sight during ows but eyes on the bottom otherwise.  And BREATHE!  If your head is down you should be exhaling. 
  • Kick.  Smooth flutter kick from the hips with relaxed feet and calves.  Not all but most people suffer from lead butt syndrome.  They just can’t keep their butt near the top of the water thus creating drag.  Drag = bad.  Michael Phelps is a perfect example of how NOT to do it.  But he’s so strong with his upper body his feet hardly need to move to stay on top of the water.
  • Just like biking and running, go slow and focus on form and efficiency.  Every warm up and cool down I do are long slow strokes with 1-2 second glides and alternate breathing, 600-900 yards.  Not including all the drills in between.

 edit: link now opens in new page

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2013-03-19 8:15 AM
2013-03-19 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Thanks!  great stuff... next silly question... last night my goggles were fine until i was keeping my eyes on the bottom/chin tucked, then I might as well have not been wearing them.  Any tips on keeping the goggles in place?  Shave my eyebrows???
2013-03-19 10:45 AM
in reply to: #4665709

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I wasn't going to mention it, but if you shave your head also it will fix both your "hair in the face" and "staw hair" issues. Laughing

If your goggles are filling up that easy you might need/try a different kind/style.  One drop of water in mine is like running with a pebble in my shoe.  Cinch them up good.  Sometimes I'll squint as I'm putting them on and that helps.  IDK, extra skin in the sealing area?  Back in my SCUBA days we would use Vaseline to help seal dive mask.  Works great if you have a mustache.

I went to the pool with the intention of dropping off stuff at the high school for my daughter afterwards.  When she met me in the office she busted out laughing.  After she stopped, she asked me if I'd been in the pool very long.  The large circles around my eyes gave it away.  It also explained why the adults in the office were all grinning at me....

2013-03-19 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Shave my head/brows and grow a mustache... I would actually have a chance at a good finishing place with everyone else on course lying on the ground laughing.  LOVE the strategy!!

2013-03-19 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4665967

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

pilot_e - 2013-03-19 10:49 AM Shave my head/brows and grow a mustache... I would actually have a chance at a good finishing place with everyone else on course lying on the ground laughing.  LOVE the strategy!!

HA!  One way or the other!

2013-03-20 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

OK, I love winter, I really do.  But for some reason, on the first day of spring I have to finally say "I'm really sick of this!". 

It was pretty this morning, everything all sparkly and a mere -14*C.  But I'm ready to come home from a run without frozen feet and frost-bitten cheeks.  And they're forecasting snow for the rest of the week, and a really cold spring.  SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.



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2013-03-21 12:25 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Western Slope, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

You're not supposed to feel swimming in your shoulders at all?  Surprised  I've been swimming a long time and never gotten a sore back.  I don't think i normally get sore shoulders, either, but i definitely feel them at times (say if i lifted weights recently).

I'm ready for winter to be over, too.  It's been windy and overcast this week.  No snow or rain but it feels like not a tease so much as a pest. Frown

I've lost my stride.  Saturday my right calf hurt while i was running and Sunday only rode about half as far as i wanted to because the wind was horrific.  I was riding uphill faster (with the wind pushing me) than back downhill, and trying to get aero made it worse.  I can't renew my gym membership until next week but made it to the public pool today and had a great swim.  Need to buckle down and start working out more often again but the stress in my life and insomnia after Daylight Savings change is really getting to me. /sigh

2013-03-21 9:05 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Wow, is that snow?  Surprised

During the pull portion of the free-style stroke your prime mover is the latissimus dorsi (lats).  That's what you should feel doing the work.  Your shoulders do a lot of work as well.  Your rear deltoid lifts your elbow out of the water for the recovery.  But, it's a small, dense muscle that tires easily.  Thus, rolling helps a lot.  Your obliques (side muscles) can work all day for you.

The only time I even feel close to being sore after a swim is after a long session of speed work where I'm doing a bunch of 50-75 yard, all out, sprints.  Due to the support of the water, very little gravity, and other stuff, the work load is different for your upper body swimming than if you were running, where your legs are taking a pounding.

Here's something to think about to help "feel" your lats while swimming.  Instead of thinking about your hand pulling through the water, focus on your elbow.  Yes, every part of your arm pulls water.  Elbow bent 90-120* so your pulling water from front to back, parallel with the surface.  All your lats are doing is pulling your elbow down.  They don't care what your forearm or hand is doing.  So think elbow and lats.

2013-03-21 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Cool... going to try the swim tricks.  Checked out SmoothSwim and according to their analysis i'm the 'wimpy' swimmer, so lats and catch is the name of hte game.  Think i'll drop it to the slow lanes and really work some technique this weekend.

Ok!  was finishing off my scheduled bike today... 58 min and I thought "Dang, i'm not nearly cold enough... i'm going to try a brick!"  I haven't done one since last August!  Ignoring what my pace calculated as in my log, it felt great!  I must have been going really slowly or just so distracted by running in cycling shorts for the first time, but i could have sworn i had wings on my feet!  It was awesome!  But it was so cold my hands were seriously freezing, so i had to cut it short.  But I think a 1k run after about 18 or 19km of cycling is a good effort for a first time.  I'm going to be pleased with it

Keep it up, everyone! 

2013-03-21 9:39 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Surprised look at all that snow! there's a reason I'll never live above the mason dixon line or in the midwest and it's all that SNOW they receive! I'll take 100 degree southern state summer over -anything!

My training day was a total wash today! I totally flopped in the pool b/c I was just soooooo tired! I was tired before I even got there, been a crazy crazy work week so I think it was definitely a combo of being mentally drained and a bit physically fatigued from not sleeping well this week and it just wasn't happening in the pool.  It wasn't all for naught, as I was able to roll better and to kick/breathe on my side better but I ended up cutting the time short and figured I'd try my luck at riding my bike.

Well, I got 3mi into the ride and tthen had to stop because I got a flat.  I go to change said flat and my C02 cartridge is NOT in my bag! sigh. I'm halfway around the loop I was riding, stuck with a flat and the club group ride that rolls in the area are riding in the opposite direction so they won't come strolling past me.  I ended up calling one of my friends who live in the area and got a ride back to my vehicle.  Silver lining is this happened today and not Sun. in the middle of my race! I promptly came home and fixed the flat and also put the Conti GP4000 tires on that have been sitting in my game room! I don't know what I was waiting on, but now they're on.

Jenny, do you have advice on nutrition? (I know that's broad, but I'd follow up with the actual question if the answer is yes) I'm pretty sure some of my fatigue today came from lack of enough of the 'right' fuel in the engine!

2013-03-21 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4669795

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
pilot_e - 2013-03-21 9:21 PM

Cool... going to try the swim tricks.  Checked out SmoothSwim and according to their analysis i'm the 'wimpy' swimmer, so lats and catch is the name of hte game.  Think i'll drop it to the slow lanes and really work some technique this weekend.

Ok!  was finishing off my scheduled bike today... 58 min and I thought "Dang, i'm not nearly cold enough... i'm going to try a brick!"  I haven't done one since last August!  Ignoring what my pace calculated as in my log, it felt great!  I must have been going really slowly or just so distracted by running in cycling shorts for the first time, but i could have sworn i had wings on my feet!  It was awesome!  But it was so cold my hands were seriously freezing, so i had to cut it short.  But I think a 1k run after about 18 or 19km of cycling is a good effort for a first time.  I'm going to be pleased with it

Keep it up, everyone! 

Good job on the brick!

2013-03-22 4:20 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Okay... at long last, here's that info on heart rate training I promised a few days ago...

If you want to use heart rate to train, the first thing you will need to do is establish your heart rate training zones. The most reliable way to do this is via a field test. This article describes the protocol really well. Once you have your heart rate zones established, you can use those zones to guide various training intensities and/or to help you pace longer races or training sessions.

If you have more specific questions about how to use those training zones in your training - let me know!
2013-03-22 4:25 AM
in reply to: #4669810

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
tygr_tri - 2013-03-21 10:39 PM

Surprised look at all that snow! there's a reason I'll never live above the mason dixon line or in the midwest and it's all that SNOW they receive! I'll take 100 degree southern state summer over -anything!

My training day was a total wash today! I totally flopped in the pool b/c I was just soooooo tired! I was tired before I even got there, been a crazy crazy work week so I think it was definitely a combo of being mentally drained and a bit physically fatigued from not sleeping well this week and it just wasn't happening in the pool.  It wasn't all for naught, as I was able to roll better and to kick/breathe on my side better but I ended up cutting the time short and figured I'd try my luck at riding my bike.

Well, I got 3mi into the ride and tthen had to stop because I got a flat.  I go to change said flat and my C02 cartridge is NOT in my bag! sigh. I'm halfway around the loop I was riding, stuck with a flat and the club group ride that rolls in the area are riding in the opposite direction so they won't come strolling past me.  I ended up calling one of my friends who live in the area and got a ride back to my vehicle.  Silver lining is this happened today and not Sun. in the middle of my race! I promptly came home and fixed the flat and also put the Conti GP4000 tires on that have been sitting in my game room! I don't know what I was waiting on, but now they're on.

Jenny, do you have advice on nutrition? (I know that's broad, but I'd follow up with the actual question if the answer is yes) I'm pretty sure some of my fatigue today came from lack of enough of the 'right' fuel in the engine!

Can you tell me a little bit about why you think that? What was your diet like during the day before the workout (how long since you had eaten anything, what you ate, etc.) Hard to suggest anything specific without a little more info on what was going on!

It could also just be cumulative training fatigue, combined with poor sleep this week. Maybe you just need a recovery day...
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