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2013-05-13 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4725832

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Beth, that is very impressive!  I am going to try to make myself two at least two short weight workouts per week from this point forward.  Mostly core stuff, but strength training all the same.

2013-05-13 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4725832

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Tracy and Corbert, nice work on the Color Runs! Looks like a lot of fun. There's one on here in Brisbane in a few weeks but I've got other committments so won't be able to go. I really do like the idea of taking my 3 year old daughter and using her as a shield Laughing. She'd love it!

Hubbie, kudos on the heavy lifting! As one of the lighter lifters (maxed out on a 35kg squat so far) I can only imagine how much dedication and work it's taken to get to that level.

Rennay, sorry to hear about your hip and your bereavement. Best wishes for the healing, we'll be thinking of you.

2013-05-13 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4725832

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

I'm pretty happy with my workout this morning, it was nice to get active again after a week of resting my legs. Nothing spectacular, but a comfortable swim with two sets of 330 metres steady freestyle and some breaststroke to break it up.

As I've done lots of internet tri-surfing this week, I tried to incorporate some technique stuff I've been reading about, namely the high-elbow pull. I generally just let my arms drop and go wherever they please on the pull, but it did feel a little more powerful (read: harder work) to be more aware and keep my elbows bent and out to the side more. While I'm happy in the water and I can get from A to B, I always feel I lack power and speed, maybe working on this will help me. Something to think about over the next few weeks.

2013-05-13 11:58 PM
in reply to: #4725832

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
This is another fantastic resource I found while looking around:'s got walking trails, bike tracks, all sorts of things pretty well everywhere. Very  useful if you've got the chance to go roaming in a big patch of forest and need a map, 
2013-05-14 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4725832

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
The pool is open again so i finally got a swim workout in. This was my first swim in almost two weeks! It felt good but i was very rusty. I tried swimming with my eyes closed to practice sighing and before i knew it j had crossed the lane to my left and hit the wall!! something is very out of wack with my stroke to make me get that far off course in only 15 or so yards!
2013-05-14 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4741374

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 8:00 AM The pool is open again so i finally got a swim workout in. This was my first swim in almost two weeks! It felt good but i was very rusty. I tried swimming with my eyes closed to practice sighing and before i knew it j had crossed the lane to my left and hit the wall!! something is very out of wack with my stroke to make me get that far off course in only 15 or so yards!

I don't know if closing your eyes is good practice.  Having your eyes open gives you greater situational awareness than you realize.  Think of it like this, if you close your eyes driving, how long do you think you will stay on the road.  I think the more accurate gauge would be to realize / see how many times you have to correct during your swim.  Glad to see that you were able to get back to the pool. 

Is all well now with the wife?

2013-05-14 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4730543

Subject: ...
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2013-05-14 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4741391

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Hunting Triathlete - 2013-05-14 9:12 AM

corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 8:00 AM The pool is open again so i finally got a swim workout in. This was my first swim in almost two weeks! It felt good but i was very rusty. I tried swimming with my eyes closed to practice sighing and before i knew it j had crossed the lane to my left and hit the wall!! something is very out of wack with my stroke to make me get that far off course in only 15 or so yards!

I don't know if closing your eyes is good practice.  Having your eyes open gives you greater situational awareness than you realize.  Think of it like this, if you close your eyes driving, how long do you think you will stay on the road.  I think the more accurate gauge would be to realize / see how many times you have to correct during your swim.  Glad to see that you were able to get back to the pool. 

Is all well now with the wife?

i read somewhere on here that it was good practice as you don't have a lane to follow in the lake. It actually felt good because i felt like i was very aware of my stroke.... But i guess not lolAs far as the wife goes. She saw a specialist yesterday and got 4 more prescriptions! I think this makes 4 Dr visits and 12 prescriptions. She has to get better soon right?
2013-05-14 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4739435

New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Lovey - 2013-05-13 7:10 AM
KaraSchmitz - 2013-05-12 6:47 PM So this may be a stupid question, but are there restrictions on the type of swim stroke you can do or is it just a free swim?  For example, can I do a backstroke when I get tired?
No restrictions. I say do what is comfortable but always move forward. I freestyle to each buoy, then I breaststroke the length of the buoy to rest and sight, then repeat until I am out. One of my swim buddies hates putting her face in the water otherswise she hyperventilates which brings on n athsma attack. She learned to breaststroke with her head above water and that is what she does. She's faster than me!! Theonly restriction may be time. My local tri gives you an hour to finish the swim. Definitely double check on any time restrictions.


I am kind of the same way.  My arm strokes are smooth and efficient, but, due to some past unpleasantness, I tend to keep my nose and mouth out of the water a good portion of the time.  I am getting better with practice, and I am also becoming much more comfortable in the water. 

2013-05-14 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4741529

New user
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 10:12 AM
Hunting Triathlete - 2013-05-14 9:12 AM

corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 8:00 AM The pool is open again so i finally got a swim workout in. This was my first swim in almost two weeks! It felt good but i was very rusty. I tried swimming with my eyes closed to practice sighing and before i knew it j had crossed the lane to my left and hit the wall!! something is very out of wack with my stroke to make me get that far off course in only 15 or so yards!

I don't know if closing your eyes is good practice.  Having your eyes open gives you greater situational awareness than you realize.  Think of it like this, if you close your eyes driving, how long do you think you will stay on the road.  I think the more accurate gauge would be to realize / see how many times you have to correct during your swim.  Glad to see that you were able to get back to the pool. 

Is all well now with the wife?

i read somewhere on here that it was good practice as you don't have a lane to follow in the lake. It actually felt good because i felt like i was very aware of my stroke.... But i guess not lolAs far as the wife goes. She saw a specialist yesterday and got 4 more prescriptions! I think this makes 4 Dr visits and 12 prescriptions. She has to get better soon right?

Yes! Yes she does (and I hope she does too).

2013-05-14 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4725832

New user
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Okay Turtle Team, why come no one told me participating in races was addictive? Hmm? I thought y'all (Southern for "you all" Smile) were year to help me out...

Just teasing as I have already signed up for my next race/run. I think I'm addicted to the race bling (bibs, medals, t-shirts)!

2013-05-14 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4740423

New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Rnay225 - 2013-05-13 2:21 PM Hi all. Just wanted to let you all know that I likely won't be logging this week. My hip has really been bothering me since my race on Saturday (possibly bursitis) and my boyfriend of 3 years' mother passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning so I'll be heading to Michigan tomorrow to help him with arrangements. So between resting my hip and dealing with him and his family I probably won't get much done. I also probably won't be on here but I'll do my best to catch up when I get back. Good luck on all your workouts and if anyone is racing this week!


I am so sorry.  All the best to his family and to you.

2013-05-14 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4741529

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 9:12 AM
Hunting Triathlete - 2013-05-14 9:12 AM

corbetjackson50 - 2013-05-14 8:00 AM The pool is open again so i finally got a swim workout in. This was my first swim in almost two weeks! It felt good but i was very rusty. I tried swimming with my eyes closed to practice sighing and before i knew it j had crossed the lane to my left and hit the wall!! something is very out of wack with my stroke to make me get that far off course in only 15 or so yards!

I don't know if closing your eyes is good practice.  Having your eyes open gives you greater situational awareness than you realize.  Think of it like this, if you close your eyes driving, how long do you think you will stay on the road.  I think the more accurate gauge would be to realize / see how many times you have to correct during your swim.  Glad to see that you were able to get back to the pool. 

Is all well now with the wife?

i read somewhere on here that it was good practice as you don't have a lane to follow in the lake. It actually felt good because i felt like i was very aware of my stroke.... But i guess not lolAs far as the wife goes. She saw a specialist yesterday and got 4 more prescriptions! I think this makes 4 Dr visits and 12 prescriptions. She has to get better soon right?

I hear you Corbet, I was just saying that even in an open water swim you will have points of reference, whether it be a buoy, shoreline, tree, flag, you will have points to assist you in sighting and finding as straight of a line as possible.  Also for slow swimmers like us, we never really have a chance to get to far off because we aren't covering enough ground to make a huge difference. LOL

2013-05-14 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4725832

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Lol hopefully by the time race day comes around (July 27) i won't be terribly slow. Lol. I made a bold statement "couch to podium in 100 days but the way its been going i doubt that's going to happen. I do only anticipate 10 plus or minus in my age group.
2013-05-14 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4725832

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Today, my training group ran 10 mins/ walked 2 mins. Ankle felt good afterwards, nowhere the sore I felt last week and weekend. I guess the R.I.C.E. I did over the last 2 days helped.
R.I.C.E. =rest, ice, compression, elevation

I have a question. Many of us are hoping to drop some weight as we train. I log my workouts here but BT track mileage and time but not calories burned. Do you guys use any other app to track food and workouts? Which ones do you like?
Other than the BT app, I downloaded on my phone 4 different apps. I have been trying to use them all to see which one I like. Here they are in the order of preference so far.
My Fitness Pal
Lose It
Run Keeper
Cardio Trainer

I am only asking because I log ALL my workouts but suck at logging and tracking my food. I know the food part is what is slowing and/or stalling my workouts. Sometimes eyeballing your food can be dangerous. what looks like a cup may be 25-50% more.
2013-05-14 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4725832

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
I spent a solid 6 months keeping diligent trck of intake using myfitnesspal. I tried some of the others but ultimately stuck with that one. I will say all of them are only as accurate as your willing to be in your portion / entry of everything, as you mention sometimes listed portion sizes vs normal portion sizes are way different. One thing I will throw out there is that most of these tools base your daily calorie needs based on generic formulas and not on your actual needs. I am fortunate enough that I have access to metabolic rate testing. When I performed the test I found my resting rate to be considerably lower than what the formulas on these sites calculated. Which I guess helped explain why it was so easy to put on weight.

Just some "food for thought".

2013-05-14 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4742750

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Lovey - 2013-05-14 8:31 PM Today, my training group ran 10 mins/ walked 2 mins. Ankle felt good afterwards, nowhere the sore I felt last week and weekend. I guess the R.I.C.E. I did over the last 2 days helped. R.I.C.E. =rest, ice, compression, elevation I have a question. Many of us are hoping to drop some weight as we train. I log my workouts here but BT track mileage and time but not calories burned. Do you guys use any other app to track food and workouts? Which ones do you like? Other than the BT app, I downloaded on my phone 4 different apps. I have been trying to use them all to see which one I like. Here they are in the order of preference so far. My Fitness Pal Lose It Run Keeper Cardio Trainer I am only asking because I log ALL my workouts but suck at logging and tracking my food. I know the food part is what is slowing and/or stalling my workouts. Sometimes eyeballing your food can be dangerous. what looks like a cup may be 25-50% more.

I can't tell you how, but I know there is a Nutrition Tab on the top and bottom of your trainin log, which I know you can input your intake.  I have also seen somehow, where people have in the logs on the top how many calories they took in, and put out via lifestyle and activity.  I am guess that if you go into the weightloss forum someone can help you do it here.  Like I said, I don't know how but have seen it in numerous training logs in BT.

2013-05-14 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4725832

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED


So after at least a couple years since swimming I decided to go the local aquatic center in Flushing Meadow Park. I stopped at Sports Authority and purchased a bathing suit ( Regular Nike type board shorts ) Speedo goggles and swim cap.  Headed out and started some lap swimming and it felt great, but it was kicking my but. I did all in all about maybe 3 laps freestyle and the rest breaststroke and I left feeling fantastic after about 10 laps. BUT as the day went on I started to feel my shoulder bother me ( Rotator Cuff type pain ) and sure enough by the time I was leaving work tonight it was killing me. Im now sitting in bed typing this with an Icy Hot Patch on and praying this doesn't knock me out for a while because Im looking to Run tomorrow, Bike on thursday and back in the pool on Friday. Honestly I have no idea how mad its going to be but it feels pretty bad right now. Anybody know why this would be ? Over did it on the first day ? Poor technique ?

2013-05-15 5:34 AM
in reply to: #4742926

Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
ibr80 - 2013-05-15 1:53 PM


So after at least a couple years since swimming I decided to go the local aquatic center in Flushing Meadow Park. I stopped at Sports Authority and purchased a bathing suit ( Regular Nike type board shorts ) Speedo goggles and swim cap.  Headed out and started some lap swimming and it felt great, but it was kicking my but. I did all in all about maybe 3 laps freestyle and the rest breaststroke and I left feeling fantastic after about 10 laps. BUT as the day went on I started to feel my shoulder bother me ( Rotator Cuff type pain ) and sure enough by the time I was leaving work tonight it was killing me. Im now sitting in bed typing this with an Icy Hot Patch on and praying this doesn't knock me out for a while because Im looking to Run tomorrow, Bike on thursday and back in the pool on Friday. Honestly I have no idea how mad its going to be but it feels pretty bad right now. Anybody know why this would be ? Over did it on the first day ? Poor technique ?

Congrats on a great lap swim! There's nothing quite like the feeling of a good workout. BUT....Yes, it sounds like overdoing it a little. Try leaving the pool out of the training routine for a while, then when it feels good again get back in but be ULTRA cautious with the shoulder. You can still get swim work in (kickboard, water running...think not-shoulder movements) and just build up really slowly. Much better to back off at this stage and not risk a full-on injury.

2013-05-15 5:45 AM
in reply to: #4742750

New user
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
Lovey - 2013-05-14 9:31 PMToday, my training group ran 10 mins/ walked 2 mins. Ankle felt good afterwards, nowhere the sore I felt last week and weekend. I guess the R.I.C.E. I did over the last 2 days helped.R.I.C.E. =rest, ice, compression, elevationI have a question. Many of us are hoping to drop some weight as we train. I log my workouts here but BT track mileage and time but not calories burned. Do you guys use any other app to track food and workouts? Which ones do you like?Other than the BT app, I downloaded on my phone 4 different apps. I have been trying to use them all to see which one I like. Here they are in the order of preference so far.My Fitness PalLose ItRun KeeperCardio TrainerI am only asking because I log ALL my workouts but suck at logging and tracking my food. I know the food part is what is slowing and/or stalling my workouts. Sometimes eyeballing your food can be dangerous. what looks like a cup may be 25-50% more.

I use MyFtinessPal to track my food. I've used it since 2011 and I like it! I don't use it to track workouts though as it adds workout calories burned to your daily calorie totals (to me, with this feature you have to do more figuring to ensure a proper deficit for weightloss - not worth the brain power). I keep it do school and have a paper log book for workouts, but liking BT so far. Like Todd said, I think there's a Nutrition feature here that you can use. I haven't but maybe will try it this week.

2013-05-15 5:51 AM
in reply to: #4742750

Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED

Lovey - 2013-05-15 11:31 AM Today, my training group ran 10 mins/ walked 2 mins. Ankle felt good afterwards, nowhere the sore I felt last week and weekend. I guess the R.I.C.E. I did over the last 2 days helped. R.I.C.E. =rest, ice, compression, elevation I have a question. Many of us are hoping to drop some weight as we train. I log my workouts here but BT track mileage and time but not calories burned. Do you guys use any other app to track food and workouts? Which ones do you like? Other than the BT app, I downloaded on my phone 4 different apps. I have been trying to use them all to see which one I like. Here they are in the order of preference so far. My Fitness Pal Lose It Run Keeper Cardio Trainer I am only asking because I log ALL my workouts but suck at logging and tracking my food. I know the food part is what is slowing and/or stalling my workouts. Sometimes eyeballing your food can be dangerous. what looks like a cup may be 25-50% more.

If you enter your weight and day-to day activity level in the settings (settings-> training log settings-> log defaults) BT will calculate calorie expenditure of your workouts. I don't know how accurate it is, the numbers it comes up with are very different to the same workout on runkeeper and my heart rate monitor (none of them correspond). I don't know how the nutrition log works either, but I'm guessing the best way would be to use a program that works on weight rather than volume. That then means you have to weigh everything you eat...Undecided

2013-05-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #4742926

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
ibr80 - 2013-05-14 10:53 PM


So after at least a couple years since swimming I decided to go the local aquatic center in Flushing Meadow Park. I stopped at Sports Authority and purchased a bathing suit ( Regular Nike type board shorts ) Speedo goggles and swim cap.  Headed out and started some lap swimming and it felt great, but it was kicking my but. I did all in all about maybe 3 laps freestyle and the rest breaststroke and I left feeling fantastic after about 10 laps. BUT as the day went on I started to feel my shoulder bother me ( Rotator Cuff type pain ) and sure enough by the time I was leaving work tonight it was killing me. Im now sitting in bed typing this with an Icy Hot Patch on and praying this doesn't knock me out for a while because Im looking to Run tomorrow, Bike on thursday and back in the pool on Friday. Honestly I have no idea how mad its going to be but it feels pretty bad right now. Anybody know why this would be ? Over did it on the first day ? Poor technique ?

Hopefully you just tweaked something.  Have you had problems in the past with your Rotator Cuff?  If you have or you now know that it is going to cause you problems or pain then just stick to freesytle.  Then again, depending on your time off maybe anything you did in the pool was going to cause some sort of issue to arise.  Don't jump out of the pool just yet, hopefully in a day or two you will feel fine. Congrats on getting back in and taking the laps you did.

2013-05-15 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4725832

Subject: ...
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Edited by afischer01 2013-05-15 9:10 AM
2013-05-15 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4743306

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles - (Beginners, Sprint, 5K, 10K) - CLOSED
afischer01 - 2013-05-15 10:10 AM

OK group....I am set and ready to share!  Took me a while (and Todd's help) to figure out this whole forum thing....but now I think I have it figured out!  Today was my first spinning class!!!  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  Nevermind the shaking legs, dripping sweat, and labored was excellent.  I can't wait to go again on Friday. 

I'm looking for suggestions on where to start with a bike.  I currently have a Specialized hybrid which is pretty good, but I think I might want to try and get a used road bike in addition.  Where do I start?   Totally newbie here!!


Awesome work! I had my 1st spin class last Tuesday and I enjoyed it as well. I haven't been back due to lack of time and starting my swim training this week. I do feel that I will enjoy riding a bike much more than staying still. I'm going to make an attempt to get to the "Y" and ride a bit and ride some intervals on the stationary bike tomorrow.

I'm also in the process of buying my 1st bike. There is a ton to know and Todd (as well as others in the group) have been a big help by imparting their wisdom.

2013-05-15 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4725832

Rensselaer, New York
Subject: Bike Shifting

So, in preparing for actually owning my own bike I am looking for some instruction on bike shifting.

I know that it is mainly learn on the road but I was wondering if anyone had any useful resources I can check out to get some basic technique and tip?

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