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2015-02-08 7:11 PM
in reply to: #5091573

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

2015-02-08 8:03 PM
in reply to: #5091693

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Lizfuse- you have to go to the website to "quote" someone's post. You cAn do that thru the app by going to the full site and accessing forums that way. This site is actually is more user friendly on the full site or on the computer than the app. The app seems great for logging in workouts. I hope that helps! Colleen
2015-02-08 8:27 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
This crazy New England weather is killing my trip training! Over the past week the vast majority of my work-outs have been walking to work (2 miles each way) in the crazy snow. Between the school cancellations and craziness at work, I have only managed to get in 1 swim per week the last 3 weeks. Despite this I seem to be making slow progress. When I started I was huffing and puffing at the end of 25 yards freestyle and had to pause for 30 - 40 seconds between lengths of the pool. I've been trying to focus on a different aspect of my stroke with each lap - first lots of attention to breathing, then arms. I will admit that the legs haven't seen much attention...but I once read that traithletes should conserve their legs during the swim to save them for the run and bike. I seem to kick just enough to keep my back end from sinking But, now I can do 50 yards pretty easily without getting too winded. Hopefully if I can get in two swims per week I can make more progress. BUT...another big storm coming tonight, leading to pool and school closures. I can't wait for spring!
2015-02-08 8:39 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
So, here I go! I'm starting the 20 week sprint training tomorrow. I'm doing the one on this site that is focusing on running because I feel like that's where I could use the most improvement- speed and stamina. I can run 3 miles but it's slow and slightly ugly. And a hard. I bought my bike on Friday and she's all set up for a morning workout tomorrow. This will help me tremendously to get all my workouts in.

So Todd, I've decided to name my bike Mary. Ages ago I volunteered for a year working with seniors (mainly the Foster Grandparents Program). I met and befriended this wonderful spunky old woman named Mary who, during that year, bought herself a new purple car (custom color). She chose the color purple so that it would match her lipstick. It still brings a huge smile to my face thinking of her and that crazy car. The color of my bike reminds me of her car, thus reminds me of her. And I can imagine me talking to my bike, begging her to help me finish, etc. So Mary is her name. And I do love her.

So one more thing, I think I've decided on adding a salt water race this summer too. Is there anything different I should know about swimming in salt water versus fresh (except for the obvious: sharks and waves and well, salt). Do I need different gear? Should I plan to rinse off my face in T1 (I probably will anyway). ~Colleen
2015-02-09 1:51 AM
in reply to: Lizfuze

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.
2015-02-09 1:59 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

So, here I go! I'm starting the 20 week sprint training tomorrow. I'm doing the one on this site that is focusing on running because I feel like that's where I could use the most improvement- speed and stamina. I can run 3 miles but it's slow and slightly ugly. And a hard. I bought my bike on Friday and she's all set up for a morning workout tomorrow. This will help me tremendously to get all my workouts in.

So Todd, I've decided to name my bike Mary. Ages ago I volunteered for a year working with seniors (mainly the Foster Grandparents Program). I met and befriended this wonderful spunky old woman named Mary who, during that year, bought herself a new purple car (custom color). She chose the color purple so that it would match her lipstick. It still brings a huge smile to my face thinking of her and that crazy car. The color of my bike reminds me of her car, thus reminds me of her. And I can imagine me talking to my bike, begging her to help me finish, etc. So Mary is her name. And I do love her.

So one more thing, I think I've decided on adding a salt water race this summer too. Is there anything different I should know about swimming in salt water versus fresh (except for the obvious: sharks and waves and well, salt). Do I need different gear? Should I plan to rinse off my face in T1 (I probably will anyway). ~Colleen

Love the way that you came up with the name for your new bike! "Mary" will be a great motivator and friend!! That's awesome that you are going to do a salt water swim! My weakest area is the swim. I am not afraid of the water but I just can't seem to get anywhere very fast. I'm not sure how to get faster. My breaststroke is slow but steady. I am just now learning the freestyle and it's even slower if that's possible. Luckily my first sprint Tri is a pool swim. I just hope that I can be ready by April..

2015-02-09 5:19 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
I am right there with you on the swim. My first race this year isn't until mid-June, so I am using this time to work as much as possible on the swim. The really rotten weather in the Northeast the last couple of weeks has been really cramping my work-out style for biking and running, but the pool is easier to manage. I did my first sprint tri last year and swam all breast stroke. It was unbelievably slow - people who started in the wave behind me were passing me left and right. BUT, I finished, and it was enough to motivate me to get better for next season! Last season in my training sessions I did almost all breast stroke. This year I am forcing myself to do almost all freestyle. I took a few lessons last year and am focusing on the drills and corrections the teacher taught me at those lessons. When my stamina improves I will go back to lessons for some more pointers.

Good luck with your swimming! We can cheer each other on!

2015-02-09 5:44 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
WET SUIT ADVICE NEEDED - My sprint last year was in super warm water (78 degrees), so I didn't wear a wetsuit, but my first race this year is in June in New England, so I am sure I will need one. I rented one last year and practiced a few times with it, but really felt like a couldn't breathe because it was so tight around my neck as well as in the arms and shoulders. Is this just how they feel and I need to get used to it, or was it just not a good fit for me? Any thoughts about full length versus sleeveless? The swim is my weak point....
Thanks in advance for any advice!
2015-02-09 7:26 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by allan_c

This crazy New England weather is killing my trip training! Over the past week the vast majority of my work-outs have been walking to work (2 miles each way) in the crazy snow. Between the school cancellations and craziness at work, I have only managed to get in 1 swim per week the last 3 weeks. Despite this I seem to be making slow progress. When I started I was huffing and puffing at the end of 25 yards freestyle and had to pause for 30 - 40 seconds between lengths of the pool. I've been trying to focus on a different aspect of my stroke with each lap - first lots of attention to breathing, then arms. I will admit that the legs haven't seen much attention...but I once read that traithletes should conserve their legs during the swim to save them for the run and bike. I seem to kick just enough to keep my back end from sinking But, now I can do 50 yards pretty easily without getting too winded. Hopefully if I can get in two swims per week I can make more progress. BUT...another big storm coming tonight, leading to pool and school closures. I can't wait for spring!

Hang in there with the swim. In the beginning I was struggling with swimming 25-50 yds. I swam 50-100yds 3 times a week this is now beginning my 3rd week. I can't believe it but on last friday I actually swam 300yd. I think it will come with training. Try to not let the crazy weather bum you out. I grew up in New England, MA mostly and I hear of the beating of snow you keep getting.

week 3 Michael Pates 22 week program
2015-02-09 7:34 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Transitions and Set up
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Ok, so Bill asked and I'm sure that others are curious about how race morning set up and transitions will go, so here is a brief overview.

First off and probably the most important, Get everything you will use, wear, and need for race day all together in a single location the night before the race. Your mind will be going 90 to nothing on race morning and the last thing you need to be doing is putting everything together and stressing about what you may or may not have forgotten or need, do all of that the night before. For example, I will put my bike against the wall with my helmet attached. I will have my water bottles with drink powder already in the cages of my bike (i will fill them with cold water in the morning and if I forget the race location always has water so no big deal if I forget but I never have. Beside my bike, I will have my tri shorts, tri top, socks, shoes (both running and bike - i attach my shoes to the bike usually), my race belt, race watch, and race belt with bib already attached if I was able to check in the night before. I will also put whatever fuel / food I am going to need or want with everyting. Now when I wake up I only have to worry about getting dressed and getting everything out the door. Ok, so now you are up, you will put on your tri suit or tri top and shorts, socks, you will wear, and your running shoes. You should not be carrying in much other than your bike and the other small items when you walk out the door (you can place all the other stuff in a small bag if you want to)

So you will show up and will check in if you haven't already. You will then wait in a line outside of transition where you will be body marked and your bike will be quickly inspected (basic brake / shifting check - so make sure you know all is good before that day) They will then let you into the transition area, but understand that it is you and only you that will be allowed into the transition area. Family and Friends can be just outside of it but never inside the area unless some emergency dictates otherwise. So you make be directed towards a specific bike race location and it may be first come first serve, if it is try to get a spot that you know you will easily be able to find when coming in after the swim and bike. OK, so now you have your assigned spot or have picked your spot. Each tri is different some want you to rack your bike by the seat, some by the handle bars, some anyway you want it. The way it is racked / what they want will also dictate where you put your stuff, most of mine have been to the right of the bike, but I've had it on the left and during my Half Ironman in Galveston they wanted it under your rear tire that was off the ground for space issues. So now, you will place your down the items you will need and what works best for you. I usually bring a small towel, which is at the very bottom with my sock on it. Just above that I will put may cycling shoes and just above that will be my running shoes. I will place my race belt with bib on which every pair of shoes it has to be worn in (some want it on during the bike and run, some just the run) I usually put it on before the bike either way, so it is done. I will also place a water bottle by my shoes in case I want a quick drink in transition. So with all that set up, I will place my helmet on my aero bars with the open side up and my sunglasses inside it.

Alright, so now you are 15 minutes or so from the start of the race and they WILL tell everyone to get out of transition, you need to have everything done by this point. So now you go to the swim location (i walk bare foot, but you can wear sandles and throw them to a family member) So you do your swim and run into transition. I quickly dry my feet with the towel, put on my socks, cycling shoes, race belt / bib, helmet, and sunglass, grab the bike and gone (usually around a minute or so depending on transition area size). So now you do your ride portion (they will have a mount and dismount line - you can not get on your bike before it going out and must be off the bike before passing it coming in). I come in rack my bike, take off my helmet and place it in my area, cycling shoes off, running shoes on, and out the transition area for the run portion until the finish line. You will be allowed back into transition after the race, but they will not allow you to take out your bike / items until pretty much the last participant has finished the bike portion (safety issue)

Now some little tips, I always put on sunblock before the race even starts if I know it is going to be sunny. Nothing sucks the life out of you like your skin being cooked slowly. I have even applied a second coat after the bike portion in both of my Half Ironman races. Another biggie and don't laugh is Toilet Paper. Take a roll with you, both men and women. The porta potties always run out of toilet paper and those lines will be none exisistant. If you have a time clock stomach great, but if you have a nervous stomach and I do, take some TP with you. I don't care around a roll I just put it in my bag and will pocket what I will need when I go.

I know that I have forgot some things, so please ask and I will be more than happy to elaborate and answer about anything I missed.

Below is a pic of pre race night clothing set up, the bag is where I put everything to carry that morning (it hold my helmet, cycling shoes, water, food, and anything else I may need) I put it in the car when everything is set up and bring it back to pack up. This kind of bag is not necessary, and this one is actually to big, I want a smaller one that I can leave in transition. The smaller black IM bag just happened to be in the picture.

Great details! I am an organized type person so that was fantastic. I hadn't thought of the toilet paper, I'm not sure why I bring toilet paper when we go camping. Thanks Todd.
2015-02-09 7:36 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Smiley9188

So, here I go! I'm starting the 20 week sprint training tomorrow. I'm doing the one on this site that is focusing on running because I feel like that's where I could use the most improvement- speed and stamina. I can run 3 miles but it's slow and slightly ugly. And a hard. I bought my bike on Friday and she's all set up for a morning workout tomorrow. This will help me tremendously to get all my workouts in.

So Todd, I've decided to name my bike Mary. Ages ago I volunteered for a year working with seniors (mainly the Foster Grandparents Program). I met and befriended this wonderful spunky old woman named Mary who, during that year, bought herself a new purple car (custom color). She chose the color purple so that it would match her lipstick. It still brings a huge smile to my face thinking of her and that crazy car. The color of my bike reminds me of her car, thus reminds me of her. And I can imagine me talking to my bike, begging her to help me finish, etc. So Mary is her name. And I do love her.

So one more thing, I think I've decided on adding a salt water race this summer too. Is there anything different I should know about swimming in salt water versus fresh (except for the obvious: sharks and waves and well, salt). Do I need different gear? Should I plan to rinse off my face in T1 (I probably will anyway). ~Colleen

Love the way that you came up with the name for your new bike! "Mary" will be a great motivator and friend!! That's awesome that you are going to do a salt water swim! My weakest area is the swim. I am not afraid of the water but I just can't seem to get anywhere very fast. I'm not sure how to get faster. My breaststroke is slow but steady. I am just now learning the freestyle and it's even slower if that's possible. Luckily my first sprint Tri is a pool swim. I just hope that I can be ready by April..
I agree. I can totally see Mary. I am sure she is a charecter. How inspiring.

2015-02-09 8:01 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: New packages
Good Morning Everyone,
I am so excited. My husband surprised and got me my own Garmin. It is like Christmas.
I also got a rice steamer. I don't know if anyone has heard of the book The Feed Zone Portables? It is a great book and you can check it on on Youtube there are videos or on Pinterest. Basically it is 2 guys that cook for cyclist. But one has a Doctorate in Physiology. They both Cycle and they were cooking for teams different years at the Tour de France along with other races. What is cool is I have their cookbook as well.
It gives great yummy recipes that work for what we are trying to do. Without giving us that "gut rot"that comes from eating too much gels, bars, and other special foods. You might have seen their Skatch drinks for sale. Anyways, I wasn't trying to be a commerical but after cooking for 17 years I can wrap my head around real food to feed me through my training. Check it out if your interested.

For all you that are on Myfitnesspal I just downloaded the app as well. I was using a few different apps. I think it would be great to be friends on that app and cheer each other along. I am Nbuckwalter if you want to add me.
2015-02-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: New packages
Originally posted by nekomidori

Good Morning Everyone,
I am so excited. My husband surprised and got me my own Garmin. It is like Christmas.
I also got a rice steamer. I don't know if anyone has heard of the book The Feed Zone Portables? It is a great book and you can check it on on Youtube there are videos or on Pinterest. Basically it is 2 guys that cook for cyclist. But one has a Doctorate in Physiology. They both Cycle and they were cooking for teams different years at the Tour de France along with other races. What is cool is I have their cookbook as well.
It gives great yummy recipes that work for what we are trying to do. Without giving us that "gut rot"that comes from eating too much gels, bars, and other special foods. You might have seen their Skatch drinks for sale. Anyways, I wasn't trying to be a commerical but after cooking for 17 years I can wrap my head around real food to feed me through my training. Check it out if your interested.

For all you that are on Myfitnesspal I just downloaded the app as well. I was using a few different apps. I think it would be great to be friends on that app and cheer each other along. I am Nbuckwalter if you want to add me.

Hi Nicole and Liz! I'm on myfitnesspal too. My email is [email protected] feel free to friend me. I can't find you by your name, I need an email or a facebook name. I also got a rice cooker (also a slowcooker and steamer) for christmas. i don't love it so if you make anything delicious, please pass the recipe along to me!

WOW, Todd my stomach is nervous reading your post about the race and what to pack/bring. YIKES! This is such a mental challenge in addition to a physical challenge. There are so many macro and micro things to consider. So exciting. I had someone suggest bringing a bucket to fill with water to rinse your feet off of pebbles. Have you seen people do this? Also, how much space is there? Do people sit down to put on shoes? Or just lean over? After my indoor tri I was surprised how unsteady/disoriented I was after the swim.

Welcome Liz and Laura! Laura, wow, a 3 week old? Bad mama! You are fierce! I have an almost 5 and almost 2 year old!

Allan C, good for you for finding yourself making progress! There is time, my friend. You can do it! Hang in there! And keep practicing! The snow will melt someday! maybe in june?

Suzie, I think you will find that freestyle is easier once you can get your cadence right. Few things to remember, keep your arms low when they are outside the water (so imagine your elbow staying high, not your hand). Also remember to try to keep your arms in constant opposite motion. So when your right hand is at the top of your stroke, your left hand should be at the bottom of your stroke, by your hip at the surface of the water. Also consider pulling your hand in an S movement under your body and then continuing the stroke all the way to your hip. (does that make sense?) And when you are swimming, get comfortable being LOW in the water. Your forehead is out of the water, not your whole face, head or shoulders. Try to think about those things when swimming. You want to sit low, don't use your energy to sit up high, use your energy to move across the water. Keep up the great work!

Nicole- ooh, a garmin! I'm jealous! Lucky you!
2015-02-09 1:53 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by nekomidori

Originally posted by allan_c

This crazy New England weather is killing my trip training! Over the past week the vast majority of my work-outs have been walking to work (2 miles each way) in the crazy snow. Between the school cancellations and craziness at work, I have only managed to get in 1 swim per week the last 3 weeks. Despite this I seem to be making slow progress. When I started I was huffing and puffing at the end of 25 yards freestyle and had to pause for 30 - 40 seconds between lengths of the pool. I've been trying to focus on a different aspect of my stroke with each lap - first lots of attention to breathing, then arms. I will admit that the legs haven't seen much attention...but I once read that traithletes should conserve their legs during the swim to save them for the run and bike. I seem to kick just enough to keep my back end from sinking But, now I can do 50 yards pretty easily without getting too winded. Hopefully if I can get in two swims per week I can make more progress. BUT...another big storm coming tonight, leading to pool and school closures. I can't wait for spring!

Hang in there with the swim. In the beginning I was struggling with swimming 25-50 yds. I swam 50-100yds 3 times a week this is now beginning my 3rd week. I can't believe it but on last friday I actually swam 300yd. I think it will come with training. Try to not let the crazy weather bum you out. I grew up in New England, MA mostly and I hear of the beating of snow you keep getting.

week 3 Michael Pates 22 week program

Thanks Nicole! I feel like i just need to get over some threshold with the swimming. I have been doing 1000 to 1200 yards total/swim, but with 30 - 45 second pauses after each 25 to even get to 50 yards without stopping feels good. I'm sure the more I swim the better it will get. I have found that drills with a pull buoy have really helped me get into a rhythm. And yes, the snow beatings continue! Hopefully today will be our last storm for a bit.

2015-02-09 2:02 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Southern Norway, Vest-Agder
Subject: RE: New packages
Congratulations on your new Garmin, Nicole. If you don't know it yet, there is a function where you can pair your Garmin Connect - which holds all your workouts if you connect your watch to your computer - and this site. I just put my watch besides my computer and it automagically downloads the latest workouts to Garmin Connect, Beginner Triathlete and Endomondo (which I also use). I am drewling over the thought of the new 920XT which has wifi and a much cooler look and better screen and buttons. But it's pricey. Maybe I should tell my better half that : "All the other guys on the forum gets watches from their significant others. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT ME!!'. Or maybe not :-)

Thanks for the race day tips, Todd. We are not wise enough yet to ask the good questions. I bet we are in for a face slap or two when race day comes. It would have been many more if not for this group :-)

A litte watch-porn :


---------------- (35KB - 1 downloads)
2015-02-09 2:12 PM
in reply to: Gnoory

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Subject: RE: New packages
Originally posted by Gnoory

Congratulations on your new Garmin, Nicole. If you don't know it yet, there is a function where you can pair your Garmin Connect - which holds all your workouts if you connect your watch to your computer - and this site. I just put my watch besides my computer and it automagically downloads the latest workouts to Garmin Connect, Beginner Triathlete and Endomondo (which I also use). I am drewling over the thought of the new 920XT which has wifi and a much cooler look and better screen and buttons. But it's pricey. Maybe I should tell my better half that : "All the other guys on the forum gets watches from their significant others. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT ME!!'. Or maybe not :-)

Thanks for the race day tips, Todd. We are not wise enough yet to ask the good questions. I bet we are in for a face slap or two when race day comes. It would have been many more if not for this group :-)

A litte watch-porn :

I actually got the Garmin that goes on my bike not on my arm. That would be great. I won't tell your wife any different though. I will have to see how my Garmin will link up with other things.

2015-02-09 2:20 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: training
Today I finally met up with my new swim coach.
I did 100 yd kickboard
I worked on side stroke, my flutter kick, how to breath- blowing bubbles, being calm in the water, how to work my arms freestyle,then putting it all together.
I finished after with 50 yd of sidestroke, and 50 yd of freestyle. I really have to work with breathing out my nose, and keeping my head tucked.
I have some work to do. I was really getting winded. I think I will have to work on my breathing.

I did some lower body weights.
Then I did 27 min run 1.78 mile on the treadmill. Walk/jog 15.10 minute mile. It is getting easier to jog.

I am feeling a litlle tired after all of that. I was excited to get on the scale at the Y to check my progress. I am down 3.5 lbs since I started 2 weeks ago. That is encouraging!!
2015-02-09 2:28 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: training
Originally posted by nekomidori

Today I finally met up with my new swim coach.
I did 100 yd kickboard
I worked on side stroke, my flutter kick, how to breath- blowing bubbles, being calm in the water, how to work my arms freestyle,then putting it all together.
I finished after with 50 yd of sidestroke, and 50 yd of freestyle. I really have to work with breathing out my nose, and keeping my head tucked.
I have some work to do. I was really getting winded. I think I will have to work on my breathing.

I did some lower body weights.
Then I did 27 min run 1.78 mile on the treadmill. Walk/jog 15.10 minute mile. It is getting easier to jog.

I am feeling a litlle tired after all of that. I was excited to get on the scale at the Y to check my progress. I am down 3.5 lbs since I started 2 weeks ago. That is encouraging!!

Great job today Nicole! I learned a really great breathing exercise from my swim instructor last year. In the deep end of the pool (over 7 ft is good), she had me sink to the bottom of the pool with my arms extended above my head. Then push off the bottom until you break the surface of the water. The whole way down and up you breathe out through your nose. When you break the surface, take a breathe, pushing your arms down to push yourself father out of the water. Once you are all the way up, lift your arms straight up above your head again and begin the next descent, blowing out once you go under the water. It ends up being like doing jumping jacks. She had me start with 2 minutes of this exercise, working up to 10 minutes. By the time I could do 10 minutes I really had a rhythm to the breathing> it kept me from holding my breath while my head was in the water. If you are not done exhaling when you come out of the water to take a breath, you end up having very little time to both complete the exhale and take in another breath. This let me gasping for air. This exercise really helped me with this. Now, don't get me wrong, the endurance is still a problem for me, but the breathing is better!

2015-02-09 2:30 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: training
Today I am getting in some New England triathlon cross training! With our third major snowfall in as many weeks, outdoor running and biking are not an option. I did pull my 6 year old a mile through the snow on her sled though! Tonight I'll be heading out for more of the same as I pull her back from her friend's house. That counts, right?

2015-02-09 3:20 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: training
Originally posted by allan_c

Today I am getting in some New England triathlon cross training! With our third major snowfall in as many weeks, outdoor running and biking are not an option. I did pull my 6 year old a mile through the snow on her sled though! Tonight I'll be heading out for more of the same as I pull her back from her friend's house. That counts, right?


Darn right it counts!!!
2015-02-09 3:33 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: training
Thanks for the helpful ideas on the swimming!

I swam farther today at lunch than I have since I started this, but it was still really hard. I'm working on my breathing, and I told myself I could continue to rest at the end of each 25 yd length, but mostly rested between laps. I keep telling myself it will get better, but darn, I remember this being so much easier when I was a kid!

I'm looking forward to the stroke training that starts next week -- if I keep plugging away, it will get better, right? Surely it must . . . I need a nap now!

2015-02-09 5:06 PM
in reply to: libbyfhenderson

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Subject: RE: training
Originally posted by libbyfhenderson

Thanks for the helpful ideas on the swimming!

I swam farther today at lunch than I have since I started this, but it was still really hard. I'm working on my breathing, and I told myself I could continue to rest at the end of each 25 yd length, but mostly rested between laps. I keep telling myself it will get better, but darn, I remember this being so much easier when I was a kid!

I'm looking forward to the stroke training that starts next week -- if I keep plugging away, it will get better, right? Surely it must . . . I need a nap now!

Time in the water is a key! I looked back at the swim practices my friend provided me last year at this time compared to those he now sends. Distances and time have changed. Still, swimming is a tough workout. I'm determined to continue to improve.

You keep at it and your hard work will payoff!!
2015-02-09 6:04 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Lizfuse- you have to go to the website to "quote" someone's post. You cAn do that thru the app by going to the full site and accessing forums that way. This site is actually is more user friendly on the full site or on the computer than the app. The app seems great for logging in workouts. I hope that helps! Colleen

Ok I am trying to see if this works.
2015-02-09 6:22 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.

Go to your fitbit account to the bottom to friends in the top right corner hit the plus sign and you can invite me [email protected] I just got the new fitbit hr. I love it. I attached it yo my shoe today while road the bike for 30 minutes so all my steps would count. I'm in a challenge at work for steps too.
Let me know if it doesn't work I can try to find you
2015-02-09 6:32 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Originally posted by Lizfuze

How do you reply to a specific post, or people? Suzie I am always looking for friends on fitbit for challenges if you want to be friends

Liz I would love to be your friend on Fitbit. I have had mine now for over a year and you would be my first friend..but you have to tell me how? Lol. I just got my Garmin for Christmas and its my understanding that I can have friends on that too? Been having some issues with the garmin site, but I'm learning.

For reply you have to go to the full site and hit the quote button. Unfortunately you do not have this option with the app.

Susie I just found your email and sent you a friend request. You are from my area. I live in columbia city and work in Fort Wayne
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date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.