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2007-02-12 10:09 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

The towel (or other indicator) on the bike is a great idea.  I have never thought about that before but will put it into my transistions post haste.  As for the socks, I presume you mean some sort of short, anklet or lower sock made of nylon/lycra for wicking purposes?  I wear nothing but.  I hate cotton when exercising (and have finally convinced texmom of the values of wicking materials).  Kirk's right.  These socks go on with less trouble (just make sure they are turned right side in and not full of holes, as I discovered my socks to be during one rainy transition).  You'll be amazed at how much preparation it takes, only to discover that your gloves/socks/shirt/etc. are inside out, buried in the bag or not where you swear you left them.  Don't forget to place your sunglasses (even when raining) inside your helmet - which, when they hit the ground, will remind you to put them on.

This is a fun thread and the best war stories will be told, lied about and made in transitions.  BTW ask Kirk about his bike helmet some day - or read his race log from the Monster tri in October.

2007-02-12 10:33 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
wow, this is all such good information. I feel like I'm so far away from having to worry about transitions but I'm soaking it all in. Yesterday after my spinning class I jogged about 1/4 mile, just to get the sensation of doing a "brick". I'm having fun trying to get in shape with a goal other than just worring about the number on the scale.

I'm getting excited enough that I'm starting to think that I shouldn't be waiting until September for my first tri. I'm starting to look for one sooner...maybe July. I am, however, dreading the idea of doing my first tri in the Georgia July heat. we'll see.

Tara- I agree about clydesdales, they are pretty horses..thankyou. Also, I think your husband and I would get along. I also consider bud to be swill and I brew my own beer. I'm looking forward to having a homebrew again soon. We usually brew either brown ales or IPAs.

thanks for the motivation everyone!

2007-02-12 1:05 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Helmet??? Oh yea!!!

Don't EVER put your socks in your helmet. Bad idea.

One other thing I should metion that has helped a great deal - speed laces. They are elastic laces for running shoes. You lace them once. You are then able to just slide your foot in and out of the shoes. It reduced my transition time quite a bit (except for forgetting that I put my socks in my helmet - don't ask). I would recommend that if you don't have them already go get them soon. It will take a few runs to fine tune the adjustments. My first run in them I had the laces too tight and had to stop after the first mile to adjust them. But once they are adjusted they are wonderful.

2007-02-12 2:11 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey Sluggo (Jay), I like good beer, too.  I don't homebrew, but I'd drink a homebrew with you.  Life's too short for bad beer.  New Belgium (Fort Collins, CO is my favorite brewery (2 below is awesome) and I just brought home a case of Fat Tire from Costco.  I also have Sam Adams and J.W. Dundee's in my fridge.  Costco's cool that way - cases of quality suds for around $20.

September is a long way away.  Go out and find a sprint tri in April or May.  You can do it.  Look for a 300-500 m swim, a 12-13 mile ride and a 5k run. 


2007-02-12 3:14 PM
in reply to: #688278

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
How cool is this...who'd of thought I'd meet drinking buddies on a triathlon site? Next trip to Costco I'm looking for Fat Tire. You have good taste in beer so it can't be bad...besides, I want to try a beer called "Fat Tire".

Thanks to you and Kirk I think I'm going to try to do a tri before September.


2007-02-12 5:22 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
There you go!!! A try in July will be a fun "test" race.

2007-02-12 6:17 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Ah yes - I love to discuss "hydration." I too love good beer. My hubby brews brown ales and assorted others. I'll have to check out the website about the Belgian beers - we don't have a Costco but we're going to Orlando next weekend. Maybe we can snag a case of Fat Tire. Hey, if you've never tried Chimay, check it out. Its made by Belgian Trappist monks. Its pricey so not a beer you drink regularly but its awesome. We like the red label stuff - makes me giggle.

Kirk, thanks for the info about speed laces - I'm gonna pick up a pair. Also, since we're going to Orlando this weekend I want to try to hit an actual "running" store and pick up a new pair of shoes. I've looked at a link on this site about how to determine if you're an "over" or "under" pronater, etc. but I can't quite figure me out. Maybe I'm neutral. I know for sure I have flat feet or low arches and have had trouble with plantar faciitis in the past and now have a tender achilles. (I'm really stretching out good). Anyway, any ideas on what kind of store to look for or question I should ask, etc? I'll definitely take my old pair(s) of shoes with me.

Thanks for all the good info. You guys are great!

2007-02-12 6:55 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Great advice folks! Glad I asked the question.
I've been sticking with the training plan, but I've been training indoors since I got to Fort Monroe on Jan 8th. I need to buy a decent bike and start riding outdoors. I need to start running outdoors too. I'll give myself a goal of March 1st to find a bike. I'll start running outdoors this weekend. I'll continue swimming indoors until mid to late March. Maybe early April. Depends on how soon I buy that tri-suit thing. I've got a business trip next week to the Great Lakes Naval Station just north of Chicago, so I'm hoping that I don't miss much training time. Thanks again everyone for the great advice.
2007-02-12 8:04 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Kirk: what are triathlon socks and why are they better than the old cotton stand-by's?
2007-02-13 8:29 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Tara - good idea taking your old shoes with you. An experienced I will be able to tell a lot from them. If you walk into a running store and they have a treadmill in the shoe department - you found the right one. They will use the treadmill to assess your gait as you run. Some stores will even video tape it to show you. It has been a while since I have been to Orlando, so I won't be able to recommend anyplace. You might want to jump over to the Florida forum and post the question where to go there.

Col - great job thus far on your indoor activities. It is a smart thing to plan to get the bike early in the season to give you time to get used to it.

Frank - tri socks are socks made of some sort of wicking material. Cotton will trap the water and keep it next to your skin. This will form blister and will give you the wrinkles (not got for running). Cotton also does not allow your feet to breath therefore your feet will over heat and sweat. Then we are back to square one. The tri socks number one pulls the moisture away from your feet keeping the skin dry and free from blisters. They are also easier to put on when your feet are wet (T1). Once on the bike the socks will do its wonder and will dry your feet while you ride. Lastly the material breaths allowing your feel to stay cool in the summer, but warm in the winter. They also don't slide around while you run/bike. Bunched up socks will form blisters, abrasions, and black toenails (blisters under the nail - usually resulting in a loss of a toenail). You should be able to find them in running stores or cycling stores. Look at spending about $8 - $10 per pair, but they are well worth it.

2007-02-13 10:20 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I love smartwool socks in varying thicknesses for different weather conditions.  I usually get mine online at, but you can go to, too.  On the other hand, most anyone else offers wicking material socks such as bike shops, running shops, generic athletic stores, REI, Backwoods, EMS.  They are easy to find and well worth the money.  In fact, I'm wearing a pair of thicker smartwool "running" socks with my cowboy boots today.  They're that versatile.

2007-02-13 10:25 AM
in reply to: #686391

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

mpietrucha - 2007-02-10 3:17 PM I'b be interested in suggestions for wet suits as well. I have until June/July before I get into lake Michigan (Brrr!) but I'm wondering if anyone has info on brands or styles for women? Or where I can purchase near Chicago. Thanks! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! Megan

I don't remember if I responded, but I just ordered two ProMotion wetsuits (by phone, staff very helpful, BT discount - ask for it) from for texmom and me.  They're not the top of the line, apparently (from other BT threads), but are well recommended (same threads) and seem to be very well priced.  One word of caution.  Whenever I tried to print a page from their website, it caused my 'puter to freeze.  Might be my problem, might be their site.

2007-02-13 11:26 AM
in reply to: #689175

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks! I'll look into it.
2007-02-13 11:32 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I don't know if anyone else in this group is from IL, but there is a huge winter storm going through the area. I'm in central IL until tomorrow and the weather here is technically being termed a blizzard. Unbelievable. 12+ inches of snow. Everything is canceled and closed today- work, school, spinning class, everything. Which puts a small dent in the workout schedule I had just established, but maybe some pilates and arm strength training exercises would suffice. Someone do some biking for me today!!

Edited by mpietrucha 2007-02-13 11:34 AM
2007-02-13 6:26 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Megan, I hope that you have managed to get something in the way of a workout today in your blizzard conditions. Its not as bad here, but 35F with 17mph is bad enough for me.

Frank and others interested in the sock thingy. Attached is a site that has several types of tri socks.

Personally I use this one

And I also like using this one

2007-02-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: #689817

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey everyone

yesterday I think my body was trying to tell me that I'm not giving it enough was just rebelling b/c I'm eating less, eating more healthy, and exercising almost everday...all things that my body is not accustomed to.

Anyway, I'm starting to question how many calories I need per day. I want to continue to lose weight, preferably about 1.5 -2 lbs per week and b/c of this training I certainly don't want to risk losing any muscle and I want to give my body what it needs.

for about 2-3 weeks I've been very good at maintaining about 2,400 - 2,500 calories per day. About 56% of my calories are carbs; 18% protein; and 26% fat (good fats).

I've been spreading my calories out through the day as follows:

snack first thing in the morning on my way to the gym
about 600 - 700 calories for breakfast right after the gym
mid morning snack - fruit and almonds
about 300 calories for lunch
mid afternoon snack - fruit and almonds
remainder of calories at dinner and a light nonfat yogurt at about 9

so, do you all think that I'm eating enough and just need to get used to this or do I need to start adding some calories? I'm thinking about doubling my lunch calories to about 600 per day.



2007-02-14 9:03 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

The body typically will go through a lull when trying to adjust drastic changes. You may be experiencing this type of lull. Normally if you stick with the change for a week or two the energy levels will return. Based on what you provided you are providing your body with a decent amount of calories. Increasing the lunch calories may help get through this period. I would also suggest keeping an eye on the iron levels. Though not a typical problem for a man, it still be a factor.

Another thing that you might want to try is taking a power nap during the day.

2007-02-14 12:43 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I don't do math, so I don't count calories.  As for weightloss, I've consciously trimmed portions (save 1/3 of dinner for lunch the next day) at night.  I eat a large bowl of GoLean crunch and Special K Strawberry with bananas for breakfast.  I usually eat a decent lunch (going for a burger as soon as I'm done here), which always includes a yogurt, some fruit, nuts, etc.  I snack occassionally during the work day (trying - trying to avoid the cookies, but the hairy, blue, googly-eyed monster from my youth often wins that struggle).

I'm no expert, but I don't know how much muscle you were developing due to food, anyway.  Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and for a time you'll have both, then the fat seems to melt away in chunks.  It's really pretty cool.  You'll drop 2-3, then sit there for a few days or weeks, then another chunk disappears.  The truest test (in my opinion) is how your clothes fit.  As the fat burns off, you'll expose those blanketed muscles and you'll feel more "ripped".  Then when you hit the gym for weights (something I don't do, yet) you'll have to fight off the ladies (something I also don't have to do yet).

2007-02-14 4:21 PM
in reply to: #690577

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
dblack1801 - 2007-02-14 12:43 PM

Then when you hit the gym for weights (something I don't do, yet) you'll have to fight off the ladies (something I also don't have to do yet).

I'm sure you WON'T have to fight the ladies off. Txmom will be there to make sure they stay away.

Best test for fat loss - how does the clothes fit. I have gone from a 42" waist 2 years ago to about 32". I love it!!

2007-02-15 2:55 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Jay - this can be very tricky. If you are consistently losing 2 lbs per week then you are inline with your calorie intake. If you are losing more than that you need to up your cals if you are losing less (except for a plateau) then you need to lower them a bit. You might experience a period of muscle growth and fat loss that will not show up in pounds but this will probably happen when you get closer to goal. There is a calculation that I have in one of my books to help you figure calories for weight loss - I will have to dig it out and I will post it for you but it will probably be Saturday before I can hunt it.

I wanted to say that my training is suffreing this week but it is OK, my DH went to the hospital with pneumonia (because he would not go to the doctor when he first got sick last week......) and is home convalesing in my workout area........I am going to have to take my training outside which is difficult not only because of the cold but because it gets dark so early and the drivers around here are all in a if you have any ideas, I am game!
2007-02-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi everyone,

Dang - its even cold down here in Florida. We might even have "snow flurries" in the next couple of days. I actually had a blast at the outdoor pool today. Pool temp was 82 and with a 52 degree outside temp and windchill, it was cold but the water felt great. Kinda cool with steam rising off the water. I felt like I was swimming in a lagoon.

I have a question. I think I recall that this mentor group was for 3 months. Is that correct? And, if so, what happens after 3 months? I'd love to keep our group together and stay in a mentor group. After 3 months do you have to become a paying member or something to stay in it? I'm not opposed to paying cuz I really value what I'm learning from you guys and the inspiration you give me. At my novice level I didn't think I'd benefit that much by paying, but maybe there's some perks that would be appropriate. Any thoughts on that?

Hope ya'll stay warm and don't get sick. Kirk sounds like he got "the bug," and they have stuff on the news down here about salmonella in peanut butter so be careful.


2007-02-16 10:38 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I did get something from something I ate, but I don't think it was from my peanut butter. Not sure what, but I feel like dumping out everything I have in my fridge and start fresh.

The mentor group was an experiment to help people with the "new years resolution" thing. A way to keep people motivated to keep going. I am not sure what Ron has in mind at the end of the three months, but I am sure we can keep our group going. There are few groups that seem to be successful. BTW - there is not really a need to pay to stay in the group. Personally, I am a paying member more to support the couple of guys that run this site then anything else. This site and the support they provide is way beyond most corporate owned sites out there. I know that they don't this for the money, but I'm sure they appreciate the support that they do get.

2007-02-17 2:06 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I know Kirk asked this question a few weeks ago, but what are all y'all's tri distances and dates for this season?  I've got an Oly planned in April, a sprint in May and a HIM in October.  Sound fun?  I hope so.  I'll need your support to make these happen.


2007-02-17 3:58 PM
in reply to: #693984

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
About that peanut butter thing...yeah, I ate the contaminated pb and finally figured out why I was feeling flu-like for the last week or so. If you are a pb addict like me, and prefer Peter Pan brand, check the lid of the jar for the first 4 numbers, 2111. That's the contaminated batch.

I have an Oly in late August and a sprint somewhere in June/July. It will be my first for both!
Right now, I'm in heavy run/bike mode since I have a duathlon in 2 weeks. That will also be a first. I'm hoping to finish in under an hour (and to give my boyfriend a run for his money since he's competing too!).

The spinning classes I've been taking have really helped with the biking and the low motivation. I'd highly recommend them!

Have a good weekend!
2007-02-17 9:58 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
For the bike studs out here, what is the correct tire pressure for a tri bike?
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