BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard! Rss Feed  
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2008-02-17 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1217299

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2008-02-18 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!



The off road ride was about 1.5 hours. The road ride was a quick 11 miles around town, I'll guess 45-50 minutes. Sundays ride was 19.38 miles and about 1 hour 20 minutes, give or take.....


2008-02-18 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1216979

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Great race Bopper! Way to go ... you are a fantastic example - I will be running my first race this season on Sunday - an 8K. I'm going to treat it more like a training run as I have another 3 hr aerobics class that afternoon - but you've inspired me to suck it up and just run it out. ;-)
2008-02-18 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1218099

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2008-02-19 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1218102

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
I'll think of you as I'm struggling through my race this Sunday ... the furthest I've run all winter is 6K, so an 8K race should be interesting. And to add to my nerves - a guy from my tri club told me last night there's a "hill" (apparently it's a big hill, I've never done this course before) and he's going to park himself halfway up said hill and scream at me to get my a$$ up that hill. Oh boy. ;-)
2008-02-19 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1220320

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2008-02-19 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1221196

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Good advice, I will definately apply it. I was also thinking of applying a run/walk method for the first 5-6K, depending on how I felt (see today's training log... ugh) then kick it the last 2-3K ... run 10 min, walk 1 min kind of thing. I don't think these Island Race Series Races have K markers along the route, so I'll be guessing distance. I plan to run Thursday and Friday, so I'll see how those days go then work on my race plan.
You know ... I was thinking today ... of all the 5K and 10K's I have under my belt, I don't think I've ever done an 8K distance. Weird.

Edited to say: I always thank the volunteers - they are what keep me going! I do a lot of volunteering too. Once, during a triathlon that was on a brutally hot sunny day, the volunteers at an aid station had sat back to find some shade and cool off. So I took a few minutes out of my run and handed out water for them ... it was worth it to see the look on the other competitor's faces. ;-)

Edited by SpiritFire 2008-02-19 3:15 PM
2008-02-20 5:17 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Shamed

Good Morning,

 I tried, really I tried. Bopper questioned me as to why I haven't been swimming. Well, after some consideration, it was because I was lazy. : ) Yes! It's True! I only have a little over an hour of swiming logged and not being able to explain why (other than being lazy) I felt shame and lothing for myself. I am a misserable human being. :

So hoping to change my ways I was at the pool at 5:30 this morning. Oh but there is a problem........Dark......Quiet........No activity.........

As I entered the Gym, my fears were confirmed......NO LIFE GUARD.....POOL NOT OPEN!

What to do, What to do? I came home, filled up the bath tub and did laps in that! I must have done 1134 laps! A new PR! I am so proud!


Well, the sun is rising, my dog is looking at me wondering when we will go for our morning walk. So to you all out there, enjoy this Wednesday and remember:


 Peace Out


2008-02-20 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1222819

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Shamed
hahaha ... funny ... if it makes you feel any better - I haven't logged much swim time either. I find that if I can manage a week with good time in the bike saddle - there's no time to swim ... and if I can manage a week with good time in the pool - there's no time on the bike. It's tough, this life/triathlon balance thing. ;-)
2008-02-20 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1222819

Subject: RE: Shamed
jblt4 - 2008-02-20 5:17 AM

I tried, really I tried. Bopper questioned me as to why I haven't been swimming. Well, after some consideration, it was because I was lazy. : ) Yes! It's True! I only have a little over an hour of swiming logged and not being able to explain why (other than being lazy) I felt shame and lothing for myself. I am a misserable human being. : )

So hoping to change my ways I was at the pool at 5:30 this morning. Oh but there is a problem........Dark......Quiet........No activity.........

As I entered the Gym, my fears were confirmed......NO LIFE GUARD.....POOL NOT OPEN!

What to do, What to do? I came home, filled up the bath tub and did laps in that! I must have done 1134 laps! A new PR! I am so proud!

Jim, that's too funny! I've overcome my early morning swim woes. It is dark, cold, desolate these mornings but the pool is hopping. Now if only I can get myself out of bed for the club bike thang on Saturdays at, gasp, 7am!

So, I've been perusing the blogs and everyone is overcoming challenges and settling in.

How about a mini-challenge for next week?
Let's rotate through the sports and set our goals for the week, be it distance, time, or number of workouts. Winners get bragging rights, but we all benefit by laying out our plans and being accountable. Heck, maybe it'll motivate me to get to that early Saturday spin!

What sport to start with?


How are your you doing on your February goals?

I am lifting more and I think that I found a routine/program that will work well right now given time and tri stuff.

Edited by marina 2008-02-20 1:45 PM
2008-02-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1220320

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

SpiritFire - 2008-02-19 11:07 AM I'll think of you as I'm struggling through my race this Sunday ... the furthest I've run all winter is 6K, so an 8K race should be interesting. And to add to my nerves - a guy from my tri club told me last night there's a "hill" (apparently it's a big hill, I've never done this course before) and he's going to park himself halfway up said hill and scream at me to get my a$$ up that hill. Oh boy. ;-)

Having someone there to cheer you on, along with the other runners beside you tackling the same hill, will surely get you to the finish all smiling!

And, hey, only positive thoughts. No struggling! Picture yourself running strong with good posture and each step propelling you forward with power.

2008-02-20 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1223561

Subject: RE: Shamed

SpiritFire - 2008-02-20 11:35 AM hahaha ... funny ... if it makes you feel any better - I haven't logged much swim time either. I find that if I can manage a week with good time in the bike saddle - there's no time to swim ... and if I can manage a week with good time in the pool - there's no time on the bike. It's tough, this life/triathlon balance thing. ;-)

That's life.  There's no harm at all in alternating weeks of different sport focus. At least you are getting it done!! Pat yourself on the back.

2008-02-20 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1223951

Subject: ...
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2008-02-20 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1223971

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Shamed
I vote for running as well ... it's just my favorite. ;-)

Although - I'm off in an hour to go get more motor point needling and active release done on my quad and hamstring ... nope won't hurt a bit ... I don't know what kind of shape I'll be in the next few days. haha
2008-02-20 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Next weeks challenge

OK. Running. I'll do my best.

I have the late shift next week so that gives me 4 hours in the mornings to do things. I usually have a full workout during that late week and I'll just try to do the usual but up the running. Sounds like fun.

Going on a cruise with the better half in April, so the other motivation is to drop whats left of the love handles, and maybe define this old body a bit more. God I love this! I'm having a blast!

2008-02-20 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1224241

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Next weeks challenge - "take it easy"
Well I've just been told by my all-seeing all-knowing wise naturopathic doctor to take it easy and stay off my leg. ;-(
I told him I had a race on Sunday, and he frowned at me. I've never seen him frown before! He just told me to take it easy - so I've got some thinking to do. Race, and risk an injury, or ... take it easy. I hate DNS'ing a race, though. Hmmmm ... thoughts, anyone?

(it's an IT band/quad/hamstring issue, not necessarily an injury - started off as random knee pain and went from there - I'm getting motor point needling and active release every week, and things are looking way better - today he told me my biomechanics have returned to perfect, just gotta keep the muscles improving)

2008-02-20 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1224557

Subject: ...
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2008-02-20 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1223951

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Challenge & Goals
marina - 2008-02-20 1:34 PM

Jim, that's too funny! I've overcome my early morning swim woes. It is dark, cold, desolate these mornings but the pool is hopping. Now if only I can get myself out of bed for the club bike thang on Saturdays at, gasp, 7am!

So, I've been perusing the blogs and everyone is overcoming challenges and settling in.

How about a mini-challenge for next week?
Let's rotate through the sports and set our goals for the week, be it distance, time, or number of workouts. Winners get bragging rights, but we all benefit by laying out our plans and being accountable. Heck, maybe it'll motivate me to get to that early Saturday spin!

What sport to start with?


How are your you doing on your February goals?

I am lifting more and I think that I found a routine/program that will work well right now given time and tri stuff.


Challenge: Running, a good first choice. So is this and individual or group goal for the week? Individual: Get in all 3 Runs. Get that in and then worry about the rest.

Feb Goals: Well, my big goal was to eat more nutritiously which kind of got sideline when I got sick. But while I was home sick I was watching the show "You Are What You Eat" on BBC America with Dr. Gillian McKeith set in England. Wow! Very eye opening, very informative, and hilarious. So I got a couple of her books, one with all the nutritional info and another with recipes. So the goal is a work in progress.

Another goal that I set halfway through February was to make my workouts more efficient. After reading the latest issue of fitness magazine and seeing the article about mixing up your workouts to make working out more efficient, I set out to change up the way I run, bike and swim. No more just intervals or just a strait shot, I'm miking it up and its fun. I also decided to get serious about my strength training as well. I got the Body Sculpting Bible for Women and started on one of the plans in the book. Lots of specific information on proper form and technique in the book. Now I don't have to try and remember everything form high school weight lifting.

Can ya tell what I did while recuping from strep, lost of fun reading Training the brain

2008-02-21 7:04 AM
in reply to: #1224638

Subject: RE: Next weeks challenge - "take it easy"

Hey TR...I was in the same boat as Kevin. I broke my big toe the day before my first A race. It wasn't training related, just me being a clutz. I was still ready to go but decided not too when my bike shoe wouldn't fit over my toe. I still had a good time volunteering tough.

My next A race, the HIM that I had been training four months for was a DNF. I did the swim minus any sort of kick (the toe hurt!), was planning on doing the bike and then stopping (heck, I didn't even pack my running shoes). I had to stop after a half hour in the saddle because my leg mechanics weren't there and every pedal stroke hurt. It sucked to call it a day at the first aid station, but I tried and knew when to quit. Really, I shouldn't have even started, but since it was my big race, I just wanted to get out on the course and do what I could.

I would run despite the doc if I had been stringing along some good strong runs with little pain. Otherwise, don't risk it. You, and only you, know what your limits are.

2008-02-21 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1225395

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Next weeks challenge - "take it easy"
Well I tried to run today on my lunch, on the tread ... was probably not a good idea ... and my poor leg muscles kept cramping all day - I had to get up and walk around a lot. At this point I'm leaning towards sitting the race out - I do NOT want to get injured!
2008-02-23 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1227246

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Next weeks challenge - "take it easy"
Update: I have decided to sit the race out tomorrow. I spent some time yesterday arranging my planned/tentative races in order of importance (see new and improved goals!) and this race doesn't rate up near the top. So rather than risk an injury, and putting myself out of commission for the A races - I'll just sleep in and enjoy a leisurely Sunday morning. ;-)

I think it's the smart thing to do - although not the easiest.

2008-02-23 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1231178

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2008-02-24 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: Challenge Time!

This Week's Challenge

Goal #1: THE RUN.
Figure out a a measurable goal for yourself. Run workouts can be measured weekly by the number of workouts, total distance, or total time. At the end, progress is measured as a percentage by your actual number/goal number.

Goal #2: BALANCE.
How about a goal for the week related to nutrition, self-care, balance, mental health, or anything else that you might want to work on daily during the week? We all have real lives so doing something that can make our day better will certainly compliment our training.

2008-02-24 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1231927

Subject: RE: Challenge Time!

Okay, I'll go first!

Goal #1: 40k

Goal #2: Getting a little personal, I want to start being more focused on the positives in my life. My goal is to write out something that I am grateful everyday.

I've had a pretty good week of training. The weather has warmed up a bit improving my mood and motivation. I'm impressed with myself that I am base building so early in the year. I'm actually putting miles on the trainer, I've got a decent run base for the April half marathon (just need to get faster) and I've invested some serious time in improving my swimming (the coach has made all the difference). Over the last few years, that hasn't been the case at all. Yay me!

How's everyone else doing?

Edited by marina 2008-02-24 10:27 AM
2008-02-24 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1231935

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