BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2013-07-13 7:20 AM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Getting ready to head out for a 5 mile run before it gets too hot. Lately its been either heat or rain. Rain I can run in but after 10 years in Louisiana I still don't do well in the heat/humidity.

2013-07-13 7:24 PM
in reply to: cmkujawa

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Got a full 1mile swim in this morning with my friend. Did t push real hard the whole way but did finish somewhere around the 1:45 mark. Swimming is deffinatly not my string suit. I will manage though. It felt pretty good and I tried to work on my form more than anything. I will get some good open water swims in about a week, as we are headed to the in-laws house to spend a week with them before kids start school. I figure since they live on the lake why not. Haha.

6 weeks and counting!
2013-07-13 9:53 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Brett's

Well got a short hard run in today. Only two miles but at well above race pace. 1st mile was 7:20 and second was 7:40. Not too bad for a guy who 10 moths ago barely finished 1 mile in 9:30.

I hope that everyone had a Great Friday!

No that sounds awesome to me. I'd even be happy to be at your starting pace-lol. Of course I'm sure there are tons of people jealous of my 12:30 pace. I definitely know I saw a family of turtles crossing the road who were drooling with envy- hehe.

Seriously - sounds like some good speedwork to me.

2013-07-15 8:38 AM
in reply to: fitmomma2010


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training

Very busy weekend...managed to get in 30 minutes on an Expresso bike(was going to do a group ride but was nursing a calf injury so opted for a ride with no temptation to push too hard) and some weights (back/bicepts) Friday night.

40 minute (3.3 mi) run/walk on Saturday despite it being WAY TOO HOT. Hot to the point where when I slowed up for one of the scheduled walk intervals I had a guy that had just got into his car to go somewhere open the door and ask if I needed water. Did I look that bad??? lol! The good thing is that after several months of attempting to get into consistent running and not feeling it I noticed that my form has returned. Speed will return as the weight drops, but man did it feel good to run!


Spent yesterday hanging off a ladder painting. I'll take structured workouts any day over that.


2013-07-15 6:18 PM
in reply to: cmkujawa

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
I managed to get a 7 mile run in today at lunch. The 72% humidity was brutal though. Planning on a few evening rides this week since I will be out of state next week. Other than that not much going on here. Just trying to balance work, family and training.
2013-07-15 6:22 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Got my 5 miler in on Saturday and only 40 mins on the trainer last night. Another 40 mins tonight on the bike. Raining again. Its either heat or rain. Very wet summer for us.

2013-07-15 7:33 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
I wish I had a trainer. I would be abl to get a lot more work done. So long as I keep at it I will get one before the year ends. Right now running is the easiest thing for me to work on so that is what I do the most of. It's raining here again tonight as well. I will go with it is either raining or going to rain everyday philosophy. I have to squeeze in rides when I can and weather permits.
2013-07-15 7:46 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Brett's

I wish I had a trainer. I would be abl to get a lot more work done. So long as I keep at it I will get one before the year ends. Right now running is the easiest thing for me to work on so that is what I do the most of. It's raining here again tonight as well. I will go with it is either raining or going to rain everyday philosophy. I have to squeeze in rides when I can and weather permits.

Make sure to budget for having a good fan. Makes all the difference in the world. That and a towel under/over the bike to protect it from the sweat.
2013-07-16 10:09 AM
in reply to: GaryRM


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
7 mi ride on an Expresso bike last night, followed by chest/tris and core strength. 

Planning on running 3 tonight but dreading it already because it's supposed to be mid-high 90s again today. Just couldn't get out of bed in time to run this morning  before work.
2013-07-17 5:39 AM
in reply to: cmkujawa


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training was every bit as hot and miserable as I thought it would be. The dog (1/2 cattle dog--so VERY high strung) didn't even want to go (and he's brought me his leash asking for more after a fast 10 miler in the past)! I did it though...2.5 ish miles in 29+ minutes. Would have gone the extra .5 but had to be at some friends house for dinner.

The up side is that I'm losing weight...dropped 3 lbs in the last week--and I've been eating more. Getting really psyched
2013-07-17 6:58 AM
in reply to: cmkujawa

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Got a short run in last night and rides the previous two nights. Knees are not thrilled with the running and need to build back up. Same story here, hot and humid or rain. Way too much rain. For Louisiana the hot and humid are expected this time of year.

2013-07-17 12:17 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Not liking the new site at all ....maybe I am getting old. Couldn't find a button to add this comment so I replied to Gary's last note. Also can't figure out how to edit my Race Log and delete the races I am not going to do. Really hot & humid here in west michigan, 90+ temp with 70%+ humidity. Lots of yard work, but very little training. Hello oldies and welcome newbies ... have a great second half of summer. ~David
2013-07-17 12:41 PM
in reply to: GaryRM


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training

For Louisiana the hot and humid are expected this time of year. sister moved there many years ago and during my previous experience with tri's I'd call her this time of year to gripe about the heat...and she'd just laugh and tell me to get out before sunrise (her and her husband had no kids and both doing long distance tris at the time). I was simply determined to get it done yesterday

2013-07-17 6:34 PM
in reply to: cmkujawa

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Was supposed to go ride tonight but lightning put an end to that real fast. Luckily I decided to run on my lunch break. So just 4 miles today. Will try to get out on the bike tomorrow. Maybe there won't be any lightning to keep me company.
2013-07-18 7:19 AM
in reply to: Brett's


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Ride on an expresso bike last night. Only 15 minutes or so though...legs were VERY tired and the ride was being followed up by a strength workout focused on my legs, which I completed as well. Would have been a great day to get outdoors on the bike (I like riding when it's real hot--just not stopping), but need to remain focused on the large goal of building general shape so I can start training for a sprint come January.
2013-07-20 2:53 PM
in reply to: cmkujawa

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Running and Riding until the pool switches its hours back. Today is work on the riding mower today. It died yesterday and fixed the main issue (melted wire) but decided my years of neglecting the blades were over. Pulled the mowing deck off and replacing blades and belts. Couldn't find the parts locally so ordered online and will put back together next weekend.

2013-07-20 9:11 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Yard work here today as well. Mowed the yard, worked on the weed eater, which I finally have up on, and then blew off the driveway. Was going to ride this evening but had to help my dad move a refrigerator. Then it started raining. So no ride today. Leaving tomorrow for NC to see in-laws and vacation for a week. Hope to get some swimming and running while I am up there. Hope everyone is doing well.
2013-07-24 10:29 AM
in reply to: Brett's

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Short run Monday night on the treadmill and a short OWS in the lake Tuesday morning. Going go check out the local tri shop in a few mins. I hope I don't drool over thing too much. Haha. Going to go for a 6-8 mile run tonight/afternoon. And going to try to get up in te to swim again tomorrow morning.
2013-07-24 7:07 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Well, did a longer ride on Sunday then tried for a 5 mile run on Monday. Finished but the run was miserable. The heat is a factor but something else is going on. Moved to two rest days per week but work is crazy and working way too many hours. Vacation starts next week!!
2013-07-25 8:27 AM
in reply to: 0

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Hey all.... back and feeling pretty good.

I have a few swim questions, but I'll try to put them out there one at a time.

Question #1: For a guy who hasn't swam in forever, (30+ years) what's the best tactic?

My first time out, I did 30 minutes of swim/walk. Basically, swam the deep end and walked the shallow end. about 20 meters swim and 30 meters walk per lap.

My second time out (today) I did 30 minutes of swim/rest. So, swim the full 25 meter length then stopped to rest/catch my breath and lower my heart rate, then swam again. This gave me a much harder workout than the first day.

So, as you can see, I have no clue what I'm doing. Any suggestions?


Edited by Panther 2013-07-25 2:21 PM
2013-07-26 9:59 PM
in reply to: Panther

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Panther

Hey all.... back and feeling pretty good.

I have a few swim questions, but I'll try to put them out there one at a time.

Question #1: For a guy who hasn't swam in forever, (30+ years) what's the best tactic?

My first time out, I did 30 minutes of swim/walk. Basically, swam the deep end and walked the shallow end. about 20 meters swim and 30 meters walk per lap.

My second time out (today) I did 30 minutes of swim/rest. So, swim the full 25 meter length then stopped to rest/catch my breath and lower my heart rate, then swam again. This gave me a much harder workout than the first day.

So, as you can see, I have no clue what I'm doing. Any suggestions?


Hey Dave,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I am working a lot of hours these days. Best tactic would be take some swimming lessons. Swimming is like golf, mostly about technique. A few adjustments can make a huge difference. Short of that I would take a look at some youtube videos on swim basics.. Things to concentrate on:
1. Head down
2. Focus on keeping your legs from sinking. To help with that imagine sucking your belly button thru your back as you swim.
3. Don't look up when you breath. Not said correctly but while sitting at your desk the difference is looking to your left by turning your head or turning your head and looking up. The latter will cause your legs to sink.
4. Rotation - What was explained to me was make each stroke like you are trying to reach that top shelf by rotating your body.
5. Point your toes back

The resident fish can probably give better advice but this should help.


2013-07-27 7:25 AM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Thanks for the input Gary.

According to the Lifeguard crew, my form is actually pretty good. (Endless lessons/hours in the pool as a teenager) I believe my problem is cardio. Heart and lungs need an upgrade. I need to form a plan to build my breathing capacity.

I think the next time out, I may try one length freestyle followed by a length on my back and see how that goes. Any other ideas for a breathless swimmer?

2013-07-27 10:47 PM
in reply to: GaryRM


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Is your group full??
2013-07-28 7:26 AM
in reply to: pnewkirk

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by pnewkirk

Is your group full??

No, we are not full. Post a Bio and join the group!
2013-07-28 7:31 AM
in reply to: Panther

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Panther

Thanks for the input Gary.

According to the Lifeguard crew, my form is actually pretty good. (Endless lessons/hours in the pool as a teenager) I believe my problem is cardio. Heart and lungs need an upgrade. I need to form a plan to build my breathing capacity.

I think the next time out, I may try one length freestyle followed by a length on my back and see how that goes. Any other ideas for a breathless swimmer?

Sounds like you really just need time in the pool. While you have to be careful about turning it into a crutch, you may want to consider using a pull buoy instead of going on your back. May be 1 lap free, 1 pull buoy,
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