BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-02-23 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hello again. welcome back Twylite.  I have been sitting back reading and trying to get my mind right.  Been a struggle lately.

I would really love to know what the nutrionist said that is my weak point (very weak point).

I still have been working out but just not logging it.  Trying to get more consistent. All for now see you later.


2010-02-23 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Still thinking what next challenge should be. For now I will just try to accomplish the times in the plan I'm following (Olympic 3x balanced - 20 weeks). It's getting harder, feels like the day does not have enough hours.

For now, I am happy I have not succumbed to the scale....have not weighed myself in a while Tongue out. I'm following the advice I saw in this Runners World magazine: Do not use the scale as the meter for your success. Focus in other things like buildup of endurance and fitness, better fitting clothes, overall well being, etc. If you follow a sensible diet, weight will take care of itself. I think it's working for me so far.

2010-02-23 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Whoo, I am halfway through the swimming and biking  legs!

2010-02-24 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Way to go!!!!
2010-02-25 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Yesterdaywas a much need rest day for me.  Today is another snowstorm here in the north east.  I have my gym bag with me anyway, but I just got an email that the gym may be closing early, LOL!  I had better be able to count shoveling as my workout.  =)  Have a great day all. 
2010-02-26 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2692562

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Glad to see some more members coming back to post.  I'm really impressed with the workouts. Sad to see the lack of participation, including my own.

Nanny passed away this week, on our 3rd anniversary.  At least I got to spend her last hours with her.  My son was at her side holding her hand at the end. Busy helping dad with all of the stuff that has to be done now.  I am surprised how many people have NOT offered to help, people I thought would be the first to jump in.  I can think of a million things that one could do.  OH well, the good Lord will get us through.  I will be back on the training after next week.

2010-02-27 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Made it back to the forum. Sorry for your loss, Maggie. I know it's been hard lately. Give yourself a break this weekend.

Marla, I don't see how you weather the snow. Our brief snowfalls here just about did me in. Keep shoveling. And I'm impressed with your numbers, even in yucky weather.

Fernando, you are a champ. Keep up the good work.

Jon, I know about being in a funk. Please keep checking in and it will end, I promise.

Made it to New Orleans last PM with RV, DH, and child #4, and #5. Sunday is the Mardi Gras Marathon. I'm registered, but not running. We're here to support DH's brother and see his family. Kinda hard to not start. Training really got off in Dec. On a good note, New Orleans has recovered. It broke my heart to see our lovely city down a few years ago. It's back and lookin' good!

I do have one word of advice for us all. Get some sun! I'm noticing a correlation between sun exposure and thyroid function and consequently mood, metabolism, motivation, energy level. etc. I've had to increase thyroid meds on almost all this winter. Then I have a few who got into tanning beds and their numbers went thru the roof. It's related to Vitamin D, which isn't a vitamin, but a hormone that is necessary for the proper function and metabolism of thyroid hormone. Anyway, if that was TMI, (I could ramble for pages about this stuff) just get some sun.

Name your goal for March. Write it down here. Then we all will be more likely to accomplish it. I'm going to do a sprint tri in March. That's my #1 goal. #2 is to log what I eat. What's yours?

2010-02-27 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Maggie - so sorry about your loss!  I am know some folks really do care, but just don't know how to act when life gets hard.  Here's hoping they step up.  Love em anyway.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sun!  Yes, I want some sun.  This week coming looks pretty sunny and somewhat mild, so I will work in an nice outside walk with the kids.  Really looking forward to spring. 

Not sure what my next challenge will be.  As soon as my Feb challenge is fulfilled, I need to turn back to running for a bit.  I am planning to run a 5K on April 3rd to get a sense of where my running really is.  Running in the gym on the treadmill is one thing, but outside is a totally different ballgame. 

I need some help from all of you.  I do a pretty good job of getting my work outs in when I am in go to work mode.  I pack my bag and go at lunch.  I rarely if ever blow it off.  At home, I have a world of workout equipment IN MY BASEMENT and I talk myself out of it constantly.  So many other things to do - laundry, play with the kids, computer (!), etc.  Help! 
2010-02-27 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Just ate my way through New Orleans. Picked up my packet for the marathon I was supposed to run. Kinda bummed. I agree with you Marla, I want to run more and better. I think I'm going to focus on that. I admire that you can workout during the week. That is my weak time.


2010-02-28 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Maggie: You are in our thoughts...hang in there. Time heals, and the good memories prevail.Goals for March: I've been thinking about it. In 2 weeks I'm running a 4 miler, and was hoping to break the 9 min/mile pace....but I'm not sure I will. In fact, it's getting harder just to keep up with the program. The times are getting pretty long, and fatigue is setting in. I should find more time to sleep, but it's impossible in my household. I will just play it by ear.
2010-03-02 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Started to run again yesterday.  Ouch.  Updated numbers for what has become my 2 month challenge:

Swimming tonight.  ANd my 11 year old created a sticker chart for me to help me workout at home.  How cute is that?  I did earn one happy face sticker last night.  =)  I am thinking spa day if I complete my chart...

Updated for my swim:

Edited by mmgoldenb 2010-03-03 9:08 AM

2010-03-04 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
So excited - I have lost more than an inch on both legs!  Weight is still hovering where is was, but making some changes thanks to my nutrition coach, and hopefully that will start to change as well.  Biggest things I learned from her so far:
1.) Food is fuel.
2) Don't go into a meal hungry.  Have a small snack first.
3) Eat like an athlete.
4) It's not a diet plan, but a lifestyle change.
5) Plan and prepare - know what I am going to eat for the whole day.
6) Never eliminate a tempting food without finding a good healthy substitution.
7) Basic physics says that you have to expend more calories than you consume.  The caveat is that timing your claories and types of food with workouts is key.

It's only been three days, so I can't claim a lifestyle change just yet.  The biggest thing I have done is increase veggie/fruit intake, and spread out my eating a little more to keep blood sugar stable throughout the day and during my workouts.  We'll see!


How is everyone?  Where is everyone?  =)  Marla

Edited by mmgoldenb 2010-03-04 1:49 PM
2010-03-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hey you guys. Proud of you all for your accomplishments.  Have you set your march goals yet?

It's been a heck of a week. I had no idea funeral planning and guest hosting took up so much time and energy.  Mainly I wanted to be a help to dad, she was his mom.  All the guests are gone. Funeral was yesterday. Was a nice tribute. My son made a slide show that was absolutely beautiful. Included music and pictures of most of the extended family too.  Now back to living my life. Sad that so many of our group dropped away.
2010-03-05 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
And live your life you should. Maybe you can dedicate some of your goals (i.e. races)...just a little extra motivation ;-). Marla, I love what you learned. Simple and common sense, yet so hard some times to follow. I have had the opportunity to bike outside this whole week. Not too cold, and bought the right gear. It's so much more fun. I convinced my wife to allow me to commute to work on my bike (on good days). I'll just wait for slightly warmer weather. Ciao. Fernando.
2010-03-07 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Maggie: Prayers are with you and yours. Funerals are hard.  Don't underestimate the energy used up last week.

Marla: I love the chart! What a great kid! You have inspired me to keep on with the HIM challenge and I'll post my numbers. Like the eating tips. Thanks for sharing. I like the part about planning the day.

Fernando: Sounds like you biking went better than mine. Commuting is a great way to get in the miles. I've thought about it, but not brave enough to bike the highway into town.

I got in 3 workouts this week, so I'm pretty pumped. Have a tri in 2 weeks, so have to get moving. Rode bike with friends yesterday in the hills. Got my arse kicked. Made me realize how much I've lost over the winter. Positive outcome?: I did find out what my maximum heart rate is. But I think a time of rest and recovery is part of the cycle. Now let's get going...

My numbers for March(swim is based on time in Endless Pool):




It's only March7. There is still time for goals. Mine is the HIM for March. I promise to check in 2X weekly with you guys. PM me otherwise.



2010-03-08 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

Plugging along.  Is it normal that some days I start working out and feel like I could climb a mountain, and other days I feel like I can't run across the street?  Is that just my mind playing tricks?  Or some evil anti-fitness demon?  Do other folks experience this?

2010-03-08 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Absolutely. If you felt great every day, it would get old. Way I look at it, the bad days make the good days feel even better.
2010-03-08 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hey group. Just letting you know I am here. Havent done anything yet but getting there.  Thanks for the encouragment.

Looks like you are all doing great.
2010-03-09 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Just added a mini/fitness tri to my season.  I am doing a 5K on Easter weekend, and my first sprint Tri is in July.  This is a much smaller race (200m, 4.5 mile, 2 mile) on May 29th, but it fits perfectly into my training and I am think it will give me some valuable insight into this whole crazy triathlon thing.  Plus I will get to wear my wetsuit twice, LOL!

What's up everybody?

350:1950:2000 (they were closing the pool, or I would have done that LAST lap!)

Edited by mmgoldenb 2010-03-10 8:57 AM
2010-03-10 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Hi gang. Commuted to work on my bike today. Took back roads. Total 22 miles. Lots of fun. Saved some dinosaurs and burned off some extra padding. Can't beat that. 
2010-03-11 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED

WTG with the bike Fernando. Our weather is great down here, so I'm a little jealous you can do that. Keep it up.

Marla - Keep plugging. Some days I feel awful. I try to go for 15 minutes. If I feel awful at that point, I stop. If I'm OK, which is usual, I go on. Love the mini tri idea.

Maggie - We're pulling for ya.

I'm getting back slowly. Updated numbers.

S 0:45:60

B 0:13:56

R 2.3:7.3:13.1

It's getting easier, so hang in there gang. It's really been a tough winter, but the sun is out and warmer temps on the way. Gotta get back to work....later...


2010-03-11 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
I have been struggling this week, too.  But it's Murphy's law stuff - little obstacles being thrown in my path.  I am just trying to keep moving and do SOMETHING every day. 

Fernando - that's great that you can ride to work!  I am really looking forward to getting outside.  twylite is right, it has been a very long winter.  I want to get my bike off the trainer and on the road!  Train hard and have fun all!
2010-03-12 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2578050

Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Finished the swim portion, yay!


Very dreary day on the east coast...
2010-03-12 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Great job!!! Agree about the weather. Don't even know if I will run my race tomorrow.
2010-03-13 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2578050

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Twylite's Trying for weight loss group CLOSED
Just completed my March goal. Ran 4 mile race under 9 min/mile pace, despite a very hilly course, constant drizzle, 42F, and 35 mph gusts . Of course my 9 year old finished right next to me, with a huge smile across his face, not a drop of sweat, and looking like a hundred bucks. I guess it was like a walk in the park for him. I hate him, but I'm very proud!

Edited by guticur 2010-03-13 11:51 AM
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