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2009-04-07 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey Mike, great swim!!  I still feel really good when I swim, I just can't keep myself focused for long workouts in the pool.  I REALLY need a partner to swim with or a coach to push me. 

Roy, I have a race question.  Early season here there are a lot of races that have pool swims due to the temperature of the lakes (50s).  I am wondering if you wear your tri suit top in the pool or try to squeeze into it when you're wet in T1.  I tried putting on my Nike compression shirt last night after getting out of the pool and I got stuck.  I just don't know if it would be like wearing a drag suit while swimming, or if I risk getting tangled up in my top trying to put in on after the swim if I don't wear it in the pool.  I have a TYR suit that feels like it would be ok in the water, but I haven't swam with it on.  Should I wear it for a workout and see what happens?  What do you wear?

2009-04-07 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2069918

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Thanks for the encouragement Steven.  I've never swam with anyone so I don't know how that would be for me, but I sure don't see how it could hurt!

I'll chip in my two cents' worth re: your tri suit--wear it! :-)  But definitely give your race day plan a trial run prior to actual race.  Last year, I wore my tri shorts for the pool swim, then tugged--with great difficulty--a bike jersey for the remainder.  Why I thought I needed that is still beyond me, and I had even practiced transitions that way. 
So during the mini-sprint tri a few weeks ago, I just went Tarzan, wearing only my tri shorts--T1 was noticeably shorter, I did not need a jersey at all.

Now, I have a tri suit and plan on wearing it for both wetsuit and non-wetsuit swims.  It was a bit of a problem pinning my bib on my tri shorts (no shirt)--I had to kind of fold it up and roll it inside the shorts during the swim, then flip it out during run to T1--not difficult, just not the best answer even though a number of us did exactly the same way.  You don't waste any time, just not a perfect answer for me.
2009-04-09 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I am certainly glad I only have 1 pool swim this season as I can't get this question out of my mind.  I don't want to be all wet riding in potentially 40 degree weather on May 2nd in Minnesota.  I've been hypothermic from cold bike rides before and it SUCKS!!!  I think I'm going to swim in my bottoms only, dry off thoroughly and throw on my tri top and if necessary leg and arm warmers.  The tri top zips so I shouldn't have the same problem putting it on as I did with my compression shirt that I wear when I ride bike on my trainer.  If it's warm out, yes then I will wear my top in the water.  However, I am fully expecting cooler temps as May 2nd is EARLY Spring in this area of the country. 

BTW, I have two sessions on my new bike and I love it.  I need a shorter stem (100mm vs 120mm) and a decent saddle.  The existing equipment will do for now, but by the end of the summer they will be replaced. 

I've been trying to load a profile picture, but it keeps giving me an error.  Anyone else have issues with that?  If so, how did you fix it? 

OH!!  Check out the race calendar for ND.  The race I am organizing is on it.  The Pipestem Creek Trail Run and Off Road Triathlon 7/25/09.  I contacted XTERRA to see what it takes to get on their points calendar and they are sending me info.  That would be awesome!!!!!

2009-04-09 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I'm back - hectic week too - u know how it is right before you go on vacation.  I took Thu & Fri off for personal and religious reasons.

Roy: ur right, the avatar is there 'til I get a new race pic

Steve; gld to notice you didnt even mention the floods, so you must be ok.  I will also add my 2 cents to your Q.  usually pool swim tris are very short (250 m or so, right?  The drag from a tight fitting shirt for that distance shouldn't detract your times more than a few secs. I would wear it. - since its a sprint you can use a tank w/o pockets and that will prevent any possible drag

Today I did 2 bike rides, trainer (intervals - anaerobic) in the AM and a 33 miler in the PM - completely (95%) aerobic ride.  I am sooooo excited about my first race in a month from today. It'll be an ocean swim (i hate lake swims).  tomorrow (Good Friday will be an early swim-church-and hopefully a 4-6 miler run) SAT another long ride and SUN try to get to 10 miles on foot.

Keep on kicking your feet and best of luck to all!
2009-04-10 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Morning, and Good Friday!

It looks like everyone is getting some good workouts. Mike/comrad are you back in Houston?

Steven, I think you are thinking correctly about what to wear, since the outside temps are still going to be questionable, I would wear just tri shorts, no top so you can dry off some, then wear a top of your choice, it is possible you may need to wear a long sleeve shirt on the bike. Won't know until it race time. If you get a very seasonable day to race, and its warm enough I would wear your trisuit. Glad you are liking your bike, check ebay you might be able to find the stem you need sooner than later, I would check into this so you don't go a whole summer riding in a position you don't really won't to be in. Thats a really long stem for a tri bike, must have been long torso rider who had the bike. Try going this website, its what I had recommende when I got my photo uploaded., and then make sure you are uploading to profile image not personal.

Olman, you are getting some exellent work, keep it up, you are going to pleased with your results at the first event. Hopefully you can come over and get in some swim workouts prior to your event. You said you can rent Spinervalls at Blockbuster? I'll check in on that.

Mike, I was re-reading your original post when the group opened, and you stated "survive the swim". How do you feel about that now? I think your way past that.

As for me, its Escape from Ft. Desoto tomorrow at 7:00, 1/2mile swim, 10 mile bike, and a 4 mile run, which about .3 of the run is from the ocean to T1. It's going to have around 1000 competitors its a great early season event. I borrowed a set of Zipp 606 wheels from friend, we'll see how it goes with a set of wheels like these. My wife just looked at me with that look of don't even think about it. WHAT!  They only cost $2000.00. My youngest daughter will be doing the event as well, then in a couple of weeks she will be doing St. Anthony's in St. Petersburg, it is an olympic distance event, 4000 competitors and a lot of top pro's do this race. She will be trying to qualify for the age group nationals later in the summer. It takes a top 5 finish in her age group, F 15-19.

I'm really happy for you guys as the season gets ready to get going. It looks like everyone has made some good improvements in their swimming, and we have had some excellent discussions about various topics which will serve all of us well. And friendships of sorts have been made from a far, kind of neat.

Have a blessed weekend,


Edited by tri/tbay 2009-04-10 7:01 AM
2009-04-10 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I'm with ya Roy.  It's been a lot different having this support group (no,i am not referring to my other AA support group - LOL).

Good luck tomorrow - I'm trying to convince the family to go to the beach tomorrow (and watch a tri race at FDSoto) but seems like they have other plans, considering I blocked StAs weekend I guess it is just fair.  Let's see what happens.

I just bought a newer TREK Equinox Frame/fork - I'm gonna build it up from my road bike and sell the road frame.  It's an older carbon monocoque model PROFILE frame, yes, PROFILE (Identical to previous road Kestrels).  It has a new Kinesis carbon fork too (original was ALUM).  It is a 58cm which is too big for me anyways.  Let me know if any of you is interested before I post on ebay and I'll send specs, etc.  - not sure if the bike (built) is on my album but that will be fixed right away.

Good luck this weekend everyone, race hard if youre racing, and train hard of your not racing, but kick some butt either way, and God Bless!

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-04-10 8:38 AM

2009-04-10 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, you apparently are a computer genius as well.  The photo resize website is now firmly entrenched in my "Favorites."  I'll get a real photo up as soon as I have one (like a race or training photo) but for now you'll just have to look at my ugly mug. 

2009-04-10 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2075974

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-04-10 10:48 AM

Roy, you apparently are a computer genius as well.  OR NOT!!!  It took me several tries of getting the proper size and a couple of PM's to the moderator.

Now we are just waiting on the slimmer/trimmer Olman's new photo.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-04-10 11:53 AM
2009-04-11 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I have been at the interval game for about a week and I've learned two things:  1)  I need something to pace me or I start out too fast.  2)  I love intervals. 

My plan is one run interval a week (Tuesday nights) paced by a friend on his bike with a speedometer/odometer and two bike intervals or one interval and one hill session (when the trails dry out I'll use our Wednesday night MTB battle as a hill/interval session as it is done at virtually max effort).  I already do intervals almost every swim workout just different paces lengths depending on the day.  I have an entire week of reduced volume/intensity after every three weeks hard, so I have defeated my prior demon of working myself into the ground by overtraining.  I really believe it's because of this group and being able to discuss training with people who are both unbiased and knowledgable.  The training logs really help too.  I have never kept a detailed log of what I have done before.  I never had to, I was working out with my track group and just did what they told me without really researching it.  Looking back with what I know about training now I realize why I didn't improve like I should have.  We essentially trained in the same phase ALL YEAR ROUND.  I can't believe I never got hurt.  We had the same intensity in August preseason as we did in April during the season and did the same distances and workouts.  No wonder I was always burned out by the time the season rolled around. 

2009-04-12 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
BY POPULAR DEMAND!!!!  My new face    LOL 

Roy, how did this weekend's race go?   I ended up going to Anna Maria beach and had a truly blessed day. 
2009-04-13 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2080084

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Yes, I got back in the US late Friday night...was up at 3:15 AM Sat. morning, could not sleep.  Did some work, then met my running buddies at 6:30 for a nice 9 mile run at about 8:48 pace. 

Roy, you asked me about how I was feeling in the water--quite well, thanks much!  I have developed what is, for me, a plenty good stroke and technique that I feel confident with.  I got in a 2200 yd swim in Moscow (pool), which was my longest yet, and I took zero rest breaks during it.  I did mix in some sprint intervals followed by my normal 1:45 pace just to teach myself to recover in the water like I can do on the run.  All told, swim lasted a shade under 40 minutes--I could've gone on further but folks were already looking at me like I was weird, and a person was waiting on the lane (haven't they ever heard of swimming circles to share a lane??).

My goal this week is to continue the circuit/interval training I started in Moscow, and get on the dang bike and ride!

I purchased a marathon training program detailed for my needs from McMillan, my wife and I decided to enter Chicago this October--it will be my A race, and the largest, most storied marathon I have ever done.  I have my first sprint tri mid-May, then things start getting crazy as there are a number of tris locally over the next 3 months.  Can't do them all, but I will cherry pick ones to get different experiences (open water, lake vs. bay, distance, etc.).  I have my eye on an olympic on Labor Day weekend in Austin, but if I can get my bike time in I will be ready earlier than that so may move it up.

Even though our mentor group may be small, I kind of like it that way--this has been great for me, and it is nice to see everyone's faces!

2009-04-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys,

Flood update.  While Fargo is out of the woods, Jamestown is not.  The Corps of Engineers announced today they will be more than tripling the releases from the two dams here on Saturday.  That means I now have to completely surround my house with a 3-5 foot dike.  While much of this work has been done with the dike we built two weeks ago, we will need to bring the level of that up at least a foot all the way around and build another 100 foot long extension.  This equates to another 3000 sandbags and about 8 hours of work to do minimum with a crew of 25.  I wish we had known about this three weeks ago so we could have done it all at once.  On top of this I can't take any time from work this week due to preparation for and actual negotiations occuring today through Friday with a supplier we are exiting.  I'm going to try to get out of it, but I seriously doubt it will happen as I have been the focal for this supplier since August. 

This isn't good.  The Corps just evacuated 1500 homes in Valley City, 30 miles to the east.  It looks like we will be dealing with this for the month at least.

2009-04-14 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

WOW! Doesn't sound fun at all. I know the three of us can't really do anything for you physically, but we can send out best and prayers for you and all of your community. You know it doesn't matter where you live, there is some kind of weather just waiting to ruin a great day. There is no doubt you'll get the additional bags in place and you'll be as prepared as you can be.

Keep us updated and thanks for sharing.


2009-04-14 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys I put my race report in, you can take a look at it on my race log.

2009-04-14 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2080196

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

wildcat83 - 2009-04-13 7:21 AM Yes, I got back in the US late Friday night...was up at 3:15 AM Sat. morning, could not sleep.  Did some work, then met my running buddies at 6:30 for a nice 9 mile run at about 8:48 pace. 

Roy, you asked me about how I was feeling in the water--quite well, thanks much!  I have developed what is, for me, a plenty good stroke and technique that I feel confident with.  I got in a 2200 yd swim in Moscow (pool), which was my longest yet, and I took zero rest breaks during it.  I did mix in some sprint intervals followed by my normal 1:45 pace just to teach myself to recover in the water like I can do on the run.  All told, swim lasted a shade under 40 minutes--I could've gone on further but folks were already looking at me like I was weird, and a person was waiting on the lane (haven't they ever heard of swimming circles to share a lane??).

My goal this week is to continue the circuit/interval training I started in Moscow, and get on the dang bike and ride!

I purchased a marathon training program detailed for my needs from McMillan, my wife and I decided to enter Chicago this October--it will be my A race, and the largest, most storied marathon I have ever done.  I have my first sprint tri mid-May, then things start getting crazy as there are a number of tris locally over the next 3 months.  Can't do them all, but I will cherry pick ones to get different experiences (open water, lake vs. bay, distance, etc.).  I have my eye on an olympic on Labor Day weekend in Austin, but if I can get my bike time in I will be ready earlier than that so may move it up.

Even though our mentor group may be small, I kind of like it that way--this has been great for me, and it is nice to see everyone's faces!

Mike good  to have you back. We have missed your commentary. I was thinking the other day, I was watching espn and  Hannah Storm was on, were  you in Houston when she was the sports chic on whatever radio station that Stevens and Pruit were/are on. Just thought I would ask. She has moved up nicely.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-04-14 6:36 PM
2009-04-15 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Yes, I was a Rock 101 afficionado back in the day...which is going on 15+ years ago! 

Steven, hang in there, wish we were close enough to help.  Look at the upper body strength you are building, schlepping all of those sand bags around.  Good luck extending/raising your dike.

I am finding that, while I love the tri's, I am becoming more and more focused on the run.  I had a really interesting run early this morning.  I met a small group about 5:15, was just going to laze along with them for about 6 miles before I had to go in for an early telecon with the Russians (9 hours ahead of us)...but the pace was just too slow (9:30), so after a 2 mile warm-up I took off.  I was running quite easily at a 7:50 pace, and started mixing in 75-100m fartleks at a sub-7:00 pace, it was awesome!  MY HR rose a bit, but I never struggled nor had difficulty recovering.  I really upped it the last mile, 7:20 pace, then down to 6:30-ish for the last half mile...guys, that is getting really fast for me.

I have a 5K on July 4th coming up, my goal is to knock a m inute off of my PR (7:18 pace), so I will need to go under 7:00 to accomplish that...but I think I'll be ready.

Will get in a long run Sat. morning then a long bike Sunday, so I'll feel better after getting some hours on the bike again.

Roy, heading now to check out your race report.

2009-04-15 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy, I read your race report.  Nice.  I like that function of this website.  Really gives some insight (depending on who is writing the report) of what to expect come race day.  I am really excited about getting this season started in a few weeks.  Man, I can't believe it is only 17 days away!!!  I need some work yet!  I haven't had an uninterupted week of training for about a month.  That is not how I pictured this going, but as Roy is fond of saying, "Life Happens."

My sandbagging is done (knock wood), everything is moved out of the basement and garage, and the city is coming to add a huge dike that will protect my neighborhood.  And just think, the water hasn't even come yet!!  That's the worst part of this, the event horizon. 

On a cool note, I hooked up my speed and HR sensor on my new bike on Monday AND my wife told me to get another one for my MTB (I had to take the one off my MTB to put on my tri bike as I figured it was more important info on that bike)!!!!  She's awesome.  Then I told her that I just ordered a wetsuit, so I'll skip the cyclocomputer.  Then she got mad.  Our 10th anniversary is coming up on 5/1, so I need to get her something good to make sure the wetsuit purchase is justified (in her eyes anyway, it's already justified in mine).

2009-04-17 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Wow - so many things going on.

Steve: my family's prayers with you & family & neighbors.

This week I've been focused on work, pushing a few sales but this is Friday (home office day) = snack on some food bar and go workout.  I am waiting for my new TREK frame to arrive and I'll spend most of the weekend and next week transferring components bet frames. 

This week I logged a swim and a run (maybe a bike today) but my plan is to do a mock sprint tri on the weekend - full distances.  With my race coming up in 4 weeks, I want to make sure I am ready and my transitions are smooth so I'll do a mock race on SAT morning. 

I fininshed my one race (a sprint) last yr in 1:27:48, so with all the extra trainning I am shooting for 1:15 even if swimming at a pool.  I am confident I can do that now that I've added some swim training, I know I can push 26MPH (but will stay in low 20s) on bike and my run has come down 3 min pace from last yr. to about 10min/mi

This will consist of: 600 meter swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run-same exact distances as last yr's race.  The route feature on this website should help me plan it all.

BTW:  Roy, did you write a complete report on your race? or just your times?  I remember being able to read other people's reports but with the new format (which I like for the most part) , I can not find the full report - just saw your times, which were very good.

C Ya'll. Stay dry and pumping (be it iron, rubber or sand).
2009-04-19 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
This morning I completede a spint on my own, this is my blog for today Sunday 4/19:

14m 03s750.00 yards01m 52s /100 yards
7:45 AM     
46m 41s14.71 miles18.91 Mi/hr
8:00 AM     
33m 42s3.31 miles10m 11s/Mi
8:49 AM  

Notes: this was a solo sprint distance race practice
this mock race went well, I have to do this at least once every 6-8 weeks just to check condition.

Total time was 1:36:37, somehow I missed checking the T2 time, so 1st half of the run includes that.

eventtimeavg/actual HR
750 yd swim14:03.1147/154
RUn (H1)17:53.2153/157
RUN (H2)16:48.6156/168 (sprint)

Temp was 65F/calm

The swim went very well, timed it really well to goal.  I had enough to push a hard sprint at the end of the run but my felt legs were somewhere else at parts of the bike, I felt excellent during the run. 

My usual preworkout drink:  protein shake with 1/2 dose of CBEX.
During the workout :  nothing on the swim, 1 lrg bottle of treha/ascorbic acid during the bike, adn 1 sml bottle water on the run.

Afterwards I have felt great so far, just like a hard workout but not exhausted

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-04-19 9:25 PM
2009-04-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2095232

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Olman, the simulated sprints are fun--I did a couple last year just like you have done, and it really gave me confidence race day.  I was fortunate enough to participate in a mini-sprint/practice tri about 3 weeks ago, small group, maybe 35-40, but it was just like race conditions.

Well, I finally got my butt on my bike yesterday, first time in over 3 weeks due mostly to my business travel.  I got in my longest ride to date, 39 miles, with my tri training group.  I felt pretty good, all in all, HR spiked to 164 during a long, upwind leg (wind was brutal), but legs never did feel too fatigued, and my HR for the most part remained about 150 or a bit less.  Even when one part of the pack got about 75m ahead of me, and I was fighting the wind on my own, I was holding 19.5 mph, so was quite proud of that.

My low back, and neck just a bit, has been giving me some trouble since then.  I believe it is from the bike fit--the bike is now different than it was before so I need to adapt my body to the new posture.

Am considering trying a used tri bike a friend has, it is a Cannondale that is several years old.  Here we go...
2009-04-20 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys!  Managed to get a bike ride in yesterday in less than optimal conditions.  Rode the first 16 miles into a 38 MPH headwind by myself.  Mustered a whopping 14 MPH average, then turned around and averaged 35 MPH on the way back.  Took an hour and eight minutes out and twenty minutes on the way back.  It was fun cranking in my biggest gear at 100 RPM.  Hit 45 MPH on a downhill and passed a car. 

I had almost a full week off of everything due to constant flood preparations.  I'm hoping things get back to normal (schedule-wise) this week.  We have a dike 4 foot high all the way around our house and a 6 foot clay dike on the road to our house.  We had to build a wooden walkway across the clay dike and over our sandbag dike.  Kind of like a drawbridge.  We have moved all our important stuff out of our first floor and basement to my in-laws garage.  The water is coming today, so now the actual "fight" begins.  They say we will be flooded for about a month.  The trick now will be to incorporate this situation into normal life rather than allow it to consume life.  I have it mastered, but my wife is struggling with it.  All I can do is reassure her we'll be fine no matter what happens. 

This is the time where training and outside the home hobbies save me.  If I didn't have something else to concentrate on I would be a big stress ball.  I have a daily release of energy in the form of my workout.  Many people would question why these things are important at a time like this.  They aren't "important" per se, but serve a very important purpose.

2009-04-20 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2097013

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-04-20 11:23 AM Olman, the simulated sprints are fun--I did a couple last year just like you have done, and it really gave me confidence race day.  I was fortunate enough to participate in a mini-sprint/practice tri about 3 weeks ago, small group, maybe 35-40, but it was just like race conditions.

Well, I finally got my butt on my bike yesterday, first time in over 3 weeks due mostly to my business travel.  I got in my longest ride to date, 39 miles, with my tri training group.  I felt pretty good, all in all, HR spiked to 164 during a long, upwind leg (wind was brutal), but legs never did feel too fatigued, and my HR for the most part remained about 150 or a bit less.  Even when one part of the pack got about 75m ahead of me, and I was fighting the wind on my own, I was holding 19.5 mph, so was quite proud of that.

My low back, and neck just a bit, has been giving me some trouble since then.  I believe it is from the bike fit--the bike is now different than it was before so I need to adapt my body to the new posture.

Am considering trying a used tri bike a friend has, it is a Cannondale that is several years old.  Here we go...

Stretching and chiropractors are good medicine for what you mention.  Yeah, you're probably right assuming this is caused by the new position.
The simulated race (thanks for the term-why do I always look for the complex answer?) was fun and a good indicator.  I also hope to be more aggressive on a race and with people to chase and pass, right?
2009-04-20 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2097293

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-04-20 12:40 PM

Hey guys!  Managed to get a bike ride in yesterday in less than optimal conditions.  Rode the first 16 miles into a 38 MPH headwind by myself.  Mustered a whopping 14 MPH average, then turned around and averaged 35 MPH on the way back.  Took an hour and eight minutes out and twenty minutes on the way back.  It was fun cranking in my biggest gear at 100 RPM.  Hit 45 MPH on a downhill and passed a car. 

I had almost a full week off of everything due to constant flood preparations.  I'm hoping things get back to normal (schedule-wise) this week.  We have a dike 4 foot high all the way around our house and a 6 foot clay dike on the road to our house.  We had to build a wooden walkway across the clay dike and over our sandbag dike.  Kind of like a drawbridge.  We have moved all our important stuff out of our first floor and basement to my in-laws garage.  The water is coming today, so now the actual "fight" begins.  They say we will be flooded for about a month.  The trick now will be to incorporate this situation into normal life rather than allow it to consume life.  I have it mastered, but my wife is struggling with it.  All I can do is reassure her we'll be fine no matter what happens. 

This is the time where training and outside the home hobbies save me.  If I didn't have something else to concentrate on I would be a big stress ball.  I have a daily release of energy in the form of my workout.  Many people would question why these things are important at a time like this.  They aren't "important" per se, but serve a very important purpose.

There really seems to be a lot of dikes around your town - LOL  - kidding aside, that must have been an awesome experience.  Did anyone watched the IM-08 hcampionships on NBC this year?  There was an older man struggling against similar winds, but he wasn't as lucky - he was DNF and needed some crew support.  That was sad but shows what winds like those can do.  Lucky for you, the worst was on the out part of the ride, and not on the return.

Main thing for you now is to make sure your family and your house are safe and sound.
2009-04-20 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2097013

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Am considering trying a used tri bike a friend has, it is a Cannondale that is several years old.  Here we go...

Thats what I'm talking about!!!! You'll like it, so let your wife know before hand that it is really going to be a NECESSITY. I think she'll go for it, what do you think.

I read lots of confidence into these posts of late from all of you, I like it. Just remember if you feel you've done the work, then you probably have and don't try to overtrain the last week like it is going to make a big difference. Trust what you've done. Now if a race  is going to used as more of a hard training day, and tired legs and a little fatigue is present then that's Ok to have a strong workout week the week of. But if it is a race of importance, then make sure your are rested the week of, its going to be alot like a prep week before a 10K/half mary. Good nutrition, sleep and event preparation should be in place, and don't get there late, if it ever happens you'll know what I'm talking about. I try to get to an event 2 hours before start time if it is a sizeable event, and you'll be suprised how quickly 2 hours will go. It is not a good feeling to be that rushed.

I'm really looking forward to your first race reports, it is going to exciting.

Nothing really on the horizon for me right now, spent the weekend at a swim meet, the kids did great. Our team won the 1st place team trophy.

Mike like Olman said the back pain is from the change in position and working muscles that aren't used to having to support the body. It will improve. Soreness OK, pain not good expecially if it happens after a couple more rides.

When is the river going to crest and be at its peak?

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-04-20 2:48 PM
2009-04-20 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
I just came home to find my new FSA aero bar setup by the door.  Cranks should be coming in shortly and I'll have my new bike up and running (er riding) very soon.  You'll be the first people to see it.  After that I will have 2 TT bikes, and no road bike, just a frame with some parts but this is my preferred style so I'm keepng them both.

Mike, FYI, there's a few BT forums where people are selling bikes and other tri stuff too. I've seen some good pricing. 
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