BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training) Rss Feed  
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2009-04-23 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2106401

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

steph94483 - 2009-04-23 5:45 PM Wow. Slow news day, huh?

Going to ride with a friend around Lake Hefner tonight (10 miles). Then going to try and ride my bike to work in the morning. Wish me luck.

Yeah, sorry about the lull! I got stuck with a tedious project this afternoon for a few hours, so I wasn't on BT for a good chunk of time. Again, feel free to post any questions, thoughts, comments that you want - I can think of other topics to write about. I also think that not many of the new folks spend a ton of time in the forums during the day - those of us who've been around awhile are sort of addicted

2009-04-24 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Got in a good run last night and got to bed around 10 pm. The rest of the night was a mix of falling asleep, waking up to go and comfort sick and crying kids, cleaning up vomit (twice), and remaking beds. On top of that fun, I had to come in early to work (4 AM) so that I can get enough work done to watch the kids today since my wife can't afford to miss another day teaching this week.

I do have a question about running. I read a lot about not increasing your run volume too much too fast or it will result in injury. I was wondering if the same goes for increasing your speed too much too fast? For example, I have been running around five miles for my long runs at a pace a bit under 12 min/ mile. Last night, I really felt like I was going super slow at an 11 minute/ mile pace and was considering upping it (I was on a treadmill), but got a little hesitant because I didn't want to cause any problems. I know that going at a faster pace for a shorter distance isn't going to hurt anything, but would jumping from 12 min/miles to 10 or sub 10 min/miles on a 5ish mile run be inviting problems?
2009-04-24 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2107300

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-04-24 7:57 AM Got in a good run last night and got to bed around 10 pm. The rest of the night was a mix of falling asleep, waking up to go and comfort sick and crying kids, cleaning up vomit (twice), and remaking beds. On top of that fun, I had to come in early to work (4 AM) so that I can get enough work done to watch the kids today since my wife can't afford to miss another day teaching this week. I do have a question about running. I read a lot about not increasing your run volume too much too fast or it will result in injury. I was wondering if the same goes for increasing your speed too much too fast? For example, I have been running around five miles for my long runs at a pace a bit under 12 min/ mile. Last night, I really felt like I was going super slow at an 11 minute/ mile pace and was considering upping it (I was on a treadmill), but got a little hesitant because I didn't want to cause any problems. I know that going at a faster pace for a shorter distance isn't going to hurt anything, but would jumping from 12 min/miles to 10 or sub 10 min/miles on a 5ish mile run be inviting problems?

Great question, James! Generally, for a new runner without the years and years of base that most runners have, yes. "Too much too fast" sort of encompasses running too far AND too fast too often, esp if you put those things together. And for new runners, "too fast" is sometimes a hard thing to measure. Until you know what different paces feel like, what feels comfortable, what feels like pushing and what feels dangerous, it's best not to push TOO hard, or you can end up injured, simply because your body can't take all the pounding. However, it is all right to try and push it a little on shorter runs. Dropping 2 minutes per mile MIGHT be a stretch, but even :30 per mile over a few miles is a nice drop in time. What I would suggest is this: if your "long" runs are 5-milers, take some of your shorter runs (2-3 milers) and push one a bit, say one a week. Don't run ballz to the wall, cuz you'll probably run out of steam. Just push it a LITTLE bit more than you're used to. Another thing you can do are modified "fartleks" - 1) it's a funny word (it means "speed play" in Swedish) and 2) it's sort of like speed work but without all the interval training that is not generally recommended for brand new runners (ie, track work). Basically, you pick a point a little bit farther ahead to run to, and try to push the pace a bit, to get to that point - a lamppost, a fire hydrant, the next street crossing, etc. You can do a few of these within one of those shorter runs.

A comment on longer distance running (5 miles, 15 miles, whatever 'long' is for you) - you will see the acronym LSD used around here. A lot of people mistake it to mean "Long Slow Distance". While it's true that in a conservative training plan (which most newbies should probably adopt), your longer runs are going to be a bit slower than your shorter runs, esp if you are getting used to building mileage, it actually means "Long STEADY Distance" - so instead of dropping your pace to super-slow-mo speed, which may be almost painful to sustain, pick a reasonable pace that is comfortable and you can sustain for miles at a time, and STAY on that pace.

Final thought - your run paces WILL drop, I promise you all! The thing that drops it the most is CONSISTENCY. So be patient - it will happen. Maybe not as fast as we'd all like, when we see people smoking us on the trail and it looks effortless (if you want to see effortless crazy-fast running, go find the thread about Ryan Hall in Tri Talk - video is awesome!). And we all want to get to that point some day. But we also want to be healthy enough and have intact joints to do so!

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-04-24 7:40 AM
2009-04-24 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2107358

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Thanks for putting the quotation marks on my 5 mile "long" run
2009-04-24 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Great advice Chrissy.

I rode to work this morning, 16 miles with a tail wind, and my fantastic husband rode with me, which will make his commute to work more like 40 miles Surprised. He is pretty much a stud, but I had a good ride. Tonight, may be a different story.
2009-04-24 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2107406

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-04-24 9:00 AM Thanks for putting the quotation marks on my 5 mile "long" run

Sorry, I didn't mean it that way! Whatever is "long" for you or anyone else is fine. I started out there too, so no worries. You will get faster. It just takes some time. I think with running, there's sort of an "a-ha" moment, where everything just sorta comes together. If you haven't hit that yet, then you will. I find running to be very zen/relaxing/calming/spiritual/fill-in-the-blank-with-your-own-word. It's not like biking or swimming, at least not to me. Biking is often a chore to me. Sometimes I have a "good" ride when I hit the trail and there's no one out there and it's fun (I find that 5pm on a Saturday in the summer is great for riding on the trail). I very much enjoy swimming, always have, and I'm very good at it. But they're not the same. I really wish I'd started running a lot sooner. Though who knows, I could have burned out young.

Anyway, I digress. That's just how I feel. Not everyone has the same experience. I am sure there are folks who feel that way about biking or swimming.

2009-04-24 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2107507

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-24 6:37 AM

JJackson07 - 2009-04-24 9:00 AM Thanks for putting the quotation marks on my 5 mile "long" run

Sorry, I didn't mean it that way!

Just giving you a hard time.
2009-04-24 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
irgh i've been ill last few days and training is just not happening. I did manage a bike ride but it left me fore dead.
2009-04-25 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Feel better Steve - get some rest, so you can get back to training.

Sorry for being kinda MIA at the end of this week, folks -  kinda busy at work, and I'm usually not home much on the weekends. Get some good training in, if the weather in your area is nice like it is here!

2009-04-26 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Hey all, sorry I was out...I went to Kentucky for a day to check on our Thurs and Fri, nothing much more than airport, farm and racetrack walking, although, in the end, it really tallied up!!!   Anyway, got out for a walk yesterday and a bike ride; I actually took the bike out on the road!!!  But, i went down the hill alittle bit from our driveway, then when I turned back, I did okay for a bit, but then had to stop to walk the bike for a little bit; but I got pretty far, so I was happy...the problem for me is, anywhere I go from my house, is a steep dropoff, so no matter what, I have a huge climb home.  But I think my husband os going to take me to his parents' and I can go from there for a long time, with much more gradual hills, and a lot more almost flat, so I can see what I can do; also going to check out a different bike; the huge shocks and huge tires are really making riding on the road extra difficult, at least with the bigs climbs...

James, so sorry to hear about your sick fam...there have been a lot of flu issues around here as well, one of Liam's frineds has been in the hospital due to dehydration   Hope everyone is better... and hope your race is great!!

Amy, I'm glad you got your tri suit - so fun!!!  I went with a two piece as well, I have a longer torso, and a one piece would NOT look good. 

2009-04-27 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Whoa sorry this was all the way down at the bottom, folks! I don't usually spent much time on BT on the weekends. I ran a 5K Mud Run thing in costume on Saturday - twas fun. Ran 9 miles in the searing heat yesterday morning - not as much fun. Have to go get ready for work, but will post another little nugget of info when I get to work and get settled in.

2009-04-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

All right, mentees - got some crap to do today, which might be time-consuming so I will post this nugget of wisdom now while I am enjoying my breakfast.

Yesterday's hot as crap run reminded me to talk about HYDRATION As the summer is approaching, training outside 90% of the time is possible! Early mornings are GREAT summertime hours for nice and cool rides or runs. However, training post-workday can still be hot, and long bike rides can take you into the hotter hours of the day as well. So please remember to stay hydrated! Hydrating cannot be accomplished by "water-loading" the night before a race or a workout. Taking in more than you're used to will usually just result in peeing most of it out. It's best to make sure you're drinking regularly throughout the day. Water isn't the only thing that will hydrate you - obviously, most liquids will do the job, though some are of poor quality (like soda), or carry a lot of extra calories (like 100% juice). I pretty much stick to water. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies will also help in the hydration effort.

For training hydration, figure out what works for you. There is often no real need for sugary sports drinks, if you're only out there for a half an hour. For ME, anything under an hour, I don't bring water, and just drink when I get home. However, if it's really hot (and it gets HOT here in DC), I need to be careful, as I dehydrate easily. For longer runs, I find that Nu'un tablets in 16 oz of water work for me - Nu'un is an electrolyte replacement drink with only 5 calories. I personally don't like running with sports drink, so I use gels and Nu'un when it's hot. On the bike, I can tolerate sports drink a lot better.

Like I said, for shorter distances, there may be no need for sports drinks - water may do just fine. But if you know you are sensitive to heat (like me - I dehydrate easily), you may want to play around with a few different products - the good thing about many sports drinks is that they come in powder form, so you can dilute them as you like. Also, there is a lot to be said for real food post-workout. Bananas are high in potassium, oranges are great as well. That's why you always see these items at post-race food tables, along with salty things like pizza. If any of you start training for longer distance events, regulating nutrition comes into play a lot more. For the time being, you should be fine with just water - just be smart and always take some with you if it's really hot, or have a cold bottle waiting for you at home or in the car. If you get a headache when it's really hot out, that could mean that you're slightly dehydrated.

2009-04-27 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.
2009-04-27 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2112931

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-04-27 12:26 PM good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.

40 miles is still 40 miles for a lot of people, even if it's not at race pace - great job!

2009-04-27 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2112998

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-27 9:53 AM

40 miles is still 40 miles for a lot of people, even if it's not at race pace - great job!

thanks. yes it is, and also i have decided not to do my insane 114mi bike ride-this year. next year is a whole different category when i am fully recovered. but for now i will keep it moderately flat at 17-22 mph and i will be happy.
2009-04-27 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2113208

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

wplummer - 2009-04-27 1:57 PM  thanks. yes it is, and also i have decided not to do my insane 114mi bike ride-this year. next year is a whole different category when i am fully recovered. but for now i will keep it moderately flat at 17-22 mph and i will be happy.

That might be a good plan. Even though biking is low-impact, that's still a lot of work for your knee joint. Better to do it when you're fully healed and strong again!

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-04-27 1:03 PM

2009-04-27 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2112931

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wplummer - 2009-04-27 11:26 AM good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.

Good job!

I ran 10K yesterday as part of a marathon relay team. 6.2 miles is officially my longest distance now, and I'm a little sore today. It was a great event and there were 19,000 runners!
2009-04-27 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2113230

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

steph94483 - 2009-04-27 2:04 PM
wplummer - 2009-04-27 11:26 AM good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.

Good job!

I ran 10K yesterday as part of a marathon relay team. 6.2 miles is officially my longest distance now, and I'm a little sore today. It was a great event and there were 19,000 runners!


2009-04-27 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Hope everyone had a great weekend, I spent most of mine in bed with the wonderful sickness that hit my family over the last week. But, I actually woke up this morning feeling pretty good and am excited to get some training in before my race this weekend.

Chrissy, I don't take too well to training in the heat, but I am glad I don't have to deal with humidity that you do. I will take 105 degrees out west over 95 degrees in the humidity.
2009-04-27 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2113275

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-04-27 2:16 PM Hope everyone had a great weekend, I spent most of mine in bed with the wonderful sickness that hit my family over the last week. But, I actually woke up this morning feeling pretty good and am excited to get some training in before my race this weekend. Chrissy, I don't take too well to training in the heat, but I am glad I don't have to deal with humidity that you do. I will take 105 degrees out west over 95 degrees in the humidity.

Oh no!! Get some rest and feel better soon.

Yeah, I'd much rather have dry heat than the humid crap we get here. It just makes you want to die...

2009-04-27 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2112931

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wplummer - 2009-04-27 12:26 PM good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.

Wow!!  That's great!!  Good for you!  Steph congratulations on the marathon relay!!  It's exciting that you al are doing so well!!  I just got back from a swim, and I actually completed 7 laps of freestyle, which is the first time I've even completed 1 full lap!!!  It was pretty ugly, but I got a few tips from the guard who was watching, so that was really helpful.  And I can easily see that it is much faster than breaststroke!!!  It's just much more difficult for me right now...practice, practice, practice!!!

2009-04-27 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2113329

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-04-27 2:32 PM
wplummer - 2009-04-27 12:26 PM good morning everyone i hope everyone had an awesome weekend. for me saturday was baseball for most of the day-and i didnt do any training. so sunday i was up early and knocked out a moderately paced 40 miler on the bike. not blazing but it felt good. this morning was a one hour brisk walk followed by 30 mins on the elliptical. not bad since i cant run yet.

Wow!!  That's great!!  Good for you!  Steph congratulations on the marathon relay!!  It's exciting that you al are doing so well!!  I just got back from a swim, and I actually completed 7 laps of freestyle, which is the first time I've even completed 1 full lap!!!  It was pretty ugly, but I got a few tips from the guard who was watching, so that was really helpful.  And I can easily see that it is much faster than breaststroke!!!  It's just much more difficult for me right now...practice, practice, practice!!!

That's awesome, Kathleen! That's nice that the lifeguard gave you some tips. The lifeguards at my old pool were inattentive at best. As was mentioned before, freestyle is not only faster, but easier on you in terms of the entire triathlon - you won't tire out your legs like you will with breaststroke.

2009-04-27 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2113329

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Yeah Kathleen!  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.  You'll get better!
2009-04-27 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Thanks a lot!!!  Even though I'm so worn out, and I know it was ugly, I'm just so excited I stuck with it & could really notice the difference in how fast it is!!!  That will definitely keep me going!!!  I'll be back in the pool Wed. & hoping to spend a little more time there!!  And this Friday, teh fam is going to Rochester and the plan is to swim at the hotel, so then I can have my husband critique (that's always fun!! ) but he has seen my attempts before, so we'll see what he thinks!!
2009-04-27 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Honestly the lifeguard was probably watching me because I was making such a scene splashing and all!!! HaHaHa!!! Reaslly though, there were only 2 other swimmers, and I think since I had asked her about it before, she was just keeping an eye on me, which was really nice!!
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