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2010-01-09 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2604263

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-01-08 8:30 PM

I was wearing a wetsuit, so that makes it a faster swim, but my question was more in terms of comparing training time, more than speed. Since it is continuous swimming with out turns, breaks etc... would 40 mins, equal 1 hour in the pool? Is it a little like the walk/run thing?


I am biased, but I definitively think McCoy was hurt. Texas were underdogs, so if they loose it would not have affected his draft chances and if they won, he would have gone way up. That hit got him right on the shoulder blade... ouch. Good thing about tris... you don´t have to worry about that until you get into the swim ;-)

I am getting more and more confused about your swim question.  Are you equating it to a bike ride outdoors versus a trainer ride?  Where a lot of people say a 45 minute trainer ride equals 60 minutes outdoors?  If so, the swim is completely different.  When you pool swim, only count the time you are swimming and that will equal the ows "time".  But the pool swim might take a "clock" time of 60 minutes to get 45 minutes of swimming (unless you swim with Karen, she only allows me like 5 seconds rest between sets).  When I look at the two, I just look at the time per 100yds (meters) and break it down that way.

Karen - You will need to do your ows with us this year (now that you joined), we had quite a few people getting 2+ mile swims in.  I also marked off our swim course with my gps so you wont have to guess at the distance based off your 1:43 time you seem to nail consistently.


2010-01-09 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2604263

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-01-08 8:30 PM

I was wearing a wetsuit, so that makes it a faster swim, but my question was more in terms of comparing training time, more than speed. Since it is continuous swimming with out turns, breaks etc... would 40 mins, equal 1 hour in the pool? Is it a little like the walk/run thing?


I am biased, but I definitively think McCoy was hurt. Texas were underdogs, so if they loose it would not have affected his draft chances and if they won, he would have gone way up. That hit got him right on the shoulder blade... ouch. Good thing about tris... you don´t have to worry about that until you get into the swim ;-)

I'm going to chime in and throw my 2 cents in. OWS is another beast and has so many factors that I don't compare it to pool training. Open water you are dealing with current, weather, sighting, wetsuit and ect. In a pool your variables are a bit more set. The length, temp, ect are going to be pretty even across the board, but you can make it as easy or hard as you like. For me, I'm a much better pool swimmer than OWS. I sight terribly and I cross my midline which makes me hang right alot and in OWS that equals to a lot of lost time. Also, I loathe wetsuits. My pool training varies as I tailor it to my needs. I'll have a day of nothing but drills/technique focus, day of speedwork (short sets, little rest), day of endurance work (longer sets w/a little bit more rest).
2010-01-09 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey everyone!

Derek and Tania did a good job addressing your swimming question Gerry... so go with what all 3 of use said.

Basically I go by distance. Not time. Except in open water I have to use my time to figure out distance. Did that confuse you? Ha!

Last year when I was training for a 3 mile OWS I knew it would take me 1.5 hours based on my per 100 yard time. So I would try to do 45 mins- 1 hour in the open water. I couldn't get anymore in (time limits), but I did get 1.5 hours in, when in the pool.

It's relatively hard to over train for swimming. If you go over your time you will be fine.

2010-01-09 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2557497


Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi!  I have enjoyed reading everyone's questions and advice.  I am obviously the most out-of-shape newbie of the group.... you all do amazing workouts.  I am taking my baby steps towards doing a few sprint events this year.  I started 3 months ago not being able to run at all.  I am slowly, but surely, seeing improvements.  I hope by this Spring to be able to run the entire distance of each race.  I still don't have a bike- I use the spinning bikes at my gym.  Any advice as to what kind of bike an old, slow gal should get?  I'm probably crazy to start this sport at 52.... huh?!?! Surprised 
2010-01-09 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello everyone, jumping in to say hello. Finally caught up on some reading here.  I've started working long hours and the rest of the month is going to be crazy. Looks like i will need catch up on reading posts on the weekend evenings!!
I'm getting my workouts in early and trying to keep my log up to date. I'm already getting really tired of the treadmil and winter here has just begun!!!
Karen-kudos on giving up the gym shoes, that was very nice of you!!!

2010-01-09 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Thanks to everyone for the replies on the OWS. I think we are more or less in the same page. I do my OWS in a pretty controlled environment and with Google Earth I can get pretty accurate measurements. I think maybe my wording didn´t help. My question was more to do with how much do breaks in the workout make your swim easier.

Let me see if this example makes more sense. If you did a 1 hour run, resting for 30 seconds every 2 minutes would it be equal to a 40-45 minute straight run? Is a 2km OW straight swim more workout than a 2km pool workout since there are no breaks?

Even though my heart rate gets up there quickly, I tend to recoup quickly as well. I think I last a lot longer with breaks than a straight workout. I am actually thinking of starting to run this way on my longer runs and apply it on races....



2010-01-09 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2605412

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

jtsn - 2010-01-09 8:09 Any advice as to what kind of bike an old, slow gal should get?  I'm probably crazy to start this sport at 52.... huh?!?! Surprised 

Hola Jody,


First of congrats on taking up Tris at 52. You are already WAY ahead of 99% of your peers. You will be surprised how well your body reacts to training. Just take it slow and take notes. You will be smiling in a few months when you read them. I am not a bike expert, but I would suggest getting a second hand bike or an entry level one. If you decide in a few months or a year that you love Tris, then you can upgrade. You can get great deals on second hand bikes out there. I would do a fitting in a good local bike shop so that you know what size bike you need. They may have something good on sale.


Good luck




2010-01-10 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2605412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
jtsn - 2010-01-09 8:09 PM Hi!  I have enjoyed reading everyone's questions and advice.  I am obviously the most out-of-shape newbie of the group.... you all do amazing workouts.  I am taking my baby steps towards doing a few sprint events this year.  I started 3 months ago not being able to run at all.  I am slowly, but surely, seeing improvements.  I hope by this Spring to be able to run the entire distance of each race.  I still don't have a bike- I use the spinning bikes at my gym.  Any advice as to what kind of bike an old, slow gal should get?  I'm probably crazy to start this sport at 52.... huh?!?! Surprised 

WELCOME to the nuthouse! Smile Don't worry about age or being a newbie. We all might have different athletic/nonathletic backgrounds, goals, body shapes, weakenesses/strengths but EVERYONE had to start off as a newbie. Good news is you have a big 'ole network of crazies who are very welcoming and encouraging in this sport. Just keep at it, consistet training is key and enjoy the journey. You'll do great. Bike wise, not sure I can help a ton here except say get one that fits. You can get great deals on used bike if you know your size or check out your local bike shop and test ride a few to see what you like.
2010-01-10 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2605412

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
jtsn - 2010-01-09 8:09 PM

Hi!  I have enjoyed reading everyone's questions and advice.  I am obviously the most out-of-shape newbie of the group.... you all do amazing workouts.  I am taking my baby steps towards doing a few sprint events this year.  I started 3 months ago not being able to run at all.  I am slowly, but surely, seeing improvements.  I hope by this Spring to be able to run the entire distance of each race.  I still don't have a bike- I use the spinning bikes at my gym.  Any advice as to what kind of bike an old, slow gal should get?  I'm probably crazy to start this sport at 52.... huh?!?! Surprised 

Hey, the mentor program is for people just like you... and everyone else who is in our group!

Personally I LOVE newbies. People who are new and fresh to the sport, remind me how exciting it is! Your excitement and questions make ME excited!

We ALL started where you are!

Gosh, I remember back in 2004 when I went to go get a bike. I headed up to Target/Wal-Mart ready to buy a bike. But they were all mountain bikes so I went to a bike shop. Talk about sticker shock! $600 for a bike! I was in SHOCK.

Then I had to figure out how to train, what to wear, etc. etc. It was all very overwhelming.

When I went to my first race... a duathlon... I only beat 8 people out of 110. I was shocked I beat that many! I had fun, but it was very hard.

The more you train, the more you race, and the longer you stay in this sport the better you will get.

What I learned at my personal training clinic... and something that we all need to think about... is that our bodies adapt and overcome the physical strains we put on it. So if your body just sits all day, that's what it adapts to. If your body is use to running 3 miles, that is what is adapts to. That is why it's important to change up workouts with tempo, distance, etc. Once our body adapts, we have to place a new strain on it.

Congratulations on starting at 52 years old! That's awesome! Also know that to be an endurance athlete the more time you train and are in it... the more your body adapts and changes. Keep training and you will get stronger and faster as time goes on.

2010-01-10 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2600293

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
KSH - 2010-01-07 11:54 AM Hello everyone! How is the training coming along? I am working on weights for cycling... running and cycling! My butt is so sore from the cycling... gotta break my butt back in! OH and I might not have a job after all. Feel free to read my Log for details.

So far as training, I'm intent on meeting my training plan goals.  I still don't feel like I've settled into a rhythm since my job transfer screwed up all my workout patterns/locations.  One of my local training buddies has invited me to run a half mary with him on May 2nd.  Right now I'm up to 2mile runs at 11-12min pace.  Is there a 2-3x weekly run plan that would fit with my tri training and get me ready?  Is this a doable thing?

I am having to limit the amount of time I spend online.  We now have a very strict work policy about no personal use of work computers, so even on lunch and breaks I don't have much access.  I can do some at home but I've noticed that I have a bad habit of sacrificing sleep for internet time.  Right now I'm consciously trying to limit my online and reading time and make family and  training my top priorities. Sometimes I even think about housework...
2010-01-10 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2605412

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
jtsn - 2010-01-09 8:09 PMHi!  I have enjoyed reading everyone's questions and advice.  I am obviously the most out-of-shape newbie of the group.... you all do amazing workouts.  I am taking my baby steps towards doing a few sprint events this year.  I started 3 months ago not being able to run at all.  I am slowly, but surely, seeing improvements.  I hope by this Spring to be able to run the entire distance of each race.  I still don't have a bike- I use the spinning bikes at my gym.  Any advice as to what kind of bike an old, slow gal should get?  I'm probably crazy to start this sport at 52.... huh?!?! Surprised 
We have all been there at one time or another in some shape or form. And trust me on this, you will not be the oldest person at the race but I have a sneaky feeling you might have one of the biggest smiles when you finish.As for a bike, the first question I would ask is what is your budget. That will determine a lot. Then ask if you are going to be only using it for training and racing, or do you want something to go around the neighborhood on also? It will be tricky to decide since you don't know the extent of your future involvement. Making sure you get the right size and get fit on the bike is very important. No two people are the same on preference. I own a road bike and a tri bike and I never touch my road bike. Karen has a road bike and a tri bike and I have yet to see her on her tri bike.

2010-01-10 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2605574

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2010-01-09 10:33 PM

Thanks to everyone for the replies on the OWS. I think we are more or less in the same page. I do my OWS in a pretty controlled environment and with Google Earth I can get pretty accurate measurements. I think maybe my wording didn´t help. My question was more to do with how much do breaks in the workout make your swim easier.

Let me see if this example makes more sense. If you did a 1 hour run, resting for 30 seconds every 2 minutes would it be equal to a 40-45 minute straight run? Is a 2km OW straight swim more workout than a 2km pool workout since there are no breaks?

Even though my heart rate gets up there quickly, I tend to recoup quickly as well. I think I last a lot longer with breaks than a straight workout. I am actually thinking of starting to run this way on my longer runs and apply it on races....



I don't know if you can truly equate it. Swimming in the pool you are also putting out more energy on the turns and gliding some, but in ows you "swim right through" that part which might actually be easier and faster for some but slower and harder for others. I think that a straight run is totally different than running shorter distances with breaks. Today we did "speed work" at the track (800 repeats with 1:30 rest between). We did 3 miles of these, but I wouldn't compare them at all to a 3 mile straight run, totally different. I guess if you want to equate it, just keeping track of the distance, times, and how your body feels afterwards that is how you might find what you feel is equal.
2010-01-10 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2606351


Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Thanks Big D for the encouragement.  I am hopefully into this sport for the next 10-15 years, so I don't want to totally 'cheap out' on a bike, but I have 3 kids, and they eat up alot of discretionary income.  I'm wondering if I would have less maintenance and tire issues with a road bike. (totally mechanically challenged)  What is a good brand that is middle of the road expensive? 
2010-01-10 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2606524

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
jtsn - 2010-01-10 7:21 PMThanks Big D for the encouragement.  I am hopefully into this sport for the next 10-15 years, so I don't want to totally 'cheap out' on a bike, but I have 3 kids, and they eat up alot of discretionary income.  I'm wondering if I would have less maintenance and tire issues with a road bike. (totally mechanically challenged)  What is a good brand that is middle of the road expensive? 
Comes down to budget. Entry level road bike new from a major brand (and entry level is actually good) will run you $800 give or take. Add in the pedals, shoes, helmet, etc. You end up looking at start up cost over $1200. I think with maintenance the cost would be very similar wether you buy road or tri, and the maintenance is more for the longevity of the bike. The better care you take of it, the more mileage you will get out of it. Tri bikes new are going to probably cost $1600+ base. If you are willing to take a previous years model you can sometimes find a really good deal on upper end bikes.If you go used, you might get a great deal or a pretty good deal. Luck of the draw on what is available in your size when you are ready. I got an entry level Quintana Roo for $750 that was a few years old (a new version would be at least $2k). Even though it is a few years old, it is a fast bike. My friend, lets call her Tania, bought a similar bike that was a few years older and spent half what I did.When you go to check out the bikes at a local shop, take a few for a spin around the parking lot. Some people feel unsafe on a tri bike. Anything from handlebars, to riding with your hands not on the brakes. But some people like them too. Again, very individual. I feel safe on any bike, umh except for a unicycle, those things are crazy scary, ha.Find what feels right for you and go for it. Remember that it is more the person riding it than the bike, but no doubt the bike does help.
2010-01-10 11:04 PM
in reply to: #2606181

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
lovesreading - 2010-01-10 3:35 PM

KSH - 2010-01-07 11:54 AM Hello everyone! How is the training coming along? I am working on weights for cycling... running and cycling! My butt is so sore from the cycling... gotta break my butt back in! OH and I might not have a job after all. Feel free to read my Log for details.

So far as training, I'm intent on meeting my training plan goals.  I still don't feel like I've settled into a rhythm since my job transfer screwed up all my workout patterns/locations.  One of my local training buddies has invited me to run a half mary with him on May 2nd.  Right now I'm up to 2mile runs at 11-12min pace.  Is there a 2-3x weekly run plan that would fit with my tri training and get me ready?  Is this a doable thing?

I am having to limit the amount of time I spend online.  We now have a very strict work policy about no personal use of work computers, so even on lunch and breaks I don't have much access.  I can do some at home but I've noticed that I have a bad habit of sacrificing sleep for internet time.  Right now I'm consciously trying to limit my online and reading time and make family and  training my top priorities. Sometimes I even think about housework...

I train 3 days a week for half marathons. Works fine.

If you send me your email address I can forward you the plan my friend and I are using right now.

2010-01-11 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a nice weekend filled with good training and relaxing. I had my long run yesterday - 8 miles which is the furthest I've ever run. It hurt a bit at the end but was overall a good run, and now I'm only about a month out from the half marathon. I decided to try out an ice bath after the run to cut down on soreness today and I'm shocked at what a HUGE difference it made. I'm not even close to being as sore in my knees and calves as I was last week after running 7 miles. Definitely recommend ice baths for after those long runs!

2010-01-11 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2607671

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
calimavs - 2010-01-11 11:39 AM Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a nice weekend filled with good training and relaxing. I had my long run yesterday - 8 miles which is the furthest I've ever run. It hurt a bit at the end but was overall a good run, and now I'm only about a month out from the half marathon. I decided to try out an ice bath after the run to cut down on soreness today and I'm shocked at what a HUGE difference it made. I'm not even close to being as sore in my knees and calves as I was last week after running 7 miles. Definitely recommend ice baths for after those long runs!

I had heard that from others.  Did you just do it at home?  How bad is the cold factor?  How soon after the run is ideal?  Anyone else do these?
2010-01-11 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Saw lots of training over the weekend-great job! I know for me the weekend is tough because I like to go out and drink......alot, which makes it hard to want to work-out during the weekend when I'm all hungover, lol. 

I know alot of us had resolutions on heathier eating, goals for training and what not going into this year. So, how did everyone's first week of the new year start?

I picked a heck of a week to start back up my training. It was final deadline week at work (which means crazy busy!!) but I managed to squeeze in 7.6 hrs and train everyday even on days that I really didn't want to. I ate well (for me anyways) and kept my weekend eating out to a bare minimum. I feel really good (HA! Amazing how well I feel when I'm not all hungover), even waking up early before work to get my training in (and I HATE early mornings....ugh).
2010-01-11 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2607712

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Big_D - 2010-01-11 10:00 AM
calimavs - 2010-01-11 11:39 AM Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a nice weekend filled with good training and relaxing. I had my long run yesterday - 8 miles which is the furthest I've ever run. It hurt a bit at the end but was overall a good run, and now I'm only about a month out from the half marathon. I decided to try out an ice bath after the run to cut down on soreness today and I'm shocked at what a HUGE difference it made. I'm not even close to being as sore in my knees and calves as I was last week after running 7 miles. Definitely recommend ice baths for after those long runs!

I had heard that from others.  Did you just do it at home?  How bad is the cold factor?  How soon after the run is ideal?  Anyone else do these?

I've heard that within 30 minutes of finishing the workout is ideal so I got home, did some stretching and then hopped into the bath. I just put enough cold water into the tub to cover my legs and added my ice pack from the freezer since we were out of real ice. I kept my long sleeve shirt I ran in and my hat on and sat there for about 15 minutes drinking my chocolate milk recovery drink. I was shivering the first five minutes but then got used to it and it wasn't so bad.
2010-01-11 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Congrats on the 8 miler!! I have been wondering about the ice baths myself. I didn't know how much ice you have to put in there. I was thinking of buying an ice bag and empty half of it in there... would that be too much? I will start doing my long runs on the weekends and would love to ease up the soreness the next day. Will let you guys know how it goes.
2010-01-11 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2607981

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

Congrats on the 8 miler!!!

I've always wondered about the ice baths as well.  It was 19 when I ran on Saturday, so I'm already freezing when I get home, I just don't know if I could make myself do it.  I am usually very sore after my long runs, so I may really need to try it.  I take a super hot bath after my runs just to get warm again...usually follow that up with a nap

Hope everyone had a productive weekend and made it through Monday ok! 

Edited by crews 2010-01-11 3:27 PM

2010-01-11 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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New user
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
I train 3 days a week for half marathons. Works fine.

If you send me your email address I can forward you the plan my friend and I are using right now.

Can you email me the plan too?  My friend is training for a 1/2 marathon that is in early May and she wants to do it with her.  I've never ran that far so I'm going to cautiously try and train and see how my body reacts.  I enjoy running 5K's but I have a lot of foot issues so running any farther than a 5k might not be an option for me.   Anyway, here is my email: [email protected]

Edited by erin.kelsey 2010-01-11 4:18 PM
2010-01-11 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
X2 on the plan please :-) My wife wants to do a Half Marathon. I hope to do it together if it fits into my year plan, which should not be a problem. gerrydiego at

Have a good one!! :-)
2010-01-11 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi group! Oh how crazy it's been since last Monday! I went back to work after a fabulous winter break, started 0-1650 + drills, trained everyday, and raced yesterday. Today is my MUCH needed rest day. Last night I was in bed by 7. This whole triathlete thing is exhausting (yet so fulfilling!).My race was fantastic! It was a trail run at Angel Island in the middle of SF Bay. It was windy and cold, yet exhilarating. The hill straight up to the summit to start killed, but it felt incredible to reach it! For the first time in my racing life, I came in higher than middle of the pack! I was 14/32 in my age group and 66/140 overall. I never ever care about that stuff, but for some reason this one felt good! All of your training last week looked great! Keep up the good work all ! I hope all of you have an great week of training ahead!
2010-01-11 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey everyone! I sent out the half mary training plan to those who requested it.

Super busy over here!

Washing machine broke (at boyfriend's washing clothes), started working again today, cycling/running/strength training, studying for the personal certification test (1-30-10 I test!), and trying to sign up for 2 graduate level courses at the University of North Texas (they will be going towards an Advanced Corporate Training certificate- I decided to ditch the Masters and save myself $8,000).

I am eating healthy and trying to stay good. Haven't been perfect.

I hope everyone is training, staying focused and working towards your personal goals.

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