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2010-05-16 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Had a good training fun today.  8 miles in about an hour and a half.  My longest run to date.  I ran out of energy the last 2 miles or so.  But the legs felt ok and I was really winded.  I need to think about bringing some form of nutrition.  I still have not figured out my workouts with my new food plan.  I need to find a balance. 

2010-05-18 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2857602

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-05-13 6:01 PM Assuming it's not an abnormally hot day, how much fluid should be consumed during a sprint tri?  I have a 20 oz bottle of G2 I was thinking of taking along.  Do you think that would work?

Hey Samantha,

Hydration is often very individualized and really depends on your body's needs and how much you sweat.  I recommend anywhere from 12 to 24 ounces of a drink with electrolytes per hour.  Based off your picture, you appear to be pretty petite, so I would assume you would end up on the lower end of that scale.  One big thing I learned last weekend is most people actually over consume during their races, which often leads to GI distress.

Hydration for a sprint race will be different than your HIM.  Since most people finish a sprint tri in around 1:30, you're nutrition during the race isn't critical because your body should already have enough nutrition stored up for the race.  However, proper fueling during a HIM and especially IM and be the difference between finishing and not finishing.

I strongly recommend that you do some practice brick workouts and test out your nutrition plan.  Give something a shot and see how it goes.  If it works for your body, stick with it.  If it doesn't try going with a little less and then potentially a little more to see how your body reacts.
2010-05-18 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2857899

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2010-05-13 9:35 PM Colin
I think I'm ready to push it, I've been doing two runs per week, I do a short and a long run per week, time is based off what the program says that I've been following in my training log... Look forward to the plan...also if you find some nutrition tips in that class I would like to hear so i can trick this body and get some weight coming off.... Thanks Colin

Tim 1

Very good Tim!  With that said, if possible, I would like to see you running at least 3 times per week.  I would like to see you doing 1 strength based workout, 1 long run, and 1 recovery run.

I'm really eager to have you get some hill repeats.  This should be a great way for you to get faster/stronger and will be the safest way to do so with your injury.  Running on hills is very low impact so its great for people rebounding or battling an injury.  How long are your typical long runs?  From what I can see from your logs, its seems to be about 45 minutes.  Is that true?  If so, I'd like possibly push that up to an hour, with the hill repeat workout being about 45 minutes, and the recovery run about 30.  Those time frames seem doable?

Sorry about the delay on the response, I just have been swamped with the certification course and then trying to catch up on work yesterday.  I'll be faster with my responses now and we should be able to get this in place for you very quickly.
2010-05-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2858048

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ahhh, lovely Ft Benning.  Got a decent bike ride in yesterday (miles of vacant roads out here) and hit the base pool today.  It was quite entertaining and I hadn't really planned on sighting practice in a lap pool.  However, the 6 (yes, 6) other guys in the lane were more interested in the ladies running around than doing laps.  So, I spent a lot of time dodging legs at each end.  It got a bit more interesting when a solider jumped in with his uniform on, I guess to practice water survival.  Had to dodge him too, but it was all good.

Shooting training has been going well, but my haitus to Iraq certainly put a dent in my skills.  I've been working on it, but they're not all the way back yet.  Still have a few more days training and the fun begins.  You sound interested, so...  At the 2008 Olympic trials, Military Times sent some writers down and they interviewed several of the military shooters.  They wrote a really good article and used some random guy they found wandering around for an equipment model.  Here's a link to the article and check out the link to the equipment stuff at the bottom.  Still kind of weird seeing that.  So, yes I'm not bad; but I have a long way to go.  I think I was 14th at the trials.  The article (and Sandra's story) does a nice job capturing the unforgiving nature of the sport.    Everyone is so good that there is no room for error.  One or two bad shots (in a 3 or 4 hour match) and you're done.  Time to pack up, go home, and try again in 4 years.  A good friend of mine, Matt Emmons, was in the lead in the final at both the Athens and Beijing games and he made a bad shot on his last shot (both times).  In both cases he went from a gold medal to no medal (1st to 8th and 1st to 4th) in one shot.  He was the best in the World for 129 shots.  Unfortunately, the match is 130.  He just made the WC team and I expect he'll be in the mix for London in 2012.

Take Care,

LOL, that sounds like one heck of a swim.  I'm glad you stuck with it and the best of it.

Very interesting Mark.  I did read that article.  I'm not sure if its something with my browser, but I couldn't get that video to work.  Nonetheless, it sounds like you're involved in a really cool sport that requires perfection.  I can't imagine how disappointed your friend Matt must have been.  That's really tough thing to swallow!  So do you hope to make the Olympic team in the future?

As always, happy to hear you were able to get some training in during your trip.  It sounds like it was a great place to ride!
2010-05-18 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2859823

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sbright - 2010-05-14 5:18 PM The past two times I've been swimming my calves and/or feet have been cramping up a little.  Anyone have any ideas why?  Oddly, they're fine when I run and bike. 

Hey Sarah,

The first thing that comes to mind with in an issue like this is are you staying well hydrated?  This is a huge factor with cramping.  Actually, I got a small cramp in my foot during my swim last night and I normally never get cramps.  I was dehydrated from the weekend.  I didn't drink as much water as I normally do this weekend because I didn't want to be running to the bathroom all the time during the clinic.

The other extremely important factor is are you stretching before you swim.  Another thing I learned this weekend is how important a proper warm up is before each training session.  Bob Seebohar, one of the speakers at the clinic, works with the USA Olympic Tri team along with many pro's really stressed the importance of warming up and cooling down.  At the absolute minimum, he recommends 5 minutes of warm up and 5 minutes of cool down.   

Hopefully this suggestions will help.  Please keep us posted on this.
2010-05-18 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2860364

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jedwards001 - 2010-05-15 3:42 AM Hi everyone,

Uhhhh, we're in trouble (my daughter and I).  I was really slammed at work over the past couple of weeks and our training kind of went by the wayside--meaning nothing but a bike ride or two.

Anyway, we've been catching up on everyone's posts and we're really motivated now (also helps that our tri date has magically jumped a few weeks closer).

Hope everyone has a great weekend and promise to post again soon with an actual training update.

Joni (and Chloe)

Hi Joni!

Its great to hear from you and I'm glad we're providing some motivation for you.  First off, put the past behind.  Life gets in the way and there's not anything you can do about the training you missed over the past few weeks.  Nonetheless, you can still do this!!!  If you stick to you're training from here on out and stay positive, I know you and your daughter will be fine.

Looking forward to another post soon!  Please don't hesitate with any questions you have.

2010-05-18 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2861520

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
ET1SW47 - 2010-05-16 12:46 PM Hey Colin,

I finally am starting to be able to breath while swimming.  My time has gone from 700m/36m to 700m/24m.  I have done 100m/2:09m   which brings to a question of training.  Is it better to do groups of shorter distances faster or just keep working on the distance.... or maybe both?

Holy cow Tim!  Talk about improvement!!!

That is terrific and I'm glad you're getting better.  If you're making gains like this, I wouldn't change much with your training.  However, ideally your training should have a mix of both shorter distances faster (speed work) and longer duration/distance (endurance) sets.  The faster sets help you get stronger and work on your anaerobic system, while the longer sets help you with your aerobic system.

Keep up the great work!
2010-05-18 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2861875

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Slowboy3094 - 2010-05-16 6:49 PM Had a good training fun today.  8 miles in about an hour and a half.  My longest run to date.  I ran out of energy the last 2 miles or so.  But the legs felt ok and I was really winded.  I need to think about bringing some form of nutrition.  I still have not figured out my workouts with my new food plan.  I need to find a balance. 

Hey Chris,

Congrats and way to push yourself!  I completely agree with you about the nutrition.  For training sessions this long, your body needs nutrition.  Have you used gels and/or electrolyte drinks on your longer workouts before?  I highly recommend them and they will help you.  I am big fan of the brand GU, but they're all very similar and can be found at any tri, running, or bike shop.

Keep it up!!!
2010-05-18 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2865302

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-05-18 9:54 AM
shake-n-bake - 2010-05-13 9:35 PM Colin
I think I'm ready to push it, I've been doing two runs per week, I do a short and a long run per week, time is based off what the program says that I've been following in my training log... Look forward to the plan...also if you find some nutrition tips in that class I would like to hear so i can trick this body and get some weight coming off.... Thanks Colin

Tim 1

Hey Tim,

I forgot to mention something I think you may be interested.  The presenter that went over nutrition really made a lot of sense.  His name is Bob Seebohar and he made a lot of sense with his nutrition ideas.  He's a dietician and works with the US Olympic Tri team.  He's slogan is "Eat to train, don't train to eat."  He went over the way it works is the course, but I also bought his booked "Metabolic Efficiency Training -Teaching the body to burn more fat."  I'm really looking forward to reading it (if I can find the time), but I really think his methods could help you.  You can buy the book from his site here if you're interested.
2010-05-19 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2776638

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

There is a new drill I would you all to try in the pool, especially those of you that have trouble with your kicking and keeping your legs in tight.  I learned about this drill last weekend and I had my swimmers in my tri class do it this morning and they really liked it and felt it helped.  The drill is called the "sailboat drill."  Unfortunately I couldn't find any youtube videos showing it, but what you want to do is put a kick board in between your legs and hold/squeeze it there with your legs.  The kick board should come up out of the water and look like a sail.  You will not be able to kick during the drill, but just swim your regular free style concentrating on keep the kick board securely in between your legs.  This will force your legs to stay in tight.  It may be a little tricky turning around at the wall.

I hope I explained that properly.  Does that make sense?
2010-05-19 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2867670

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for this Colin. I've done something similar for the catch up drill, but was more focused on my arms than my legs at the time.  I'll have to give this another shot.  One comment for the guys out there who try this drill....when you try to turn at the wall, be careful.  If you let your legs drop or knees seperate, the board can shoot up at a very dangerous angle.....I unfortunately know that one from experience.

2010-05-19 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
On the running that sounds like I can handle that... put the plan in place for me and I will make it happen....Also thanks for the info on that nutrition book...

Tim 1
2010-05-20 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2868879

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Tim,

OK, great.  Let's start with this:

Monday:  easy 30-35 min recovery run

Wednesday:  Hill repeats.  Warm up for 12-15 minutes of easy running.  Then head to a hill and do the following:

1:00 run out and back on a flat course at same perceived effort as hills (should be going faster)

5 x 1:00 Run uphill (walk down back to the bottom relatively slowly)

:30 run out and back on the flat course again

5 x :30 run uphill (walk down back to the bottom relatively slowly)

:30 run out and back on the flat course again

Cool down:  3:00 walking, 7 min easy running, 3:00 walking.

Saturday:  Long run, easy paced for 1 hour

Hopefully those days work for you.  If not, could can shift everything over so its Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday if you would like.

Let me know how this goes.  Assuming it works out, I'll post a different hill workout for next week.

2010-05-20 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin,

Just had 1 question and 1 comment. I tried that sailboat drill today and then immediately swam 3, 100 yard sets. I noticed that my legs stayed closer together and I felt much better. The catchup drills have also improved my breathing, so a little progress at least.
My question is about supplements. I'm just curious here, but do you take any supplements/vitamins if you don't mind my asking? I used to cycle on and off creatine when I was lifting more, but it seems fairly pointless now. Just interested to see if you take anything since this is a new style of training for me.
2010-05-20 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2871684

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
cquin534 - 2010-05-20 2:34 PM Hi Colin,

Just had 1 question and 1 comment. I tried that sailboat drill today and then immediately swam 3, 100 yard sets. I noticed that my legs stayed closer together and I felt much better. The catchup drills have also improved my breathing, so a little progress at least.
My question is about supplements. I'm just curious here, but do you take any supplements/vitamins if you don't mind my asking? I used to cycle on and off creatine when I was lifting more, but it seems fairly pointless now. Just interested to see if you take anything since this is a new style of training for me.

Hey Chad,

Glad to hear the sailboat drill helped and that you're making improvements in the pool.  I promise you'll keep getting better if you stick with it Smile

As for your excellent question,  I do not recommend using any dietary supplement with athletes and do not take any myself.  According to what I learned this weekend, supplementation with vitamins and minerals does NOT improve athletic performance unless the diet is inadequate. We were recommended to promote the message “use food first” and consult with a physician or qualified nutrition professional to address specific supplementation needs.  The only nutrients that are triathletes are typically deficient in are Iron and Calcium.  The Iron requirements are 8 mg/day men and 18 mg/day women.  The Calcium requirements are 1,000−1,300 mg/day men and women.  As a result, adjustments can be made to your diet to eliminate these inefficiencies.  Nonetheless, these are the only nutrients they said we should recommend our athletes consider obtaining through supplements.

As for the creatine, it is not recommended from a triathlon training stand point.  If you're still lifting a lot and don't want to lose your build, it may help with that.

I hope that helps.
2010-05-20 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sorry I have been crazy busy at work the last 3 days.  I did not train at all but, what I do is somewhat physical so I did not lose any performance. 

So back in the saddle today.  I did not ride but did yoga and muay thai training.  I am feeling more and more in shape each day.

But, I wanted to inform everyone that since I started my nutritional plan that I have lost roughly 8 lbs in 8 days.  But, I do not fell tired and I just need to balance my meals prior to workouts to not loss energy.  I do not and hope not to loss that much weight as I progress.  I have another week of the strictest part of the plan. 

I am down to my Marine Corps weight again.

My nutritionist suggest brown rice products instead of wheat products.  I had organic brown rice pasta last night and it taste better than the other stuff.  They have other products such as tortillas, so you may want to give it a try.  

2010-05-20 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2872392

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Slowboy
Congrats on the weight loss could you give me some tips because after doing twenty weeks of training I thought I would drop some weight but haven't lost none and it is very frustrating.... My food intake is many calories do u take in a day??


94 - 2010-05-20 7:10 PM Sorry I have been crazy busy at work the last 3 days.  I did not train at all but, what I do is somewhat physical so I did not lose any performance. 

So back in the saddle today.  I did not ride but did yoga and muay thai training.  I am feeling more and more in shape each day.

But, I wanted to inform everyone that since I started my nutritional plan that I have lost roughly 8 lbs in 8 days.  But, I do not fell tired and I just need to balance my meals prior to workouts to not loss energy.  I do not and hope not to loss that much weight as I progress.  I have another week of the strictest part of the plan. 

I am down to my Marine Corps weight again.

My nutritionist suggest brown rice products instead of wheat products.  I had organic brown rice pasta last night and it taste better than the other stuff.  They have other products such as tortillas, so you may want to give it a try.  
2010-05-20 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
OMG I thought with all the swimming I've been doing that I was in pretty good shape, all my swimming has been done in a 25 yard pool, but I went out a swam in a lake yesterday that was 200 yards across, man I'm glad I did this..... not to discourage anyone but OWS is a lot different than the pool swim....there is no wall to kick off of lol..... if there is a lake or somewhere you could swim in open water I recommended it for all newbies....Hope everyone is enjoying there training!!!

Tim 1
2010-05-20 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2872664

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2010-05-20 9:36 PM Hey Slowboy
Congrats on the weight loss could you give me some tips because after doing twenty weeks of training I thought I would drop some weight but haven't lost none and it is very frustrating.... My food intake is many calories do u take in a day??


I would highly suggest meeting with a nutritionist because each person is different.  However, one of her main concerns with me is that I may be training too much which can be counterproductive and I may actually gain weight.  I know it sounds strange but it makes sense the way she explains it.  So, I have the first couple of weeks taken a few more days off.

I do not count calories so I do not know.  Because of the food plan she wants me to eat when I am hungry it just has to be the right food.  Basically I can eat all the organic, grass fed meat I want with vegetables, some fruit, nuts.  NO wheat, sugar, dairy, or processed foods.  I have become pretty creative with making different meals.  Another major issues is alternating foods every 4 days.  SO if I ate chicken tonight then I would not eat it again for 4 days.  This has been the most difficult part. 

2010-05-22 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Weekly update:

Swimming:  Missed a swim workout this week, which I hate, but the one I did do went very well.  I'm still using the TI technique/drills, but they are getting faster.  I'm timing myself over progressively longer distances to improve stamina and to track my progress.

Biking:  Used the indoor trainer a few times last week.  It wasn't as boring as I thought, and it is a good way for me to get in another bike ride as I can hop on it for a short workout between clients.  My time trial outdoors did not go as well as I would have liked, though, so I just need to keep riding and work on bike endurance.

Running:  Still going well.  I am amazed at how far I can run since just six months ago I wasn't sure I could run for even one mile - this morning I'll go almost 8. 

I'm feeling less motivated the past week or so, and I think that might be affecting the quality of my workouts.  I imagine its just because I'm tired.  Some weeks, its all about just getting the workouts in! 
2010-05-22 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2867670

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-05-19 9:03 AM Hi Everyone,

There is a new drill I would you all to try in the pool, especially those of you that have trouble with your kicking and keeping your legs in tight.  I learned about this drill last weekend and I had my swimmers in my tri class do it this morning and they really liked it and felt it helped.  The drill is called the "sailboat drill."  Unfortunately I couldn't find any youtube videos showing it, but what you want to do is put a kick board in between your legs and hold/squeeze it there with your legs.  The kick board should come up out of the water and look like a sail.  You will not be able to kick during the drill, but just swim your regular free style concentrating on keep the kick board securely in between your legs.  This will force your legs to stay in tight.  It may be a little tricky turning around at the wall.

I hope I explained that properly.  Does that make sense?

Hey Colin,

I was swimming a couple days ago and came across a girl who was using a sort of hour glass shaped float that she was using specifically for what you are talking about here.  The shape allows it to fit between your thighs somewhat comfortably without have to over exert to keep it in place.

Also, today I found my "easy" side.  I am still trying to get the breathing down on both sides but, the left is definately easier!  700m time was 17:44 today!!  And that is stopping to turn around at each end of the pool and a few stops to catch my breath!  Unfortunately I have not yet be able to find my "wind" in other words, as I exert myself I can not maintain breathing every third stroke.  I have to resort to every other stroke.  I am not going to use the snorkle till after the tri but, I recently purchased an air restricter that attaches to it, to work on getting more lung power. The really cool thing is I am now breathing with some consistancy!!

Oh yeah, one more week till my tri and I am totally getting nervous about it!!  LOL


2010-05-23 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey all,

Thanks to everyone for posting and to Colin for all the good advice! 

Weekly update:
Another busy week but we managed to squeeze in some training.

Running: only one time this week
Swimming: two times
Biking: three times

Chloe wants me to add that she had volleyball and PE too!

Anyway, definitely better than the last few weeks but with lots of room for improvement.  Hope everyone has a great week this week.

Joni (and Chloe)
2010-05-23 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ok Joni (and Chloe)  Don't feel too bad about the lack of training.  I have 6 days till the tri I signed up for and I have yet to do a whole 12 mis on my real bike!  My running has been none existent for the most part but, I do feel somewhat confident about the swim.  I am sure I will be regretting the lack of training on Saturday.  I am rather freaked out about it.... which brings me to a question for Colin...

Colin... my wetsuit is in and my pool is ready... I am planning on doing a backyard Tri at my house on Tuesday (I would do it tomorrow but, I am working till 2:30am tonight) and I am wondering, with the real tri coming up on Sat would this be a bad idea??  I have figured that I could swim in my pool transition in my garage then bike and run in the sub division ending up back at my house.  My concern is the recovery for Saturday.  Or would you recomend keeping the events them separate till the real Tri??



Edited by ET1SW47 2010-05-23 5:33 PM
2010-05-23 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Well I've recovered quite well from the surgery, and actually sneaked a leisure 10 mi bike ride in on a path near my house. My surgeon doesn't want me riding quite yet, but I was honestly going insane not being able to exercise. It felt GREAT getting out and riding again, and I can't wait to get back into full swing.

It's been nice reading about everyones workouts, I think I've been vicariously living through them lol.

Also, today I volunteered at a local tri. I think someone talked about this a week or so ago, and it was a blast! I strongly recommend doing it if you have the time. It was nice how many people thanked me for helping out. Also, what's really cool is the company, Buttar, has a race for free program, so I earned $10/hr credit towards a future race, which is awesome.

Anyhow, thats all for now. I'm still waiting for my trainer to come in, and then I'll really start to crank out some workouts.
2010-05-23 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
On Saturday my wife and I did a 38 mile ride.  It was the San Diego Century.  We did not ride the 100 miler definitely not ready for that.  It took a little over 3 hours.  Good hills.  Good ride
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