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2011-11-06 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Gonna do my first IM in 2012 - got in for IMFL! The Half Program worked great for my 70.3 in May - so I am looking forward to using this version for the Full!

2011-11-07 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Marlton, NJ
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Registered for my 1st full Ironman in Panama City FL next year. I'm in South Jersey, so if anyone wants to get training in, let me know. I started doing triathlons last year, first was the Philadelphia Sprint Tri, then Eagleman Ironman 70.3 in Maryland, and then another 2 - NJ State Olympic Tri, Marlton Lakes Sprint. Looking forward to getting this training started
2011-11-08 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Just got upgraded to Gold Member package with Online Coaching to help me achieve my first Ironman. I am registered for the Ironman Coeur d'Alene Triathlon on June 24th, 2012. My wife and I are doing this together. My first, her 3rd Ironman. Just 229 days until then. I am running the Route 66 Marathon in 2 weeks down in Tulsa with my wife. Then my 28 week Beginner Full Ironman Plan begins on 12/11/2011! I live in Minnesota, so training is going to be difficult with snow. I plan to bike and run outside for as long as I can. I have a Kinetic trainer and a Reebok Spin Cycle for us. We also have a very high quality treadmill. I am currently in week 7 of the P90X program and losing weight. I am hoping to be in the 100's come Ironman time. I am at 214 lbs right now. I was hoping to get in the 180 lbs range by then.

See you all soon.

Keep in touch IM CDA people!

Bill in Minnesota
2011-11-23 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3052903

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

I wanted to let everyone know that is looking for a plan for their first IM that this plan WORKS !!!!

I used it for my first IM, IMAZ 2011 and had a GREAT event.  I was able to get 90% of the plan completed and did a 12:31 on race day.  I felt totally ready and prepared.  I had never ran a marathon prior to my IM and ran the whole marathon, except when I walked through aid stations and took in nutrition.  I would definitely use this plan again for my next IM, if my wife says it's ok Wink

If anyone has questions, just ask.

2011-11-27 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

RPE or Heart Rate?

I will be starting a 20 week program for IMTX starting Jan. 1 and am planning on using one of the BT plans.  I used the Beginner IM RPE (cut back slighlty) to train for Vineman 70.3 last year and went 7:25.  I was wondering if it is worth upgrading my membership to have access to a heart rate plan.  I have a monitor, and use it all the time, but never to really track zones.

My other issue is the long ride.  I see that most plans only have you go 6 hours max.  I am a very slow rider and want to do 100 miles several times.  I am guessing that will take closer to 8 hours, at least in training.  I am considering adding about 30% to each long ride to build to that distance. 

I have been training an average of 10+ hours a week for the last few years, and peaked at 17 last summer, so I don't see volume as a limiting facator.  I am also injury free so don't see adding bike time as an issue.


2011-11-28 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3052903

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Definitely going to look into this plan. I just came across it but want to really look at it after work.

Signed up for IM AZ 2012 as my first IM event and will definitely need to have some accountability with my training!

2011-11-28 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Hi everyone.  My name is Jon and I just registered for IM Cozumel 2012 today (362 days to go!).  It will be my first IM and, not including any other tris I do between now and then, my 4th tri.  I've never done a HalfIM either but have done 2 olympics and regularly do centuries.  I am very strong on the bike, strong with running, and honestly not great at swimming.  It's not that I'm physically unfit, I'm just terribly inefficient in the water.  I am going to be following this plan, and I noticed that one of the assumptions is that one should have swimming technique mostly figured out before starting.

So my question is, what have people found to be most helpful to attaining good swimming technique?  Should I just get a coach to teach me?  I'd like to avoid that if I can, because cost is an issue for me.  Are there any instructional video courses that anyone would recommend?  Any other tips?

help a brotha out! :-D

thank you,


2011-11-29 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3052903

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
I am doing my first full Iron Man in Louisville 8/2012.  
2011-11-29 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3917931

New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Jon, I am the opposite of you.  I grew up a swimmer and swam through college.  The bike and run will be a challenge for me.  Technique is best taught by a coach of a local swim team/club that teaches the younger kids.  Sounds weird; however, they can give you tips and tools over a couple of sessions with them that will have you with a better technique and therefore exerting the proper amount of energy to get the proper amount of propel through the water.  Technique is crucial.  Any help you can give me on the run and bike would be welcomed.


2011-12-18 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3052903

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Hi everybody!  My name is Sarah.  I'm 28 and in upstate NY.  I posted this in the introduce yourself section, but I just saw this group and thought I'd copy it over here too.

I've been running marathons for a few years now, and am finally breaking into the tri world.  But I don't do things in the right order - I just signed up for my first Ironman (HITS Cooperstown, Sept 23rd).  I know this isn't really the "right" way to do it, and I'm a little nuts, but I'm excited, and I have a good running base already (trained for 4 marathons, completed 2 due to illness/injury, training for another one for this March).  I'm a decent swimmer and cyclist - I just need to work on those and get my mileage up.

I'm planning on focusing on my marathon training until the race on March 17th (DC Rock n Roll), and increasing my swimming/biking distances during that time for crosstraining.  My actual tri training will start on April 1st, and I plan on doing some olympics during the summer to work out the kinks.

I also have a GREAT local tri club that I'll be working with for rides and OWS.  My former track coach completed IMLP this year and will be helping me out as well, so I've got a good local support system, but I'm looking forward to learning from all of you as well!

I'll also be volunteering at IMLP this year (I'm fairly local) so I can sign up for 2013.  So hopefully I'll see some of you there!

2011-12-27 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3943028

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
?Hey Regina, my younger brother is a pro triathlete that lives in upstate NY as well (Plattsburgh).  His first full IM was IMLP 2010 and he took 1st in his age group (18-24).  Let me know if you want his contact info for training advice or someone else to train with.

2011-12-28 6:37 PM
in reply to: #3954907

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

mrfranks_84 - 2011-12-27 9:22 AM ?Hey Regina, my younger brother is a pro triathlete that lives in upstate NY as well (Plattsburgh).  His first full IM was IMLP 2010 and he took 1st in his age group (18-24).  Let me know if you want his contact info for training advice or someone else to train with.

That's amazing!  Congrats to your brother.  What an accomplishment!

I live in Saratoga, which is a bit far from Plattsburgh, but I'd love his info just in case.  It never hurts to have people to talk to!


2011-12-29 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3958670

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

What a coincidence, we’re actually from Ballston Spa.  In fact, he was featured in the Saratogian ( ) as well as a cover story on Lava Magazine (Crazy Marine with a punisher logo and tattoos).  I just talked with my lil bro yesterday and he has just moved to Ballston Spa to be closer to our mom and help her train for her first 70.3

2011-12-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3959167

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
mrfranks_84 - 2011-12-29 7:35 AM

What a coincidence, we’re actually from Ballston Spa.  In fact, he was featured in the Saratogian ( ) as well as a cover story on Lava Magazine (Crazy Marine with a punisher logo and tattoos).  I just talked with my lil bro yesterday and he has just moved to Ballston Spa to be closer to our mom and help her train for her first 70.3

Small world!  Please PM me his contact info.  I'd love to chat with him.


2011-12-29 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3919597

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New user

Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Hey Byron, it's been a month since I last logged on, so sorry for the delay, but thanks for the advice.  I'm going to find a coach in about a month once the weather is a little warmer.

Just like swimming, proper running form is crucial. There are several books on the subject, and I found New York Road Runners' "The Complete Book of Running & Fitness" to be extremely helpful.  It's a huge book, but it became my bible when learning how to run.  If you have a lot of time before your race, you can attempt to change and perfect your lower body form, which is usually a very difficult thing to do, even for experienced runners.  If you attempt this, watch lots of videos about different ways of striking the pavement, at what point in your stride should you strike, what portion of your foot should strike first (heel, mid, toe?), etc.  I used to run as a heel-striker with a good amount of pronation, and I would frequently get arch pain and shin splints.  I took a lot of time to focus on striking on my toes and keeping my foot roll to a minimum, so now I neither pronate (roll the ankle inward) nor supinate (roll outward), and I enjoy running much, much more now.  This not only took a ton of time, but it also hurt a lot while I was essentially erasing 25 years of form to retrain my legs how I wanted them to work (even more arch pain, ankle stiffness, and my calves hated me, but this doesn't last forever and it was all worth it!).  That all being said, most coaches will tell you to forget your lower body and just run how you normally run and instead focus on your upper body form: 1) Proper arm swing and 2) Shoulders.  There is lots of information about these two things out there as well, and I will say that they certainly help for long distances, especially learning how to keep the shoulders loose.

As far as the bike goes, just ride as much as possible.  Learn to love your bike.  Never get off.  Endurance is the key.  Strength training your legs isn't necessary.  Just get on and rip it. Proper gear, bike fit, and aerodynamics do help, but they can't replace your body's performance.  Oh, and it's always better to have a higher cadence at lower power than a lower cadence at higher power, especially in the aero position.

2012-01-01 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3052903


Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Am I nuts? My first Tri will be the IM in Madison September 2012. I have run marathons, I can swim ,BUT have to learn to ride a road bike for the first time. Can I accomplish passing the finish line?

2012-01-02 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3964880

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Mghanian - 2012-01-01 1:44 PM Am I nuts? My first Tri will be the IM in Madison September 2012. I have run marathons, I can swim ,BUT have to learn to ride a road bike for the first time. Can I accomplish passing the finish line?

I think 9 months should be enough time to build up enough endurance on the bike to cross the line.  Are you crazy to do a full IM as your first triathlon?  Absolutely!  But where's the fun in being sane?

2012-01-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3964880

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Mghanian - 2012-01-01 1:44 PM Am I nuts? My first Tri will be the IM in Madison September 2012. I have run marathons, I can swim ,BUT have to learn to ride a road bike for the first time. Can I accomplish passing the finish line?

I'm doing something similar.  While it's not the recommended way to go about things, we're not in a terrible starting place.  It's not like we're starting completely from scratch.  I've run several marathons and am training for another on March 17th.  I am also a reasonable swimmer and cyclist.  Make sure to get a lot of work in on the bike, since that's where you'll spend most of your time on race day.  And learn, learn, learn!  This forum is a great resource.

I also signed up for a couple shorter tris (2 Olys and 1 HIM) through the summer to work out the kinks like transitions, come up with a race plan, and build some confidence.

PM me if you want to have a virtual training buddy!  My IM is September 23rd, so we should be on a similar schedule.

2012-01-13 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3964880

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Mghanian - 2012-01-02 5:44 AM Am I nuts? My first Tri will be the IM in Madison September 2012. I have run marathons, I can swim ,BUT have to learn to ride a road bike for the first time. Can I accomplish passing the finish line?

Yip - nuts. But I think we all are for signing up, so you are in good company. I've signed up for my first IM, in Nice, June 24th - the hilliest bike course of them all I have done 1 half IM in December and 1 olympic last year.

Seeing as you already have a great running base, my (un-expert) advise would be to concentrate on building up time on the bike, and on running off the bike (not necessarily very long runs). Running on tired bike legs is a lot different than running fresh. You may have to slow your pace from what you are use to. Also, make sure you have a good bike fit before you start doing long days on the bike. What kind of bike are you using?

I'm planing on loosely following the training plan, I'm not great at following plans, but as they go, this one seems pretty good.

2012-01-14 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3964880

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Mghanian - 2012-01-01 12:44 PM

Am I nuts? My first Tri will be the IM in Madison September 2012. I have run marathons, I can swim ,BUT have to learn to ride a road bike for the first time. Can I accomplish passing the finish line?

Sounds like you have the fitness to pull it off - make sure you also spend some time figuring out your nutrition. An IM is far longer than a marathon and nutrition can be key to having a great race or hitting the wall. Most training plans suggest shorter races (oly / 70.3) leading up to the full - including this one. Good Luck!
2012-02-04 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3052903

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Signed up for my first IM, the Michigan Iron (titanium) in August. Excited to be back to training after a few months off. My legs are trying to remember what running is all about. What plans are you all following? I had success with the Beginner HIM BT plan last year and may follow the Begnner BT Full plan this year.

2012-02-07 3:54 AM
in reply to: #3052903


Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group
Ok  so after reveiw prior post im going to use this program this is my first IM.  REally exited and scared all at the same time......Wink
2012-02-12 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4033109

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Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Wow, lot's of good info in this thread.  I one week into this program and am preparing for my first IM in Coeur d'Alene this June.

Hope to meet some of you on the journey.


2012-02-19 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3052903


Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Hello, I have 19 weeks to my first iron distance tri.

In the past I have completed 6 marathons, 7 sprint and 1 standard tri so far. I only learned to swim 2 years ago so have quite a challenge in front of me :-)

2012-02-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3052903


Subject: RE: Beginner Full Ironman Plan Group

Hi All!


Have always dreamed of doing an ironman and have decided to go for it!  Was considering the MI in August of this year but wondering if I'll be ready? 

Past experience:

-competitive swimming from age 6-18 - haven't really done any swimming since then save below with the other triathlons - will be turning 26 in a few weeks

-6-7 sprint distance triathlons in past 6 years, none in past 3 years

-half marathon 2009, full marathon 2010 - had a bad knee injury after the full and have been working to get back into running shape

-generally pretty fit - averaging 1 to 2 4-6mi runs per week, 1 hour spin, 1-2 40-60 min elliptical sessions


According to the beginner plan here my 20 weeks starts in April - but I was wondering what I should be doing from now to then?  Planning to up my training to:

-1-2 hours swim every 2 - total 3500km per 2 weeks

-2x 1 hour indoor cycling

-min 10 mi/week run

-planning 3 sprint triathlons this summer - one each in may/june/july

Does this sound reasonable?

Also - how often should I be doing strength training?


Thanks so much - any input or suggestions are really appreciated!  Looking forward to hearing about everyone's training!


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