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2011-02-22 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3366906

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Subject: Getting into races
Hey Elizabeth,
congrats on getting in to the race! I find it crazy that races sell out faster than concert tickets these days!! I missed out on the race I wanted to be my first Oly- up at Noosa, which is stunning and near my family. So am looking out for some alternatives now. I seriously had no idea a race could sell out!
Robie Creek sounds seriously serious! After that you will be ready for anything other races throw at you ; )


2011-02-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I'm so impressed to hear about the marathon goals - you go girls!!!  My seemingly lame 1/2marathon is in 3 weeks.  How do I taper for that race without losing momentum on my tri training?  But,  ha ha!, I've upped a couple workouts a week to the 1.5hr mark.  Trying to get 'comfortable' at longer distances for the Oly later in the year. 

Also, I'd like to hear where you guys find cute tri gear - any opinions on sunglasses?

And what did you have for dinner last night?  (I'm always looking for ideas - not policing portion size). 

Been working in the garden a lot too - I justify that as part of my nutrition training/planning.  Can't wait for sprrrrrring!
2011-02-23 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3367937

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Subject: Great workouts, everyone!

Have you ever noticed that as you get better at something that your standards for what is acceptable in that thing get more stringent?  And that most of the time, you feel like what you are doing is not enough (time, speed, intensity, etc) when measured against that ever-changing yardstick?

A while back, someone posted a thread in the Georgia forum asking what everyone's greatest athletic achievement was.  I didn't post for a long time and then when I finally posted, I pooh-poohed my races and said that my greatest achievement had not happened yet because of all the glaring tactical errors I made in my races.  Then I went home and talked about it with my DH and he said something that really made sense.  The accomplishment of my races was not whether I could have done better or whether I raced to my full potential, but that I set out to do the races and that I did them - regardless of the time.

So, now that we've been doing logs for two months, go back and look at the calendar on your logs with fresh eyes.  Look all of those pink squares!  Notice how there are more pink squares than there were in January or December, or that each pink square represents more work that it did before.  In some cases, there are pink squares where before there were only white squares.  How awesome is that?

Look at your mileage on the left of the log.  Compare January to February and see how far you have swum, biked and run under your own power in 2011!  How far are those miles on a map?

While it is easy to get down on ourselves for skipping a workout or two or eating girl scout cookies or or chocolate in the breakroom (oops!) or choosing an easier activity instead of the plan or liking Zumba or Crossfit better that swim/bike/run, maybe we should look more at what we have done and what an improvement it is over where we were.  We should pat ourselves on the back for getting up to do a workout, even if it was shorter than we planned.  Be proud for doing the core workout, despite its unpleasantness or the fact that it was in the hallway.  Relish the work we did do and the strength we did gain by doing a workout, taking the stairs or parking far away or doing errands on the bike instead of thinking "gosh, I should have been doing yoga or pliates or running X miles or doing some number of intervals" instead.

So, way to go gang!  Keep up the good work!

2011-02-23 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3368823

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Jennifer!  Don't you say that your 1/2 marathon is lame!  Think of how many people could not even dream of doing a race that long.  It is a BIG darn deal!

For your taper, I think you could still do all of your other cross-training, but just do less volume so that you conserve your energy for the race.  This is not a scientific opinion, but I don't think you will lose fitness in the taper period for the swim or bike any more than you will on your run and you can use the other sports to ease back in after your race if you are too sore to run.

I (obviously) like Brooks for running gear (I like the shorts, the vests, the capris and the tops with integrated bra) but I like DeSoto for tri-specific gear.  Their tri shorts are cute and durable and come in low-rise styles and they don't disintegrate, even though I wash them all in hot (which you are not supposed to do).  Maybe someone more stylish can chime in about the sunglasses, because I'm not good with the style.  You can look on Bonktown for deals on bike stuff and also do a "google shopping" search to find the best deals on the styles you like.  I've also had very good luck with the grab bag suits on

Dinner last night was Doug's short rib pasta sauce (similar to this recipe, but the one from Cook's Illustrated with the fat skimmed off:, roasted carrots, sliced cantaloupe (!) that Doug found at the farmer's market and homemade Italian loaf.

The garden is a huge bonus to the nutritional arsenal!  Strawberries straight out of the garden are the most perfect recovery snack ever.  : )
2011-02-23 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Cute tri clothes - that's tough for me.  I'm so tall I have a hard time finding tops that are long enough.  For tri shorts I'm a huge DeSoto and 2XU fan.  Zoot had some really cute tops in 2010, nice colors and very interesting built in sports bra long top combo.  Unfortunately they were not long enough for me, because they were really cute!

Dinners - We eat a lot of grilled boneless skinless chicken breasts or grilled fish.  Not really meat or pork eaters, and often have vegetarian dinners.  My favorite meal is grilled chicken (I try all different kinds of sauces and usually marinade overnight for extra flavor), brown rice or baked potato, and steamed broccoli.  Boring I know, but it fills me up, tastes good to me, and is easy.

Lately we've been cooking acorn squash, I can't get enough of it!  My husband puts butter and brown sugar on it, but I just eat it with a little salt and pepper.

A friend of mine posted on facebook that she was making turkey meatballs and basil tomato sauce and now I'm craving that.  I think I'll make up a bunch of meatballs, cook and then freeze.

We also have turkey tacos fairly often.  Toppings vary but typically will be shredded lettuce, skim shredded cheese, light sour cream, avocado, olives, diced chiles, diced onions, tomatoes and salsa.

OK now I'm hungry!  =)
2011-02-25 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Steph -  I like the way that your DH looks at your athletic accomplishments.  If you were to ask me, I would also say that I havent reached my greatest accomplishment yet.  But, really, the accomplishment is in the training and the trying.  My problem is that as soon as I'm able to do something, then I immediately discount it.  Half marathon?  Big deal until I did one.  And now my attitude is "well, if I can do it then it must not be a big deal."  Same with every other accomplishment in my life - both athletic and work-wise.  I tend to set myself as the lowest bar and figure that if I can do it then anyone can.  Which really isnt the right way to look at the world.  Anyway, just my thoughts. 

I have no recommendations on cute tri clothes - I wear alot of lululemon and really like it but its mostly because all the tops have a padded bra (TMI time) so I'm not nipping out all the time.

And food?  So far this week I've had sloppy joes, dino-nuggets and fries, and quesadillas.  I tend to eat whatever I feed the kids since I dont like to cook a second meal for myself and they're starving by the time I get them home from daycare.  Wish I had some good suggestions but I dont. 

Question for everyone:  I've just started watching streaming videos on netflix on the trainer.  Any good suggestions for shows/movies to watch?  I dont usually like anything too violent (my job gives me enough of that in real life).

2011-02-25 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
When I'm on the trainer, and not doing a Spinerval or Sufferfest, I like to watch Sex in the City.  Not sure of your taste in things, but I like the short 40 minute segments that I can zone out to.  If I try to watch a movie I have a hard time following along, or if I'm able to follow along I know I'm not really working that hard.  I really just need something to distract me, but not have to concentrate too much on.  That's why TV shows work better for me.

Happy Friday!!!
2011-02-25 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
I like to watch food shows (cooking channel), travel shows (Travel Ch or PBS), or decorating shows.  I have to watch girly stuff since I'm outnumbered 3 to 1 in this house.  Sunrise Earth is also nice for the cool down aspect. 

But I basically leave the volume off and ride to my own ipod music and just watch the video, if the kids aren't up yet - then sometimes it's Phineas and Ferb - which secretly I like. 

Don't know about everyone else, but NC has decided that it is spring this weekend - everyone have a great time outdoors, if you can!

2011-02-26 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Pretty quiet around here. I know I've not made it in as often as I should. Does look like things are going well and I'm about to check everyone's logs too.

For dinners..I've been doing a What's for dinner post on my blog recently in an effort to make some new stuff but we almost always have cooked chicken breast on hand. We will put it in salads, stuff peppers, cook with beans, make a sandwich/quesadilla you name it you can do it with the pre cooked chicken.

I have a question for everyone it seems that recently, maybe more so on the trainer, but my bike saddle is just really not as comfortable as it was. Maybe it was the lost weight, thus less padding but I think I'm going to have to find something new. What I have on there is the one that came with the bike. Any suggestions on saddles that are not to expensive?

2011-02-26 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Bike saddles are tough, what might work for one person will not necessarily be good for another.  Do you have a bike shop near you that let's you demo?  I think I had read somewhere there are online retailers that allow you to test saddles for a deposit, and once you decide your deposit goes towards your purchase.  So if you can't find a bike shop near you that does it, try searching online for saddle demo programs.

It took me a while to find one I like, and was very expensive because I didn't demo any first.  After 3 attempts I ended up with a Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow Tri saddle and I love it.  It's starting to wear out so I'll probably order another one since I've been happy with it.

I've heard good things about Specialized saddles.  I think they have different widths so you get measured and pick one that fits for you.

Also, I know REI has some good saddles and you can return anything there.  I'm not sure how I would feel about trying out a bunch of saddles and returning them all, but if you're pretty set on one you could try it and if it didn't work out return it.

Good luck, a good saddle is very important!!!
2011-02-27 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Hey ladies!  how was your week?  mine started with a bang and ended with a sputter.  DH is out of town and then the boys were sick all weekend.  I even lined up a sitter to watch them this morning so that I could run but ended up at emerga-care instead.  Blech.   I think that they'll be ok for school in morning and  I've never been so excited for a monday morning. 

I have no new goals this week - just want to make all of my workouts, try to eat healthy-ish (after I finish this bottle of wine), and do some core work.  

it looks like everyone is doing great.  keep up the good work!  Spring is in the air and I cant wait!!!  i'm pretty jealous of all you Georgians.  how are you all doing?

2011-02-27 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3374875

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Hey, all. I've been AWOL for a while, but I'm still here. More life - gone for 5 days on travel. #2 son got sick while I was away, spiking 102 fevers, and had moved into the coughing/chest stage when I got home. Then #1 son got sick and I had both of them going at the same time. I haven't read BT or filled out logs or anything, and workouts have been spotty.

On the up side, today I did register for one of the tri events I'm planning to do this summer. It's the June event here in Kenai. The may event doesn't open up for registration until next week.

I'm worried do you all work around interruptions where your training schedule gives way to higher priorities like your family? Do you feel guilty and like you will never be ready enough if you don't get in every workout?

I'll go back tomorrow night and see what I can remember to log. Gotta go now and get my course preparations done.

2011-02-28 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3374893

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED

On the bike seats, as Karen said, it's very personal because we are all shaped differently.  The stock seat on my first bike was just plain horrible for me.  It was convex and chafed in places I did not expect or want chafing.  DH bought me a Terry butterfly, which is an awesome seat when I'm sitting up, but is not quite as fabulous in aero.  I'm still using it, though, on my commuter bike and have nearly worn through the seams so it's clearly not too bad. 

My favorite saddle is the Adamo ISM, which is really more like rails than an actual seat.  DH bought one and then found me a pink one on ebay and that is what is on my tri bike.  It took some adjusting to get it in the right place, but I am a new woman with that saddle.  At the risk of TMI, the rails allow you to sit on your sit bones instead of on your junk (both sitting up and in aero) so after toughening up the sit bones, it is a far friendlier ride.  Because there is no "nose" on the saddle, when you lean down in aero, there is nothing to poke or squish your girly bits.  DH sits on it differently (further forward) since he is a guy, but the principle works just as well for him.

On the missed workouts, you just work with what you have and try to maintain a consistent schedule the rest of the time.  Squeeze in your workouts where you can and miss if you have to.  For example, DH and I don't schedule "rest" days in our training weeks because life gives them to you often enough anyway (sick kids, early meetings, travel, etc).  Missing a couple workouts here and there is not going to have much of an effect, but sometimes missing a workout starts a bad "skipping" cycle for me which can make it harder to get back on (or stay on) the wagon.   That is why I generally do my workouts in the early morning so that life can't butt-in and get in the way. 

That said, if your kids are sick and your partner isn't home, there is not much you can do besides exercise videos (Netflix and Hulu are good for this, but I've also done my fair share of Crunch Fitness and Billy Blanks videos) or ride the trainer.  I have also run back and forth in front of my house while the kids were napping (or with one kid in the stroller while the other was napping), which is not optimal, but better than nothing.  And, sometimes just getting an endorphin fix helps you deal with things better so if things have to fall off of my schedule, I try to make sure that some kind of workout is the last thing to go.

On the goals, well I did terribly on the core workouts goal last week.  I did zero, zilch, nada core workouts.  I am, however, getting to work a lot earlier, so that is probably for the best anyway.  I did great on hydration because the pollen here makes me very thirsty, so at least I'm hydrated.  : )  And, being hydrated means that I have to get up from my desk and move around more, so that is also a good thing.

Hope you all have a great week this week!

2011-02-28 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Heather -  This is also my biggest question and biggest frustration.  Its especially frustrating for me because most of my workout friends are SAHM who just dump their kids in childwatch for 3 hours every morning - a luxury I dont have.

I also dont schedule days off because I end up with more than I would like anyway.  I also have started building in a couple of extra weeks into my training plans.  If its a sixteen week plan, I make sure that I have at least 18 weeks before the event - I know that I"m going to miss more workouts than the plan allows and I like to have that buffer of an extra couple of weeks so that I'm not going in minimally prepared.  But even saying that, I havent paid for my HIM yet.  I'm still not entirely sure that I'll be ready for it and am not sure how I'm ever going to get in the long rides.  It doesnt sell out so I'm waiting until about a month out before I sign up so that I dont waste the money. 

Good luck and let me know if you find that elusive balance.  Smile
2011-02-28 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Good ideas on building a longer training program to accommodate life's wild cards.  One of my boys is home with confirmed case of flu today (and several more days at home, I expect).  I ended up running at 9pm last night and rode the trainer for a while this AM.  But I'm with you on the guilt.  I try to get workouts in during the AM (while they are still asleep).  But when I've been up with them at night, I want sleep too!

I'm just telling myself now that even if I just do SOMETHING, it's better than nothing (ie the late night run in circles of my neighborhood).  Luckily my husband is starting to taper this week so maybe I can get out to run.  But Swimming is just out for the week so I guess the trainer and I will be good friends.  God willing, no one else will catch the bug!!

Love to hear other ideas on this too!
2011-02-28 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3375838

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Uh yeah, work and family are the wild cards for me right now.  If you miss a ton of workouts, you just need to re-evaluate your goals.  You'll still be ready for the race but may need to tone down your time goals, etc as you won't be in the best possible shape.  But that is reality.  Who in their right mind has ever been able to get 100% of their planned workouts in?

It looks like I'll be lucky if I get a single workout in this week.....but that is life and I'm still going to enjoy my races when they come around even if I'm not as prepared as I'd hoped (there is still plenty of time...but just saying).

2011-02-28 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Crazy weekend.

At swim practice on Friday, I partially dislocated my shoulder. My trainer had a fancy name for it, but essentially, it came out and popped immediately back in. I finished practice (silly me) and once the endorphins wore off it hurt...

Then the next day it was sore, but I didn't want to miss my long run. I managed to get 30 minutes out before it became unbearable and I had to walk all the way back.

That night I was watching some Netflix and someone emailed our tri group that they needed a partner for a couples' 5k relay the next day. No one else would have gotten the email so late and I felt bad that he might have to run a 10k.

So I got 4 hours of sleep, woke up the next day, iced and took one too many Aleve, and headed to the race. I warmed up with the wrong group; these ladies were D1 collegiate runners and decided to run the entire course and then some much faster than my typical warmup pace. By the time I finished the warmup my shoulder was screaming and my legs were cement. 

My shoulder lasted for about a mile into the race and I ran the other 2.2 miles with it clenched around my torso. Let's just say it wasn't a PR...

Taking the day off, hopefully it will stop swelling and be ok for some biking or jogging on the morrow.

Good luck with your workouts!


Weekly Challenge #4:

Stretch! Some people believe you don't need to stretch to be a good athlete; I disagree. Flexibility helps prevent injury and can increase performance, especially on the run and swim. Stretch at least the main five muscle groups (calves, hammies, quads, inner legs, and hips) after every workout. Try to add a day of yoga (or a sports club offers sports specific stretch classes) throughout the week, even if it is before or after another workout. 

If you are feeling extra ambitious, stretch AND roll out your muscles. 
2011-03-01 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3376381

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
ebal - 2011-02-28 8:02 PM Weekly Challenge #4:

Stretch! Some people believe you don't need to stretch to be a good athlete; I disagree. Flexibility helps prevent injury and can increase performance, especially on the run and swim. Stretch at least the main five muscle groups (calves, hammies, quads, inner legs, and hips) after every workout. Try to add a day of yoga (or a sports club offers sports specific stretch classes) throughout the week, even if it is before or after another workout. 

If you are feeling extra ambitious, stretch AND roll out your muscles. 

Holy Cow, Emily!  I hope that you are feeling better today!  Do they know what caused your shoulder to dislocate?  Do you have some instability or did you just torque it the wrong way? 

I heartily agree with your thoughts on stretching.  I don't log it, but I stretch for about 40 minutes every night.  It started as PT for my plantar fasciitis, but I have come to realize that I need to do the stretching to avoid the plantar fasciitis.  If I don't do it, my PF flares up in less than a week.  I do my calves (straight and bent knee), back, glutes, pinformis and hamstrings every night while DH and I talk or watch some TV.  I also do my back and hamstrings again in the shower.
2011-03-01 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Stretching is one of my bigger goals - I do some, but I think not nearly enough!
2011-03-01 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Stretching is a good goal, I really need to start strecthing.  I do not bend, at all!

I've been trying to find a good yoga DVD.  I'm interested in the Vinyasa Power Flow style and so far have read good things about both Shiva Rea & Seane Corn.  (Spelling may not be correct for either.)  Has anyone tried either of these women's yoga workouts?  Or can recommend someone else?
2011-03-02 12:01 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Event Registration!
I just went to register for the Gold Nugget Triathlon in Anchorage on May 12. They're using a two stage registration: first you put in a form telling you want a slot, and then you pay for it in the second step. Registration opened at 8 PM, and I was on at 8 PM. Load times were taking way way long, and by the time I got the form confirmation at 8:25 it told me I was registrant #1573 and I'd be entered in a lottery if the first 1500 didn't all complete their registration/payments in the next week.

I don't know what I could have done differently, but it is a real bummer nonetheless.

2011-03-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Wow Steph!  I didn't know you stretch that much every night.  Something to aspire to.  Along with core which has not been happening for me.

Ebal - sorry to hear about your shoulder.  I hope some ice and rest will help! 
2011-03-02 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3378694

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
aureua - 2011-03-02 8:40 AM Wow Steph!  I didn't know you stretch that much every night.  Something to aspire to.  Along with core which has not been happening for me.

Nah.  The stretching is not so bad because I finally gave up on the mats and do it on my bed.  That way I can see what Doug is watching on TV and talk with him and it is not so mind-numbingly boring.  I do find myself responding to Doug with numbers sometimes because I'm busy counting the seconds for each move.  Hee.
2011-03-02 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3378500

Subject: RE: Event Registration!
Heather - That sucks.  I hate the way events fill up so fast and whether or not you get in depends on the speed of your computer.  There has to be a better way!  I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get in, especially because you dont have many options up there.  Good luck.
2011-03-02 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Apex, NC
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the encouragement this week guys.  I was on a roll last week and then my oldest came down with the flu.  Out of school for a week (the last one remaining before they both track out of year round school for 3 weeks!).  I've been trying to piece together workouts here and there while trying to stave off the bug myself.  That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right? 

Meanwhile, my first HM is in 2 weeks and I think I peaked waaay too early.  Depressing.  I'm trying to focus on my original goal (sub 2:00) but I really wanted to do better.  I feel like I'm losing momentum.   I console myself with a funny new word my husband discovered in a tri-geek dictionary.  Fitnofade - the constant worry that triathletes will lose endurance in off time (like sleeping!).   

Hope everyone else is healing, getting well, or tearing it up while healthy!  I'm already looking forward to a weekend!

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