BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened Rss Feed  
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2013-03-05 5:09 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Paul, I couldn't stop laughing at that clip! Not that I know from experience but I've heard.

I'm up to 10 mins at 12 min. miles and today I did five or six 90sec. at 10 min. mile just to see how it feels. Just starting to run, so I am improving a lot each time - more because I started off cautiously, not knowing what I can do, fun seeing where I'm at.

MTravis - don't compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone starts at the beginning and works up to where they are. It's great you can do the distance and in respectable time.
I brought my daughter to a softball camp at the local university, and while they told me it was for all levels, there were some really good players including women being recruited by the school. My daughter was really a beginner. I give her credit for hanging in there and playing on the team with the youngest girls.
She complained that she was the worst one there. Maybe this was wrong, but I said that someone has to be the worst, or the last, and given how experienced everyone there was, there was no shame in being least skillful - but she held her own and learned what she could and I was proud of her.
She wanted to be a catcher so we bought her the gear and are insisting that she play again for her middle school (not a very good team) and then we'll sell her gear. So proud that she has the experience of playing with her girlfriends - so much better than the kids who never try.
Point of story - if you are surrounded by good people no shame in coming in last - though chances are you won't be last with those times.


2013-03-05 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

I looked at my February numbers and my training volume dropped so much from January it's pretty nuts - I know I was in a taper for part of this but I never expected to drop off so much.

Hoping to have a better March and average 8-10 hours a week - if this week is any indication though I will finish short of that goal.  Ran today for the first time since the marathon - warmed up for 15 minutes at marathon (8:50 pace) and honestly felt pretty uncomfortable my knee was achy the bottom of my left foot felt wrong ... but as this was to be an interval run I hoped to work the kinks out.  After warming up I started into the quick sets - 5 sets of 3 minutes hard effort - then a minute recovery - I wanted to do a 10k pace but for some reason I jetted the first set and sprinted at a 6:20 pace ... bad idea as each sprint set got slower ... my last was a 7:14 and my quads and calves were screaming.  Ran 15 minutes at the end to cool down (at marathon pace) but the effort gave me a headache so instead of going to the gym to do weights I went home to rehydrate, shower and take an advil.

I went too hard today - I thought I was ready to go full effort but maybe not for another week or so - tomorrow I have an hour swim and a 2 hour bike - hope I can squeeze it in between work and picking the boys up from school.

How were your February SBR totals?

Swim - 5h 17m 21s

Bike - 4h 41m 11s  

Run - 8h 55m 01s 

2013-03-05 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

My totals for the month: 

February's totals:
Bike:15h 53m 42s  - 413.41 KM
Run:9h 52m 47s  - 101.21 KM

2h 05m 38s  - 6450 M

Not bad, but I took things a bit light after the HIM, so like Paul I'm wanting to push on a bit, and get the volume back up over march. Ideally I should be up over 10 hours/week soon. Excluding this weeks cutback volume of course. 

mtravis, don't worry about comparing your times to me, or anyone else for that matter. You should compare it to you 6 months ago. Especially swimming! people who have a background swimming have a huge advantage over those of you who picked it up later in life. I was never a competitive swimmer, but I was having lessons before I started school. So I'm not fast, but very comfortable in the water. (It's just a way of life down here, most kids learn to swim early)

One of my friends is starting to pick up exercise again (he actually got motivation from watching my HIM which is kind of cool), and we've done a few Sunday rides together over the last month. Anyway, I mentioned that we might not be riding this weekend because I was thinking of doing the tri, next thing i hear he's entered the sprint distance Du. And I couldn't let him go out there on his own, so I've officially entered the tri. Hopefully I can put together a good result... I'm especially worried about the run, I'm low on volume, and haven't really tried to run a quick 5k for months....

2013-03-07 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4553821

New user

Roanoke, TX
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
February's totals:
Bike:6h 18m - 103 Mi
Run:4h 09m - 26.45 Mi
Swim:4h 55m - 8400 Yd




Not too bad for me. I did reach a goal of biking over 100 miles for the month.  I am off to a better start for March. I need to spend more time running. Paul almost ran more in one day than I did the whole month. 

Very funny video on the swim. My first swim is going to be in a pool. Not sure how its going to work, hopefully it will not be too much of a delay. I have been watching a lot of videos regarding transistions to prepare for the race. Trying not to over think it too much and just enjoy this first one and learn from it. Having said that, I cant even decide if I am going to wear socks or not.


2013-03-08 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Starting to get my mojo back. Once I get started working out I don't want to quit! Nothing spectacular, but lost in my music, sweat dripping, feel like I can go forever. Forever now is 35-40 hard minutes on a bike or treadmill, and by hard I mean relatively for me - but still...

Looking forward to starting my training plan at the end of month. Going to make a big wall chart so it's always in my vision and I can see the days getting marked off.

I plodded through two sprints, but this is the year I get it together and end middle of the pack at my oly. Keep my fitness up through the winter and maybe HIM next summer...

2013-03-08 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

When the weather throws us a curveball ... we ride our bikes indoors ... did an hour and 25 minutes of 95 cadence spin today - nothing crazy just got a good sweat going and got the legs loose.  After my kids wrestling tourney tomorrow I will run easy for an hour and a half - I am hoping that will equate to somewhere around 8 1/2 to 9 miles ... Sunday I want to hit the pool when it opens for the drills I should have done today and then do some weight work.  What does your weekend entail?

I have a crazy Monday planned for training - a bike workout called The Joker - that is going to hurt and then my first aggressive swim session of the season.

With 2 weeks to go before my half marathon - my run is still lacking - I really am struggling getting my legs back, and trying to get up for the runs outside - hopefully as the weather is changing I will be more excited - is this the post marathon not wanting to run anymore in the cold blues?

2013-03-08 10:39 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Good luck tomorrow Matt.  Wishing you the bestest!


Edited by BiafraGirl 2013-03-08 10:42 PM
2013-03-09 1:07 AM
in reply to: #4553821

New user

Roanoke, TX
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Thank you Ony. The sprint tri is on Sunday and forecast calls for rain (of course nothing like the conditions Paul had to deal with) and with the time change and my first race, a lot of unknowns. But like you said earlier, I will try to focus on enjoying this first time experience and learn from it.

I went swimming yesterday and did a warm up 300m swim. Took a minute break and I then tried to swim a fast 300m. I was so out of breath and so worn out afterwards and really defeated that I only improved my time by 20 seconds.  I rested about 2 minutes and then did 2 more 300m sets, concentrating on extending my strokes and conserving energy and afterwards realized my time didn't drop off by too much. Swimming is so technical, of which I have none.  When I want to bike faster or run faster, I just peddle harder or lengthen my stride and I can do it. But with swimming, when i try to go faster I just splash more and wear myself out quicker. Swimming is crazy but I am learning. Baby steps or should I say baby strokes, it will come.

I want to say how much I thoroughly enjoy this group and reading all of your posts. I am inspired by those on my level (not meaning to belittle anyone by comparing them to me). But reading the same challenges that I face and to know that others like Ony, MuscleMomma, and tricupcake are dealing with them too is so helpful. And then to see how the pros like Paul, bulfrog, and bradleykd train is something to aspire to and try to emulate. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences and allowing this newbie to learn from you. When I was training for my marathons, i didn't have a training partner or a motivator or any type of accountability and I think I my training suffered a little from that. So thanks to all of you again, I appreciate you.


2013-03-09 1:57 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Roanoke, TX
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Sorry, I meant to include my local boy, mharvey642, amongst the pros as well.

MuscleMomma your aspirations of finishing middle of the pack is definately my goal as well. Kind of comical but it reminds me of the commercial from about ten years ago, when the kid says "When I grow up...I want to have a brown nose.. and claw my way up to middle management."


2013-03-09 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Been a crazy week of work.  Sorry for not posting anything.  Actually missed 2 days of training this week.  Did a pre-sprint brick today.  Bike 12.4 in 35:55 in 18mph winds and run 3.1 miles in 21:14.  Thought I was gonna break the 21 minute barrier.  Oh well, that will be the goal for next weekend's race.

We started our diet program today.  We have 25 people doing it.  Pretty excited about it.  Hope  to be down to 190 in 90 days.  

Paul, I can't believe you are doing a 1/2 marathon so soon after your first marathon.  Be careful don't hurt yourself with an overtraining injury.  

Ony: keep up the comeback you can do it.

Bulfrog, that's still a good month of training.

Matt: good luck tomorrow, which race are you doing again?

My Feb numbers are as follows, but it doesn't have a few treadmill runs I did, I'm really bad about updating them.

February's totals:
Bike:5h 59m 20s  - 111.49 Mi
Run:5h 16m 02s  - 49.09 Mi
Swim:22m 49s  - 1600 Yd


2013-03-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4653277

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
mharvey642 - 2013-03-09 5:40 PM

Been a crazy week of work.  Sorry for not posting anything.  Actually missed 2 days of training this week.  Did a pre-sprint brick today.  Bike 12.4 in 35:55 in 18mph winds and run 3.1 miles in 21:14.  Thought I was gonna break the 21 minute barrier.  Oh well, that will be the goal for next weekend's race.

We started our diet program today.  We have 25 people doing it.  Pretty excited about it.  Hope  to be down to 190 in 90 days.  

Paul, I can't believe you are doing a 1/2 marathon so soon after your first marathon.  Be careful don't hurt yourself with an overtraining injury.  

Ony: keep up the comeback you can do it.

Bulfrog, that's still a good month of training.

Matt: good luck tomorrow, which race are you doing again?

My Feb numbers are as follows, but it doesn't have a few treadmill runs I did, I'm really bad about updating them.

February's totals:
Bike:5h 59m 20s  - 111.49 Mi
Run:5h 16m 02s  - 49.09 Mi
Swim:22m 49s  - 1600 Yd


and most of my swims are not in here either.  I need to do a better job of that.

2013-03-09 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Matt - wouldn't consider myself a pro by any means - just slightly more experienced than you with the whole Tri thing ... good luck in the morning can't wait to hear how you do!
2013-03-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Matt -

Having pain in my foot. Bummed out, didn't think I was going too fast in my running, thought I was just pushing to figure out my base. I don't mind dull aches, and I could run with it, but am worried it might be something actually wrong so I'm focusing on strength and the bike for a few days.
2013-03-10 3:11 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

For the record matt, I'm far from a pro... like paul, I'm just a bit further on the triathlon journey than you. 

mtravis, how was your race? 

Mine was quite disappointing. My race report is up here. But the short version is good swim, good run, and good bike... other than the flat tire and slight crash at the halfway point. The good news is I finished, and the better news is that the only serous damage done was to my pride... 

But it was a highly unsatisfying day today... 

2013-03-10 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4653468

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
bulfrog - 2013-03-10 3:11 AM

For the record matt, I'm far from a pro... like paul, I'm just a bit further on the triathlon journey than you. 

mtravis, how was your race? 

Mine was quite disappointing. My race report is up here. But the short version is good swim, good run, and good bike... other than the flat tire and slight crash at the halfway point. The good news is I finished, and the better news is that the only serous damage done was to my pride... 

But it was a highly unsatisfying day today... 

Good job Bulfrog, everyone's biggest fear is the crash, glad your ok, and flat tires suck, one of those things we don't practice enough.  Good job,keep up the good work
2013-03-10 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Easy 45 minute bike ride this morning, in real fun conditions.  49 degrees and 20mph winds.  LOL

2013-03-10 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Bulfrog, you did the race to practice - watch what you wish for, now you'll be ready if your tire goes in a HIM!

Foots really hurting, thought I'd ignore it, but this morning there is a sharp red bump at one end of where it hurts. Getting some creepy feeling that it's a small bone - I'll be embarrassed when it's nothing, but will go for an x-ray tomorrow. It's something because I never run to a doctor - I'm a caricature of the male stereotype.

Will try to do some biking today.
2013-03-10 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Man, calling me a pro is a s-t-r-e-t-c-h by any account... lol. I've never done a tri, and my first 5k will be this coming weekend! lol. I appreciate the thought though! These are my totals for Feb. I need to get in a lot more run, and look forward to picking up my pace on the bike as the weather warms up...

Monthly totals:
S:  9500.00 Yd - 4h 03m
B:  84.75 Mi - 5h 09m
R:  17.60 Mi - 3h 02m
Sp:  1h 00m

Saturday I had a great bike ride on some pretty good hills. Did 16 miles for the long bike day on my recovery week. The best part was that it was 64* and sunny. Best weather yet this year. Did a 30 minute run today and broke a 30 minute 5k, I did 3.17mi, so I hope I can knock a little more off that for my first 5k race saturday!

Mitzi, Definitely get that foot checked out. Maybe it's just a new callus(sp?) My wife gets a weird little bump of callus right in the middle of the balls of her feet when she runs. She complains that it hurts, but a peticure every few weeks seems to cure it.. lol

2013-03-11 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Bulfrog - I am switching to racing tires this season and I am sorta stressed that I have no idea how to change these - hope my local bike shop has a lesson or something because I don't know if I will have the grace under pressure for a quick switch.  

Did 2000 yards at the pool - doing sets to improve my stroke and kicking - can't say I enjoy kick only sets but I follow the coach and he thinks I need to kick kick kick ... so did that and then came home and did an hour on the bike - 10 minute warm up and then into some interval training ... all on the big ring - maintaining cadence at 90 ... todays interval set was 25 minutes and there was a huge sweat puddle when I was done.  Next time he has me do this I am going to try to repeat the set - just have to make sure I have plenty of hydration at the ready.

My left foot is a bit sore - just my big toe down at the joint - I have no idea why but my day off training is tomorrow so hopefully two days of no running will be good enough.

Keep posting your progress guys and gals - I think we have 8 active people in here now - please tell me if you would like me to reopen the room in a few weeks to bring in 4 or 5 active participants. 

2013-03-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

Paul, I've never run race tires, I'm so slow I've never thought they were worth the expense, and also I figure for the difference it makes, 1 flat will more than out do the time you save for them. In fact I replaced the tires that came with the bike with my bullet proof ones from the road bike, the course was on quite rough chip seal and I wanted the protection. But I don't think that tires were the issue, the hole was on the inside of the tube, so either a rim tape problem, or operator error (me) when changing the tires over. (Although I did do a 25 minute ride after changing, to check there were no issues.... ) Anyway, my bike is due for a tune up service, so I'll get it all checked out then. 

I'm happy for some new members to join the group, its a bit quiet around here sometimes so some more active members would be nice. 

mtravis... I haven't seen a race report? How'd it go? Better than mine I hope!

I have a bit of a conundrum, I had been planning to do an olympic distance, at the final of this series. But with what happened on the weekend I'm feeling a bit of unfinished business with the sprint distance. Do I continue with the original plan and race the olympic, or do I try to nail a good sprint. I want a good time! 

2013-03-11 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4553821

New user

Roanoke, TX
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED

I completed my first sprint tri at the St. Patrick's Day Triathlon in Keller, Texas. I had fun, didn't drown, crash or get in anyone's way. So overall it was a success.

My biggest mistake was made back in January when I signed up for the race. On the registration form, there was an entry for your estimated time of finish for the 300m swim. At the time, i had never swam before. I had no idea what my time was so I left it blank. Unbeknownst to me, they issued bib numbers based on your estimated swim time.

At about 7:15am Sunday morning they announce that we needed to start to lineup in numerical order based on our bib numbers. My number was 746. I ended up being second to last to start the swim. At 7:45am the first swimmer starts and every 5 seconds later a new swimmer begins and swims the six lanes in an S pattern. At 8:45 the leaders start to cross the finish line, and we are still at bib 400 starting the swim. At 9:15am, I get in my position at the back of the line. As I start to get close, I realized my 2nd mistake. I pull my goggles out of my pocket and look in disbelief that the rubber that forms the seals around both eye sockets had come off. One was ripped in two places but the other was luckily intact. I cinched up the straps a little tighter, placed the rubber around the lenses and carefully put them on. I felt like I at least had a decent seal on one side.  I tried to fix the other side in the remaining time I had and just hoped for the best. At 9:30am I was up, I jumped in with both hands pushing against my goggles. I start to swim and was very relieved that only one side was leaking in water, my right eye was dry. I started concentrating on my form, trying to have long strokes, finishing each stroke strong at my thighs, and thinking about a million other things. Finally after about 12 strokes, I remember that I need to breathe and took my first breath. After that, I relaxed and got into a rhythm, passed countless others and ended up having a very strong swim for me.

Transition one didn't go so well. This is where I made my 3rd mistake. I had earlier pinned my bib on my shirt. I guess I pinned it too tight because when I went to put it on I ripped every safety pin but one off the shirt and had to stop down to re-pin it.

The bike ride was cold and very windy. It was a two loop course that had two big hills. I thought I did ok, I knew I struggled with the hills, but I did pass several other bikers and myself was only passed once at the very end of the ride. It wasn't until this morning when I saw the results that I realized how much i need to improve in the bike leg.

I did very well relative to the other participants around me. During the whole race I was only passed once, at the end of the bike leg. I passed him back up during the 2nd transition.  I think if I would have started mid pack instead of at the back, I would have been challenged more by other bikers and would have motivated me more to push harder. I ended up ave a dismal 14 mph, even with the wind and hills I cant believe that. So the biggest thing I am taking away from this race is my bike training is way lacking and I need to step it up.

Overall it was a great first time experience. I had a blast. During my 2 hour wait for the swim, I got to meet and talk to several people and will meet up with them again at future races in the coming months. I gave myself lots of room for improvement.


PlaceNameBib NoSwimPaceT1BikeRateT2RunPaceTime
288Matt Travis7460:06:342:11/M0:03:280:51:3614.0 MPH0:01:080:28:559:19/M1:31:41

2013-03-11 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4655672

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
mtravis - 2013-03-11 5:24 PM

I completed my first sprint tri at the St. Patrick's Day Triathlon in Keller, Texas. I had fun, didn't drown, crash or get in anyone's way. So overall it was a success.

My biggest mistake was made back in January when I signed up for the race. On the registration form, there was an entry for your estimated time of finish for the 300m swim. At the time, i had never swam before. I had no idea what my time was so I left it blank. Unbeknownst to me, they issued bib numbers based on your estimated swim time.

At about 7:15am Sunday morning they announce that we needed to start to lineup in numerical order based on our bib numbers. My number was 746. I ended up being second to last to start the swim. At 7:45am the first swimmer starts and every 5 seconds later a new swimmer begins and swims the six lanes in an S pattern. At 8:45 the leaders start to cross the finish line, and we are still at bib 400 starting the swim. At 9:15am, I get in my position at the back of the line. As I start to get close, I realized my 2nd mistake. I pull my goggles out of my pocket and look in disbelief that the rubber that forms the seals around both eye sockets had come off. One was ripped in two places but the other was luckily intact. I cinched up the straps a little tighter, placed the rubber around the lenses and carefully put them on. I felt like I at least had a decent seal on one side.  I tried to fix the other side in the remaining time I had and just hoped for the best. At 9:30am I was up, I jumped in with both hands pushing against my goggles. I start to swim and was very relieved that only one side was leaking in water, my right eye was dry. I started concentrating on my form, trying to have long strokes, finishing each stroke strong at my thighs, and thinking about a million other things. Finally after about 12 strokes, I remember that I need to breathe and took my first breath. After that, I relaxed and got into a rhythm, passed countless others and ended up having a very strong swim for me.

Transition one didn't go so well. This is where I made my 3rd mistake. I had earlier pinned my bib on my shirt. I guess I pinned it too tight because when I went to put it on I ripped every safety pin but one off the shirt and had to stop down to re-pin it.

The bike ride was cold and very windy. It was a two loop course that had two big hills. I thought I did ok, I knew I struggled with the hills, but I did pass several other bikers and myself was only passed once at the very end of the ride. It wasn't until this morning when I saw the results that I realized how much i need to improve in the bike leg.

I did very well relative to the other participants around me. During the whole race I was only passed once, at the end of the bike leg. I passed him back up during the 2nd transition.  I think if I would have started mid pack instead of at the back, I would have been challenged more by other bikers and would have motivated me more to push harder. I ended up ave a dismal 14 mph, even with the wind and hills I cant believe that. So the biggest thing I am taking away from this race is my bike training is way lacking and I need to step it up.

Overall it was a great first time experience. I had a blast. During my 2 hour wait for the swim, I got to meet and talk to several people and will meet up with them again at future races in the coming months. I gave myself lots of room for improvement.


PlaceNameBib NoSwimPaceT1BikeRateT2RunPaceTime
288Matt Travis7460:06:342:11/M0:03:280:51:3614.0 MPH0:01:080:28:559:19/M1:31:41

Great job Matt,  The weather was bad here Sunday morning.  I talked to another friend of mine who did the same race and he doesn't do well in cold weather and said he had one of the worst times he's ever had.  By the way he's completed 2 Full Iron Man's.  So I would say overall you had a good day.

2013-03-11 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED


Glad to hear you had a great meet.  My reactions in order to reading your story,

  • Great!
  • Oh no!
  • Oh God no, will he be disqualified?  (Stories like this is why I ended up being the person with the biggest bag at my first tri – I think I had something for every reasonable mishap)
  • Okay, blind in one eye, doable.
  • 1st breath at 12 strokes, he must be an amphibian. 
  • He passed other swimmers, ha ha, and he thought he was too slow.
  • Well dang it, he passed others on the bike too.
  • Well gosh darn it, this is a great finish, great first race.  

Although you highlighted your mistakes as well, I feel you knocked this race out the box. Finishing strong, and stronger than anticipated is an added bonus.  

Please also include this story on LinkedIn's triathlete group, in response to the question tell us about your first tri.   Loved reading it, great way to end the night on a positive note.  Thanks for sharing.

-- Ony

2013-03-13 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
Congrats - I think you did great!

Paul - inspiring workouts.

Finally got an appointment with doc to check out my foot. It hurts less so part of me wants to cancel appointment but I've been afraid to run on it. Odd vertical pain on outside of my foot with a wierd bump at the top - like a bone sticking out - ugh. Please let it be nothing, please let it be nothing.
It hasn't stopped me from lifting and doing some stationary biking though.

I'm up for some new folks, just got everyone here straight, but I'll just have to put the effort in to get to know more people - not a bad idea.

2013-03-13 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - CLOSED
February was bitter cold here in the NE, and as a result I didn't get in enough cycling, but I swam consistently. So I joined a gym in March and I've been focusing on spin classes (thanks for the advice, Andrew).

I also found that I became a bit of a whiner too, so there is now a jar in my kitchen where I put a dollar for every complaint, tearful moment or whine. Hubby puts up with the brunt of the complaining so it goes to him to decide what it's for. I'm down $5 already. And here I thought I was a bad. Darn. Not so much.

As far as nutrition, I find that I binge eat when I don't feel safe. Kim, I can imagine it is spectacularly hard to feel safe right now. Big hugs and prayers to you and your family. Take good care of yourself and know that you are smart and you are able and you are doing what you need to do.

I am up a few pounds from emotional eating lately, but I am back on track now and soon to head out to a fitness resort where I will work out 8 hrs/day for 2 weeks. I expect I will get great results there, as I have in the past.

My long rides are now 37 miles, and I have dialed in my nutrition to stay just this side of bonking. I need to bump it to 60 mile rides here soon. Why oh why did I sign up for a HIM for my first tri?

I've been training, but not logging here. will try to get those logs caught up. Also, i've been blogging here:
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