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2013-03-22 4:30 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Back to the swim goggles leaking.... Are you wearing a swim cap when you swim? If not, the straps may be slipping on your hair while you're swimming, and as they move, the seal fails. Or... you might just need a different brand/style of goggles. If you have a place that allows you to open the package, a simple test is to take the goggles and press them against your face without putting the straps over your head. If you can create a seal without using the straps, they should be a good fit.

2013-03-22 8:20 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Had a brick myself today.  2 hour ride @ Z1-2 with the last 30' @ Z4 followed with a 20' run @ Z1-2.  I was ticked with the 15-20 mph wind and 50*F (10*C) much less doing it in the snow!!  And, I have to say, my beginner 70.3 training program didn't have me hitting the bike very hard, just long.  It was FUN hammering out zone 4 for 30 minutes.  

Speaking of zone training, one thing I really liked was setting my Garmin up to display zones instead of heart rate.  It's much easier for me to stay in "zone 2" as opposed to holding a 145 - 150 heart rate.

Here's a good book if you want to dig even deeper in to heart rate training:

Total Heart Rate Training, Joe Friel (this may take many deeper than they want to go),

or a much current Tri version, The Triathlete's Training Bible, Joe Friel,

and USAT's book, which is the same guide lines as Joe Friel's books and BT, Complete Triathlon Guide.


How's the shop coming Jenny?


Have a great weekend!!

2013-03-23 4:28 AM
in reply to: #4671091

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-22 9:20 PM

Had a brick myself today.  2 hour ride @ Z1-2 with the last 30' @ Z4 followed with a 20' run @ Z1-2.  I was ticked with the 15-20 mph wind and 50*F (10*C) much less doing it in the snow!!  And, I have to say, my beginner 70.3 training program didn't have me hitting the bike very hard, just long.  It was FUN hammering out zone 4 for 30 minutes.  

Speaking of zone training, one thing I really liked was setting my Garmin up to display zones instead of heart rate.  It's much easier for me to stay in "zone 2" as opposed to holding a 145 - 150 heart rate.

Here's a good book if you want to dig even deeper in to heart rate training:

Total Heart Rate Training, Joe Friel (this may take many deeper than they want to go),

or a much current Tri version, The Triathlete's Training Bible, Joe Friel,

and USAT's book, which is the same guide lines as Joe Friel's books and BT, Complete Triathlon Guide.


How's the shop coming Jenny?


Have a great weekend!!

Very close now!! I'm down to final unpacking & cleaning, and should be ready for final inspection early next week.

Here's a picture of my new storefront signs:

2013-03-23 4:32 AM
in reply to: #4671091

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-22 9:20 PM

Had a brick myself today.  2 hour ride @ Z1-2 with the last 30' @ Z4 followed with a 20' run @ Z1-2.  I was ticked with the 15-20 mph wind and 50*F (10*C) much less doing it in the snow!!  And, I have to say, my beginner 70.3 training program didn't have me hitting the bike very hard, just long.  It was FUN hammering out zone 4 for 30 minutes.  

Speaking of zone training, one thing I really liked was setting my Garmin up to display zones instead of heart rate.  It's much easier for me to stay in "zone 2" as opposed to holding a 145 - 150 heart rate.

Here's a good book if you want to dig even deeper in to heart rate training:

Total Heart Rate Training, Joe Friel (this may take many deeper than they want to go),

or a much current Tri version, The Triathlete's Training Bible, Joe Friel,

and USAT's book, which is the same guide lines as Joe Friel's books and BT, Complete Triathlon Guide.


How's the shop coming Jenny?


Have a great weekend!!

Very close now!! I'm down to final unpacking & cleaning, and should be ready for final inspection early next week.

I've been there painting, unpacking, cleaning, setting up pretty much all day every day for weeks.... But it's almost ready! I'll post some pics soon....

2013-03-23 4:32 AM
in reply to: #4671091

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-22 9:20 PM

Had a brick myself today.  2 hour ride @ Z1-2 with the last 30' @ Z4 followed with a 20' run @ Z1-2.  I was ticked with the 15-20 mph wind and 50*F (10*C) much less doing it in the snow!!  And, I have to say, my beginner 70.3 training program didn't have me hitting the bike very hard, just long.  It was FUN hammering out zone 4 for 30 minutes.  

Speaking of zone training, one thing I really liked was setting my Garmin up to display zones instead of heart rate.  It's much easier for me to stay in "zone 2" as opposed to holding a 145 - 150 heart rate.

Here's a good book if you want to dig even deeper in to heart rate training:

Total Heart Rate Training, Joe Friel (this may take many deeper than they want to go),

or a much current Tri version, The Triathlete's Training Bible, Joe Friel,

and USAT's book, which is the same guide lines as Joe Friel's books and BT, Complete Triathlon Guide.


How's the shop coming Jenny?


Have a great weekend!!

Very close now!! I'm down to final unpacking & cleaning, and should be ready for final inspection early next week.

I've been there painting, unpacking, cleaning, setting up pretty much all day every day for weeks.... But it's almost ready! I'll post some pics soon....

2013-03-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

2013-03-24 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

I'm waiting Angie......

How did the race go?

2013-03-24 11:04 PM
in reply to: #4672599

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-24 6:18 PM

I'm waiting Angie......

How did the race go?

Laughing since you asked...another race, another piece of hardware!  Finished 11th OA female, 3rd in my AG, 5th fastest female bike split.  Weather killed me on the bike which was a 16mi out/back route..the 8mi out was FANTASTIC avg close to 21mph, the 8mi in TORTURE, struggled to keep it at 17mph!  The wind was brutal and that's putting it mildly.  I was able to pick off lots of folks on the ride out which I figured I may be able to do since I'm a pretty decent biker and only a so so runner. I was passed by 2 guys on the bike heading out but I eventually passed them on the way back in, geaux me! Wind and all. However, I do wish it wouldn't have been so bad coming back in, but that's the beauty of race day, you never know what mother nature is gonna throw at you.  Last year I totally blew up on the 2nd run with leg cramps b/c of bad bike pacing/poor water/electrolyte intake and ended up walking a good bit of it, so this year I was really hoping for redemption and redemption was had! I didn't blow up and only got passed by 2 guys on the 2nd run.  I still feel like I don't have a really good run base since I've slacked off on it since I've been swimming.  It is still early in the 'season' so I'm hoping my running, more specifically brick running gets better.  I was almost a whole min slower per mi from my 1st run.  

I'm also going to really focus on nutrition and dropping 10-12lbs.  I think being lighter will help me running wise and maybe cycling wise.  Anybody have any meal plans they use and would like to share?

Next up for me is the TRI April 14th!! EEEKKKK!! 

2013-03-25 7:34 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Sounds like it was an awesome race, Angie!! WHOOP!!!

2013-03-25 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Very good Angie, redemption is nice!

I don't have any meal plans but I try to eat "plain" all the time.  No simple sugars that come from sauces, gravy, spreads, or white foods like potatoes or pasta.  I try to get my carbs from greens and legumes mostly with some grain here and there.  And, keeping it all balanced is important.  Of course a little higher on the carb side being in endurance sports but don't leave out the proteins for soft tissue growth and repair.

For weight loss, it's all about calories in vs. calories out.  I step on the scale almost every morning when I get up, shorts only, nothing to eat yet.  I've been doing so long now what when I've put in too many calories the day before, I step on the scale, and say to myself, "Yep, thought so.".  When I'm in a heavy work load in my training plan I have to add a small meal(s) because I'll see my weight start to dropping.  Vice-versa when I'm slacking or resting from a race.  I'll see my weight go up.  

What started as weight loss lasted for two years, I tracked everything I ate on  And, I still go back there to check foods from time to time.  I tried many websites but this one seemed to fit well for me.  You can add exercises and it will adjust your calorie needs for the day, etc.  My wife tried it and there's not way she could keep up entering everything she ate.  Just not in her personality type to do something like that!  She watches the scale now like I do.

That's just how I do it, did it.  Everyone's different and have their own way of doing things.  I track all my workouts (the main reason I came to BT) and that's plenty of recording for me.  Tracking all me food as well would take most of my day ;o)

There's a website by a lady nicknamed TunaSalad that has a very simple and basic eating philosophy, plain eating.  I have to say, of all the high tech websites loaded with information, I got the most from her.  I can't find her site at the moment but I'll look again later and post it.  If it's still up...

2013-03-25 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4669921

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

jsnowash - 2013-03-22 4:20 AM Okay... at long last, here's that info on heart rate training I promised a few days ago... If you want to use heart rate to train, the first thing you will need to do is establish your heart rate training zones. The most reliable way to do this is via a field test. This article describes the protocol really well. Once you have your heart rate zones established, you can use those zones to guide various training intensities and/or to help you pace longer races or training sessions. If you have more specific questions about how to use those training zones in your training - let me know!


Thanks! Gonna give the article a read..

2013-03-26 3:35 AM
in reply to: #4673963

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
tygr_tri - 2013-03-25 4:50 PM

jsnowash - 2013-03-22 4:20 AM Okay... at long last, here's that info on heart rate training I promised a few days ago... If you want to use heart rate to train, the first thing you will need to do is establish your heart rate training zones. The most reliable way to do this is via a field test. This article describes the protocol really well. Once you have your heart rate zones established, you can use those zones to guide various training intensities and/or to help you pace longer races or training sessions. If you have more specific questions about how to use those training zones in your training - let me know!


Thanks! Gonna give the article a read..

I forgot to add with the original post... Make sure you're pretty well rested when trying these field tests. Also be aware that getting the pacing down can be a little tricky - most have a tendency to either go out too hard and blow up before the end, or hold too much back, and not really give it their best effort. You'll get a better idea how hard to push after doing them a few times. You might want to try one every 6 or 8 weeks.
2013-03-26 3:36 AM
in reply to: #4672867

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
tygr_tri - 2013-03-25 12:04 AM

HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-24 6:18 PM

I'm waiting Angie......

How did the race go?

Laughing since you asked...another race, another piece of hardware!  Finished 11th OA female, 3rd in my AG, 5th fastest female bike split.  Weather killed me on the bike which was a 16mi out/back route..the 8mi out was FANTASTIC avg close to 21mph, the 8mi in TORTURE, struggled to keep it at 17mph!  The wind was brutal and that's putting it mildly.  I was able to pick off lots of folks on the ride out which I figured I may be able to do since I'm a pretty decent biker and only a so so runner. I was passed by 2 guys on the bike heading out but I eventually passed them on the way back in, geaux me! Wind and all. However, I do wish it wouldn't have been so bad coming back in, but that's the beauty of race day, you never know what mother nature is gonna throw at you.  Last year I totally blew up on the 2nd run with leg cramps b/c of bad bike pacing/poor water/electrolyte intake and ended up walking a good bit of it, so this year I was really hoping for redemption and redemption was had! I didn't blow up and only got passed by 2 guys on the 2nd run.  I still feel like I don't have a really good run base since I've slacked off on it since I've been swimming.  It is still early in the 'season' so I'm hoping my running, more specifically brick running gets better.  I was almost a whole min slower per mi from my 1st run.  

I'm also going to really focus on nutrition and dropping 10-12lbs.  I think being lighter will help me running wise and maybe cycling wise.  Anybody have any meal plans they use and would like to share?

Next up for me is the TRI April 14th!! EEEKKKK!! 

Congrats on the hardwarde!!

(edited because apparently I can't spell @ 4 in the morning...)

Edited by jsnowash 2013-03-26 3:37 AM
2013-03-26 3:39 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
So, I'm entering the home stretch for getting my studio open (finally!!) It's been a long & sometimes frustrating road! Here are a few pictures of the journey...

ack... okay, no pics right now... I have to resize them to post, and don't really have the time to do that right at the moment...

Here's a photobucket link if you're interested....

<embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />jsnowash's Inner Drive album on Photobucket

(not sure how to fix all that extra html code -- sorry!)

Edited by jsnowash 2013-03-26 4:17 AM
2013-03-26 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Looks AWESOME Jenny!! So excited for you! :D  Good luck with your Grand opening
2013-03-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Very nice, Jenny.  And, with a sushi bar next door!  I might have to move closer to you!

2013-03-28 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Great looking studio Jenny!
2013-03-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Angie, here's the link I mentioned.  Her website has changed a little since I was there last.  And, her weight lifting, like most gym rats, is lift as much as you can as many times as you can then add some weight.  Not what I would recommend.  But, I love her no nonsense approach to eating right and the difference it can make.  You might have to look past some of her photos though....

2013-03-29 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Anyone racing this weekend?


Here's an article that just hit BT I found interesting.  In my little world it seems the cyclist are the ones who will snub you first.  Runners will wave or nod.  Mtn bikers with shoot the bull with you (especially if you might have a beer to share, lol).  Swimmers are quick to introduce themselves even if it is to know who they're out-swimming in the lane next door.   But some, maybe most, of the cyclist around here won't give you the time of day unless you can beat them.  Then, of course, you're their new best friend.

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2013-03-29 10:28 PM
2013-04-01 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

interesting article!

So did anyone else OD on the Mini-eggs this past weekend?  Embarassed

A little worried going into this week... last week was supposed to be 'recovery week' at the end of the month where all your mileage drops... and it was SO hard.  Don't know if i'm just beyond tired right now, but if last week was that hard with everything cut in half, what the heck is going to happen this week when it all doubles back up?? 

First time in two months I've felt a little anxious and discouraged.  I'm sure it will pass quickly enough.  First race is still almost 2 months away.  Lots of time, I know.

Back to the pool tonight.  Hoping to redeem myself from last week's pathetic efforts.

Looking for a bit of concrete advice, personal experience in this situation or even just an "attagirl, keep at it".




2013-04-01 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Western Slope, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Well you're not alone.  I don't remember if i mentioned it, but my right calf was really bothering me three weeks ago.  I took it easy for two weeks and now it feels fine but i feel like i was such a slacker.  And i just can't seem to get my bike legs back, possibly because my bike needs a tune up.  I feel fine when i'm spinning at the gym but as soon as i get on a bike and actually have to ride up and down hills...i'm hating it so much. Embarassed

2013-04-01 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4679585

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Western Slope, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

HelmoAlkou - 2013-03-29 3:42 PM

Here's an article that just hit BT I found interesting.  In my little world it seems the cyclist are the ones who will snub you first.  Runners will wave or nod.  Mtn bikers with shoot the bull with you (especially if you might have a beer to share, lol).  Swimmers are quick to introduce themselves even if it is to know who they're out-swimming in the lane next door.   But some, maybe most, of the cyclist around here won't give you the time of day unless you can beat them.  Then, of course, you're their new best friend.

I don't talk to others a lot while i'm working out. I'm a weird kind of introverted, willing to help always, but not always wanting to approach others.  This season i haven't talked to anyone while training except my mom and aunt when i was swimming with them or the people behind the counter.  Except one guy who talked to me about my Vibrams while we were running.  During my triathlon most people were encouraging while they passed me.  I should have been the same but that would have required me to be more extroverted.

I can't get past the pictures at ChickenTuna, they seem too provocative and i don't agree...i enjoy exercising.  Usually.

2013-04-01 11:15 PM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

Luckily I worked and didn't see any eggs this weekend!  Hang in there!

I agree with you about the pictures.  She didn't have that many a couple of years ago and it seems she had a few sponsors, like workout clothes or something.  But, I adopted her "eat to live" instead of "live to eat" philosophy and it's worked very well for me.

OMG!  I've been wondering about my training plan.  Come on, one hour, 3500 yard swims for a Sprint distance tri?  1.5 - 2.0 hour runs and 3+ hrs on the bike?  Seven to eight workouts a week?  So I did some checking and realized I'm on the wrong plan!!  No idea how I managed to import the wrong one or which one I imported.  All corrected now six weeks out from only my second Sprint tri.  I guess distance won't be an issue, lol.

2013-04-02 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open

wowsers... you'll be able to do back to back sprints while the BOPers finish off their first!  LOL.

Being prepared is awesome, but I'm sure you'll welcome dialing back on the times.  WHOO

2013-04-02 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4563355

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Jenny's Winter "Find What Drives You" Mentor Group - Open
Just finished my first swim on the "new" plan.  It's 30 minutes which I finished in 18.  I hopped out of the pool and still had some dry spots on me, lol.
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