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2013-06-26 9:40 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Originally posted by tmoran80


I am doing the Lake Zurich Tri on July 14th. It's a local tri that is not listed on BeginnersTriathlete but it should because it's a big event. I have to get out to the course and do some practice runs. It has helped me in other races get over the anxiety.

BTW, great job on passing it forward. Most of us would love to get involved by helping others but somehow don't.

Glad you had a nice vacation. What race did you end up deciding to do? Just remember the swim anxiety is mostly before you get in the water and only lasts for a few minutes after the start but once you start and get in the groove you should be fine.

Originally posted by gdelamora

Hello Team,

It is good to be back from vacation. My family and I had a great time.

I've had little time to catch up with everyone but it seems like everyone is doing great. I did almost all that I planned on doing as far as training is concerned during my vacation. Now it's time to bring it all together. I have about 3 weeks for my first tri of the year. I feel ready but I still need to test the brick workouts which I will do during the next two weeks.

I did some open water swimming and I believe it will help during the race. Now if I could only keep my anxiety down.

KC, Great job on your tri. It appears to of been a tough course.

2013-06-26 10:22 PM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I'm originally from southern Illinois, so that's where I get my love of the Cards from. Even if they did just lose to the Astros to tie with the Pirates. We live in New Jersey now though, which is probably for the best. I can't imagine training in that St. Louis area humidity.

Just a quick update, got my run threshold figured out and am able to stay in zone two and still run now. It's painfully slow (12 min/mi with a 4+1 run/walk), but at least both feet are off the ground. Even that has improved somewhat from last week. I'm able to do 5k without too much effort and last Saturday (slowly) ran 6.9 miles, which is the farthest I've ever run. So that was pretty cool. Thanks for the advice to slow down.

Been on the indoor bike mostly, again staying in zone two and trying to build endurance. I ordered IronFit and it should arrive early next week. Still looking for a pool / waiting for paychecks to drop on the 1st so we can join the Y. Race day is 73 days away so I need to start getting some laps in.

Excited to read about everyone's races, very impressive. I'm still in "race to finish" mode so it's great to read about these fast times.

My wife and I volunteered at the Philly Triathlon on Saturday and it was a blast yelling at people to exit T1 on the right. Later I moved to giving directions on the run course and spent a couple of hours saying "zone two all day," "work that Galloway," and "get up in those trees and catch some shade." Hopefully there were a couple of chuckles from the racers in their misery. I was amazed at how many people left T1 barefoot with their shoes clipped that had simply no business attempting that trick. Really dangerous.

Off to bed, if the weather cooperates I'm looking to do a semi-long run in first thing.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Good catch as I didn't notice the Club's hat, just the fish. I am a Cards fan too, so no you don't have to leave. Currently living in SC, are you in MO if so where as I am Washington girl?

I drive 30 minutes to the Y for my pool workouts. That is the closest pool that is open year round.

Originally posted by MikeMcK
Just noticed your hat (nice fish, by the way), I'm a Cards fan. Does this mean I have to leave the group now?

2013-06-27 5:58 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I think if you get some practice in on the course it will go a long way to alleviating your anxiety, also make sure you are there nice and early to register on race day, I find if I am there early before the crowds I can go through things methodically, like setting up transition etc and that helps to keep me calmer too. If you are rushing unnecessarily at the last minute that will only add to the stress of an already stressful situation. I think you will be fine, you have definitely done all the work, and once the race starts and you find your rhythm, you'll do great!

Originally posted by gdelamora

Thanks for the advice Simone.

I just have to believe that I can do it. I believe that it is also anxiety because it' will be my first Olympic Tri. Lucky for me I know the area and it's close to my .house so I can drive over there and so some practice runs.
2013-06-27 6:04 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
He is a roadie. I might buy a cassette online where I can get one cheap and then have my mate change it out after a few rides. Like you say, check the hills around home the LBS guy told me about first with my current set up and then go from there. Also thanks for the advice re IronFit plan, I definitely want to do the 112 mile ride at least once before IM day. I'm hoping to actually go up and ride the course. The marathon is flat as a tack which suits me fine, so if I can survive the bike I know I'll be okay for the marathon run/walk. To be honest endurance is not a worry for me, but I do worry about speed. Although already from the swimming I feel myself becoming more efficient. and my run pace is improving again, so the bike will happen eventually.

Originally posted by tmoran80

Is your guy at the LBS a "roadie" or "triathlete"? Trust me you want that extra gearing if you have a hilly course. I will check out the elevations for your race. Also you should avoid standing while climbing unless you have no more gears left and feel like if you go any slower you will tip over haha. Standing while riding will spike your HR and burn up those legs. You should be spinning up those hills to save your legs for the run. That is why I ask what type of rider he is because roadies will not spin up as much on climbs and will just grind it out because they don't have to run a marathon after the ride. Trust me on this one. IMWI is considered one of the toughest IM courses because of the hills and the bike course. i learned so much while training for it. If you don't have the right gearing you will blow your legs out. If you want to make sure then just make mental notes of when you are out on those hilly training rides and if you find that you are running out of gears on the hills before you reach the peak then you need to swap to the 11-28.
2013-06-27 9:21 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Simone - I checked out the IM course for Australia and now even more I say you get the 11-28. There is that hill coming out of transition that looks like you will have to work 4 times on the two loops. It is gonna suck going up but looks liek it will be fun going down - alomost 200ft descent in about 1 mile. Other than that the course looks pretty good with just 2 other decent climbs on the loop. You are definitely gonna want those extra gears especially climbing that last hill after 100 miles. I highly recommend that whatever you choose you go out there and at least hit that hill to see how it feels. Good luck!

Originally posted by kruzmeister
He is a roadie. I might buy a cassette online where I can get one cheap and then have my mate change it out after a few rides. Like you say, check the hills around home the LBS guy told me about first with my current set up and then go from there. Also thanks for the advice re IronFit plan, I definitely want to do the 112 mile ride at least once before IM day. I'm hoping to actually go up and ride the course. The marathon is flat as a tack which suits me fine, so if I can survive the bike I know I'll be okay for the marathon run/walk. To be honest endurance is not a worry for me, but I do worry about speed. Although already from the swimming I feel myself becoming more efficient. and my run pace is improving again, so the bike will happen eventually.
2013-06-27 9:33 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Looks like a good race - not a bad idea getting out there and getting some practice on the course. Confidence can do wonders so don't let the swim anxiety get the best of you. I didn't fully get over the anxiety until I gave into it and stopped worrying about where I was going to seed myself in the chute, wondering if I was going to get kicked in the face, trying to avoid contact, etc... One race I just decided to just get in the middle of the pack and since then I have been totally fine.

Funny story - last year I was concerned about the mass swim start at IMWI and constantly thought about he contact when the race started etc... I read numerous race reports about where the least contact is and where to position yourself. Well after waiting in line to get in the water for about 10 minutes I finally got in and had about 50-75 yards to swim to my pre-planned start spot. I put my head in and started to swim and WHAM - two strokes and some chick kicked me right in the face haha. I started laughing because for a year I was worried about that kick but didn't expect to get it BEFORE the race even started. In a way it kind of calmed me down and got my head straight (literally). Just remember it is all in your head and how you approach it. Psych yourself up like you are running out of the tunnel for the Super Bowl and just get in there - I think you will be amazed at what you can do.

Originally posted by gdelamora


I am doing the Lake Zurich Tri on July 14th. It's a local tri that is not listed on BeginnersTriathlete but it should because it's a big event. I have to get out to the course and do some practice runs. It has helped me in other races get over the anxiety.

BTW, great job on passing it forward. Most of us would love to get involved by helping others but somehow don't.

2013-06-27 9:48 AM
in reply to: MikeMcK

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Glad you are seeing results with the Z2 training.

What were people doing as far as with their shoes clipped? Were they trying to get in their shoes right outside of transition? I also do that haha but I wait until I am away from the transition area and have built up a little speed. Coming into T2 is where I get a littel worried because two years ago I flipped of my bike during a training ride as I was riding on top of my shoes standing about to dismount and my shoe unclipped and I went down hard. I quickly learned that I need to change my clips when they are worn but I very cautious now at races. It really does save time though if done effectively.

If you want to see how a transition is done - here is my video of Craig Alexander from last years Racine 70.3. I was in the last swim wave so I got to see the pros come out of the water. Amazing how fast and efficient these guys are in transition:

Originally posted by MikeMcK

Just a quick update, got my run threshold figured out and am able to stay in zone two and still run now. It's painfully slow (12 min/mi with a 4+1 run/walk), but at least both feet are off the ground. Even that has improved somewhat from last week. I'm able to do 5k without too much effort and last Saturday (slowly) ran 6.9 miles, which is the farthest I've ever run. So that was pretty cool. Thanks for the advice to slow down.

My wife and I volunteered at the Philly Triathlon on Saturday and it was a blast yelling at people to exit T1 on the right. Later I moved to giving directions on the run course and spent a couple of hours saying "zone two all day," "work that Galloway," and "get up in those trees and catch some shade." Hopefully there were a couple of chuckles from the racers in their misery. I was amazed at how many people left T1 barefoot with their shoes clipped that had simply no business attempting that trick. Really dangerous.

2013-06-27 11:54 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Just got the OK from the boss (wife) to go up to Madison on Sunday with my buddy Mark who is racing IMWI this year. We are planning to do two loops (80 miles). Should be interesting and I will find out real quick what kind of bike shape I am in. I love that course!

Also reminds me - for the newer members here is a little documentary video I made from last years IMWI if you have 20 minutes to kill haha. I thought it might be a good way to get to know me a little better.

PART 1 -
PART 2 -
2013-06-27 4:55 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Thanks Michelle.

I am going crazy lol.


Originally posted by mkennedy0525

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Team.

Have a few minutes to catch up with everyone and say hello this morning. I had a great race this weekend up here in Northern Ontario - the Muskoka 51.50 in Huntsville. Time 3:06:27. Swim 34:43 T1 2:46 (long run to the bikes and I always struggle with getting that wet suit off and ready for the ride) Bike 1:28:22 (relentlessly hilly), T2 1:16 ( I had to stop and pee , Run 59:22 (again very hilly but I was very happy with it.

So after a great day with new friends at a race I will definitely come do again in a great part of my home province I decided to just do a short 30 km bike to spin the legs a bit and spend a good part of the day relaxing on the dock by the lake. Late in the afternoon I was finished relaxing and on my way back up to the cottage I am renting I step off the dock and go down like I was shot, turned my ankle, heard the crunch and got the brutal pain. After rolling around on the ground for about 5 minutes I managed to limp back to the cottage and immediately started to ice and compress. I slept ok, kept the ankle elevated, have iced again this morning and it is sore, swollen and bruised. I am heading into Huntsville right now to find a physio to have a look at it.

I am not going to kid you team - this may be a major set back on my ramp up to IM Mont Tremblant - I will keep you all posted. I will try to remain positive but sitting and resting does not suit me and I have never twisted my ankle like this before - I am worried.

Will keep you posted.


Horrible news on the ankle! I have heard that bruising and swelling is a good sign that nothing is broken. Saying a prayer for you. A triathlete that can't work out is a miserabley unhappy triathlete.
2013-06-27 5:03 PM
in reply to: kcgolf

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Hi Team.

quick update on the ankle. I was able to see a physio in Huntsville Ontario over the past 2 days and that has been a great head start until I get home to see my own. Grade 2 sprain - bruising and sore and is going to be a set back but I know I will get through it. Have been instructed it will be 2-3 weeks until I get it back to pre injury condition ( I am sticking with 2 weeks ) .

I have my exercises and am doing them as prescribed. Icing as well. I can swim a bit so did that yesterday in the lake with minimal kicking. I don't kick that strong anyway so I am ok with that . Physio told me I can bike but it has to be on flats so I cant bike here but I can back home because it does not get any flatter than back home. Running will have to be done in the pool for now however and I did some water running in the lake this afternoon and it was ok but looking forward to doing it when I get home in the pool.

That's it for now team - hope everyone is staying safe.

2013-06-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Question for the ladies................ You guys can respond as well but figure you don't want to.

I get major red bumps in the bikini area due to shaving and I know that for some reason riding my bike in aero position seems to aggravate it more then normal, even with chamois buttr. However this year it is worse then ever. Do any of you have any suggestions? Someone had called this the barbie doll syndrome.

Edited by krazytallchick 2013-06-27 6:54 PM

2013-06-28 4:04 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN

Thanks heaps Tim. I actually found a Shimano 10 speed cassette online at for $50, so I'm going to get it. They are also having a huge sale on race wheels so I'm thinking about getting some of those also. The course at Shep is flat as a tack, so I think I will keep the current set up until after then, I then have another 22 weeks till IMOZ, so I'll switch out the cassette and then head up to Port Macq for a few days of riding the course. I actually drove the course when I was up there in May and yep, she be a honking big hill to get up, even my car was struggling, haha!

Originally posted by tmoran80

Simone - I checked out the IM course for Australia and now even more I say you get the 11-28. There is that hill coming out of transition that looks like you will have to work 4 times on the two loops. It is gonna suck going up but looks liek it will be fun going down - alomost 200ft descent in about 1 mile. Other than that the course looks pretty good with just 2 other decent climbs on the loop. You are definitely gonna want those extra gears especially climbing that last hill after 100 miles. I highly recommend that whatever you choose you go out there and at least hit that hill to see how it feels. Good luck!
2013-06-28 4:14 AM
in reply to: krazytallchick

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I have had similar problems, but compared to the infected bartholin's cyst I had last summer, I'm not overly worried about shaving rash. I've found if I don't shave as often it helps and only shave the way the hair grows, never against. I've heard from some that waxing and creams are an option, but then you get ingrown hair and you have to let it grow long enough to wax in the first place. I dunno if there is a solution other than permenant hair removal which is very expensive. Personally, I really don't let it bother me. If it is far worse because of aero position, I would suggest it is friction with your shorts, maybe try applying a really good moisterizer twice daily. Also try some PH balancing femme wash. Since I've been using that I have had no problems with my cyst reoccuring (thankfully!!!).

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Question for the ladies................ You guys can respond as well but figure you don't want to.

I get major red bumps in the bikini area due to shaving and I know that for some reason riding my bike in aero position seems to aggravate it more then normal, even with chamois buttr. However this year it is worse then ever. Do any of you have any suggestions? Someone had called this the barbie doll syndrome.
2013-06-28 4:16 AM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Everytime I watch those videos I get goosebumps Tim, they are so inspirational and motivating.. I have to pinch myself to believe I am actually finally training for Ironman myself.. so it is great to watch these again!

Originally posted by tmoran80

Just got the OK from the boss (wife) to go up to Madison on Sunday with my buddy Mark who is racing IMWI this year. We are planning to do two loops (80 miles). Should be interesting and I will find out real quick what kind of bike shape I am in. I love that course!

Also reminds me - for the newer members here is a little documentary video I made from last years IMWI if you have 20 minutes to kill haha. I thought it might be a good way to get to know me a little better.

PART 1 -
PART 2 -
2013-06-28 4:19 AM
in reply to: kcgolf

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Sounds like you have it all under control KC. Two weeks will go quickly, just don't push it too early. You know the routine!

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Team.

quick update on the ankle. I was able to see a physio in Huntsville Ontario over the past 2 days and that has been a great head start until I get home to see my own. Grade 2 sprain - bruising and sore and is going to be a set back but I know I will get through it. Have been instructed it will be 2-3 weeks until I get it back to pre injury condition ( I am sticking with 2 weeks ) .

I have my exercises and am doing them as prescribed. Icing as well. I can swim a bit so did that yesterday in the lake with minimal kicking. I don't kick that strong anyway so I am ok with that . Physio told me I can bike but it has to be on flats so I cant bike here but I can back home because it does not get any flatter than back home. Running will have to be done in the pool for now however and I did some water running in the lake this afternoon and it was ok but looking forward to doing it when I get home in the pool.

That's it for now team - hope everyone is staying safe.

2013-06-28 11:07 AM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Well, the final bike choice is getting really close. I received one mock up of the colors and requested two more.

Still need to decided between a matte carbon finish and a gloss carbon finish. What do you think?

Tim-Not running horribly fast on the run intervals, about 9:30 miles. Fatigue isn't so much the problem but the pain in my knee which then causes my hamstring to tighten up a bit.

KC-I think we seem to be on similar paths! I smashed two of my toes last week, bruising and a bit of swelling. I think it is Ironman training fog! Great job on the race!

Deb-I wish I had a solution for you but I have the same problem. Tried different chamois creams, etc. I am going to demo a Selle SMP Avant saddle to see if it helps with the situation. I am hoping more cutout and a little firmer saddle solves my issues.

(My Alchemy 2.jpg)

(My Alchemy.jpg)

My Alchemy 2.jpg (36KB - 15 downloads)
My Alchemy.jpg (281KB - 10 downloads)

2013-06-28 9:54 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN

Sorry to hear about the ankle. Don't feel like it's all lost. It is a set back to your training but if you rehab right you will be back in a matter of weeks. It happend to me a few summers ago and the doctor wanted to put a cast on right away. I negotiated for an air cast which allowed me to take it off. It gave me more flexability and I was running mainly walking within a week or so. Hang in there.

Originally posted by mkennedy0525

Originally posted by kcgolf

Hi Team.

Have a few minutes to catch up with everyone and say hello this morning. I had a great race this weekend up here in Northern Ontario - the Muskoka 51.50 in Huntsville. Time 3:06:27. Swim 34:43 T1 2:46 (long run to the bikes and I always struggle with getting that wet suit off and ready for the ride) Bike 1:28:22 (relentlessly hilly), T2 1:16 ( I had to stop and pee , Run 59:22 (again very hilly but I was very happy with it.

So after a great day with new friends at a race I will definitely come do again in a great part of my home province I decided to just do a short 30 km bike to spin the legs a bit and spend a good part of the day relaxing on the dock by the lake. Late in the afternoon I was finished relaxing and on my way back up to the cottage I am renting I step off the dock and go down like I was shot, turned my ankle, heard the crunch and got the brutal pain. After rolling around on the ground for about 5 minutes I managed to limp back to the cottage and immediately started to ice and compress. I slept ok, kept the ankle elevated, have iced again this morning and it is sore, swollen and bruised. I am heading into Huntsville right now to find a physio to have a look at it.

I am not going to kid you team - this may be a major set back on my ramp up to IM Mont Tremblant - I will keep you all posted. I will try to remain positive but sitting and resting does not suit me and I have never twisted my ankle like this before - I am worried.

Will keep you posted.


Horrible news on the ankle! I have heard that bruising and swelling is a good sign that nothing is broken. Saying a prayer for you. A triathlete that can't work out is a miserabley unhappy triathlete.
2013-06-29 12:43 PM
in reply to: t-royboy

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Nice work!

I was out there on Sunday as well, but I did the Sprint: 1:19:44. Which was good for 6/38 AG and 42/409 OA.

I am working on the race report, but I had to travel for work immediately after the race....soon to come.

2013-06-30 6:40 AM
in reply to: ettringite23

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
G'day Team,

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I have just completed week two and my first uninterrupted week of my IM plan (was sick the first week).

I did a PR long run today, 16.74 kms on tired legs. I had to fight my head most of the way as it was trying to sabotage my efforts, but I RFP'd it out and was pretty happy that I got it done, especially considering this is furtherest I have ever run in my life. Training is going really well and I am feeling fit.

I am looking forward to my day off tomorrow and will try and catch up on some reading, blogging and chillax to some movies!

I hope those who have injuries are healing well and everyone else is training (or resting) hard.
2013-06-30 8:35 AM
in reply to: retiretotri

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Love the blue and neon Green Lori!

Originally posted by retiretotri

Well, the final bike choice is getting really close. I received one mock up of the colors and requested two more.

Still need to decided between a matte carbon finish and a gloss carbon finish. What do you think?
2013-06-30 3:54 PM
in reply to: kruzmeister

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
KC - glad to hear all is not lost. You will be fine but just don't do too much too soon.

Simone - nice work on the 16K

Lori - Bike looks awesome. Are you gonna have it for IMWI?

I got up to Madison today. Ended up only doing 1 loop (41 miles) since my biddy got a late start and he had to get back. Worked out ok since we just did a long brick run (8 miles) which I had to squeeze in for my marathon training. Felt great on the bike course. I found myself much more comfortable then last year especially on some of the downhills. Max speed hit 42 MPH. This was my best week volume wise in a long time so hopefully I can keep it up for Racine 70.3 in few weeks.

2013-06-30 3:57 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Anyone catch the first stage of the Tour De France yesterday? Holy crap was it good. Looking forward to catching the replay tonight. Hopefully the whole race continues like this.
2013-07-01 3:21 PM
in reply to: tmoran80

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
I got through my longest brick so far (5 hour bike ride and 30 minute run). I am so grateful for friends who are willing to endure some of the pain with me. I was fortunate to only have to ride 2.5 hours alone. We took our chances because the weather had been on and off storms. We got ZERO rain! It was fantastic. The only problem with riding for time and not distance is that it is easy to slow down when you get tired. The run was hard at first and I had considered not doing it at all. But once I got going, it was all good! By the time my 30 minute run was done, I was ready to keep going. I must remember that when the Ironman gets here. I have to push through the hard to get to the comfortable.

This week seems like a much lighter week of training. I hope to catch up on some rest. Only 10 weeks until the big race! I have to trust my training schedule and not my mind!
2013-07-01 5:10 PM
in reply to: MikeMcK

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Originally posted by MikeMcK

I'm originally from southern Illinois, so that's where I get my love of the Cards from. Even if they did just lose to the Astros to tie with the Pirates. We live in New Jersey now though, which is probably for the best. I can't imagine training in that St. Louis area humidity.

Just a quick update, got my run threshold figured out and am able to stay in zone two and still run now. It's painfully slow (12 min/mi with a 4+1 run/walk), but at least both feet are off the ground. Even that has improved somewhat from last week. I'm able to do 5k without too much effort and last Saturday (slowly) ran 6.9 miles, which is the farthest I've ever run. So that was pretty cool. Thanks for the advice to slow down.

Been on the indoor bike mostly, again staying in zone two and trying to build endurance. I ordered IronFit and it should arrive early next week. Still looking for a pool / waiting for paychecks to drop on the 1st so we can join the Y. Race day is 73 days away so I need to start getting some laps in.

Excited to read about everyone's races, very impressive. I'm still in "race to finish" mode so it's great to read about these fast times.

My wife and I volunteered at the Philly Triathlon on Saturday and it was a blast yelling at people to exit T1 on the right. Later I moved to giving directions on the run course and spent a couple of hours saying "zone two all day," "work that Galloway," and "get up in those trees and catch some shade." Hopefully there were a couple of chuckles from the racers in their misery. I was amazed at how many people left T1 barefoot with their shoes clipped that had simply no business attempting that trick. Really dangerous.

Off to bed, if the weather cooperates I'm looking to do a semi-long run in first thing.

Originally posted by krazytallchick

Good catch as I didn't notice the Club's hat, just the fish. I am a Cards fan too, so no you don't have to leave. Currently living in SC, are you in MO if so where as I am Washington girl?

I drive 30 minutes to the Y for my pool workouts. That is the closest pool that is open year round.

Originally posted by MikeMcK
Just noticed your hat (nice fish, by the way), I'm a Cards fan. Does this mean I have to leave the group now?

With respect to zone thresholds, I really need to do this. I have grossly figured them out over the past year, but nothing official like you have. I need to get this done! Especially considering I train almost 75 % based on HR!

In T1, I do the barefoot run and Superman jump on my bike! I have been only doing tri's for about 1 year, but I practice the transitions religiously before races.
2013-07-01 5:13 PM
in reply to: mkennedy0525

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Subject: RE: TEAM RFP (Relentless Forward Progress)- OPEN
Wow! Nice brick!

I have noticed similar conditions during a run after a bike. I just have to push through the first 1 or so, then I feel much more comfortable.
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