BT Development Mentor Program Archives » What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN! Rss Feed  
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2014-02-06 2:06 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by skankey So I'm about a month out from the marathon and I haven't run in a week due to a crazy schedule before moving across country. I missed some huge workouts that were really important, I.e. 18 mi LR with 14 at marathon pace. Should I still try to fit those in? Should I jump right back into my workouts as normal? Should I start back in taking it easy? Tomorrow I start a 3 day road trip from Arizona to Connecticut. I hope to be able to run at each hotel when I stop for the night. This move has really made my training go to crap.

Trying to remember if there was a plan you were following (link)? If I hadn't run for a week, I'd probably take the next few days and work back into it to be safe. Easy would still be easy. Hard would still be hard unless it was the first one back, then I'd think some more about it. However, I might not do quite as much of it. So push the pace near where it calls for so long as everything feels fine, but maybe not quite as long or as many reps. As for the 18 mi LR w/m-pace, would have to see what the plan calls for coming up. Most certainly would NOT try to just cram that in somewhere. There might be another one coming up in a week or two. You'd have to take in how you're feeling, taking in that you had both an entire week of not running to lower some fatigue and that you haven't run for a week and have not built up as was called for towards the workouts. So I'd probably end up somewhere between that missed long run and the one one the schedule.

I know this is kind of vague, but people do respond differently so it's necessary to try and read the situation and use some guidelines. Hard to do when you likely have a lot on your mind with all the moving/traveling going on, but do remember that the plan is to help guide you in building up your fitness. It's not a series of checkboxes that you just get credit for accomplishing. The future work is done based off what you've been able to do to that point.

Don't sweat it. Bet you haven't lost much. I took three weeks off before the Prague International Marathon (long time ago when I was young) due to some horrible blisters due to running a 20-miler in the rain. They wouldn't heal so I had to go on medication and have my feet wrapped. They were like fire burns (that bad!). Anyway, still ran a PR and actually felt so amazing and appreciated the journey a lot more. Good luck to you with the move and the marathon!

2014-02-06 2:08 PM
in reply to: midwesttrimom

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
On a lighter note, I am almost 2 weeks into my Olympic tri training. I had a solid base so it's been okay so far. Need to lose about 5-7 pounds due to too much holiday fun, a vacation, and lots of sick kiddos (and a bad cold myself). Regardless, looking forward to this season and checking out some new race venues, seeing how far I can push myself as I train for my first IM, etc. Having the hardest time building my running speed back up. Cold here, snow, wind, etc. Doesn't seem to stop three of the girls I run with. They are FLYING and I am tagging along behind. Maybe it's the extra 5-7 pounds. Eeeeek.

2014-02-07 5:21 PM
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Hollywood, FL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
This was swim week for me. I did swim on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! The masters coach got me into some intense intervals today, I'm feeling very tired, but was happy to pull it off.

Edited by ccjr 2014-02-07 5:23 PM


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2014-02-15 8:53 AM
in reply to: ccjr

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St Tammany Parish
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
What has everyone been up to around here? No action in 9 days.
2014-02-17 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4915218

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
On my way back from a 5 day backpacking trip in Big Bend. Foot much better and plan on running this week to test it out.

There's several others training for races as well. Probably just busy...
2014-02-17 11:03 AM
in reply to: WyattEarp

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Ya this is weird no one is commenting. I've just been starting to taper for my marathon March 1st. Getting excited to start training the other two disciplines a lot harder. The snow up here in the NE has made training outside tough.

2014-02-17 11:51 AM
in reply to: skankey

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Guilty, I was depressed after the superbowl, lol!

Been focusing on running and biking. Long run is now up to 8.2miles (with the dog no less!) and biking has really been progressing with the power program.  Swimming is starting again tonight, I've been really bad at getting to the pool and its now the time, no slack here forward.  Still looking for a wetsuit to buy.  Anyone here using the Xterra suits that can be bought pretty cheaply? 

2014-02-17 2:50 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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St Tammany Parish
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

On my way back from a 5 day backpacking trip in Big Bend. Foot much better and plan on running this week to test it out.

There's several others training for races as well. Probably just busy...

How was Big Bend? I want to to a backpack trip there but it is just so far from anywhere. 19 hour drive from here. Even If I were to take the train to Alpine it's still nearly three hours and would have to rent a car.
2014-02-17 5:57 PM
in reply to: WyattEarp

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Big Bend was Fantastic!  It's getting late in the season though.  It was 96*F in the basin yesterday.

2014-02-18 8:17 AM
in reply to: skankey

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by skankey Ya this is weird no one is commenting. I've just been starting to taper for my marathon March 1st. Getting excited to start training the other two disciplines a lot harder. The snow up here in the NE has made training outside tough.

How have the last couple weeks gone for you?

2014-02-18 8:35 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

I ran and swam last night.  After the 4.75 mile trot, which I felt lonely not running with the dog, I did 3x200m and another 100m. Actually felt good during the swim since I was all warmed up from the run. Thinking today might have to be an off day as I have to go to my daughters 1st ever track & field meet.  She's doing the 800m and Shot Put.

2014-02-18 1:51 PM
in reply to: ccjr

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by ccjr This was swim week for me. I did swim on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! The masters coach got me into some intense intervals today, I'm feeling very tired, but was happy to pull it off.

Which pool is that?

2014-02-18 1:54 PM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Sorry, all - I have been SLACKING!

I see a few updates - how is everyone else doing?

I did Ragnar Florida Keys two weekends ago, and I crewed a 24 hour MTB race for a friend last weekend. So much fun!

I had felt like I was really slacking on my training. Not running because of my shin was getting to me, and I felt like I wasn't biking/swimming like I should have been.

The good news is that the shin is more or less ok - I'm worried I'm ramping up the run miles too quickly (18 miles at Ragnar!) but, honestly, until there is PAIN, I will keep going.

I did my final pre-race FTP test yesterday. I was happy to see that despite my few weeks of slacking, My FTP went up just a little I was afraid it would drop!

I'm in the final two weeks before taper, and all is well. I'm getting excited for race day - and I'm hoping my tempo run on Sunday reaffirms that!

2014-02-19 7:14 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Sorry, all - I have been SLACKING!

I see a few updates - how is everyone else doing?

I did Ragnar Florida Keys two weekends ago, and I crewed a 24 hour MTB race for a friend last weekend. So much fun!

I had felt like I was really slacking on my training. Not running because of my shin was getting to me, and I felt like I wasn't biking/swimming like I should have been.

The good news is that the shin is more or less ok - I'm worried I'm ramping up the run miles too quickly (18 miles at Ragnar!) but, honestly, until there is PAIN, I will keep going.

I did my final pre-race FTP test yesterday. I was happy to see that despite my few weeks of slacking, My FTP went up just a little I was afraid it would drop!

I'm in the final two weeks before taper, and all is well. I'm getting excited for race day - and I'm hoping my tempo run on Sunday reaffirms that!

For the last few days I've felt the same.....

13th was my birthday so I took a day off training, 14th was a night to spend with my wife and I didn't think it wise to spend an hour or so on the bike :-).

the 15th I woke with a really bad head cold that subsided yesterday morning so I was back on the bike last night.  5 days off when I should have hit at least 6 hours training in that time as I was coming off a relaxed week already, so I've had two slow weeks. 

When I hit the bike again last night my wife's comment "at least I got you for a few nights."  said with a smile, but I guess it was due :-)

She did buy me the 310xt for my birthday so it can't be too bad :-)

going to run/bike tonight try and get a couple of hours in and see how I feel.  I need to do back to back long sessions this weekend, I'm thinking 1.5 hours running and 1.5 hours riding both days or 2:1 run/bike.  Will also drop in a swim a some point, my wife has started swimming again and is already kicking my butt!

Race days are 21st, 22nd and 23rd March so I will start to taper 3-4 weeks from now........the excitement is building for me, but there's also a little concern, the weather over there in the UK has been pretty awful and the route we're racing (coastal trails) has already had some cliffs collapsing in to the sea!, all this means is diversions on race day, last time they did this we raced over 33 miles on one of the days!  oh what joy, It'll be interesting to see what the total distance will be this year :-

Slow and Steady this year, Slow and Steady!!

2014-02-19 9:45 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by skankey Ya this is weird no one is commenting. I've just been starting to taper for my marathon March 1st. Getting excited to start training the other two disciplines a lot harder. The snow up here in the NE has made training outside tough.

How have the last couple weeks gone for you?

The last couple of weeks have been better than the weeks before that however I really don't feel prepared to run sub 7min/mi for a marathon. I've been locked up indoors having to run on a treadmill the last 3 weeks with only running outdoors 3 times. Those three times I felt great though getting outside. I'm now tapering so I feel like I should start to feel better and better. My race plan is to hit my pace and hold on for dear life and thats about it. Hopefully I can. The marathon is next Saturday and I will have an update for everyone after that.
2014-02-19 1:52 PM
in reply to: skankey

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by skankey
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by skankey Ya this is weird no one is commenting. I've just been starting to taper for my marathon March 1st. Getting excited to start training the other two disciplines a lot harder. The snow up here in the NE has made training outside tough.

How have the last couple weeks gone for you?

The last couple of weeks have been better than the weeks before that however I really don't feel prepared to run sub 7min/mi for a marathon. I've been locked up indoors having to run on a treadmill the last 3 weeks with only running outdoors 3 times. Those three times I felt great though getting outside. I'm now tapering so I feel like I should start to feel better and better. My race plan is to hit my pace and hold on for dear life and thats about it. Hopefully I can. The marathon is next Saturday and I will have an update for everyone after that.

Oh man - good luck!

Remember - pain is temporary, but your finishing time will be posted online FOREVER!

2014-02-20 9:35 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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New user
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Originally posted by skankey
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by skankey Ya this is weird no one is commenting. I've just been starting to taper for my marathon March 1st. Getting excited to start training the other two disciplines a lot harder. The snow up here in the NE has made training outside tough.

How have the last couple weeks gone for you?

The last couple of weeks have been better than the weeks before that however I really don't feel prepared to run sub 7min/mi for a marathon. I've been locked up indoors having to run on a treadmill the last 3 weeks with only running outdoors 3 times. Those three times I felt great though getting outside. I'm now tapering so I feel like I should start to feel better and better. My race plan is to hit my pace and hold on for dear life and thats about it. Hopefully I can. The marathon is next Saturday and I will have an update for everyone after that.

Oh man - good luck!

Remember - pain is temporary, but your finishing time will be posted online FOREVER!

Haha. Its so true! and after all that work if it isn't a BQ'er it will haunt me.
2014-02-20 10:05 AM
in reply to: skankey

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Good luck to you peeps in or starting a tapers!  I ran an easy 40 minutes today and the foot held up just fine!  Only 8 weeks till 70.3 Galveston but I feel like I can at least make a showing now.

2014-02-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Hollywood, FL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

Originally posted by ccjr This was swim week for me. I did swim on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! The masters coach got me into some intense intervals today, I'm feeling very tired, but was happy to pull it off.

Which pool is that?

That is the main Nova Southeastern University Aquatics pool -
2014-02-20 2:50 PM
in reply to: ccjr

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
So as I wrap up my marathon training I am starting to plan my triathlon training. I feel I have a good grasp on run and bike training but swimming is so foreign to me. In the past I just would show up to the pool and do what I felt like for that day. I am planning on doing my first Olympic on May 31st and start training March 10th. I have allotted time for 3 swim workouts a week(M, W, F) and after the first month of base/endurance/technique workouts I was thinking of focusing on an element of swimming each practice i.e.speed workout 1, technique workout 2 and endurance workout 3 and then repeat each week. Is this a good method or should I try to integrate all three into each workout? I plan on increasing distance each week up to 3000m a workout. Is that too little swimming. I am a MOP swimmer averaging 1:45/100 in my last 800m sprint but that was also 2 years ago and I haven't swam consistently since. I would like to be able to swim 1:30 or faster per 100m in my first Olympic. Since there are some really good swimmers in here I thought this was the perfect place to begin my search.
2014-02-20 3:29 PM
in reply to: skankey

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

3 days a week and getting to 3,000 a session is probably a good place to start. See what you're getting out of it and go from there. That's *about* an hour at a time which it fairly typical of a masters swim session.

The aspects of the workouts you put in will be part of every session. They should not and really can not be separated into very isolated aspects as many like to think. Don't think about building a base really, just go directly at the fitness. Since you've definitely looked at running quite a bit recently, have you been able to look at various types of intervals much? Daniels (for one example) has cruise intervals (T-pace), Intervals (I-pace), and Repetition (R-pace). McMillan also has equivalents. Much of the work will be something like T-pace work, which is commonly done as various tempos, but broken into intervals. Hence understanding cruise intervals. With swimming, the other two can, and likely will, be mixed in at times. And sometimes will be more the focus of the workout. But much more often it will be like tempo work.

Technique is very important in swimming, which is often understood quite easily, but that doesn't mean you should spend a lot of time on drilling. You're always working on something while you're swimming. Pretty much every time there should be one or two things in the session you're trying to work on in regards to the stroke mechanics. And that's through the entire set. The drills need to be done correctly and some may be hard to do without someone else observing. What they'll do is help advance the idea in a particular aspect of the stroke. You'll still need to incorporate that into the stroke and develop the fitness to maintain it. Also, much of the time the speed and endurance will be built together, though there will be times where one will be pushed much more. The speed part in particular as you have to learn how to go faster to do so. Much more so than with the other two.

2014-02-20 9:45 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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St Tammany Parish
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
Starting to feel like spring here already. Warm an muggy. I have my training plan 'loaded' at the end of the week in that I build volume. Yesterday was swim and then 6.7 mile run. 32 mile bike today and tomorrow is a 9 mile run. Sore legs this evening so we will see how the long run goes tomorrow.

I've been super good with staying on plan. Only about 8 weeks to go.
2014-02-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!
I have had shin issues the last few weeks. I have only run once in the last 3 weeks but I have been biking and swimming. Today will be the first race I DNS due to injury. It is for a charity that a friend runs so I am going to help out and cheer other runners on. Hopefully I will be able to start my running back this week.
2014-02-22 8:56 PM
in reply to: perrykvn

Northern IL
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

First of the swim meets today. Wasn't sure how I'd do being sick the few days before, but felt past the worst of it. 200 free started ok, matching speed with another 2:15 seed in the next lane for about the first 75, but then lost it. Energy just gone and faded big time. Ended up with a 2:26. Chalking it up to still recovering, especially as that did not feel like a normal fade or later race burn. Dropped out of the 500 free because of that. Wasn't much point in swimming what would be a practice rep time. Had signed up for a 50 fly in between and went through with that. Felt fine technically, but not as fast as I'd like. Still ended up with a :33.

2014-02-22 9:12 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: What off-season? Early season racers Mentor Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by brigby1

First of the swim meets today. Wasn't sure how I'd do being sick the few days before, but felt past the worst of it. 200 free started ok, matching speed with another 2:15 seed in the next lane for about the first 75, but then lost it. Energy just gone and faded big time. Ended up with a 2:26. Chalking it up to still recovering, especially as that did not feel like a normal fade or later race burn. Dropped out of the 500 free because of that. Wasn't much point in swimming what would be a practice rep time. Had signed up for a 50 fly in between and went through with that. Felt fine technically, but not as fast as I'd like. Still ended up with a :33.

Nothing but ENVY! 

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