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2007-08-17 10:43 AM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

I think Carol's new username should be Shiner   

Have fun camping Trish! 

2007-08-20 12:27 AM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hey Danny!  How was your 1/2 marathon?  Give us the scoop big guy!
2007-08-20 10:36 AM
in reply to: #929356

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
bubba76819 - 2007-08-17 8:43 AM

I think Carol's new username should be Shiner

Have fun camping Trish!

Cannoli, Flash, Shiner.....I'm liking all these names for Carol !!!

Any good "stories" this week?  I'm starting to look forward to them, and some good-natured teasing to go along  


2007-08-20 10:44 AM
in reply to: #931536

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

bubba76819 - 2007-08-19 10:27 PM Hey Danny! How was your 1/2 marathon? Give us the scoop big guy!

I had a good day out there and finished in reasonably good shape.

I was a little slower than I had hoped, and was pretty tired right after the race, but I was happy to be out there after the roller coaster that this year has been.

I'm working on my race report, but the short story is my time was 2:22 (10:45 pace). I thought I would improve on last year's 2:17, but it didn't happen. But, like I said, it was a great day, and I enjoyed myself alot (especially the first 10 miles, the last 3 were a struggle).

I got to:

- get up early and see the sun come up
- get some good exercise
- see some friends
- met some new friends
- enjoy some delicious drinks at the aid stations
- work on my tan
- get a finisher's medal to hang on my wall (4 years in a row for this race - keeping the streak alive!)

A good day all the way around !!

2007-08-20 11:53 PM
in reply to: #932121

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Simply awesome Danny!  I'm proud of you!  I wish I would've planned ahead to do it.  I've never ran an official 1/2 marathon.  I ran 13 one time, 5 years ago.  Then last week I ran 11, but I don't run long very often.  I'd love to actually do an organized one. 

Anyway, sounds like a great day!  Maybe we can get a ride and/or a run in this next weekend.   

2007-08-21 1:01 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi everyone!
I'm back after a quick trip to Boston. We had a big 50th anniversary party for my parents and their big present was... ME! They had no idea I would be there and it was a total blast. It was a whirlwind of party preparations and family visits. I cannot believe I did not get one workout in. Jetlag and family got the better of me. I was very happy with my nutrition, however. Passed on all the meatballs, maroni, bread... Big Italian celebrations = massive amounts of food at all times and serious pressure to eat vast quantities of it - "Whaasmatta witchou? Eat!!"

It was a great visit, but I'm glad to be back and to be able to get back to training. The black eye was quite the buzz! "No really, I smacked my own self in the eye while racing my bike in a triathlon." Ha! I always was the odd one in the group!

Danny, congratulations!!! What an awesome accomplishment! I thought about you this weekend and sent some "run quick and effortlessly" prayers your way. You inspire all of us!

I've got to get down to businees this week - the Imperial Beach Triathlon is on Sunday and I am signed up!

Train on !!
Carol (aka Shiner, Flash, Cannoli... ha-ha!!)

2007-08-21 6:56 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

I posted this on the local tri club website - interested ??


A Sat., 8/25, 7:00 a.m. Camp Pendleton ride.

If you're up for a base ride we will begin 7:00 a.m. (arrive at 6:45 a.m.)
in Carlsbad. The ride start will begin at the Carlsbad Company Outlet
Stores parking lot (see directions below). The ride will travel North
along the coast, through Camp Pendleton and then back again. We
will most likely go 70-80 miles but, you can turn around anytime you
need/time permits. The pace will be moderate 16-18 mph.

The ride will go North through Oceanside, entering the base on Camp
Pendleton (beautiful scenery, varying terrain, rolling hills, very few stops,
good clear roads and minimal traffic. A very safe place to ride.)

The start location:
In Carlsbad at the Outlet Company Stores Mall. Meet in the Southwest
corner at the extreme South-end of the shopping center parking lot.

Directions: From I-5 Freeway take the Palomar Airport Rd. exit and
drive east for 1- block. Turn left at the first traffic light on
Paseo Del Norte. Drive north for another block and make the first
right turn into the parking lot. Circle around to the left and find a
place to park in the S.W. corner.

What to bring:
Be sure to bring a picture Identification for entry and access to the
Marine Corps Base. Bring sufficient liquids and nutrition for the
bike ride. Helmets are required.

See you in the morning.

Dan Hyte
Cell (858) 735-0407

2007-08-23 1:06 AM
in reply to: #935071

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Ack!  I'd love to go but my boys both have weigh-in in Temecula for Pop Warner Football.  I am going for a 40 mile ride tomorrow and then immediately heading out on a 6-8 mile run if anyone is interested.  I know I'm posting this late, so I'm sure I'll be alone, but wanted to post it anyway.  I'm planning on starting in Oceanside Harbor area heading south to Del Mar and back for the bike ride, all on the Coast Highway.  Then running along the beach and Coast Highway down to Carlsbad and back for the run.  I've done both 1/2's independently numerous times, but I'm throwing them together tomorrow. 

If anyone is interested, send me a PM and I'll get you my phone number and we can settle on a time.


2007-08-23 8:33 AM
in reply to: #937054

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
bubba76819 - 2007-08-22 11:06 PM

Ack! I'd love to go but my boys both have weigh-in in Temecula for Pop Warner Football. I am going for a 40 mile ride tomorrow and then immediately heading out on a 6-8 mile run if anyone is interested. I know I'm posting this late, so I'm sure I'll be alone, but wanted to post it anyway. I'm planning on starting in Oceanside Harbor area heading south to Del Mar and back for the bike ride, all on the Coast Highway. Then running along the beach and Coast Highway down to Carlsbad and back for the run. I've done both 1/2's independently numerous times, but I'm throwing them together tomorrow.

If anyone is interested, send me a PM and I'll get you my phone number and we can settle on a time.


Sorry Jay, I can't make it.  Sounds like a great brick workout though!  Have a great time out there. 

2007-08-23 1:04 PM
in reply to: #937231

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
You are just ships passing in the night!

Nicely done on the 1/2 marathon, Danny. I'm sure it's been a real mental battle for you these past few months and you've overcome another hurdle!

So, I survived the camping trip, barely. I drank too much wine (3 glasses!) at a wedding reception Saturday and got a bit dehydrated, I think. (Wish I could be as good as Carol!) Then, I tried to run in the heat when we got back Tuesday and about died out there! It was more mentally damaging than physically, in the end. I took the day off yesterday and really tried to keep a glass/bottle of water in my hand at all times, so I'm feeling better now. I wish I could say I've learned my lesson, but past experience tells me I probably haven't!

I'm feeling pretty tired going into my race this weekend, but I meant for it to be a B/C race to find out how it feels to "train through". It's just a long workout for me - long, hard workout because I do get competitive.

Go Carol! You've really been bitten by the tri-bug, I think =).

2007-08-23 8:09 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
You guys make me laugh! Danny and Bubba, your wokouts are inspiring me. This month has been rough for training. The kids started school this week and it's been a little tricky to work around the carpools and variuos schedules. I have a race this weekend, too, Trish. Mine is the Imperial Beach Tri. I don't feel as prepared as I did for the other races this season, but it's a sprint, so I should be okay. I have seriously got to get my running times down. After this race I think I will reevaluate my goals (I already know run more, run more!). Need to pick an A race and get a plan.

Trish, what race are you doing? If I wasn't racing I would so like to do that long ride, Danny. We also have weigh-in at Temecula this Saturday (Hi Bubba and mini-Bubbas!).

Have a great night all!
Peace and joy,

2007-08-24 5:59 PM
in reply to: #800275

Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi All,

After nearly 3 months of inactivity I think I'm ready to commit again to this crazy sport. I hope it's alright that I rejoin the discussion...!

I started running again this week and although I feel like I'm starting at square one, I ran a pretty decent 4 miles on Tuesday and I am really just glad to be starting... again. I really want to sign up for another race soon to motivate my training so I'm looking into some different options. The one thing holding me back is the bike. I don't want to use a borrowed mtn. bike again so I'm bike shopping - only I know nothing about bikes and am very much a newbie/moron on the bike.

I've been looking for something used in the $400 range (and in Southern CA, so I can at least ride it before I buy) but haven't had much luck. I started looking at the four bikes linked below in that range but I really don't know anything so I'm feeling a little stuck. I want something that I can handle with my "moron" status but that I won't grow out of in 6-12 months as I start to improve. If any of you in the area have a bike or know of an appropriate bike (I'm 5'7) for sale please let me know.

Otherwise I would really value your opinions. If you can take a look at my options below and let me know if one is better than the other I would really appreciate it. All I know is that they all have Carbon forks which is supposed to be important...?

I plan to go to my LBS and get measured this weekend if possible so I can at least figure out the sizing and I will definitely have them assemble the bike if needed, but any direction would be much appreciated.

2007-08-25 4:09 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hi Nikki !!

Welcome back !!  Please jump right back in  !!!!!

I have to run out the door in just a moment, but I'll respond to your post in more detail later tonight.

This is a great time of the year to be picking up used bikes, as the bulk of the season is over, and people are often selling their bikes (no that they have done their "big" races of the year). 

There are always bikes listed in the email list for the local Tri club.  I'll look at the message board tonight and see if there is anything good available...


2007-08-25 10:57 PM
in reply to: #800275

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New user

Los Alamos, NM
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi all,

My training has slacked a little, but I finally did my first full triathlon two weeks ago. My plan was to go all out if I did not drown in the swim, but my 9 year old son did the tri with me and wanted me to stay with him on the bike and the swim. I lucked out some how, and for this year only, the Socorro Tri swim was only 300 yards. The USAT official said I could a snorkle, but decided I could do it without it. I managed to make the swim (275 yards on my back) in blazing speed of 12 min. I caught my son on the bike course and we road togther at a pretty slow pace. Going into the transition area, my son forgot he had toe-clips on and wrecked, scraping both knees and getting road rash on his side. He said he did not want to do the run, so I left him with my wife and did the 5k run in 29 minutes, which is pretty good for me.

On the way back during the run I met my son who decided to finish the course after all. I was very proud of him finishing after taking that spill. I finished in 1:46:13, but I think I could have knocked about 15 min off had I done the bike on my own, but I was glad to stay with my son. Derek finished with a time of 2:26:15, mainly because he walked on the run. As it turns out he got second place in his age group (yes, only two people).

The next weekend we did a team in the Los Alamos Triathlon. I did the bike, my wife did the swim, and my son Derek did the run. There were no wrecks, and we ended up finishing 2nd in our age group (20-29 co-ed team) with a time of 1:25:15.

I would just like to thank everybody in the group for your advice and encouragement. I am going to keep working on my swim until I can at least finish 400 m without doing the backstroke.

2007-08-28 2:00 PM
in reply to: #940388

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Excellent, Ron, congratulations! Sounds like you've had a great time these past couple weeks and made some big progress. You should be proud of yourself, too!

2007-08-28 2:13 PM
in reply to: #939779

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hey Nikki,

Welcome back! I hope "life" has settled in for the long run for you. I just bought a bike, myself, a couple of months ago - it's very exciting! The most important thing for me was fit (within my budget, of course) because you spend so much time in the saddle. Be picky about that. I'm very lucky to have a really good racing shop in my town and they spent a lot of time with me on fitting. I ended up with a Specialized Allez based on the fit. It just felt really right both times I tried it, while everything else had some minor issue or other. I actually said to myself when I got on it the first time, "This feels like home!"

As for the choices you put up, I think the Motobecane Grand Record has the best components for the price. I'm all about components, so long as the frameset is decent (like I'd know!). You can definitely get great prices right now, so shop, shop, shop! It's hard not to rush yourself, but take your time so you don't feel like you could have got a better bargain. Used bikes are definitely a good option in your price range, too.

Enjoy yourself!


2007-08-28 2:20 PM
in reply to: #938512

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi Carol,

How'd your weekend go? I did the Luna Bar Women's Sprint at the same venue as my last sprint in June (Rancho Seco Park near Galt). I had a great swim and a pretty good bike, but I crashed and burned on the run! I was having asthma issues and got such a stitch in my side as I've never known! Running was agony, walking was pain. Some guy shouted at me "Pain is fear, go, go, go!" and I almost kicked him in the shins! What does that MEAN, anyway?

I did manage to go a few minutes faster overall and finished MOP, even though I walked more than half the run, so I shouldn't complain, but I'm a bit disappointed even so. Maybe August is just not the time for me to do a triathlon in farm country! I have one more this year, and I'm focusing on that one as my "A" race. It's in the Napa valley, so it should be beautiful, if nothing else!

2007-08-30 3:43 PM
in reply to: #800275

Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL
Hi Group!

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! Congrats on the new bike Trish, I can't wait for one of my own. From what I've found I'm leaning towards the Motobecane Grand Record from the list I posted earlier, BUT I just found this bike posted in La Jolla:

I asked a few questions and here's what the seller said:

"I am the original owner (never crashed- cosmetic scratches from car bike rack, etc.)
I did 2 half Ironmans with it and a fair amount of training in the last 2 years- before that it was barely ridden. I don’t even have a good guess on the mileage, but the teeth on the cassette and crank are in good shape
It has always been stored indoors
I think it is an 8 speed Shimano 105 with Index Shifting (shifting on the brake levers)
The wheels are standard 700s (not 650s)
Pedal brand is Exxus- they are the Look style

The bike is aluminum and is stiff and responsive. I have found it to be a very reliable, solid bike…and lots of guys like it b/c it is classic Italian bike racing geometry. The bike is ideal if you are new to road riding, or want an all around bike to get started on triathlon with. I started getting more into riding since I moved to SD, and after 2 years, I decided to dive in and spend way too much on a bike."

It's about half the cost of the other and about 10 years old . Does anyone have an educated opinion? Is it even worth the 2 hour drive to take a look and a test ride? The seller seems to work for which makes me think maybe she's taken better care of it than otherwise...?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
2007-08-30 6:50 PM
in reply to: #800275

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Another ride this Sat (see details below).

Sunday morning will be a 10 mile trail run in San Elijo lagoon (Encinitas). 

Come out for a long ride on Saturday for a 80-90 mile ride !!

If you're up for a base ride we will begin 7:00 a.m. (arrive at 6:45
a.m.) in Carlsbad. The ride start will begin at the Carlsbad Company
Outlet Stores parking lot (see directions below). The ride will travel
North along the coast, through Camp Pendleton, to Dana Point, and then
back again.

We will most likely go 80-90 miles but, you can turn around anytime
you need/time permits. The pace will be moderate 16-18 mph.

The ride will go North through Oceanside, entering the base on Camp
Pendleton (beautiful scenery, varying terrain, rolling hills, very few
stops, good clear roads and minimal traffic. A very safe place to ride.)

The start location:
In Carlsbad at the Outlet Company Stores Mall. Meet in the Southwest
corner at the extreme South-end of the shopping center parking lot.

Directions: From I-5 Freeway take the Palomar Airport Rd. exit and
drive east for 1- block. Turn left at the first traffic light on
Paseo Del Norte. Drive north for another block and make the first
right turn into the parking lot. Circle around to the left and find a
place to park in the S.W. corner.

What to bring:
Be sure to bring a picture Identification for entry and access to the
Marine Corps Base. Bring sufficient liquids and nutrition for the
bike ride. Helmets are required.

Drop me a email or call if you think you might make it.

See you Saturday morning !

Dan Hyte
[email protected]
Cell (858) 735-0407

2007-08-30 7:27 PM
in reply to: #947687

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

blondnik - 2007-08-30 1:43 PM Hi Group! I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! Congrats on the new bike Trish, I can't wait for one of my own. From what I've found I'm leaning towards the Motobecane Grand Record from the list I posted earlier, BUT I just found this bike posted in La Jolla: I asked a few questions and here's what the seller said: "I am the original owner (never crashed- cosmetic scratches from car bike rack, etc.) I did 2 half Ironmans with it and a fair amount of training in the last 2 years- before that it was barely ridden. I don’t even have a good guess on the mileage, but the teeth on the cassette and crank are in good shape It has always been stored indoors I think it is an 8 speed Shimano 105 with Index Shifting (shifting on the brake levers) The wheels are standard 700s (not 650s) Pedal brand is Exxus- they are the Look style The bike is aluminum and is stiff and responsive. I have found it to be a very reliable, solid bike…and lots of guys like it b/c it is classic Italian bike racing geometry. The bike is ideal if you are new to road riding, or want an all around bike to get started on triathlon with. I started getting more into riding since I moved to SD, and after 2 years, I decided to dive in and spend way too much on a bike." It's about half the cost of the other and about 10 years old . Does anyone have an educated opinion? Is it even worth the 2 hour drive to take a look and a test ride? The seller seems to work for which makes me think maybe she's taken better care of it than otherwise...? Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

I'm not familiar with either of these bikes. I googled the Klein Quantum bike and found some reviews of the 2000 version that were all favorable.

The fact that the bike is 10 years old is a bit of a concern to me.  I'm not real big on aluminum bikes as they seem to rattle right up my back...

When I bought my bike, I thought the Felt bikes were a good balance between $ and value.

I was just looking at website (Encinitas) and they have intro bikes for $700 (but have a 10 % off labor day sale going on). Still a little more than you wanted to spend. A lot of the bike shops are having sales this weekend - I would definitely go visit some local LBSs. Did you get fitted yet?

You also mentioned wanting to buy a wetsuit. I bought my most recent wetsuit from DeSoto (I love it) and got a 25% discount for TCSD (Are you a club member? I saw that the Klein bike was listed in the TCSD want ads).

I am personally inclined to buy new (or barely used equipment). Just seem to have less hassles....

Have you been checking Ebay for bikes near your location? There is always a lot of bikes listed there also.



Edited by dhyte 2007-08-30 7:29 PM
2007-08-30 7:35 PM
in reply to: #940388

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

rselvage - 2007-08-25 8:57 PM Hi all, My training has slacked a little, but I finally did my first full triathlon two weeks ago. My plan was to go all out if I did not drown in the swim, but my 9 year old son did the tri with me and wanted me to stay with him on the bike and the swim. I lucked out some how, and for this year only, the Socorro Tri swim was only 300 yards. The USAT official said I could a snorkle, but decided I could do it without it. I managed to make the swim (275 yards on my back) in blazing speed of 12 min. I caught my son on the bike course and we road togther at a pretty slow pace. Going into the transition area, my son forgot he had toe-clips on and wrecked, scraping both knees and getting road rash on his side. He said he did not want to do the run, so I left him with my wife and did the 5k run in 29 minutes, which is pretty good for me. On the way back during the run I met my son who decided to finish the course after all. I was very proud of him finishing after taking that spill. I finished in 1:46:13, but I think I could have knocked about 15 min off had I done the bike on my own, but I was glad to stay with my son. Derek finished with a time of 2:26:15, mainly because he walked on the run. As it turns out he got second place in his age group (yes, only two people). The next weekend we did a team in the Los Alamos Triathlon. I did the bike, my wife did the swim, and my son Derek did the run. There were no wrecks, and we ended up finishing 2nd in our age group (20-29 co-ed team) with a time of 1:25:15. I would just like to thank everybody in the group for your advice and encouragement. I am going to keep working on my swim until I can at least finish 400 m without doing the backstroke.



What a cool story (both races) !!
I hope you guys got some good pictures (including the bloody knees) that you can all look back on in the future !

Congrats on getting through that swim.  Backstroke is A-OK in my book!

For your 400 yd goal: I would focus on swimming at the slowest necessary pace required for continuous swimming.  It doesn't matter if you feel like you are taking extra time.  Once you find that pace, swim your longest distance possible, and then keep adding distance to it every time you get back in the pool.  The speed will come in time - focus only on distance for now.

Good luck, and let us know how it is going!


2007-08-30 7:38 PM
in reply to: #800275

User image

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

BTW, I saw Carol at the Imperial Beach Triathlon last Sunday.
I went to watch, and then go for a ride afterwards.

Carol was kicking butt !  She has been a racing machine this summer.



On a side note, I broke a spoke during my ride, badly deformed my rear wheel in the process, and had to rent a bike from the LBS to get back to my vehicle......    

2007-08-30 7:41 PM
in reply to: #944376

User image

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

NoSit - 2007-08-28 12:20 PM Hi Carol, How'd your weekend go? I did the Luna Bar Women's Sprint at the same venue as my last sprint in June (Rancho Seco Park near Galt). I had a great swim and a pretty good bike, but I crashed and burned on the run! I was having asthma issues and got such a stitch in my side as I've never known! Running was agony, walking was pain. Some guy shouted at me "Pain is fear, go, go, go!" and I almost kicked him in the shins! What does that MEAN, anyway? I did manage to go a few minutes faster overall and finished MOP, even though I walked more than half the run, so I shouldn't complain, but I'm a bit disappointed even so. Maybe August is just not the time for me to do a triathlon in farm country! I have one more this year, and I'm focusing on that one as my "A" race. It's in the Napa valley, so it should be beautiful, if nothing else! Trish



Way to tough out that hard should have kicked that guy in the shins !!

What race are you doing in Napa (your A race)  ? 

2007-08-30 8:11 PM
in reply to: #800275

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

Hi everyone, I've been away for a while, but hopefully now things are slowing down.  I got really busy at work, working 12 hours. Now things are starting to slow down and I can start to focus once again.  I did the IronGirl Texas back in July, you can read my race report if you liked to see how I did/didn't do.  My coach and I started working on a trianing plan for 2008.  We have come up with two options, but depending on how my work schedule goes, we will decide here in a few months which to focus on.  I hope to be getting a day shift here in the next month or so. 

Option 1

  1. Pacific Shoreline (Surf City) Half Marathon-Feb 3
  2. Ford Ironman California 70.3- March 29

I'll do this option if I start working days, it will give me more time to do 2 a day trianing and get a good amount of volume in.

Option 2

  1. Pacific Shoreline (Surf City) Half Marathon-Feb 3
  2. IronGirl Las Vegas Olympic Triathlon-April ??
  3. Mooseman Half Ironman-June 6-8

I may have to switch to another Olympic Distance on June 29 and do the LongHorn Half Ironman in Oct 2008. 

Which ever option I do I'm doing a Half Ironman in 2008.  Sprints seem to not challenge me.  I'm slow but I'm always going to be slow, I'd rather do a longer distance for a little more $$$, and the further I go the better I feel.  Doing sprints I feel like I just start getting warmed up and then it is over.

2007-08-31 12:45 PM
in reply to: #947967

User image

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - FULL

My October 6 "A" race is the Tri, Girl, Tri (EnduroSport puts it on) in the NE Napa Valley, really at Lake Berryessa, so almost in Capay Valley. It's Napa County, but not really 'Napa' per se. I imagine people coming from out of the area are disappointed to realize that the wineries are at least an hour drive away!

But, anyway, it's a 1/2 mi swim (good for me), 15 mi bike (okay) and 4 mi run (not sure yet, given recent race!). The water should be nice and cool - 70-74, which suits me. The bike is on rolling hills and the run is on an exposed road, so probably hot, but it's October, so not too bad.

My plan is to do one more build, taper, race, then keep up light training until the end of October, when I have a relay 1/2 marathon to run. Then I'm taking a couple weeks off and going to do some climbing for a month or so before starting my 2008 base training around the new year. Soccer season is here until the end of November, too, so I'll have the occasional tournament (I ref, though, don't play). Should keep me busy enough, I hope!

I'm bone-tired, I must admit! Just can't seem to catch up for some reason (probably old age and lack of wisdom!).
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