BT Development Mentor Program Archives » dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!! Rss Feed  
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2008-03-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1104346

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Evening Peeps

Hope you all are well, I’ve just been putting together my racing schedule for the next few months which looks pretty exciting, take a look!

30th March – Hornsea 1/3 Marathon
27th April – Sheffield ½ Marathon (may do a local 10k as an alternative)
11th May – Beverley 10k
18th May - Mansfield Sprint Triathlon (400 metres Swim - 18km Cycle - 5km Run)
1st June – Humber Bridge 10k
15th June - Woodhall Spa Sprint Triathlon (400 metres Swim - 24km Cycle - 5km Run)
29th June – Humber Bridge ½ Marathon
20th July - David Lloyd Lincoln Sprint Triathlon (400 metres Swim - 24km Cycle - 5km Run)

I'll look for an Olympic Distance event following these if I'm in good condition and another half marathon in October time. Hmmm there's a marathon not too far away in September, surely I couldn't, could I??!!

Have a crazy day x

2008-03-01 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1242626

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

MilkeC - 2008-02-28 5:07 PM Hey guys, Hope you all are doing great, I'm off training this week got really sick sunday night, it seems the flu hit me hard this time, so I went to the doctor monday morning and he told me to wait a full week to recuperate and to give my body enough time to get the virus out....I hate when this happens.. But anyway...if all goes well, can't wait for next week to start training harder and stronger...!!!! Hope you all take care, the flu virus is hitting a lot of people...!! Take care friends!!!!! And keep on training hard!!!! Mike

Speaking of illnesses....I've had this weird stomach issue for more than 2 weeks now...I think it's time to go see the doc!  I'm convinced I have some sort of weird stomach bug that won't quit....

I managed to go for a long ride yesterday (102 miles), but I just felt out of whack the whole way, and was pretty tired at the end.

Hope everyone is doing good this weekend, and getting some training in.

I think tonight will be a good night to hang at home and watch a movie rental with the family.   

2008-03-03 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1104346

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: Crappy couple of weeks
Ok - so I've had a bummer of a couple weeks training wise. I'm way down on the volume and feeling like a slug. I just went back and picked up my training plan from the 18th of Feb forward and pasted to the calendar starting this week into April. I've got some time to play with since the first Tri isn't until May 18th.

Which brings up a question - or a thought - that I need to dig into a little. The plan will begin to taper in accordance with a 12 week training cycle - but there is more than that until the race. I need to look on where I extend it and how - I guess where ever the taper begins, insert some more workouts prior to the taper to align it with the race in May. Thoughts?


Edited by sundevil87 2008-03-03 6:52 AM
2008-03-03 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
All of you talking about sickness is catching... I think I'm starting to come down with something as well. So, I'm just going to take the week nice and easy (aka off) so I can even hope to run in the race on Saturday.

I think at this point I'm not going to be able to run the full 15K, so my goal or plan for the moment is to run it in intervals. Run about 9-10 minutes and then walk 1-2 minutes. Thats what I did this past weekend on my long run and I think that'll be the best thing to do so I'll last the whole race. Although who knows, I could get just a huge rush of adrenaline from the 15,000 people running with me that I can run the whole thing... that'd be just awesome

I was planning on registering for my May race here soon since it's coming up before too long, but I found out at work that sometime relatively soon (in a month or two) I'll be heading your way Danny, to San Diego, for a month or so. Since that could possibly end up when I was planning on that race I figure I better hold off on registering until I know where I'll be when. In case I am out there... any good sprints over there in the April/May time frame? Might try to do one while I'm over there just for the change in scenery.
2008-03-03 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Good luck on the stomach thing Danny, hope its nothing serious.
Seems like a few of us are down on the volumes this week. I have only been running for about 3 years and still training for my first sprint Tri but I have really grown to enjoy the training. So for me to be down with hip pain is killing me not to swim, bike or run.
Finally went to Dr. today, X-rays --no stress fracture yeah!!! He put me on some muscle rleaxers and anti-imflamatory meds. Looks like another week of downtime.
Next will be to resume my training. I think I may have pulled or stressed some hip muscles doing knee raises. I was doing my routine workouts and then doing raises trying to get some core workouts in as well and may have over done it.
Plus my body just was not used to run, bike swim routines. I am going to have to ramp up slowly.

Going to Guadalaraja,Mexico for the rest of the week and would LOVE to run for the change in scenery but can't
Good luck to you all on the trianing, rock on!
2008-03-04 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1104346

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

Hi Gang,

Went to the doctor yesterday after 3 weeks of bad stomach problems.

Running tests, but most likely option is a stomach bug (girardia?).

Fun stuff...defintely affecting my training right now...sort of afraid to go for a long run...

i'm planningon going to AZ this weekend to do some training on the course for IM Az (4/13/08)....hopefully my stomach cooperates....


2008-03-04 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1248337

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Crappy couple of weeks

sundevil87 - 2008-03-03 4:51 AM Ok - so I've had a bummer of a couple weeks training wise. I'm way down on the volume and feeling like a slug. I just went back and picked up my training plan from the 18th of Feb forward and pasted to the calendar starting this week into April. I've got some time to play with since the first Tri isn't until May 18th. Which brings up a question - or a thought - that I need to dig into a little. The plan will begin to taper in accordance with a 12 week training cycle - but there is more than that until the race. I need to look on where I extend it and how - I guess where ever the taper begins, insert some more workouts prior to the taper to align it with the race in May. Thoughts? Thom

It is unique to the individual, but most training plans have a "period" associated with them.  Usually during the build phase, there is a repeat of 3 heavy weeks, then a recovery week.

If you have 4 extra weeks to account for that would be ideal.

2008-03-04 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1249999

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

LadyGator - 2008-03-03 3:10 PM All of you talking about sickness is catching... I think I'm starting to come down with something as well. So, I'm just going to take the week nice and easy (aka off) so I can even hope to run in the race on Saturday. I think at this point I'm not going to be able to run the full 15K, so my goal or plan for the moment is to run it in intervals. Run about 9-10 minutes and then walk 1-2 minutes. Thats what I did this past weekend on my long run and I think that'll be the best thing to do so I'll last the whole race. Although who knows, I could get just a huge rush of adrenaline from the 15,000 people running with me that I can run the whole thing... that'd be just awesome I was planning on registering for my May race here soon since it's coming up before too long, but I found out at work that sometime relatively soon (in a month or two) I'll be heading your way Danny, to San Diego, for a month or so. Since that could possibly end up when I was planning on that race I figure I better hold off on registering until I know where I'll be when. In case I am out there... any good sprints over there in the April/May time frame? Might try to do one while I'm over there just for the change in scenery.

Run run walk plan should work out well for you. Especially if you have practiced this and are comfortable with it. And you may follow in TxHokie's footsteps and just go crzy on raceday.

Cool that you are going to be in SD. We'll have to do some training together, and also tie you into the local Tri Club. There are a ton or workouts going on all the time, all over the city. Check out the club pg:

As far as SD races, there are several in April/May.

One good resource is:

The Encinitas Sprint is a good one.

I will be there working at the event.

There are also alot of free races that the Tri Club puts on every month 9see the link above).  As a out of town visitor, you could participate if any of it looked fun to you. 

Let me know if you end up heading out here...


Edited by dhyte 2008-03-04 3:15 PM
2008-03-04 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1250567

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

rsand222 - 2008-03-03 8:57 PM Good luck on the stomach thing Danny, hope its nothing serious. Seems like a few of us are down on the volumes this week. I have only been running for about 3 years and still training for my first sprint Tri but I have really grown to enjoy the training. So for me to be down with hip pain is killing me not to swim, bike or run. Finally went to Dr. today, X-rays --no stress fracture yeah!!! He put me on some muscle rleaxers and anti-imflamatory meds. Looks like another week of downtime. Next will be to resume my training. I think I may have pulled or stressed some hip muscles doing knee raises. I was doing my routine workouts and then doing raises trying to get some core workouts in as well and may have over done it. Plus my body just was not used to run, bike swim routines. I am going to have to ramp up slowly. Going to Guadalaraja,Mexico for the rest of the week and would LOVE to run for the change in scenery but can't Good luck to you all on the trianing, rock on! Rick

Take the recovery kind to that hip!

Going to Mexico......FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....DO NOT DRINK THE WATER........ stomach is so messed up right now, I couldn't help it.....   

2008-03-04 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1252191


Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
No, don't drink the water!! Let's save the world!!!!...drink tequila instead woooo hooo!!!!

How is everyone doing w/their sickness or injuries? I finally was able to train today after the yes, I'm happy today

Have a good week team...!!


dhyte - 2008-03-04 3:13 PM

Going to Mexico......FOR THE LOVE OF GOD....DO NOT DRINK THE WATER........ stomach is so messed up right now, I couldn't help it.....   

Edited by MilkeC 2008-03-04 7:13 PM
2008-03-05 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1249999

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
LadyGator - 2008-03-03 11:10 PM

Run about 9-10 minutes and then walk 1-2 minutes.

One of America's foremost running authorities - Jeff Galloway - recommends a walk/run approach to Marathon running. I was using this method last September for the Berlin Marathon. My times doing it this way, vs running contiuously, were better. It becomes more of a mental obstacle - walking during a run / race - but if it lets you do the run ...

2008-03-05 6:20 AM
in reply to: #1248337

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: Crappy couple of weeks
Dong better this week - so far so good. I've gotten all my workouts in so far. Now, I just have to keep life at bay and all should be good!!
2008-03-05 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1240061

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Burleson, TX
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
dhyte - 2008-02-27 7:25 PM

Most of the IM races sell out extremely quickly.  In many cases they sell out within 1 day, and IMFL sold out in 7 minutes this year.

So, you need to do some long range planning, and decide which race you want to do.
Then, do some research to see how fast it usually sells out (each race varies).
I think the protocol now, is the people who are registered for the current year, get the 1st crack at registering for the following year.  This is done on-site at the event (usually the day after the race).  Then, non-racers from the current year, who are on-site get the next opportunity to sign up.  Then the remainder of the slots go on sale on the web.  I think sometimes they open it up a couple of hours early (I heard that rumor but don't know if its true).

So, you could either show up at the venue you want to race the next year (great way to scout the course, get a pre-view, do some training on the course, and maybe also volunteer - I TOTALLY recommend volunteering as a finish line catcher if you want to get pumped for the next year).  Then you can be on scene to get a early chance at registration for the next year.

You could take your chances online, and start trying to get through on the web either at midnight of the day they go on sale (or try an hour or two earlier) - this has worked both times I did this for IM AZ.

You can try to get in through a community slot.  It will cost you more, but it is a tax write off.  Someone told me they did this and it cost them around an additional $500 dollars, but their company matched donations, so it only cost an additional $250.  That is still alot of money on top of an already expensive race, but if it's a write off, and you are already spending a bunch to travel, lodge, eat, race, and buy goodies at the expo...then it doesn't seem too bad.

Do you have a race in mind?

I am going to try to get in IM WI next year.  The race is in Madison (college town) and it is supposed to be insane ! 

Thanks for the info. I'm going to try and register online after the Arizona race this year. If I do not get a spot I'm going to volunteer in 2009 and then register for 2010 after the race. I'm going to also try and get in for the Kentucky race if Arizona does not work out. I have a friend that has a rental vacation house in Arizona that he would let me stay at for free, so that is why I want to go to Arizona first.

This is a good article for getting you to run faster. I have been following this method from day one and my times have gotten much better. I had to first start out almost at a fast walk to keep my heart rate down. Now I have to work harder on keeping up my heart rate up. This is a good feeling when you are training.

This week and next I'm taking it easy for my first Tri coming up on March 15. I'm totally ready to go, just really anxious at this point!!

Hope everyone heals up over the week and gets back to training with spring time coming around the corner. I feel sorry for you guys that are hurting. Just try to stay positive, remember that someone else might have it worse then you do.

Edited by Txhokie 2008-03-05 12:35 PM
2008-03-08 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1254144

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

Brian, Good luck on your upcoming first Tri. Which are you doing again?
I am also training for my first one (not until June 1st), if I were you I would be anxious as well and about every little detail. I am sure you'll let us know how it goes.

Thanks again for the advice, this is a slow recovery, disappointing for sure. I have a 5 miler registered on March 30th., still hopeful I can make it but I have not run in almost 3 weeks now.
It's called the Shamrock shuffle and that's what I will do, shuffle, just to finish. I have to go, I have already registered and like I said before there is BEER tent at the finish line!!!

2008-03-08 12:38 AM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Oh yeah, just got back from Mexico today. I bought my bike/run shirt there this week, that was cool, much cheaper. I love the food, lots of sun ( Sol) and I usually stay away from tap water but I have been many times but never got sick, just lucky I guess. Many of my compeneroes (sp? co-workers) have fallen to the parasites !! Quick tip on Tequilla, sorry if this is old news to some.

Blanco = Clear
Repasado = rested
Anejo = aged ( very smooth)

Don Julio Anejo or Repasado is a good choice for the money. Many of my Mexican co-workers favor the Don Julio.

While there I met some runners and bikers, maybe next visit in April I can run some. Anyway, the spanish translation for Triathlon is triatlón, pronounced ---traya tlon dont forget to roll the R's. I know more useless trivia.

Adios amigos
2008-03-09 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1104346

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

Hi everyone,

I'm in Arizona this weekend, training on the course for Ironman Arizona (which is on April 13).

I'll be back home tonight, and will check in with all of you.

Have a great training day !!


2008-03-11 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Hey guys!

Just wanted to report in on the race last weekend (I still haven't done a race report, but that's in the plans). I actually came close to pulling the same thing that Brian did with his race. I probably could've run the entire thing, but I made myself take walk breaks at every water station. The shins held up fairly well, although I noticed them at about the 5 mile mark.

Oh boy was it windy. At mile 7.5 you start a 6% incline for a half mile over the "Green Monster" as the bridge has been nicknamed. That would be bad enough, but tack on the steady 30mph winds, and the gusts of 46mph, that was rough. I was watching the race coverage that I had recorded during the race when I got home, and Deanna Kastor was running holding her hat almost the entire way over the bridge. (And yes it was pretty awesome just to say I ran the same race as her... although in twice the amount of time) I lost my visor 2 times before I finally just carried it to the finish line.

Overall the race was a blast. It's fun racing with 14k other people and it was really well put on. However.... I definitely over-did it, and I'm sidelining my running and biking for a few days if not a week or so. I could barely walk Saturday night because of my left knee. It felt better the past few days, so I thought I'd test it tonight and trying walking on the treadmill. I cut the workout after walking a mile, didn't even want to attempt running. So, I'll see how it is in a few days. In the meantime I'll focus on the swim

Danny, it's looking like mid-April is my current departure for San Diego and I'll probably be over there for 2 months this trip. Then I'll have to go back for about a month every so often after that. I looked at the site for the Encinitas Sprint and I forgot how cold the Pacific is haha. I'd have to see if I have the courage to swim in something that cold.

Have great training everyone and keep on truckin'
2008-03-12 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1266361

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
LadyGator - 2008-03-12 2:55 AM

but tack on the steady 30mph winds, and the gusts of 46mph, that was rough. I was watching the race coverage that I had recorded during the race when I got home, and Deanna Kastor was running holding her hat almost the entire way over the bridge. (And yes it was pretty awesome just to say I ran the same race as her... although in twice the amount of time) I lost my visor 2 times before I finally just carried it to the finish line.

Crazy winds - it must have driven your HR way up trying to fight against those kind of winds! Great effort.

Your "twice the amount of time" comment reminded me of the call I made to my then wife after I finished the Berlin Marathon. I called her and told her I had bad news. She said "what, you didn't finish". I said, "No, I didn't win. In fact, when I crossed the finish line, the winner had finished nearly two hours before". I completed in 4hrs 1 min. The winner set a world record at the time at just over 2hrs 5mins.

2008-03-12 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!


Sounds like you needed a sail on that bridge just to pull you through. I quess these are all good stories of how we should train outside as much as possible. I live in the Chicagoland area and the weather drives us indoors for training, it;s like training in a lab then taking that outside in March. Our big race of the season is on March 30th. the Shamrock Shuffle, 30K runners/walkers will be out there. No PR's here!

Its a real bummer to think I might miss this fun run this year. I go to a Orthopedic tomorrow about this damn hip pain, this will be the third MD in 10 days. The other two have just given me a generic diagnosis, I feel like I know more about what it is then they are willing to commit to. It will not subside so I am still on the shelf. I will be asking him about meds and maybe even a injection. I am 95% sure it is the iliopsoas muscle.

From the web:
The iliopsoas muscle is a very strong muscle that lifts the knee up. It starts at the lower back and inserts into the thigh bone (femur). This muscle can become inflamed if you over do the situps especially with a weight behind your neck, or do lots of up hill running. Behind the muscle is a bursa that can become inflamed on it's own or along with the tendon.

Rock on!

2008-03-14 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1104346

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Burleson, TX
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Well, I'm off to my first Triathlon tomorrow morning 4:30 am. Just came back from picking my packet up. Got everything packed and ready to go. Thanks Danny for the checklist, I almost forgot my running shoes!! LOL!! I guess I would have ran with no shoes on? It also looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. Also looking forward to meeting about 10 or 15 BT people. We are all metting up at the steps by the pool.

I will hopefully report back tomorrow as an official "Triathlete"

Thanks for keeping me motivated in the group.

Danny, I hope that you are training well in Arizona.
2008-03-14 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Good luck and have fun with your race tomorrow, Brian!

2008-03-14 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1104346

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!
Good luck on your first Tri !! Rock on !!!
I look forward to hearing back from you on how it went. I heard Tx. was having very warm weather right now. This is a great time of the year for all of us here in the midwest as we get to watch the snow melt and the running/biking starting.

Rock on!!
2008-03-15 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1104346

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

Hi gang,

Sorry I've been checking in so little lately - SLAP ME AROUND......!!!

Between dealing with getting ready for IMAZ, trying to get over this stomach bug (almost 5 weeks now), work insanity, and family's been a little hectic.

I have the Outlook Calendar reminder that pops up every morning that reminds me to check in on the mentor group....I snooze it for an hour, until some busy work can be resolved...then another hour...and then the day gets away from me.

I am going to try to start doing this before I go into work in the morning....that could be the new plan! apologies...please bare with me...and let's all regroup and continue !!!


2008-03-15 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1266361

User image

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

Congrats on the race and your great effort!

The wind is only good for sailing and flyings kites (and I don't do either of those things) !!!!!!

Not to mention the tail wind never seems to truly make up for the setback from the headwind.....

I'm going to look for your race report in just a moment....I love seeing all the details.

I found a product called Ibuprofen cream that I really like for the sore muscles/ joints: 

Not cheap, but it seems to loosen up my calves/quads nicely  (Hey Rick ...this might help on the hip)!!!


I'll be in Az the week before IMAZ (4/13), but after that we should plan to get you tied into some of the local triathlon stuff.  What part of San Diego will be you be staying?
There's always alot of good training / social stuff going on.

Do you have a wetsuit??  Bring it with you.  Otherwise, we can round one up for you out here.  Carol (CCESSEX) is in this area also.  Maybe we can get her out to the coast for a swim or a bike ride.

I swam in the Ocean yesterday (1st time in was pretty chilly at first, but fine once you get going). 




LadyGator - 2008-03-11 6:55 PM Hey guys! Just wanted to report in on the race last weekend (I still haven't done a race report, but that's in the plans). I actually came close to pulling the same thing that Brian did with his race. I probably could've run the entire thing, but I made myself take walk breaks at every water station. The shins held up fairly well, although I noticed them at about the 5 mile mark. Oh boy was it windy. At mile 7.5 you start a 6% incline for a half mile over the "Green Monster" as the bridge has been nicknamed. That would be bad enough, but tack on the steady 30mph winds, and the gusts of 46mph, that was rough. I was watching the race coverage that I had recorded during the race when I got home, and Deanna Kastor was running holding her hat almost the entire way over the bridge. (And yes it was pretty awesome just to say I ran the same race as her... although in twice the amount of time) I lost my visor 2 times before I finally just carried it to the finish line. Overall the race was a blast. It's fun racing with 14k other people and it was really well put on. However.... I definitely over-did it, and I'm sidelining my running and biking for a few days if not a week or so. I could barely walk Saturday night because of my left knee. It felt better the past few days, so I thought I'd test it tonight and trying walking on the treadmill. I cut the workout after walking a mile, didn't even want to attempt running. So, I'll see how it is in a few days. In the meantime I'll focus on the swim Danny, it's looking like mid-April is my current departure for San Diego and I'll probably be over there for 2 months this trip. Then I'll have to go back for about a month every so often after that. I looked at the site for the Encinitas Sprint and I forgot how cold the Pacific is haha. I'd have to see if I have the courage to swim in something that cold. Have great training everyone and keep on truckin'

2008-03-15 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1273092

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - (Full to the brim) !!!

All right Triathlete !!!!!!!!!!......How did it go ????????????

Txhokie - 2008-03-14 5:37 PM Well, I'm off to my first Triathlon tomorrow morning 4:30 am. Just came back from picking my packet up. Got everything packed and ready to go. Thanks Danny for the checklist, I almost forgot my running shoes!! LOL!! I guess I would have ran with no shoes on? It also looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. Also looking forward to meeting about 10 or 15 BT people. We are all metting up at the steps by the pool. I will hopefully report back tomorrow as an official "Triathlete" Thanks for keeping me motivated in the group. Danny, I hope that you are training well in Arizona.

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