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2008-02-21 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Scott, Nice job on the running PR.

Hagerman, I was going to suggest trying the Yak Trax also because I have been seeing people wearing them around here. Sounds like you made the right decision.

Ron's buying the beer for the next PR celebration.

2008-02-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hey all,

A quick note to let you know I changed my username (much easier to remember).

Congrats on all the PR's! I've been keeping up with the training, though I'm planning a couple of days off next week for recovery since I've been pushing pretty hard. Don't forget to take those rest days!

2008-02-22 7:03 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Epsom, Surrey, UK
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Hi all. I've been ill this week, so haven't done anything since my long ride on Sunday



2008-02-22 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Bummer... hope you feel better soon, jetlag!

So, what's on everyone's training agenda for the weekend? We were planning on skiing in Tahoe but my girlfriend has the crud that's been going around. The weather here in the bay area has been, let's say, 'wet' for the last week or so which doesn't help with getting the needed bike work in. Think I'll set up my trainer, continue to swim, and do a nice long, slow run on Sunday.

Happy & Healthy training, all!
2008-02-25 2:05 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hope, Everyone had a good weekend. I watched the Tour of California when the rain wasn't messing up the Versus feed. Did any of you get to see the race live?

Also babysat for more than an hour for the first time ever Saturday night. Luckily I was co-babysitting with my wife because I fell asleep watching Pete's Dragon.

Bummer for this week's training because I am 75 miles from the nearest indoor pool for the next 20 days.
2008-02-25 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Hey Gang,

Hope everyone's doing well, or recovering from illness, as the case may be! 

We've been experiencing a ton of wind and rain lately (washed out any chance of outdoor run or ride this weekend) but today we got a break and a little sunshine.  Hope it holds.

2008-02-25 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1233177

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Pollywog - 2008-02-25 12:05 AM Hope, Everyone had a good weekend. I watched the Tour of California when the rain wasn't messing up the Versus feed. Did any of you get to see the race live?

Didn't get to see any of the race live (had a choice to do a long training ride or watch ToC on the day of the prologue--guess which I took?). 

But, I've Tivo'd the all the VS coverage.  I usually watch these types of recorded races on my overseas biz trips.

2008-02-25 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hey all,

I had an ok weekend, ate bad (Even had McD's and Arby's). All the bad eating put me overweight for a fitness competition that I'm in at work. So I donned the sauna suit today and ran on the treadmill for a bit, then jumped over to the elliptical. I dropped the weight by the afternoon weigh in. I know, NOT the way to drop a few pounds, but it worked.

I ran a 4+ mile out and back trip... started at the top of a hill (bad idea) and had to climb back to the top. Ice, again, lots of it. 330 ft climb.

Otherwise, I think I may have saved up enough for a few months at the local YMCA - Yeah for access to a pool!

Watched a TI Freestyle dvd. good stuff. I'm hoping that I can apply some of the techniques soon... The way I have always been swimming - totally wrong!
2008-02-26 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1234956

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

JHagerman - 2008-02-25 5:17 PM .....Otherwise, I think I may have saved up enough for a few months at the local YMCA - Yeah for access to a pool! Watched a TI Freestyle dvd. good stuff. I'm hoping that I can apply some of the techniques soon... The way I have always been swimming - totally wrong!

Good luck with the swimming.  Let us know how it goes.  Remember, its a steep learning don't get discouraged early on.  Just stick with it.  

2008-02-26 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1209672

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
TysDad - 2008-02-13 10:13 AM

Donto - 2008-02-13 9:36 AM

TysDad - 2008-02-13 12:09 PM  Mentally I am starting to have a hard time putting in the laps. I am actually enjoying my runs on the treadmill more right now. I think this is because I am seeing more progress being made and there is more to distract me during my workout. I will keep swimming because I need to and I know at some point there will be a break through and it will become easier.

Hey Scott,

I just checked out you logs, IMHO, you need to break up doing just 400x4, that would drive me crazy! I too have a mentally hard time putting in laps in a pool, even more so once I start OWS. I find that if I break things up and follow a plan or make some up myself I have a better swim.  During the summer I started swimming using the A or B sets in the Workouts in a Binder: Swim Workouts for Triathletes, and that helped me a lot.


Thanks for the help! That looks like it might be the ticket. I read a few of the sample workouts and they look do-able. This would also boost my distance per workout which is also needed but hasn't been done due to mental fatigue. Breaking up the workout as you mentioned should help, I just didn't know how. I think this might be the time to order my Forerunner quick release so I can get the free shipping.

Thanks again,
Scott R

Well, adding varity and breaking up the workout has made a huge difference. I got the book a week ago and so far have done the T1 time trial test and the Endurance 1 set B workout twice. This workout is 2550 yards which took me 51min to complete. There is no way I could have done this distance in the pool if I kept swimming my 400's or longer sets. Just having the mental break and knowing that something different is coming makes all the difference in the world. I think I'll give it 3 or 4 weeks before I test again. I'll let everybody know if my time drops.

Don, thanks again for the book recomendation.

Scott R
2008-02-28 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hey All,

Just checking in to see how everyone's week is going. Take care all!

2008-02-28 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Ron, hows the IM training going? I see you are doing some bike to run bricks, thats what I'm going to do in March. I just signed up for the Lance Armstrong Challenge in July in San Jose, I'll be doing the full century. Also I'm in for the March bike challenge, my goal is 400 miles for the month.

I was considering Big Kahuna later this year, I want to see how my running goes in March before I commit! Did you like this race besides the cold water and sinister railroad tracks? It seems like a low key race, besides I filled in a Oly to 1/2 program this summer to fill the gap, most of the distance I have covered except the run and bricks.

I bit it hard last month on some tracks, a couple weeks later it was a bee that got me right in the temple so I hope March is better. The weather has been good so I am going to do some longer bikes on the weekends.

Edited by nevergivin 2008-02-28 2:27 PM
2008-02-28 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1241936

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
nevergivin - 2008-02-28 12:26 PM

Ron, hows the IM training going? I see you are doing some bike to run bricks, thats what I'm going to do in March. I just signed up for the Lance Armstrong Challenge in July in San Jose, I'll be doing the full century. Also I'm in for the March bike challenge, my goal is 400 miles for the month.

Its going.  I think I'm still adapting to the back-to-back-to-back15-hour weeks.  Otherwise, its going better than planned.

I was considering Big Kahuna later this year, I want to see how my running goes in March before I commit! Did you like this race besides the cold water and sinister railroad tracks? It seems like a low key race, besides I filled in a Oly to 1/2 program this summer to fill the gap, most of the distance I have covered except the run and bricks.

Big Kahuna was awesome.  That was my first and only HIM, so I don't have anything to compare it to.  But, you can't beat the ride along Hwy 1 between Santa Cruz & Pigeon Pt.   Make sure you train on rolling hills...cause flat its not.  Also, as you mentioned, some training swim in cold water are highly recommended (though I didn't mange to get any in).  Seeing top pros, like Michellie Jones at the start line was cool too!

I bit it hard last month on some tracks, a couple weeks later it was a bee that got me right in the temple so I hope March is better. The weather has been good so I am going to do some longer bikes on the weekends.

Right on!  I see the blue sky and sun out and just start daydreaming about long run and rides too!

2008-02-28 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Hey, Ron. I just perused your logs.... WOW! Good on ya for getting after it, especially after being so sick.

A question: For the Napa sprint, how did your bike and run splits compare to your training times? Were you pleasantly suprised, did you do as you thought you would, or were certain aspects slower than you had imagined? Any insight would be appreciated.

Keep up the great training!
2008-02-28 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1242508

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

LJR - 2008-02-28 3:48 PM A question: For the Napa sprint, how did your bike and run splits compare to your training times? Were you pleasantly suprised, did you do as you thought you would, or were certain aspects slower than you had imagined? Any insight would be appreciated. Keep up the great training!

The Napa Sprint was my first foray into this highly addictive sport. What do I remember? Hmm....

I remember having a total panic attack within the first 100m (of the non-standard 800m) swim. I went out WAY too fast, compounding my already-present first-time-racing OWS panic, and had to backstroke it for a minute until my heartrate dropped from hummingbird to rabbit. I finished in 16 min. and change, and recall being disappointed a bit. But, hey it was my first--and in addition to the panic attack--it was really windy and somewhat choppy--totally NON-IDEAL conditions for a first triathlon!

I remember being "on fire" on the bike. I passed people left and right, while my cadence "felt easy" (must've been the adrenaline talking). The rolling hills course was a carbon-copy of my training route, so it was very familiar. Plus, I had "pre-ridden" the entire course the day before and knew what gear to be in where. That was a big plus. My bike time was pretty good.

I paid a bit for my bike enthusiam--in hindsight--on the run. While I didn't have to walk, and faired better than most (having run alot of hills), I was getting pretty "well done" by the turn around...and finished "slightly charred". My run time was about on par with my regular run times--not bad I suppose considering it came at the end of a race.

What can I suggest for Napa preparation. Prepare for rolling hills--both on the bike and run! Alot of grumbling by folks on those hills--esp. during the run. Prepare for both HEAT and HIGH WINDS. Scratch that. Pray for NO HIGH WINDS. The swim can become extremely "unpleasant" if it is like that again this year.

Oh, and get there early--to find a parking spot, set up, and mentally prepare a bit. Give yourself plenty of time to get up there, cause there's only a one-lane, twisty road, to access Lake Berryessa. DON'T get there late like I did (my race buddy that day was not a "morning person"...pissed me off a bit as I'm a early bird)...stressing to get your registration, numbers, etc. situated...racking the bike...setting up transition...while hearing the first calls to the water's edge on the bullhorn.

Most of all...HAVE FUN! This is a great triathlon for first timers and beginners. Really friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Edited by guncollector 2008-02-28 6:30 PM
2008-02-28 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1242577

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Thanks, Ron! I'm planning on a couple of training weekends at Berryessa in April. As you say, it would be good to know the "lay of the land" to eliminate most suprises.

Is the bike course "paradise loop"-ish?

Oh, and I'm all about having fun! ;-)

Edited by LJR 2008-02-28 6:57 PM

2008-02-29 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Here's a cut-and-paste job from blog today...first 2 months (of 8) before IM Louisville have passed...and today was the time for a introspective assessment.  I suppose I'm posting here, because we all have "blinders" and "rationalizations" you guys can call me out any flaws in my logic/analysis.

I urge you all to do this every 2 months or quarterly.  Not that you have to post here, but really compare your training vs. your training goals and benchmarks.

12:00 Feeling tired.  I think as a result of the last 3 weeks, work, family stuff, etc.  Plus, my throat has been dry and scratchy, and I've come down with a little cough the last few days--and have been in complete denial about it too.

On the bright side, I did a little analysis of my first 2 months training...25% of my training plan completed...scary! 

First 2 Months Analysis 

My average training week workout over the last 2 months is about 640 min., including the recovery weeks, and my sick week that derailed training a bit.  My average big weeks is 804 min. (13.4 hr.) which is near the 15.0 hr goal mark I aimed for. 

I've accomplished my goal of a few long rides, the longest being a 4.5hr effort, including a climb of King's Mtn (2200+ elev. gain over ~5-mi.).  I've had plenty of long runs in the 90-120 min. range.  I've gotten in at least one 2.4-mi. length swim.  I can honestly say I suppose I'm "on target" in terms of preparation for Louisville--not that I'm satisfied with my training so far.   I can do more.

2008-03-02 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Edited, as I figured out how to do the charts...

I need to get a trainer and find a puddle to jump into!

Edited by JHagerman 2008-03-02 8:19 AM

(BT 2 Month Log.jpg)

BT 2 Month Log.jpg (25KB - 11 downloads)
2008-03-02 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Great job Ron on putting in the time.

My summary for the first two months go as follows.

Swimming: Increased my distance per workout to 2550 yards 3x per week.

Running: On January 10th I ran 3 miles on the treadmill at a 10 min/mile pace and my HR was 161 avg/171 max. On February 28th I ran 6 miles on the treadmill at the same pace and my HR was 152 avg/ 162 max. My old avg of 161 has now become my max! I also ran my first 5k loop with an average mile of 7:52. My first time sub 8. I'm pretty stoked about my run improvement.

Cycling: Didn't ride in January and February, but I did get out today for a nice 26 mile ride. (see log for details).

Plan for the coming month:
Swim: Mon, Wed, Fri
Run: Tues, Thurs, maybe Sat
Ride: Sat or Sun, and one night on my spinning bike during the week for an hour.

Thank you everybody for the support,

Scott R

(1-1 to 2-29.jpg)

1-1 to 2-29.jpg (64KB - 15 downloads)
2008-03-03 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Small Town
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
way to be Scott! Keep up the good workout.
2008-03-03 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1248724

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Petaluma, CA
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
JHagerman - 2008-03-03 7:58 AM

way to be Scott! Keep up the good workout.

Thanks Jeremy. Your training looks good too considering all that you have gone through this year. Once you find a pool, those numbers will go up.

Keep it up!


2008-03-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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SF-Bay Area
Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!

Looking good guys!  Keep up the good work!

2008-03-03 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1249031

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
hey everybody!

Sorry I've been MIA for the last few weeks, I put my nose to the grindstone to prepare for my first tri yesterday (Ironbruin at UCLA, 400m, 13.5 mi, 2.75 mi sprint) and so I've just been lurking and focusing on doing what I could to be physically able to do it. It went great, I don't have my splits yet but from what I got from my chrono on the run I think it was my fastest yet (about 26 minutes, under 10 min/mile which is really good for me). I went to UCLA so I was familiar with the course and I rode it a few times in the weeks before because I know it has some pretty steep hills. Of the three events I actually felt best about the ride, even though I thought it would be the worst (I went and got a bike fit like suggested and ended up with new, wider handlebars that are a little farther out and are far more comfortable since my posture's better, a lot less upper back pain). The swim was hard, I had an attack of nerves at the beginning and couldn't get my breath at first, I ended up wishing the swim was longer because it was halfway in before I felt warmed up. Reading "the high cost of good form" definitely made me feel better about my form, Yanti (TriAya) has given me some great pointers, but it's been difficult to keep all the proper motions in my head and have any sort of speed, and now I know why! Overall though I felt that personally I did really well and I had a ton of fun (got to hang out with 4 other awesome bt-ers who were doing the race too) which is the point, right? And I'm totally excited about doing another tri and working my way up to olympic.

Anyways, I think things should ease up now that I'll switch to a more regular training schedule. I'm not planning on doing another race for a couple of months so I'll try to be around more , sounds like everyone's doing great though!
2008-03-03 11:52 PM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Faeron Congrats on having fun at your 1st tri.
Make sure to do your race report while the race is still fresh in your mind. It will help down the road.
2008-03-04 12:10 AM
in reply to: #1106642

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Subject: RE: guncollector's group -- FULL!
Congrats, Faeron... well done!!

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