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2013-07-29 10:26 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Speaking of swimming..... I did my first open water swim last week in preparation for my race, I grew up swimming in lakes but never competitively. I realized that since my younger years I have become a bit of a scardy cat. Lol. Got in and started off and it was spooky not being able to see the bottom or sides of a pool. I got nervous and had to make it just a very short swim. But I did go back out a few days later and swam again and took the time to just close my eyes and get focused before starting and did another short 300 or so yd swim out to a bridge and back. Scheduled to go out Sat. or Sun. again and swim.
Race day is 27 days away! I have bumped up training for the next 2 weeks and then will start a week long taper. So far so good. Swim yesterday and a 6-1/2 mile run today.

2013-07-29 10:49 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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NW Houston
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Brett's

Well got a short hard run in today. Only two miles but at well above race pace. 1st mile was 7:20 and second was 7:40. Not too bad for a guy who 10 moths ago barely finished 1 mile in 9:30.

I hope that everyone had a Great Friday!

Hey Brett:

I haven't been on in a while and have my 2nd race this weekend so this question obviously won't help for that. You stated that 10 months ago you "barely finished 1 mile in 9:30". I have been doing and did an 11:00 mile in my 1st triathlon. Lately I've been running in the 10:00-10:30 range on shorter distances and 10:45 on longer distances.

Simple question: What training did you do to get to your current pace? Running daily? Running intervals? I can't seem to break through the "barrier". I run 3x a week, bike 3x and swim 2x a week.

Anyone else's input is always appreciated as well.
2013-07-30 7:28 PM
in reply to: sspicer

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Simple question: What training did you do to get to your current pace? Running daily? Running intervals? I can't seem to break through the "barrier". I run 3x a week, bike 3x and swim 2x a week.

I didn't or haven't really followed a plan exactly. Haha, my schedule with work and family is so spontanious that it is hard to stick to one. I simply try to commit to one day a week to focus on speed. I don't go more than 2 miles but just run as hard and as long as I can. Take a short breather in between 1st and 2nd mile. Usually just long enough to get a good stretch in. I have been doing that for a few months now and it seems to be working. I also try to run 3 days a week. Long runs are around 6 miles and they usually average around 8:30-9:20 per mile. I ran my first HM in feb and averaged 8:49 per mile. So this type of workout has helped me a ton. I don't use any HR monitors or any other tech item. Just going off of feel works best for me.

Hope that helps. I am new to all of this myself.
2013-07-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Hey all!
Been working tons of hours and tomorrow I am off to Hilton Head for a vacation. I will catch up with everyone as I do some casual reading by the pool with a margarita!

2013-07-31 7:21 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Well got a short ride of 8.5 miles in tonight. Tomorrow is a mini brick so long as the weather holds out. Work has been a little crazy with the phiscal year ending today so not a whole lot of time to train. First tri is in 3-1/2 weeks. Lots to do and so little time to do it in.
2013-08-01 6:10 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
New PR today in the first mile of my 2 mile hard run. Covered it in 7:13. Second was 8:45.
I'm happy!

2013-08-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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NW Houston
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Brett's

Simple question: What training did you do to get to your current pace? Running daily? Running intervals? I can't seem to break through the "barrier". I run 3x a week, bike 3x and swim 2x a week.

I didn't or haven't really followed a plan exactly. Haha, my schedule with work and family is so spontanious that it is hard to stick to one. I simply try to commit to one day a week to focus on speed. I don't go more than 2 miles but just run as hard and as long as I can. Take a short breather in between 1st and 2nd mile. Usually just long enough to get a good stretch in. I have been doing that for a few months now and it seems to be working. I also try to run 3 days a week. Long runs are around 6 miles and they usually average around 8:30-9:20 per mile. I ran my first HM in feb and averaged 8:49 per mile. So this type of workout has helped me a ton. I don't use any HR monitors or any other tech item. Just going off of feel works best for me.

Hope that helps. I am new to all of this myself.

Helped more than you know. I also don't use hr monitor or anything. I like the idea of speed. I think that's interval training.
2013-08-04 7:32 PM
in reply to: sspicer

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Got another OWS in today. Not far just want to make sure I am comfortable. 2 weeks of training left then taper. 3 weeks from today is race day! Run and bike week this week. Maybe one more long swim bike and run then just short stuff until race day.
2013-08-05 8:09 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
4 mile run today. Didn't push too hard considering it felt like I was breathing through a hair dryer. Very hot and very humid. Going to try to get a ride in tomorrow, kids allowing! Haha.
2013-08-06 4:06 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Anyone here have any opinions/experience with energy gels? Pros, cons, love'em, hate'em, etc....
2013-08-06 6:05 PM
in reply to: Panther

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Hey all!
Back from vacation. Ate and drank too much but one great thing happened which was we rented bikes for the week. Cruisers, slow and heavy but bikes. We did do one 20 mile ride which included a bridge overpass. Good time on vacation and will catch up with everyone soon.

Panther, yep, I use gels. Usually the ones with caffeine. I love the Gu's Mandarin Orange. Good stuff and works well for me. I will add more info soon but still unpacking.

2013-08-06 8:23 PM
in reply to: Panther

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training

I also have used gu gels and they work great. I have also experimented with making my own. Not for the faint of heart but worked for me. I have found that diluting it in water helps if you have trouble just swallowing it. There is one that I would like to try called hammer gel. I personally have only tried the vanilla flavor. I have not ever tried the one with caffeine but that is just a personal preference.

Got another 4.5 mile run in today. That makes 9 miles so far this week. Going to try to get a bike ride in tomorrow evening if it doesn't rain.

Gary glad you had a good vacation. Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
2013-08-08 11:17 AM
in reply to: Brett's

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Thanks for the replies guys!

Another question: I have always been super prone to get side stitches when I run. So.... I detested running. Then about 2 months ago, I read that it is from eating and/or drinking before you run. You should abstain from eating 4 hour and drinking 3 hours before running. So I tried it. BINGO! I haven't had a side stitch since!! YAY! But..... now that I'm approaching being able to run 5k without stopping and I sweat a lot, I'm concerned about hydration.

Is there a risk of getting stitches if you ONLY drink periodically during a run? How do you approach hydration vs. side cramps?

2013-08-08 10:01 PM
in reply to: 0

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Panther

Thanks for the replies guys!

Another question: I have always been super prone to get side stitches when I run. So.... I detested running. Then about 2 months ago, I read that it is from eating and/or drinking before you run. You should abstain from eating 4 hour and drinking 3 hours before running. So I tried it. BINGO! I haven't had a side stitch since!! YAY! But..... now that I'm approaching being able to run 5k without stopping and I sweat a lot, I'm concerned about hydration.

Is there a risk of getting stitches if you ONLY drink periodically during a run? How do you approach hydration vs. side cramps?


Side stitches have been an issue for a lot of people and there hasn't been (or at least I haven't seen) a true "this causes side stitches" study. I used to get them until I built my endurance and haven't seen them since. My son, who is on his high schools cross country team, had the same issue. Not drinking for 3 hrs before a run, especially during the summer, seems wrong.

I think the key here might be your statement about being able to run a 5k without stopping. I would continue to work on your endurance, hydrate some before your runs and you should be fine. As long as you are properly hydrated before the start of a 5k you shouldn't need a lot of fluids during the run (assuming you aren't running in Death Valley or some place extremely hot). My bet is that if you continue to build your running endurance your side stitch issue will go away even when you hydrate.

Good luck

Edited by GaryRM 2013-08-08 10:03 PM
2013-08-09 8:52 AM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Makes sense (as usual).

Energy has become a tiny bit of a concern while swimming now too. I know I just need to build up my endurance and muscles, but I'm noticing I'm running out of gas half way through the swim workout. Would it be out of line to stop and eat an orange or down a gel or gulp an energy drink in the middle of your swim workout?

Speaking of swimming... my pool closes tonight for 2 weeks, but our passes are valid at the St. Mary's, Ontario, Quarry. It's the largest outdoor freshwater 'swimming pool' in Canada, so I'm thinking it would be the perfect place to practice OWS because they have lifeguards and the water is cold because it's ridiculously deep. Problem is, the lane swim is all the way across the quarry = 75m (The quarry is 2500m long x 75m wide x 7m deep), so I guess wearing my wetsuit for the first time would probably be appropriate for warmth and for floatation assistance?
2013-08-09 7:20 PM
in reply to: Panther

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Panther

Makes sense (as usual).

Energy has become a tiny bit of a concern while swimming now too. I know I just need to build up my endurance and muscles, but I'm noticing I'm running out of gas half way through the swim workout. Would it be out of line to stop and eat an orange or down a gel or gulp an energy drink in the middle of your swim workout?

Speaking of swimming... my pool closes tonight for 2 weeks, but our passes are valid at the St. Mary's, Ontario, Quarry. It's the largest outdoor freshwater 'swimming pool' in Canada, so I'm thinking it would be the perfect place to practice OWS because they have lifeguards and the water is cold because it's ridiculously deep. Problem is, the lane swim is all the way across the quarry = 75m (The quarry is 2500m long x 75m wide x 7m deep), so I guess wearing my wetsuit for the first time would probably be appropriate for warmth and for floatation assistance?

I usually take a Gatorade/PowerAde with me to my swim workouts. Not sure my pool would be cool with me stopping to eat an orange (due to the mess) but a drink or even a gel is usually okay.

As for the pool, define cold. If its 75m across and say 75 degrees I would try to swim it without the wetsuit to build the endurance. That said I would wear the wetsuit at least once to help get confident in the wetsuit. If the water is in the 60's then wear the wetsuit.

2013-08-11 8:28 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Went for a nice 32 mile ride this morning before church. Completed in 2:07, consisted of rolling hills and a few nice steep long climbs. I start my final week of training this week. Race is 2 weeks from today. I am starting to get a little nervous about it. Going to try for a long run this Saturday and a long swim bike day Sunday.

Swim question for everyone: Should I be concerned about trying to do the full race distance on Sunday for my swim? Or should I just try for roughly half. I have done the full distance one time since I started training. I am comfortable in the water but probably not the most efficient. I plan on following it up with a 16-20 mile ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2013-08-12 7:07 PM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by Brett's

Swim question for everyone: Should I be concerned about trying to do the full race distance on Sunday for my swim? Or should I just try for roughly half. I have done the full distance one time since I started training. I am comfortable in the water but probably not the most efficient. I plan on following it up with a 16-20 mile ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Remind me when your race is and how long? If you have the confidence to do the distance then just do your regular workout. If you think it will be a confidence boost then do it.

As for me, I swam with the masters group for the first time in months. Only did 1800 yards but it was a good swim. Hopefully I can swim with them more. Rode for an hour on Saturday and a 4 mile run on Sunday. I ran too late and it was hot and miserable but I got it done.

Lots of missing folks, where is everyone? Hopefully training!
2013-08-12 10:18 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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NW Houston
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by GaryRM

Originally posted by Brett's

Swim question for everyone: Should I be concerned about trying to do the full race distance on Sunday for my swim? Or should I just try for roughly half. I have done the full distance one time since I started training. I am comfortable in the water but probably not the most efficient. I plan on following it up with a 16-20 mile ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Remind me when your race is and how long? If you have the confidence to do the distance then just do your regular workout. If you think it will be a confidence boost then do it.

As for me, I swam with the masters group for the first time in months. Only did 1800 yards but it was a good swim. Hopefully I can swim with them more. Rode for an hour on Saturday and a 4 mile run on Sunday. I ran too late and it was hot and miserable but I got it done.

Lots of missing folks, where is everyone? Hopefully training!

New site format drove me away for a bit. Just completed 2nd tri and training for 3rd and final for the year. Started training also for marathon in preparation for Ironman Texas in May 2014. Will do a half marathon in January. Running in morning in cool 85 degree weather.
2013-08-12 10:18 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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NW Houston
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by GaryRM

Originally posted by Brett's

Swim question for everyone: Should I be concerned about trying to do the full race distance on Sunday for my swim? Or should I just try for roughly half. I have done the full distance one time since I started training. I am comfortable in the water but probably not the most efficient. I plan on following it up with a 16-20 mile ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Remind me when your race is and how long? If you have the confidence to do the distance then just do your regular workout. If you think it will be a confidence boost then do it.

As for me, I swam with the masters group for the first time in months. Only did 1800 yards but it was a good swim. Hopefully I can swim with them more. Rode for an hour on Saturday and a 4 mile run on Sunday. I ran too late and it was hot and miserable but I got it done.

Lots of missing folks, where is everyone? Hopefully training!

New site format drove me away for a bit. Just completed 2nd tri and training for 3rd and final for the year. Started training also for marathon in preparation for Ironman Texas in May 2014. Will do a half marathon in January. Running in morning in cool 85 degree weather.
2013-08-13 3:11 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training

Originally posted by Brett's

Swim question for everyone: Should I be concerned about trying to do the full race distance on Sunday for my swim? Or should I just try for roughly half. I have done the full distance one time since I started training. I am comfortable in the water but probably not the most efficient. I plan on following it up with a 16-20 mile ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Remind me when your race is and how long? If you have the confidence to do the distance then just do your regular workout. If you think it will be a confidence boost then do it.

The race is an Oly distance and it is in 12 days. I have not had the chance to do a tremendous amount of swimming but feel fairly comfortable about the distance. I have only had 3 previous OWS so this would be the 4th. I am nervous and excited about the whole thing but the swim is my biggest concern out of all of the diciplines. I wil have 4 hours to finish. Bike should take 1-1/2 and run about 45-50 mins.

2013-08-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: Brett's

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Hey all!
Workouts are starting to improve as the knee seems to be coming around. 26 mile ride today and hoping for a long run tomorrow. Made it to masters this week and with the pool now back to regular hours I should be swimming more this week.

Brett, sorry for the late reply but if you are comfortable with the distance then stick with your plan. Every once in awhile I like to do long swims in combo with a ride but that's me.
2013-08-19 11:06 AM
in reply to: GaryRM


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
I would love to be in your group. A little about myself. I am 32 and from Indiana. I am new to tri training, but have done all three on an individual bases over my life. I am looking to do a sprint/oly distance tri next spring. I like the sport but I am new to the training. I did competitive bodybuilding for some time over the last few years and just got burned out. I am a bigger guy so I struggle with the running. I like swimming but am not very fast. I have been married for 10 yrs and have 2 kids. I was in the Marine Corps and got out in 2002. I look forward to any feedback and training advice.
2013-08-19 8:34 PM
in reply to: heltonjjh

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Originally posted by heltonjjh

I would love to be in your group. A little about myself. I am 32 and from Indiana. I am new to tri training, but have done all three on an individual bases over my life. I am looking to do a sprint/oly distance tri next spring. I like the sport but I am new to the training. I did competitive bodybuilding for some time over the last few years and just got burned out. I am a bigger guy so I struggle with the running. I like swimming but am not very fast. I have been married for 10 yrs and have 2 kids. I was in the Marine Corps and got out in 2002. I look forward to any feedback and training advice.

Welcome to the group!!!
2013-08-19 8:37 PM
in reply to: GaryRM

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Statesville , North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training
Hey guys and gals! One more short run tomorrow and then rest for 4 days before my first tri on Sunday. Did a 2 mile speed run today and finished in under 15:45! Super stoked about it. Slowly but surely chasing down that sub 7 mile. 20 seconds to go! Short slow 2 mile run planned for tomorrow. Just starting to make final plans for this weekend. And getting my checklist together.
Hope all is well with everyone. Train hard it is worth every second!
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