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2014-01-04 9:12 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

All the discussion of snow and cold weather has made it worse for us here.  You all jinxed us!!!  We are expecting something between 8 and 12 inches of snow over the next 24-36 hours.  And that's not the worst of it!!!  Monday's high is currently -5 and the low is -17 followed Tuesday by -1 for a high.  It's going to be brutal!  Maybe I'll go for an early morning run Tuesday..........NOT!!

Vero,  It sounds like a decent race overall, maybe a little better pacing could have gotten you to the finish a little quicker.  However, the cold and recent lack of persistent running probably had more to do with the increased time.  I am happy to hear you suffered no pain.  Just be careful coming back that you don't over do it too quickly.

Matt, it took a couple of looks at the post about your 5k before I picked up that you're the RD.  No thanks!  I would be skewered and put on a spit if I were to ever organize something like that.

Derek and Matt,  I was checking out your rides on TR and I don't think I am ready for that kind of sufferage.  I am doing well to complete the workouts as planned on my current plan.  I am following the TR HIM mid-volume plan but I am adding a ride if I have time......And I added a ride last night that was supposed to be moderate, but my legs today said it wasn't moderate.  Tomorrow's ride, at a glance, doesn't look very friendly either and my legs feel cooked right now, after 9 hours of rest.  I'll be looking for my payoff on Sept. 7 of this year and maybe a few other races before that.

Tony,  I'm getting a little antsy to get my training plan under way too.  I've got plenty of time to get things ready.  Of course I probably will start doing my own thing much earlier than the 20 week plan I'll end up doing.  I'll probably be ready for a HIM by April or May and try to hold a high base for an extra month and meet the plan in the middle and pick it up from there.

2014-01-05 6:23 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Matt that's awesome, definetly a lot of work!

Vero the first thing I thought when I saw your times was wow he did great! Escpecially since you've been having the shin issues and not running as much congrats you did good!

Tony we are right there with you on all the snow, although i LOVE it i actually almost ditched my car yesterday I didn't know we were supposed to get snow so I went out to get stuff for the salon cuz tomorrows wind chill is supposed to be -43 ......and of course while I was out down came the snow, I was only going about 25 mph and I have a Tahoe, with 4 wheel drive and out of no where I started sliding good thing no cars were coming in the other direction.
Wow time flies your training starts today!! .

Derek, welcome back!

Dirk wow nice swim!!! Iam defefnitly thinking you are shooting for a Kona spot

Dina good for you to get thru that ride!

I am going to head to the gym early this morning and get a short run and swim in before the game!!! There were lots of tickets available for the game and I really wanted to go but we went to a playoff game a few years back that was brutally cold and we figure it would be better to watch from the warmth of our house.

2014-01-05 6:40 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk,After a week off over Christmas I decided that I needed to redo my FTP as I knew it had gone up recently. Really put every thing I had into it and went from 277 to 293. Killed my legs for the week though, both rides I tried during the week felt awful. Cut both way short when I blew up. Finally competed a ride yesterday and felt good. I've just finished up the base I and II programs and I'm about to do the Build I. Those plans are 3 rides a week so I try to get in another ride, sufferfest vid, if I can. After the build I I'm going to jump into the mod HIM plan in prep for a 70.3 in early July. Not sure how may 4 ride weeks I'll get in though as I'm just starting a run build for a HM in May. My plan ride now is to hopefully maintain the bike and build the run for the HM. Then in the 7 weeks after, maintain the run and build on the bike before the HIM.
2014-01-05 7:40 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Oh my if I get all this tech stuff figured out it will be a miracle!

Hubby bought me a Garmin swim for Christmas. We got a deal used from another BTr. I used it for the first time yesterday and it is really cool. Keeps a swolf score and everything. It is right on with the pool distance, easy to use and read the screen. It was like a little coach on my arm telling me what I was doing. So I come home and try to upload the data to Garmin Connect and it just keeps spinning giving me the message "locating new data" or something like that but never actually finishes.

So now I've got to try to figure out the bike stuff and the swim watch. I'm not sure I have the patience..........


The snow is here. I'm going to walk these dogs before the super cold temps hit. They have been running off every single day lately! Bad boys.

2014-01-05 11:05 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Apologies to all on the weather. While we get our share of cold and snow it normally follows what you guys get and we don't typically get as cold down state here in NY. Be safe and stay warm. If it makes you guys happy it is in the 40's here today :-) but it's not going to last. We are heading back to single digit temps after this rain come through today.

Dirk sounds like a good plan. For me I've got 33 weeks until IMMT so the plan for me is to do a 13 week outseason using the EN 14 week outseason plan. It is bike/run focused, less time and more intensity. I'll add two swims a week to it and I will sub one trainer ride for a MTN bike ride on the weekend. The MTN bike ride is always pretty intense because of the hills so I'm not missing anything that I would on the trainer. After the outseason I'll roll right into the 20 week EN Ironman training plan. That will build the endurance on top of the speed that I'll be trying to attain in the outseason. I'm using both the intermediate plans for the outseason and the IM training. Only 230 more days until IMMT, the countdown has begun.

JoAnne glad to hear you are alright. I heard that there were still tickets available to the game I couldn't believe that. If that is the case it must be very cold there. I don't think I could deal with a wind chill of -43.

Derek that is a really big gain in your FTP. It sounds like you've really improved over last season and made some really nice gains. The continued interval work is definitely going to payoff for you. I did 4 interval trainer rides a week last season for 16 weeks and I thought I made major gains because of it.

Dina sounds like the Garmin swim watch was a good choice. I hope you can get the upload issue you are having figured out as well as the issues you've been having with the bike.
2014-01-05 2:12 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Well after quite a few treadmill runs lately, (I hate them, but it's been too snowy and icy to run out side) I was able to get out for a nice run. We got hit with the the same snow storm that everyone else one else got on Friday. But today it's well above freezing and sunny. The snow and ice are odd for here as we are right on the ocean and we usually just get cold rain all winter. I was able to get outside all last winter a least once a month for a ride, but not. this year. Ahh well I've got a lot of cycling DVR'ed I guess. It's good to see that everyone is just getting into their training plans for the new season. I'm sure we will see some big increases in the FTP's on a Trainerroad. As for now goal #1 is to lose the 10lbs (and hopefully more) that I put on in Sept. and Oct. before the wife and I head to Mexico in March. Hoping go get under 200 for race season. It would be this first time since high school I'm guessing, lol.

2014-01-05 4:16 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by wbayek
Originally posted by DirkP

In order for Trainer Road to work properly you need an ANT+ device (such as a Garmin 305, 310 or 910) or a Bluetooth device such as the KK Inride or Wahoo speed sensor.  (Other brands or models would work but they must have either a ANT+ or Bluetooth system to work properly.)  You must also have a speed/cadence sensor to measure the speed at your back tire.  These can be purchased for about $40 on eBay or Amazon and are fairly easy to install.

I do not believe there is any way to install a cable tethered device to the computer for use on TR.

A little bit of a seals pitch for TR from me...... TR, or other similar training systems, provide tremendous benefit in that you can test (8 minute or 20 minute) and begin to use very accurate power numbers to train with.  Power isn't like HR training where your HR can change for a variety of reasons at any given time.  With power you will have consistent targets for each ride regardless of fatigue during the current ride or fatigue over a training cycle.  Once you have established your FTP (functional threshold power) the numbers automatically appear in your rides.  It really is a piece of cake to use and see measurable results over time.

You actually don't need a Garmin watch or reception device to use tranerroad. You just need the "sending" ANT+ unit, which can be either a true power meter or a speed/cadence (or just speed) sensor and then an ANT+ usb device for your computer, like this one: If anyone is really interested and wants to use trainerroad and sign up, I actually have a Garmin speed/cadence sensor that I'm not using since I went to the power meter. PM me and I can send it out to you.

Warren I'll buy that from you. I have one but it has never worked right. The cadence registers but speed is a mess. I just spent time today putting it on my Raleigh and again it drops the speed. I know I'm not techy but it's not that complicated to put this thing on. I'm starting to think my speed sensor just doesn't work right. Let me know if it is still available. Right now I'm on the trainer  and my Garmin keeps switching from auto pause to resume over and over every couple of seconds - and it beeps every time. If I were on the road I swear I would run over it by now!

It sounds like your watch is still trying to pick up a satellite signal.  This same thing has happened to me when I forget to turn off the setting before a ride.  Also, you have to turn it off each time the watch is shut off.  For instance, if you ride/run inside, turn the watch off and decide to go for another ride/run inside you'll need to turn the setting off again.  That's the only reason I can think of for auto pause to continually occur.  If it is and you can't remember how to do it......Mode>GPS>Status  You can turn it off from there and hopefully that will fix your problem.

One other thing to check for the speed dropping off is the tightness of the spoke magnet.  During my set up on my road bike earlier this off season I was having similar issues.  I believe, after MUCH frustration, I figured out that the magnet was just loose enough to slide closer to the rim when going above 20MPH.  I began to take a closer look at the sensors and magnets and it appeared the magnet had moved slightly.  The location change was just enough that a quick glance at the magnet and sensor appeared to be fine but a closer look seemed to indicate otherwise.

Eureka, I think that was the problem! Thank you Dirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did a little ride today, worked through the gears, pedaled a cadence everywhere from 65-100 and I had data for 45 min!  I was only going to ride for 10 or 15 min just to check it out but since I was already on and everything.........

Now on to watch #2 .

2014-01-05 5:51 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

See what a snowstorm will do - watch #2 info uploaded and working!

Now someone tell me what the heck my SWOLF score means .

2014-01-05 7:37 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Ugh... marathon training has been sidelined... I am on day 8 of the FLU and it's been rough... I do seem to have a few pounds during this sickness though.

Hoping to get back on track soon.

2014-01-05 7:53 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Ugh... marathon training has been sidelined... I am on day 8 of the FLU and it's been rough... I do seem to have a few pounds during this sickness though.

Hoping to get back on track soon.

Oh no! So sorry, rest up and get well!

2014-01-05 7:59 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Ugh... marathon training has been sidelined... I am on day 8 of the FLU and it's been rough... I do seem to have a few pounds during this sickness though.

Hoping to get back on track soon.

Jenn I'm sorry to hear it, rest up and I hope you are feeling better and soon.

2014-01-05 8:25 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
So I kicked off day one of my outseason with my 5 min Vo2 test and 20 min FTP test for the bike. It went very well and I'm sure the 3 days off probably helped. However I was initially a little disappointed with the results of my 20 minute test. I looked at my results from Dec 2012 when I did my first test for last season and noticed that my avg FTP was lower for today's test than it was for that test. I knew the results of the first test from 2012 before I tested today but I didn't know the results of the other tests. Here are the results of my 4 tests last year, I am missing one of the 5 min VO test results. I don't think I captured that separately and it ran into my overall workout.

5 Minute Vo2 Tests
Test 1 Avg Watts 246 Max Watts 314
Test 2 Avg Watts 280 Max Watts 366
Test 3 Avg Watts 298 Max Watts 382

20 Minute FTP Tests
Test 1 Avg Watts 274 Max Watts 314
Test 2 Avg Watts 285 Max Watts 375
Test 3 Avg Watts 287 Max Watts 392
Test 4 Avg Watts 270 Max Watts 380

The test results for today were

5 Minute Vo2 Test
Test 1 Avg Watts 257 Max Watts 359

20 Minute FTP Tests
Test 1 Avg Watts 269 Max Watts 427

Now after thinking about this and doing some more analysis I am not disappointed at all. Comparing the tests from last season and the first test this season I think I'm off to a good start. I know when I did the first test last year I was dying when I finished both the 5 min and 20 min tests. I mean I was stick a fork in me I was done, couldn't breath, legs on fire, sweating buckets and ready to pass the heck out. Today it was nothing like that, I probably could have rode another hour or gotten off the bike and run several miles. I was not even breathing heavy or hurting until the last 3 minutes of the 20 minute test.

So my two big observations from this is one my conditioning is much better than it was when I started last season. It's not even close how much better shape I'm in and how much stronger of a rider I am starting off this year. Between doing Jorge's winter cycling program last season and chasing my friend Wynn all over Long Island this past year has really paid major dividends for me. The second thing is I know I didn't push hard enough in either test. I did a much better job of building up my effort then just hammering and then struggling to hang on like I did last season. I remember really struggling at the end of these test last season. I think today my effort might have been more of an 8 or 9 out of 10 as opposed to a 10 out of 10 effort. I don't think I went all out and I definitely had something left in the tank.

With that said I think this is a good place for me to start. I definitely see and feel a noticeable difference from last season so I know I've made a lot of progress. I also know that I can improve alot more as well. I'll be looking forward to the next test and I will definitely be looking to push harder then I did today. Next up will be the testing for the run and the 5K test probably on Tuesday.

2014-01-05 8:41 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

See what a snowstorm will do - watch #2 info uploaded and working!

Now someone tell me what the heck my SWOLF score means .

Dina I believe it is the number of strokes plus the amount of time it takes you to swim the length of the pool. A lower score is supposed to be better.
2014-01-05 9:08 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Ugh... marathon training has been sidelined... I am on day 8 of the FLU and it's been rough... I do seem to have a few pounds during this sickness though.

Hoping to get back on track soon.

Jenn I'm sorry to hear it, rest up and I hope you are feeling better and soon.
Yeah that sucks, i have had a few friends go down with the flu and it has put them out for several days.  Rest, Hydrate and you will be back at it in no time!

2014-01-07 4:33 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Thanks Derek I am dreaming of Mexico now with our -35 wind chil.....actually is isn't really that bad they have cancelled all sorts of things both yesterday and today I get that kids have to wait for the bus etc but Iam thing,ing after 2 weeks of Christmas break wouldn't parents rather wait in the car with theirs kid till the bus comes than have to take another day now 2 off of work I seriously think we are making a society of's winter in Wisconsin for goodness sake!!!!

Jenn sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good I have had a couple people out with it and it seems to just hang on.i hope you are feeling better soon!

Tony that's awesome that you are feeling so much stronger with your biking, I also can not believe it is IM training time already! I am ready to get started only a few more weeks to go
2014-01-07 4:46 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by trigal38

See what a snowstorm will do - watch #2 info uploaded and working!

Now someone tell me what the heck my SWOLF score means .

Tony is correct, SWOLF is calculated by the number of strokes taken per length (not laps) and adding the time per length .  Ideally you want to take a minimal amount of strokes to maximize effort and speed.  Finding this balance is the difficulty.  If you're stroking to fast, you're wearing yourself down to quickly; If you're stroking to slowly you're over-gliding and going slower than you actually can go.


2014-01-07 4:49 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Ugh... marathon training has been sidelined... I am on day 8 of the FLU and it's been rough... I do seem to have a few pounds during this sickness though.

Hoping to get back on track soon.

You'll get back to it.  A few workouts missed are not going to keep you from getting to where yo want to go.  As you begin to run again, don't push beyond where your body will allow but don't be afraid to push out a little bit.  For instance, if you had a 15 mile run planned, ditch that idea and run 12 or so.  back things down for a week and then get back on track.

2014-01-07 7:26 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 Thanks Derek I am dreaming of Mexico now with our -35 wind chil.....actually is isn't really that bad they have cancelled all sorts of things both yesterday and today I get that kids have to wait for the bus etc but Iam thing,ing after 2 weeks of Christmas break wouldn't parents rather wait in the car with theirs kid till the bus comes than have to take another day now 2 off of work I seriously think we are making a society of's winter in Wisconsin for goodness sake!!!! Jenn sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good I have had a couple people out with it and it seems to just hang on.i hope you are feeling better soon! Tony that's awesome that you are feeling so much stronger with your biking, I also can not believe it is IM training time already! I am ready to get started only a few more weeks to go

Hubby is the school Superintendent here.... the office phone would be ringing off the hook if we had school today I am sure. There is a lot to consider when making a school closure decision. My husband gets out and drives the roads himself (in my van!!!) to check the road condition. If it is not safe for him in a van then it won't be safe for a bus full of kids. Now throw in the fact that those kids will probably not be dressed for these arctic conditions if something would  happen to leave the bus stranded. For your example, most of the children who ride the bus in our neighborhood are at the bus stop 15 min or more before the bus comes because p's have to leave for work. Just a couple of examples of why your schools may not be in session.

And x 2 Tony, exciting to see how far you've come!

2014-01-07 8:14 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Thank goodness for my at home equipment in times like this though! There really is never an excuse for me to miss a workout when I have a bike trainer, treadmill and other fitness equipment right in my basement. I will be on the trainer today. I need to do a bike test. I just did a hard strength session yesterday and I am feeling the fatigue from it today. Would it be better to wait and do the test later in the week? No, I'm not looking for excuses..........

2014-01-07 8:16 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
This weather is just unbelievable. It was raining and 50 degrees yesterday. Today it is only going to be 12 degrees with wind chills going past -10 degrees. That cold from the mid west has arrived. It was a mixed bag here with the schools, some closed and some had up to 2 hour delays. I can totally understand the decision to delay or close schools. I mean it gets cold here but this is definitely not the norm. It hasn't been this cold here in 20 years. The funy thing is we are looking 50 degree weather by the weekend. Hope everybody stays warm.

JoAnne yes it's that time again. I'm happy to be back and training with a purpose, I do much better when training when I have a goal or an IM hanging over my head lol. Time is going to fly and that day will be here before you know it. For now I'm just happy to be back at it and hoping to improve.

The plan originally for today was to do my 5K run test at the high school on the track but there is no way I'm going to do that with the weather being this way so I am relegated to doing it on the treadmill this evening. I didn't want to have to do that but I really don't want to put it off either. If it doesn't go well I can do another test this week.
2014-01-07 8:19 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Thank goodness for my at home equipment in times like this though! There really is never an excuse for me to miss a workout when I have a bike trainer, treadmill and other fitness equipment right in my basement. I will be on the trainer today. I need to do a bike test. I just did a hard strength session yesterday and I am feeling the fatigue from it today. Would it be better to wait and do the test later in the week? No, I'm not looking for excuses..........

x2 Dina, I have no excuses either as I can do everything but swim at home and even then the pool is 5 minutes from my house. I would say it depends on how fatigued you are feeling. For the bike test I think you'd want to be as rested as you can be so you can give it your best effort. You might benefit from taking break today and then doing your testing tomorrow or later on in the week.

2014-01-07 9:36 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by DirkP

Vero,  It sounds like a decent race overall, maybe a little better pacing could have gotten you to the finish a little quicker.  However, the cold and recent lack of persistent running probably had more to do with the increased time.  I am happy to hear you suffered no pain.  Just be careful coming back that you don't over do it too quickly.


I seems like over do it too quickly was exactly what happened. I should have eased up on that pace more. As a result of pushing it I've been so sore since the race that Sunday and part of Monday I could barely walk. It felt like I'd been doing squats all day Saturday or something.

I think the illness is slowing down the healing process quite a bit on me. I'm getting ready to head out for what was supposed to be a run with the dog, but it may just be a walk.

2014-01-07 9:51 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by trigal38

Thank goodness for my at home equipment in times like this though! There really is never an excuse for me to miss a workout when I have a bike trainer, treadmill and other fitness equipment right in my basement. I will be on the trainer today. I need to do a bike test. I just did a hard strength session yesterday and I am feeling the fatigue from it today. Would it be better to wait and do the test later in the week? No, I'm not looking for excuses..........

x2 Dina, I have no excuses either as I can do everything but swim at home and even then the pool is 5 minutes from my house. I would say it depends on how fatigued you are feeling. For the bike test I think you'd want to be as rested as you can be so you can give it your best effort. You might benefit from taking break today and then doing your testing tomorrow or later on in the week.

Last time I road after a strength training session (weekend) my legs were burning on the bike so maybe it really would be best to wait as I am more sore today than I was last time.

2014-01-07 6:52 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I just checked the winter mentor group and it looks like we are live
2014-01-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 I just checked the winter mentor group and it looks like we are live

Ooops, Ok!

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