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2012-03-26 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend of training. I got in a good 51 mile bike ride then a 4 mile sprint on Saturday, then a 12 mile run on Sunday. After talking to Japewang, I was able to hone in on my nutrition and able to get a good output for the entire bike ride.  Hope this week of training goes as good as the weekend.

Less than 4 weeks til my first triathlon. Super stoked and ready to do this.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday.

2012-03-28 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Sorry I have been Mia...I am in San Francisco all week for work. Not as cool as it sounds! No time to do anything fun and extremely limited training. Hope everyone's weekends weeks went well.Triathlon season is soon upon us!!! Who all is kicking off the season in April?
2012-03-28 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4110533

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
If you feel strongly about it / comfortable with swim..i see no real harm in replacing a swim. If the added bike is super hard it can affect other key wos though so you will just need to plan.
2012-03-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
I'll be doing the Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston this weekend.  I'm not near where I should be with my training, but my bike ride last weekend was good and Galveston is flat, so hopefully it won't be too bad.  I'm using it mainly to see where my fitness is before I start official IM training, so it will be interesting.  I just hope it's not too hot.  The 10K I did Sunday didn't start until 9 and I was dumping water on my head at all the water stops.  My swim wave in Galveston doesn't go off until 8:15, so by the time I get to the run it will be around noon.  Fun times!  
2012-03-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #4117380

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
bar92 - 2012-03-28 1:07 PMI'll be doing the Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston this weekend.  I'm not near where I should be with my training, but my bike ride last weekend was good and Galveston is flat, so hopefully it won't be too bad.  I'm using it mainly to see where my fitness is before I start official IM training, so it will be interesting.  I just hope it's not too hot.  The 10K I did Sunday didn't start until 9 and I was dumping water on my head at all the water stops.  My swim wave in Galveston doesn't go off until 8:15, so by the time I get to the run it will be around noon.  Fun times!  
Good luck! Have a great race!
2012-03-28 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I guess you could say that I'm in a bit of a recovery/unload week. 

Fink's IronFit plan calls for an Olympic distance race this week, so I'm going to take a day off work and run a simulated Oly on Friday morning.  That means not a lot of work during the week, which is fine with me since I've had to go to NYC again for work tues and thurs.  Plus, I used my own plan from Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible for my HIM last year, and the periodization cycles threw in a very light recovery week almost every 4th or 5th week.  Fink doesn't really do that, so having a really light week is going to be a blessing I think.  Very little work until friday...mostly pool work.  I'll do a longer high rpm ride on saturday and back to regular long run on Sunday.

2012-03-29 6:35 AM
in reply to: #4117380

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

bar92, Have a GREAT race.

I got in my 3rd ows yesterday. Glad I've been able to get a few in. Plan on a few more before race day on April 21st.  Plugging along training.  It does get a little tiring and I just want the race to get here. I can see where IM training that you could get in a funk due to how long the training is up to race day.  Going to do another nutrition test this weekend to make sure I'm good with what I did last weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend of training.

Edited by Joey Blankenship 2012-03-29 6:39 AM
2012-03-29 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4117380

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
bar92 - 2012-03-28 1:07 PMI'll be doing the Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston this weekend.  I'm not near where I should be with my training, but my bike ride last weekend was good and Galveston is flat, so hopefully it won't be too bad.  I'm using it mainly to see where my fitness is before I start official IM training, so it will be interesting.  I just hope it's not too hot.  The 10K I did Sunday didn't start until 9 and I was dumping water on my head at all the water stops.  My swim wave in Galveston doesn't go off until 8:15, so by the time I get to the run it will be around noon.  Fun times!  
Awesome...that is huge! Best of luck to you....lance is racing too, isn't he? D I guess it's gonna be a hot one, then. Is your wave at the latter end or are there several still after you?
2012-03-29 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4117984

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-03-28 8:36 PM

I guess you could say that I'm in a bit of a recovery/unload week. 

Fink's IronFit plan calls for an Olympic distance race this week, so I'm going to take a day off work and run a simulated Oly on Friday morning.  That means not a lot of work during the week, which is fine with me since I've had to go to NYC again for work tues and thurs.  Plus, I used my own plan from Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible for my HIM last year, and the periodization cycles threw in a very light recovery week almost every 4th or 5th week.  Fink doesn't really do that, so having a really light week is going to be a blessing I think.  Very little work until friday...mostly pool work.  I'll do a longer high rpm ride on saturday and back to regular long run on Sunday.

Good luck with you race simulation! Do you have people doing it with you or going solo? Are you planning on timing, like racing yourself?
2012-03-29 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4118270

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-03-29 6:35 AM

bar92, Have a GREAT race.

I got in my 3rd ows yesterday. Glad I've been able to get a few in. Plan on a few more before race day on April 21st.  Plugging along training.  It does get a little tiring and I just want the race to get here. I can see where IM training that you could get in a funk due to how long the training is up to race day.  Going to do another nutrition test this weekend to make sure I'm good with what I did last weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend of training.

What did you do for it last weekend? You may have blogged etc about it but I'm a bit out of the loop right now. ...Also, lucky on the Ows! It is still mid 50s in the water here. What is the temp like there?
2012-03-29 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4119294

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Not sure what the water temp is, but a me along with a few other peeps have been out once each of the last 3 weeks. It's a little chilly getting in, but you just have to think happy thoughts. Just makes you want to swim faster to get warm.

Well the end of each month we do a timed 500yd for time. Last month I was at 9:21, today I did it in 8:57.  Not too bad in my book for a guy who couldn't swim 25 yds in October.

Nutrition for last weekend was I had 2 24 oz bottles, put one scoop of Gatorade and one scoop of Accelerade in each (200 calories, and yes, lemon lime in both mixed together tastes pretty good). Did either a gel or 4 chomps at the 30 min mark to be at 300 cal. Having a scoop of each was perfect and I wasn't thirsty (from previous experience knowing 2 scoops of Accelerade made me thirsty, more diluted Accelerade (thanks Japewang) and adding in the Gatorade was great). It was wet and rainy, so it took about 1hr 10min to down 1 bottle, which I was planning on one bottle per hour, so close enough calorie wise.  The last part of the ride after both bottles were gone, I did just water and got my calories from gels and chomps.  Averaged 19.3mph on the 51 mile bike ride, jumped off and did a 4 mile sprint at 7:22 and felt GREAT!

This saturday I plan on doing a 40 min run, no fluid, jumping on the bike and going out for 50 miles or so, then jumping off and doing a 10k. Since my plan all along is to carry only 2 bottles race day, I'm gonna do the same mix of one and one, 1 24 oz bottle per hour and either one gel/4 chomps, then hour 3 move to water (which I will be able to get on the course) and gels/chomps for my calories. Hoping it works out like it did last week and that is what I'll be doing race day. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend of training too, and bar92, can't wait to hear how it went.

2012-03-31 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4119290

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
ATLrunr - 2012-03-29 2:12 PM
japewang - 2012-03-28 8:36 PM

I guess you could say that I'm in a bit of a recovery/unload week. 

Fink's IronFit plan calls for an Olympic distance race this week, so I'm going to take a day off work and run a simulated Oly on Friday morning.  That means not a lot of work during the week, which is fine with me since I've had to go to NYC again for work tues and thurs.  Plus, I used my own plan from Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible for my HIM last year, and the periodization cycles threw in a very light recovery week almost every 4th or 5th week.  Fink doesn't really do that, so having a really light week is going to be a blessing I think.  Very little work until friday...mostly pool work.  I'll do a longer high rpm ride on saturday and back to regular long run on Sunday.

Good luck with you race simulation! Do you have people doing it with you or going solo? Are you planning on timing, like racing yourself?

Had a decent race sim.  Did it alone but timed everything.  Came in at a bit under 3 hours.  Slower than what I wanted, but my bike course was pretty hilly (1200 ft climbing over 25.5 miles) and trafficky.  And THEN I got stuck in traffic where there was road construction....oh well. The coolest part to me is that it felt like nothing.  3 years removed from my first OLY its cool to see the long term progress in my training.

And then I ate White Castle last night.  No long term progress in my ability to control my diet....ARGH!

2012-04-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang-that's why I train, so I can eat White Castle lol.

Well Saturday's adventures for me got a little messed up to due it raining like cats and dogs all morning. Finally weather broke, so figured I better get on the bike quickly, so the 10k prior was skipped. Went out on some flatter area than what I'm used to riding on. Knocked out my 50 miles in 2:29.  Nutrition held up of the mix of Accelerade/Gatorade with 1 gel/chomp per hour. Worked good. Got off the bike and did a 5 miler in 37:22 in some humid muck. HR was outta control, but oh well, just wanted to run.

Today I did a 14 miler at a snail pace. My legs were feeling yesterday's workout for sure. Kept my HR low and just puttered on and got it done. I think my legs are ready for the recovery day tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good week of training. 20 days til race day, and I'm ready to get it on.

2012-04-02 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I had a good race yesterday despite having to wait 1:20 after the pros went off for my swim wave to go off.  About 10 minutes into my bike, I passed Lance (or should I say he passed me) on his way back into transition.  He was in the lead off the bike, but I guess he couldn't hold on during the run.

I managed to take about 6 minutes off my time from 2 years ago for a new PR at the HIM distance.  It was really hot on the run and I walked more than I would have liked, but that's how it goes.

Happy with the PR and where I am right now based on the training I've been able to get in.  I'll take the next two weeks fairly easy and then start Fink's 30 week plan for IMAZ.  The first part of that plan is really light as well.  So I'll just keep working and getting it done.

2012-04-02 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4119605

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-03-29 4:02 PM

Not sure what the water temp is, but a me along with a few other peeps have been out once each of the last 3 weeks. It's a little chilly getting in, but you just have to think happy thoughts. Just makes you want to swim faster to get warm.

Well the end of each month we do a timed 500yd for time. Last month I was at 9:21, today I did it in 8:57.  Not too bad in my book for a guy who couldn't swim 25 yds in October.

Nutrition for last weekend was I had 2 24 oz bottles, put one scoop of Gatorade and one scoop of Accelerade in each (200 calories, and yes, lemon lime in both mixed together tastes pretty good). Did either a gel or 4 chomps at the 30 min mark to be at 300 cal. Having a scoop of each was perfect and I wasn't thirsty (from previous experience knowing 2 scoops of Accelerade made me thirsty, more diluted Accelerade (thanks Japewang) and adding in the Gatorade was great). It was wet and rainy, so it took about 1hr 10min to down 1 bottle, which I was planning on one bottle per hour, so close enough calorie wise.  The last part of the ride after both bottles were gone, I did just water and got my calories from gels and chomps.  Averaged 19.3mph on the 51 mile bike ride, jumped off and did a 4 mile sprint at 7:22 and felt GREAT!

This saturday I plan on doing a 40 min run, no fluid, jumping on the bike and going out for 50 miles or so, then jumping off and doing a 10k. Since my plan all along is to carry only 2 bottles race day, I'm gonna do the same mix of one and one, 1 24 oz bottle per hour and either one gel/4 chomps, then hour 3 move to water (which I will be able to get on the course) and gels/chomps for my calories. Hoping it works out like it did last week and that is what I'll be doing race day. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend of training too, and bar92, can't wait to hear how it went.

Nice workout! You sound like you will be extremely prepared and I'm glad you have the nutrition thing figured out too!
2012-04-02 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4121960

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-03-31 6:33 AM
ATLrunr - 2012-03-29 2:12 PM
japewang - 2012-03-28 8:36 PM

I guess you could say that I'm in a bit of a recovery/unload week. 

Fink's IronFit plan calls for an Olympic distance race this week, so I'm going to take a day off work and run a simulated Oly on Friday morning.  That means not a lot of work during the week, which is fine with me since I've had to go to NYC again for work tues and thurs.  Plus, I used my own plan from Joe Friel's Triathlete Training Bible for my HIM last year, and the periodization cycles threw in a very light recovery week almost every 4th or 5th week.  Fink doesn't really do that, so having a really light week is going to be a blessing I think.  Very little work until friday...mostly pool work.  I'll do a longer high rpm ride on saturday and back to regular long run on Sunday.

Good luck with you race simulation! Do you have people doing it with you or going solo? Are you planning on timing, like racing yourself?

Had a decent race sim.  Did it alone but timed everything.  Came in at a bit under 3 hours.  Slower than what I wanted, but my bike course was pretty hilly (1200 ft climbing over 25.5 miles) and trafficky.  And THEN I got stuck in traffic where there was road construction....oh well. The coolest part to me is that it felt like nothing.  3 years removed from my first OLY its cool to see the long term progress in my training.

And then I ate White Castle last night.  No long term progress in my ability to control my diet....ARGH!

Good for you...sounds like it went well. And no worries about the speed..whatever you did you'll be faster on race day. Traffic, stops, being less rested, etc. all play a part!

2012-04-02 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4123750

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-04-01 8:55 PM

Japewang-that's why I train, so I can eat White Castle lol.

Well Saturday's adventures for me got a little messed up to due it raining like cats and dogs all morning. Finally weather broke, so figured I better get on the bike quickly, so the 10k prior was skipped. Went out on some flatter area than what I'm used to riding on. Knocked out my 50 miles in 2:29.  Nutrition held up of the mix of Accelerade/Gatorade with 1 gel/chomp per hour. Worked good. Got off the bike and did a 5 miler in 37:22 in some humid muck. HR was outta control, but oh well, just wanted to run.

Today I did a 14 miler at a snail pace. My legs were feeling yesterday's workout for sure. Kept my HR low and just puttered on and got it done. I think my legs are ready for the recovery day tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good week of training. 20 days til race day, and I'm ready to get it on.

Nice!! That sounds really are going to have a fast bike on the day.
2012-04-02 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4124542

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
bar92 - 2012-04-02 10:41 AM

I had a good race yesterday despite having to wait 1:20 after the pros went off for my swim wave to go off.  About 10 minutes into my bike, I passed Lance (or should I say he passed me) on his way back into transition.  He was in the lead off the bike, but I guess he couldn't hold on during the run.

I managed to take about 6 minutes off my time from 2 years ago for a new PR at the HIM distance.  It was really hot on the run and I walked more than I would have liked, but that's how it goes.

Happy with the PR and where I am right now based on the training I've been able to get in.  I'll take the next two weeks fairly easy and then start Fink's 30 week plan for IMAZ.  The first part of that plan is really light as well.  So I'll just keep working and getting it done.

Good for you! Six minutes after a few years is a good chunk of time! Where did you save the most time? I saw some of the coverage online and it sure did look hot! Hopefully you will have some fun races or events to break up the thirty weeks going forward....
2012-04-04 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4124868

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
ATLrunr - 2012-04-02 12:26 PM
bar92 - 2012-04-02 10:41 AM

I had a good race yesterday despite having to wait 1:20 after the pros went off for my swim wave to go off.  About 10 minutes into my bike, I passed Lance (or should I say he passed me) on his way back into transition.  He was in the lead off the bike, but I guess he couldn't hold on during the run.

I managed to take about 6 minutes off my time from 2 years ago for a new PR at the HIM distance.  It was really hot on the run and I walked more than I would have liked, but that's how it goes.

Happy with the PR and where I am right now based on the training I've been able to get in.  I'll take the next two weeks fairly easy and then start Fink's 30 week plan for IMAZ.  The first part of that plan is really light as well.  So I'll just keep working and getting it done.

Good for you! Six minutes after a few years is a good chunk of time! Where did you save the most time? I saw some of the coverage online and it sure did look hot! Hopefully you will have some fun races or events to break up the thirty weeks going forward....


Most of the time, oddly enough, came off the swim.  Two years ago when I did the race, a bit storm had come in right before the race and the bay was really choppy so I did not have a good swim.  The swim this year was more in line with my normal swim times, but I was happy since I hadn't even practiced in my wetsuit before the race.

I was also able to take a couple of minutes off the bike.  Could have maybe taken a little bit more off, but did stop once to potty (something about me and bikes just makes me have to go) and didn't push too hard because I knew the run would be hot.

As of right now, I have a short sprint in June.  I'm sure I'll add a couple of more races and definitely some rides to the schedule.

2012-04-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4129413

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
bar92 - 2012-04-04 9:55 AM
ATLrunr - 2012-04-02 12:26 PM
bar92 - 2012-04-02 10:41 AM

I had a good race yesterday despite having to wait 1:20 after the pros went off for my swim wave to go off.  About 10 minutes into my bike, I passed Lance (or should I say he passed me) on his way back into transition.  He was in the lead off the bike, but I guess he couldn't hold on during the run.

I managed to take about 6 minutes off my time from 2 years ago for a new PR at the HIM distance.  It was really hot on the run and I walked more than I would have liked, but that's how it goes.

Happy with the PR and where I am right now based on the training I've been able to get in.  I'll take the next two weeks fairly easy and then start Fink's 30 week plan for IMAZ.  The first part of that plan is really light as well.  So I'll just keep working and getting it done.

Good for you! Six minutes after a few years is a good chunk of time! Where did you save the most time? I saw some of the coverage online and it sure did look hot! Hopefully you will have some fun races or events to break up the thirty weeks going forward....


Most of the time, oddly enough, came off the swim.  Two years ago when I did the race, a bit storm had come in right before the race and the bay was really choppy so I did not have a good swim.  The swim this year was more in line with my normal swim times, but I was happy since I hadn't even practiced in my wetsuit before the race.

I was also able to take a couple of minutes off the bike.  Could have maybe taken a little bit more off, but did stop once to potty (something about me and bikes just makes me have to go) and didn't push too hard because I knew the run would be hot.

As of right now, I have a short sprint in June.  I'm sure I'll add a couple of more races and definitely some rides to the schedule.

Great job Bar!  

2012-04-04 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

So, I've hit my first two real challenges in IM training.

1. Food.  I'm snacking all the time, and I can't seem to get healthy options into my body. My current vice is the costco sized box of goldfish crackers.  I'm a big crackers guy.  I know they're not great for you and I can't ever eat just a handful.  I find that I'm really disciplined throughout the day at breakfast lunch and at work.  Then when I get home I'm stuffing my face all throughout the evening.  ARGH. Healthy cracker alternatives?

2.  Biking during the week.  Now that its warm enough and the weather is gorgeous...I'm having trouble squeezing in my 1hr bikes during the week.  Its all mental too.  I set my alarm to get up early, but I'm a bit scared of the roads and now I've chickened out twice in the last two weeks.  I'm in a new place here in Philly and there are just so many people.  I miss the empty roads with wide shoulders back in Washington and Idaho.  I've done 2 or 3 rides outdoors (one being my simulated Oly last week) but I'm just shocked that the roads are all old, narrow, no shoulder and the sheer volume of cars.  All the drivers have been courteous and I haven't had a bad experience, but I don't feel like I'm training well because I'm afraid to get lost and I'm just spooked a bit by all the traffic.  Too hot to just keep my bike on the trainer on the 3rd floor. I know I know...HTFU.

My long rides on the weekend aren't an issue because I can drive to a great multipurpose trail that has some offshoots with great hills in rural or low traffic areas.

Maybe I'll do some evening group rides with some clubs out here to get familiar with some roads.

Thanks for any feedback.  I think I just ate six handfulls of goldfish writing this post... :/

Edited by japewang 2012-04-04 8:15 PM

2012-04-04 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Welcome to Ironman training! I didn't realize (even logging what I ate) how much I ate until one of my coworkers commented on it. I tried to keep healthy stuff around, but sometimes you just crave the bad stuff. I tried to eat peanut butter crackers. At least that gave me some protein.As for riding outside, joining a club or group ride sounds like a great option if it fits your schedule.
2012-04-05 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4130878

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-04-04 8:09 PM

So, I've hit my first two real challenges in IM training.

1. Food.  I'm snacking all the time, and I can't seem to get healthy options into my body. My current vice is the costco sized box of goldfish crackers.  I'm a big crackers guy.  I know they're not great for you and I can't ever eat just a handful.  I find that I'm really disciplined throughout the day at breakfast lunch and at work.  Then when I get home I'm stuffing my face all throughout the evening.  ARGH. Healthy cracker alternatives?

2.  Biking during the week.  Now that its warm enough and the weather is gorgeous...I'm having trouble squeezing in my 1hr bikes during the week.  Its all mental too.  I set my alarm to get up early, but I'm a bit scared of the roads and now I've chickened out twice in the last two weeks.  I'm in a new place here in Philly and there are just so many people.  I miss the empty roads with wide shoulders back in Washington and Idaho.  I've done 2 or 3 rides outdoors (one being my simulated Oly last week) but I'm just shocked that the roads are all old, narrow, no shoulder and the sheer volume of cars.  All the drivers have been courteous and I haven't had a bad experience, but I don't feel like I'm training well because I'm afraid to get lost and I'm just spooked a bit by all the traffic.  Too hot to just keep my bike on the trainer on the 3rd floor. I know I know...HTFU.

My long rides on the weekend aren't an issue because I can drive to a great multipurpose trail that has some offshoots with great hills in rural or low traffic areas.

Maybe I'll do some evening group rides with some clubs out here to get familiar with some roads.

Thanks for any feedback.  I think I just ate six handfulls of goldfish writing this post... :/

1. Crackers... My husband is a big crackers guy. I go more for the sweets, personally. When it is time to get serious, I just can't have them in the house. Period. It's the only way. The first few days suck, but it's better after that. Also, make sure you are getting enough to eat during the day, and especially post workout. Don't try to carb restrict during the day and it you won't crave as many empty cals at night. I have heard this advice for years but it's not until I reluctantly at least Tried to put this into practice that I made any progress.2. What do you mean when you say it's too hot on the trainer. Do you have a fan? Some way to measure output..either some approximation of speed power or hr monitor. Trainer is all about sucking it up. During the week it is a lot easier to jump on the trainer then get set up for outdoor rides, fill bottles, etc. If it makes you feel better, I do minimum 90-115 minute trainer rides at least two days during the week. I know plenty of people who do more. It is hot and my basement lacks ventilation. But I get a good workout. If I do miss one it is harder to do it the next time one is scheduled. I truly think 90 percent of it is mental. You Need1. A Set workout2. A fan3. Way to measures outputWithout these three things it is that much harder... Good luck!
2012-04-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4129413

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Well congrats again...sounds like solid execution to me.
2012-04-05 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Just looked at my post above and realize it formatted into one big blob. Why does the iPad do that? Irritating.....
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