BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed! Rss Feed  
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2008-05-31 1:36 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
I have one more day off and then I am starting my June streak and a real honest to goodness effort at some serious weight loss. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I really want this to be the time that get some weight off!!! I have said it 3000 times and stuck to it all of 2.

Happy travels to those on the road! I hope everyone feels better soon that isn't feeling well! And stay away from Carl Junior.

2008-05-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-05-31 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1435103

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
wgraves7582 - 2008-05-31 6:11 AM

I did a mini triathlon on my own yesterday (with much easier transition times though)

Rode the bike to the Y, Swam 1 mile, Rode Home (20 miles round trip) and then ran 3.5 miles.  My legs were loving running - 1st run after the marathon and it was nice.  I ran at my marathon pace - probably too fast - but I just could not slow down which is maybe a good thing except my H/R was a little too high.

Cannot wait for Rhode Island to see it all work in conjunction.

BTW took my bike in for a tune up also to get her ready for the race.  Man there are some nice bikes out there.  My wife asked what I wanted for father's day and I showed her a $4000 bike (no I didn't try and steal it - they have the pedals off ) and she just laughed!

You didnt try for the bait and switch? I would have tested the 3g limit also!

Edited by nevergivin 2008-05-31 10:08 AM
2008-05-31 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
We are getting my hubby a bike for Father's Day but not a $4000 one. Just an entry level road bike like mine...I am so excited!!

Nice job on the mini tri!!
2008-05-31 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1435190

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2008-06-01 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

I just signed up for the June Challenge.  I did the April and May challenges but was thinking not to do June since I don't have a "plan" for after the tri on the 21st.  BUT the challenges HAVE helped me stay on target with my workouts so I threw my goals in again. 

Father's day.  Daddy gets a day of play with the kids?  Certainly no $4K bike!  me first!  though I'm not ready for that kind of bike yet!

Today a bike ride with the family to a lake for OWS practice.  Hopefully the rumors of it being a bacteria cesspool of duck and geese fecal matter are exaggerated.  Will y'all send me cards if I'm hospitalized with some odd GI disease?

2008-06-01 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Well, today I finally feel better. It has been a long four days and I'm hoping that I've not had too many days of doing nothing! I am leaving here in a little bit to go to the lake for an OWS with the tri club. I am borrowing a wetsuit til mine comes in so I will at least get the opportunity to test the waters so to speak! When mine gets here I will go back out with my husband and try it out. But, do you guys think I'll be okay with not doing anything for four days this close to my event? So, do I still have a taper week at all or do I need to use this week and part of the next to still prepare?  Makes me a tad nervous although I honestly feel like I can do it. Maybe not as fast or as pretty as I might have, but I still feel confident. I just don't want to be overconfident, you know?
2008-06-01 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
I think you'll know better after getting in the wetsuit and water.  My OWS swim today was a bit of an eye opener.  In the pool I've felt good but no lane markers and cool water was, erh, refreshing.  I think I'll add a couple more swim days to my training!
2008-06-03 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
OMG! The OWS was awesome! I borrowed a gals wetsuit which was sleeveless and after the initial "eewww" factor I was able to swim all over the place. Loved the feeling of being more buoyant in the water with the wetsuit. We had two lifeguards at the lake and one got in the canoe and went out into the middle. Lots of people were swimming out to the canoe and back. Another first-timer and I stayed back at the shoreline and swam around for about 200 yards then I got the guts to go out to the middle and back with another gal. We figured it was 150 out and back so I did my 300! Actually I did it twice! I was so psyched. Now, I'm ready for swim in the tri. I'm glad I got that out of the way. Now I'm wondering if I want to get a wetsuit that's sleeveless, though. But, seems like everyone there said I'd be happier with sleeves. What do you guys think? I'm headed to Kansas City this weekend to see if I can get a wetsuit there. If not, back to Wichita next week or else I've got to order one online and get it here fast!  Last night I started to get a tickly cough and I've kind of had it all day. Hope that does not mean a cold is coming!! I went ahead and ran tonight anyway. It was late and I had to do something so I went out and ran up and down my street while my husband and the dog walked around to make sure I didn't get snagged by the boogie man! Only did 2 miles but it was better than nothing! Tomorrow I wil swim and bike.
2008-06-04 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Signed up today for a triathlon in August that has a pool swim. A friend of mine wants to do a triathlon, but just can't stand the thought of swimming in lake water, so I asked her if she'd do one if I found a good one with a pool swim. She said yes, so we are signed up. Didn't really know what kind of a time to give them on my swim since I haven't really done that competitively yet, so I guessed on the side of swimming longer! So, now I've got June, August and September with events in them. Am I crazy or what?
2008-06-05 12:11 AM
in reply to: #1445000

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Big Mama! you rock girl!  OWS success!!  another tri on the scheudle!!  you are an inspiration!

I met with my muddy buddy tonight and we practice mountain biking - fire roads.  Uhm, I think she needs more practice!!  (race is Sunday) well, I'll take what I can get, it might be that I'll have plenty of rest between obstacles as I wait for her to catch up!  we'll see!  She did fall tonight, I didn't see it, and banged up her knee a little.  I THINK it was a going-too-slow-oops-fell-over kind of fall.  I think her spirit is still good though!

She was late getting to our meeting spot so I ran hilly loops for 20 minutes.  and I ran them - no walking!!  That felt gooooood! 

I'm thinking to NOT do the NL tri.  After my OWS practice last weekend I'm feeling a bit intimidated by the water - and the NL swim is in the North sea -- cold with decent sized breakers. I dunno. I'll still poke around and see if there are wetsuit rentals and bike rentals, but it seems a bit steep to sign up for. There IS an option to just ride and run - you start riding after the last swimmer has exited.  special to Captain PirateGirl - the NL tri is a Xterra from before there was Xterra!!

OK, to bed!  swimming tomorrow.  I think I'll not look at the "plan" and will just go and swim swim swim to get some distance.  I think having the mental assurance that I can physically swim a distance greater than my race distance will help me overcome some of the dauntingness (is that a word?) of the OWS aspect.  I'm thinking I'll swim in the AM at the pool and then OWS at the hivey lake in the evening...without the wetsuit and see if I break out again.

2008-06-05 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1446409

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

850yds knocked off no problem!

Next challenge


Oh, the lake wasn't open to OWS so no further practice there yet. 

Edited by movingsouth 2008-06-05 10:05 PM
2008-06-08 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Finally felt well enough to do a little workout. Ran a little over 2 miles and it felt pretty good. Didn't want to push it certainly, but I just felt like I needed to do something. I am going to swim a tad tomorrow and then I think I'll feel okay before my tri on Saturday. I'm very excited, scared to death, anxious, every emotion I can think of as I look forward to this last week before this triathlon. It is a long time coming and I already feel a sense of accomplishment. When I started this journey I was nearly 40 pounds heavier, not feeling very good, struggling with my MS and really wondering what my future was going to look like. Now, I have gotten my body in the best shape it's been in in years, I feel incredible and I am going to actually be able to call myself a true triathlete in six more days! My husband and children are proud of me...gosh, even my mom has told me she's proud of how much I've accomplished! I can't wait to cross that finish line knowing that I put to rest all those that thought I was crazy or that I'd make my life worse by doing this. Even if I'm crawling across that line I will cross it! And it will mean more to me than I can say. 
2008-06-08 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1434997

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
2008-06-08 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1452178

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Big Mama - 2008-06-08 6:09 AM And it will mean more to me than I can say.

We're right there with you BigMama!  Go go pirate mate! 

2008-06-09 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1351583

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2008-06-09 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1351583

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Ahoy mateys! I'm back from the races. Fun trip, but glad to be home finally.

Looks like everyone has been doing great these last few weeks! I'll need to catch up and check out all the blogs.

This week I'm hoping to commute by bike into work 2x. Time to whip out the panniers and get everything ready. Once I have my "routine" of packing and stuff it's always much easier. Never want to arrive to work and realize you forgot pants. Yell

2008-06-09 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1454097

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2008-06-09 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
My muddy buddy is considering a tri now!!  She needs to check with her hubby on schedule, but we might to a SeeJaneTri together in Sept!
2008-06-10 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1454097

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
PirateGirl - 2008-06-09 11:11 AM

Never want to arrive to work and realize you forgot pants. Yell 

Well, I did forget my underwear when I went to the Y to swim one time.....when I walked out I had my pants on but I sure felt weird!

Ran two miles this morning at a faster pace than I've run before...ran with a friend and man, she had a very quick cadence. I'm going to swim a little with her tomorrow and then bike for 20 minutes with her on Friday. Hopefully that will be just enough to keep me "tuned" for Saturday. I still have this stinkin' cold. I "think" I'm getting better. And maybe it's a good thing and it's kept me from training too hard this part week. I think I'm going to go take a quick power nap, though, cuz I had to get up really early to go run and I'm tired. 

2008-06-10 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Wisteria Lane
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Hi Mateys! Congrats on all the recent races!! Elaine, welcome home!

2008-06-12 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Okay, guys, tell me that I'm okay!!!  I started an antibiotic yesterday. Apparently have a great sinus infection that has given me some congestion in my lungs, too. I am more tired than I should be right now, but I'm hoping that by tomorrow the drugs will have helped and I'll be on the upswing. I haven't done much training this week at all. I did a short easy bike ride today that actually felt pretty good. I plan on getting a short easy 20 minute swim in tomorrow morning just so I remember how to swim!  The weather has been horrid here the past few days (had a tornado last night very close to where we live that did some major damage) but it's supposed to be sunny and absolutely perfect on Saturday. So, I'm pumped! I have a transition clinic that our tri club is sponsoring tomorrow evening at the event site with a USAT coach and I'm looking forward to getting out to the lake and seeing where everything is and getting a good feel for what's going to happen. Can't believe it's finally first tri!!!  
2008-06-13 12:59 AM
in reply to: #1463447

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

Big Mama - 2008-06-12 1:54 PM

Okay, guys, tell me that I'm okay!!!  I

You're more than ok! Hope the drugs help clear everything up. Are you starting to get the race butterflies yet? And please tell me someone will be there with the camera to take pics of this momentus event!

Awhile ago I put together some transition tips for my tri club. It's on their website here if you'd like to take a look:

2008-06-13 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!

BigMama!!  I can't wait to see your race report!!

Have fun with your day!


2008-06-14 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1351583

Subject: RE: PirateGirl's group - CLOSED - Pirate ship has sailed!
Filled out my race report! I will post pics as soon as I get them downloaded. We are on the road to Colorado taking our youngest to summer camp so I don't have a lot of time on the computer. But, it was a great experience! I was so pleased with my performance on this first triathlon. I can't wait for the next.  And I ended 7th in my age group so that was an unexpected present!  I'll write more when I get back home! 
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