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2009-03-11 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2011173

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:27 PM

So, for some odd reason, I had a smashing run this morning.  Hit my first two "mile" splits almost 30 seconds each faster than usual.  It was nice and comfortable too - like I hit a groove.  I was in the low 8 min/mile the whole time with a low heart rate.

I'm happy about it and just wanted to brag. 


Congrats on that break-through. Those days are great!!!! Shows you what consistent training can do.

2009-03-11 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2011186

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:30 PM

Who has got races coming up soon?

I've got a mini-sprint on April 19th and I have yet to get on a real bike for a ride (Almost never ever since I was 12.  I've owned a mountain bike for ten years.  The first ride I do on it will probably triple the time I've ridden it total.  Its getting a tune-up this weekend)

After that, its a full marathon on May 3rd

I'm bummed because my Half-Iron "Lite" was moved to a week later, and now I can't do it. It was fitting in perfectly with my training plan and I can't find a replacement. So, all I got is a hilly Half-Iron which is just a training race, and then Lake Placid.

Wait...a full marathon 2 weeks after your tri????'s do-able, but may not be the best thing. Just don't kill yourself on the tri - even if it's only a sprint.
2009-03-11 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2011254

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
runnerx - 2009-03-11 1:47 PM
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:30 PM

Who has got races coming up soon?

I've got a mini-sprint on April 19th and I have yet to get on a real bike for a ride (Almost never ever since I was 12.  I've owned a mountain bike for ten years.  The first ride I do on it will probably triple the time I've ridden it total.  Its getting a tune-up this weekend)

After that, its a full marathon on May 3rd

I'm bummed because my Half-Iron "Lite" was moved to a week later, and now I can't do it. It was fitting in perfectly with my training plan and I can't find a replacement. So, all I got is a hilly Half-Iron which is just a training race, and then Lake Placid. Wait...a full marathon 2 weeks after your tri????'s do-able, but may not be the best thing. Just don't kill yourself on the tri - even if it's only a sprint.

Its not even a sprint - 400 yd swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run.  The run in my training plan is for 4 miles that day.  I'll call it a wash.

2009-03-11 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2011225

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
runnerx - 2009-03-12 3:39 AM
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:27 PM

So, for some odd reason, I had a smashing run this morning.  Hit my first two "mile" splits almost 30 seconds each faster than usual.  It was nice and comfortable too - like I hit a groove.  I was in the low 8 min/mile the whole time with a low heart rate.

I'm happy about it and just wanted to brag. 


Congrats on that break-through. Those days are great!!!! Shows you what consistent training can do.

hey, well-done, it's gorgeous when you hit a groove like that and feel you can go on for ever, you deserve the bragging rights

2009-03-11 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2011186

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-12 3:30 AM

Who has got races coming up soon?

I've got a mini-sprint on April 19th and I have yet to get on a real bike for a ride (Almost never ever since I was 12.  I've owned a mountain bike for ten years.  The first ride I do on it will probably triple the time I've ridden it total.  Its getting a tune-up this weekend)

After that, its a full marathon on May 3rd


got a super sprint on Sunday, sort of looking forward to it and not at the same time - the swim is in the river before sunrise so it'll be dark and cold.  I swam in the river yesterday to get rid of the river demons and it was horrible; jellyfish the size of dinner plates, smelt awful and I was really nervous about the pelicans.  How's the training for the marathon going?

2009-03-11 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2011173

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:27 PM

So, for some odd reason, I had a smashing run this morning.  Hit my first two "mile" splits almost 30 seconds each faster than usual.  It was nice and comfortable too - like I hit a groove.  I was in the low 8 min/mile the whole time with a low heart rate.

I'm happy about it and just wanted to brag. 


Those are great days and deserve a bit of bragging!

2009-03-11 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2011186

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-11 1:30 PM

Who has got races coming up soon?

I've got a mini-sprint on April 19th and I have yet to get on a real bike for a ride (Almost never ever since I was 12.  I've owned a mountain bike for ten years.  The first ride I do on it will probably triple the time I've ridden it total.  Its getting a tune-up this weekend)

After that, its a full marathon on May 3rd

Have the half mary on April 26th.  Hoping I can still complete the training.  Had to give the knee two weeks off, but got in a couple of ok runs this week on the treadmill.  Back outside this weekend, but will keep it slow and easy (actually slow is the only pace I haveLaughing.)  Patience is not one of my strengths. 

2009-03-11 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2012157

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
daisymouse - 2009-03-11 8:09 PM

got a super sprint on Sunday, sort of looking forward to it and not at the same time - the swim is in the river before sunrise so it'll be dark and cold.  I swam in the river yesterday to get rid of the river demons and it was horrible; jellyfish the size of dinner plates, smelt awful and I was really nervous about the pelicans.  How's the training for the marathon going?

Marathon training is going well.  I did 15 miles instead of 17 this past Sunday really just because of boredom and monotony.  This coming Sunday is 18 miles - that's going to be tough, I'll probably play with my route just to try to keep it interesting.

2009-03-21 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Hope you all are doing well!  I've been insanely busy lately: training, school work, the class I'm taking, general farm work...  It's finally nice enough to get outside regularly, so I've been taking advantage of that.  Today it's in the 50's and sunny.  We're heading out for 30 miles in a little while.  I've also decided to try a marathon relay (4 person).  There are 3 other girls at work who will run with me.  None of us are really runners, so our goal is to finish.  Should be pretty cool.  I just have to get them organized and training. 
2009-03-22 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I so glad your weather is warming up, just as our's is cooling down (nicely).  I find running in a group really pushes me - I just don't do it hard enough when I'm on my own.  

I know from reading the forums that it's important to establish a base (running) before moving on to interval training, hills etc.  How long should that base be?  I'm planning to do sprints (5k run) mainly next season and hopefully a oly-distance.  So should I be able to comfortably run 5k-10k or does the base need to be longer?

2009-03-23 6:54 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Don't know much about "base" other than I probably don't have enough.  I'm 5 weeks away from my half mary and the long runs are starting to feel pretty long.  This weekend was 7 miles.  I went slow and had to walk a bit, but the knee felt fine at the end.  New challenge:  chafing.  Ugh.  Will have to dig up the glide before  the 8 next weekend.  This morning did 5 in zone 2/3 without having to walk at all, so there is progress.

2009-03-24 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2032651

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
daisymouse - 2009-03-22 8:36 AM

I know from reading the forums that it's important to establish a base (running) before moving on to interval training, hills etc.  How long should that base be?  I'm planning to do sprints (5k run) mainly next season and hopefully a oly-distance.  So should I be able to comfortably run 5k-10k or does the base need to be longer?

I always thought that base meant moreso "I've been running x miles a week for y months"  I also think it matters what you want to accomplish - is it just to finish? PR? Age group placing?  And of course, I can't answer any of these questions.  You'll probably get the best answers in the general forum.

2009-03-24 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Base training is more or less just long slow distance and nothing else. How far depends on where you are, and what your goals are. You can do races without ever going past "Base" because afterall, it's an endurance event, and Base builds your endurance.

After a couple months of base, then it's time to cut back on the weekly mileage but add some strength workouts (hills), and then finally move on to speedwork (intervals, tempo runs).

In my 30 week plan, I had 10 weeks of "Base" - which is tough because you have to hold back to stay within Zones1-2.
Then comes 10 weeks of "Build" - starting to add some Z4 stuff.
Finally it'll be the "Peak" phase - which is race specific

If I was aiming for an Oly, I know I'd like to run about 8-10 miles comfortably before getting into any specific speedwork. But on the other hand, most plans assume you're building up to the distance - in which case there's alot less of the Build and Peak phases.
2009-03-24 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED


Here's the random update I know you have all been waiting breathlessly for:

I have been in my "prep" phase for the last couple months, learning to run again, figuring out this whole "water" thing.  And the best part is I have been planning out my year.  Which so far is the best part.  I really hope the actual races can compare with the fun I have planning...  Maybe I'm meant to be a coach.  :-)

Anyway, me being who I am signed up for 5* Tris this season (and thinking about #6).  My 3 A races being the Black FLy Tri ( which is a whole weekend event (Fri: 4 Mile TT, Sat Oly, Sun Sprint), The sprint Tri the next weekend, and the Lobsterman Tri at the end of the season.

it is probably a bit agressive, but fear motivates me, and those big events are going to hurt a lot more if I don't train, and since I already paid I'm going to do them either way so I might as well train...  :-)

This is the first week of my actual training plan the Black Fly Tri is only 16 weeks away, and my first ever tri is only 6 weeks away, hopefully I like it, or it's goig to be a long season...  ;-)


2009-03-24 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2037612

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

runnerx - 2009-03-25 7:05 AM Base training is more or less just long slow distance and nothing else. How far depends on where you are, and what your goals are. You can do races without ever going past "Base" because afterall, it's an endurance event, and Base builds your endurance. After a couple months of base, then it's time to cut back on the weekly mileage but add some strength workouts (hills), and then finally move on to speedwork (intervals, tempo runs). In my 30 week plan, I had 10 weeks of "Base" - which is tough because you have to hold back to stay within Zones1-2. Then comes 10 weeks of "Build" - starting to add some Z4 stuff. Finally it'll be the "Peak" phase - which is race specific If I was aiming for an Oly, I know I'd like to run about 8-10 miles comfortably before getting into any specific speedwork. But on the other hand, most plans assume you're building up to the distance - in which case there's alot less of the Build and Peak phases.

thanks, that's really helpful, I'm off to the UK soon so will only be running as the pool/gym is about 40mins away and they don't have a creche.  My in-laws are great but don't think they're up for having the Munchkin quite that much.  I'll use the time to work up the miles.

2009-03-30 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

So, I'm getting nervous - For the third week in a row, my long run has been sabotaged.  The prior two times was due to potty issues.  Yesterday was weather.  I have to look at my plan in detail, but if I do yesterday's 20-miler next Sunday, there's another 20 right behind it, then taper. 

My thought is to do the 20 next week, just in case, and then play the following week by ear, and if I feel good do the second 20-miler.  Any suggestions?

2009-03-31 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I have an issue.  I have developed a pain in my right shoulder, it feels sort of deep down in there, and not really a mussel type pain.  I have self diagnosed it as at least the start of tendinitis.  I recently started doing a bunch of pushups along with y ab work a few times a week, and I haven't been really warming up before doing them so I think that may be the problem.  I shut down the push ups and am skipping at least one swim workout tomorrow.  (Swimming is where I started to feel it)


I have been icing it and taking a bunch of ibuprofen, is there anything else I should be doing/Not doing?  Could it be something besides tendinitus?  Should I just go to the doctor and let them figure it out?  It is not a super painful, so I /could/ fight through it but I'd rather not destroy my season by being dumb.

Any help would be apreciated... thanks.


2009-04-01 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2048888

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-03-30 1:39 PM

So, I'm getting nervous - For the third week in a row, my long run has been sabotaged.  The prior two times was due to potty issues.  Yesterday was weather.  I have to look at my plan in detail, but if I do yesterday's 20-miler next Sunday, there's another 20 right behind it, then taper. 

My thought is to do the 20 next week, just in case, and then play the following week by ear, and if I feel good do the second 20-miler.  Any suggestions?

Hmmmm...I'm trying to think what people would tell me because I would think exactly as you do. In any case, I would go for the 20 miler next Sunday. Be careful about doing 2 long runs back-to-back. Maybe you can go long but just a bit shorter the follwoing week - like 17ish ? Does that leave you with a 3 week taper? You can always move that 17 to 2 weeks before instead. Or, you can be happy with doing that last 20 miler 4 weeks before your race - which is how some plans are set up.
My personal suggestion for the long runs would be:
2009-04-01 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2050806

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
mrhighside - 2009-03-31 10:37 AM

I have an issue.  I have developed a pain in my right shoulder, it feels sort of deep down in there, and not really a mussel type pain.  I have self diagnosed it as at least the start of tendinitis.  I recently started doing a bunch of pushups along with y ab work a few times a week, and I haven't been really warming up before doing them so I think that may be the problem.  I shut down the push ups and am skipping at least one swim workout tomorrow.  (Swimming is where I started to feel it)


I have been icing it and taking a bunch of ibuprofen, is there anything else I should be doing/Not doing?  Could it be something besides tendinitus?  Should I just go to the doctor and let them figure it out?  It is not a super painful, so I /could/ fight through it but I'd rather not destroy my season by being dumb.

Any help would be apreciated... thanks.


Andy - You know what your answer is - don't destroy your season by being dumb. Don't fight your way through this. You can give it a rest for a few days and see how it responds, but make an app't with a physical therapist. not even sure if warming up is the issue - could just be overuse. Skipping a workout or two won't wreck your season. Actually, you can still swim - just stick to breaststroke.

Good luck with it.
2009-04-01 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
i started with my shoulder issue in august and still having an issue, mine was rotator cuff tendinitis from overuse in the gym with weights...  takes time to heal, i never got up with a physical therapist though, got bad advice from orthopedist and going for second opinion.  i ran my first tri in febuary after my mri in january, decided to scrap my next run that i signed up for this month, just gonna try to get over the shoulder.  good luck with yours, hopefully its not as bad as mine
2009-04-02 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2055147

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
runnerx - 2009-04-01 4:20 PM
mrhighside - 2009-03-31 10:37 AM

I have an issue.  I have developed a pain in my right shoulder, it feels sort of deep down in there, and not really a mussel type pain.  I have self diagnosed it as at least the start of tendinitis.  I recently started doing a bunch of pushups along with y ab work a few times a week, and I haven't been really warming up before doing them so I think that may be the problem.  I shut down the push ups and am skipping at least one swim workout tomorrow.  (Swimming is where I started to feel it)


I have been icing it and taking a bunch of ibuprofen, is there anything else I should be doing/Not doing?  Could it be something besides tendinitus?  Should I just go to the doctor and let them figure it out?  It is not a super painful, so I /could/ fight through it but I'd rather not destroy my season by being dumb.

Any help would be apreciated... thanks.


Andy - You know what your answer is - don't destroy your season by being dumb. Don't fight your way through this. You can give it a rest for a few days and see how it responds, but make an app't with a physical therapist. not even sure if warming up is the issue - could just be overuse. Skipping a workout or two won't wreck your season. Actually, you can still swim - just stick to breaststroke. Good luck with it.


X2 - I ramped up the swim yardage too fast last year and strained the serratus anterior muscle (didn't know what that was,,,,always hear about rotator cuffs).  Was fine after a few weeks of rest.

Good luck

2009-04-08 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2058767

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
You could try one arm push-ups, but it might make your hulk-like figure imbalanced.......

Running and kick drills at the pool are great alternatives,  but don't push an injury now to because it will affect competition later.  Good luck with the ice and motrin.
2009-04-08 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the advice everyone, it appears to be working...  I took last week off from swimming and push ups, kept up the ice and ibuprofen, and things are feeling much better, had a swim workout Monday which went well, and I have another tomorrow...  I'm sticking with the ice and Advil for at least the next few weeks, and if anything twinges I'll back off... 



2009-04-13 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2071726

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
So, this weekend is the Mini Mightman Tri - its short, 400m swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run.  I'm not gonna place, I hope to be in the top half.  The only problem is that I have not ridden a real bike in years.  I should have been training on my old beat up mountain bike, but when I took it to get tuned, the shop said it would be cheaper to buy a bike from Walmart, and I'd be happier too.  So I'll be using my wife's bike - just have to adjust the seat a bit.  Hopefully I'll be able to wallow through 6 miles on the bike.

On the marathon front:  I'm ready.  I'm getting back on plan tomorrow and I should do just fine.  I didn't get my 20-miler in but who cares.  I'm ready
2009-04-15 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2081094

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2009-04-13 1:24 PM So, this weekend is the Mini Mightman Tri - its short, 400m swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run.  I'm not gonna place, I hope to be in the top half.  The only problem is that I have not ridden a real bike in years.  I should have been training on my old beat up mountain bike, but when I took it to get tuned, the shop said it would be cheaper to buy a bike from Walmart, and I'd be happier too.  So I'll be using my wife's bike - just have to adjust the seat a bit.  Hopefully I'll be able to wallow through 6 miles on the bike.

On the marathon front:  I'm ready.  I'm getting back on plan tomorrow and I should do just fine.  I didn't get my 20-miler in but who cares.  I'm ready

Good luck on the Tri this weekend.  Have to say....don't buy a bike from Walmart.  Keep borrowing your wife's until you're ready to buy something that fits you well.  Heck, you could carry it for 6 miles if necessary.  Lots of good bikes on sale at the LBS this time of year.

Hope the marathon goes well.
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