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2009-02-16 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kelly,  thanks for the support. The race was great- got me thinking of the mussleman 1/2 iron- I dont think I am ready to tackle that distance yet but I think there might be one in my future.  Glad your work is going well- My mom and stepfather go to many concerts in the Elmira area- do you ever play there?

Great ab work out!!  Planks are killer but really good for you.  Lets start with this work out for this week.  I will shoot for 3 times this week.  Go to walmart and get your stability balls peeps!!  Lets see those abs!!


2009-02-16 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1965112

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Greetings Gang,

Great job on the race, Paula!

Well, I've got my stability ball and I'm ready to see my abs - I know they're in here somewhere. It looks like the first and the last exercises are the same; must be a good one. Wish me luck with number 5! I'm going to do this three times a week. I'll report back after I've done the workout, and let you know if any abs appear...


2009-02-17 4:50 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Warning Warning Warning!!

The ab workout is great. I did 20 reps of everything except the planks- I did 3 for 30 seconds (barely!)  My hubby joined in too-he's pretty fit and thought it was tough too.  Great job in finding this work out Kelly.  We did a 30 min ride on the trainers- supposed to do a 3 mile run too but not enough time before work today. 

Hope everyone has a good tuesday!


2009-02-17 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1964995

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-16 4:50 PM

Hey everyone. Had a little computer problem, so I disappeared for awhile yesterday. Once again. congratulations to Paula on a great race! 

I found an abs workout that might work for us.  Here is the link:

You start with Part I and then add the others parts (I think 4 more) until you can do them all in one day.  Part I seems hard enough to start. 

What do you think?

Looks excellent. You have motivated me to move along with core training, as I think this will even help me with my cycling. I have a little trouble keeping my head up in aero, so I especially think the back extensions will help.


2009-02-17 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi guys

Just a quick note to let you all know I haven't fallen off the planet. Training has taken a hit as first the kids and the the parents and then the kids again got sick. There has been a lot of "flopped on the sofa" time I can tell you.

Pics of the bike (and some training) will be coming this week though, I promise


2009-02-17 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1965722

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-02-17 5:50 AM

Warning Warning Warning!!

The ab workout is great. I did 20 reps of everything except the planks- I did 3 for 30 seconds (barely!)  My hubby joined in too-he's pretty fit and thought it was tough too.  Great job in finding this work out Kelly.  We did a 30 min ride on the trainers- supposed to do a 3 mile run too but not enough time before work today.

Thanks for the warning I think instead of getting a stability ball I will do this workout at the Y. My thumb is back to normal, so no more lunchtime doctor visits, and I will commit to swimming and core at lunchtime. 

Another early morning workout and pre 6AM post, BTW. Great dedication!


2009-02-17 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1967062

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-02-17 6:02 PM

Hi guys

Just a quick note to let you all know I haven't fallen off the planet. Training has taken a hit as first the kids and the the parents and then the kids again got sick. There has been a lot of "flopped on the sofa" time I can tell you.

I rember those days well when my kids were little and some sickness would make its way around everyone. Fortunately, it gets better as everyone gets older.

Pics of the bike (and some training) will be coming this week though, I promise

You will be back at the training in no time, and I will hold you to your bike pic promise


2009-02-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kids are getting better, although there are still a few coughs heard around the house. I managed 30 mins on the bike trainer last night, got a good sweat going. More soon I hope


2009-02-18 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi, guys.  Julian, it sounds like the colds are on their way out.  I hope everyone is feeling better.  I was home all day with the boys who both came down with a stomach bug at 1:30 this morning.  We didn't get much sleep, but I'd rather deal with 2 at once than have 1 each night!!

I was able to get 45 min. on Buttercup this afternoon, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to swim tonight.  My Y has a Masters swim program that I've been wanting to try, so it looks like tonight will be the night.  I'm actually quite nervous.

I also did my first day of the Amschrod Abs was tough...especially when my 2 y.o. decided to sit on me while I was doing my superman plank!!  The hardest exercise by far for me, though, were the V-ups.  I have absolutely no lower ab strength.  Hopefully this will take care of it.  So are we doing three times a week of just part 1 for now, or are we going to add Part 2?  Quite frankly, I don't think I can handle 1 and 2 just yet, but I will go with the majority!!

I'll let you know how my masters swim went.  Have a great night!

Edited by kcovert1 2009-02-18 3:58 PM
2009-02-18 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Julian,  glad the ick is leaving your household- thank goodness I have a good strong immune system and most of my patients cancel when they are sick so they dont breathe on me!  Not having kids helps too!

Kelly, How'd the swim class go?  I had my first "swim lesson" today- it went great, I was doing a lot of things wrong so I found it to be very helpful.  I also learned that I am not coordinated or smart enough to try to remember more than 2 things to do at once! Swimming is a lot more complicated than I thought!  At the end of my 30 min lesson she timed me for a 100.  I was 1:10- is that good?  I put 2 min on my registration so I think I need to change my time.  I will try to work on the stuff she gave me to start with. rotation of my shoulders, kicking with my hips instead of my knees etc.. and see how it goes.

Joann- thanks for the support on my race, Hope your weather gets better !

Abs challenge should stick with part one for a week or so and then we can see what happens.  Day 2 tomorrow for me.  Even my hubby noticed he was sore today and he has much more of a 6 pack versus my keg!

Hope all is well everyone

2009-02-19 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1969602

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Greetings Everyone,

We're all sick here. I haven't been able to work out for a few day. Kid is sick too, even the dog. I did do the Abs challenge two days ago and still feel it today. I think it's going to be a great addition to my training. I haven't seen my abs yet, but I could sure hear them screaming...

I had the most trouble with the v-sit too. My push up also didn't look too much like the picture. And, I could only hold the plank for 35 seconds (I had a golden retriever trying to get under me, which is preferable to a kid on top of me for that one!)

We're off to Montana for a family get away - back on Sunday. Hopefully we'll all be healthy by then.

Take care,




2009-02-19 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I wonder what is worse - a sick 2 year old or a sick dog? Wow is this some sort of nation wide bug thing? And here I am getting better. I managed a few miles on the bike trainer this morning and boy do I feel it, I really think I need to ride almost every day to get used to big mileage and the "comfort" of sitting in the saddle


2009-02-19 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1969310

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-18 4:57 PM

Hi, guys.  Julian, it sounds like the colds are on their way out.  I hope everyone is feeling better.  I was home all day with the boys who both came down with a stomach bug at 1:30 this morning.  We didn't get much sleep, but I'd rather deal with 2 at once than have 1 each night!!

Stomach bugs. Yuck! Hopefully they got better quickly.

I was able to get 45 min. on Buttercup this afternoon, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to swim tonight.  My Y has a Masters swim program that I've been wanting to try, so it looks like tonight will be the night.  I'm actually quite nervous.

I also did my first day of the Amschrod Abs was tough...especially when my 2 y.o. decided to sit on me while I was doing my superman plank!!  The hardest exercise by far for me, though, were the V-ups.  I have absolutely no lower ab strength.  Hopefully this will take care of it.  So are we doing three times a week of just part 1 for now, or are we going to add Part 2?  Quite frankly, I don't think I can handle 1 and 2 just yet, but I will go with the majority!!

I'll let you know how my masters swim went.  Have a great night!

I am looking forward to hearing about it. I've thought about trying Masters, but ours is also in the evening, and I am not very good at excercize late in the day.


2009-02-19 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1969602

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Roadtoad22 - 2009-02-18 8:29 PM

Kelly, How'd the swim class go?  I had my first "swim lesson" today- it went great, I was doing a lot of things wrong so I found it to be very helpful.  I also learned that I am not coordinated or smart enough to try to remember more than 2 things to do at once! Swimming is a lot more complicated than I thought!

Glad you had a good time with your lesson. She must be a good teacher. I am not coordinated enough to work on more than one thing at a time

At the end of my 30 min lesson she timed me for a 100.  I was 1:10- is that good?  I put 2 min on my registration so I think I need to change my time.  I will try to work on the stuff she gave me to start with. rotation of my shoulders, kicking with my hips instead of my knees etc.. and see how it goes.

Very commom for runners to kick from their knees and not their hips, and it is something that I'm bad at. 1:10 for 100 would be very very fast. I think you may want to retime yourself for 300 yards since that is the distance for your tri, and you will want to make sure you seed youeself accurately.

Abs challenge should stick with part one for a week or so and then we can see what happens.  Day 2 tomorrow for me.  Even my hubby noticed he was sore today and he has much more of a 6 pack versus my keg!

Part one for a week or so sounds great! I just have to get myself started!


2009-02-19 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1970464

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
SpokaneJo - 2009-02-19 11:31 AM

Greetings Everyone,

We're all sick here. I haven't been able to work out for a few day. Kid is sick too, even the dog. I did do the Abs challenge two days ago and still feel it today. I think it's going to be a great addition to my training. I haven't seen my abs yet, but I could sure hear them screaming...

Sick mom, kid and dog. Ouch. Here's hoping for quick recoveries. Can't see the abs, but you hear them screaming. That gave me a very good laugh!!

I had the most trouble with the v-sit too. My push up also didn't look too much like the picture. And, I could only hold the plank for 35 seconds (I had a golden retriever trying to get under me, which is preferable to a kid on top of me for that one!)

We're off to Montana for a family get away - back on Sunday. Hopefully we'll all be healthy by then.

Have a good trip!. Montana; another place I would love to visit. Maybe someday...



2009-02-19 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1970475

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-02-19 11:35 AM

I wonder what is worse - a sick 2 year old or a sick dog? Wow is this some sort of nation wide bug thing? And here I am getting better. I managed a few miles on the bike trainer this morning and boy do I feel it, I really think I need to ride almost every day to get used to big mileage and the "comfort" of sitting in the saddle

It does seem like there are a lot of bugs going around. Saddle comfort is an issue, and you'll see a lot of threads on tri talk about saddle recommendations. Time in the saddle should help, and I would like to suggest that you try to move around in the saddle a little while you are on the trainer. A lot of people tend to stay in one spot a litttle too much when they are on the trainer as opposed to outside.


2009-02-19 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey, guys.  The Masters kicked my butt last night!!  I have never swam so hard in my life.  They had five lanes--#1 was the slowest and #5 was the fastest.  I chose #2 which was good.  This was the workout:

1h 00m 2600.00 yards 02m 19s /100 yards
8:30 PM     

Masters Swim at Y


MS: 8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
above set twice


The coach said they do a 3 week build-up, and a 3-day build-up within each week.  Last night was Day 3 of the Week 3--the hardest workout of the three weeks.  I'm not exactly sure how much I did for WU and CD--I think about 650 yds. WU and around 300 CD.

The good points:  an hour of swimming has never gone by so fast; it was nice to have other people doing the same workout to commiserate with; I got some good pointers on my stroke; I didn't have to think about what to do for my workout (which I love); I swam like mad.

The bad points:  the time is terrible- 8:30-9:30 p.m. Mon. and Wed. and 8:15 a.m. on Sun.; the workout kicked my butt (have I said that already?).

I'm definitely going to try it again if I can convince my husband it is worth missing Lost for!!(There's always the internet, right?) I think I would probably only go once a week, but they leave the workouts posted on a white board  by the pool, so I could still do the workouts. 

I'm also very tired and sore today.  Who knew swimming was so hard??

2009-02-19 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1971592

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-19 5:11 PM

Hey, guys.  The Masters kicked my butt last night!!  I have never swam so hard in my life.  They had five lanes--#1 was the slowest and #5 was the fastest.  I chose #2 which was good.  This was the workout:

1h 00m 2600.00 yards 02m 19s /100 yards
8:30 PM     

Masters Swim at Y


MS: 8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
8x25 on 30" fs
4x25 on 35" mix
above set twice


The coach said they do a 3 week build-up, and a 3-day build-up within each week.  Last night was Day 3 of the Week 3--the hardest workout of the three weeks.  I'm not exactly sure how much I did for WU and CD--I think about 650 yds. WU and around 300 CD

That is quite a workout! I assume mix means use other strokes besides freestyle, so did you do anything different? I don't train any other strokes, but I can breast and back. Breast sometimes comes in handy when I have difficulty sighting.

The good points:  an hour of swimming has never gone by so fast; it was nice to have other people doing the same workout to commiserate with; I got some good pointers on my stroke; I didn't have to think about what to do for my workout (which I love); I swam like mad.

That does sound like fun. You really have me wanting to try it sometime.

The bad points:  the time is terrible- 8:30-9:30 p.m. Mon. and Wed. and 8:15 a.m. on Sun.; the workout kicked my butt (have I said that already?).

I'm definitely going to try it again if I can convince my husband it is worth missing Lost for!!(There's always the internet, right?) I think I would probably only go once a week, but they leave the workouts posted on a white board  by the pool, so I could still do the workouts.

Missing Lost would be very tough

I'm also very tired and sore today.  Who knew swimming was so hard??

Are you mostly sore in your lats or are you sore all over?


2009-02-19 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1971921

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

My training started off great today. Up at 4:30, and out the door a little before 5 so I could finish a 12 mile run by 7 when I start getting my youngest up for school. Pretty good run except for some icy spots on the road that slowed me down. Nearly fell on my backside a couple of times. It's a good thing I know how to skate!! I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself for running 12 miles on a school day.

Lunchtime didn't work out as well. I had planned on going to the Y, swimming a little, and starting the abs workout. I even packed my gym bag last night, so I would be ready to go, but I forgot it at home so I wasn't able to work out. I will definitely swim and start on the abs Saturday AM.

Speaking of kids, I am a little jealous of you guys with little ones. I miss those years. My oldest will be 21 in a couple of weeks. It's a cliche, but it is true, the time really does go too quickly.


2009-02-19 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I hope the sickness passes quickly for everyone.  We have it here in the south but so far I have been lucky to avoid it- (knocking on wood!)

Kelly- that swim class was crazy- that's a lot of laps!!!  Sound like a good idea though, not having to think about what to do and others around to help. 

Anthony- CONGRATS  12 miles on a "school day"  very dedicated- those are only saturday runs for me.  I cant even manage 8 mile tempos on school days and still get to work ontime.  I refuse to get up earlier than my 4:30 wake up call.  Being at work at 7 or 7:30 and living 30 min away doesnt help either.

 I did my first Brick today.  30 min on the trainer then 3 mile run.  I am still getting used to the bike- not a big fan of the trainer but time in the saddle is good right?  For the first time in over 2 months I did not stress about my time while running.  It was hard not to check Garmin all the time- I ran rather slowly but it was nice to take the time and enjoy the warm (54 degrees) morning air.  Tomorrow will be 23 so i was glad to get the run in today.

as for my swim time- I still think they are lying about the pool size and there is no way that I swim that fast.  I have a friend that works at another gym with a normal size pool.  I might try to scam a free pass from her to time myself before I change my time.  I know I cant sustain that pace for 300 yards now but I have several more weeks to practice too.

have a great friday everyone!


2009-02-20 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Nice workouts all the way around!! 

Next time my kids are puking at 1:30 in the morning, Anthony, I'll try to remember how fast the time goes!

I'm mostly sore in my lats, a little bit in my left shoulder (but that is because I have a bad habit of not rotating enough to the left side), and my chest (but I'm pretty sure that is from the fitness ball pushups!). I'm going to swim this morning and try to put some of the tips the coaches gave me to work.

For the weekend, my plan is to ride on Sat.(probably spin class and a little time on the trainer) and run on Sunday.  My running has been really lax lately and I've got to get it back up before HIM training starts! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

2009-02-20 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1972002

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-02-19 10:10 PM

I hope the sickness passes quickly for everyone.  We have it here in the south but so far I have been lucky to avoid it- (knocking on wood!)

Kelly- that swim class was crazy- that's a lot of laps!!!  Sound like a good idea though, not having to think about what to do and others around to help. 

Anthony- CONGRATS  12 miles on a "school day"  very dedicated- those are only saturday runs for me.  I cant even manage 8 mile tempos on school days and still get to work ontime.  I refuse to get up earlier than my 4:30 wake up call.  Being at work at 7 or 7:30 and living 30 min away doesnt help either.

Thanks! I'm trying my best to stick with my training plan especially since my employees tell me that since "roadtoad" rocked her HM and broke 2 hours, I have to go out in a couple of weeks and do the same thing. They all say WOO-HOO!!  to you by the way. I am very lucky that my office is only 10 minutes from home, too.

I did my first Brick today.  30 min on the trainer then 3 mile run.  I am still getting used to the bike- not a big fan of the trainer but time in the saddle is good right?  For the first time in over 2 months I did not stress about my time while running.  It was hard not to check Garmin all the time- I ran rather slowly but it was nice to take the time and enjoy the warm (54 degrees) morning air.  Tomorrow will be 23 so i was glad to get the run in today.

Alright, your first brick! So how did your legs feel the first few minutes? I also don't like the trainer very much. When I'm riding outside, it almost feels like the bike is a part of me., but on the trainer I feel a little awkward. Sort of like I am falling off the bike. But you are absolutely right; time in the saddle is good!

as for my swim time- I still think they are lying about the pool size and there is no way that I swim that fast.  I have a friend that works at another gym with a normal size pool.  I might try to scam a free pass from her to time myself before I change my time.  I know I cant sustain that pace for 300 yards now but I have several more weeks to practice too.

You are most likely right about the pool size. That would be great if you can try your friend's pool. I've never done a tri with an indoor swim, but from what I hear it's good to give an accurate time for seeding.


Edited by amschrod 2009-02-20 8:38 AM
2009-02-20 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1972309

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-02-20 8:17 AM

Nice workouts all the way around!! 

Next time my kids are puking at 1:30 in the morning, Anthony, I'll try to remember how fast the time goes!

Ahhh, I remember those days well. Like the time when my daughter was 6 and she came to me in the middle of the night and said "Dad, it's an emergency. I threw up and had diarhhea in the bed." It's awful when they're sick, but it's good to know that your presence makes them feel just a little bit better.

I'm mostly sore in my lats, a little bit in my left shoulder (but that is because I have a bad habit of not rotating enough to the left side), and my chest (but I'm pretty sure that is from the fitness ball pushups!). I'm going to swim this morning and try to put some of the tips the coaches gave me to work.

That's good that most of your soreness is in your lats because that's what you should be using most when swimming. Let us know how your swim workout went today.

For the weekend, my plan is to ride on Sat.(probably spin class and a little time on the trainer) and run on Sunday.  My running has been really lax lately and I've got to get it back up before HIM training starts!

Yes, time to start the HIM training! I have been working my way through the"Training Bible", but it is taking longer than I thought. I should have my plan completed this weekend and share my thoughts with everyone. 


2009-02-20 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1972457

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone, I had a little thought this morning that I would like to share.

Today my run plan called for an easy 2 mile run, which, since I had 12 miles yesterday, I would call a recovery run. This got me thinking about training plans in general. Most plans have recovery built into them, both in the long term and short term. Usually there is 3 weeks of building, followed by a recovery week. Or, you might have an easy run the day after a hard ride for example.

I think this "active recovery" is really important. This morning, my legs were pretty tired and were talking to me. They were saying, "we just carried your rather substantial weight 12 miles yesterday, and you want us to run again today?!?" First half mile was a little hard, but then I started to feel better, and by the end of the short easy run my legs felt much better than when I started. Now, later in the day I feel great. No soreness or fatigue. Long story short, don't forget the active recovery; we can't go all out all the time!!


Edited by amschrod 2009-02-20 12:26 PM
2009-02-21 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Things I learned on my bike ride today

1. Wear thicker socks when it's cold- Bike shoes are highly ventilated

2. Full finger gloves work better when cold out than 1/2

3. I have no balance and can barely ride with  only one hand on the handlebars

4.  I dont have a lot of rotation required to look behind you and not veer out into the street

5.  I CANNOT corner very fast- thought I was going to end up in some hedges-

6. Headwinds suck

7. Spending an hour riding along the coast with hubby on a nice sunny yet chilly saturday morning:Priceless

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