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2009-12-05 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2544216

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-05 10:20 AM Stacie, send me some of those get better vibes. I crashed and burned yesterday. I have something a kin to the flu. I am hoping since I am vertical for a bit that the worst is over. I am missing the memorial service I was supposed to be going to. Not to mention a whole day in bed except for ..... well, you don't want to know about it.

Got the beasts fed, now to take a recovery nap. The month just started and I am behind again!

Tom, LOTS of Glitter and Glue.. Lots..

Robin, sorry you are not feeling well.  Lots of people struggling with flu/bronchitis right now.  Healing thoughts on the way!  Crummy weather on the east coast, so good reason to stay in bed or curled up on a comfy sofa. 

No offense intended to Bill, Neal or Tom but thought you'd enjoy viewing "Man Flu"


2009-12-05 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Got to the Y early this morning for a nice swim.  After yesterday's discussion, I decided to focus on breathing.  Just breathing.  It really does make a difference to focus on just one thing at a time.  I had quite a few really good laps.  Quite a few ugly ones too, but you gotta take a moment to enjoy it when it comes together.  I'm doing the Dec challenge and set my goal to increase my swims to 3x week.  Twice a week is mainting.  Three times gives a chance to improve.
2009-12-05 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Grump alert....ok the knees are pi$$ing me off.  I backed off and didn't do the half mary in November.  I did the 5k turkey trot on T'giving and felt pretty good, but noticed some redness around the knee cap afterwards.  No real pain, but I iced it aggressively anyway.  I noticed today that it is really bruised.  WTH???  I guess it's time to go back into the doc.
2009-12-05 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2544216

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ceilidh - 2009-12-05 9:20 AM Stacie, send me some of those get better vibes. I crashed and burned yesterday. I have something a kin to the flu. I am hoping since I am vertical for a bit that the worst is over. I am missing the memorial service I was supposed to be going to. Not to mention a whole day in bed except for ..... well, you don't want to know about it.

Got the beasts fed, now to take a recovery nap. The month just started and I am behind again!

Tom, LOTS of Glitter and Glue.. Lots..

getting better vibes are on their way ROBIN, pronto!

im so, so, so sorry your sick (still....

that is just SUCKTASTIC.

stay verticle for as long as is absolutely necessary.

sloppy GHOULIE kisses, hopefully they help.

mwah.  mwah.  mwah.
2009-12-05 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2544290

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-05 11:39 AM Got to the Y early this morning for a nice swim.  After yesterday's discussion, I decided to focus on breathing.  Just breathing.  It really does make a difference to focus on just one thing at a time.  I had quite a few really good laps.  Quite a few ugly ones too, but you gotta take a moment to enjoy it when it comes together.  I'm doing the Dec challenge and set my goal to increase my swims to 3x week.  Twice a week is mainting.  Three times gives a chance to improve.

so happy to hear that you got a nice swim in early this morning, KIM.

and your SO right about the just one thing, thing....

3xs a week, you'll be improving nodoubtaboutit!
2009-12-05 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2544293

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-05 11:43 AM Grump alert....ok the knees are pi$$ing me off.  I backed off and didn't do the half mary in November.  I did the 5k turkey trot on T'giving and felt pretty good, but noticed some redness around the knee cap afterwards.  No real pain, but I iced it aggressively anyway.  I noticed today that it is really bruised.  WTH???  I guess it's time to go back into the doc.

WTH??? is right KIM.

whats the matter w that knee of yours?  BAH!  do you want me to come over there and give it a good 'hands on the hip, finger waggin stern talking to' cuz i do that really well.  i do.


how long will it take for you to get in to see the DOC?  i hope not long.

you take care too.

2009-12-05 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
my heart just ached.

i read the opening of an article in the recent issue of Runners World Magazine about Elizabeth DiNunzio

[the entire article was on safety precautions runners can take to keep from being injured by vehicles]

Even though she took EVERY precaution possible, Elizabeth was struck and killed while running.  this was her final training run, just days before she was coming home to run her first marathon here in PGH. 

my friend is a very close friend to the DiNunzio family, and we dedicated our marathon relay to Elizabeth.  we handed out black ribbons for our run club to wear while they raced. 

Many members of our group knew Elizabeth and/or the DiNunzios family since they live in the same area as our Y/members.

it was sooo sad to read a more detailed account of Elizabeths death.  startling and heart-wrenching.

i can only imagine the grief that her family and friends must STILL feel.

it was a honor to run in her memory.

i still wonder WHY?  why do these events ever have to happen?  and what do we have to do to prevent them from ever happening again?

awareness, legislation, taking precautions.......


i feel angry and sad and frustrated and helpless and hopeful that maybe Elizabeth story will spur others on to do what they need to do make the roads safer.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-05 6:47 PM
2009-12-05 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2537797

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2009-12-05 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Hey Ghoulies! I got a 4-mile "pace run" in today followed by a nice little ST session. This week was pretty hectic between work and life, so I was forced to miss out on a couple runs, but I'm getting back on track now. I added a mile to the plan for today, and will add a few next week as well. Tomorrow is my first 8-miler. Now I just need to find a route.
2009-12-05 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
On the decorating front, we got one little project done today. My daughter and I made several paper-snowflakes and my son drew a NASA inspired Astronaut-Santa. It's pretty cool. We would have done some of the glitter/glue stuff, but my daughter has burrowed the construction paper away so tomorrow we get to hunt for that. When we find it, it'll be scissors and markers and glue and glitter galore. I'll see if I can get some pics...

2009-12-05 11:51 PM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Well, it's about time to turn in tonight, but I thought I'd share my quote of the week with you guys for post #900.

On Wednesday night, my daughter and I were laying on the couch watching some cartoons before bed time and her head was on my belly. She sat up part way through the show and said "Dad your tummy isn't comfy anymore. It used to be nice and squishy!"

I explained to her that SHE was the one who said I used to be "too wumpy" and there's still enough cushion there to be comfy for her, and she finally agreed. Still, it's the most validating thing I've heard since I started getting back into shape this spring. I need to make sure I add that one to my quote book at work on Monday...

2009-12-06 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2544826

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2009-12-06 12:51 AM Well, it's about time to turn in tonight, but I thought I'd share my quote of the week with you guys for post #900.

On Wednesday night, my daughter and I were laying on the couch watching some cartoons before bed time and her head was on my belly. She sat up part way through the show and said "Dad your tummy isn't comfy anymore. It used to be nice and squishy!"

I explained to her that SHE was the one who said I used to be "too wumpy" and there's still enough cushion there to be comfy for her, and she finally agreed. Still, it's the most validating thing I've heard since I started getting back into shape this spring. I need to make sure I add that one to my quote book at work on Monday...

Tom, how cool is that!!! Made my heart warm just reading it. Out of the mouths of babes as they say.  Keep that in the memory banks when you're tempted to skip a workout. 

2009-12-06 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 
2009-12-06 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2544734

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2009-12-05 9:14 PM Evening everyone - just got back from running around all afternoon and it is 10:00 pm.

We had a b-ball game at noon, came home ate something, loaded the dryer for my s-i-l into the truck and ran it up to her, stopped by Kohl's to exchange a shirt I bought yesterday (too small - duh!), came home, jumped on bike and went for a just short of 2 hour ride, cleaned up, took my son's stuff to him so he could do an unplanned sleepover, grabbed subway for dinner, went grocery shopping (wife is off to her annual girlfried Christmas party for the night), went back to Kohl's to shop, picked my daughter up from progressive dinner with Youth Group, took her friends home, came home, put groceries away, updated BT log, and now it is bed time!

No wonder I like work better!

Chat with you tomorrow!

manohpete, that's SOME list of to-dos you got accomplished MR W GRAVES.

puts my Friday off/errand running days to shame.
2009-12-06 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2544803

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
iowagander - 2009-12-05 11:05 PM Hey Ghoulies! I got a 4-mile "pace run" in today followed by a nice little ST session. This week was pretty hectic between work and life, so I was forced to miss out on a couple runs, but I'm getting back on track now. I added a mile to the plan for today, and will add a few next week as well. Tomorrow is my first 8-miler. Now I just need to find a route.

sounds like you doin a good job of getting back on track TOM

just keep running.

2009-12-06 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2544860

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:48 AM
iowagander - 2009-12-06 12:51 AM Well, it's about time to turn in tonight, but I thought I'd share my quote of the week with you guys for post #900.

On Wednesday night, my daughter and I were laying on the couch watching some cartoons before bed time and her head was on my belly. She sat up part way through the show and said "Dad your tummy isn't comfy anymore. It used to be nice and squishy!"

I explained to her that SHE was the one who said I used to be "too wumpy" and there's still enough cushion there to be comfy for her, and she finally agreed. Still, it's the most validating thing I've heard since I started getting back into shape this spring. I need to make sure I add that one to my quote book at work on Monday...

Tom, how cool is that!!! Made my heart warm just reading it. Out of the mouths of babes as they say.  Keep that in the memory banks when you're tempted to skip a workout. 

xs like a gazillion TOM.  that's the BEST affirmation EVER.

absolutely tuck that one away on the days when you wonder, is this all worth it....


2009-12-06 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2544863

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
kcarroll - 2009-12-06 6:54 AM Off to the kettlebell gym.  Yes, a gym dedicated to kettlebell training.  It's owned by a personal trainer friend and she is going to thrash me something good.  If you've never done a kettlebell workout, look for a qualified trainer.  If done wrong, can really hurt your back.  Done right, it is a kick a$$ workout.  Wish it was closer so I could go more often. 

i keep hearing about these kettleball workouts, KIM.  every where i go, people are talking about kettle ball...

and P90x and crossfit....

definately tell me/us more.

and WOW a gym dedicated JUST to kettle ball.

i just met a girl yesturday that goes to a gym dedicated JUST to crossfit.

glad it was kicka$$.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 8:02 AM
2009-12-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
first day of a taper week for me, before my not so very important 5K on Saturday.

im looking forward to running with some good friends...my running buddy is gonna run, she just found out that her daughter doesnt have a swim meet on that day after all.

my other friend who did the Beach2Battleship IM is coming too. 

good times!

so this will be a 'quiet' week for me trngwise, 30 min swim and ST today.

then two short spins (no 2 hr this week)

another short swim

and three runs, including my race

3-4 miler, 5-6 miler and then the 5K.

i dont have a performance goal for my race, but it will be interesting to see what the results will be.

what will be a back at week, the ff week will be the modified week what w the Fitness Center being closed and then the week after, my kids will be home from Christmas break.

so lots of going w the flow in the month of December.

im actually looking forward to it!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-12-06 8:13 AM
2009-12-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
what am i lovin this DECEMBER you ask??

2009-12-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
why this sunny weather were having today.  [well, us in Western PA that is...]
2009-12-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
its spectacular!!!

2009-12-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
and it almost seems 'odd' to be decorating the Christmas tree, when its soooo sunny outside.
2009-12-06 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
ill be doin' the decorating later on....when we can do it up 'right'....fire in the fireplace.....christmas music on the surround sound.....hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies afterwards.

tis the season.
2009-12-06 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
i was looking at snowshoes in the REI catalog.

has anyone done snowshoe running before?
2009-12-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2537797

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie's: We Are Doing What We Are Loving December Challenge
im not so sure it snows here persistently/consistently enough for it to be worth my while to buy a pair new, but perhaps used or go someplace where you can rent them for the day just to try it out.....

ive seen these Xterra adventure races that instead of the running, you snowshoe instead.

im thinking its an uber fine workout.

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